Prayer Diary January - March 2017

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prayerdiary January - March 2017


Welcome from the Chief Executive


rayer is so important to any Christian community, and all the more important for one where the proclamation of the gospel message is central. Church Army has always greatly benefitted from the blanket of prayer our supporters give, and I want to thank you for being part of this and using our Prayer Diary. This year will be an exciting one for us and we will be introducing a number of changes to make it easier to join in with what God is doing with us. One of the changes is that we are publishing the Prayer Diary now to run over three full months rather four as before. In this issue we have invited evangelists and members of the community to ask for prayer and have grouped these geographically. January often gives us all an opportunity to reflect on a new start with God, and recommit ourselves to follow him and be faithful. As we approach Easter and journey through Lent, I pray that God may be close to all of us, and bless all of us in our ministry of prayer, and the outreach that flows from it. As Church Army expands its work over the coming year, I am reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:37-38: “Then he said to his disciples ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” Thank you for standing with us in prayer. You are part of our mission team. Please continue to pray with us and for us, that God may send his chosen workers into the harvest field and that they may see people come to faith in him. Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The Prayer Diary Supplement is available to download at The supplement is updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists, members and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

1-7 January

prayerdiary 1 January James Stewart (Ballymena) and his wife Robina conduct a Bible Study on Tuesday mornings for elderly parishioners of St John’s parish church. Please pray that those who come faithfully every week will make a deeper commitment of their lives to Christ.

2 January Stephen Whitten (Belfast) works in the Greater Shankill area of Belfast; he is involved in getting local churches to join together to bless the community through prayer and has also been part of a new job club for unemployed people in the area. Pray that churches in the area will continue to come together under a shared vision of bringing God’s kingdom.

3 January Elizabeth Cairns (Craigavon) comes into contact with many people through baptisms, weddings and funerals at Mullavilly Church. Please pray for those she meets and for a team preparing for a mission trip to Paraguay in the summer.

4 January Richard Waller (Killeshandra) asks us to pray that the churches will be able to encourage a ministry to men in the community, for God to work in the lives of the many children who the churches have contact with through Kidz Klub and local schools, and that people come to faith through the mission in Holy Week.

“ Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

Stephen Whitten and Karen Webb

5 January Karen Webb (Lisburn) works with Stephen Whitten in the North Belfast Centre of Mission, where they have just officially opened their Connect Base on the Shankill Road, Belfast. They aim to connect in a number of different ways with the community in the Greater Shankill area. Please pray for Karen as she makes connections with schools in the area and as she reaches out to both staff and pupils with God’s word and love.

6 January George Newell (Belfast) asks for prayer for a three-day Church Leadership Conference he is hosting in Belfast on 24-26 January. Pray that this would be both an encouraging and refreshing time for the church leaders who will be attending from all over Ireland.

7 January Val Thom (Dungannon) is involved with a Bible teaching event in Crossdernott Church in February and asks for prayer for the speaker - Rev Malcolm Kingston - and for the preparation of a celebration event in March of the fifth anniversary of the Zacchaeus Outreach Project.

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8 - 13 January Rob Barker and Narrowboat Andrew

8 January

11 January

David Scurr (Chester) asks for prayer for St Mary’s Church, Coddington, which will be holding a Plough Sunday Service on 15 January for the local farming community. Please pray that many of the farmers will respond to the invitation to the service and the fellowship meal afterwards. Pray for David as he proclaims the gospel message of hope.

Kelvin Bolton (Liverpool) would like prayer for the development of Messy Church, which takes place in a local school, for the team, confidence and new members, and for guidance and wisdom to how we make connection to a new housing estate built around this school.

9 January Dave O’Brien (Chester) recently became curate at Holy Ascension, Upton by Chester. Dave asks for prayer that the team would seek out those gifted in ministry in the life of the church and use those gifts to extend God’s kingdom in the parish of Holy Ascension.

10 January Rob Barker (Ellesmere Port) asks for prayer for the Chester Centre of Mission – for the weekly Saturday morning breakfast and activities morning for the homeless; the weekly Narrowboat Andrew trips with the homeless, that this develops appropriately as people discover their worth in Jesus; and for the work of the Jesus Bus.

12 January Sandra Doore (Liverpool) has a parish mission at St Stephen’s, Gateacre at the beginning of 2018 and will be using 2017 to prepare for this. Sandra would like prayer for God’s guidance on where to focus their ministry and for willing people to join the team in order to put their faith into action.

13 January Phil Haines (Ormskirk) would value prayers for his volunteer work with Queenscourt Hospice, Southport, where he visits patients and provides company, support and a listening ear.

“ He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation’.” Mark 16:15

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Simon & Kathleen Cake (Egremont) have a son called Oliver who will be 15 years old on 14 January. Oliver asks for prayer for all of Church Army’s children, especially those seeking direction for exams, careers and vocational work.

15 January Dawn Hudson (Chester-le-Street) asks for prayer as she seeks to develop women’s outreach with the help of the Government’s Enterprise Scheme. Please pray for the right connections and advice, and that Dawn would be a blessing to those she meets, and reflect something of God’s love to the business community.

16 January Joan Hornby (Redcar and Cleveland) would like prayer for her ministry visiting those in care homes, the bereaved and those who receive home Communion. Pray that they will respond to God’s love and let Him minister to their spiritual and physical needs and to soften the hearts of those who fear the Good News message.

17 January Penny Horseman (Amble) is part of St Cuthbert’s Amble and they are currently seeking a new vicar. Please pray that they can maintain momentum for being outward looking as well as to know who God is calling to work with us. Please pray especially for their Cafe Church.

18 January Stephen Ramshaw (Willington Quay) asks for prayer as he oversees the day-to-day work of St Paul’s Church Centre and the St Stephen Ramshaw Paul’s Community Partnership. Please pray for God’s continued blessing on all the work they do at St Paul’s and in the wider community of Willington Quay, reaching out with the love and Good News of Jesus.

19 January Steve Dixon (Newcastle upon Tyne) is Curate in a busy suburban church and asks for prayer for his work with partner organisations as he reaches out to the lonely and isolated. Steve is also chair of the Diocesan Evangelism Task Group and asks we pray for them as they encourage people to share their faith stories and have the confidence to invite people to mission events.

20 January Aidan Greenwood (Whitefield) would like prayer for himself and his family, Caroline, Lydia, and Rebekah, as they settle into a new home. St Margaret’s, Prestwich, in their new Parish runs a drop in centre for asylum seekers every week; please pray for the team of volunteers and especially for those using the centre and that they may find muchneeded support, comfort and friendship.

“ And pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18

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14-20 January

14 January

21 - 27 January

21 January

25 January

Andrew Dyer (Didsbury) would like prayer for himself and his wife, Maureen, who act as Lay Pastors in the parish of St James and Emmanuel. Andrew is also involved in conducting funerals. Pray that in their ministries the love of God will be evident in people’s lives and that those they meet will come to know that love in Jesus.

Kathleen and Norris Boyland (Clee Hill, Ludlow) would like prayer for continued guidance for their ministry as they serve in a hurting world. They also ask that we pray for God’s chosen people to step into new leadership roles.

22 January Frank McGregor (Stoke-on-Trent) asks that we would pray for St Luke’s Church as he leads discussions with the council and residents regarding the development of the building as a new community centre.

23 January Gordon Banks (Stafford Episcopal Area) is part of the Diocesan Rural Task Group that has been tasked to review and reflect upon the report Released for Mission, Growing the Rural Church. Pray that as they move forward there will be recognition of rural ministry and that resources will be released to help rural churches flourish, grow and be fit for purpose in the 21st-century while honouring and celebrating their deep history.

24 January Gordon Lamb (Meole Brace, Shrewsbury) asks that we pray for God’s peace to be known by his community in such a troubled world. He also asks for prayer that God’s grace and favour enables the local church to build deeper relationships with those who serve in their community.

26 January Simon Mason (Hadley, Telford) is a pastoral outreach worker at Hadley Methodist Church. Please pray for the continued development of Simon’s community ministry, including the opening of their own ‘Bread Church’, a fresh expression of Church where those attending make bread together.

27 January

Sylvia and Tony Maidment

Sylvia and Tony Maidment (Pedmore, Stourbridge) are involved with handing out Gideon’s New Testaments. Thank God for the large proportion of children who accept the New Testaments following Tony’s assemblies and please pray that all the young people feel encouraged to read God’s word and that God would speak to them through what they read.

“ But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4

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1 February

Joan Hudspeth (Worcester) asks that we pray for all those taking on extra responsibilities during her church’s interregnum, including David, Mike, Elizabeth, Malcolm and others. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they go forward into a new chapter of their church.

Colin Brown (Redruth) asks that we pray for his work as an artist among the arts community of Cornwall and beyond. Pray for Art & Soul, a monthly meeting at Krowji arts centre, Redruth; that the light of Christ might shine within the discussions about art and spirituality.

29 January

2 February

Jonathan Wiggam (Aldershot) would like us to pray for the development of further contact with parents and families as he helps build upon an already vibrant children’s ministry. Pray that whole families will encounter Jesus and be impacted by Kingdom values and culture.

Grantley and Gladys Finlayson (Luton) ask for prayer for their parish audit and outreach to the local community of Luton. Give thanks for Grantley and Gladys’ 38th year as Commissioned Officers and pray that they would continue to serve the parishioners of St Andrew, Luton in their roles as Ordained Evangelists.

30 January Ken Cavanagh (Alicante) asks us to pray for the local Songs of Praise every Sunday evening. Ken does the talks and helps with the leading. Please pray for Ken and the team as they seek to present the joys and difficulties of living for Christ to those attending the meeting.

3 February John Smith (Farsley, Leeds) would like prayer for their Messy Church and particularly for more people to join their team. Pray also for John as a Squadron Chaplain for the Air Training Corps and especially for inspiration as he leads the Chaplain’s Hour.

31 January

4 February

Ruth Hills (Southampton) would like pray for her new post as Pioneer Evangelist as she builds new relationships with schools. Pray particularly for relationships with Townhill Infant School, where she hopes to begin a lunchtime club.

Shena Moray (Eastfield, Scarborough) would like prayer for their monthly Sunday@4pm gathering in a socially deprived area of Scarborough. They gather around a simple meal and share Shena Moray thoughts around a gospel theme. Pray for the two young people who have asked to be confirmed in their faith through being part of Sunday@4pm.

“ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

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28 January - 4 February

28 January

5 - 11 February

5 February

8 February

Gill Martin (Gravesend) works in Strood (Kent) in one of the poorest areas of Medway and asks that we pray for her as she seeks to engage with local people to show God’s love. Please also pray that a team of people will join the vision for the recent project of pub chaplaincy so they may engage with people in this way.

Ray Mills (Chatham) would like prayer for those who have a vision for outreach in his parish of St Stephen’s, Chatham, including at a number of retirement homes and schools. Pray for guidance and perseverance in continuing in these areas of opportunity.

6 February

Judith Bawtree (Hove) asks for prayer for the new people joining their book group. Please pray for a good atmosphere where the love of Christ is shown and where people feel welcomed. Pray for the members as they ask those who are not yet believers to come along and join the group.

Graham Nunn (Maidstone) would like prayer for all the schools that he is involved with as they try to deliver the Christian message in a way that is fun, exciting and full of joy. Please pray for Nancy who works with Graham as she continues to learn about how to share her faith in China.

10 February

11 February

7 February Jon Clarke (Folkestone) would like us to pray for the many people who come to the lunch club he is involved with, including the homeless who they continue to support.

9 February Bob Carrington (Seaford) asks that we pray for the fortnightly home group he runs. Pray that members continue to be keen to explore faith and pray for others. Pray for Bob as he and fellow church warden, Fred, support their clergy and the wider church community with their Mission Action Plan.

“ Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:23

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Olive Deeming

Paul and Olive Deeming (Bexhill-on-Sea) would like prayer for their ministry at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre where Paul is a visiting chaplain and Olive a Prayer Minister. Pray for wisdom, compassion and guidance as they lead Quiet Days, services and training days. Pray that Paul and Olive have a balance between retirement, family and the many pastoral demands made upon them.

12 - 18 February


12 February

15 February

Xplore is a big family, a dispersed community of young evangelists across the British Isles and Ireland. Please pray that we are able to stand united as one body, and thank God for technology which enables our communication.

Xplore (Belfast) ask that we pray for Stephen and the Xplore group that meets in Belfast. Ask God to continue giving them compassion for their city and pray that they are able to support each other in mission and evangelism.

13 February

16 February

Xplore asks that we pray for Lesley Caldwell who lives just outside Stirling. She is our first Xplore participant from Scotland. Please pray for compassion and boldness as she seeks to reach those around her with the Good News of the gospel.

Today we pray for The Old Scholars - previous Xplore graduates who remain a tight-knit community. Ask God to keep them passionate about reaching their communities and communicating Jesus to those around them.

14 February Xplore would like us to pray for the young people who are leaders on Xplore - Stephen, Alice, Jo, Cherith, Chris and Jess. Pray for them as they lead Xplore groups online and in cities across the British Isles and Ireland, and as they seek to journey with peers on evangelism adventures.

“ Sing to the Lord, all the earth, proclaim his salvation day after day.” 1 Chronicles 16:23

17 February In Xplore people share their experiences and encounters with different types of evangelism and different ways of reaching the lost. Please pray that this fosters a culture of continual learning and improving, keeping God’s love for the world at the forefront of all they do.

18 February Please pray for the upcoming Xplore mission weekend on 17-19 March. Pray for safe travel for those travelling from across the British Isles and Ireland. Pray also for opportunities to share the good news and for boldness within Xplore.

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19 - 27 February

19 February

24 February

Chris Brann (Bath) asks that we pray for his health and healing from a long-term illness. Please also pray for rest and that Chris may do God’s will.

Joan Wilbourne (Malmesbury) asks that we pray for continued opportunities for her to share the good news of Jesus in Malmesbury Abbey and the retirement complex she lives in.

20 February Steve Rogers (Bath) is the Associate Minister at St Andrew’s Community Church, Foxhill, Bath. Please pray for those attending the Start Course he is running with the Tuesday Toddler mums. Pray that each group member will have an encounter with God and begin a journey into faith in Christ and beyond.

21 February

Peggy Boynes

Peggy Boynes (Bath) asks that we pray for the beginning of the tourist season at Bath Abbey, where Peggy, at the age of 79, is an invaluable member of the voluntary chaplaincy team.

22 February Jenny Colby (Calne) would like prayer for a deepening of discipleship in the Parish of Calne, for the occasional Messy Church and for her involvement in the local care home.

23 February Steven Colby (Calne) would like prayer for his role as a volunteer at the Christian bookshop. Pray too that the churches in Calne will work together in sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

25 February Clive Deverell (Swindon) would like prayer for the mid-week worship he is involved with, which is aimed at older people in Toothill. Pray that people might encounter God in friendship and in fellowship.

26 February Hannah Seal (Port Talbot, Neath) started some new social groups for the elderly in November. Please pray that these will provide a way for those who are on their own to socialise, and Hannah Seal for other churches in the deanery to think about how they can support those who are lonely, bereaved or feel isolated.

27 February Robert Lowe (Llanelli) asks that we would pray for St Peter’s Church in Llanelli as they look to continue reordering the back of the church. It is currently a café that also sells second-hand goods. Please also pray for their Kids Klub and outreach to families in the local area.

“ Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all people.” Psalm 96:3

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5 March

Val Fernandez (Caerphilly) would like prayer for the work she does with ladies, most of whom have learning disabilities or dementia. Two of the ladies come to Val for respite care; please pray for their health.

Michael Angus (London) asks that we pray for him and his team as they seek to serve people who are homeless or living with mental health issues. Pray that the community attending the centre would know they are loved and cared for and welcome as part of God’s family.

1 March Jean Cade (Abergavenny) would like us to pray for the Gilwern/Crickhowell area’s aging population in the wake of recent losses and serious illness. Jean asks that we pray for those dealing with or facing loss and for those supporting them.

2 March Val Legg (Haverfordwest) asks that we pray for the Tuesday after-school club she runs; that it is a place where children feel safe to ask questions and that it will provide an opportunity for the children to develop and deepen their relationships with Christ.

3 March Sue Way (Cardiff Residential Services) would like prayer for the work of Ty Bronna and Ty Danescourt in Cardiff, working with homeless people aged 16-21. Please pray that the young people may come to know the love of God through the care and compassion demonstrated by the faith of the staff and shared through daily actions and positive interaction.

4 March Sue Way (Cardiff Residential Services) asks that we pray that the homeless young people will be given the opportunity of securing employment as part of their transition from homelessness to independent living and building a fulfilling and worthwhile future.

6 March David Booker (Leicester) is Chaplain of Wren Academy in Finchley and would like prayer for students preparing for exams. He also asks that we pray for the growing relationships with local youth workers who lead informal Christian groups, praying that doors will be opened by the Lord to facilitate other churches in reaching out.

28 February - 8 March

28 February

7 March Theresa Pountney (London) asks for prayer for her ministry at St James the Less, Pimlico, where she visits vulnerable people in her church and community. Please also pray for Theresa as she supports people and that, through her, they may see something of love of Jesus.

8 March David Coleman (South Nutfield) asks for prayer for the Faith Pictures and Alpha courses he is developing alongside his initial ministerial education studies. Also pray for their Lent programme on inclusivity and being a missional church community.

“ Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12

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9 -15 March

9 March

13 March

Elizabeth Shearcroft (Streatham) would like prayers of thanksgiving for the church members’ deepening relationships with God, and prayers that they can work alongside God in what He is already doing in Streatham.

Stuart Budden (Dundee) and his wife moved to Dundee in December and would like prayer that they may both settle into their new surroundings. Pray for wisdom for Stuart as he listens to the local community and understands how they can best serve their needs. Pease also pray for the work that has been left behind in Thanet and those that are going to continue the work of Prayer Care and Ignite.

10 March Jerry Garton (Caterham) asks for prayer for the parish of St John’s, where he is the vicar. Pray especially for the ministry in the church school and outreach to the children and their families.

14 March

11 March Paul Fitzpatrick

(Vauxhall) would like prayer for himself and his team as they continue to build up the TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday) initiative, which runs once a month. Please pray Paul Fiitzpatrick for the young families they engage with through a new way of seeing God and the Church.

12 March Gerry Bowyer (Aberdeen) asks for prayers for the CAF4E missionary community in Aberdeen as they seek to serve the community and build relationships by modelling Christian community. Please pray for those they are discipling to faith and for others as they grow in faith.

“ The gospel must first be preached to all the nations.” Mark 13:10

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Julie Thomson

Julie Thomson (Newcastleton) asks for prayer for the children’s groups: Boulder Gang, Rock Solid Crew, Stepping Stones, Groundbreakers and Club with No Name. Pray for the work in schools and the relationships with families. Please pray for Youth Club, for a clear vision for this work, for God’s provision and to expand the volunteer team there.

15 March Paul Smith (Newcastleton) works as Chaplain of Gala Fairydean Rovers FC in Galashiels and would like prayer for the opening up of conversations and opportunities, to build relationships and share the gospel in the football community. Please also pray for the walking football community; for their work among unchurched people in Galashiels and those struggling with addictive lifestyles.

22 March

Deborah Battersby (Sheffield) works with the Sheffield Centre of Mission to connect women from local churches with vulnerable women in the community. Pray that the love of God will shine his light into the darkness of women suffering with depression and mental health.

Ian Maher (Sheffield) is the Anglican Chaplain and multi-faith chaplaincy coordinator at Sheffield Hallam University. Please pray for all students who have lost a loved one and for a recently launched initiative to help support students experiencing bereavement.

19 March

23 March

Nanette Sanderson (Chesterfield) would like prayer for her work among older people at St Thomas’ church, Brampton in Chesterfield, especially as they seek to draw people closer to God through their monthly Time for Reflection.

Mike Reeder (Sheffield) asks for prayer for all those who are living with a life-threatening illness, whether personally or as they walk with a family member or friend. Pray for Mike and his work as a chaplain at a hospice as he seeks to support people as they encounter the emotions and physical symptoms that illness presents. Pray that Mike may have wisdom, courage and strength to be what God wants in these difficult situations.

20 March Louise Yaull (Sheffield ) is a full-time chaplain at the hospital and is currently training part-time for ordination with YMC at Mirfield. Please pray for the patients, relatives, staff and volunteers at the hospital as they face the ongoing challenges in the NHS.

21 March Kinder Kalsi (Sheffield) asks for prayer for the new direction of the Sheffield Centre of Mission. Pray for how they create placements for people to experience evangelism in different contexts. Pray for them as they work towards being a place for networking and helping to create unity within the churches in Sheffield.

18 -24 March November 20 – 26

18 March

24 March Sandra Nichols (Sheffield) is a community minister working mainly with children and young families and helps with Rainbows and Brownies every week. Through building relationships with the leaders, Sandra has had the opportunity to invite leaders and children to her church’s special services and talk about her faith to the group. Please pray the leaders will come to faith and that more Christians will come forward to serve in these groups.

“ For this is what the Lord has commanded us ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” Acts 13:47

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November – 19 25 -15 13 March

25 March

28 March

Maureen Greaves (Sheffield) asks that we pray for the new social group they have started for adults which finishes with a gospel meditation. Pray that more people will join them and that God Maureen Greaves will provide a male co-worker to get alongside the men.

Steve Martin (Umberleigh) would like prayer for the mission communities across the Diocese of Exeter. Please pray for the development and training of more laity in these communities and that mission and evangelism are seen as the priority. Also pray that Steve’s gifts and skills will be used in the right places.

26 March Peter Murray (King’s Lynn) would like prayer for himself along with some members of his church as they explore setting up some new work in 2017. Please also pray for the benefice as it goes through a time of change and renewal.

27 March Rachel Seabrook (Taverham, Norwich) would like prayer for their outreach work in the community, for their cafe, Messy Church and their new after-school club for year sevens and above. Give thanks for the opportunities they have to go into schools and for school groups visiting the church. Pray that the welcome they give and the activities they do with young people will sow seeds of the love of Jesus.

“ If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22

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29 March Andrew Payne (Haverhill) would like prayer for his church, St Mary’s Haverhill, who are starting a new weekly Messy Church following successful outreach activities over the past couple of years. Also pray for Diana and Tracy, two church members exploring the new role of Parish Evangelists.

30 March Sharon Connell (Stowmarket) would like prayer for the chaplaincy team at St Nicholas Hospice Care as they serve those who live in West Suffolk and Thetford. Please pray for Sharon in her role there.

31 March Jenny Taylor (Dereham) asks for prayer for herself as she continues to minister in churches in Dereham and the surrounding villages. Jenny also helps to repair and maintain Jenny Taylor hearing aids for people in care and nursing homes and dementia units. May she continue to show God’s love to these people.

Front cover image: Julie Thomson from the Scottish Borders Centre of Mission (Grafted Project) in Newcastleton, doing a fundraising sky-dive for Church Army. Compiled by Neil Thomson and Becky Forder Edited by Neil Thomson Sub-edited by Bethan Hill All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

“ Then he said to his disciples ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” Matthew 9:37-38

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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