Chung Wah Magazine Issue #56 - SPRING 2023

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����年 SPRING ISSUE #�� 第��期

Chung Wah Children’s Proposed Dragon Boat Festival Chung Wah Bentley 中华会馆首届儿童 Community Centre

构建中华班特利 新社区中心 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY



WA Chinese Guzheng Festival



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炎黄子孙 CHUNG WAH 共同的大家庭 FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及咨询热线

中文学校 Chinese School

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文化活动 Cultural Events and Activities

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Family 家庭



冰 冷 的 冬 天 终 于完 结,我 们 现在 迎 来了百 花争 艳 的春 天、让 这个 气温 惬 意的季节锦上添花 。虽然 这个世界 对于有花粉敏感症的群体是个难熬的 阶段。 中华 会 馆最 近 透 过 政 府以、华 社 等各方的不懈努力,终于再Bentley区 圈定下了一块 土 地作为南部中华文化 中心的馆址。针对这个好消息,我们采 访了多元文化部部长,托尼·布蒂 先生 为我们分享中华会馆以及政府周旋中 间的所经历的精彩过程。 Cover Photo 封面照片

Bentley Land Transfer Ceremony Photo by Premier’s Office 本特利土地移交仪式 照片由州长办公室提供

本 期杂志将为您带来中华会 馆在 这一 个 季度 的 各 类 文化活 动:端 午儿 童旱 地龙舟竞赛活 动,由中华中文 学 校 主 办 的中秋 文化 晚会,以 及将 在 10 月中盛大举行的2023年中国古筝节日 的前奏报道。 米拉医 生作为我们的常座专栏作 家、继 续 不辞劳苦的为我们的读 者解 析 生活中遇 到的医疗保 健问题。旅 居 美国的林心仁厨娘博主无私的与我们 的读者分享她中式糕点的制作方法。 符琼叙中医师为z了我们读者带来有关 于术后如何透过中医的调理来恢复健 康。作为会员 的 你别忘 了中华 会员优 惠计划的合作商家能提供您各类折扣 优 惠。中华 会 馆针对会员的不同需求 提 供各 类 服 务和活 动供 参 与,希望您 能在我们的活动和服务项目中找到您 中意的活动。 感 谢 您 一直 以 来 对 我 们 支 持,如 有任 何 建 议请 务必告之、让 我们 得以 时俱进。 感谢。

Working full steam ahead The cold weather has finally come to an end, now we welcome the season of blossoms that spoils us with its pleasant temperature. However, it’s difficult for those suffering from severe hay fever. Recently Chung Wah Association was granted a block of land in Bentley for the future Community Centre, South of the River, with the blessing of significant assistance from many parties. In this issue, we have an in-depth interview with Dr. Tony Buti, who shared the process with us. Read more in this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine for more news about cultural events that Chung Wah has been a part of, such as the DuanWu Dragon Boat Festival with the Children Dragon Boat Race, Chung Wah Chinese School Mid Autumn Festival Concert 2023 and the 4th WA Festival of Chinese Music - Guzheng Festival 2023 organised by our Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. Our regular columnist Dr. Mira shares her professional medical knowledge providing some general advice. Echo LIM also shares her home recipe for a famous Chinese delicacy. Dr FU highlights how Traditional Chinese Medicine can aid the post-surgery recovery process. Be sure you do not miss out on the Chung Wah Membership benefits with discounts from our affiliate businesses. The Chung Wah Association has very diverse activities running throughout the year. Please check out the regular activity spread to pick out events that you are interested in. Thank you for your continuous support throughout the years. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for our continuous improvement. Cheers.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编







Dear Members,


We know that the Noongar second spring ‘Kembarang’ has arrived, as we could notice the blooming of the Callistemon Citrinus, better known as the red bottle brush. It’s the time of the year you’ve been trying to keep up with the rapid temperature change within the day. However, it’s the best time to be enjoying outdoor events, such as the Perth Royal Show that has just passed.

我们知道 Noogar 的第二个春天“Kembarang”已经到 来,因为我们可以注意到 Callistemon Citrinus(更广为人知 的名称是红瓶刷)正在开花。一年中的这个时候,您一直在 努力跟上一天中快速的气温变化。然而,现在是享受户外活 动的最佳时机,例如刚刚过去的珀斯皇家表演。

The Bentley land transfer ceremony was held on the 5th August on location, with the handover ceremony officiated by the WA Premier, Hon Roger Cook MLA. Among the guests were Minister Tony Buti, Sam LIM, MLA, Dr Jags Krishnan MLA, Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA, Hannah Beasley MLA, Hon Pierre Yang MLC and Mrs Theresa Kwok, the 2023 Senior Australian of the Year WA. The future centre will be the community hub for cultural activities, community functions, aged care and respite services for people south of the river. Encon Project Management will manage the construction project estimated to be completed by early 2025.

我们于 8 月 5 日在现场举行了土地转让仪式,由西澳州 州长罗杰·库克 (Roger Cook) 议员阁下移交。出席嘉宾包括 托尼·布蒂部长、林清元议员、MLA、Jags Krishnan MLA 博 士、Yaz Mubarakai MLA 先生、Hanna Beasley MLA、Pierre Yang MLC 阁下和 2023 年西澳年度长者 Theresa Kwowk 女 士。未来的中心将成为为河以南地区的人们提供文化活动、 社区功能、老年护理和暂托服务的社区中心。Econ Project Management 将管理预计于2025年初完成的建设项目。

A lot has happened this quarter: There was the children’s Dragon Boat Festival celebration, the Chung Wah Chinese School Mid Autumn Celebration, participation in the Multicultural Framework Review, and a couple of visits from external guests.

The Mulan Dance Troupe celebrated their 20 th Anniversary of their foundation with a Gala Concert at the State Theatre of WA on 5 August. The Chung Wah Dance group and Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra were honoured to be part of the stage performers. It was a feast of art expression through songs, music and dances, telling the stories of overseas Chinese and the five millennia of history of Chinese Culture.

The Hunan Cultural and Commerce Association visited Chung Wah Association on 29 August. The group, consisting of 20 delegates, had a friendly exchange of knowledge and experience in many aspects, including cultural, heritage, trades and tourism. We are honoured to be regarded as the peak body of the Chinese community in Western Australia, and we are glad to be forming the bridge between the two cities. Our Executive Committee member Le Chun ZHANG, attended the Multicultural Framework Review on behalf of the Chung Wah Association, which aims to make multicultural Australia stronger. Our input would apply a strengths-based lens to consider institutional arrangements and legislative and policy settings at the Commonwealth level. It also helps to clarify the principles of multiculturalism, ensuring they are relevant, responsive and adaptable over time.

Hale School visited the Chung Wah Association on the 14 September. We are glad to take this opportunity to share with the younger generation our proud history and aspiration for the future as a multicultural society. Particular mention of our Honorary History Group Coordinator, the narrator of their field trip. Students benefited a lot from her passionate stories.

I look forward to meeting you at the Annual General Meeting this year on Saturday, 11 November, from 2pm. As a member of the Chinese community, you must understand the work done, and the planning of the leadership team that you vote for the association’s future.

I sincerely wish you good health and safety and a blissful quarter ahead. Thank you.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

这个季度发生了很多事情:我们和孩子们一起庆祝端 午节,中华中文学 校中秋 庆祝活动,参与多元文化 框架审 查,以及几次外部客人的来访。

木兰舞团于8月5日在西澳州立剧院举办盛大音乐会, 庆祝成立 20 周年。中华舞蹈团及中华国乐团很荣幸成为 舞台表演者。这是一场以歌、乐、舞的艺术表现盛宴,讲述 海外华人用自己的方式讲述中华文化五千年辉煌历史的故 事。 8月29日,湖南省经贸代表团拜访中华会馆。代表团由 20名代表组成,在文化、遗产、贸易和旅游等多个方面进行 了友好的知识和经验交流。我们很荣幸被视为西澳大利亚 华人社区的顶尖团体,我们很高兴成为两座城市之间的桥 梁。 我们的执行委员张乐春代表中华会馆参加多元文化框 架检讨,旨在帮助我们让多元文化的澳大利亚变得更加强 大。我们的意见将采用基于优势的视角来考虑英联邦层面 的制度安排以及立法和政策设置。它还有助于阐明 多元文化主义的原则,确保它们随着时间的推 移具有相关性、响应性和适应性。 黑尔学校于9月14日文化宣传日期 间拜访了中华会馆。我们很高兴借此 机会与年轻一代分享我们作为一个 多元文化社会的自豪历史和对未来 的渴望。特别值得一提的是我们的 荣誉历史小组协调员,他们实地考察 的解说员。学生们从她充满激情的故 事中受益匪浅。 我期待在11月11日星期六下午2点举 行的今年年度会员大会上与您再见。作为华 人社区的一员,你必须了解所做的工作,以及你为 协会的未来投票的领导团队的规划。 我衷心祝愿您身体健康、平安喜乐。 谢谢。



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CRICOS Provider Code: 00125J TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12163 (Australian University) 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版




中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah


编者寄语 Editorial


专题报道 Feature Article




会长感言 President’s Message

中华本特利新社区中心 Proposed Chung Wah Bentley Community Centre


中华消息 Chung Wah News


中华会馆首届 “儿童旱地龙舟赛”完美举行


2023年第四届西澳中国音乐节 西澳中国古筝节

The inaugural Chung Wah Children Dragon Boat Racing on Land was held successfully

多元文化框架评估 Multicultural Framework Review 多样文化意识日 Cultural Awareness Day

家爱 Family

为社区播种中华文化 Cultural Ambassadors in the Community

Subiaco儿童游戏班满怀中秋韵 Subiaco Playgroup Mid-Autumn Festival


盈盈小筑 A Taste of Memories


校园天地 The School Yard


寻医问药 Ask the GP

天鹅情·中国梦 Passion of Swan Chinese Dream 湖南文化商会参访中华会馆 Visit from Hunan Cultural & Commerce Association 麻将规则 The Rules of Mahjong

中华会馆首届 “儿童旱地龙舟赛”完美举行 Chung Wah Children’s Dragon Boat Festival

中华龙狮团参与年度Telethon活动 Chung Wah Dragon on Telethon 2023 美国妇女俱乐部访问中华会馆 The American Women Club Visit Chung Wah Hall


中华会馆电台广播 Chung Wah Radio

我们的社区 Community

社区消息 Community Interest

2023年第四届西澳中国音乐节 西澳中国古筝节 The 4th Western Australia Chinese Music Festival in 2023 Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival

南瓜咸味龟粿 Pumpkin Salted Angku Kueh

中华乐思中文学校活动集锦 Highlights from Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

医疗资讯 Medical Information

乳腺癌筛查 一份可能挽救您生命的邀请 Breast screening

手术后的中医调理 Post-operation Conditioning via Chinese Medicine

《交织》 朱敏导演舞蹈剧场 Intertwine – Dance Theatre directed by Min Zhu



Proposed Chung Wah Bentley Community Centre

松柏长青 Community Care


The 4th Western Australia Chinese Music Festival in 2023 & Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive

40 42

长期活动 Regular Activities

中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

2023年度培训与发展活动 Chung Wah CC’s 2023 Training and Development Retreat


The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463 中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148


Chung Wah Community Care

版 权 发行


Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries



Editorial team

Chief Editor


Jeffrey CHA


Visual Designer

执行编辑 卡尔 汪



Executive Editor

Administration Tracy LIM



Lingkun FANG



Haiying XIANG


Helene FUNG


Charlotte YEAP


Rachel NG


Lynn LIN


Dr Mira WANG



Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Rosetine SEW







(08) 9228 3990


Rachel NG


(08) 9328 3988

传真 Facsimile

Carl ONG



电话 Telephone

SinJin LIM Julia FU

Chung Wah Chinese Radio

Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点


CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华太极组 CW Taichi Group

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898


中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306 中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306 中华杰尔中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-West 134 George Road, Beresford WA 6530

联系人 Contact Details 詹乔安 Joanne CHAN





All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明: 《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自中华会馆。因为 题材来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登 载。对题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



多元文化框架评估 中华会馆很荣幸参与多元文化框架 评 估,以帮助确保澳大利亚 继续 成为一 个充满活力、热情和包容的地方,以便有 正确的政策和安排来支持和增强我们的 多元文化社区的能力。 自 1909 年以来, 中华总会一直是华人社区的代言人。

Multicultural Framework Review 6

Chung Wah Association is proud to participate in the Multicultural Framework Review, to help ensure Australia continues to be a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive place, so that there are the right policies and arrangements to support and empower our multicultural communities. Chung Wah continues to be the voice for the Chinese Community as it has done since 1909. To help ensure Australia continues to be a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive place, the Government is implementing a Multicultural Framework Review so that we have the right policies

and arrangements to support and empower our multicultural communities. We want Australians of all backgrounds and experiences to tell us: what is working well, what could be better, and what is important to you. Make a submission, in English or in your preferred language. You can do it in writing, or by audio or video recording. Visit the link below to participate in the review: about-us/our-portfolios/multiculturalframework-review

为了帮助 确 保 澳 大 利 亚 继续 成为一 个充满 活 力、热 情 和包 容的地 方,政 府 正 在 实 施 多元 文化 框 架审 查,以便我们有正 确的政策和安排 来支持和增强我 们 的 多元 文化 社 区的权能。 我们希望各种背 景和经验的澳大利亚人告 诉我们:什么是有效的,什么可以 做得更好,什么对你来说很重要。用英语 或您喜欢的语言提交。您可以 通过书面 形式、录音或录像的方式进行。 参 考 一下 网 页 以 参 与 这 项 评 估: h t t p s : // w w w. h o m ea f f a i r s . g o v. a u / about-us/our-portfolios/multiculturalf ramework-review/ information-inyour-language/chinese-simplified

多样文化意识日 感谢 “Trinity 三一住宿学院” 邀请我 们参加此次活 动。我们很荣幸能与学生 们分享中国文化和舞蹈。 丝带、手 帕 是 中国 舞 蹈中常见 的 道 具。它们经常与欢快的音乐一起使用,以 展示幸福和积极的氛围。 中华舞蹈团成立于1980年,其宗旨是 在中华会馆内以及在多元文化的澳大利 亚推广和保存中华文化。

Cultural Awareness Day Thank you Trinity Residential College for inviting us to participate in your multicultural event. It’s our honour to share Chinese culture and dance with the students. Ribbons and handkerchiefs are common props in Chinese dance. They’re often used with upbeat music to showcase happiness and positive vibes. Chung Wah Dance was formed in 1980 with the objective of promoting and preserving Chinese culture not only within the Chung Wah Association but also in multicultural Australia. For more info regarding classes, functions or performances, please contact Jen Nie @ 9328 8657 or Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

有关课程 或 表 演的 安 排,请 联 系 娟 妮:9328 8657 或 chungwah@chungwah.


Cultural Ambassador in the Community During the Dragon Boat Festival season, Stockland Harrisdale invited Chung Wah Association to assist them with their ‘Around the World’ event, for children to have cultural experiences from a different part of the world. Chung Wah Association’s cultural ambassador’s Jen Nie Chong and Rosetine hosted a Dragon Boat craft workshop. There was also Chinese themed face painting for the children. We received an overwhelming response from the parents and children, and it was indeed a fun day for creativity and cultural experience. The Chung Wah Association are Cultural Ambassadors in the Community. If you would like assistance for similar events, please contact us for more details.

中华会馆作为社区中华文化 传播的代表,如果您有兴趣 此类活动,请联系我们。

(08) 9328 8657 |

为社区播种中华文化 恰逢端午节期间,Stockland Harridsale 商场邀请中华会馆参与其‘环游世界’的系列 活动,让孩子们沉浸式感受来自异域的文 化。中华会馆的文化传播员协同志愿者为 孩子们带来了华人式样的面部彩绘、更设 计了跟端午节赛龙舟相关的手工作业。中 华会馆的用心得到了家长孩子们的踊跃支 持,更让他们透过有趣的活动发挥创造力 并感受了中华文化的博大精深。


Subiaco儿童游戏班 满怀中秋韵

Subiaco Playgroup Mid-Autumn Festival

一项富有传承意义的中秋文化主题活 动在Subico儿童游戏班成功举行。 9月3日 的星期天,Subiaco儿童游戏班里充满了中 秋佳节的的传奇故事和美妙歌韵。孩子们 使用橡皮泥来学习如何制作月饼,玩起了 中秋特有的游戏,当然也少不了亲口尝尝 月饼的美味。突然到访的玉兔确实为当天 活动的高潮。这是一个充满了欢乐、文化传 承,以及美好亲子活动回忆的一天。

The Subiaco Playgroup successfully held a Mid-Autumn Festival-themed workshop on 3rd September. It was a day filled with enchanting Mid-Autumn Festival stories and beautiful melodies of Chinese folk songs. The children had a great time making playdough mooncakes, experiencing exciting traditional games and of course tasting the ‘real’ mooncakes. The surprise visit from the Jade Rabbits was a highlight of the day. It was a day filled with joy, cultural enrichment and beautiful memories.




Passion of Swan Chinese Dream


The ‘Passion of Swan Chinese Dream’ gala concert was successfully held at the State Theatre on 5th August, in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Mulan Dance Troupe in Perth. The concert united artists, dancers, musicians, and vocalists in a feast of stage performances that spoiled the Perth audience. The Chung Wah Dance Grooup and Chung Wah Chinese orchestra were invited to be a part of the nights program.

天鹅情·中国梦 文化盛宴在 8月5日于西澳州剧场隆重举行。 此次活动是为了庆祝木兰表演艺 术舞蹈团庆祝成立二十周年而办。 活动集结了珀斯的文化表演界的大 腕们、为珀斯的爱好者们狠狠的宠了一 波。中华舞蹈团、和中华华乐团有幸被邀请共襄 盛举,给大家带来高水平的表演。

Visit from Hunan Cultural & Commerce Association The Hunan Cultural and Commerce Association paid a visit to the Chung Wah Association Hall in Northbridge during their trip to Perth on 29 August 2023. The 20 person strong group led by Deputy Department Head, Mr. Nin GUO were welcomed by Ting CHEN, president of Chung Wah Association, together with Honorary Secretary, Ms Jen Nie CHONG, and Honorary Historical Advisor, Ms Kaylene POON. Through the knowledge and experience exchange, there was a sharing of understanding in cultural, social, community, and even trade and tourism. The visit concluded with an exchange of mementos: Chung Wah 100 and 110 Anniversary souvenir publications, Chung Wah badges and a group photo session to mark the occasion. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

湖南省经贸代表团 参访中华会馆 湖南文化与商会在珀斯行的百忙中专 程于2023年8月29日登门拜访了中华会馆。会 长陈挺、秘书长张娟妮和历史组主任邝彩玲 代表欢迎了这个由省商务厅郭宁副厅长带领 的二十人团队。双方进行了关于文化、社会、 商业,以及旅游方面的经验与心得交流。整 个会面过程全面且积极、我方代表赠予中华 会馆百年特刊和百十周年纪念版刊物作为留 念,随后进行全体大合照后画上完美句点。


The Rules of Mahjong ‘The Rules of Mahjong’ is a deeply personal short documentary from filmmaker Melle Branson that tracks her own Chinese heritage as a way of exploring the contributions of Chinese migrants to the economic development of Northbridge, and to Western Australia more broadly. This is a celebration of persistence, industry, and determination in the face of adversity – all aspects of the Chinese diasporic experience that are touched upon in Branson’s film. Through a game of Mahjong, the story of Asian history in Western Australia is passed down through generations. In between two cultural worlds, a new wave of young creatives are breaking out of stereotypes and navigating their own path as Asian-Australians. But they must first understand the past in order to define their future. Our honorary Historical Advisor, Kaylene Poon features in the film, which was partly filmed at the heritage listed Chung Wah Association Hall in Northbridge. Reference 索引: • • wa-reflections-rules-mahjong ougDvbbF5mw?si=LjxrZ930iuYT0zg

麻将规则 通过一场麻将,西澳的亚洲历史故事代代相传。在两个 文化世界之间,新一波的年轻创意人士正在打破陈规定型 观念,以亚裔澳大利亚人的身份探索自己的道路。但他们 必须首先了解过去才能定义未来。欢迎你前来与电影制 作人和专家小组一起放映电影并讨论中国移民在西澳 大利亚的经历。 《麻将规则》是电影制片人梅勒·布兰森 (Melle Branson) 制作的一部极具个人特色的短片,朔 源她自己的中国血统,以此探索中国移民对北桥乃 至西澳经济发展的贡献。这是对面对逆境时的坚 持、勤奋和决心的颂扬——布兰森的电影触及 了华人侨民经历的各个方面。





文◎Sophie WONG w王丽 | 译 ◎Carl ONG卡尔

中华会馆首届 “儿童旱地龙舟赛”完美举行 2023年7月15日下午,中华会馆首届 ”儿童旱地龙舟赛” 在中华会馆巴卡塔文 化中心隆重举行。

活动参与者有两百多人,来自于不同 族裔,充分 体现了西澳 社区的多元 族裔 特色。 中华 会 馆会 长 陈 挺 博士,荣 誉 行 政 顾问陈清灵女士代表中华会馆出席了此 次活动。 此次活动有36名参赛小选手组成的 6支队伍和2名小鼓手。

活 动 开始,陈 挺 会 长 代 表中华 会 馆 对大家的踊跃参 与表示欢 迎,并简单介 绍了活动的目的和益处。

比赛分为两个环节,纸质龙舟组装比 赛和赛龙舟比赛,每组由6名小选手组成

的6支队伍 发 挥他们的智慧 和动 手能 发挥力,首先完成了第一 轮纸质龙舟组装比赛,3支队 伍 以 最 快 组装 速 度 取 胜 。 随 后进入 第二轮赛龙舟比 赛,小选 手 高 喊自己 队伍 的口号,彼此鼓励,在比赛 中齐心协力,同舟共济,在 龙舟 保 持完好 无损的状态 下,三队选手以全部队员先 到终点胜出。

随 后进入 颁奖环节,陈挺会 长代表活动组委会给各获奖队伍选 手颁发了伴手礼立体龙舟拼图,参赛证书 和奖品,荣誉 行政 顾问陈清灵女士也给 其余参赛选手颁发了伴手礼立体龙舟拼 图,参赛证书和纪念品。

最后是中 华会馆为所 有 参 与人 员 准备了丰盛的 茶点和粽子,再 一次让 大家体会 到中华端午节的饮 食文化。

孩子们在此次活动中受益 匪浅,能 够在比赛中学习体会 到团队合 作协调的重要性,而这也是中华龙舟文化 的精髓所在。 特 别感谢OMI西澳 洲多元 文化部对 此次活动的赞助。

感谢中华会馆志愿者刘发斌, 刘玉 刚, 刘瑷菱,洪嘉伶,黄祖严和家长志愿 者对活动的辛勤工作。 感谢主持人周昱,摄影师黄诗敏和杨 英 英,感谢 媒体珀斯邮报和周丹的的支 持、

感谢中华会馆办公室人员张娟妮, 丘 柔湘,林菊儿, 和王丽的活动准备,协调, 后勤。 保障等工作,保证了这次活动的圆满 举行。 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue



Chung Wah Children’s Dragon Boat Festival The first ever Children Dragon Boat Racing on land was held successfully at the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre on Saturday 15th July 2023. Over 200 participants attended the event, coming from different culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds that truly represent the cultural diversity of Western Australian society. The President of the Chung Wah Association, Mr. Ting CHEN, and the Honorary Administrator, Ms Doreen CHIN were among the guests of honour attending the event. The thirty six participants were grouped into six groups, which included two drummers. In his welcoming speech, President Ting CHEN briefly introduced the origin of the dragon boat races and the cultural significance of the day’s events. He also thanked the attendees for coming to this meaningful event. The race was in two parts: the paper boat assembling competition and the dragon boat race. Using their creativity and craft skills, the children assembled the paper dragon boat in the first round of competition. Three groups were the fastest in the assembling competition and won the first round. The competition moved on to the dragon boat race. The dragon boaters worked in unison, as fast as they could, being

careful not to damage their dragon boats, to reach the finish line. In the end, there were three winners.

Tracy LIM, and Sophie WANG for the preparation, coordination, support, safety and security for the days event.

Ting CHEN presented the prizes of 3D dragon boat puzzles, certificate of participation and token gifts to the winning group. Ms Doreen CHIN was also one of the presenters of gifts and certificates to the rest of the participants. Attendees shared Duan WU rice dumplings and other specialty treats. The children learnt the value of teamwork in participating in the Dragon Boat race. We are grateful for the sponsorship from the Office of Multicultural Interests for this cultural event. We would like to thank our volunteers: Fabin LIU, Yugang LIU, Ailin LIU, Jialin ANG, Zhuyan WONG, and parents who helped to prepare for the event. We would also like to thank Emcee Li ZHOU, photographers Rachel NG and Yinyin YANG, and friends from the media such as Zhou DAN from Perth POST. Finally, Chung Wah Administrative Office personnel Jen Nie CHONG, Rosetine SEW, 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版



文/译/图◎冯恺盈 Helene FUNG

Chung Wah Radio

中华会馆电台广播 C

hung Wah Association started a weekly one-hour Cantonese radio program every Saturday on multicultural 6EBA FM95.3MHz since the 1970s. However, the program will cease operation at the end of October 2023. There’s been many changes over the years: changing of the guards of the association’s leadership, volunteer broadcasters joining and leaving, and the restructuring of the broadcasting group. Fortunately, the group still exists, and the program is still popular. We’ve interacted with listeners through day trips and phone-in games, and we are grateful for the participation, support and encouragement from our long-term fans.

Helene Fung joined the broadcasting group in 1994, and literally grew up with this program: starting in senior high school and kept at it through university, then graduating and starting work. Apart from the several years during her expat stint, she continued broadcasting till now, so of course she will miss it. But looking back, she feels more gratitude than sadness - she learnt so much on public speaking and event hosting/ timing control skills through the program. From the experience, she even got to be an emergency announcer on ABC radio for four summers, and has become an MC for many major Chinese community events. Her most memorable experience was during COVID, because of the frequent changes of restrictions, official Chinese translations of the relevant information hadn’t been updated, so she more or less had to translate the relevant information herself every week to announce it to the Chinese community. Beata Fung joined the broadcasting group in 1998, and volunteered for 14 years until her retirement. She feels very proud Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

and grateful of the experience – learning broadcasting skills from broadcasting training, test, and every live broadcast; she also broadened her knowledge base researching for the program, and got to know new friends from a variety of backgrounds through interviews and working with other volunteer broadcasters. From doing the radio program solo and doing outside broadcasts she’s learnt timing control, organisation skills and going with the flow in dynamic situations. Her most memorable moment was falling on the stairs at home one New Year’s Eve, but yet completed the 1st January program the next day by herself despite the pain from her injuries. Nothing is forever, so as the program’s operation comes to a close, we would like to say a final goodbye. Thank you to all of the selfless fellow volunteer broadcasters who’ve contributed to the program over the years, and also our long-term listeners and supporters. We wish you all well!

华会馆在西澳多元文化广播电台 6EBA FM95.3MHz每周六一小 时的粤语广播,自七十年代开始风雨不 改;但直到2023年十月底将会停止运 作。这些年间经历了不少变化:会长和 团队的改朝换代,义工广播员的加入和 退出,电台的改组。庆幸广播组仍然存 在,节目仍然受欢迎,和听众互动的活 动包括大旅遊,电话遊戏等得到参与和 支持,尤其是老友记铁粉丝长期的支持 和鼓励。 冯 恺 盈 从 1 9 9 4 年 就已 经 开始 加 入 广 播 组。这节目名副其实跟她一同成长 – 她由高 中开始到大学,再到毕业后出来社会工 作,除了在海外工作旅居间断了几 年,一直谨守咪高峰前的岗位至 今;当然会 舍不 得。不过回顾 起来,更多的是感恩。因为做 这个电台节目,培养了她的演 讲 技 巧、主 持节目的 控 场能 力;还因为相关的经验,可以 加入澳洲广播公司 (ABC) 电台 做紧急报告员,做了4个夏季的 山火状况广播;现在亦成为了不 少华人社区大型活动的司仪。最难 忘的是COVID疫情期间,因为管制更改 频繁,而有关资讯的官方中译版还未更新,差 不多每周都需要自己翻译最新资讯在电台向华 人社区公布。 李灿薇自从1998年加入广播组,直到退 休共有14年,感觉十分自豪和感恩。从培训, 考试,每次直播中学到播音的知识和技巧。从 搜集资料中丰富了自己的知识,从访问中认识 了多方面的朋友和亊物,从义工伙伴中认识了 很多前辈和后辈。从单独主播,户外广播中更 学到时间掌控,组织能力,临时执生技巧。个人 最难忘经历是某年大除夕意外地在家楼梯跌 倒颠簸滑落十多级台阶,翌日负伤,无比痛楚, 坐立不易的情况下完成了當年一月一日的单独 主播。

世上没有永恒的亊物,有开始也有终结。 懷着不捨的心情說再見。 多谢各位曾经携手努力的,无私奉献的广 播义工伙伴们,和长期支持收听的铁粉丝和老 友记们,祝愿你们身体健康!生活愉快!





Chung Wah Dragon on Telethon 2023 The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance troupe took part in Telethon 2023, showcasing the culturally rich dragon dance performance to the thousands of attendees on 22 October. Telethon raises funds to support the health and wellbeing of sick, vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

中华龙狮团参与年度 Telethon活动 中华龙狮团参加2023年Telethon大型慈善募 款活动,于10月22日向数千名观众展示富有文 化底蕴的舞龙表演。 Telethon 筹集资金支持 患病、弱势和弱势儿童的健康和福祉。


The American Women Club Visit Chung Wah Hall The American Women Club, consisting of 18 members, paid a visit to Chung Wah hall on the 10 October 2023. Chung Wah’s Honorary Historian, Kaylene POON presented a brief history of Chung Wah Association’s past and present involvement in the WA community.

美国妇女俱乐部访问中华会馆 由 18 名会员组成美国妇女俱乐部的访问团于2023年 10月10日对中华会 馆进行了社区访问。历史组协调员邝彩玲接见了该访问团,并介绍了中华 会馆过去的历史和现在与西澳社区密切合作的简报。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue



Text◎Rachel NG, Charlotte Yeap | Translate ◎ Haiying XIANG

Proposed Chung Wah Bentley Community Centre The Chung Wah Association is embarking on an ambitious project to build a new community centre, south of the river in Bentley. The multipurpose facility will house vital aged and community care programs and day programs while also acting as a hub for dancing and sport programs and a venue for various community and cultural events. About the new community centre

Located at the corner of Hedley Street and Nyamup Way, the land for the community centre is 7,000 square metres in size and only two kilometers away from Curtin University. It is also five kilometers away from the Kwinana Freeway and Westfield Carousel, making the venue highly accessible. The land is strategically located near Willetton, Canning Vale and other suburbs with large Chinese communities. The space will not only cater to the elderly, but will also feature a spacious communal commercial kitchen, a multi-purpose hall and a range of offices and smaller venues. Additionally, plans are underway to establish a beautiful Chinese garden.

The Chung Wah Association’s vision for this new multipurpose community centre is to further extend the reach of their services, which encompasses aged care, community language programs, bilingual daycare, and a vibrant array of cultural and sporting activities. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Replacing Willetton Community Hub

Chung Wah Community Care has been providing aged care services in Perth, Western Australia for over 35 years. Currently, there are two centres located in Balcatta and Willetton Community Hub to provide care support for seniors and disabled persons both north and south of the river.

The current Willetton Community Hub provides respite care for the locals and hosts many community activities such as guided exercise, informative classes, and workshops on wellbeing topics. However, the lease of the venue is coming to an end. The Hon. Kate Doust, Parliament Member for the South Metropolitan Region, described the building at Willetton as an “aging building” that is no longer the most appropriate place for members of the community. The Chung Wah Association set out to find a new facility in the southern suburbs to replace the old venue.1 Source: community-hubs

Continuing support from the WA Government

After seven months of deliberation with Development WA and various government departments and ministers, a parcel of land at Bentley was identified as suitable to build the new community centre. On 5th August 2023, a land transfer ceremony was held at the Bentley land site with Premier Roger Cook, Hon. Dr Tony Buti, the Hon. Pierre Yang MLA, Dr Jags Krishnan MLA, and Ms Hannah Beazley MLA in attendance. Members of the Chinese community gathered to hear the announcement by the Cook Government to grant land to the Chung Wah Association with $5 million funding to build the new community centre. “The new community centre would better service the current and future needs of the large local Chinese community and other multicultural communities,” announced Premier Roger Cook. “Western Australia’s Chinese communities have made significant contributions to the social,

The land is a part of the newly established Bentley 360 which is a community-driven development land for cultural inclusion, with the City of Canning’s intercultural hub just opened 18 months ago. “Hopefully, this parcel of land will open up other opportunities for the rejuvenation of that area,” said the Hon. Kate Doust.

Ms Beazley commented on Bentley being the perfect choice for the community centre. “Bentley is a dynamic and multicultural suburb, with almost 60 percent of its residents being born outside of Australia. The community centre also sits in the middle of the Bentley 360 project which is in synergy with the project’s community focus.”

It was Dr Krishnan’s core commitment to delivering the construction fund for the community centre. “This will allow Chung Wah updated facilities to better provide many of the wonderful community services that they offer.” He added, “I’m thrilled to see this milestone reached for what was such an important commitment of mine. I can’t wait to see the finished product in the not-too-distant future!”3

The challenging road to success

The Chung Wah community centre project faced significant challenges. Finding the right land was the biggest hurdle. “Over the last two years, finding an appropriate piece of land in that area to deliver on that commitment was nigh on impossible,” the Hon. Kate Doust MLC said in her Hansard statement on 8th August 2023.4 The Riverton electorate area was initially proposed as the location of the community

centre. Despite the Chung Wah Community Centre Sub-committee’s best efforts and constant seeking of professional assistance from real estate agents, they could not secure a parcel of land large enough to build the centre.

“The main obstacle was finding land south of the river in the metropolitan area that was not too far away from the City of Perth,” said WA Minister for Multicultural Interests Dr. Tony Buti. “Riverton and all that south area is in high demand. There weren’t that many vacant parcels of land that were of a suitable size or a suitable location.” As a result, the search for a suitable location had to be expanded to outside the Riverton electorate area.

To ensure the project’s success, the government also had to consider how the community centre would cater to the needs of the Chinese community. “We had to ensure that we future-proof that centre, to ensure that this is a centre that can grow and adapt to the future needs of the Chinese community and aspirations of the Chung Wah Association,” Minister Buti said. In her statement, Ms Doust emphasised the challenging nature of the project. “I am discovering that it is a very intensive process to get one of these places off the ground,” she said. “I look forward to this building rising out of Bentley 360 and creating more opportunities in the surrounding area. It will be a very attractive venue.”

A vibrant hub for the Chinese community

Stephen Cass from Encon Project Management has been appointed by The Chung Wah Community Centre Subcommittee to oversee the development of the new community centre and ensure a smooth and efficient construction process. Construction work will begin in early 2024, with architect Marc Karol from T&Z Architects and various consultants working to bring the community centre to life. “Even though a significant amount of money has been spent on this project, it is worth it because we are investing in the heart and soul of our community. It is due to the high standing that the Association has in


cultural, and economic development of this State,” he added. Premier Cook also highlighted that the funding and land allocation deliver on the election commitment to support culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Western Australia.2

the community that it was entrusted this land.” said Chung Wah Association Honorary Secretary Jen Nie Chong.


Minister Buti reiterated the importance of the community centre in strengthening multiculturalism in Western Australia. “It was important that we fund a centre and allocate land for that centre, which fulfills our commitment to culturally linguistically diverse communities, and in this particular instance, the Chinese communities in Western Australia,” he said. “This venue will be used for the delivery of services to the wider community, and will be a very vibrant centre that will serve future generations of Chinese communities in Western Australia.” President of the Chung Wah Association, Chen Ting also expressed his excitement and hope for the project. “It’s been challenging to find a location, but having our very own space will be very beneficial for our community’s growth and wellbeing,” he said. “I believe this centre will be a vibrant hub of togetherness that brings together both young and senior members of our community. It will be something that we can all be proud of.” The new community centre is projected to be completed by Chinese New Year in 2025. For more details about the new community centre’s development, visit chung-wah-bentley-centre-project-eng/


1. “New multipurpose community center to be built in Bentley,” ed., 2023.

2. “EXPERIENCE LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITY HUB.” (accessed 19 September, 2023). 3. D. J. MLA, ed, 2023.

4. Legislative Council. (2023). Bentley 360 Chung Wah Association


CHUNG WAH FOCUS 本期聚焦 文◎黄诗敏, 叶文仪 | 译◎项海颖


启建中华 班特利 社区中心 中华会馆正在着 手一项雄心勃勃的 项目——在班特利河 南岸建造一个新的社 区中心。该多功能设施 将用于重要的老年护 理项目和日常活动,它 同时也是语言项目的 活动中心以及各种社

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


社区中心位于赫德利街和尼亚姆普 路的拐角处,占地7000平方米。该中心 距离科廷大学仅2公里,距奎那那高速公 路和 Westfield Carousel购物中心5 公 里,交通十分便利。该地块地理位置优 越,紧邻威乐顿区、坎宁谷区和其他拥有 批华人的社区。 社区中心不仅空间能满足老年人的 需求,还将配备一个宽敞的公共商业厨 房、一个多功能厅以及很多办公用房和 一些较小的场地。此外,在附近建立一 个美丽的中式花园也在筹备中。

中华会馆希望这个新的多功能社区 中心能进一步扩大其服务范围,包括老 年护理、社区语言项目、双语日托以及一 系列充满活力的文化和体育活动。


中华会馆社区关怀中心自1909年以 来一直致力于在西澳大利亚州珀斯市的 老年护理服务。目前有设有两个中心,分 别位于在巴尔卡塔区和威乐顿区的社区 中心,为天鹅河南北两岸的老年人和残 疾人士提供护理服务。

目前 的威 勒顿区社区中 心位于威勒 顿 区体 育 俱 乐 部,该社区中心 为当 地 人 提 供了 临 时 照 顾 服 务,并 举办了许多社区活动, 比如指导锻炼、信息课程 和健康主题研讨会。然而,场地 的租约即将到期。这座建筑也被尊敬的 南部都市区议会议员凯特·杜斯特(Kate Doust)阁下判定为“老化建筑”,这就意 味着该 建 筑不再适合社区 成员继 续使 用。于是,中华会馆着手在南郊寻找新 场地以取代旧场地。 来源: community-hubs


与西澳发展局以及各政府部门和部 长经过长达七个月的商议后,班特利区 的一 个地 块被确定 用于建 造新的社区 中心。2023年8月5日,土地转让仪式在 班特利区举行,总理罗杰·库克(Roger Cook)阁下,托尼·布蒂(Tony Buti)博 士,立法会议员杨帅先生、贾格斯·克里

总理罗杰·库克宣布:“新的社区中心 将更好地满足当地大型华人社区和其他多 元文化社区当前和未来的需求。”他补充 道:“西澳大利亚州的华人社区为该州的 社会、文化和经济发展做出了重大贡献。” 库克总理还强调,资金和土地的分配 兑现了当初选举时对支持西澳文 化和语言多元化社区的承诺。 该地 块 是新确立的城 市填充项目Bentley 360的 一部分,这是一个社区驱 动的文化包容性开发地 块,坎宁区的跨文化中心 于 18 个月前刚刚开业。 凯特·杜斯特阁下表示,“ 希望这块土地能为该地区 的复兴带来其他机会。”

比兹利女士认为 班特利区是社区中 心的完美选择。“ 班特利区是一 个充满活力和 多元文化的区, 近60%的居民出 生在澳大利亚境 外。该社区中心位 于Bentley 360 项目 的中间,与该项目的社区 重点相辅相成。” 为社区中心提供建设资金是克里希南 博士的核心承诺。“这将允许中华会馆更 新设施,从而更好地提供许多高质量的社 区服务。”他还补充道:“我很高兴看到这 一里程碑的实现,这是我如此重要的一个 承诺。我迫不及待地想在不久的将来看到 成品!”


中华会 馆社区中心 项目面临重 大挑 战。找到合适的土地是最大的障碍。“在过 去的两年里,在该地区找到一块合适的土 地来兑现这一承诺几乎是不可能的,”立 法会议员凯特·杜斯特阁下在2023年8月8 日的国会议事录声明中提道。

都市区河 南岸寻 找 距离 珀 斯市不太远的土地。” “里 弗顿和整 个南部 地区的 土地需求量很 大。没有 很多大小合适或位置合 适的空置土地。”因此, 寻找合适地点的工作不 得不扩大到里弗顿选区 以外的地区。


希南(Jags Krishnan)博士以及汉娜·比 兹利(Hannah Beazley)女士出席了会 议。华人社区成员齐聚一堂,聆听库克政 府正式宣布批地于中会会馆并拨款500万 澳元用于建造新社区中心的消息。

为了 确 保 项 目 的 成 功,政府还必须考虑社区 中心如何满足华人社区的 需求。布蒂部长说:“我们必 须确保该中心面向未来,确保 该中心能够发展并满足华人社 区未来的需求和中华会馆 的愿望。”

杜斯特夫人在声明 中强调了该项目的挑战 性 。“我 发现 要让 这 些 地方起步是一个非常密 集的过程,”她说。“我期 待这座建筑能从 Bentley 360 项目中拔地而起,为周 边地区创造 更多的机会。这 将 是一个非常有吸引力的场地。”

活力四射的 华人社区中心

中华会 馆社区中心 小 组委员会已任 命Encon项目管理公司的工程管理人员 Stephen Cass负责监督新社区中心的开 发,并确保施工过程顺利高效。该工程将 于 2024 年初开始施工,相关来自T&Z的建 筑师Marc Karol和工程师们将致力于焕活 这个社区中心。

中华会馆荣誉秘书长张娟妮表示:“ 尽管这个项目花费了大量资金,但这是值 得的,因为我们正投资在我们社区的内心 和灵魂中。基于中华会馆在社区中的崇高 地位,这块土地才被托付给它。” 布蒂部长重申了该社区中心对于加强

19 西澳大利亚多元文化 主义的重要性。“重要 的是,我们资助一个中 心并为该中心分配土地, 这履行了我们对文化语言 多元化社区的承诺,尤其是, 西澳大利亚州的华人社区,”他说。“这 个场馆将用于向更广泛的社区提供服务, 并将成为一 个为西澳华人社区未来几代 人提供服务的充满活力的中心。” 中华会馆会长陈挺对这个项目既兴奋 又期待。“找到一块合适的土地一直是个 挑战,但拥有我们自己的活动场所将对我 们社区的发展和福祉非常有益,”他说。“ 我相信这个中心将成为一个充满活力的 中心,将我们社区的年轻以及年长的成员 们团结在一起。这将是我们所有人都会感 到自豪的事情。” 新的社区中心预计将于2025年农历 新 年 竣工 。有关新社 区中心开发 的更多 详情,请访问:https://www.chungwah.

最初提议将里弗顿选区作为社区中心 的所在地。尽管中华会馆社区中心小组尽 了最大努力,并不断向地产经纪寻求专业 协助,但仍未能找到足够大的土地来建造 该中心。 西澳多元文化利益部部长托尼·布蒂 (Tony Buti)表示:“主要的障碍是在大




新多功能社区中心将 在班特利区建立


西澳州长Roger Cook发表讲话



最西澳文化传媒合伙人兼市场总监Yoga Zhang与西澳州长Roger Cook

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


中华会馆将在南部建立一个多元用途的 活动中心以供长者兼日照服务、并让其能推 动语言、以及各类社区和文化活动。

HON KATE DOUST (South Metropolitan) [9.45 pm]: Tonight I want to acknowledge an announcement that was made by the state government on Saturday afternoon about Bentley 360. For those who do not know it, Bentley 360 is located in the seat of Victoria Park near Manning Road where Brownlie Towers use to be. I have had a long engagement with that area during my time here. I am particularly pleased about the announcement made by Premier Cook and Minister Tony Buti, the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests. They announced that a new multipurpose community centre will be built for the Chung Wah Association here in Western Australia. As a result of an election commitment made in the seat of Riverton in 2021 by Dr Jags Krishnan, an allocation of $5 million was provided to assist Chung Wah with the construction of a community centre in that seat to better enhance the provision of aged-care services. Currently, the Chung Wah Association provides aged-care services in the Willetton Sports Club, which is an ageing building in its own right and is probably not the most appropriate place for members of that part of the community, and so the Chung Wah Association needed to find another facility. Over the last two years, finding an appropriate piece of land in that area to deliver on that commitment was nigh on impossible, and so the hunt began for another parcel of land. Ultimately, this parcel of almost 7 000 square metres of land was found for Bentley 360. The government has transferred the land to Chung Wah and provided $5 million so that the Chung Wah Association can build this multipurpose facility to house Chung Wah’s aged-care programs and day programs and enable it to deliver language programs and build a community hall in the southern suburbs from which it can run a variety of community and cultural events. As members know, this land in Bentley has been pretty much renewed. Hopefully, this parcel of land will open up other opportunities for the rejuvenation of that area. It is also going to be built in very close proximity to the City of Canning’s intercultural hub, which opened about 18 months ago. There is a very nice nexus between those two organisations. I want to congratulate the government on having made this decision and this announcement. The announcement of the land and that allocation of money is coupled with a further election commitment made last year by Sam Lim, the member for Tangney, to grant $1.75 million, which will also go towards the construction of this multipurpose community centre for Chung Wah. The state and federal government in combination need to be acknowledged for supporting what is our oldest cultural community group in Western Australia. It is a very active group that provides a wide range of services to the community. Members for the northern suburbs will be well and truly aware of the services in Balcatta and the aged-care provision facilities in that area. I think about 800 people are looked after through the aged-care programs that are run by the Chung Wah Association’s CEO, Theresa Kwok, who last year was also the recipient of the WA Senior Australian of the Year. The Chung Wah Association is a very hardworking group of people. I want to acknowledge Dr Ting Chen, the current president of Chung Wah, with whom I have been working very closely since 2021 with my colleagues in Riverton and Tangney, Dr Jags Krishnan and Mr Sam Lim, for bringing this project together and getting it to the point of this announcement. I know that all of them are very excited to finally have this out in the open. I want to also acknowledge the hard work of the Chung Wah executive. It has been a very interesting process to work with the community and the Chung Wah Association and to see the engagement of all members of Chung Wah in decision-making at each phase of the process and the respect afforded to each member of the association, with their views taken on board. I am meeting with the Chung Wah reference group and one of the minister’s staff about fortnightly. I am working with the group and the executive to continue the project and make decisions around design and construction, and to make sure that all the needs of the community will be met in the building design. It is a fascinating and really exciting project that will be of benefit to not just the Chinese community in that area in terms of service provision, but also the broader community in the southern corridor. I think it will offer a range of resources and facilities that will be very attractive to the broader community in the South Metropolitan Region. I congratulate and thank the government for the commitment it has made to the Chinese community through the Chung Wah Association with the provision of both the land and funding to build this new, modern facility. The facility will provide appropriate services to the aged community in the Chinese sector and a range of other opportunities for this community. I understand that as well as providing aged care, the facility will have a large communal commercial kitchen, a hall, a range of other offices and smaller venues that will be able to be used. There are plans for a Chinese garden to be built in the area as well, which I hope will be close to the Bentley Community Garden so that there will be a nexus with the broader community there as well. This is an exciting announcement. It is one of many that the government has made. I know that post-2021, the Indian community in the seat of Riverton, through the Indian Society of WA, now has a new community facility. We are starting to see some really positive opportunities in the south metro area for these types of arrangements to grow and celebrate the diversity of our multicultural community in Western Australia. As well as congratulating [1]


Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL — Tuesday, 8 August 2023] p3390b-3391a Hon Kate Doust

议会辩论 (摘录自《议事录》) 第四十一届议会第一次会议 2023 年 立法委员会 星期二 2023 年 8 月 8 日

BENTLEY 360 — 中华会馆


陈述 HON KATE DOUST (South Metropolitan) [9.45 pm]: 今晚我要致谢州政府于周六下午发布的有关 Bentley 360 的公告。对于那些不知道的人,Bentley 360 位于靠近 Manning Road 的 Victoria Park 选区,那里曾是 Brownlie Towers 所在地。 我在该选区任内与该地区有着长期接触和了解。 我对 Cook 州 长和公民与多元文化部长 Tony Bu� 的宣布感到特别高兴。 他们宣布将在西澳大利亚州为中华会馆建造一个新的多功能社区 中心。 Jags Krishnan 博士在 2021 年 Riverton 选区的选举中作出承诺,拨款 500 万澳元协助中华会馆在该选区建设社区中 心,以更好地加强老年护理服务 服务。 目前,中华会馆在 Willeton 体育俱乐部提供老年护理服务,该俱乐部本身就是一座 老化的建筑,可能不是该社区成员最合适的地方,因此中华会馆需要 寻找另一个设施。 在过去的两年里,在该地区找到一 块合适的土地来兑现这一承诺几乎是不可能的,因此开始寻找另一块土地。 最终,这块近 7000 平方米的土地被找到,用于 建造 Bentley 360。政府已将这块土地转让给中华会馆,并提供 500 万澳元,以便中华会馆建造这座多功能设施,以容纳中华 会馆的老年护理服务,并提供日间课程,使其能够提供语言课程,并在南部区域建造一个社区大厅,在那里可以举办各种社 区和文化活动。 正如会员们所知,本特利的这片土地已经焕然一新。 希望这块土地将为该地区的复兴带来其他机会。 它将 建在非常靠近 Canning 市 18 个月前开业的跨文化中心的位置。 这两个组织之间有着非常良好的联系。 我要祝贺政府做出这 一决定并宣布这一消息。 在宣布土地和拨款的同时,Tangney 区国会议员 Sam Lim 在去年的选举中进一步承诺拨款 175 万澳元,这笔资金也将用 于为中华会馆建造这个多功能社区中心。 州政府和联邦政府共同支持西澳大利亚最古老的文化社区团体,这一点需要得到 认可。 这是一个非常活跃的团体,为社区提供广泛的服务。 北部的会员将非常清楚地了解 Balcata 的服务以及该地区的老 年护理设施。 我认为约有 800 人通过中华会馆社区服务中心行政总裁郭郑素雯 运营的老年护理计划得到照顾,她去年还获 得了西澳大利亚年度长者人物奖。 中华会馆是一个非常勤奋的团体。 我要感谢中华会馆现任会长陈挺博士,自 2021 年以 来,我一直与他以及 Riverton 和 Tangney 的同事 Jags Krishnan 博士和 Sam Lim 先生密切合作,共同推动了这个项目并取得了 成功 直至本公告发布。 我知道他们所有人都非常兴奋最终将此事公开。 我还要感谢中华会馆执行理事会的辛勤工作。 与社区和中华会馆合作是一个非常有趣的过程,看到中华会馆的所有成员都参与该过程每个阶段的决策,尊重每个会馆 成员并采纳他们的意见。 我大约每两周与中华咨询小组和部长的一名工作人员会面。 我正在与团队和合作,继续该项目, 并围绕设计和施工做出决策,并确保建筑设计能够满足社区的所有需求。 这是一个令人着迷且兴奋的项目,不仅在提供服 务方面有利于该地区的华人社区,而且也有利于南部走廊更广泛的社区。 我认为它将提供一系列资源和设施,对南部区域 更广泛的社区非常有吸引力。 我祝贺并感谢政府通过中华会馆向华人社区做出的承诺,提供土地和资金来建造这个新的现代化设施。 该设施将为华 人地区的老年社区提供适当的服务,并为该社区提供一系列其他机会。 据我了解,除了提供老年护理服务外,该设施还将 拥有一个活动大厅,以下小型的活动场所,一个公共商业厨房和一系列办公和其他。 该项目还计划建造一个中式花园,我 希望该花园靠近 Bentley 社区花园,以便与那里更广泛的社区建立联系。 这是一个令人兴奋的公告。 这是政府制定的众多举措之一。 我知道 2021 年后,Riverton 的印度社区通过西澳印度协会 现在拥有了一个新的社区设施。 我们开始在南部区域看到一些非常积极的机会,来发展和庆祝西澳大利亚多元文化社区的 多样性。 在向政府表示祝贺的同时,我也感谢陈挺博士作为中华会馆会长在推动这一机遇方面所做出的贡献。 我感谢所有 非常积极和参与的中华会馆理事们的贡献,当然还有咨询小组的成员,他们义务奉献自己的时间并参与。 我发现要让这个 建筑开始破土动工建设将是一个非常密集的过程。 我期待这座建筑从 Bentley 360 中拔地而起,为周边地区创造更多机会。 这将是一个非常有吸引力的场所。 我当然会推动咨询小组和组织机构的工作,希望我们能够在 2025 年农历新年之前完成这 一新设施并准备开业。 众议院于晚上 9.53 休会





文◎中华会馆华乐团 | 图◎周丹 Dan ZHOU | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG


西澳中国古筝节 什么是西澳中国古筝节?


西澳中国古筝节是柏斯音乐界和华人社区一年一度的音乐盛事,活 动的目的是为给广大古筝爱好者一个共同表演的平台,并将传统的古筝 艺术传递给热爱民族音乐的大众。活动提倡和谐共存,不论你是什么背 景和年龄,只要你曾学习过古筝,就可以参加古筝节活动,和古筝爱好 者一起登台演奏。去年共有115人参加,场面异常壮观。

古筝节是柏斯多位古筝老师,几间主流学校和中文学校的古筝班, 以及个别已学习过古筝的演奏员们团结合作的成果。所谓聚沙成塔聚 滴成河,每一位参加者都有不可替代的重要性。


百人大合奏的筹备需要长达九个月的时间。从选曲,备谱,排练到 正式演出,老师们和参加者都一丝不苟,全力以赴地学习和排练,以弹 奏出整齐又动听的旋律。古筝节的顺利筹办离不开赞助商,传媒朋友, 工作人员和义工的大力支持,有他们的背后付出才让古筝节得以顺利举 行。

西澳中国古筝节共有两天,第一天是10月8日的下午5点,地点是 Methodist Ladies’ College Hadley Hall 的民乐音乐会。第二天是10月15 日下午4点,地点是South Perth Sir James Mitchell Park ,活动将以百人 古筝大合奏为主题。

为什么古筝节有两天? 经第一届古筝节的大合奏后,主办方和协办方一致认为古筝节需 要多加一场与众不同的室内音乐会,以更好地展示更多古筝乐曲和其他 的中国乐器。其中更加插了华乐团与本地艺术家合作的中西文化艺术交 流,例如每年合作的Muso Music Academy 小钢琴家和去年 的Salama 马洛亚乐队,这对古筝和民族音乐的发展都有着重大的意义。

为什么叫西澳中国音乐节? 除推广古筝艺术之外,其他中国乐器和音乐也可以在活动中得到推 广,所以西澳中国音乐节这个名字更能代表此次活动的意义,即包容与 和谐。无论你弹奏什么乐器,都可以享受到音乐带来的快乐。 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


今年的古筝节将有什么吸引大家的看点? 今 年 的 主 题 是《 筝.胡 .鼓 》,此 次 民 族 民 乐 音 乐 会 邀 请 了 Music Cafe 的创辨人Jon Cope , 打击乐演奏家 Jet Chong 分别和乐团 合作,也有刘钢老师的古琴,陈雪艳老师的古筝和黄孜蕊老师的箜篌。 在本次的百人古筝大合奏环节,我们还邀请了二胡演奏员们一起参 加表演,希望也可以把二胡艺术介绍给本地社区。

Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival What is the WA Chinese Guzheng Festival?

The Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival is an annual music event held by the Perth music scene and the Chinese community. The purpose of the event is to provide a platform for guzheng enthusiasts to perform together and to pass on the traditional guzheng art to the public who love national music. The event advocates harmonious coexistence. Regardless of your background or age, as long as you have learned guzheng, you can participate in the guzheng festival and perform on stage with guzheng enthusiasts. Last year, a total of 115 people participated, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Where is the Guzheng Festival held?

The Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival has two days. The first day is at 5 pm on October 8th, with a folk music concert at Methodist Ladies’ College Hadley Hall. The next day is October 15th at 4 pm at South Perth Sir James Mitchell Park. The theme of the event will be a 100-person guzheng ensemble.

Why does the Guzheng Festival last for two days?

After the large ensemble of the first Guzheng Festival, the organizers and co-organizers agreed that the Guzheng Festival needs to add a unique chamber concert to better showcase more Guzheng music and other Chinese musical instruments. Among them, the Chinese Orchestra collaborates with local artists for cultural and artistic exchanges between China and the West, such as the Muso Music Academy little pianist who collaborates every year and the Salama Maloya band last year. This is of great significance to the development of guzheng and national music.

Why is it called the Western Australia Chinese Music Festival?

Are there that many people in Perth who can play the guzheng? The Guzheng Festival is the result of the collaborative efforts of many guzheng teachers in Perth, guzheng classes from several mainstream schools and Chinese schools, and individual players who have learned guzheng. As the saying goes, sand forms a tower and drops form a river. Every participant has irreplaceable importance.


The 4th Western Australia Chinese Music Festival in 2023

How to prepare for the Guzheng Festival? Preparation for the 100-piece ensemble takes up to nine months. From music selection, score preparation, rehearsal to formal performance, teachers and participants are meticulous and go all out to study and rehearse in order to play neat and beautiful melodies. The smooth preparation of the Guzheng Festival is inseparable from the strong support of sponsors, friends from the media, staff and volunteers. It is their hard work that makes the Guzheng Festival possible.


What will attract everyone to this year’s Guzheng Festival? This year’s theme is “Zheng. Hu. “Drum”, this national folk music concert invited Music Cafe founder Jon Cope and percussionist Jet Chong to collaborate with the orchestra respectively, as well as teacher Liu Gang’s guqin, teacher Chen Xueyan’s guzheng and teacher Huang Zirui’s konghou. In this 100-person guzheng ensemble, we also invited erhu players to perform together, hoping to introduce the erhu art to the local community.

In addition to promoting the art of guzheng, other Chinese musical instruments and music can also be promoted at the event, so the name of the Western Australia Chinese Music Festival better represents the meaning of this event, which is tolerance and harmony. No matter what instrument you play, you can enjoy the joy of music.


COMMUNITY INTEREST 社区消息 文◎林晨晨 Lynn LIN | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG


2023年西澳中国音乐节暨古筝节之 《筝.胡.鼓》民族音乐会成功举办 10⽉8⽇晚,⻄澳珀斯卫理公会 ⼥⼦学院⾳乐厅⾥旋律⻜扬、掌声 雷动,2023年⻄澳中国⾳乐节暨古 筝节之《筝.胡.⿎》⺠族⾳乐会精彩 上演,为500名观众带来了⼀场精 彩绝伦的⾳乐盛宴。

此 次 ⾳ 乐 会,中 华 会 馆 华 乐 团 携 ⼿ Methodist Ladies College、华星艺术团、孜⾳ 坊⼯作室、⻄澳古筝学院、⻄澳筝艺团、倾情奏 响华乐章。⾳乐会由中华华乐团团⻓王慧兰担 任总策划,联袂古筝演奏家陈雪艳、⻩孜蕊,万 花筒多元⽂化艺术管理总监乔恩·科普,古琴演 奏家刘刚,打击乐演奏家Jet Chong 等共同献 艺。 整场演出在中华华乐团的《战⻢奔腾》中 拉开序幕,热烈奔放,充满激情的⾳乐⼀下就调 动了观众的情绪。接下来的曲⽬包括《江南好》 、《平湖秋⽉》等经典作品,节⽬形式包括⼤乐 队合奏、独奏、汉服⾛秀及乐队、⼆重奏、⼩ 合奏等。其他参与古筝节的学校有 Christ Church Grammar School, Hale School, Kennedy Baptist College, Oberthur Primary School, 中华会馆黎明中⽂学校 和泉韵琴社。赞助单位包括

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

澳华旅游,Black Diamond Drilling Service, Eternity Tile Bath Home, Imperial Finance, IQI WA,KLC Music Busker and Orchid Wine and Beverages. 感谢各位和传媒朋友的⽀持。 从2020年到2023年,⻄澳中国⾳乐节暨 古筝节已经成功举办四届⾳乐会。今年特别加 ⼊⼆胡、中国⿎等中国传统乐器表演曲⽬,为⼴ ⼤⾳乐爱好者奉献⾼雅的艺术盛宴。中华华乐 团⾄今已成⽴近⼆⼗年,不论是⾳乐节还是⾳ 乐会都旨在将美好华乐分享给全世界的⼈们, 让更多⼈认识、了解、享受⺠族⾳乐的魅⼒,接下 来,我们将在10⽉15⽇下午五点在 South Perth Sir James Mitchell Park 为⼤家带来百⼈古筝 ⼤合奏,欢迎各位爱好⺠族⾳乐的伙伴加⼊我 们,共同传扬传统⺠族⾳乐。


The “ZhengHu·Drum” Folk Music Concert of the 2023 WA Festival of Chinese Music


On the evening of October 8th, Hadley Hall at the Perth Methodist College was filled with melody and thunderous applause. The “Zheng.Hu.Gu“ concert was a wonderful performance, bringing a wonderful musical feast to the audience. In the concert, the Chung Wah Association Chinese Orchestra teamed up with Methodist Ladies College, Huaxing Art Troupe, Zimofang Studio, Xiao Guzheng Academy, and Xiao Zheng Art Troupe to play Chinese music. The concert was planned by Teresa TAN, the leader of the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, and featured performances by guzheng players Xueyan CHEN and Zirui WONG, Kaleidoscope Multicultural Arts Management Director Jon Cope, guqin player Liu Gang and percussionist Jet CHONG. The performance started off with the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra’s “Stamping of War”. The repertoire included classical pieces such as “Jiangnan Hao” and “Pinghu Autumn”. The program also included solos, a Hanfu show, duos and small ensembles. Other schools participating in the guzheng festival were Christ Church Grammar School, Hale School, Kennedy Baptist College, Oberthur Primary School, Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming and Quan Yun Qin Club. Sponsors include Aust Travel, Black Diamond Drilling Service, Eternity Tile Bath Home, Imperial Finance, IQI WA, KLC Music Busker and Orchid Wine and Beverages. Thank you to everyone and media friends for your support.

From 2020 to 2023, the Guzheng Festival has held four concerts. This year, traditional Chinese musical instruments such as erhu and Chinese drum have been specially added to the performance, providing an elegant artistic feast for music lovers. The Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra has been established for nearly 20 years. Whether it is a music festival or a concert, it aims to share beautiful Chinese music with people all over the world, so that more people can know, understand and enjoy chinese music.



26 文◎林晨晨 Lynn LIN(中华会馆华乐团提供)| 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

2023年西澳中国音乐节 暨古筝节之百人古筝 大合奏震撼亮相 继2023年西澳中国⾳乐节暨古筝节之《筝.胡.⿎》民族⾳乐会的成功举办后,备受 期待的百⼈古筝⼤合奏也于15⽇下午响彻了詹姆斯·⽶切尔爵⼠公园,美妙的乐⾳ 萦绕在美丽的天鹅河畔。 共计126名古筝 演 奏 者及1 0 名⼆胡 演 奏 者 参 演了本 次 ⼤合奏,百袭红⾐迎 风飘起,带来视觉及 听觉的盛宴,场⾯震 撼⼈⼼。当天中华会馆 元⽼会主席陈振发先生 颁发了奖状给古筝节设计 ⽐赛得主岳杰华。 演出在《男⼉当⾃强》热⾎沸腾 的旋律中展开,饱含了中华⼉⼥的昂扬⽓势与 侠义精神,整场演出共计⼗余⾸曲⽬,包括《 渔⾈唱晚》、《⼀剪梅》、《赛马》、《战台风》 等经典曲⽬,今年还特别邀请打击乐演奏家Jet CHONG和歌唱家倪一鳴加⼊合演,为活动节⽬ 增加了新的亮点。 随着百⼈古筝⼤合奏的成功举办,2023年 西澳中国⾳乐节暨古筝节活动圆满落下帷幕。本 次西澳中国⾳乐节由中华会馆华乐团主办,携⼿ 卫理会女子学院、华星艺术团、孜⾳坊⼯作室、 西澳古筝学院、西澳筝艺团共同举办。 从2020年到2023年,西澳中国⾳乐节暨 古筝节组织形式越来越丰富,参与⼈数逐年递 增,今年共计130余位古筝参演者及⼆胡参演 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

者,每⼀个突破和坚持都离不开珀斯民乐⼈的 付出和努⼒,少不了各位友商、媒体朋友的⼤⼒ ⽀持,再次感谢:澳洲基督教文法学校, 黑尔学 校, 肯尼迪浸信会学院, 澳博思公立小学, 中华 会馆黎明中⽂学校、泉韵琴社、澳华旅游、Black Diamond Drilling Service、 Eternity Tile Bath Home、Imperial Finance、IQI WA、 KLC Music

Busker and Orchid Wine and Beverages。 我们必将秉承初⼼,持续推⼴,让更多的⼈ 享受美好华乐!

Following the successful “Zheng.Hu.Gu” music concert of the 2023 Western Australia Chinese Music Festival and Guzheng Festival, the much-anticipated 100-person Guzheng Ensemble was also heard on the afternoon of the 15th. In Sir James Michelle Park at South Perth, wonderful music lingers by the beautiful Swan River.


The Hundred-Player Grand Ensemble of the 2023 WA Festival of Chinese Music Festival


A total of 126 guzheng players and 10 erhu players participated in this ensemble. Hundreds of red dresses fluttered in the wind, bringing a visual and auditory feast. The scene was amazing. On the same day, Dr. Bob Tan, President of the Chung Wah Association Counsel of Elders, presented a certificate to Eva YUE, the winner of the Guzheng Festival Logo Design Competition. The performance started with the passionate melody of “Men Should Be Strong”, which was filled with the high spirits and chivalry of the Chinese. The performance included more than ten pieces of music, including “The Fishermens Song” and “One Day” and classical

pieces such as “Plum Blossom”, “Horse Racing’’ and “Fighting Typhoon”. This year, percussionist Jet Chong and singer Eric Ni were specially invited to join in the performance, adding a new highlight to the event program. The WA Chinese Music Festival was hosted by the Chung Wah Association Chinese Orchestra and co-organised by Methodist Ladies College, Huaxing Art Troupe, Zifang Studio, WA Guzheng College, and WA Guzheng Performing Arts Troupe. We will continue to organise the Guzheng Festival so that more people can enjoy wonderful Chinese music!



Pumpkin Salted Angku Kueh The Angku kueh mould was given to me by Mim, she bought it when she traveled to Chaoshan, China many years ago. It took me more than ten years after bringing it to the United States to start making this Angku kueh. The reason why I hadn’t made it for a long time is because I always wanted to make only the salty version of this Angku kueh, the type that I used to have as a child. There are many types of popular Angku kueh around in the market with sweet stuffing in it, but my favorite remains the salted-sweet and slightly powdery version of the stuffing type. I had to try adjusting the flavor of the filling and the recipe of the skin several times in small batches before I finally came to this one today. The filling tasted delicious and the kueh skin was soft, and the kueh stayed soft until the next day. I am truly happy with the result !


Ingredients :

The method:

(makes 15 kueh)

1. Wash the mung beans and soak them submerged in water for at least 2-3 hours, drain and steam the mung beans in a steamer for an hour until it breaks when you pinch the bean with your fingers. 2. Crush the steamed mung beans with a rolling pin or a masher while it is still warm. Do not use a blender for this step as we want the mung beans to be slightly dry and powdery in texture. 3. Add sugar, salt, white pepper powder, fried shallot and shallot oil into the mung beans, mix well. I like to use homemade fried shallots and shallot oil, it tastes so much better than the shop bought fried shallots. 4. Take a little of the filling and hold it in your palm. If it can be held into a ball, it means the filling’s texture is just right. If it doesn’t hold, add 2-3 tablespoons of water to the filling and mix well again. 5. Divide the filling into 15 equal portions of 30 grams each. Cover and set aside to prevent the surface from drying out. 6. To make the skin, peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes, steam the pumpkin for 20 minutes until soft. You can also cook the pumpkin with a cover in the microwave for 8-10 minutes. I like to make the dough in my cast iron pan, you can also make it using a non-stick pan. 7. Use a blender to puree the pumpkin, weigh 150 grams of pumpkin puree out, add the puree and 120 grams of hot water into the cooking pan, and heat the mixture over low heat. 8. Add cooking oil and sugar when small bubbles start to form on the sides of the puree, sprinkle the rice flour into the mixture, quickly stir with a spatula until a paste is formed, turn off the stove. 9. Now add the glutinous rice flour and mix with the pumpkin paste with the help of a spatula. You can add around 70-80 grams of cold water little by little as needed. When the dry powder of glutinous rice is not visible anymore, you can wear gloves and knead the dough until smooth. 10. Cover the dough with cling film or a clean damp cloth to prevent it from drying. Divide the dough into 40g portions and set aside. 11. Wash and dry the banana leaves, cut into 15 pieces of 4 x 4 inches square, apply a thin layer of cooking oil over the leaves. 12. Wash and dry the mould, sprinkle the mould with a little tapioca flour/glutinous rice flour, turn it over and tap lightly to discard the excess flour. 13. Take a piece of skin dough and shape it into a bowl shape, put a filling in the middle, gather the edges and slowly squeeze it into a water drop shape, pinch off the excess point at the tip. 14. Roll the dough with filling into an oval shape. Lightly coat one side of the dough with tapioca flour, the floured side facing the mould, place it into the mould. 15. Use the palm of your hand to slowly push the dough to the periphery of the mould. The dough should just fill the mould to the brim. 16. Invert the mould, tap the top of the mould on a piece of banana leaf, one of this tortoise kueh is ready to be steamed! You can use a small brush to gently sweep off the excess tapioca flour. 17. If you don’t have a mould, you can also place the filled dough on the banana leaf and flatten it gently with your palm. 18. After all the dough is filled and shaped, steam the kueh on high for 8 minutes in a steamer.

For filling: • 200g of shelled split mung bean • 1 tbsp of shallot oil • 1/2 tsp of salt • 60g of caster sugar • 2 tbsp of fried shallot • 1/2 tsp white pepper powder • 2-3 tbsp water

For Kueh Skin: • 250g glutinous rice flour • 35g rice flour • 150g pumpkin puree • 120g hot water • 70-80g cold water • 3-4 tbsp cooking oil • 2 tbsp sugar

19. Brush a thin layer of cooked oil over steamed kueh and serve fresh. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring AutumnIssue Issue


Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child. 盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由职业的旅美马来 西亚华裔,透过博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、 着实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭,并以培养宝贝独子为大。

南瓜咸味龟粿 龟粿模子是我妈多年前去潮汕旅游时买的,带来美国都超过十年了才动手做了这款 龟粿。一直没做的原因是因为我一直想还原小时候吃的咸味龟粿的味道。近些年来流 行的甜馅龟粿花样很多,但我的心头好仍然是馅料炒得比较干,入口粉粉的、咸香美 味的这款咸味龟粿。 所以后来我小批量地调整了好几次馅料的口味和皮的配方,这次做的最满意,馅 料味道美味,粿皮软糯Q弹,第二天早上都还是软的,真的非常棒!所以今天特意写下 食谱记录一下。



馅料: • 200 克 绿豆瓣 • 1 大勺 葱头油 • 1/2 小勺 食盐 • 60 克 细砂糖 • 2 大勺 红葱酥 • 1/2 小勺 胡椒粉 • 2-3 大勺 水

粿皮材料: • 250 克 糯米粉 • 35 克 粘米粉 • 150 克 南瓜泥 • 120克 热水


制作方法: 1. 把绿豆瓣洗净泡水2-3个小时,沥干入蒸锅里蒸一个 小时至手指头一捏就碎的程度。 2. 把蒸好的绿豆趁热用擀面杖或捣棒捻碎,之所以不用搅拌 机搅拌是因为想保留古法制作的稍微干爽,粉粉的口感。 3. 加入细砂糖、食盐、胡椒粉、葱酥和葱油拌匀,我喜欢用自 己炸的葱酥和葱油,味道比买来的好太多了。 4. 取一点馅料用手攥着如果能握成球状就表示干湿度刚 好。如果不能,加2-3大勺水拌匀,把馅料分成15个等份, 每份30克。加盖放置一旁,避免表面变干。 5. 开始制作粿皮,我喜欢在我家的铸铁锅里制作粿皮,你也 可以在不粘锅里制作。把南瓜去籽削皮切块蒸软,大约20 分钟,你也可以加盖微波炉里转8-10分钟至熟透变软。 6. 用一个搅拌机把南瓜搅拌成泥,取 150 克 南瓜泥和120克热水倒入 锅里小火加热。 7. 边上开始泛小泡泡时加入油和糖,拌匀后撒入粘米粉,用个铲子快速搅 拌成糊状后熄火。 8. 加入糯米粉慢慢用铲子拌匀,间中可以按需一点一点加入70-80克的凉 水,直至看不见干粉状时,可以戴上手套把面团揉匀,也可以把面团铲出放 到案板上揉匀。揉好的面团软硬适中非常好操作。

• 70-80 克 凉水

9. 制作好的面团记得要用保鲜纸或者干净的湿布盖着,防止干裂。 把面团分成40克 一份,备用。

• 3-4 大勺 食油

10. 把芭蕉叶洗净擦干剪成15张大小适中的正方形,薄薄地抹上一层食油,备用。

• 2 大勺 糖

11. 龟粿模洗净晾干后撒上一点木薯粉/糯米粉,再翻过来轻轻敲打把多余的手粉倒出。 12. 取一个粿皮面团捏成碗装,边上薄一点,把一只馅料放到粿皮上,把粿皮收拢后用虎口慢慢捏 成滴水状,把多余的尖尖掐掉这样可以保持粉皮均匀。 13. 把裹好馅料的粿搓圆后在搓成鸡蛋型,一面沾点手粉,沾粉的那面面向模具,填到模具里。 14. 用手掌慢慢把粉团往摸子周边推开,这个食谱应该是刚好把模具填满的。 15. 把模具反转,在一块芭蕉叶上轻轻敲一下模具顶端,一块完整的龟糕胚子就做好了。可以用小 刷子把胚子上多余的手粉轻轻扫去。 16. 如果没有摸子,就把包好馅料的面团放到芭蕉叶上,用手掌轻轻压扁即可。 17. 把龟粿都制作好后入蒸笼上汽之后蒸8分钟,电蒸笼可以增加到10-12分钟。 18. 蒸好的龟粿可以刷上一层薄薄的熟油(加热冷却的油,去生油味。)稍微冷却即可食用。

Resource 食谱引用: A taste of memories -- Echo’s Kitchen: 【南瓜鹹味龜粿】Pumpkin Salted Angku Kueh ( 中华会馆 中华会馆 《中华之声》 《中华之声》 双语刊Spring版 双语刊春季版

COMMUNITY CARE 松柏长青 文/译◎Chung Wah Community Care 中华社区服务


Chung Wah Community Care’s 2023 Training and Development Retreat


iving into an engaging journey of selfdiscovery, the Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) team embarked on a unique experience during their two-day training and development retreat.

On July 27-28, Chung Wah CC transformed a serene vineyard in the Swan Valley into a bustling hub of inspiration and collaboration, hosting a two-day employee training and development event. This year, the theme was “The ME in WE”. The event gave our staff a respite from a busy daily work schedule to focus on various workshops, delving into individual, departmental and overall interactions within Chung Wah CC from multiple angles.

Under the guidance of a facilitator, staff members were grouped by generation in the first workshop: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z. Each group discussed different aspects such as work attitude, attitude towards technology, upbringing, and consumer preferences, outlining the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of different generations. After identifying unique individual potential, they were grouped based on the various departments in the second workshop. Members of different ages examined similarities and differences, potential conflicts, and harmonious elements. Everyone contemplated seeking common ground while respecting differences, overcoming challenges to achieve the maximum synergy and collectively realising Chung Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Wah CC’s overall objectives. The post-lunch workshop focused on Chung Wah CC’s ‘greater self’, with both seasoned and new staff collaborating to form a vivid picture of Chung Wah CC.

On the second day, Mrs Kwok, the CEO of Chung Wah CC, gave a detailed account of the Chung Wah Association’s history and highlighted Chung Wah’s ‘3H’ spirit: Harmony, Heritage, and Humanity. She then discussed the development of Chung Wah CC and her personal ‘Journey of Care’. The enriching content gave most staff members a refreshing look at familiar information and new employees a deep understanding of Chung Wah’s history in a short period. In the final session, she highlighted new challenges posed by the reform in the aged care industry. Staff members brainstormed in groups on how to face these changes and ensure Chung Wah CC continues to shine. Eagerly contributing ideas, our staff shared many valuable views and suggestions. The two-day training and development event ended on a successful note, with Chung Wah CC’s staff members returning to their posts with renewed confidence, ready to embrace new goals, plans and challenges. Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we’re promoting our theme, “Embrace, Elevate and Flourish”, and build a better community for all.

CWCC is a group under the umbrella of the Chung Wah Association and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds in Western Australia, especially non-English speaking. CWCC delivers community care programs for seniors, their family members and ethnic communities and has helped thousands of people and their families over the course of the past century. We intend to continue improving the community and living standard for all, through our person-centered approach, our dedication to people and our ongoing pursuit of our vision and our values. CWCC is funded by:

• Home Care Package (HCP)

• Commonwealth Home Support Program(CHSP)

• National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Please visit the CWCC website for more information:

华社区服务(中华CC)在7月27-28日在天鹅谷一庄园举行了两天的员工培训与发展活动。今年的主题是:The ME in WE (大我中的我)。这两天工作外的活动让员工们暂时放下日常繁重的工作,专注地参与多个工作坊,从多角 度剖析个人、部门团队和中华CC整体的关系和互动。

在导师的引领下,员工们在第一个工作坊 以 出生年份分组: 婴儿潮一代(Baby Boomers) 、X 世代(Gen X)、Y 世代(Gen Y) 和 Z 世代(Gen Z)。各组的组员以不同的区块,如对工作的态 度、对科技的态度、成长背景、消费取向等等, 去描绘不同世代的属性、强项、弱项和潛能。 在分析个人独特的潛能后,员工们在第二个工 作坊以部门分组。组内不同世代的成员检视互 相的同和异,可能的冲突与和谐的地方。各人 思考如何从中求同存异、克服困难而合力达到 最大的协同效 益,共同实现中华CC的整 体目 标。午餐后的工作坊主要集中在中华CC这「大 我」。员工们分组以自己的认知,以不同的角 度去描绘中华 CC。在新旧员工互相合作 下, 中华CC的样貌立体地显示出来。 在 第二天 的 活 动中,总干事 郭太 详 细 讲

述中华会馆的历史,并指出中华的「3H」精神: Harmony (凝聚融合)、Heritage (文化传承) 和 Humanity (人道关怀)。郭太接着讲述中华CC 的发展历程和她个人的「关爱之路(A Journey of Care)」。丰富的内容让旧员工温故知新,而 新的员工在短时间内深入地了解中华会 馆和 中华CC的历史。在最后的环节,郭太提出中华 CC未来因为长者护理业界改革而带来的新挑 战。员工们分组思考如何应对未来的转变,让 中华CC持续地发光发热。集思广益,员工们踴 跃发言,分享着他们的看法和建议。两天的培 训与发展活动圆满结束。中华CC的员工们信 心满满地回到自己的岗位。各人准备就绪迎接 新的目标、计划和挑战。 中华从1909年开始建基于西澳,拓展亚裔 社区服务,至今已走过110多年的辉煌岁月。中

华 CC 专 注 于 长 者 和 殘 障 人士护 理 服 务,我 们累积超过35年的 专业服务经验。中 华CC将努力不懈 持 续优化长者和 障人士的生活能 和 生 活 质 量 。我 2023 年的主题是 携手同行」。通 过 与政府和社区主流 机构的合作,我们不 断地改善 社区人士的 福 祉,齐 心协力共创更 美 好的社区。


2023 年度培训与发展活动

地 殘 力 们 「


中华社区服务部(CWCC)是中华会馆的一 个重要构成团体。中华社区服务部致力于 改善西澳大利亚不同背景人士的生活质 量,尤其是非英语人士。中华社区服务部 为长者、与其家庭成员、以及其他少数民 族群体提供社区护理计划,并在过去一个世纪中帮助了成千上万的人和他们的 家庭。中华社区服务部秉承以人为本的理念、奉献精神、部会愿景和价值观的不 断追求,继续为所有人的社区和生活水平谋福祉。 中华社区服务部由以下机构资助:

• 家庭护理套餐 (HCP) • 国家残障保险计划 (NDIS) • 联邦家庭支持计划 (CHSP) 请访问中华社区服务部网站了解更多信息:



文◎中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne | 译◎ 卡尔 Carl ONG

中华乐思中文学校活动集锦 学生活动: 第一学段:举行了校内小学部朗读/讲故事比赛,各班级推选出十名同学 参加了校级比赛,并选拔优秀学生参加了西澳州华裔中小学生讲故事比赛。陈 贤熠同学在州级比赛中表现优异,获得年级组第二名。 第二学段:举行了校内1-4年级 “我身边的…”主题海报设计比赛及3-12年级 同主题作文比赛比赛。近百名学生提交作品参加比赛。作品数量多、质量高, 获得了评委的大力赞扬。部分作品被推荐参加了第三学段的西澳州中小学生中 文写作比赛,并获得优异成绩:陈可瑞同学在州级比赛中获得年级组第一名, 张年施和陈嘉汶两位同学获得年级组第二名,黄裔臻同学获得优秀奖。


第三学段:全校同学积极参与中华中文学校中秋节活动,数十名同学提交 作品参与书法及绘画比赛,并在活动中取得优异成绩。书法班同学表现尤其出 色,囊括毛笔书法所有年级组的前三名。我校儿歌班、现代舞班、传统舞班、 一年级及三年级的同学也分别排演了丰富多彩的节目参加中秋晚会的演出。 同 学们的精彩表演赢得了观众的阵阵掌声。

教师活动: 七月假期,我校六位教师放弃难得的休息时间参加了为期两天的华文教师 研习会,参加培训的有社区学校及主流学校中文教师30余名。老师们在两天研 习中参加了包括“华语文课程设计”、“班级经营”、“差异化的语文教学”、“实用 汉字教学理论与应用”及“华语文数位教学及网络资源应用”等实用课程。 我校马烜历校长参加了七月份在达尔文举行的第28届澳大利亚中文教师联 会年会暨第3届亚太汉语教学大会,并应邀以主讲嘉宾身份出席了题为“在中文 教育中建构文化背景的重要性”的专题讨论。本届年会的主题是《中文教育全球 化与中文教育本土化回顾与展望》,来自澳大利亚、中国、纽西兰、英国和新 加坡等国家的专家、教授和教师代表等130余人参加了大会。



Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue



Students Activity: Term-1: The school organised a Chinese Recital / Story Telling Competition, selecting ten representatives from each class to compete at the school level. The winner then competed among all Western Australia’s Chinese Schools. XianYao CHEN from Rossmoyne has excellent results from the inter school competition, winning second place overall. Term 2: We organised the year 1 to 4 poster competition with the theme ‘Beside me...’, and also an essay competition with the same theme for year 3 and 12 students. More than a hundred students entered their work for these competitions. We received an overwhelming response from the students, not only in volume, but also in quality work, which was highly praised by the judging panel. Some of the work was recommended to enter the term 3 WA Chinese Schools inter school writing competition. Kerui CHEN was the overall champion in the state-wide competition,

Nianshi ZHANG and Jiawen CHEN won second place in their year, and Yizhen HUANG received an excellence award. Term 3: The whole school participated in organising the Mid-Autumn Festival event. Dozens of students received excellent results in the art competition. Special mention to the outstanding work of the Calligraphy Class students who won all top three awards. Students of our nursery rhyme class, modern dance and traditional dance classes, year 1 and 2 students, also put forward spectacular performances at the Mid-Autumn Festival Concert and received a standing ovation from the audience.

Teachers Activity: During the July School Holiday period, six teachers from Rossmoyne sacrificed their holidays to participate in a two-day seminars for Chinese Language Teachers. About 30 participants from community and public schools attended this seminar. They learnt

about ‘crafting Chinese lessons’, ‘running Chinese lessons’ and ‘differences in language teaching’, ‘applied Chinese teaching theory’ and ‘Digital teaching and internet resource usage for Chinese lessons’ and many more valuable topics. The principal of Rossmoyne Chinese School, Dr MA, attended the 28th Annual General Meeting of the Chinese Language Teachers in Australia in Darwin and the 3rd Asia Pacific Chinese Teachers Conference. She had the great honour of being a guest panellist of the forum titled ‘The importance of constructing a Chinese Background within Chinese Education’. This year’s conference theme was ‘The Review and Outlook of the Globalisation of Chinese Education, and Localised Chinese Language Teaching’. There were approximately 130 participants consisting of professionals, scholars, educators and teachers from Australia, Chinese, New Zealand, UK and Singapore who attended the conference.






Highights from Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne





Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue





Ask the GP Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.



Is cataractss a genetic disorder that runs in the family? My Grandfather has it and recently my uncle had just been diagnosed with cataracts? Both my parents are fine, does that mean I am too distanced genetically to be inherited with such a disease? Is there any healthy practices that I can do to avoid that? Cataracts can be a hereditary genetic disorder that runs in the family. Therefore, when you have family members with cataracts, it may increase your chance of having cataracts when you are born. However more commonly, people can develop cataracts when they go through normal aging as well as from other medical conditions such as diabetes. If you want to prevent cataracts, you can try to look after your eyes by reducing smoking, reducing sun UV exposure to eyes, minimising contributing medical conditions and protecting your eyes from injury by wearing protective goggles when at risk. If you are concerned about your risk of cataract disease, it is important you go and see your general practice doctor to be referred on to an eye specialist to have a full assessment and diagnosis.


I often suffer from headaches, especially at times when I don’t have my morning coffee. I have heard comments from colleagues that these two are interrelated, which demonstrates that my body has a caffeine addiction. Would Dr Mira have any suggestions to help with this situation?

If you suffer from headaches, it is important that you go and have a full checkup with your general practice doctor. In general, when you drink coffee, the caffeine does work on your brain resulting in vasoconstriction as well as speeding up your body metabolism. It also increases urine production, hastens bowel motion, enhances alertness and increases the heart rate. So when you drink coffee regularly, your body gets accustomed to the usual brain vasoconstriction. As soon as you reduce or cut out your coffee intake, your body may experience withdrawal symtoms which includes withdrawal headaches. This condition can be improved when you resume coffee intake or otherwise other remedies such as ensuring you are well hydrated, applying ice, taking pain relief, getting adequate sleep and considering other alternative therapies like acupuncture. Therefore if you notice you have caffeine withdrawal headaches, it is best to gradually taper off drinking coffee. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue



It is possible if you have taken an antihistamine for a long period of time, your body may develop a tolerance to it, which can potentially reduce the effectiveness of your antihistamine medication. This means you may either need to increase the dosage, add another medication or actually change the medication. In addition, you may need to consider how to minimise exposure to allergens. Hay fever minimisation is a balance between the immune system response to allergens and also medications taken to minimise the allergy response. Another way to combat hayfever is to test the potential allergens and have desensitisation immunotherapy to help your body overcome a particular allergy. You are able to have allergy testing at most general practice clinics or you can have your doctor refer you to an allergy immunologist for allergy testing.

In Western medicine, there is no restriction for cold drink consumption for women or men, who want to plan for fertility. However, in Chinese medicine it is believed that cold drinks may potentially reduce blood flow to the uterus, hence causing a possible reduction in fertility. There is no right or wrong as fertility is really very difficult to plan. Someone can be perfectly healthy with no medical conditions and yet find it hard to conceive, whereas others may fall pregnant easily with multiple health conditions. My recommendation is to try for a baby without being too stressed. And if you have tried more than 6 months with no results, it is imperative that you go to your family doctor to have a full checkup done and be referred to an IVF specialist for further investigation and treatment plan.

Is it possible to become immune to the effect of a medication after taking the same brand for a substantial time? I find that my regular medication to treat my hayfever symptoms has very little effect on me now, which I was advised to get another brand which is more expensive. Do I have to frequently swap between brands to get the best results out of the drugs?

My Mum constantly requests me to refrain from drinking ice water or ice cream, stating that it would not be beneficial for me trying to get pregnant. I know her good intentions in citing the practice from traditional beliefs, but is it true that women should always stay warm to boost the chance of getting pregant? Does Dr Mira have any advice for me who really wants to be a Mum?



Traditionally in some cultures, red and yellow tinctures are used to treat open wounds and burns. However, in the Western countries, betadine, saline and chlorhexidine are commonly used for wound cleansing. It is hard to comment on the effects of the red and yellow tinctures unless more studies are done on the effectiveness of wound healing using these oils, in comparison to current Western medical wound treatments. Regardless of the treatment method used, as long as your wounds are kept clean and infection control measures performed, your wound would mostly heal with or without intervention.

Vaping seems to be cheaper and cleaner to than normal cigarette smoking. However, it still does harm to the body and the severity of damage varies depending on the chemicals that is in the e-cigarette. Vaping has also been found to increase the risk of heart attack and potential harm to the lungs. Therefore, it is still important to have your heart and lungs checked if you are vaping. As e-cigarettes contain chemicals, it can potentially have an impact on fertility to men and women by reducing sperm count or egg production. For someone who is keen to have a family, reducing or cutting out vaping would be strongly recommended.

Since I was young, my family been using red and yellow tinctures to treat small cuts or cracks before we bandage it up. Recently my son told me that there is no healing benefit in doing this, but it is better to have a good clean before leaving it to dry. Can Dr Mira advise if what my son says is true? And have I been wrong all these times in treating small cuts and wounds?

I have been smoking since I was 17, and recently I switched to vaping at the age of 32, first due to the cost, secondly because it is the ‘healthier’ option, while still satisfying my addiction. I would like to know from Dr Mira, is it really better than conventional cigarettes? And would like to know how it affects my sperm count. (I am recently married and want to have children).



她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄段的患者 进行互动,给他们提供帮助。


请问白内障是 否是 遗传 性的家 庭 疾 病 ?我 的 爷爷有白内障 的 问题,我的伯伯也最近诊断出了白内 障。我的父母亲都没有这个问题、我 是可否侥幸地认为遗传因子拉距离远 了而不会有这个毛病?请问有什么可 以预防的办法? 白內障可能是一種家族遺傳性疾病。因 此,當您的家人中有患有白內障的人時,這可 能會增加您出生時患有白內障的機會。然而, 更常見的是,人們在經歷正常老化以及其他病 因像糖尿病而得到上白內障。如果您想預防白 內障,您可以透過減少吸煙、減少眼睛受到陽 光紫外線照射、盡量減少健康狀況以及在面 臨風險時佩戴護目鏡來保護眼睛免受傷害來 保護您的眼睛。如果您擔心自己患有白內障的 風險,請務必去看全科醫生,以便將其轉介給 眼科專家進行全面的評估和診斷。


我时常犯头疼,尤其是忘了早上必 喝的咖啡。我的同事告诉我说这 俩事有直接的关联、主要是我的身体已 经对咖啡因上瘾了。请问米拉医生有否 任何建议让我可以应对这个情况? 如果您患有頭痛,請務必去看全科醫生進 行全面檢查。一般來說,當你喝咖啡時,咖啡 因確實會作用於你的大腦,導致血管收縮,並 加速你的身體新陳代謝。它還可以增加尿量、 加快排便速度、更提高警覺性和增加心率。因 此,當您經常喝咖啡時,您的身體就會習慣通 常的腦血管收縮。一旦您減少或停止咖啡攝取 量,您的身體可能會出現戒斷綜合症,包括戒 咖啡而引起的頭痛。當您恢復咖啡攝取量或其 他補救措施(例如確保補充水分、冰敷、緩解 疼痛、獲得充足的睡眠並考慮針灸等其他替代 療法)時,這種情況可能可以改善。因此,如果 您發現自己有咖啡戒斷性頭痛,最好逐漸減少 咖啡的攝取量,不要立馬停掉咖啡。


请问我们人体是 否会对长时间 吃的同一个牌子的药物产生懈 怠感?我发现我惯用来抑制我花粉症 的药物似乎效用很低下了,同时我也 被建议试用另外一个比较昂贵的牌子 药物。请问我是否应该时常变换药物 的牌子、以获得对我的(花粉症)症 状有跟强烈的药效?

如果您長期服用抗組織胺藥,您的身體 可能會對它產生耐受性。它可能會降低抗組 織胺藥物的有效性,這意味著您可能需要增加 劑量、添加另一種藥物或實際上改變藥物。此 外,您可能需要考慮如何盡量減少接觸過敏 原。因為花粉症的改善需要看免疫系統過敏 的反應和使用藥物去降低血液裡面的過敏反 應。對抗花粉症的另一種治療方法,就去測試 潛在的過敏原並進行減敏免疫療法,以幫助 您的身體克服特定的過敏。您可以在大多數全 科診所進行過敏測試,或者讓您的全科醫生將 您轉介給過敏免疫學家進行過敏測試。


自小我 被教导使用红药水或黄 药水来外敷小伤口、然后用邦迪 黏贴包扎起来,但最近我儿子指出我 的做法没有医疗效果、应该是把伤口 处理干净后让其自然干燥。Mira医 生可否确定我儿子的说法?而我一直 以来的伤口处理办法是有误的?

傳統上,在某些文化中,紅色和黃色油被 用於治療傷口和燒傷。然而,在西方已開發國 家,常用的傷口清潔方法有典酒、生理食鹽水 和氯己定。紅色和黃色油治療傷口的效果很難 評論,需要做研究去了解其治療效果。但無論 採用何種治療方法,只要保持傷口清潔並採取 減少感染的措施,大部分傷口都會癒合。


我母亲一直不允许我喝凉水或 吃雪糕、说这无法帮助我怀上孩 子。我知道她是按照传统的做法来嘱 咐我,但是我想知道女性是否真的必 须时常保持温暖的状态来帮助怀孕? 请问Mira医生是否还有其它建议于 我这位很想当妈妈的。


在西方醫學中,對於想要計劃生育的女性 或男性來說,飲用冷飲並沒有限制。然而,中 醫認為冷飲可能會減少子宮的血液流動,而導 致生育能力下降。實質上生育計畫很難預測, 所以沒有一定的對錯。有些人可能非常健康, 沒有任何健康問題,但卻很難懷孕。然而有些 人可能患有多種健康問題,卻能懷孕。如果你 很想生育,你需要嘗試讓自己的情緒穩定放 鬆。如果您嘗試超過6個月仍然沒有效果,您 就必須到您的家庭醫生那裡做全面檢查,並 被轉介IVF婦科醫生進一步檢查和治療方案。


从17岁开始我 就抽烟,一直到 最 近我32了才转成电子烟。首 要原因是因为价格便宜、再来就是因 为据说这是‘比较健康’的办法来解 决我的烟瘾。我想请教Mira医生电 子烟真的比传统纸烟更为好些吗?再 者我想请教这对于我的精子数量是 否有影响(新婚、很想要有孩子) 與一般吸菸相比,電子煙似乎種更便宜、 感覺更乾淨。然而,它仍然會對身體造成傷 害。而且傷害的嚴重程度取決於購買者電子煙 中所含的化學物質。電子煙也有被發現有可 能增加心臟病發作的風險以及它還是會引起 肺部傷害。因此,如果您吸電子煙,您需要定 期檢查心臟和肺部。由於電子煙確實含有化 學物質,它可能會減少精子數量或減少卵子產 生。這會對男性和女性的生育能力有所影響。 對於熱真考慮生育的男女來說,會強烈建議減 少或停止吸電子煙。

**The above remarks are general guides only as results may differ for each individual; please consult your family doctor for detailed diagnostics if the symptom persists


If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 11 November 2023

如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题, 可以在2023年11月11日之前把问题发至 本刊编辑部电邮




Catching it early can give you a long time later Getting tested for breast cancer can save your life.

“您收到了邀请,50到74岁的女 性都获参加免费乳腺癌筛查。”

请致电13 20 50 如果您需要语言上的 帮助,请致电翻译与口译服务(TIS)或访问以获取详情

乳腺癌筛查 一份可能挽救您生命的邀请


罹患乳腺癌的风险随着年龄增长而升 高。乳腺癌发病率也呈增长趋势。因此免费 乳腺癌筛查计划现在已经扩大,邀请上至74 岁的女性参加赛查。

Breast Screening

这样每年可能多发现600 例乳腺癌病例。

It is an invitation that could save your life. Getting tested for breast cancer can save your life. Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer related deaths amongst Australian women.

Since the BreastScreen Australia program started in 1991, deaths from breast cancer have been reduced by a third.

The risk of breast cancer increases as we get older. More than 75% of breast cancers occur in women over 50. That’s why the free breast screening program has now expanded the invitation to all women aged 50 to 74 to get a free Breast Cancer test.

Increasing the invitation age by five years could detect an additional 600 breast cancers each year. This has the potential to save the lives of many women.

A simple test can keep you strong and healthy. It is impossible to tell if you have breast cancer in the early stages, and 90% of women who get breast cancer have no family history.

A BreastScreen Australia test can detect breast cancer before there are any signs, even before you can feel it.

If breast cancer is found early on, when it’s still small, it’s easier to treat. Finding and treating it early means that up to 9 out of 10 women will survive. So having a free test every two years is a great way to help you stay strong and healthy - for yourself, your family and for your community.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

为澳大利亚女性提供乳腺癌筛查服务 将在四年内增加220,000次。

A breast screen is safe, private and free.

乳腺癌患者中超过75%是年满50岁的 女性,而患乳腺癌的女性中90%无家族病 史。因此预约并进行乳腺癌筛查至关重要。

The easiest way to get a test is to make an appointment with your nearest BreastScreen Australia clinic, or visit one of the mobile clinics when it comes to your community.


在澳大利亚女性中,乳腺癌是最常见的 癌症,也是导致死亡人数第二多的癌症。但 令人鼓舞的是,在Breast Screen Australia Program(澳大利亚乳腺癌筛查计划)开始 后,乳腺癌的病例已经减少了三分之一。

You can take a friend or family member to help you feel more comfortable. A female worker will help you, and she’ll make sure you feel relaxed and safe.

Your appointment will usually last 30 minutes, but the test itself usually only takes a few minutes, and it’s done in private.


即使你没有任何乳腺癌症状,进行定 期筛检仍然至关重要。它能远早于任何明显 症状(如肿块)出现之前检查出乳腺癌。

Breast screen business. It’s women’s business.


If you prefer, your doctor or health worker can help you to make an appointment at your nearest BreastScreen Australia clinic, or let you know when a mobile clinic is coming to your community.

及早发现乳腺癌意味着你将拥有战胜 它的绝佳机会,也意味着可以使用创伤小、 疗效高的治疗方法。十分之九的女性患者得 以生存的原因是及早的发现、处理和治疗。

There are 600 locations available across all states and territories.


如果年龄在50-74岁之间,你应该每两 年进行一次乳腺癌筛查,而且此筛查对于您 完全免费。

They can also answer any questions you have about breast cancer and the tests you can have to check for it. If you do have any symptoms of breast cancer you should speak to your GP without delay.


ation, you can search For more inform lia online or BreastScreen Austra

If you’re over 75, talk toCallyour 13 20 50to GP or health professional find out if breast screening is right business. screenyou. Breast for .

Getting tested for breast

cancer can save your




It’s women’s business

For more information, you can search BreastScreen Australia online or Call 13 20 50 or visit breastscreen worker doctor or health If you prefer, your tment make an appoin can help you to Screen Australia at your nearest Breast know when a mobile clinic, or let you to your community. coming is clinic ns available across There are 600 locatio ies. all states and territor r any questions you They can also answe cancer and the tests have about breast check for it. you can have to symptoms of breast If you do have any speak to your GP cancer you should without delay. health talk to your GP or If you’re over 75, out about if breast professional to find you. for screening is right

检查前无需咨询全科医生或专科医师。 收 到乳腺 癌筛查邀请后,您可以直接 致电 Breast Screen Australia,并预约在离您家 最近的筛查诊所或移动筛查点进行检查。

Breast screening. It’s an invitation that could save your life.

年满75岁的人士请咨询您的全科医生 或健康专家,以了解您是否需要进行乳腺癌 筛查。了解有关乳腺癌、乳腺癌筛查及检查 过程的详细情况请游览 breastscreen或致电132050

Post-operation Conditioning via Chinese Medicine


Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience. 傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床 已有36年工作经验。


urgery is an integral part of modern medicine that can quickly treat many diseases but also harm people’s health. After surgery, patients may feel discomfort like pain or weakness. Traditional Chinese medicine is crucial for conditioning to adjust qi and blood, regulate meridians, alleviate symptoms, improve physical fitness, and recover quickly. Here are some common symptoms after surgery and critical points for treating them with traditional Chinese medicine. The following briefly describes the common symptoms after surgery and the key points of using traditional Chinese medicine to treat them.

1. After surgery, it’s common to experience pain, especially after abdominal surgery, which can cause intestinal adhesions. According to traditional Chinese medicine, clear meridians mean no pain. If there’s pain, it means the meridians are blocked. To improve blood circulation, move around after surgery and take traditional Chinese medicine that replenishes qi, activates blood, and unblocks meridians. This helps nourish wound tissue, helps granulation growth and repair, and can reduce swelling and pain. Acupuncture may also reduce pain. Specific medicines include Shenghua Decoction after a caesarean section and Shan-Qi powder after abdominal organ surgery. 2. After surgery, some people may experience weakness in the spleen and stomach, as well as a decrease in appetite and digestive function. Doctors often recommend medications like Liujunzi Decoction and Baohe Pills to treat these symptoms. If you have abdominal distension, rubbing active oil on your belly and using a moxibustion patch on your belly button may help. Boiling soup with white radish and orange peel can also be beneficial. 3. After surgery, people may feel weak, have cold hands and feet, trouble breathing, palpitations, and a pale face. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends taking Shengmai Powder and Sijunzi Decoction, or making soups with astragalus, yam, and other ingredients to replenish Qi and strengthen the spleen. Foods like red dates, gorgon seeds, and barley can help boost energy levels.

手术治疗是现代医 学治疗的重要手段 之一,在很多 的疾 病 治疗中,手术可以 迅 速 地清除 病灶,较快地达到治疗目的,但手术也不 可避免的会损伤人的气血,手术后病人的身 体会感到不同程度的不适,包括疼痛或全身虚 弱,所以通过中医的调理十分重要,可以帮助调 整气血、疏理经络、减轻症状、改善体质、快速 康复。下面就手术后常见的症状,简述一下用中 医调理的要点。

一)术后伤口疼痛。这是最常见的症状,尤 其是腹部的手术,容易引起肠粘连。中医认为“ 通则不痛,痛则不通”(源自《黄帝内经·素问·举 痛论》),意思是说,如果经络气血通畅,就不会 感到疼痛或不舒服。但一旦有疼痛的症状,则说 明经络阻塞、气血不畅。, 所以在手术后如果不 是太虚弱,应尽可能早点儿下床适当地活动,以 改善血液循环的畅通。另外,也可以服用益气活 血通络的中药,以强壮正气,疏通经络,使气血 丰富充满并运行通畅,这有助于营养伤口组织, 帮助肉芽生长修复,并能减少伤口部位的水肿, 从而减轻疼痛。例如破腹产后,可服用生化汤; 腹内脏器手术后可考虑服用三七粉等,都有较好 的疗效。此外,也可同时使用针灸治疗以减轻疼 痛。


文◎ 傅绪琼 Dr Julia FU | 译◎ 方凌坤 Lingkun FANG


二)术 后 脾胃虚 弱,食 欲 减 退,消 化 功 能 差。这类术后症状常用六君子汤、保和丸等健脾 和胃的方药进行调理。如果感觉有明显的腹胀, 可以自行涂抹活络油后,在腹部按揉200到300 下,一天做两次。如有艾灸贴的话,也可贴在肚 脐上效果更好。也可以用食疗方法,例如用白萝 卜和橘皮煮汤喝。 三)术后全身虚弱的表现,常有疲倦, 手脚 冷,气短心慌,脸色苍白,体力不足,胸闷等等。 中医认为手术流较多的血,气会随血而脱失,所 以非常重视术后的补气健脾。常用生脉散、四君 子汤等方剂对症使用,或者用黄芪、山药、党参、 白术、茯苓、甘草煲汤,也可加上红枣、芡实、薏 米,这些食物都能起到良好的补气效果。 特别提醒:


2)手术不同,人的体质也有所不同,所以中 医的补益调理是因人而异,最好在有经验的中医 师指导下来用药。 祝愿大家注意保健,快乐健康!

Special reminder: • •

The body will be weak after any surgery, so it is essential to have a less oily or meaty diet. The difference between surgeries and one’s health condition varies; hence, conditioning through traditional Chinese medicine would be critical, too. It is best to use the medicine under the guidance of an experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.

I hope everyone is health-conscious and stays happy and healthy!




Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动

Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm 4:00pm

$15 for members 会员 $18 for non-members 非会员

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2:30pm 4:30pm

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Aaron LOONG 0434 665 170

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐团

Sunday 周日

11:00am 2:00pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm 2:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Saturday 周六

11:00am 1:30pm

Tai Chi class 中华太极班

Saturday 周六

9:30am 10:30am

Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

2:30pm 4:30pm

Saturday 周六

11:00am -1:00pm

Sunday 周日

10:00am -12:00pm (advance)

New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm 3:30pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Sunday 周日

3.30pm -7:00pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Location 地点

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

Fee 收费

Each class 每堂课

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆 Each class 每堂课

$1 for members 会员 $2 for non-members 非会员

Contact 联系人 Teresa TAN 0413 568 682

Annie WONG 0401 042 013

Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆 Doreen CHIN Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052 $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员

Kemei SHAO 0434 148 590 Maya 0425 425 898

Activities 活动

Day 日期

Time 时间

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

9:00am 6:00pm

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

9:00am 2:00pm

Location 地点

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Various 商议待定 Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms) 周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Balcatta)

Various 商议待定

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

周三 (巴卡达)

41 Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Various 商议待定 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Contact 联系人

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Fee 收费

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Email 电子邮箱 :

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

周四、五 (威乐顿) Community Talks 社区讲座

Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月 一次

Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务

Appointment Required 提早预约


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Free 免费


Chung Wah Member 盛情邀请 携手同行 Benefit Programme Invitation

Partner with us


Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing costs or fees 无须缴付任何会费或成本费

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Azurra Migration ���� 639 635

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant �3 - �5 Bennett Street, East Perth

�% Off

BUPA work cover insurance


Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum


Red Rooster Northbridge


Reference Code: MAF

�6 Roe Street, Northbridge

at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner

Shop online:

Northbridge Chinese Restaurant Good Fortune

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

35� William Street, Perth. 88� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park

Aus World Travel 1�9 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree

Stanbond Security Unit � / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6�9�

Mob: ��3� �8� 531 Email:

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mob: ���1 888 689 Email:


for purchases over $���.��

Free tea



on dine-in only



Perth Local Coach Tours

��% discount

Chung Wah Members

Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Staff s



all quotes

Free ��-�� minutes consultation

$� Discount

Food truck trade at various Market Places



Honey In the Garden

Bunga Raya Satay

for transaction of above $1�.��


Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, 1�3 James Street, Northbridge



13� James Street, Northbridge




By European Hotel

9� Murray Street, Perth

Discount on food

(when you dine in at our restaurant)

Hong Lin 康年饭店

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit 3 / 33� Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: 933����� | Open � Days |

Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:3� AM - �:3� PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun �:3� PM - 9:3� PM

Lex Legal

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: �8) 9��1 6366 W: Level 3, �31 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: ���9 839 ��� Email:

CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (�8) 6�6� 3959 | M:��31 5�� ��8 F: (�8) 63�3 335� | W:

��% Off

Free �� minutes initial legal consultation

Discount for all property and business settlement



(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)



for all legal fee

Little China Girl 一盅两件 68 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6��3

Reservation: ��1� 69� 1�1 |

Ingot Hotel Perth �85 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 61��

Reservation: +61 (8) 9�59 3888

Excel Podiatry Clinic

��81 ��3 5�� 1/�3 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 1�95 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 61��

Dragon Palace Northbridge

66 Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth

BMS LAW Lawyers

T: (�8) 6389 ���� E: W:


E: W:

Amcal Pharmacity

A: �1� Hay Street, Perth WA 6��� T: (�8) 93�� 69�1 E: W: Fb: @amcalpharmacity



Off total bill

Not in conjunction with any other special ʻoffer’ or ʻpromotion’ running at the time

��% Off

Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel


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total fee


% Off

Free Chinese Tea for lunch

��% Off

for Dinner


Initial Consultation

All Legal Disputes Litigation



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This discount code is valid storewide and can’t be combined with other discount code.

我们殷切的期待您的加入 我们殷切的期待您的加入 PleasePlease join us !join us !

Perth Badminton Arena �/3�9 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 61��

Call ��11 5�� �1� for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants 8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 616�

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

��3� �35 ��� Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6�1�

HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家

�6 Francis Street, Northbridge Mom Dumpling House


T: (�8) 9��� ��88 W:

Linkar City Cellar

T: (�8) 9��8 ���� W: A: G��/�56 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Seoul Delish

�8/3� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara Expert Hearing Care

A: Westfield Innaloo, Ellen Sitrling Blvd T: (�8) 9��� �685 E: W: Fb: @experthearingcare

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: 6�� Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

$� discount

on restring services

$� discount

for off peak hour court hire

$� discount

for peak hour court hire

�% discount

for merchandise above $5� (except shuttle cock)

Free �� minutes

complimentary consultation

Book online at with promo code: CHAI��


Off all quotes

for windows and floor cleaning services

��% Off

for cash payment only

��% Off

for cash payment $5� and above


*not to be use with other offer


Spend over $1��


*not to be use with other offer


to Chung Wah Members


Ear Wax Removal (Worth $1��) for all pensioners


Spend over $6� (exclude postage)

to get



Promo code: CHUNGWAH

In Store

to get

Spend over $��



The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 932� �657 | Mb 手机 0450 160 12� | Em 电邮



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