prayerdiary Spring/Summer 2015
“ This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.� 1 John 5:14
Welcome from the Chief Executive
elcome to our very first 2015 edition of Prayer Diary. I am very excited about the year ahead as we look forward – with your prayer, blessing and support – to touching the lives of the most vulnerable, hurt and afflicted members of our society. Please join us in praying for Mark from Maidstone, Kent, who became a Christian after volunteering at a summer camp for teenagers run by Evangelist, Graham Nunn (page 11). As part of our ONE series, Mark chatted to us about his spiritual journey and the importance of faith, reminding me of the powerful message in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” To watch a film about Mark, visit In this edition, you can also find out more about our Dundee Centre of Mission in Scotland, by turning to page eight. The centre opened in September 2014 with the aim of developing and growing new expressions of Christian community and inspiring the church in evangelism. On page 19 you can join us in praying for The Amber Project, which supports young people in Cardiff who are experiencing self-harm. “Phoebe” shares with us how the project literally saved her life and how she’s now looking to the future. So I hope you enjoy using Prayer Diary over the coming months, as together we make Jesus known. A heartfelt thanks for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially. We couldn’t do all this without you. Yours in Christ,
Canon, Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader
To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email
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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.
As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit
6 4 ONE series: Leslie’s story A testimony from Shrewsbury
Spring/Summer 2015
14 11 ONE series: Mark’s story A testimony from Maidstone, Kent
14 ONE in Christ 6 Church Army’s Gospel partnership Research Unit and unity Discovering more about fresh expressions of church 15 Xplore Evangelism training 7 Evangelism in Ireland for young adults Bringing new life to communities 8 Dundee Centre of Mission Serving others in Scotland 9 Education and Training Equipping and resourcing evangelism 10 Sharing Jesus with children and young people Inspiring the next generation
16 Church Army International Interceding for our brothers and sisters worldwide 17 Church on the Bus Hope for the homeless in Derbyshire
23 19 The Amber Project Supporting young people experiencing self-harm 20 Leading Church Army Pray for our Senior Leadership Team and Board 21 Hope for communities Evangelists reaching out 22 The Wilson Carlile Centre Church Army’s home and conference centre 23 Summer evangelism Seasonal outreach
18 Retired evangelists Sharing the gospel in retirement
Front cover image: M ark from Maidstone in Kent who became a Christian after volunteering at a summer camp for teenagers run by Evangelist, Graham Nunn. Read his story on page 11. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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God Church Mission
“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19
Leslie, 84, from Shrewsbury, became a Christian later in life after attending an Alpha course at Trinity Church. He tells us his story as part of our ONE series My name is Leslie and I’m not a young man, I’m an old guy at 84. I always went to church as a child but moved away from Christianity when I was around 10 or 12 years old. I left God, but he never left me! This went on for most of my life, but when I retired, I moved back to the church thanks to my wife, Hilma, who has always had a strong faith. It was an Alpha course that was really that start of things – it is a wonderful tool for Christianity. I’ve also recently taken part in the Sharing Your Faith course led by Church Army Evangelist, Gordon Lamb. As part of the course, on one occasion, Gordon said: “I’m giving you £10 each. I want you to go out and buy someone a meal and I want you to report back next week about what you’ve done with your £10.” Then, a few days later, I passed two young ladies sitting on a bench eating a takeaway. I thought “maybe”. I was emboldened! I walked up to these two young ladies sitting down on the
4 prayer diary
bench and I said: “That smells good. I’ve got to buy someone a meal.” They said: “Really?” I said: “Look, here’s £10 that will pay Leslie for both of them, I don’t want any change.” They looked confused. So I said: “Well I go to church and one of our leaders has given us an exercise to do and we’ve got to talk about God.” One of them said: “I believe in God, I really do believe in God.” I thought to myself, well this is getting better, and the other one said: “I sometimes go to church with my nan.” We were chatting away like that and this went on… These footsteps of faith that we take continue.
To watch a film about Leslie’s story, visit
Evangelist, Gordon Lamb, is based at Trinity Churches, where he encourages the church in evangelism and shares the gospel with those living on the Meole Brace housing estate. He also works one day a week for the Bishop of Shrewsbury’s Evangelist Enabling Team, which supports churches in the region in their evangelism. Join us in praying for Gordon’s work this week.
March 1
March 4
Give thanks for all those who, like Leslie, have taken part in the Sharing Your Faith course and are now more confident to tell others about Jesus. Gordon Lamb Pray for Gordon as he plans and leads future courses.
Praise God for the growth of Taste and See – a monthly, midweek gathering on the estate for those wanting to grow in their faith.
March 2 Spend some time praying for all those living on the Meole Brace housing estate in Shrewsbury where Gordon works. Remember those who are struggling with unemployment, debt, crime, fear, illness and other difficulties. Also, praise God for the £1,500 grant which Gordon has received from The Rowlands Trust to support his work on the estate.
March 3 Pray for the Bacon Buddies community café, which takes place each week on the estate, where people can drop in. May it build good connections between the church and community.
Taste and See
March 5 Each fortnight on a Friday afternoon, Bible and Bingo takes place, where people enjoy fun and fellowship together while thinking through what scripture has to say about their lives. Pray today for all those involved.
March 6 Pray for Gordon in his role as manager of the Trinity Money Advice Centre and for the team of volunteers who work alongside him to serve people struggling with debt.
March 7 As Easter approaches, pray for the special outreach events which Gordon will be running on the estate. May the planning and preparations go smoothly.
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March 1 – 7
Prayer for the project
March 8 – 14
Church Army’s Research Unit Church Army’s Research Unit studies fresh expressions and new forms of church. To find out more about its work, visit
March 8
are fruitful and the partnerships between themselves and the leaders are beneficial
The Research Unit team are more than halfway through their second round of research looking at fresh expressions of church in Claire Dalpra a number of dioceses following on from the Church of England’s Church Growth Research Programme. Pray for George Lings, Elspeth McGann and Claire Dalpra, that they will be able to make contact with the leaders of these new church communities and gather sound data.
March 9 In their work, the Research Unit are finding out much more about the effectiveness of fresh expressions of church. Pray the wider church will learn to place resources on the basis of what is being shown to be fruitful.
for both parties.
March 11 Andy Wier has been doing lots of interviews and visits researching the question: “What makes a fresh expression of church sustainable?” Please pray for wisdom as he begins to analyse the results.
March 12 Pray for George Lings as he writes and researches the regular bulletin Snapshots – stories from the edge. Also pray for Andrew Wooding as he edits each issue.
March 13 Members of the Research Unit are regularly asked to attend conferences and meetings to present their findings. Pray for them as they prepare their talks and for wisdom to know which speaking invitations to accept.
March 14
March 10
The Research Unit are already seeking God’s
Please pray for the research into fresh expressions of church attenders, which Claire Dalpra and John Vivian are conducting. Pray the visits they make
2016 and beyond. Pray they will be able to
will for the research they will be doing from discern accurately which research projects they should be involved with and also pray for the appropriate funding.
“…the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17 6 prayer diary
Join us this week as we pray for our evangelists in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
March 15
March 18
George Newell at Willowfield Church, Belfast, said: “As part of the diocesan year of mission in Down & Dromore, we are conducting a door-to-door visitation of 7,000 homes. Please pray we will see many respond to the Good News. Pray also for the special outreach events we’ll be holding on St Patrick’s Day.”
Remember Myrtle Morrison at our Craigavon Centre of Mission as she leads a children’s holiday Bible club between 30th March and 2nd April and a young family event on 28th March, which will include food, games, craft, an Easter-egg hunt and an exploration of the Easter message.
March 16 Richard Waller at Willowfield Church, Belfast, would like prayer for the Besom Project, which practically serves people in the community who are in need. Pray also for Richard’s role in the diocese’s year of mission as he focuses on sharing the Good News of Jesus with older people.
March 17 Pray for Jasper Rutherford and the St Patrick’s Day Peace Party he has organised, which is taking place today. Pray for the Jasper Rutherford young people who will be attending as the themes of peace and reconciliation are explored.
March 19 Val Thom works in the Armagh Diocese, Northern Ireland, reaching out to marching bands through a bus project. As the parade season begins today, give thanks for the opportunities Val and her volunteers have had to chat with people visiting the bus and for the invitations they are getting to attend parades the bus project has not been to before.
March 20 Pray for Geoffrey Walmsley who leads the Dundalk Group of Parishes in Ireland, which is made-up of five churches. As Geoffrey continues to settle into this new role, spend some time praying for evangelism in these churches.
March 21 Pray for Colin Taylor, Evangelist in the Parish of Dromara and Garvaghy, as he leads a mission-themed Lent Service on 25th March. Pray also for the Easter outreach services he is helping to organise.
“For he is the living God and he endures for ever...” Daniel 6:26
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March 15 – 21
Evangelism in Ireland
March 22 – 28
Dundee Centre of Mission The Dundee Centre of Mission was established in September last year and is a partnership between Church Army, St Luke’s Church Downfield in Dundee, the Diocese of Brechin and the international development agency Signpost International. Evangelists, Kerry Dixon and Craig Dowling, lead the Centre of Mission and are based at St Luke’s Church and Dundee Cathedral. Visit
March 22 Pray for the men and women who sleep in the porch of Dundee Cathedral, many of who have substance misuse issues as well as being homeless. Pray for the Centre of Mission as it works to provide for their physical and spiritual needs.
March 23 Pray for Soul Space, a community in the city centre where people can gather to enjoy food together and explore more about Jesus.
March 24 Praise God for the growth of Café Church at St Luke’s Downfield. May it continue to be a good way to connect with people in the community who don’t normally come to church.
March 25 Remember Craig as he works in the local secondary school as part of the chaplaincy team. Pray he will connect with young people who are searching and open to finding out more about Jesus.
March 26 Kerry and Craig will be visiting people living in the Downfield St Mary’s Housing Scheme – an area of multiple deprivation. Kerry said: “For many people this will be
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Kerry Dixon
the first time they’ve met someone from their local church. Help us to win favour with people and have the resources to meet their needs.”
March 27 Pray for those who are supported by the Free Food on Fridays outreach at the Signpost Centre in the Whitfield area.
March 28 Pray for Kerry and Craig and their families as they work to make Jesus known in Dundee. May they return to the cross each day with Jesus at the centre of all that they do.
“The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” Psalm 19:8
Join us this week as we pray for our evangelists-in-training. Visit
March 29
April 1
Pray for Jo Bowyer in Aberdeen and Alex Thornton in London, who are in their first year of training to be Church Army Evangelists. Pray for their learning during weekend residentials and in their day-to-day ministry.
Our evangelists-in-training meet regularly with an experienced Church Army Evangelist to reflect on their training and development. Pray for these meetings and for Penny Horseman, Roger Horsley, Suzette Maguire and Bob Read who lead them.
April 2
Jo Bowyer
March 30 Yvonne Desroches in Northamptonshire and Stephen Ramshaw in Newcastle will be commissioned as Church Army Evangelists in July. Pray for the big day of Admitting and Commissioning in Sheffield and for their future ministries.
March 31 Our evangelists-in-training are currently studying a module called Contextual Communication. Pray for our tutors and students as they explore together the challenges of communicating the gospel in their contexts.
Give thanks for the new students who’ve been selected and will be starting their training with us in the autumn. Pray for these evangelists-in-training as they prepare for this new stage in their lives.
April 3 Today as we mark Good Friday, let us reflect on Jesus’ death on the cross and all that he achieved and sacrificed there for us and for the forgiveness of our sin.
April 4 Praise God for the Education and Training Team; Manager, Jane Truman, Tutors, Steve Hollinghurst, Mike Starkey, Claire Dalpra and Andy Weir, and Administrators Jo Spink, Andrew Wooding and Liz Bentley. Pray for them as they provide teaching and support to the evangelists-in-training.
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness.” 1 Peter 2:24
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March 29 – April 4
Education and Training
April 5 – 11
Sharing Jesus with children and young people As we celebrate new life this Easter, join us and pray for our work among children and young people.
April 5 “He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ Then they remembered his words.” Luke 24:6-8. Praise God this Easter Sunday for the new life he has given us through Jesus. Alleluia!
April 6 Remember Matthew Rowley, Family and Young People’s Worker at Christ Church with All Saints in Blackpool. Pray for the children’s club he leads each Monday evening as part of the local resident group, Revelation. Pray also for the Kidz Klub Matt has recently started.
April 7 Spend some time giving thanks to God for all the children who’ve attended holiday clubs this Easter led by Church Army evangelists and volunteers.
April 8 Pray for Celia Hare, Schools and Children’s Worker in Bedworth, Coventry, as she leads assemblies and special services. May she find ways of creatively explaining the gospel to the children.
“He is not here; he has risen!” Luke 24:6
10 prayer diary
April 9 Retired Evangelist, Tony Maidment, from Stourbridge in the West Midlands, would like to praise God for the schools work he is involved with in the Dudley area and that more than 2,000 secondary school children have accepted a Gideon New Testament. Pray also for Tony this month as he leads a number of RE lessons at a school in Bronington in Wales.
April 10 Pray for David Booker who is the chaplain at the Wren Academy in Leicester as he seeks to support students and staff pastorally and to engage them in exploring faith both within and beyond the curriculum.
April 11 Remember John Marrow in Guildford and all the volunteers who work alongside him in leading the Kids Alive 325 after-school service each week for primary school children.
April 12 – 18
God Church Mission
“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19
Church Army Evangelist, Graham Nunn, works in Kent and regularly runs summer camps for teenagers. One of Graham’s volunteers, Mark, tells his story of coming to faith “I’m just the other end of 50 now. I’m a husband, I’ve got a fantastic wife and three children. I’ve been in my job as a civil engineer for 25 years, working with my current company. “I must admit I did go to church when I was younger, but I didn’t like it at all because it was run by old people and it was fire and brimstone. It was actually quite frightening. “I met Graham, who is a Church Army Evangelist, through my kids, who were going to the activities that he was running at the local church. They were always coming back really thrilled at being there and thought it was really fun. They also came back with a few questions about faith which I found quite interesting. Of course, when they asked questions I needed to try and understand more about Christianity. “Up until then I’d been on the periphery of things, but one summer Graham was really struggling for leaders for a camp he was running. He asked me to get involved as a volunteer as he knew I worked with children as a football coach.
“He asked if I’d be interested to come along to help practically and that he’d have other volunteers in the dorms who would lead the scripture and faith side of things. I just needed to be there as a senior person who would help with sorting the kids out. So I went along! I saw the enjoyment that everybody was having and I was drawn in.
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April 12 – 18 Young people at summer camp
“I had a defining moment at the summer camp; I think it was quite emotional really. I decided to go for a walk and Graham caught hold of me and asked: ‘Are you alright?’ I thought, ‘I don’t know really.’ And then we had a man-to-man chat and he said I was here for a reason. I had to decide whether to take the next step and make that leap of faith to really follow Jesus. “Graham basically told me ‘you better make your mind up then’ and it was decision time. I think as the week went on it was becoming clearer and clearer what decision I should be making. “I think what faith teaches you is to really appreciate what you’ve got as opposed to being dragged into the image you have to portray to be in your job or to show to your friends.
12 prayer diary
“And so I think having a faith allows you to see things in a slightly different light. Because I think when you get drawn into the faith you see so many different things; people that are suffering and what you have and how you can help other people. “That’s what Jesus did at the end of the day. He was there, he was kind, he was caring and he changed people’s lives. That’s what Graham certainly does and I’d like to feel that I can have that influence as well.” Mark is now involved in his local church in Maidstone where he sings in the worship band and helps to lead a men’s group.
To watch a film of Mark’s story, please visit where you can also donate to our ONE appeal, so that more people like Mark can come to know Jesus.
April 12
April 12 – 18
Join us this week as we pray for Graham’s work with children and families in Kent, which includes schools work, after-school clubs, holiday clubs, camps and church kids clubs.
Praise God for Mark – for his faith in Jesus and for his eagerness to share the gospel with others. Pray Mark will continue to grow in his faith and for his involvement at his local church.
April 13 Give thanks for the many Christian summer camps which take place nationwide each year for children and young people. Give thanks specifically for the Graham Nunn hundreds of teenagers that have heard the gospel through the summer camp which Graham leads and spend some time praying for those that will be attending it in August.
good relationships with the schools and staff to continue.
April 16 Pray for Graham’s colleague, Hannah Seal, who works alongside him, that God would bless her with energy and inspiration as she prepares materials for the children for the summer term.
April 14
April 17
Spend some time today praying for the parents of the children Graham works with. Through their children, may they too become interested in finding out more about Jesus.
Give thanks for all the volunteers who work with Graham, leading kids clubs, holiday clubs and summer camps. Thank God today for their servant hearts and pray they will experience great joy as they sow gospel seeds into children’s lives.
April 15 Praise God for the many opportunities Graham has to share the gospel in schools through assemblies, RE lessons and after-school clubs. Pray for these
April 18 Pray for Graham and Hannah as they provide children’s work training and advice to churches.
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April 19 – 25
ONE in Christ Church Army’s Gathering is taking place in Derbyshire this week where hundreds of us will meet for worship, teaching, prayer and fellowship. This year’s theme is ONE in Christ. Join us as we pray for members of our community who are serving throughout the UK and Ireland.
April 19
April 22
Remember Simon Cake who is chaplain at the West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven, Cumbria. Pray for Simon as he sets up a Simon Cake new chaplaincy team as part of the Hospice at Home initiative.
Rob Barker at our Chester Centre of Mission would like prayer for the canal boat project he runs, engaging with homeless men from the local refuge and for those from Narcotics Anonymous. May the Holy Spirit be at work in their lives and show them their need for Jesus.
April 20 Pray for those who will be arriving at The Hayes Conference Centre in Derbyshire today for the start of Church Army’s Gathering, may it be a time of encouragement and challenge. Pray also for those speaking at the event, may they faithfully proclaim God’s word and be led by the Holy Spirit.
April 21 Pray for Colin Brown as he continues to develop his Creative Arts Evangelist ministry among the artistic community in Cornwall and for his move into a new studio in an arts centre in Redruth. Pray also for the development of more Art and Spirituality groups, where faith can be shared and explored among artists and others.
April 23 Spend some time praying today for our project in the North of England, which works with vulnerable women and those involved in prostitution. Pray particularly for safety and God’s protection as the project works among those in the red light district.
April 24 Jon Clarke is a community worker in Folkestone, Kent, where he coordinates the Shepway food bank each Friday with the help of volunteers. Pray also for Jon as he works alongside Folkestone Baptist Church to run a sports club at the community centre each week.
April 25 Pray for David and Suzette Maguire who have just begun their work as Pioneer Ministers in the St Albans Diocese, living and working on the new estates of Great Denham and West Kempston.
“…we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” Ephesians 4:15
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Our Xplore programme is for 18-to-25-year-olds and provides young adults with evangelism training in their local communities along with mission placements and weekends throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland and Romania. Visit
April 29 Pray for our Xplorers serving the needs of those who live on the streets of Birmingham. Pray for their safety and that they would be able meet the needs of those they meet practically, emotionally and spiritually.
April 26 – May 2
April 30 April 26 Give thanks today for the Xplore mission week which was held at the start of this month in West Derby, Liverpool, and for the many people who heard about Jesus for the first time.
April 27 Pray for our Xplorers in Liverpool as they follow up on those contacted as part of the Xplore mission week. Pray for the beginning of discipleship in many lives and for the local church to remain fully engaged.
April 28 Pray for our Xplorers in Birmingham and for their outreach to students in the city. Pray that people will engage more fully with the message they are hearing and lives will be changed.
Pray for our Xplorers in Belfast as they continue to do street evangelism in the city centre.
May 1 Pray for our Xplorers in Nottingham, especially for their contribution to evangelism through St Nic’s Church in the city centre. Give thanks for those who’ve begun to come to church and to explore faith thanks to outreach in the city’s nightclubs.
May 2 Pray for our Xplorers in the South of England who live at distance from one another. Pray for energy to remain engaged with evangelism, especially when they are often alone or isolated as they seek to serve God in their workplaces.
“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9
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May 3 – 9
Church Army International This week we remember the worldwide Church Army family as they take the Good News of Jesus to other nations.
May 3
May 7
Spend some time praying for all those taking part in Church Army New Zealand’s apprenticeship in evangelism and church planting. This nine-month course combines practical training, short-term mission opportunities and theory. Visit
Pray for Church Army Denmark’s staff, who visit inmates in the country’s detention centres. Ask God to bless and guide their conversations with the inmates and provide them with opportunities to bring the hope of the gospel into difficult situations.
May 4 Pray for the teachers and pupils at Church Army Africa’s Academy in Nairobi, Kenya, which is a co-educational day school for more than 700 pre-school and primary school children. May many gospel seeds be sown through the Christian education the children receive.
May 5 Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada) has reproduced and published Church Army UK’s resource, Stepping into evangelism. Give thanks for all those who have received a copy so far, may they be resourced and equipped in evangelism. Visit
May 6 Give thanks for all those that use and have been blessed in the past by Church Army Australia’s Kihilla Retreat and Conference Centre in the Blue Mountains. Pray for the upcoming retreats, workshops and training sessions which are being held there this summer. Visit
May 8 Spend some time today remembering all the leaders, evangelists and volunteers involved in Church Army Vanuatu, Church Army Jamaica and Church Army Barbados. May they glorify God in all that they do as they serve their communities.
May 9 Pray today for those you know personally who are sharing the gospel overseas.
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14
16 prayer diary
Church on the Bus works with the homeless and vulnerable in Derbyshire. Each week buses visit Chesterfield and Matlock where counselling, refreshments, clothes, toiletries, blankets and sleeping bags are available, along with spiritual support and community.
May 10 Give thanks for all those who have put their trust in Jesus this year thanks to Church on the Bus. Evangelist, Alan Park, shares Darren’s story: “Darren first came to the bus six years ago. At that time he was in despair, distressed, full of anxiety and with nowhere to live. After a period of getting to know him, praying with him and encouraging him in his potential, Darren accepted Jesus into his life. He then disappeared for about three years, only to reappear recently, full of thanks for all the previous support he had been given! He now has a job as a postman and is turning his life around.”
May 11 Pray for those who visit the bus who are facing the reality of living on the streets, may they receive the practical help they need to find their own home.
May 12 Praise God for all those who have donated to Church on the Bus, whether financially, prayerfully or through practical items such as clothes, food and toiletries. We are so thankful for their generosity.
May 10 – 16
Church on the Bus
May 13 Pray for those on the bus who don’t yet know Jesus or are unsure about what they believe. Pray the hope of the gospel may become a reality to them.
May 14 Spend some time praying for Alan and his team of volunteers at the project who so faithfully love and serve people.
May 15 Give thanks for the churches in Matlock and Chesterfield who work in partnership with Church on the Bus.
May 16 Today, pray for vulnerable people in your area and for the projects that work hard to support them.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
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May 17 – 23
Retired evangelists Join us this week as we pray for our retired evangelists.
May 17 Pray for John Richards at the Parish of Dorchester in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. His monthly men’s breakfast and weekly Bible study and prayer groups are growing and he hopes to attract other members to join in with their fellowship.
May 18 Aubrey Bradfield in Colchester, Essex, would like prayer to maintain impetus in the follow up of the Through Faith Mission held last year. Pray particularly for their community centre and fundraising efforts for their youth club as well as their school and door-to-door visits.
May 19 Fidelis Oruche at the New Life Church in Manchester would like prayer for the expansion of his church and blessings for its leadership. Pray also for Fidelis Oruche blessings for their Sunday School and ministry in residential and prayer homes.
May 20 Nancy Thompson at St Michael’s Church in the Parish of Madeley, Telford, Shropshire, would like us to pray for their women’s group and Prayer Ministry Team. May they continue to deepen their prayer life for the benefit of the wider church community.
May 21 Pray for Ray Mills at St. Stephen’s Church in Chatham, Kent, in their search for a new vicar. May the new vicar settle in well and be blessed with many opportunities to share the gospel among the community.
May 22 Ros Haines in Ormskirk, Lancashire, will be attending a four-day silent retreat at Buckfast Abbey. She would like prayer that God will show her what direction he wants her to take in her work so that she can be most useful to him.
May 23 Spend some time today praying for elderly people in your local area, particularly those who are bereaved, lonely or struggling with ill health.
“Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for ever.” Psalm 117:1
18 prayer diary
The Amber Project in Cardiff supports young people aged 14 to 25 who are experiencing self-harm. It aims to build a sense of community by understanding and responding to the fact that each young person is unique and offering them a combination of one-to-one support and group work, including counselling and theatre workshops. Visit
May 24 – 30
The Amber Project
get more involved with the project in various roles, such as updating its website, running craft workshops and creating costumes, scenery and props for its theatre group.
May 27
May 24 Pray today for the young people at project who are frequently struggling to cope with complex problems that they feel are insurmountable. “Phoebe” said: “The Amber Project and the support I’ve received from Stacey have quite literally saved my life. Without it, I wouldn’t be here making a life for myself. My self-harm, eating disorder and anxieties are so much better and I have been able to do things I didn’t think possible, like learning to drive. I am now at a point where I am able to give back to The Amber Project and join their creative team of volunteers.”
May 25
Praise God for the project’s staff team and volunteers who work tremendously hard to create an environment which is safe and welcoming for the young people.
May 28 Pray for the project’s manager, Des Scott, co-ordinator, Caryl Stock, and its clinical supervisor, Sarah Cozens, who ensure the team feel supported as they engage in work which is frequently emotionally challenging.
May 29 Pray for the young people who move on from the project in the hope they will continue to thrive and enjoy lives which are hopeful, happy and fulfilling.
Remember those young people today who are placed on adult psychiatric wards and who are sometimes unable to be discharged simply because they have nowhere suitable to go.
May 30
May 26
“…I came that they might have life and have it to the full.”
Give thanks for the project’s creative team – a group which allows the young people to
Give thanks for all those who support The Amber Project financially, prayerfully or through volunteering.
John 10:10
prayer diary 19
May 31 – June 6
Leading Church Army Join us this week as we pray for our Senior Leadership Team and Board.
May 31
June 4
Pray for Church Army Chief Executive, Mark Russell, as he visits projects and attends meetings and speaking engagements nationwide. Pray for safety and energy as he travels.
National Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, said: “Please pray for the new centres of mission that are in the process of development in Ireland and Wales. Pray for me, that I will develop strong partnerships and that the centres of mission will be instrumental in inspiring and resourcing evangelism across the dioceses.”
June 1 Remember Church Army Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he continues to oversee and develop Church Army’s DARE strategy; Doing evangelism, Advocating evangelism, Resourcing evangelism and Enabling evangelism. May this strategy bear fruit for God’s kingdom.
June 2 Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick, said: “Please pray for our mission community; that it will be shaped more and more by Andrew Chadwick kingdom values and that God will continue to give us clarity of vision, identity and purpose.”
June 3 Give thanks for Retired Evangelist, Nanette Sanderson, who serves as an associate member of the Senior Leadership Team, freely giving her time and skills.
20 prayer diary
June 5 Spend some time today praying for our board members; Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Dorothy Needham, David Wilbourne, Graham Nunn, Steve Eccleston, Wendy Saunders and Joanna Cox. May God give them humility and wisdom as they make decisions about the future direction of Church Army.
June 6 Praise God for the Bishop of Chelmsford and Church Army Chair, Stephen Cottrell, and for his commitment to evangelism and passion to see the wider church engage with it.
“Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.” Mark 1:10
Join us in praying for our evangelists as they share Jesus with their communities.
June 7 Pray for Stuart Budden at our Thanet Centre of Mission as he leads the Prayer Care outreach to care homes with the support of volunteers from local churches. May they be able to share the hope of Christ with the residents, staff and the management.
June 8 Dawn Hudson at our Sheffield Centre of Mission runs Space4faith sessions each week at St Timothy’s Church in Crookes which includes Bible study and worship and is linked to the church’s social club for marginalised people. Praise God for two people in the group who have given their lives to Jesus! Pray they will become rooted and established in their faith.
June 9 Pray for Gordon Banks who is the Mission and Growth Partner to the Stafford Episcopal Area in the Diocese of Lichfield. As he continues to settle into this new role, pray he will make good connections with churches and be blessed with gospel opportunities.
June 10 Tim Smith at our Sheffield Centre of Mission would like prayer for the youth club he runs each Wednesday in the Netherthorpe area of the city. On alternate weeks, as part of the youth club, Tim leads a discussion group which is attended by around 12 teenagers
where they explore questions about life and discover who Jesus really is.
June 7 – 13
Hope for communities
June 11 Give thanks for Trevor Clarke at our Greenwich Centre of Mission and for the families he has supported and shared Jesus with over recent months – particularly for those who are ex-offenders or from chaotic backgrounds.
June 12 Paul Smith at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission would like prayer for the two community drop-ins he helps to organise in Hawick and Galashiels for those who are vulnerable or struggling Paul Smith with addiction. These weekly meetings provide practical advice, a meal and friendship.
June 13 Pray for Maria Hembrow who is based at the Church of Ascension in Bitterne Park, Southampton. May God give her all that she needs as she seeks new ways to reach out to the community in that area.
“It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” 2 Samuel 22:33
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June 14 – 20
The Wilson Carlile Centre The Wilson Carlile Centre is Church Army’s home in Sheffield and is also a conference centre which includes accommodation, a café, theological library and chapel. Visit
June 14
June 18
Give thanks for the hundreds of guests who stay at the Wilson Carlile Centre each year, many of who don’t yet know Jesus. Pray that through the Christian hospitality they receive, they will see something of the gospel and want to find out more.
Give thanks to God today for the way business has continued to grow at the Wilson Carlile Centre and pray for the hospitality and Centre Manager, conference Karen Kiely team as they consider its future development.
June 15 Praise God for our hospitality and conference team who work so hard to make our guests feel welcome and events run smoothly. Pray God will continue to unite them as a team and bless them with servant hearts.
June 16 Each day at midday Church Army staff, evangelists and visitors meet for prayers in the chapel. May prayer be at the centre of all we do at the Wilson Carlile Centre. As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
June 17 A number of vulnerable people visit the Wilson Carlile Centre regularly and use Wilson’s Café. Pray they would feel welcomed, supported and loved by all they meet.
June 19 Pray for the many organisations, dioceses, charities and churches which use the Wilson Carlile Centre for conferences, workshops and retreats. May their time with us be blessed and fruitful.
June 20 Spend some time today thinking about who in your community you could demonstrate Christian hospitality and welcome to. Pray for God to provide you with the right opportunity.
“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13
22 prayer diary
During the coming months, many in Church Army will be getting involved in summer outreach. Join us in praying for them this week. To get you inspired, take a look at our top tips for summer evangelism at
June 21 – 27
Good News this summer!
June 21 Pray for all those organising, leading or taking part in community fun days and fêtes this summer. May these events be a time of fun and fellowship for all involved, with opportunities to speak about Jesus.
June 22 Give thanks for the thousands of children and young people that take part in Christian holiday clubs and summer camps each year nationwide. Pray this summer, many will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
June 23
June 25 Pray for all those in Church Army leading one-off mission weeks during the summer with local churches. May they bear much gospel fruit.
June 26
With Christian festivals taking place throughout the summer, pray for those in Church Army who are taking groups to these events. May all who attend be strengthened and refreshed in their faith through the teaching, worship and fellowship they receive.
Give thanks for the Holiday at Home events which many churches run nationwide over the summer for those who are elderly. Pray these events would bring joy into the lives of those who attend and plant gospel seeds in their lives.
June 24
June 27
Pray for all those in Church Army who are involved in outreach at country shows over the summer. With thousands of people attending such events, may many experience and hear something of Jesus.
Spend some time praying for evangelism taking place in your community this summer and for the churches involved.
“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter:1:13
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“ The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” Psalm 19:8
Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169
ISSN 1751–3979
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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web: