Chung Wah Magazine Issue #55 - WINTER 2023

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之声 ����年 WINTER ISSUE #�� 第��期 CHUNG WAH BILINGUAL MAGAZINE CHUNGWAH.ORG.AU 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION The Sanctuary — Kaylene’s story 避难所 — 彩玲的故事 Qing Ming Festival at Karrakatta Cemetary 卡拉卡塔华人墓园 澳华社领袖清明祭祖 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 寅虎辞旧岁,卯兔报新来 珀斯中华新年文化节圆满闭幕

至诚邀请您加入 炎黄子孙 共同的大家庭

We invite you to join the CHUNG WAH


TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及咨询热线 (��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

and email us 申请电子回传

or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传 PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RATES 年会费 Category 类别 Standard 普通Concession 优惠 Family 家庭 $�� $�� Individual 个人 $�� $�� 文化活动 Cultural Events and Activities
社区服务 Community Care
中文学校 Chinese School

感恩先贤 尊重历史

尽管今年夏天我们没有发生灾难 性的丛林大火,但西澳大利亚州确实 有一些地区受到了洪水的影响。我们 对失去家园的人们表示慰问,并希望 他们能够早日恢复正常生活。

本期封面人物邝彩玲女士为中华 会馆历史文化组的荣誉顾问。在西澳 大利亚人报庆祝190周年的当儿,她作 为本地土生华人代表接受采访,于大家 分享本地华人的故事。本期杂志将以 双语转载该访问内容。

本期杂志内容包括2023年珀斯中 华新年文化节,以及年度的中华新年 舞会,让您回忆年初的美好时光。您还 可以选择通过扫描杂志文章中的二维 码来观看我们为本次活动录制的视频 和直播。我们感谢这两项活动的赞助 商和支持者,以及为活动的成功举办 做出巨大贡献的工作人员和志愿者。

清明节是华人慎重追远的传统节 日之一,至今仍在澳大利亚庆祝。陈 挺会长出席了由许锡忠领导的华人公 会举办的年度扫墓祭祖仪式。这是一 个意义非凡的活动,更尤为表彰为西 澳多元文化社会奠定基础的华人先贤 们。更多详情及图片请参阅本期《中华 杂志》。

作为我们的固定专栏作家,米拉 博士再次帮助我们的读者解答健康 问题;药剂师李先生与我们分享了 COVID-19疫苗接种的最新进展;傅 琼绪中医师为更年期女性提供健康建 议;盈盈小筑继续向读者介绍如何烹 调美味的控肉饭,这是一种深受喜爱 的美食。希望本期丰富的内容能让您 满意。

编辑组感谢广大读者的支持,这 是对编辑团队继续努力创作优秀内容 最大的鼓励。


Recognising our Heritage and History

Although we did not have disastrous bushfires this Summer, we do have areas in Western Australia that were affected by floods. We would like to express our sympathy of people who have lost their homes and hope they can recover quickly.

Kaylene POON, cover person of this issue, is the Honorary Historical Advisor to the Chung Wah Association. In conjunction with the The West Australian celebrating its 190 th Anniversary, Kaylene was interviewed to share her story as As one of our West Australian of Chinese decent. We have the honour of bilingually sharing this article. This issue reminiscing you about Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2023, and the annual Chung Wah New Year Ball, remind you about the great time we had earlier in the year. For more insight, you may also choose to view the videos and livestream that we recorded for the event via scanning the QR code in the magazine article. We are grateful to our sponsors and supporters for both events, as well as staff and volunteers that have contributed so much to make it a success. The Qing Ming Festival is one the most significant festivals of the Chinese calendar and is still celebrated in Australia. President Ting CHEN attended the annual memorial service organised by the Chinese Community Association, under the leadership of John HSU. This is a meaningful ceremony to acknowledge our Chinese pioneers who have laid the foundation for the multicultural WA society. More details and images can be found in this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine. As our regular columnists, Dr Mira once again helps our readers with their health issue queries; Mr Lee, a pharmacist shares with us the recent updates in COVID-19 vaccination; Dr Julia FU provides health advice for women who are undergoing Menopause; Echo’s Kitchen introduces readers to the the yummy Kong Bah P’ng, a delicacy loved by many. We hope that the diverse content of this issue is to your reading satisfaction. We are grateful for the support of our readers, as this is the biggest encouragement for the editorial team to continue to strive for excellent content. Thank you.


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. The many achievements of the Association incude:

• Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services.

• Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness.

• Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Womenʼs Subcommittee.

• Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia.

BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to

BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at


中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。


· 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组

· 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动





致电 93�� ��5� 或


Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编 Cover Photo 封面提供 Kaylene POON 邝彩玲
主编寄语 EDITOR ’ S MESSAGE 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 1
State Library of Western Australia: BA2978/6: Portrait of Kaylene Poon, January 2017

Dear Members,

Time flies, as we move along to the second quarter of the year. It seems that Chinese New Year has just passed, then the Qing Ming festival in a blink of the eye, and we are now looking forward to the Duan Wu festival.

The success of the 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair would not be possible without the support from the City of Perth, Office of Multicultural Interests and Lotterywest. This year we have decided to move back to James Street, the home of Chung Wah Association. In addition to the large crowds at James Street, we expanded our reach to Yagan Square. thanks to the support from Development WA. We also would like to thank all sponsors, commercial supporters, vendors, staff and volunteers to make this event possible. On behalf of the Chung Wah Association, we sincerely thank you for your hard work! And look forward to seeing you again in 2024.

An Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 12 March 2023. Members unanimously voted for the acquisition of a parcel of land in Bentley, for the future construction of Chung Wah Community Centre, Southern suburbs. More details can be found in this issue.

The Qing Ming Festival was again a meaningful one, organised by the Chinese Community Centre, with the support of Chung Wah. Attendees met to tidy up the Chinese section of the Karrakatta Cemetery and pay their respects to the ancestors. I encourage the younger generation to participate in such activities, not only to understand the significant cultural meaning, but to pass on the story to the next generation. It is important to know the heritage and history of this significant festival

Congratulations to our Trustee, Past President and Life Member James Chong and family, who have wholeheartedly contributed toward the Chinese community in Western Australia in many ways. The three generations of the family have been deeply involved with the development of the Chinese diaspora in Perth, with their contributions now acknowledged in the Australia Chinese Friendship awards presented on 2 March 2023 to recognise their significant work in the Chinese community.

Chung Wah Association would not be possible without the sacrifice of our ladies. We deeply appreciate their efforts in the smooth running of the Association. In conjunction with the 2023 Women’s Day celebration, we would like to express our gratitude towards our female Executive Committee members and staff.

As the peak body of the Chinese Community of Western Australia, Chung Wah encourages the people of our community to voice their concerns to us. In uniting our voice and efforts, we are able to face any challenges together as one.

Thank you.

时光荏苒、白驹过隙,我们已经进入今年的第二个季 度。虽然感觉上华人农历新年才过去不久、随即而来的清明 也在转眼间过去了,现在我们正期待着端午节的来临。

我们感谢各级政府对于2023癸卯兔年中华新年文化节 的鼎立相助,尤其是珀斯市政府、西澳彩票局与多元文化办 公室的大力支持。今年除了我们访客再创新高之外、我们也 很荣幸的得到西澳发展局的支持、让我们的活动区域布及 雅甘广场。我们也感谢所有的赞助商、商业伙伴、摊贩、工作 人员以及志愿者们、你们的功不可没。我谨代表中华会馆、 向你们的努力深表谢意!并希望在2024继续看到你们开心 的参与。

中华会在3月12日召开了一次特别会员大会,全体会员 一致通过大会动议、以允许会馆斥资购买位于Bentley的土 地作为兴建新的中华会馆南部活动中心。本期会刊会有详 细的报道。

在西澳华人公会筹办、以及中华会馆的支持下,今年的 清明节过的极富有意义。华人社区代表聚集卡拉卡塔华人墓 园、进行清明节的先人祭奠仪式。我鼓励年轻人多多参与这 项有意义的传统活动,不仅能传承清明节慎重思远的价值、 更让先人的故事继续流传后世。

恭喜前会长张仕煌先生及其家人获得了由澳中友协颁 发的贡献奖。张前会长家族为西澳华人社区尽心尽力无私奉 献多年。张家三代人在西澳洲华人发展中从未缺席、其贡献 在3月2日的颁奖典礼上获得肯定。

中华会馆能承先启后、巾帼英雌的功不可没。我们志诚 感谢她们为中华会馆的持续运营做出的贡献。在庆祝2023 年妇女节之际,我仅代表中华会馆执行委员会对我们的中华 的巾帼英雌们致以最高的敬礼。

作为西澳华人社团最高机构,中华会馆鼓励社区华人同 胞们透过本会传达他们的心声。万众一心、精诚团结、我们 能面对一切挑战。


Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 会长寄语 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 2

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中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 CRICOS Provider Code: 00125J TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12163 (Australian University) CASETASK0043195



The sanctuary — Kaylene’s story


Chung Wah History Group

中华消息 Chung Wah News

中华会馆大宏图 社区服务新篇章

Chung Wah Association’s grand plan, a new chapter in community service

NAARI 庆祝国际妇女节

NAARI celebrating the International Women’s Day


Chong Family Wins Australia China

Friendship Award 2023



2023 “Warm Spring” New Year

Reception rings in the new year and celebrates Australia-China relations

中华社区服务成为 「care finder program」的成员

Chung Wah Community Care is now a member of the “care finder program”




活动回顾 Event Review


2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair


Acknowledgement List



Chung Wah Focus



2023 Qing Ming Festival at Karrakatta Cemetary

22 社区消息

Community Interest


A Massive Effort for an Annual Event 在台北过农历新年

Lunar New Year in Taipei

家爱 Family

30 盈盈小筑

4 CONTENTS 目录 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 目录
中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1
President’s Message
Feature Profile
编者寄语 Editorial 2 会长感言
6 中华人物
A Taste of Memories 控肉饭 Kong Bah P’ng 34 校园天地 The School Yard 中华中文学校年度教师培训 Professional Development for Teachers 36 寻医问药 Ask the GP 38 医疗资讯 Medical Information 2023年疫苗最新资讯 2023 Vaccines Update 进入更年期女性 的养生保健 How Shoul Women Entering menopause care for their health 松柏长青 Community Care 32 春节齐欢长寿宴 2023 Chinese New Year Longevity Luncheon 会员专利 Member’s Exclusive 40 长期活动 Regular Activities 44 中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme 封底 中华端午‘龙舟’赛 Chung Wah ‘Dragon Boat’ Festival 12 避难所——邝彩玲的故事 避 难所——邝彩玲的故事 The Sanctuary — Kaylene’s story 28 卡拉卡塔华人墓园清明祭祖仪式 卡拉卡塔华人墓园清明祭祖仪式 2023 Qing Ming Festival at Karrakatta Cemetary 16 珀斯中华新年文化节 珀 斯中华新年文化节 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 西澳历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia


Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details


发行 Published by

中华会馆 Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries

编辑室 Editorial team

主编 Chief Editor

查绍翰 Jeffrey CHA

执行编辑 Executive Editor

视觉设计 Visual Designer

卡尔 汪 Carl ONG

编辑 Editor

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

黄诗敏 Rachel NG

行政支持 Administration

黄小娟 Lesley WONG

翻译人员 Translators

方凌坤 Lingkun FANG

项海颖 Haiying XIANG

供稿者 Contributors

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

邝彩玲 Kaylene POON

珀斯邮报 Perth POST

黄郁婷 Karen HUANG

林心仁 SinJin LIM

米拉医生 Dr Mira WANG

黄诗敏 Rachel NG


Chung Wah Community Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988 (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am


中华妇女部 CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe

中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra

中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera

中华太极组 CW Taichi Group

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-West 134 George Road, Beresford WA 6530

联系电邮 Contact Details

版权所有,未经允许 不得转载本刊文字及图片

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自中华会馆。因为 题材来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登 载。对题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

5 目录 CONTENTS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

On the afternoon of March 12 2023, an extraordinary general meeting of the Chung Wah Guild was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Balcatta. Participating members deliberated and passed the following special resolution:

To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as a special resolution:

To Approve:

(a) the purchase of approximately 7,100m2 of land* from Development WA, located at the corner of Hedley Street and Nyamup Way, Bentley, Western Australia 6102 for an estimated sum of $3.5 million subject to funding being received from the State and/or Federal Government. and

(b) the building of a new Chung Wah Community Centre on the said land, subject to funding being received from the State and/or Federal Government.

The Honourable Kate Doust MLC, Member for South Metropolitan Region and Mr Said Padshah, Senior Policy Advisor to Minister Tony Buti of the WA Office of Multicultural Interests, attended the special meeting and witnessed this milestone. Many members arrived early at 12pm, excitedly looking forward to the vote on

Chung Wah Association, a new chapter in community service

During the recent extraordinary general meeting, a motion was unanimously passed by Chung Wah members to purchase a piece of land in Bentley to build a new Chung Wah Community Centre.

the resolution.

At 1.36pm, Dr Ting CHEN, President of the Chung Wah Association, announced the start of the meeting, thanking the landowners and paying respects to the aboriginal elders. At the same time, thanks to the members who attended the general meeting. Then, Jen Nie CHONG, Honorary Secretary of the Chung Wah Association, determined that the number of participants met the required quorum of 100 people.

President Ting CHEN first thanked Premier Mark McGowan, Senator Kate Doust, MP Dr Jags Krishnan, Federal MP Lin Wenqing, Minister of Lands, John Carey, Minister Tony Buti from the Office of Multicultural Interests, Federal MP Matt Keogh, David Michael, Yaz Mubarakai, Member of Parliament, Mr Raj Selventra, City of Canning Mayor, Patrick Hall, City of Gosnells Mayor, Terresa Lynes, and City of Canning Land Office Director, Chris O’Connor for their support.

A vote was then held, and all members passed the special motion unanimously by a show of hands. When the chairperson announced the special proposal was passed, everyone applauded happily. Everyone was happy that the construction of the Chung Wah Community Centre had entered a substantive stage. To conclude, special guest Kate Doust was invited to speak. She said she would continue assisting Chung Wah Association in the constructionof the centre.

Background of the Chung Wah Community Centre Project

The Labor party found that the Chinese community needed a community centre in the south metropolitan as the growing population of Australians with Chinese heritage in this region in 2020. Thank you to the Honourable Kate Doust for her assistance.

On 13 December 2020, the then Western Australian Premier, Honourable Mark McGowan announced that the State Government would make a $5 million commitment to build a Chung Wah Community Centre in Perth’s south metropolitan area.

On 16 May 2022, Patrick Gorman MP announced that the Labor Party would make a $1.75 million commitment towards the proposed Chung Wah Community Centre in Tangney if Labor won the election.

In July 2021, Councillors of City of Canning rejected the sale of the land next to the Willetton library on 20 July 2021 after six months consultation with the City of Canning. The Chung Wah Community Centre SubCommittee searched for suitable land in Willetton and Bullcreek, but we could not secure suitable land after another one year search.

Dr Jags, member for Riverton, agreed to extend the search area outside of the Riverton Electorate.

The committee searched for land in Willetton, Canning Vale, Southern River, Jandakot, Cockburn Central, Piara Water and Banjup.

The WA State Government was very supportive of finding land for Chung Wah. With arrangements from the office of Minister Tony Buti, we had three meetings with DevelopmentWA and the Department of Land. The proposed land is located on Hedley Street and Nyamup Way, Completing the Chung Wah Community Centre will enable Chung Wah Association to extend its services to residents in Perth’s southern region, in line with the Association’s mission and goals. This multi-purpose community centre will serve the Chinese community in the area and benefit the wider community in Perth.

6 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

文◎Perth POST 珀斯邮报 | 译◎Carl ONG | 摄影◎Dan ZHOU周丹



中华会馆拟建中的中华社区中心土地 购买计划获得特别大会审议通过

下午1:36分,中华会馆会长陈挺博士宣布会 议开始,感谢土地主人并对原住民长老表示敬意。 同时感谢出席会员大会的会员们。接着由中华会 馆秘书长张娟妮确定出席人数符合法定人数的100 人列席的要求。


2023年3月12日下午,中华会馆2023年特别会 员大会在位于巴卡达的中华文化中心举行,参与会 员审议并一直通过了该次会议的特别决议案:

1. 从西 澳开发署购买一块大约7.1平方米的土 地。地点位于西澳洲邮编6102的Bentley区,在 Hedley Street和Nyamup Way的交界拐弯处。

2. 这块土地将用于新建全新的中华社区中心。

西澳洲上议员Hon Kate Doust MLC和西澳多 元文化部长的高级顾问Said Padshah先生列席了 此次特别大会,与参加大会的会员们见证了这一里 程碑的历史时刻。

下午12点多,许多会员提前莅临会议现场,大 家都压抑不住兴奋之情,期待这项决议案的表决。

会长陈挺博士首先感谢州长Mark McGowan,Kate Doust上议员,Dr Jags Krishnan下 议员、林文清联邦议员、土地部部长John Carey、多 元文化部长Tony Buti、Matt Keogh 联邦议员、David Michael, Yaz Mabarakai下议员、Raj Selventra先 生、Canning市长Patrick Hall, Gosnells市长Terresa Lynes以及Canning市土地处负责人Chris O’Connor 的支持与帮助,并对政府的资金拨款、土地情况及购 买计划做了详细阐述。

随后进行投票,所有参与此次会议的会员们 都举手全票通过了这项特别议案。当会长宣布特 别议案审议通过时、会员们都高兴的站立、掌声不 断,大家都为中华社区中心建设进入实质性阶段而 感到开心。最后特别嘉宾Kate Doust应邀发言,她 表示继续协助中华会馆把这个中心建成。

回顾这个项目背景,2020年12月13日,西澳大 利亚州州长Mark MacGowan阁下宣布将拨款500 万澳元在珀斯南部地区建设一个新的中华社区中 心。2022年5月15日,澳大利亚联邦工党承诺向新

尽管中华社区中心筹委会尽了最大努力,并 不断寻求房地产经纪人的专业帮助,但仍无法寻得 足够大的土地在Riverton选区建造拟议的社区中 心。随即得到Dr Jags的许可下把搜索范围扩大到 Riverton选区外。在过去七个月与政府部门、部长 和西澳发展署举行多次的会议后、确定了这块适 合建造拟议中的中华社区活动中心的土地。这个 特别议案的审议通过使标示着这一项目的建设正 式开始。

中华社区中心的建成将使中华会馆能够将服 务扩展到珀斯南部地区的居民,并于中华会馆的 宗旨和目标保持一致。我们相信,这个多功能的社 区中心不仅能够服务该地区的华人社区,还将造福 于珀斯更广泛的社区团体。

NAARI, celebrating International Womens Day

NAARI 庆祝国际妇女节

中华舞团很荣幸参与今年度的NAARI希望大 家喜欢这个活动及飞天乐舞。 舞蹈编导为朱 敏博士,舞蹈领队为本会秘书长张娟妮,摄影 师为徐丁。

7 中华消息 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
The Chung Wah dancers were honoured to participate in NAARI at the Indian Society WA. The dunhuamg dance was choreographed by Min ZHU. Photography by Dan CHUI. Flying Apsaras Performance 飞天乐舞表演

Chong Family Wins Australia China Friendship Award 2023


James Chong

The Australia China Friendship Society of WA (ACFSWA) annual awards are designed to honour and thank those individuals and organisations who have made a significant contribution towards the promotion of friendship between China and Australia.

The award is open to applicants that demonstrate excellence in the promotion of Chinese culture within WA, to encourage better relations between China and Australia. All the nominees have contributed to a better understanding between Australian and Chinese people in the Australian community. The award categories are individual, family, associate or corporate entities.

As one of the great supporters of the Chung Wah Association, the Chong Family have demonstrated above excellent attributes to be nominated for the family category of the awards. At the annual award night on 2 March 2023, they subsequently won the family award, a joyous piece of news to be shared with the Chung Wah family.

Chong Family

James and Anita Chong first arrived in Perth, Western Australia as students in 1968 and 1970, respectively. For the past 46 years, James, Anita and the Chong family have worked tirelessly to build up close ties and the friendship between Australia and China. They were both members of ACFSWA in the eighties and promoted Chinese culture within Western Australia and contributed enormously to a better understanding between people of the two countries in the Australian community. Their three daughters, Jen Nie, Yun Nie and Ann Nie have also followed their parents’ passion. They started learning Chinese at a very young age and were greatly involved in Chinese Dance, Lion and Dragon Dance and the Chinese Youth group. They continue to pass on Chinese culture to their children through the study of Chinese language, culture and traditions.

James has been actively involved in the developments and events of the local Chinese community in Western Australia. In 1985 -1987 he was elected to be the Treasurer of the Chung Wah Property Development Committee and helped raise funds for the purchase of land in Balcatta to build a Chinese Cultural Centre. From September 1993 – 1998, James was the President of the Chung Wah Association and led the construction of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta. The Cultural Centre now hosts various Chinese and multicultural events. James has promoted the Association in the broader Australian and Chinese community and co-organised China tours for ACFS Australian friends to visit different cities in China and experience Chinese culture. From May 1992 until present, James was elected to the Council of Elders. He was awarded as Life member of the Chung Wah Association to recognise his great contribution to bring the people of two countries closer and together. In 2002, he was elected as Trustee of the Chung Wah Association. All the wonderful things James has done to establish the Chung Wah Association has formed a solid foundation for the relationship between Australian and Chinese communities.

Anita Chong

Anita has made significant contributions to the teaching of Chinese in Western Australian schools for over 30 years. She has achieved many milestones throughout those years, achieving great recognition and respect from state, national and international bodies. Anita strongly believed that students, parents and staff should be immersed in Chinese culture. This was but the beginning of a lifetime devoted to creating possibilities for others.

Anita was the principal at one of the earliest Chung Wah Chinese Schools in 1980. She was a Chinese Language teacher at Mt. Lawley Senior High School since 1992. Mount Lawley SHS has become a beacon for Chinese teaching in WA helped by Anita's knowledge and strengthened by her commitment over a long period of time. Anita mentored and coached Mt. Lawley SHS students on state, national and international language competitions and facilitated students on international tours, igniting their passions, as seen by former students who have become successful ambassadors in many areas. She had facilitated many Chinese International tours and provided support and local knowledge to students and accompanying staff and parents, since 1993.

Anita had great community involvement with the Primary School cultural learning annual excursion “Panda Picnic” and Chinese festivals. She helped set up the Sister School relationships (which are still active today) and through the Asia Literacy and the A0sia Education Foundation.

8 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue
James Chong with his grandchildren. | 张仕煌和他的孙子们。
Text / Image ◎ The Chong Family 张氏家族 | Translate ◎ Carl ONG 卡尔 汪
Anita leading a China tour. The unveiling of a classroom named after Anita at Mt Lawley SHS. 张林少莲带队参访中国。 在 Mt Lawley 高中以张林少莲命名的教室揭幕。

Anita was the founding member (1984), Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President (19842004), President (2005-2011), Advisor (2012+ ) of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of WA; A founding Member, Secretary (1994-2011) and President (20112015) of the Chinese Language Teachers Federation of Australia. In 2000, Anita was named as Outstanding Chinese Language Educator by the Government of the People's Republic of China. In 2009, she was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award from

the Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia. Anita was the only recipient of the 2012 Hilde Dixon Award, the highest honour for language teachers in WA, for her contribution to outstanding language education in WA. In 2015, Anita was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the 2015 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. "For service to foreign language education as a teacher and to professional organisations". A classroom at Mt. Lawley SHS was named in her honour. Her Excellency, the Honourable

Jen Nie Chong

Born and raised in Australia, Jen Nie has been a Chinese cultural ambassador for close to 30 years. Jen Nie’s first visit to China was as a member of the Chung Wah Association China Youth Tour in 1988, she spent two weeks in the Guangzhou overseas Chinese School attending Chinese classes and cultural activities. In 2007, she organised and led an in-residence intensive Chinese dance training course in Shanghai and in 2009 was invited to attend an Arts and Culture training for 18 days in Shenzhen, China. Attendees included 36 Chinese cultural leaders from all over the world.

Jen Nie was a member of the Chung Wah Lion Dance Group for many years, holding the position of Secretary and Treasurer and participated in three world lion dance competitions in Hong Kong and Malaysia. She was the leader and member of the Tourism Malaysia Cultural Dance Troupe, representing Chinese dance, and attended training in Malaysia and tours to Adelaide for performances.

Lawley Senior High School, contributing to the Asia Literacy program and has coached many entrants for the Chinese Bridge competition in cultural performance. Jen Nie has been the Chinese dance teacher at Oberthur Primary School since 2009.

Jen Nie is currently the Honorary Secretary and Cultural Coordinator of Chung Wah Association, leading the Chinese Dance, Dragon and Lion Dance, Chinese Orchestra, Choir and Cantonese Opera groups. She has coordinated and directed the cultural performances for the Perth Chinese New Year fair for the past 12 years.

Kerry Sanderson AO, Governor of Western Australia, and representatives from the Department of Education, Chinese Consul, Confucius Institute, Professional Associations, Chung Wah Association, previous students and special guests were invited to commemorate the long-time services of Geoff Davis AM and Anita Chong OAM in the official ceremony marking the unveiling of a classroom for the teaching of Chinese.

Anita has given decades of service to teaching, supporting, and promoting the teaching of Chinese and was a founding member of both the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Western Australia and the Chinese Language Teachers Federation of Australia. Anita has been President of both associations and has also contributed significantly to the Chung Wah Association.

Grand children:

The devotion and the involvement that James, Anita and their three daughters have displayed towards the promotion of cultural understanding between the two countries has had a great impact on their grandchildren. The six youngsters were all born in Australia and five of them learnt Chinese from age three. Ethan Lee, son of Jen Nie, has shown great interest in Chinese language and culture learning at school. He recently participated in the Primary School Students Logo Design Competition organised by the Chinese Consulate General in Perth to celebrate the 50th diplomatic relationship of China and Australia and won the Excellence award. He also won first prize for the Perth South Metro Chinese Language Hub 2021 Year of the Ox Inter School Poster Competition.

In 2010, Jen Nie initiated and produced a Chinese dance theatre, entitled New Gold Mountain, celebrating the story of Chinese migration to Western Australia. In 2019, she was the programming Manager for the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural at Burswood Park.

Jen Nie taught Chinese dance at the Chung Wah Chinese School for 17 years since 1994. She was a Chinese dance teacher at Mt.

Jen Nie has organised countless performances promoting Chinese culture within the Chinese and Australian communities.She has organised Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn activities at city councils, shopping centres and community centres to promote Chinese culture such as dance, art, calligraphy, lantern making, Chinese cooking demonstration and Chinese face painting.

Jen Nie has devoted the majority of her life to promoting Chinese Culture in Western Australia. Despite having limited access to Chinese culture in Australia, Jen Nie has visited China many times and has organised cultural exchanges with China.

9 中华消息 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
Anita receiving OAM Award from the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AO, Governor of WA Anita 从西澳大利亚州州长 Kerry Sanderson AO 阁下那里获得 OAM 奖


度奖项旨在表彰和感谢那些为促 进澳中友好做出重大贡献的个人 和组织。

该奖项向在西澳大利亚州推广中华文化方 面表现出色的申请者开放,以鼓励澳大利亚和 中国之间建立更好的关系。所有被提名者都为 澳大利亚社区中的澳大利亚人和中国人之间更 好的理解做出了贡献。奖项类别是个人、家庭、 员工或公司实体。

作为中华会馆的重要支持者之一,张氏家 族凭借以上优秀品质,得以入围奖项的家族组 别。在2023年3月2日的年度颁奖晚会上,荣获了 家族类别奖,这是一个值得与中华会馆家族分 享的喜讯。


张仕煌和林少莲分别于1968年和1970年 作为学生首次抵达西澳大利亚珀斯。在过去的 46年里,张仕煌、林少莲与整个张氏家族为建立 澳中之间的密切联系和友谊而不懈努力。 他们 都是80年代ACFSWA的成员,在西澳推广中华文 化,为在澳大利亚社区加深两国人民之间的了 解做出了巨大贡献。他们的三个女儿珍妮、云妮 和安妮也追随着父母的热情。 他们从很小的时 候就开始学习中文,并积极参与中国舞、舞狮舞 龙和中华会馆青年团的活动。 他们通过学习中 国语言、文化和传统,积极地对他们的下一代灌 输中华文化。


张仕煌一直积极参与西澳大利亚当地华人 社区的发展和活动。 1985年-1987年当选为中 华会馆产业发展委员会财务主管,协助筹款在 巴卡达购买土地兴建华人文化中心。1993年9月 至1998年,张仕煌担任中华会馆会长,并领导兴 建了位于巴卡达的中华会馆文化中心。文化中 心现在举办各种中华与多元文化活动。张仕煌 在更广泛的澳大利亚和中华社区推广协会,并 为ACFS澳大利亚朋友共同组织中国之旅,参观 中国不同城市并体验中国文化。从 1992 年 5 月 至今,张仕煌当选为长老会成员。他被授予中华 会终身会员,以表彰他为拉近两国人民的距离 所做出的巨大贡献。 2002年当选为中华会馆理 事。张仕煌为中华会馆贡献心力,为澳华社群的 关系奠定了坚实的基础。


30多年来,张林少莲为西澳学校的中文教 学做出了重大贡献。她多年努力不懈,造就了许

多里程碑式的成就,获得了州、国家和国际机构 的高度认可和尊重。她坚信学生、家长和员工都 应该沉浸在中华文化中。这是她一生致力于为 他人创造可能性的起点。

张林少莲于八零年代年成为最早的中华 会馆中文学校的校长之一。自1992年以来,她 一直担任Mt. Lawley Senior High School的 中文教师。在张林少莲的聪慧与长期努力耕耘 下,Mount Lawley SHS已成为西澳中文教学的 指标。张林少莲在州、国家和国际语言比赛中指 导和引领 Mt. Lawley SHS 学生,并协助学生进

行出国游学,借此点燃他们对于学习的热情, 可见的她的前学生在许多领域成为优秀的表 表者。自 1993 年以来,她带领了多次访华的团 队,并为学生、随行人员和家长提供支持和当地 知识便利。

张林少莲积极参与小学文化学习年度远 足“熊猫野餐”和中国节日活动。她通过Asia Literacy 和 Asia Education Foundation 帮助建 立了姐妹学校关系(至今仍然活跃)。

张林少莲是西澳大利亚州中文教师协会 的创始成员(1984)、秘书、财务主管、副会长 (1984-2004)、会长(2005-2011)、顾问(2012+ );澳大利亚中文教师联合会创始会员、秘书长 (1994-2011)和主席(2011-2015)。2000年, 梅艳芳被中华人民共和国政府评为优秀华文 教育工作者。2009年获得西澳专业教学委员会 颁发的杰出贡献奖。张林少莲是2012年Hilde Dixon奖的唯一获得者,这是西澳语言教师的 最高荣誉,以表彰她对西澳杰出语言教育的贡 献。 2015年,张林少莲在2015年女王诞辰荣誉 榜上被授予澳大利亚勋章(OAM)。“作为教师 和专业组织为外语教育服务”。Mt. Lawley SHS 的一间教室以她的名字命名。西澳州州长Kerry Sanderson AO 阁下及教育部代表、中国领事、 孔子学院、专业协会、中华会馆、往届学生及特 邀嘉宾应邀出席,以纪念长期以来的服务Geoff Davis AM和张林少莲OAM在官方仪式上为中文 教学教室揭幕。

张林少莲 为中文教学、支持和推广教学提 供了数十年的服务,是西澳大利亚中文教师协 会和澳大利亚中文教师联合会的创始成员。张 林少莲 曾担任这两个协会的主席,并为中华会 做出了重大贡献。


张娟妮在澳大利亚出生长大,担任中国 文化大使近 30 年。张娟妮 第一次来中国是在 1988 年作为中华会中国青年巡回赛的成员,她 在广州华侨学校度过了两周的时间,参加中文 课程和文化活动。2007年,她在上海组织和领导 了中国舞蹈驻校强化培训课程,并于2009年受

The Chong Family’s devotion towards the community

All the above evidence and examples have witnessed the extraordinary contribution of the Chong family towards a better understanding of people between two countries. The role each family member has played as an ambassador of Australia and China are commendable and phenomenal.

The ACFSWA awarded the Australia China Friendship Award 2023, family category to the Chong Family. Not only were the family members thrilled with the decision, but friends and extended family all applauded this well deserved honor. Especially for all the close friends and colleagues of the late Anita Chong OAM, her selfless contribution has left a lasting impression on the younger generations of the family.

邀参加了在中国深圳进行的为期18天的艺术和 文化培训。与会者包括来自世界各地的36位华 人文化领袖。

2010年,张娟妮发起并制作了名为《新金 山》的中国舞剧,讲述华人移民西澳的故事。 2019年,她担任伯斯伍德公园首届珀斯中华文 化节的节目经理。

张娟妮自1994年起在中华中文学校教授 中国舞17年,曾任Mt.Lawley高中中国舞老师, 为亚洲扫盲计划做出贡献,曾指导多名汉语桥 文化表演参赛选手。张娟妮从2009年开始担任 Oberthur小学的中国舞老师。

张娟妮现为中华会名誉秘书长及文化统 筹,领导中国舞团、龙狮团、华乐团、合唱团及粤 剧团。在过去的12年里,她一直在协调和指导珀 斯中华新年文化节的文化表演活动。

张娟妮在华人和澳大利亚社区组织了无数 次推广中华文化的表演。她在市议会、购物中心 和社区中心组织过中华新年与中秋节活动,以 推广舞蹈、艺术、书法、灯笼制作等中国文化、中 国烹饪示范和脸谱彩绘。

张娟妮的大部分时间都致力于在西澳大利 亚推广中华文化。尽管在澳大利亚接触中华文 化的机会有限,但她曾多次造访中国,并组织与 中国的文化交流。


张仕煌、林少莲和他们的三个女儿在促进 两国文化理解方面表现出的奉献和参与,对他 们的孙辈产生了巨大影响。 六个孩子都出生在 澳大利亚,其中五个从三岁开始学习中文。张娟 妮的儿子 Ethan Lee 在学校就表现出对中国语 言和文化学习的浓厚兴趣。近日,他参加了中国 驻珀斯总领事馆为庆祝澳中建交50周年举办 的小学生标志设计大赛,获得优秀奖。他还获得 了 Perth South Metro Chinese Language Hub 2021年度牛年校际海报大赛一等奖。


以上种种证据和事例,都见证了张氏家族 为增进两国人民之间的理解所做出的非凡贡 献。每个家庭成员作为澳大利亚和中国文化交 流大使所发挥的作用是值得称赞和非凡的。

ACFSWA 将 2023 年澳中友谊奖家庭类别 授予张氏家族。不仅家人对这一决定感到兴奋, 而且朋友和大家庭都为这一当之无愧的荣誉鼓 掌。尤其是已故张林少莲 OAM的所有亲密朋友 和同事,她的无私贡献给家族的年轻一代留下 了深刻的印象。

10 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

文◎Perth POST 珀斯邮报 | 摄影◎DAN Zhou周丹 | 译◎Carl ONG | 编◎Rachel NG

Warmly welcoming the Spring Festival

驻珀斯总领馆2023年 “温暖迎春”新春招待会

2023年1月14日,驻珀斯总领馆在馆内举办2023 年“温暖迎春”新春招待会。

龙定斌总领事,西澳州州长麦高文代表、财 政部长艾乐瑞,西澳自由党主席哈尼,中华会馆 会长陈挺及澳大利亚中国总商会珀斯分会会长孙 晓轩出席活动并致辞。

The Consulate General of The People’s Republic of China in Perth held a New Year reception on 14th January 2023, to celebrate Australia-China relations.

Attendees at the reception included Consul General Dingbin LONG, the Honorable Sue Ellery MLC Minister of Finance; Commerce; Women’s Interests, representing the Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, Dr David Honey MLA, Shadow Minister for State Development; Water; Hydrogen; Small Business; Science; Innovation & ICT, Ting CHEN, President of the Chung Wah Association and Xiaoxuan Sun, President of China Chamber of Commerce in Australia. Also in attendance were Sally Dawkins, director of the Western Australia State Office of the Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Graeme Marshall, the acting head of the Australian Federal Police in Western Australia. There were 150 participants at the event, including representatives from the WA government, industry and commerce, science and technology, education, culture, and media.

On behalf of the West Australian Chinese Community, the president of the Chung

Wah Association, Ting CHEN, delivered a New Year greeting and congratulated the successful convening of the 20 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in October last year. He said China adheres to the reform and opening up, leading hundreds of millions out of poverty. Peaceful and stable development is the cornerstone of world peace, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will significantly contribute to world civilisation.

The Chinese community in Western Australia is happy to see the improvement in AustraliaChina relations and looks forward to further development. The new goals set by the 20 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will provide more opportunities for Western Australia and China to deepen cooperation in various fields, such as energy. The Chinese community in Western Australia will continue to deepen the friendship between the two countries, realising a mutually beneficial bilateral relationship.

澳外交贸易部西澳办事处主任道金斯代表 马塔萨、澳联邦警察西澳代理负责人马歇尔,西 澳州政府、工商、科技、教育、文化、媒体等各界 人士及华侨华人、中资机构和留学生代表等约150 人蔘加。

中华会馆会长陈挺代表西澳华人致新春问候, 祝贺中国共产党二十大于去年10月顺利召开,选举 产生以习近平同志为核心的新一届中央领导集体。

表示中国坚持改革开放,引领亿万人民脱 贫,和平稳定发展是世界和平的基石,中华民族 的伟大复兴将为世界文明做出重大贡献。

西澳侨社乐见澳中关系改善并期待进一步发 展,期待中国共产党二十大设立的新目标为西澳州 与中国深化新能源等各领域合作提供更多机遇。

西澳华人社区将继续为深化两国人民友谊、 实现互利共赢的双边关系发挥应有作用。

Chung Wah Community Care is now a member of the “care finder program”. Led by WA Primary Health Alliance, Chung Wah CC and other memberorganisations will provide specialised assistance to help vulnerable senior Australians to interact with government’s My Aged Care system and access aged care community supports. Contact us on 08 9328 3988 for more details.

WA Primary Health Alliance 带领下, 我们和其他成员将会为社区里的 弱势社群提供支援,协助他们了解 和申请政府的「我的长者护理」计 划和其他为长者而设的社区服务。 请拨08 9328 3988 查询详情。

11 中华消息 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
中华社区服务刚成为「care finder program」的成员。在

190 years of The West Australian: The Sanctuary — Kaylene’s story


As the fourth generation of Chinese Australians, Kaylene POON was born and raised in Perth, most of her childhood time was spent at her father’s shops, Hop Hing and Co in the 1950s that once stood next to the Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge.

She later became the inaugural co-ordinator of the Chung Wah Historical Group formed in 1986, a year after the CWA’s 75th Anniversary Celebration and remained in the role till 2009. Her dedication and interest towards the early Chinese in Western Australia, that led her into helping to organise the visit program initiated by Catholic Education funding, ‘Restricted Entry’ to the Chung Wah Hall during the first decade of the millennium.

Before retirement in mid 2019, Kaylene worked as the Local History Officer of the City of Melville for over 11 plus years. She was also a visitor service officer in the WA Museum at the Fremantle site for over 11 years.

Kaylene got inducted into the WA Women’s Hall of Fame in 2011, acknowledging her voluntary work in the Chinese Community for the past 30 years. In 2018, she accepted the appointment of Honorary Historical Advisor to the Chung Wah Association and continues to hold the role until today. She had been the go-to person for all queries to local heritage or history organisations, especially anything related to the Chinese community. Kaylene's continuous research, documents and promotion of Chinese History in WA is highly regarded by the community.

She had been the key person for Chung Wah Association to establish the relationship between National Trust Australia, especially in the conservation project of the Chinese Jacket, a discovery from the excavation of the East Perth Cemetery. This discovery is the solid evidence that Chinese migrants have their significant roles during the time as part of the community.

Transcript of the Video

“The business actually opened in 1902 and my parents took it over in 1954, which was the last remaining Chinese grocery shop in what we now know as Northbridge.”

“During the Second World War, when they bombed Broome and a few other the northwest towns, the people got evacuated out and the Chinese was either billeted with other Chinese residents of Perth or otherwise. They stayed at the Chung Wah Hall and at that time there was still the lovely balcony at the front of the hall. Some of them slept on the balcony. Post War the hall kind of fell into kind of a hiatus period, the shop next door seemed to take on the role of looking after these elderly people. Previous owners to my parents had that role and I think when my parents took over, they just continued with those roles.”

“There were no Chinese interpreters or doctors at those times, so my father would go to the hospital, translate for anyone that needed to be admitted. We would write letters. Well, my parents would write letters. Mum would type them up if they needed official letters; when they died, my parents would have to help arrange for the funeral and burials at Karrakata. And at the time, I didn't think too much of it, but, yeah, I look back now and realise, yeah, they kind of went out of their way to help people.”

“A lot of these people was living a very kind of isolated existence. They had no way of going home to their families or anyone else. And so they would come to my parent’s shop, basically to socialise mix with any other Chinese who happened to be there. We were like the go-to. So I think in a way, it was their way of kind of just feeling a part of being a family was coming into my parent’s shop and there were still quite a few elderly Chinese men living out their last days there. And at the time, I didn't realise that they were waiting to die.”

“And Wong Chew, who was the last market gardener in South Perth, he would come along in his horse drawn cart and put the nosebag on the horse and come in and have a cup of tea, sit down with my parents and chat and then just wait for anyone else to turn up. And quite often there'd be a couple of others there. The horse would stand out the front and I would stand there and just pat the horse and it just wouldn't move. And it was wonderful for me. My dad told me in later years that when Wong Chew would go home from visiting our shop, quite often, he'd be so tired, he'd fall asleep and the horse would actually take him back home to South Perth.” stories/190-years-of-the-west-australian-how-northbridge-became-asanctuary-for-chinese-australians-c-10730739

12 PROFILE INTERVIEW 人物专访 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue Text◎The West Australian | Edited◎Carl ONG | Image◎Kaylene POON, The West Australian
The video | 视频:

避难所——邝彩玲的故事 序言

作为第四代澳洲华裔,邝彩玲在珀斯出生长大,她的童年 大部分时间是在她父亲的店铺——20世纪50年代的合兴公司 (Hop Hing and Co)旁边度过的,这家店铺曾位于北桥中华堂 旁边。

后来,她成为1986年成立的中华历史小组的首任协调员, 即中华历史协会成立75周年庆典一年后,一直担任该职位直至 2009年。她对西澳大利亚州早期华人的奉献和兴趣,使她成为 中华历史协会的首任协调员。协助组织由天主教教育资助发起 的“千禧年第一个十年限制进入中华堂”的参观计划。

在 2019 年年中退休之前,邝彩玲担任梅尔维尔市地方历 史官员超过11年。她还在弗里奥遗址的西澳博物馆担任游客服 务官员超过 11 年。

邝彩玲于2011年入选西澳妇女名人堂,以表彰她过去30年 来在华人社区所做的志愿工作。2018年,她接受中华会馆名誉 历史顾问的任命,并一直担任至今。她一直是向当地遗产或历 史组织提出所有疑问的首选人选,尤其是与华人社区有关的任 何问题。彩玲在西澳对华人历史的持续研究、记录和推广受到 了社会各界的高度评价。

她是中华会馆与澳大利亚国民信托基金会建立关系的关键 人物,特别是在东珀斯公墓发掘中发现的华人夹克的保护项目 中。这一发现有力地证明了华人移民在当时作为社区的一部分 发挥着重要作用。


这家商店实际上于1902年开业,我的父母于1954年接管了它,这是我 们现在称为北桥的最后一个华人杂货店。

第二次世界大战期间,当他们轰炸布鲁姆和其他一些西北城镇时,人 们被疏散,华人要么与珀斯的其他华人居民住在一起,要么住在其他地方。 他们住在中华会馆大楼里,当时堂前还有那个可爱的阳台。其中一些人睡 在阳台上。当中华会馆陷入某种间歇期时,隔壁的商店似乎承担起了照顾 这些老人的角色。因此,我父母的前任所有者就扮演了这个角色,我认为当 我的父母接任时,他们只是继续扮演这些角色。

当时没有中文翻译或医生,所以我父亲会去医院,为需要住院的人做 翻译。我们会写信。嗯,我的父母会写信。如果他们去世时需要正式信件, 妈妈会用打字机把它打出来,我的父母会协助他们料理后事并帮助安排卡 拉卡塔的葬礼事宜。当时,我并没有想太多,但是,是的,我现在回想起来, 我才意识到,是的,他们正不遗余力地帮助社区的华人们。

其中很多人过着一种非常孤独的生活。他们无法回家与家人或其他人 团聚。所以他们会来我父母的商店,基本上是为了与碰巧在那里的其他华 人交往。我们就像是个避难所。所以我认为在某种程度上,这是他们感觉 作为一个家庭的一部分进入我父母的商店的方式,而且仍然有不少华裔老 人在那里度过了他们的最后几天。当时我并没有意识到他们正在等死。

还有黄柱,他是南珀斯最后一个市场园丁,他会开着马车过来,把鼻 袋放在马身上,进来喝杯茶,和我父母坐下来聊天,然后就等着。以便其他 人出现。而且经常会有其他几个人在那里。马儿会站在前面,我站在那里, 只是拍拍马儿,它就是不动。这对我来说太棒了。我父亲后来告诉我,当黄 柱逛完我们的店回家时,很多时候他会很累,他会睡着,马实际上会带他 回到南珀斯的家。

13 人物专访 PROFILE INTERVIEW 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

190 years of The West Australian: The sanctuary — Kaylene’s story

It became a safe space for many, including isolated Chinese labourers and elderly, retired Chinese men who would gather and socialise. When they passed, Kaylene’s parents would organise their funerals and burials.

the hidden story of Hop Hing and Co.

Northbridge is known for its bustling — and somewhat sketchy — nightlife, but it wasn’t always that way.

Kaylene Poon is a third-generation Chinese Australian and her memories of Northbridge are fond; resembling community spirit and culture.

Garish shop signs and advertising billboards looking north from Beaufort Street bridge.

It became a safe space for many, including isolated Chinese labourers and elderly, retired Chinese men who would gather and socialise.

Credit: UNKNOWN/WAN Historical Archive

The Fongs were known to donate money to much-needed causes including the hospitals fund, the red cross, YMCA, War Patriotic Fund and the WA Spitfire Fund.

In a video put together to celebrate The West Australian’s 190th anniversary, Poon reflects on the work her parents did.“At the time, I didn’t think too much of it but I look back now and realise they kind of went out of their way to help people.”

Much like Poon, many Chinese migrants have a rich cultural connection to Northbridge that to this very day, holds a special place in their hearts.



• Contemporary portraits of members of Western Australia's Chinese community. - State Library of Western Australia (

Garish shop signs and advertising billboards looking north from Beaufort Street bridge. Credit: ROD WHITE/WAN Historical Archive

Her parents — John and Winnifred Fong — took over the Hop Hing and Co grocery shop in Northbridge in the 1950s. It was the only Chinese grocery shop on James Street at the time, and it ended up being a lot more than just that.

他们孤身一人,离家很远。在北桥历史上 扮演如此重要角色的华工后来怎么样了? 探索 合兴公司不为人知的故事。

北桥以其热闹但有些粗略的夜生活而闻 名,但情况并非总是如此。

邝彩玲 是第三代澳大利亚华人,她对北桥 保留了美好的完整的记忆;她的故事镌刻了北 桥的社区精神和文化。


商店招牌和广告牌。图片来源:ROD WHITE/ WAN 历史档案馆 她的父母John和Winnifred Fong在20世 纪50年代接管了北桥的合兴 (Hop Hing & Co) 杂货店。这是当时詹姆斯街上唯一的一家华人 杂货店,而它的意义远不止于此。

它成为许多人的避难所(即安全空间),包 括与世隔绝的华人劳工以及聚集和社交的老 年、退休华人男性。当他们去世后,彩玲的父母 会为他们安排后事和葬礼。

图解:它成为许多人的避难所,包括与世 隔绝的华人劳工以及聚集和社交的老年、退休 华人男性。图片来源:ROD WHITE/WAN 历史 档案馆 众所周知,方氏夫妇向急需事业捐款,包 括医院基金、红十字会、基督教青年会、战争爱 国基金和西澳喷火战斗机基金。 在庆祝《西澳大利亚报》成立190周年的 视频中,邝彩玲回顾了当时她父母为北桥华人 社区所做出的奉献工作。

14 PROFILE INTERVIEW 人物专访 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue Lauren Higham | The West Australian | Thu, 1 June 2023 12:26PM
They were alone, and a long way from home. What happened to the Chinese workers who played such an important role in the history of Northbridge? Discover
《西澳大利亚人报》190 周年:避难所——彩玲的故事
Chinatown in Northbridge. Credit: Lee Griffith/WA News

Chung Wah Historical Group

The Chung Wah Association (CWA) Historical Group formed in 1986, a year after the CWA’s 75th Anniversary Celebration. The group, consisting of descendants of the founders with myself as a coordinator, established a presence within the heritage network and was involved in a variety of projects and events. Later, other people interested in the early history of the Chinese in Western Australia Joined the group.

However, it disbanded in 2010 and Dr YOW Yit Seng took over historical matters within the Association. During his time he made contact with the local descendant of Moon CHOW, the first documented Chinese in the state who landed in 1829. He also presented Chinese History and cultural talks.

Employed within the historical/heritage field was often contacted for advice to present talks on the Chinese in WA. In 2018 I was invited to become the Honorary Historical Advisor for the Association. In this time I curated two photographic exhibitions at the Maritime

Chinese in WA, held at the CWCC Balcatta. Talks were also presented to a variety of local groups ranging from the Jewish Ladies group and Rotary Dalkeith to the 2019 Annual WA Historical Societies Conference in South Perth. This is on the top of the steady stream of enquiries from the public seeking information on a personal or research level.

Recently the CEO of the National Trust of WA contracted me to seek financial support from the community for the conservation of a Chinese Man’s jacket found during the exhumation of several graves from the East Perth Pioneer Cemetery. The CWA together with John HSU rallied the Chinese Community and were able to donate $10,000 towards the project. The remains will be in-interfered in the Karrakatta Cemetery in the near future.

CWA purchased a professional scanner in late 2019 and for several months I was ably assisted by two post-graduate students. However, the Historial group needs reactivation so if you have an interest in history or have strong


中华会馆历史小组成立于1986年,即中华会 馆成立75周年庆典一年后。该团体由创始人的后 裔组成,我作为协调员,在遗产网络中建立了影响 力,并参与了各种项目和活动。后来,其他对西澳 华人早期历史感兴趣的人也加入了这个团体。

然而,该协会于2010年解散,饶逸生博士接管 了协会内部的历史事务。在此期间,他与当地的周 文后裔取得了联系,周文是第一个于1829年登陆 该州的有记载的华人。他还介绍了华人历史和文化 讲座。

经常会联系历史/遗产领域的工作人员,寻求 在西澳举办有关华人的演讲的建议。2018年,我受 邀成为该协会名誉历史顾问。这次我在海事博物馆 策划了两个摄影展,第二个展览将于2021年新冠疫 情结束后开幕。2019 年,我为在中华巴卡达文化中 心举办的西澳华人190周年纪念活动寻找了几位演 讲者。还向各种当地团体进行了演讲,从犹太妇女 团体和Dalkeith扶轮社到南珀斯举行的 2019 年西 澳历史学会年度会议。这是公众寻求个人或研究层 面信息的源源不断的询问的最重要的。

最近,西澳国民信托基金会的首席执行官与 我签订合同,要求我向社区寻求财政支持,以对在 东珀斯先辈公墓挖掘多个坟墓时发现的一件华人 男子夹克进行文物保护工作。中华会馆连同华人公 会会长许锡忠一起凝聚社区力量,为该项目募款捐 赠了10,000澳元。不久的zhi后,发掘出出来的先人 遗体被安迁葬在卡拉卡塔公墓。

中华会馆于2019年底购买了一台专业扫描仪, 几个月来,我得到了两名研究生的得力帮助。然 而,历史小组需要重新启动,因此如果您对历史感 兴趣或具有很强的计算机技能,请联系中华会馆 办公室,因为有很多工作可以激发所有人的兴趣。

Reference List:

• Chung Wah Association Annual Report 2019

• Chung Wah Hall | Visit Perth

hung Wah Assoc (P-AD).pdf (

Have the heart to care for our elderly and speak their language? we have a career opportunity to offer, come and join us.

15 人物专访 PROFILE INTERVIEW 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
Contact us to find out more 联系我们以获得更进 步详情
有照顾⻓者经验并懂得多种亚洲语⾔?我们可以 协助您踏⼊社区护理⾏业,欢迎加⼊我们。


The prestigious annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair, organised by the Chung Wah Association was held on Sunday 29 January 2023. The scale of this year’s event is larger than in previous years, and the celebration extended from James and Lake Streets, Northbridge to Yagan Square in the centre of Perth. By 12 noon, the venues were already crowded with people for the grand opening ceremony that took place on the stage in the Northbridge Piazza.

In the opening ceremony, the Deputy Premier, Minister Roger Cook MLA represented the Premier, Honourable Mark McGowan MLA delivered a speech, followed by LONG Dingbing, the Consul General of China in Perth and Ms Libby Mettam MLA, the Leader of the WA Liberal Party. The Fair was then declared open by the Lord Mayor of the City of Perth, Basil Zempilas who lit the firecrackers for the event. Guests attending the opening ceremony

representatives of event sponsors and leaders of the Chinese Community Associations.

Amid the noise of gongs and drums of the Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance, the vivid dragon dance cleared the way, sending New Year blessings to everyone and launched the street parade of the

Fair. The teams participating in the parade included several colourful Chinese folk-dance troupes, ladies in cheongsam, Qigong and Tai Chi academies, the lively and lovely“God of Wealth”and“Lucky Rabbit”and finally was the Western Australia Police Pipe Band. The loud but melodious sound of Scottish

16 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 珀斯中华新年文化节
TEXT◎ Chung Wah Association - Lesley WONG | PHOTO ◎TAN Tiezhang, MA Xiaodong, Alan LI, Rachel NG

bagpipes was unique among the performances. The spectators along the streets took a lot of photographs with their favourite teams or characters for precious memories.

On both sides of James Street, there were multicultural food stalls featuring delicacies form various countries. There were also retailers of clothing, Chinese New Year decorations, game consoles, and scented soaps. Other booths offer community amenities, education, and business information. The Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra and Cantonese Opera presented a three-hour concert in the

undercover“Northbridge Plaza”by James Street. Every hour there was a dragon or lion dance performance on the street, attracting a large crowd of spectators.

The carnival playground on Lake Street and the Murdoch University Cultural Activity Zone situated in the Northbridge Piazza were also very lively and crowded. The rich and colourful cultural workshops provided were paper-cutting and folding, lantern making, Chinese painting, calligraphy, face painting, etc. The interactive workshops or activities were full of fun, which attracted many children and parents to enthusiastically participate in.

At the same time, the day concert organised by Dr Julia Fu (the Vice Chair of Chung Wah Women Sub-Committee) and the five Chung Wah Chinese School

Campuses took place on the stage. The performers included Chung Wah Chinese School students, teachers, and members of various community associations. The performances fully demonstrated Chinese’s rich cultural history and contemporary lifestyle. There were also interactive games and competition during the show. Many visitors to the fair were local public dressed in casual outfits and some in traditional costumes. It was indeed a joyous and excellent event for a summer family day out.

At the Yagan Square, the dragon and lion dances as well as Kung Fu performance received a lot of attention from the audience. The wishing tree and the festive decorations were exquisite which provided a lovely background for photo shoots. The large cultural activity tent there provided activities such as face painting,

17 珀斯中华新年文化节 PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

making Vietnamese spring rolls, calligraphy, fan, and mask making. The different styles of activities were very entertaining and full of fun, as visitors’laughter could be heard in a distance.

At 5.30 pm, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair Reception hosted by the Executive Committee was held in the Executive Lounge of Double Tree by Hilton, Northbridge which is one of the event sponsors. The reception was held in a joyous atmosphere, and the guests gathered to celebrate the festive season.

By seven o’clock, all the guests moved and seated in front of the main stage for the evening multicultural concert. Surrounding the VIP seats, the lawn was fully occupied by audience waiting patiently for the start of the concert. Although it was crowded, the atmosphere was harmonious and full of joy. The delightful lion dance of Chung Wah Lion and Dance Troupe kicked off the “party”. The formality of the concert started with Dr Ting CHEN, President of Chung Wah Association’s welcome speech followed by Minister Roger Cook MLA on behalf of the Premier. He congratulated the Chinese community on the Chinese New Year and affirmed the positive contributions made by the Chinese community such as the Chung Wah Association to the economic, social, and multicultural development of Western Australia.

Dr David Honey MLA, Leader of the Opposition and Liam Gobbert, Deputy Mayor of the City of Perth were also invited to deliver speeches and Chinese New Year greetings to the audience. Then, all the VIP guests and leaders of the Chinese community went onto the stage and shouted “Gong Xi Fa Cai” in unison in Mandarin which was wishing everyone a “Happy New Year”.

The first performance of the multicultural concert was the Aboriginal Dance performed by the Aboriginal Wadumbah Dance Troupe. The sound of music meant welcome everyone to the multicultural family of Australia. The performances of this concert are displayed in front of the audience in multiple forms such as singing and dancing, musical instrument performance, solo singing and choir singing.

In particular, the face-changing performance of Sichuan Opera, the quintessence of China, won rounds of applause. The following performances were presented by Chung Wah Association’s Lion and Dragon Troupe, Dance Group, the Women Subcommittee, Chinese Orchestra and the Choirs. The others guest performers were individual and community organisations. They are Australia Mulan Culture and Art Association, Australia Asia New Arts Institute, Salama Indian Orchestra, the Pervnew Ballet Academy of Western Australia and the Red Maple Leaf Choir. The Final performance was the

song “I Still Call Australia Home” sung together by Chung Wah and New Voice choirs, which concluded Perth Chinee New Year Fair 2023.

Thank you to the guests who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the reception and the spectacular performances of the multicultural concert.

The guests Hon. Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier, Dr David Honey MLA, the leader of the Liberal Party of Western Australia and Minister of Heath of Western Australia Hon. AmberJade Sanderson MLA, Mr. David Michael, Deputy Minister of Public Affairs of West Australia, Hon. Pierre Yang, Member for North Metropolitan Region. The other Parliamentarian guests were Tania Lawrence MP, Kate Chaney MP, Ian Goodenough MP, Hon. Peter Tinley MLA, Ms. Kim Giddens MLA, Mr. Paul Lilburne MLA, Mr. Geoff Baker MLA and Hon. Tjorn Sibma MLC. The guests from the Local Government were Liam Gobbert, Deputy Lord Mayor of City of Perth, Patrick Hall, Mayor of Canning, Logan Howlett Mayor of Cockburn, John Logan, Deputy Mayor of Joodalup, Filomena Piffaretti, Mayor of Bayswater, and Mark Irwin, Mayor of Stirling. From the Consulate Generals, were Consul WANG Zhufeng (China) and Deputy Consul General Rashidi Radzali (Malaysia). Other guests were the Leaders and representatives from various Chinese Community Associations and CaLD community organisations, and the Elders and the Past President of the Chung Wah Association.

The success of the 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair was the team work of everyone’s selfless dedication and wisdom. Thanks to the efficient organisation of the Chung Wah Administration Office, all sponsors for their financial support, all volunteers, participants, performers for their hard work and times. Especially to Jen Nie Chong, the Honorary Secretary who planned and directed the event programmes.

18 PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 珀斯中华新年文化节 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue




珀斯市一年一度,久 负盛名的珀斯中华新年文化节在 2023年1月29日中午12时于北桥“ 唐人街”(James Street)、Lake Street、北桥广场隆重开幕。今年 的活动规模较之往年更大,庆祝活 动从北桥扩大延伸到珀斯市中心的 Yagan广场同时举行。开幕典礼之 际,会场已经人山人海。

西澳代理州长Roger Cook代表西 澳州长Mark McGowan、中国驻珀斯 总领事龙定斌、西澳自由副领袖L ibby Mettam在中午12点隆重的开幕典礼上致 辞。接着是由珀斯市长Basil Zempilas宣 布文化节开幕并为活动点燃了庆典鞭炮。

出席开幕典礼的嘉宾包括多位西澳州及珀 斯市议员,各赞助机构的代表以及多位华 社领袖。

在中华会馆龙狮团喧闹的锣鼓声中, 活灵活现的舞龙一路开道,为大家送去新 年祝福,展开了本次新年文化节的大游 行。参加游行的队伍有多个色彩缤纷的民 族舞蹈团、荷娜多姿的旗袍秀、昂首挺 胸的气功和太极队,还有活泼可爱的“财 神”和“福兔”紧随其后。西澳警察风管 乐队作为游行队伍压轴表演,洪亮但悠扬 的苏格兰风笛声别具特色。观众们欣赏之 外,还纷纷合影拍照留下珍贵的纪念。

在James Street的两边设有各地民俗 和美食为主体的多国文化美食摊位,还有 服装、新年装饰品、游戏机、香氛香皂的 零售商。其他的摊位提供社区便民服务、 教育和商业信息。中华民乐团及粤剧组在 北桥有盖商场里呈现一场为时三个小时的 音乐会。每隔一个小时就有·舞龙舞狮在街 头表演,吸引大量的人群围观。

在Lake Street的嘉年华游乐场和北桥 大广场莫道克大学的文化活动区也非常热 闹。内容丰富多彩的文化工作坊提供剪纸 褶纸、制作灯笼、中国画、书法等,面部 彩绘和观众互动,吸引许多小朋友和家长 踊跃参与,乐在其中。

与此同时,由中华会馆妇女部副部长 傅绪琼医生以及五所中华中文学校以及其 他多个文艺表演团体的文化演出,精心策 划的歌舞表演吸引了许多人欣赏,充分展

示中国丰富悠久的历史文化和华人的今日 风采。节目中与观众互动,欢笑声不断。 参与活动的游客除了华人外,更多的是当 地市民穿着节日盛装或夏日便装,携家带 口,边走边逛,边吃边玩,沐浴在祥和幸 福、欢乐喜庆的气氛中。

Yagan广场分会场的舞龙表演,醒狮 和功夫表演收到了观众的热捧,独具特色 的面部彩绘,许愿树,新年装饰和摊位, 制作越南春卷,制作扇子或面具,书法学 习让观众乐此不彼,不同风格的文化表演 给观众不同的艺术感觉。

晚上5点30分,中华会馆在北桥希尔 顿Double Tree酒店举行新年文化节嘉宾 招待会。招待会在喜气洋洋的氛围中进 行,嘉宾们欢聚一堂共庆佳节。

19 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 珀斯中华新年文化节 PERTH CHINESE NEW Y EAR FAIR
文◎ 中华会馆- Sophie | 照片◎ 谈铁章、马晓东、黎智威、黄诗敏

七点整,装点一新,颇具华人特色的 文化节主会场,舞台前观众等待着多元文 化文艺晚会的开始。虽然台下人潮拥挤热 闹但是气氛一片欢乐融合。中华会馆龙狮 团精彩的群狮表演拉开了晚会的序幕,之 后中华会馆会长陈挺博士首先上台致欢迎 辞。接着,西澳代理州长Roger Cook代 表西澳州长上台致辞,他向华社祝贺新 年,对中华会馆等华社为西澳州经济社会 及多元文化发展做出积极贡献表示肯定。

西澳反对党领袖David Honey和珀斯市 副市长Liam Gobbert应邀上 台致辞并向大家恭贺新 年;随后所有的嘉宾 和华社领袖一起走 上舞台给台下的 来宾用中文齐声 高喊“恭喜发 财”给大家拜



文艺演出在土著 Wadumbah舞蹈团 的音乐和舞蹈中正式开 始,乐声意味着欢迎大家

来 到澳洲这个多元文化的 大家庭。本次文艺晚会演出以 歌舞,乐器演奏,独唱,合 唱等多元形式展现在观众面 前。尤其是中国国粹川剧变 脸,赢得阵阵掌声。参与演出的 组织有中华会馆的龙狮团、舞蹈 团、妇女部、民乐团及合唱团。

受邀演出的社团和嘉宾 包括澳大利亚木兰 文化艺术协会、澳亚 新艺学院、何畅涵,

周永军、Jessica Lim, Ryam Jim,Vincent Wong, Rini Teng, Cici, Teresa Tan以及西澳其他

文化社区艺术团。这包括Salama印度乐 团,西澳Pevnew芭蕾学院、Red Maple Leaf 合唱团带来的精心编排,令人耳目一

新的节目,让所有观众深深感受到中华传 统文化与其他社区文化有机结合的魅力。

最后2023 年度珀斯中华新年文化节在大 合唱 《澳大利亚我的家》的歌声中完美 落下帷幕。

感谢百忙中抽空出席招待会并与当 地民众一起观看了精彩纷呈多元文化晚 会演出的嘉宾。他们是西澳代理州

长Roger Cook、西澳自由党

领袖David Honey、西 澳卫生部长AmberJade Sanderson、西 澳州公共事务副部长

David Michael、 杨帅上议员、Tania Lawrence、Kate Chaney, Ian Goodenough等

国会议员、Peter Tinley、 Kim Giddens

、Paul Lilburne、Geoff Baker 等州议员、影阁文

化部长Tjorn Sibma 上议员、珀斯

市副市长 Liam Gobbert;Canning

市长Patrick Hall、 Cockburn市长

Logan Howlett、 Joodalup副市长

John Logan、Bayswater


Piffaretti、Stirling 市

长Mark Irwin、中国



珀斯领事馆副总领事 Rashidi Radzali、以






本次2023年珀斯中华新年文化节的 成功,凝聚着大家无私的付出和智慧。感 谢中华会馆办公室的高效组织和所有义工 的无私奉献,感谢筹委会各部门、参与文 化演出的各个团体及义工们辛勤无私的付 出,特别是中华会馆秘书长兼文化活动委 员会主任张娟妮策划并担任舞台总监。 感谢西澳州政府一贯的支持,感谢珀斯市 政府,西澳多元文化部,西澳彩票局对珀 斯中华新年文化节的大力支持和赞助,感 谢赞助商莫道克大学,SBS电台,北桥希 尔顿Double Tree 大酒店, Norton Gold Field, Global Lithium, 比亚迪(BYD), Stage and Studio, Michelle Mok对本次 文化节的大力赞助。感谢Development WA (Yagan Square) 本次活动的首次密 切合作。感谢节目主持人安邦、周昱、 冯凯莹和Yao的精彩主持。同时感谢中国 驻珀斯总领馆的支持,以及参与和支持 本次活动的各国总领事、各侨团侨领。 感谢新闻媒体的支持,包括The West Australian、SBS电台,7号电视台,9 号电视台,ABC电台、等主流 媒体和电台;各大华人报 纸及微信媒体、摄影 摄像师们。因为有你 们,中华会馆才能

20 PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 珀斯中华新年文化节 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue
不负众望,为珀斯 人民带来精美绝伦 的多元文化盛宴!

Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2023

Thank you very much for your support and contributions.

Major Sponsor

City of Perth 珀斯市政府


Office of Multicultural Interests 西澳多元文化部

Lotterywest 西澳彩票局

Corporate Sponsor 赞助商

Murdoch University 莫道克大学·


Norton Gold Fields 诺顿金田

Global Lithium 环球锂业

In Collaboration with 合作机构

Development WA | Yagan Square

Double Tree by Hilton 希尔顿大酒店

BYD 比雅迪

Stage & Studio

Michelle Mok Creats

Participating Community Organisations

Chow Kwoon Yarn Yee Tong 周馆仁义堂龙狮团

Chinese Community Centre WA 西澳华人公会

Yao Lin Kung Fu Association 白眉武馆友联龙狮团

Kong Hin Koon Lion Dance Troupe 江兴馆醒狮团

Ging Mo Academy Lion Dance Troupe 精武功夫学院醒狮团

WA Oriental Cultural and Art Association 西澳东方文化艺术协会

WA Chinese Calligraphers Association 西澳华人书法家协会

Infinite Youth Qigong Association of Australia 澳大利亚返老还童气功协会

Yang Style Fu Nei Pai Tai Chi Li Academy Inc 杨氏府内派太极协会

WA National Dance Team 西澳华人民族舞蹈团

Little Apple Dance Group 小苹果舞蹈团

Lily Chinese Culture Dance Group 百合舞蹈团

Colourful Dancing Group of WA 多姿舞蹈团

WA Police Pipe Band 西澳警察风管乐队

Cheering Academy Pty Ltd

Susan Leong Craft 梁苏珊手工坊

Ann Nie Chong Face Painting Hong Studio

Little Panda Chinese Dance Studio 小熊猫舞蹈团

MCA Perth South Dancing

Hakka WA Dance Group 客家公会舞蹈团

Perth Rainbow Performance Club 彩虹表演俱乐部

Chinese Dance Australia 华人舞蹈团


Dr Julia FU 傅绪琼醫生

Alissa HUANG


Siyang LI

Yichen GONG

Tony AN 安邦

Yu ZHOU 周昱

Cong MA 马聪

Michael LI 李良励

Michael WU 吴立方

Bengjie CHAI 蔡炳杰

James YAO

Julia GAO

Bryan LIEW

Arina LIEW

Suzie SU

Jason YUN 恽杰灵

Youli XIONG 熊有利

Dena JIN 金建华

Nita LIU 刘淑娟

Patricia TEE 施文香

Lyn XIANG 项海颖

Carl ONG 卡尔汪

Rachel NG

Kaylene POON 邝彩玲

Valerie LAI

Eugene LOW

Lucas LOW

James WONG


Shereen OH

UWA Guild Volunteering

Yup Acdemy & WA Hanfu



Full Moon Blossom

Dancing Group


Dance Group

Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group Wadumbah 原住民舞蹈队

Australia Mulan Culture & Art Association 澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会

New Voice Choir 艺声合唱团Maple Leaf Choir 枫叶组合

Face Changing, Alex Changhan HE 变脸

AusAsia Creative Art Academy Troupe 澳亚新意舞蹈学院

Pevnev Ballet Academy PEVNEV 芭蕾舞蹈学院


Yongjun ZHOU 周永君

Jessica LIM

Teresa TAN

Ryam Jim

Vincent WONG



Chung Wah Cultural Groups

Historical Group 历史组

Lion and Dragon Dance 龙狮团

Chung Wah Dance 中华舞蹈团

Service Contractors

Event Safety Management

Newicks Electrical Services

Swan Event Hire

Stage and Studio

Helene FUNG


Risk Pro

St John Ambulance

Jim’s Cleaning


Risk Protect Security Services

Jiasizhe ZHENG Videography

Xiaodong MA Photography

Tiezhang TAN Photography

Alan LI photography

From the Executive Committee, Chung Wah Association & Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2023 Organising Committee

Chinese Orchestra 民乐团 Chinese School 中华学校 Cantonese Opera 粤剧组

Chung Wah Administration Office

Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮

Doreen CHIN 陈清灵

Lesley WONG 黄小娟

Tracy LIM 林菊儿

Sophie WANG 王丽

Rosetine SEW 丘柔湘

21 珀斯中华新年文化节 PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
2023年珀斯中华新年文化节组委会 启

A Massive Effort for an Annual Event

On the hot summer afternoon of 29 January 2023, more than 30,000 people flocked to the streets of Northbridge to experience the annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair, organised by Western Australia’s oldest ethnic organisation, the Chung Wah Association.

Event coordinator, Lesley Wong and lion dancer, Harmony O’Connor shared what it is really like behind the scenes at one of the largest and most popular community events in the city.

Preparing for the big day

Despite her fourteen year training in kung fu, Harmony recalled rehearsing with her lion dance partner at Kong Hing Koon Perth, several weeks before the event.

“We’re pretty in sync already, but sometimes it’s just nice to have a little more practice so we’re confident,” she said. For Lesley, the event preparation was more complicated. Her role includes applying for grants, liaising with performers, and recruiting volunteers to ensure that operations go smoothly during the fair.

The majority of volunteers consist of people from China, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as student volunteers from The University of Western Australia.

“I work with people from everywhere, citizens and non-citizens. We wouldn’t be able to do this fair without our volunteers,” Lesley said.

This year’s fair also featured more than

a dozen groups of performers and five different lion dance troupes.

“The fair is very well-known, so it became a big platform for people to perform. Before I could reach out to them, people were already asking to join.”

“This has been the most challenging part of my life”

Lesley, who has helmed the fair for the past six years, refers to the event as the most challenging part of her life. She highlighted the severe heat and the event’s location as her biggest challenges.

“Holding the fair on the street was more difficult because there were more things to be concerned about. There were many rules and requirements, such as deploying hostile vehicle mitigation to make sure the event was safe.”

Harmony also remembered suffering a mishap during her lion dance.

“We did a jump but my partner’s foot got caught in my tail, and she fell on the ground.”

Spontaneity and recovery are crucial in such situations. “You have to expect the unexpected sometimes, and that’s not easy. We got up and just kept going.”

Being part of a family

Despite the challenges they faced, both Harmony and Lesley said taking part in the fair is mainly about enjoying time with their respective chosen families.

“It’s just super fun. I like the sense of community that it provides,” Harmony said. Family harmony and strong social relations are the core cultural values of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

“To me, it’s not just a kung fu school. It’s a family. There’s a lot of respect within that, which makes it a really good environment.”

Lesley shared the same sentiment. “Working in Chung Wah is like working with good friends. It’s a friendship, not just work,” she said.

References 参考

• Cha, J. (2023, January 30). Chung Wah Magazine, 54, 22-23. chungwahassociationofwa/docs/cwm_ issue54_summer_2023/22

• Chung Wah Association. (2023, December 23). Media release: Perth chinese new year fair. en/2022/12/23/cwa_mr_pcnyf2023_eng/

• National Heritage Board. (2019, March). Chinese new year. Singapore Government. ich-landing/ich/chinese-new-year

22 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue COMMUNI TY I NTEREST 社区消息
“We’re together as ‘一家人’ , one family.”

为年度盛会付 出的巨大努力

1月29日炎热的夏日午后,超过 三万人涌入北桥街头,参加由西澳大 利亚历史最悠久的民族组织中华会馆 举办的年度的珀斯农历新年文化节。

1月29日炎热的夏日午后,超过 30,000 人涌入北桥街头,参加由西澳大利亚历史 最悠久的民族组织中华会馆举办的一年一 度的珀斯农历新年集市。


尽管接受了十四年的功夫训 练,Harmony仍回忆起在活动开始前几周与 她的舞狮伙伴在珀斯港兴馆排练的情景。

“我们已经非常同步了,但有时多练习 一点也很好,这样我们就有信心了,”她说。


她的职责包括申请赠款、与表演者联络以 及招募志愿者以确保展会期间的运营顺利 进行。

大多数志愿者包括来自中国、新加 坡、马来西亚、香港和台湾的人,以及来自 西澳大利亚大学的学生志愿者。

“我与来自世界各地的人一起工作,包 括公民和非公民。没有我们的志愿者,我 们将无法举办这个展会,”莱斯利说。

今年的博览会还展出了十几组表演者 和四个不同的舞狮团。

“博览会的知名度很高,所以它成了人 们表演的大平台。在我联系他们之前,人们 已经要求加入了。”


莱斯利在过去六年里一直掌管着这个 博览会,她将这次活动称为她生命中最具 挑战性的部分。

“在街上做比较困难,因为有更多需要 关注的事情。有很多规则和要求,例如部 署敌对车辆缓解措施以确保活动安全。”

Harmony还记得她在舞狮时遭遇的 不幸。她接着说:“我们跳了下去,但我搭 档的脚被我的尾巴夹住了,她摔倒在地。”

在这种情况下,自发性和恢复性至关 重要。“有时候你必须预料到意想不到的事 情,这并不容易。我们站起来继续前进。”


尽管面临挑战,Harmony 和 Lesley 都表示参加博览会主要是为了与各自选择 的家庭共度时光。

“这非常有趣。我喜欢它提供的社区 感,”Harmony 说。

家庭和睦和牢固的社会关系是中国新 年庆祝活动的核心文化价值。

“对我来说,这不仅仅是一所功夫学 校。这是一个家庭。里面有很多尊重,这 使它成为一个非常好的环境。”

莱斯利也有同样的看法。“在中华工作 就像和好朋友一起工作。这是一种友谊, 而不仅仅是工作,”她说。

23 社区消息 COMMUNITY INTEREST 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
VOL_NTEER WE NEED U Do you want to give back to your community? Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, help your community, and learn new skills. Explore the opportunities available. Start making a difference today! DC1161
我们在一起 就是一家人。

Worship Taisui

he so-called“offending the Taisui”means that the Chinese zodiac sign of the year is the same as those of the current year, opposing or executing each other. People call these three situations“offending the Taisui.”According to tradition, there are as many as 60 Taisui Gods, and each year a deity takes charge of the earthly affairs of the year, and the God in charge is called Taisui.

This is also the first year to resume international travel after the pandemic. Many de-registered residents who immigrated overseas must return to Taiwan to renew their health insurance and household registration. The overall number of people in Taiwan has increased, so the number visiting the temple is also quite large.


所谓「犯太岁」,意指一个人出生年 份的生肖与流年的生肖相同、相冲或相 刑,民间统称这三种情况为犯太岁。根据 传统习俗来说,太岁共有六十位之多,每 年都有一位神明掌权当年的凡间事务,而 当值的神明就称作太岁。

“It is either happiness or a disaster if you are in the Taisui year.”According to the custom of committing the year of Taisui, those whose turns are in the Taisui year may have a hard time or bad luck and possibly more challenges in their career, life and health. In the early years, people set up an altar to worship the statue of the Taisui God throughout the year to avoid evil and bad luck and pray for peace and safety; however nowadays, people go to the temple to worship Taisui because of the changing lifestyles.

In addition to worshiping the Taisui God, people like to“BuaBuei”and“draw the fortune slips”in the temple. Due to the influence of folk belief, many people will go to the temple to ask the gods for advice and instructions when they have problems in their life and career, and the most common ways to“have a conversation with God”are“Bua-Buei”and“draw the fortune slips”to get the answers.

「太岁当头坐,无喜恐有祸。」根据 犯太岁的习俗来说,犯冲的人可能会流年 不利,或百事不顺,事业多困厄,身体多 病变。而早期安太岁是在家中摆设太岁神 位,晨昏供奉一年,不过由于现代人生活 忙碌,大多会到庙里安太岁,以趋吉避 凶,祈求来年平安,诸事顺遂。

今年也是疫情后第一年恢复出入境, 许多被除籍的海外移民今年也必须回到台 湾恢复健保及户籍,整体在台的人数大 增,因此安太岁的人数也是相当多,希望 新的一年平安顺遂。

除了安太岁以外,人们在庙宇里也喜 欢掷筊和抽签。由于受到民间信仰的影 响,许多人在生活中、职场上遇到问题 时,都会到庙里请神明给予建议和指示, 最常见的「问事」方式不外乎就是「掷 筊」、「抽签」两种,透过这两种「与神 明的对话」而得到答案。

24 COMMUNITY INTEREST 社区消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 文/译/图◎ Karen Huang 黄郁婷 | Lunar New Year in Taipei Series 在台北过农历新年系列

New Year Goods StreetDadaocheng Di Hua Street area

History of Dadaocheng

After the opening of Danshui Port in 1860, Dadaocheng became Taipei’s most prosperous material distribution centre, mainly trading tea and cloth. The tea trade in Dadaocheng, under the leadership of foreign firms, expanded the market and created tremendous wealth and prosperity. The streetscape appearance is the

II, Dadaocheng gradually lost its function as a river port due to the sediment accumulation of the Danshui River. The popularity of Taiwanese tea gradually declined due to the emerging competition of Ceylon black tea. Since then, the downtown area of Taipei City has shifted to the East district, and a large number of people have moved out. Dadaocheng then became the skirt area of Taipei City.

年货大街— 大稻埕迪化街商圈 大稻埕历史

coexistence of various styles, such as Minnan style, Baroque-like style, Modernism styl, and Mansion style, forming the unique appearance of today’s Di Hua Street. After the Japanese colonisation era, Japanese businessmen resisted the influences of foreign firms and turned to the markets in Japan and Southeast Asia. Tea shops and imported goods mainly operated on Di Hua Street during that period. After that, the rice industry, cloth and Chinese herbs and medicine also entered the markets and gradually became influential. Nowadays, Di Hua Street is still the core of the Dadaocheng area. However, after World War

From the old Di Hua Street into a modern New Year goods street

In the 1970s, the old buildings on Di Hua Street were subject to the local government’s redevelopment plan due to their disrepair. Since the redevelopment plan was announced, residents and businesses have fought to protect historical sites. In 1995, Di Hua Street finally ushered in a new dedicated area plan - New Year Goods Street.

In 1996, the “New Year Goods Street” plan was officially launched, based on residents’ opinions. From the half month before Lunar New Year, businesses started selling all kinds of gifts and food for the New Year. Due to the unique festival decorations, peddling culture and novel publicity techniques, the “New Year Goods Street” was very popular as soon as it was launched, and the crowds surged. This plan made Di Hua Street become the most festive street in Taiwan.

Taking a comprehensive view of the historical context of Dadaocheng, Di Hua Street is not only a commercial centre but also the core of Taiwanese culture and ethnicity development.

1860年淡水开港后,大稻埕成为台北 最繁华的物资集散中心,以茶叶与布料的 贸易为主。大稻埕的茶叶贸易在洋行的带 领下,不仅市场扩大,更造就惊人的财富 与繁荣。街景外观更是多种风格并存,像 是闽南式、仿巴洛克式、现代主义式、洋 楼式,形成今日迪化街的特殊面貌。进入 日治时期后日商抵制洋行势力,转而以日 本与东南亚为主要市场。日治时期,迪化 街先是以经营茶行、南北货为主,之后米 业、布匹、中药材也进驻其中、逐渐占有 一席之地,至今,迪化街仍是大稻埕商圈 的核心。然而,二战之后大稻埕因淡水河 泥沙堆积而逐渐失去河港功能,且台产茶 叶不敌锡兰红茶的竞争而逐渐没落。之后 台北市区向东发展、人口大量外移,大稻 埕成为台北市外围的老旧市区。

从老旧迪化街转型 成新兴年货大街

1970年代,迪化街的老旧建筑由于年 久失修而面临地政府的都更计划。自此, 当地居民及商家不断地向政府争取古迹保 护,直到1995年,终于迎来了新的专用区 计划—年货大街。

1996年,以在地居民意见为主的「 年货大街」计划正式出炉,在农历春节前 半个月,各商家贩卖各种过年的礼品、食 物。由于独特的年节装饰、叫卖文化和新 颖的宣传手法,让「年货大街」一推出就 大受欢迎,人潮汹涌,各地争相模仿,也 让迪化街成为了全台湾最有年味的老街。

综观大稻埕的历史脉络,迪化街除了 是商业重地,也是台湾文化与民族发展的 核心。

25 社区消息 COMMUNITY INTEREST 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taipei

The Lantern Festival has been a tradition of the Chinese culture. In 1990, the Taipei City Government officially included the Lantern Festival as one of the city’s main activities for the first time and held the first Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festival, formerly known as the Taipei Lantern Festival, is held once a year and is the most important lantern fair in Taiwan. In the early days, the venue was fixed in the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei. Since 2001, it has been changed to the Taiwan Lantern Festival, which is held by different cities in turn. The combination of local folk style, design and the music of the main lantern has become the focus of the lantern festival every year.

After 23 years, the Taiwan Lantern Festival has finally returned to Taipei. The Taiwan Lantern Festival 2023 is the first major international event in Taiwan since the outbreak of COVID-19. The theme of the fair is “Light up the Future”, which adopts the “urban light fair” style within Taipei’s dense metropolitan area.

This Festival created 4 exhibition areas, and 12 lighting districts are planned, covering a total area of 168 hectares. More than 300 pieces of lighting works were displayed. With the combination of projection, AR and VR technology, modern lighting technology were integrated into Taipei’s prosperous street scene! In addition, performers from different countries were invited to the opening and closing ceremonies of the festival, bringing wonderful multicultural performances to this event.

In addition to the students’works on display, 26 overseas organisations contributed the lanterns this year, which is the largest number in the record. Among them, St. Christopher and Nevis, Belize, Guam, St. Lucia, Indonesia, Daegu, Shanghai and 19 enthusiastic Japanese cities supported the lanterns. Each organisation incorporated its unique cultural characteristics into the lighting design. It’s like an exotic and beautiful feast of lights, attracting crowds. By the end of the festival, more than 12 million people visited the exhibition in 19 days.

Magazine Winter Issue
Chung Wah Bilingual


自古至今,元宵花灯都是华人文化传统。1990年,台北市政府首次将灯会活 动正式纳入城市主要活动之一,举办了首届元宵节灯会。灯会原以「台北灯会」 之名,每年举办一次,是为台湾最重要灯会活动。早期场地皆固定于台北市中正 纪念堂,从2001年起改为全国各地巡回举办的台湾灯会,由各县市轮流主办,各 地乡土民情与花灯、主灯配乐的结合成为每年灯会的焦点。

历经二十三年后「台湾灯会」终于重返台北!今年的灯会更是疫情解封后的 第一场国际大型活动,灯会主题「光源台北 Light up the Future」,首创在台北 密集都会区打造「城市型灯会」。这次台北灯会打造4大展区,更规划了12个行政 灯区,占地面积共168公顷,展出逾300件的灯饰作品,更结合投影、AR、VR科 技,将现代灯光科技融入台北市的繁荣街景!灯会的开幕及闭幕典礼,更邀请到 不同国家的表演者,为灯会带来精彩的多元文化传统表演。

今年的花灯,除了学生的展出作品,还有26个海外单位响应,为历年最多, 其中包含圣克里斯多福及尼维斯、伯利兹、关岛、圣卢西亚、印度尼西亚、大 邱、上海及热情的19个日本城市支持,每个单位都将独有的文化特色融入灯饰设 计中,彷佛一场异国的美丽灯光飨宴,吸引许多民众驻足围观。十九天的灯会展 出,共迎来逾1,200万人到访观赏。

Reference: Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government

参考资料: 台北市政府观光传播局

27 社区消息 COMMUNITY INTEREST 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

2023 Qing Ming Festival at Karrakatta Cemetary

On Wednesday, 4 April 2023, Chinese Community Leaders paid their respects to the pioneers at the Chinese section of the Karrakatta Cemetery, for the annual Tomb-Sweeping Festival of Qing Ming. The ceremony was officiated by Ting CHEN, President of the Chung Wah Association.

Preparations started early in the morning, with a tidying up of the area. Weeding and dusting were done to the main site, and tables

were set up for the offerings, which included a variety of food, fruits, flowers, joss paper, candles and incense.

John HSU, President of the Chinese Community Centre, commenced the ceremony by explaining the purpose of the gathering, the traditional value of filial piety and Qing Ming customs. This was followed by presenting the offerings of food, incense, tea and wine, and concluded with the burning of joss paper.

Ting CHEN also thanked everyone for attending and emphasised the importance of

remembering our roots. Firecrackers were lit to conclude the ceremony and incense was placed at all tombs in the area as a sign of respect. The congregation then proceeded to share the food and refreshments..

In addition to paying respect to the ancestors, this meaningful festival also provides a chance to connect to our roots by understanding the history of our Chinese pioneers in Western Australia. Chung Wah Association appreciates the community’s efforts, especially John HSU and his team for continuing this excellent tradition.

28 CHUNG WAH FOCUS 本期聚焦 Chung Wah
Magazine Winter Issue Text/Translate ◎ Carl ONG | Image ◎ John HSU / Lesley WONG

西澳华社领袖聚首 参与卡拉卡塔华人墓园 清明祭祖仪式 西澳华人社团领袖们,在西澳洲华人公会会长许

锡忠与其团队的带领下,在四月六日于卡拉卡 塔的华人墓园举办了癸卯年清明祭祖仪式。中华会馆 会长陈挺,作为主祭,出席了当天的扫墓活动。

出席活动的人员 很早就抵达了卡拉卡塔华人墓园,在经过了 一番的除草跟清洁工作过后,才把准备好的祭品陈列在预备 好的折叠桌上。

许锡忠与团队细心的准备了好了各类祭品、包 括三牲五果、香烛彩纸、鲜花蔬果等各色祭祖 供品。祭祖仪式在司仪的宣布下开始,首先由 许锡忠代表大众宣读祭文、向各位宣告今日 所祭祀的目的,按仪式规章一一献供品、献 香、奉茶洒酒、并焚烧纸钱。在致辞的环 节中、许锡忠给大家介绍了传统孝道的重 要、以及如何传承清明文 化。陈挺会长也在讲话中

感谢大家参与清明祭祖活 动、并重申寻根问祖的重

要性。仪式结束前、现场点 燃了一串鞭炮。当天所有的坟 前都燃上一柱清香以示恭敬。仪 式过后众人移步到附近的亭子稍作 休息,并开始分享供品。

这活动的意义非常,并不仅是传递了传统 孝道文化、礼敬祖先、更是让后辈有机会深切 体会西澳洲华人先辈的历史。中华会馆对于社 区同仁们如此用心保留传统文化的不遗余力深 表感激,尤其是许锡忠与华人公会的各位如此 劳心劳力的付出。

29 本期聚焦 CHUNG WAH FOCUS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Kong Bah P'ng


braised Pork with spices, served with oil-rice, egg and pickle pickled vegetables.

I bought a box of really good pork belly last week, and I was so excited that I told Mom about it. She told me the best way to use a good block of pork belly is to make Taiwanese Kong Bah.

I couldn’t agree more and put it to work when I had a break from my busy work schedule! I added some five spiced bean curd and hard-boiled eggs into the stew; both turned out superb!

Ingredients for Kong Bah

• 60 0g pork belly

• 3-4 medium size shallot

• 2-3 spring onion/scallion

• 1-2 head of garlic

• 1 s tar anise

• 1 tbsp of sugar

• 1/2 cup of soy sauce

• 1/4 cup of dark soy sauce

• 1 cup/250 ml of rice wine

• S alt to taste

• 1/2 tsp of white pepper powder

• Water - around 1200 ml



• 6 hard boiled eggs

• 12 hard boiled quail eggs

• 6 f ive spiced pressed tofu/bean curd

For the Mustard pickle

• 500g green mustard pickle

• 2-3 slices of ginger root

• 2-3 dried chilies

• 2-3 tbsp of oil from cooking the Kong Bah

• 1 t sp of sugar

1. Clean the pork belly and cut it into 1cm thick slices. You can cut it into any size you like, just make sure it is not too thin or small in size that it may break and won’t retain its shape during the simmering process.

2. Heat a frying pan, place the pork belly in the heated pan without oil, brown both sides and place the browned meat into a cooking pot. There should be some fat released from the pork during this process.

3. Add scallions, shallots and star anise into the frying pan with a tablespoon of sugar. Cook until the sugar turns brown, add 1 cup of water and bring to the boil. Pour the whole contents into the pot with the pork belly.

4. Boil and remove the shell of the eggs.

5. Add 2 heads of garlic into the pot, add white pepper powder, rice wine, soy sauce and dark soy sauce to the pot, then add enough water to submerge all ingredients. It should be just barely covering the meat. Bring to boil with lid on and turn to medium low to simmer the meat for 45 minutes.

6. After 45 minutes, add the tofu and eggs, add salt to taste, continue to cook on medium low for another 4560 minutes until the meat becomes tender. Taste in between, adjust the level of saltiness with salt or soy sauce.

7. When the meat is cooking, prepare the pickled mustard. Soak the pickled mustard for 10-15 minutes, drain and cut into 1cm pieces.

8. Take some oil on the surface of the Kong Bah pot and use it to stir fry the sliced ginger and dried chili, add the pickled mustard and cook for 5 minutes. Add some broth and oil again from the Kong Bah, add 1 tsp of salt in between to balance the sourness of the pickle.

9. the Kong Bah with steamed rice, an egg and some pickled mustard.

30 A TASTE OF MEMORIES 盈盈小筑 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine 冬季 Issue
文/图/译 ◎ 盈盈小筑 Echo’s Kitchen(原作者授权转载)

Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child.

盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由职业的旅美马来 西亚华裔,透过博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、 着实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭,并以培养宝贝独子为大。


不久前和妈妈视频时说起买了一块非常棒的五花肉,妈妈就说 好的五花肉应该拿来做控肉,去台湾玩时最让她念念不忘的美食 之一就是控肉。

于是我就趁工作不忙的时候煮了一大锅加了鸡蛋和豆干一起 卤的控肉。真是美味得不行,控肉炖好先别忙着吃,等几个小时再 吃更美味噢!


• 6 00 克 五花肉

• 3-4 只 红葱头

• 2-3 根 青葱

• 1-2 头 蒜

• 1 只 八 角

• 1 大 勺 糖

• 1/2 杯 酱油

• 1/4 杯 酱油膏 或 2 大勺 晒油/黑酱油

• 1 杯/250 克 米酒

• 食盐 适量

• 1/2 小勺 白胡椒粉

• 水 适 量



• 6 颗 鸡蛋

• 12 颗 鹌鹑蛋

• 6 块 豆 腐干


• 500 克 酸菜

• 2-3 片 姜片

• 2-3 根 辣椒干

• 2-3 勺 卤控肉上头的油

• 1 小勺 糖

1. 把 五花肉洗净,切成1公分厚的肉片。可按自己的喜好切肉 的大小,别太薄或太小块了,会容易炖烂了不成形。

2. 把 平底锅或镬热好,直接把五花肉入锅两面稍微煎 黄,煎至出油即可把肉取出放到锅里。

3. 平底锅里的油留着,把青葱、红葱头和八角入平底 锅里煸炒一下,加入一大勺的糖,把糖炒至琥珀色 之后,往锅里倒入1大杯水。把炒好的材料和水一 起倒入刚刚放有肉块的锅里。

4. 煸 炒五花肉的时候可以先把鸡蛋和鹌鹑蛋蒸熟 去壳备用。

5. 把大 蒜放入锅里,加入胡椒粉、米酒、酱油、酱油膏 和没过肉块的水。加盖大火煮滚之后转中小火炖45 分钟。

6. 45分钟之后加入豆干和蛋,这个时候可以加盐调味。加盖 中小火再炖45-60分钟即可,间中可以试试味道,不够咸可以 加点盐或者酱油。

7. 炖 肉的时候可以把配菜酸菜炒好,把买来的酸菜泡水10-15分钟,洗净后 切成1公分大小。

8. 锅里 加一点控肉锅里炖出来的油,把姜片和辣椒干煸炒香,把酸菜加入煸炒至水份变 干。间中可以再加一点控肉油和汤汁,加点水和糖稍微焖煮5分钟即可。

9. 煮 好一锅白米饭,淋上一点控肉汤汁,夹上两块控肉、鸡蛋和酸菜,美味的一顿饭就好啦!

原文引用:A taste of memories -- Echo's Kitchen: 【控肉/炕肉饭】Kong Bah P'ng (

31 盈盈小筑 A TASTE OF MEMORIES 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

2023 Chinese New Year Longevity Luncheon

On31st January, Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) hosted its 11th annual chinese new year longevity Luncheon at the Balcatta Hub. We were honoured to invite the Minister for Regional Development; Disability Services; Fisheries; Seniors and Ageing, Honorable Don Punch MLC and City of Stirling Mayor Mark Irwin to celebrate this year’s Chinese New Year with us.

Improving the quality of life for people from diverse backgrounds is one of our core missions. Our guests had the opportunity to share the journey with our seniors as they enjoy life with dignity and respect. They constantly learn and try new things through our nurturing and educational Evergreen College. Over time, they have boosted their inner sense of belonging and are better involved in community life through our services and high-quality programs. They proudly say: “Australia is my home!”

We kicked off our Longevity Luncheon with some upbeat music and welcomed the cat and rabbit mascots to the centre stage. In 2023, the Lunar New Year is the Year of the Rabbit for the Chinese. It is also the Year of the Cat for the Vietnamese. Although there is a slight cultural difference between both cat and rabbit, we all celebrate the festival with joy regardless of what you call this Lunar New Year, Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. We wish you a healthy and prosperous year. May all your wishes be fulfilled.

Australia is truly a multicultural nation that embraces diversity. Being a part of this great nation also means extending contributions to the communities through environmental conservation. Our Fashion Show enabled our seniors to showcase the best version of themselves by displaying their distinctive cultural clothing. They took to the stage with great confidence and enjoyed the golden era of their time. Protecting our environment is everyone’s responsibility. Our seniors used the 3R concept - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to embellish their clothing.

Our guests enjoyed the stunning display of lion dances and roaring drums performances and collected red packet donations for those in need. This year, the donations will be contributed to the people affected by the Kimberley flood disaster. The CEO of Chung Wah CC, Mrs. Theresa KWOK, also encouraged the seniors to show support and care to those in need. Together, let’s help them rebuild their community. Thanks for all the planning and hard work by our staff and volunteers, and a special thanks to the performing groups, consumers, staff and volunteers for this year’s stunning performances.

The Chung Wah Association has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve

their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we’re promoting our theme, Embrace, Elevate and Flourish, and build a better community for all.

CWCC is a group under the umbrella of the Chung Wah Association and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds in Western Australia, especially non-English speaking. CWCC delivers community care programs for seniors, their family members and ethnic communities and has helped thousands of people and their families over the course of the past century. We intend to continue improving the community and living standard for all, through our personcentred approach, our dedication to people and our ongoing pursuit of our vision and our values.

CWCC is funded by:

• Home Care Package (HCP)

• Commonwealth Home Support Program(CHSP)

• National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Please visit the CWCC website for more information:

32 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue COMMUNITY CARE 松柏长青
文/译◎Chung Wah Community Care 中华社区服务

嘉宾们在长寿宴中见证着中华 CC 的长者 们,在我们的辅助下积极地保持身心健康,自 信地生活自主及有尊严地居家养老。嘉宾们更 见证着来自非英语背景的长们抱着「生命不息、 学习不止」的精神,通过长青学院的活动,他们 每天学习新知识,尝试新事物。最终,他们冲破 语言和文化的篱笆,慢慢地融入主流社区,自 豪地宣告:「澳洲是我家」!作为澳洲的一分子, 长者们在盛宴中展示他们对多元文化的包容, 他们为保护澳洲的环境出一分力,更为社区付 出关爱和奉献。

猫和兔造型的吉祥物,在强劲的音乐 节拍带动下,以轻松的舞步揭开长寿宴的序 幕。2023 年是华人传统的兔年,但也是越南人 的猫年。长者们尊重和包容文化上的差异。猫




11 屆春节齐欢长寿宴

1 月 31 日在巴 卡达社区中心圆满成功。我们荣幸地邀请一众嘉宾,包括: 区域 发展;残障人事务;渔业;长者及老龄化事务部长 Hon. Don Punch MLC 和 City of Stirling 市长 Mayor Mark Irwin, 参与盛会。

和兔一样为他们带来喜庆。一年伊始、万 象更新,无论这节日被称为春节、中国新 年或农历新年,长者们都热烈庆祝,互贺新 年进步、身体健康、万事如意。澳洲是一个多 元文化的国家,中华 CC 是澳洲的缩影,海纳百 川,有容乃大。

在「中华时装秀」的环节,长者们粉墨登 场,展的笑容,曼妙的步姿,散发着他们享受 黄金岁月的风采。时装秀特别之处是长者们 衣服上的纸制装饰物。他们借着长寿宴,传递 着环保的信息。在日常生活上的点点滴滴,通

过 3R 的手段:减少使用(Reduce),物尽其用 (Reuse)和循环回收(Recycle),达到环保的 目标。我们 的「环保先锋」利用废纸,在社区中 心的手工班,亲自制作装饰物,为环保出一分 力。

长寿宴的压轴是醒狮表演,也 是中华 CC 的筹款活动。四头雄赳 赳的少狮,随着锣鼓的节奏,跟 在场的宾客拜年。中华 CC 在舞 狮釆青环节收集的红包,全数 捐赠于社区需要帮助的人士。

今年的捐赠目标是 Kimerley 水災的受災 居民。中华 CC 总干事郭太呼吁长者们大解善 囊,为受災人士送上关爱和善款,帮助他们渡 过困难的日子,早日重建家园。长者们为善不 甘后人,慷慨解囊,为社区送上关爱和奉献。

感谢中华CC仝人和义工的努力安排。感谢 团体、客户、员工和义工的精彩表演。

中华从 1909 年开始建基于西澳,拓展亚 裔社区服务,至今已走过110多年的辉煌岁月。 中华 CC 专注于长者和殘障人士护理服务,我 们累积超过 35 年的专业服务经验。中华 CC 将 努力不懈地持续优化长者和殘障人士的生活功 能和生活品质。我们 2023 年的主题是「携手 同行」。通过与政府和社区主流机构的合作, 我们不断地改善社区人士的福 祉,齐心协力共创更美好的 社区。

中华社区服务部(CWCC)是中华会馆的一 个重要构成团体。中华社区服务部致力于 改善西澳大利亚不同背景人士的生活质 量,尤其是非英语人士。中华社区服务部 为长者、与其家庭成员、以及其他少数民 族群体提供社区护理计划,并在过去一个世纪中帮助了成千上万的人和他们的 家庭。中华社区服务部秉承以人为本的理念、奉献精神、部会愿景和价值观的不 断追求,继续为所有人的社区和生活水平谋福祉。


• 家庭护理套餐 (HCP)

• 联邦家庭支持计划


• 国家残障保险计划 (NDIS)


33 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 松柏长青 COMMUNITY CARE

Professional Development for Teachers 中华中文学校年度教师培训

The annual Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Teacher’s Professional Development (PD) was held at the Morley campus this year. The PD started with a welcome speech by CWCS Morley Principal and the School Council Chairperson, Mrs Emily Tan Emery, followed by a meeting and knowledge-sharing session for different year levels. The teachers enjoyed the engaging games organised by the CWCS Leeming Principal, which was the highlight of the PD.

今年的中华中文学校年度教师培训有幸的在摩利校区举行。培训开始之前,摩利校区校长兼中华学校管委会主席陈水玉校长为我们致欢迎词。接着是各 校区会议和各个年级的教学分享交流会。黎明校区的周校长还为老师们准备了团康游戏。老师们尽情投入,游戏场面火爆。教师培训也在一片欢乐的气氛下 圆满结束。

34 SCHOOL YARD 校园天地 Chung
Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Chung Wah Chinese School 2023 Enrolments Now Open!

Enrolments are now open for Chung Wah Association Chinese School. There are five campuses which offer Chinese classes to kindergarten, pre-primary and Year 1-12 students. We welcome children older than four years old to join us. Some campuses also offer Chinese classes for adults and WACE/ATAR courses for Year 11/12 students.

All Chinese traditional cultural interest courses are delivered by professional coaches and tutors, including dancing, calligraphy, singing, Chinese chess, diabolo, Kungfu, drama and Guzheng. Students can join any course they are interested in.

Chinese classes

9.00am - 11.30am Saturdays

(Atwell, Leeming, Morley and Rossmoyne Campuses)

1.30pm - 4.00pm Saturdays

(Perth Campus)

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Campus Rossmoyne Senior High School, 1 Keith Road, Rossmoyne WA 6148

Principal: Dr Ma Xuanli

Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Campus Leeming Senior High School, Aulberry Parade, Leeming WA 6149

Principal: Luisa Chou

Extra-curricular classes

11.30am-12.30pm Saturdays

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Campus Morley Senior High School, Bramwell Road, Noranda WA 6062

Principal: Emily Tan-Emery

Chung Wah Chinese School Perth Campus Perth Modern School, 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008 Principal: Dr Li Hua

Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell Campus Atwell College, 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

For more information, please visit

Principal: Dr Li Hua

35 校园天地 SCHOOL YARD 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Ask the GP

Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.

1I am getting married in about six months and want to look the best for my big day. A few friends have suggested that I go on a Keto diet to lose more weight, as they have been quite successful with that. As a 31 year old female, I exercise regularly and think that I have a balanced diet with no health complications. Should I try a Keto diet to be able to look better in my wedding gown?

There are multiple ways to lose weight for your wedding. Firstly, you need to look into having a balanced diet to control your calorie intake. Secondly, you need a consistent aerobic exercise routine that burns your calorie intake. Thirdly, you must look into exercises that tone up your body to your desired body shape. And if you are ever stuck with weight loss, consider visiting a dietician and personal trainer to develop a program to achieve your target. There are benefits and possible complications that come with the ketone diet. Therefore, if you are keen to try the ketone weight loss program, you can do so on a short term basis to see how it helps you with your weight loss.

2 I recently discovered that my hair gets brittle and breaks. I tried to change to a milder formula shampoo and conditioner, but it didn’t help much. Is it possible that it is due to a lack of nutrients? A friend says it’s unavoidable due to the water quality in WA; is that true?

If you notice that your hair is constantly breaking easily, you can visit your doctor to rule out a medical cause. Then if there is no medical cause discovered, you can start investigating your diet, vitamin supplements, hair products, stress level and overall well-being. Many hair and skin vitamin supplements are easily found in any pharmacy to assist with this matter. If you are worried about water quality, you can always buy bottled water or drink boiled water to see if it improves your hair. However, studies have yet to establish a correlation between hair loss and water intake.

3I often get motion sickness, and it is worse on flights. Besides motion sickness medication, recommended by my pharmacist, is there any natural way to train myself (i.e. yoga or massage) that allows me to be less dependent on medication?

If you are severely affected by motion sickness, taking nausea medication may help. Otherwise, you can try meditation, eating food or drinks that help distract you, or practising yoga or stretches on the airplane. If this doesn’t help, you may need to minimise the need to fly.


Is coffee the cause or cure for headaches? Recently I was trying to cut down my coffee intake, as I suspected the caffeine was causing heart palpitations. The headache occurred right during the week I paused my coffee consumption. A friend also informed me that moderate consumption of coffee is not harmful, but is suitable for middle-aged people. I would like an alternative option from Dr Mira. (Male, 45 years old)

It is hard to know if coffee can reduce headaches. But it is common that if you have suddenly ceased drinking coffee, some people may experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms, including the sudden onset of a headache. Also with caffeine, it can fasten your heart rate depending on your body’s sensitivity. Therefore, if you love to drink coffee daily, it is ok to have a mild to moderate amount. It will still minimise the risk of caffeinerelated palpitations and caffeine withdrawal headaches. If you want to know more about how it affects your body, visiting the dietician may help you.



I often get bruises or scars, even with the slightest knock. It doesn’t cause much pain, but it’s pretty uncomfortable. My mum told me it is common in the family, especially during her younger years. Is this a nutrient deficiency issue? Or a broader genetic topic that I should be more concerned about as I prepare to get pregnant? (Female, early 30s)

If you are noticing yourself getting more bruises and scars than normal, it is crucial to get it investigated. Genetics may play a part in it, but you must ensure you have a check-up with your doctor to rule out medical causes. When you are preparing to have a baby, the doctor would have to order a blood test that includes a check-up on platelet function. Hence, if you are worried, it is vital to go and have a checkup done to rule out any medical cause for it.

6 I constantly suffer from fatigue, feeling exhausted every day on my drive home after work. I don’t think it is due to my workload as I work part-time, nor am I sleep-deprived as I go to bed at 9pm. Drinking green tea helps me, but it only gets me through the working hours. Is this a sign from my body that I should get a comprehensive checkup? My family has a history of cancer, as my cousin had Leukemia before he passed. (Male, 35 years old)

Tiredness can be caused by multiple reasons. It can be due to a lack of energy, lack of food intake, excessive workload, emotional fatigue, and possible medical causes. Hence, when you start to experience tiredness over a few weeks, you must look into different aspects of your life, your work, your daily activities and your emotional well-being to identify the potential cause. Therefore, it is essential to go and see your doctor for a medical checkup to ensure no actual medical reason is found for this. And if there is a medical cause found, then it is important to sort it out with your doctor to treat the condition. If there is no medical cause for your tiredness, you will need to look into improving your overall energy levels by increasing your exercise, having a balanced diet, a flexible reduced workload and time for improving your overall mental wellness by having some relaxation time and doing activities such as yoga or meditation.

36 ASK THE GP 寻医问药 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue
above remarks are general guides only as results may differ for each individual; please consult your family doctor for detailed diagnostics if the symptom persists



她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄段的 患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。

1我的婚礼将在六个月后举行,我希 望能够漂漂亮亮的当个最美的新 娘子。我的好友都建议我尝试生酮饮食 来减重,因为他们都成功瘦身。身为一 名31岁的女性,我时常保持运动并饮食 均衡,没有任何健康上的问题。我是否 应该尝试生酮饮食,让我更能以最纤细 的体态来穿上我的婚纱?

想要在婚禮上擁有美麗的身材,您可以有多種 方法去實現。首先,您需要研究如何能有均衡飲 食控制卡路里攝入。其次,您需要擁有能夠持之 以恆的有氧運動,把您每天攝取的卡路里消耗 掉。第三,您需要研究哪些運動鍛鍊能雕朔您 想要的身材。如果您需要專業人員協助,可以安 排營養師和體能培訓師幫您設計身型雕朔飲食 運動企劃案,來實現您的目標。有更多關於生酮 飲食有利有弊,還需要多點研究分析。您若想嘗 試生酮肥計劃,可以短期試試看這種減肥方法 對您個人有否改善。

2 我最近发现发丝变得很脆弱,尤 其在我洗澡的时候断裂。我已经 尝试替换我是用的洗发和润发素,但 是却不见改善。这是否是因为我体内 缺乏了那些营养素,需要透过保健品来 补充?有朋友说是因为西澳洲的水质 不好,这是无法避免的,这是否真的属 实?

當您注意到您的頭髮長期性容易折斷時,您可 以去看全科醫生做身體檢查排除造除身體疾病 造成掉髮。如果沒有發現任何疾病造成掉髮, 您可以開始調查您的飲食、維生素補充劑、護 髮產品、本身壓力和整體健康狀況。在任何藥 房都可以輕鬆找到許多頭髮和皮膚維生素補 充劑來增加身體健康改善髮質。如果您擔心水 質,可以試著購買瓶裝水,或煮熟的白開水,看 看改善水的攝取是否能改善脫髮。然而,脫髮 與硬水攝入之間的相關性更多研究報告去探索 其影響力。

如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题, 可以在2023年3月11日之前把问题发至 本刊编辑部电邮


我很容易就会出现头晕的症状,尤 其是在乘搭飞机的时候。除了惯常 我从药剂师那里可以购买到的晕车药 之外,请问是否有何种天然防晕眩的自 我锻炼(例如:瑜伽、或自我按摩)的方 式来让我减少对于药物的依赖?

如果您做飛機會有嚴重暈機,您有需要帶止暈 藥去改善這個症狀。如果你的暈機症狀也可以 嘗試冥想、進食或喝水來幫助您分散注意力。 當然您也可以在飛機上練習瑜伽或伸展運動。 最壞的情況,您可以考慮盡量減少飛行。


但是在我停止饮用咖啡的开始的那一 周头痛就开始了。我的朋友跟告诉我说 适量的咖啡对于中年人无害且有好处。 请问我是否可以征求米拉医生的见解? (45岁男性)

咖啡是否能改善頭痛可能需要更多研究去了解 其影響立。但如果您突然間停止喝咖啡,有些人 可能會因此出現咖啡因中斷症狀,包括突然頭 痛。此外,咖啡因本身有可能會加速心率。具體 其影響力取決於您的身體對咖啡的敏感度。如 果您喜歡喝咖啡,可以調一下咖啡的攝取量,去 降低過度咖啡因攝取引起的心悸,也可以減少 咖啡攝取中斷所引起的頭痛症狀。如果您想更 多地了解咖啡如何影響您的身體,拜訪營養師 可能會幫助您增強對這方面的了解。

5 我时常发现身上出现小瘀青或伤 疤,就算是非常轻微的碰撞。它并 不构成任何疼痛,但是看起来很不雅 观。我母亲告诉我说家族里这很平常, 她年轻时候也是如此。请问这是否是我 的体内缺乏某种元素?还是这是我更 应该注意的的遗传性因素、尤其是我正 备孕中?(30出头的女性) 您如果發現自己的瘀傷和疤痕比平時還要平凡 發作,您最好還是需要做檢查。有些人有可能 會遺傳到容易瘀青和結疤的身體體質。但您需 要找您的全科醫生去進行檢查以排除疾病引 起的症狀。當您準備計劃生育時,全科醫生通 常會做非常完善的驗血檢查其中有包括血小板 功能。因此,如果您擔心這些症狀,請務必去 做檢查。

6 我一直感觉疲惫,尤其是在下班开 车回家的时候更是筋疲力尽。我不 觉得这是源自我的工作、因为我只是兼 职工作;也不认为是我睡眠不足、因为 我有早睡的习惯。平时喝绿茶只能勉强 让我保持清醒度过上班时间。请问这是 否是我身体发出的警讯,需要我进行彻 底的全身检查?我的家族是有癌症的 病史、我的表哥就是因为白血病而离世 的。(35岁男,研究助理)

引起疲勞的原因引有很多種。如精力不足、食物 攝入不足、工作量過大、情緒疲勞以及疾病造成 的疲勞。所以當您感覺疲勞已經有好幾個禮拜 了,您要開從生活、工作、日常活動和情緒健康 的不同方面進行調查,以確定潛在原因。除此 之外,您需要去醫生那裡做體檢看是否有疾病 引起的疲勞,既而進行治療改善。如果您的疲倦 不是疾病引起的,您可以考慮做些生活的調整: 如增加運動來提高整體能量、如擁有均衡飲 食、如靈活減少工作量以及學習放鬆心情,做些 瑜珈或打坐冥想來改善整體心理健康。

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 11 August 2023

37 寻医问药 ASK THE GP 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版
4 请问咖啡是否是头痛的主因、或
**以上言論仅供参考, 有任何疑問請跟您的家庭醫生問診。

2023 Vaccines update

2023 年疫苗最新资讯

Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing postgrad in Nutritional Medicine

李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个孩 子的爸爸,他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两家药 房。荣参正进修着营养药物学。

These are mainly mRNA vaccines, as other platforms are not able to produce bivalent vaccines as quickly. We are therefore relying on Moderna and Pfizer (50% ancestral strains plus 50% Omicron BA4 and 5) as a booster at this stage. They are produced in the US during their winter months, which is very relevant to the Australia booster program (1)

In terms of the seasonal influenza vaccine, the 2023 formulation has been released. It is very hard to predict the vaccination timing because we had an early and high season last year, hence it is recommended to look to your primary care physician to get your free flu vaccine if you are eligible (2). COVID vaccines can be administered at the same time as influenza vaccines to optimise protection with both.

Moving on to the different vaccines including Monkeypox (Mpox) and Japanese Encephalitis (JE). At this stage, there has been good control of the Mpox outbreak through vaccination. The vaccine is free-of-charge, more information is available in the link below (3). After the Murray-Darling flood, JE is no longer confined to just Asia and far-northern Australia. A lot of mosquitoes were born carrying the JE virus last year, however, not many cases have been identified this year. Vigilance is still extremely important in terms of minimising mosquitoes and protection through the JE vaccine, especially for those who are travelling to high-risk areas (4)

Lastly, the triple combo vaccine - a new Moderna vaccine combining three dangerous respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, the flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) will hopefully be available to the public very quickly in one to two years time (5, 6)







进入 COVID-19 大流行的第四个年 头,现已开发出不同类型的双价 疫苗,并免费向澳大利亚公众提供。

这些主要是 mRNA 疫苗,因为其他平台无 法快速生产二价疫苗。因此,我们在此阶段依 靠 Moderna 和辉瑞(50% 祖先菌株加上 50% Omicron BA4 和 5)作为助推剂。它们是在美 国冬季生产的,这与澳大利亚疫苗推助计划(1) 非 常相关。

季节性流感疫苗方面,2023年的特种疫苗 已经出炉。因为我们去年流感提早降临和迅速大 规模感染,所以今年对疫苗接种时间很难进行预 测,因此如果您属于资格类别

(2),建议您找您的 初级保健医生免费接种流感疫苗。Covid 疫苗 可以与流感疫苗同时接种,以优化两者的保护作 用。

继续介绍不同的可接种疫苗,这包括猴 痘 (Mpox) 和日本脑炎 (JE)。在这个阶段,通过 接种疫苗已经很好地控制了Mpox的爆发。如 需更多信息,请访问以下链接,疫苗是免费的(3) 。Murray-Darling 洪水过后,乙脑不再局限于 亚洲和澳大利亚北部地区。去年有很多携带乙脑 病毒的蚊子出生,但今年发现的病例并不多。就 减少蚊子和通过乙脑疫苗进行保护而言,我们仍 然需保持警惕,尤其是对于那些前往高风险地区 旅行的人(4)。

最后,三联疫苗——一种新的 Moderna 疫 苗结合了三种危险的呼吸道病毒,如 COVID-19 、流感和呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV),有望在一到两 年内迅速向公众提供 (5, 6)。

文 ◎ 李荣森 | 译 ◎ 卡尔汪

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue MEDICAL INFORMATION 医疗资讯
Moving into the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, different types of bivalent vaccines have now been developed and are available to the public in Australia, free-of-charge.

Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.

傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床 已有36年工作经验。

Menopause is biologically a natural process marking the end of a woman’s reproductive years. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone will begin to decline in the early stages of menopause, and the ovaries in the uterus will begin to cease the production of hormones that trigger sexual desire. As ovulation stops, so does menstruation. Women experiencing menopause have a decline of estrogen in their body, followed by a series of menopausal symptoms and aging. It could even induce some diseases, hence people refer to menopause as “eventful autumn”. Common symptoms of menopause include hot flushing of the face, night sweats, chest tightness, poor breathing, irritability or depression, dry and sagging skin, osteoporosis, muscle and joint pain, insomnia, memory loss and constipation.

How can women maintain their health during menopause and even after menopause? Here are just a few suggestions from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

1. It is essential to overcome fear and frustration during menopause. Emotional problems are one of the main and most common symptoms of menopause. We must understand that menopause is a part of the life experience of a woman. Let’s face and accept it calmly, and readjust the psychological balance, you can allow menopause to occur naturally, and even start the “second Spring” of life.

2. After women enter menopause, their metabolic activity decreases, and the calories and energy they need are relatively reduced. It is easy to gain weight if the diet stays the same. Therefore, the quantity of food intake should be appropriately reduced, and maintain a varied and fresh, light diet.

3. Doing some exercise every day and cultivating one or two interests to stimulate the brain can help slow down aging. It is recommended that you walk more than 40 minutes a day, preferably while swinging your arms and do some health exercises related to meridian points (such as the “rejuvenation health exercise” that can be found on YouTube).

4. Appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplementation under the guidance of a doctor. After women enter menopause, estrogen decreases, and they are prone to osteoporosis. Therefore, under the guidance of a doctor, supplement the appropriate amount of calcium and vitamin D.

5. Taking some Chinese medicine symptomatically under the guidance of a TCM practitioner has a good effect on helping to alleviate some symptoms of menopause. For example, for emotional problems, you can consider using Chinese medicines such as Xiaoyaoshan, flavored Xiaoyao pills, and Chaihu liver pills. For insomnia, hot flushes and night sweats, you can choose Shengmai San, Zhibai Dihuang Pills, Ganmai Jujube Pills and Tranquility Pills. The selection of Chinese medicine must be carried out under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner.

6. It is also important to have regular self-examinations or professional breast examinations to prevent the development of breast cancer.

女性一般在45 - 55岁之间会进入更年期, 更年期指的是月经即将结束的前、后时期。更年 期在生物学上是自然过程,代表女性生育能力终 止。在更年期前期,雌性激素、黄体素等相对应 的荷尔蒙会开始下降,子宫里的卵巢开始停止产 生性激素。随着排卵停止,月经也会跟着终止。 女性到了更年期,身体雌激素下降,会出现一系 列更年期的症状和衰老的现象,甚至会诱发一些 疾病的产生,因此人们常把更年期称为“多事之 秋”。更年期常见的症状包括脸部发热潮红、盗 汗、胸口闷、呼吸不顺、情绪烦躁或抑郁、皮肤干 燥松弛、骨质疏松、肌肉关节痛、失眠、记忆力减 退、便秘等。

绝经后进入更年期的女性如何保养呢?在 这里仅从中医的角度提几点建议。

一.克服对进入更年期的恐惧和沮丧的心理 是至关重要的。因为更年期最主要、最常见的症 状之一就是情绪问题。要明白更年期是女性人生 必须要经历的生命历程,坦然地面对和接受,重 新调整好心理上的平衡,就能安然度过更年期, 甚至可以开始人生的”第二春“。

二.女性进入更年期后,新陈代谢活动降 低,需要的热量和能量也就相对地减少了。如果 还是和以前一样的饮食,就容易长胖。所以饮食 量要适当地减少,而且要保持清淡一些的食物。 饮食要多样化、要吃得新鲜。 三.每天做一些合适的运动,并培养自己 一、两种兴趣,来刺激大脑兴奋,可以帮助减缓 衰老。推荐大家每天坚持有40分钟以上的时间 来走路、甩手,和做一些有关经络穴位的养生操 (例如在YouTube里可以找到的 “回春医疗保健 操”等)。

四.在医生的指导下适当补充钙和维他命 D。女性进入更年期后,雌激素减少,易产生骨质 疏松症。所以要在医生的指导下,补充适量的钙 和维他命D。

五.在中医师的指导下对症服用一些中药, 对帮助减轻更年期的一些症状,具有较好的效 果。比如,对于情绪问题,可考虑选用逍遥散、加 味逍遥丸、柴胡疏肝丸等中成药。对于失眠、潮 热盗汗问题,可以选用生脉散、知柏地黄丸、甘 麦大枣丸和安神定志丸等等。选用中药一定要在 中医师的指导下进行。

六.经常自检和定期检查乳房,预防乳腺 癌,这也是很重要的。

文 ◎ 傅琼绪医生 | 译 ◎ 卡尔汪

39 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 医疗资讯 MEDICAL INFORMATION
Women generally start menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, it refers to the period before and after menstruation is about to end.
How should women entering menopause care for their health?

Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Teresa TAN 0413 568 682 Cantonese

Annie WONG 0401 042 013 Women

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN

Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人
Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈 Saturday 周六 2:00pm4:00pm Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge
每堂课 $15
会员 $18 for non-members 非会员
Each class
for members
Dance 中华龙狮团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm
Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657 Dragon and Lion
请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆
中华华乐团 Sunday 周日
Aaron LOONG 0434 665 170 Chinese Orchestra
Opera 粤剧社 Wednesday 周三
12:00pm2:00pm Each class
$1 for members
$2 for non-members
Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动 Saturday 周六 11:00am1:30pm
请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆
ZOU 0488 700 572
Chi class 中华太极班 Saturday 周六 9:30am10:30am Choir 中华合唱团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Line Dancing 排排舞 Saturday 周六 11:00am -1:00pm Chung
Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta
Sunday 周日 10:00am -12:00pm (advance) New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞 Sunday 周日 1:30pm3:30pm
Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部 Sunday 周日 3.30pm -7:00pm $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员
148 590
40 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue
Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052
Kemei SHAO 0434
Maya 0425 425 898

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

Chung Wah Services 中华服务


Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Tai Chi Class 太极班 Wednesday (Balcatta)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

周三 (巴卡达)

周四、五 (威乐顿)

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Balcatta Hub

巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub

威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community Care staff for more details

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information.


08 9328 3988

Email 电子邮箱 :

Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人 Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心 Monday to Friday 周一至周五 9:00am6:00pm Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton
此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情
Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动 Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Community Talks 社区讲座 Monthly 每月一次 Monthly 每月 一次 Free 免费 Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务 Appointment Required 提早预约 41 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版


No ongoing costs or fees


James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Members 10% discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Staffs

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public


W: Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth initial legal consultation Discount for all property and business settlement Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: ���9 839 �2� Email: 10% Off (Not for discounted packages, T&C applies) Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店 35� William Street, Perth. 88� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park �% Discount on dine-in only Hong Lin 康年饭店 Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit 3 / 33� Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: 933��2�� | Open � Days | Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:3� AM - 2:3� PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun �:3� PM - 9:3� PM 20% Off Northbridge Chinese Restaurant 26 Roe Street, Northbridge Free tea at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner By European Hotel 9� Murray Street, Perth 10% Discount on food (when you dine in at our restaurant) Honey In the Garden Shop online: Reference Code: MAF 20% Discount for purchases over $���.�� Northbridge 13� James Street, Northbridge 10% Off Chinese Restaurant �3 - �5 Bennett Street, East Perth 10% Off Hongkong Dim Sum Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge �% Off Azurra Migration ���2 639 635 �% Off BUPA work cover insurance Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places $� Discount for transaction of above $1�.�� Imperial Finance, Linda LAI Mob: ��21 888 689 Email: Free ��-�� minutes consultation CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (�8) 6262 3959 | M:��31 5�� ��8 F: (�8) 6323 335� | W: �% discount for all legal fee Chung Wah Member Benefit Programme Benefit 中华会员优惠计划 Chung Wah Member Benefit Programme 中华会员优惠计划 Invitation 盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。 to Join
Security Unit 2 / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6�9� Mob: ��3� �8� 531 Email:
% Off all quotes
Aus World Travel
Lex Legal
T: �8) 9221 6366
For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆 Ph 座机 932� �65� | Mb 手机 0450 160 12� | Em 电邮 Dragon Palace Northbridge 66 Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth Free Chinese Tea for lunch ��% Off for Dinner Free Initial Consultation All Legal Disputes Litigation BMS LAW Lawyers T: (�8) 6389 �2�� E: W: $� off massage with discount coupon Massagr E: W: 10% Off to Chung Wah Members Seoul Delish �8/3� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara 10% Off Normal price Item Amcal Pharmacity A: �1� Hay Street, Perth WA 6��� T: (�8) 9322 6921 E: W: Fb: @amcalpharmacity FREE Ear Wax Removal (Worth $1��) for all pensioners Expert Hearing Care A: Westfield Innaloo, Ellen Sitrling Blvd T: (�8) 92�2 �685 E: W: Fb: @experthearingcare 2�% Off store wide online Member Code: CWMD25 This discount code is valid storewide and can’t be combined with other discount code. COOEE AUSTRALIA 我们殷切的期待您的加入 Please join us ! Online Spend over $6� (exclude postage) to get $�Off Promo code: CHUNGWAH In Store Spend over $�� to get $�Off The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH 6�� Great Northern Highway, Stall #99, Henderson Street, Mom Dumpling House 真東北餃子莊 T: (�8) 9��� 2�88 W: 10% Off for cash payment $5� and above *not to be use with other offer 10% discount Spend over $1�� *not to be use with other offer Linkar City Cellar T: (�8) 9228 22�� W: A: G�2/256 Adelaide Terrace, Perth Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 1295 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 61�� 10% Off HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家 �6 Francis Street, Northbridge 10% Off for cash payment only 10% Off total fee Podiatry Clinic ��81 ��3 522 1/�3 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155 Ingot Hotel Perth 285 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 61�� Reservation: +61 (8) 9259 3888 10% Off Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel
China Girl 一盅两件 68 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6��3 Reservation: ��1� 69� 121 | �% Off total bill Not in conjunction with any other special ʻoffer’ or ʻpromotion’ running at the time Professional Cleaning Service in Perth ��3� �35 ��� Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6�1� 10% Off all quotes for windows and floor cleaning services ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants 8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 616� Free �� minutes complimentary consultation Book online at with promo code: CHAI2� $� discount on restring services $� discount for off peak hour court hire $� discount for peak hour court hire �% discount for merchandise above $5� (except shuttle cock) Perth Badminton Arena 2/3�9 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 61�� Call ��11 52� �1� for booking 我们殷切的期待您的加入 Please join us !



24 小时护理

A place to call home

• 文化活动项目

• 每日亚洲饮食

• 无养老住宿押金

• 坐落于南珀斯核 心地段


Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151



欢迎致电 9367 7559 垂询, 了解更多信息或安排参观。

WA Chinese Guzheng Festival 西澳中国古筝节


Jon Cope

Jet Kye Chong

Gang Liu 刘刚

Liz Tsai 蔡毅静

Muso Music Academy


Xueyan Chen 陈雪艳

Aime Huang 黄孜蕊

Teresa Tan 王慧兰

Day 1


8 October 2023

Sunday 5pm

Folk Music Concert


Hadley Hall, Methodist Ladies' College 356 Stirling Hwy, Claremont

Tickets available at https://www trybooking com/CISJF

Day 2 第二天

15 October 2023

Sunday 4pm

Hundred-Player Grand Ensemble 百人古筝大合奏

St. James Mitchell Park

Cnr Mill Point Rd & Coode St, South Perth

Free to Public

* Weather permitting - Please refer to notice at chungwah org au/event or Facebook posts Media

Support CO-Organisers
Proudly sponsored by
by The 4th
WA Festival of Chinese Music 2023
* The organiser reserves the right, with reasonable cause, to make changes to the event.

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