Prayer Diary Autumn/Winter 2016

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prayerdiary Autumn/Winter 2016


Welcome from the Chief Executive


ne of my favourite verses is 1 Corinthians 1:9, where Paul writes: “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” The theme of God’s faithfulness is a theme that runs from Genesis to Revelation. During Advent, we worship the God who didn’t just speak his love from a distance, but a God who rolled up his sleeves and got his hands dirty by entering our world as a baby boy. As Christmas approaches, let’s remember that there in the manger is the living proof that God keeps his promises. Let’s rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus is the ultimate proof of the faithfulness of a faithful God. I pray that amongst all the busyness of the season, each of one us will take the time to simply stand still and behold the wonder and miracle of the birth of our Saviour – and then share the blessing with others. In this edition, we would value your prayers for our Dundee Centre of Mission (page 4), which reaches out to individuals with substance misuse problems and the homeless with Christ’s love. On page 10, please join us in praying for our first Centre of Mission in Ireland, the Tuam Centre of Mission. Please also pray that everyone involved in seasonal outreach – in your neck of the woods and further afield – will touch the hearts of men, women and children with the true meaning of Christmas (pages 8 and 11). Leading Church Army is such a privilege, and I thank God for all the fantastic supporters who daily encourage and drive us forward in pursuing God’s work. I can’t say thank you enough! I wish you and your families a peaceful, blessed and joyful Christmas. Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader

The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

Autumn/Winter 2016

4 Dundee Centre of Mission Hope for the homeless 5 Mission Community Encouraging and enabling each other 6 On the margins Helping those most in need


7 Senior Leadership Team and Board Moving ahead in mission 8 Spirit of Christmas Birth of Jesus, light of the world 9 Research Unit Expressing Christianity in fresh ways


10 Tuam Centre of Mission Our first Centre of Mission in Ireland 11 Sharing the miracle Seasonal outreach 12 What can I give him, poor as I am? Christmas reflection 14 Growing together Join our community 15 Inspirational quotes Deepen your faith


Front cover image: Prayers at Pirate Monks, a weekly group meeting which encourages men in their daily faith walk, run by the Lead Evangelist of our Dundee Centre of Mission, Kerry Dixon. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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October 30 – November 5

Dundee Centre of Mission The Dundee Centre of Mission aims to bring the light of Jesus into the darkness of lives scarred by addictions, abuse and neglect. Please hold them in your prayers this week.

October 30

November 2 Pray for the men who attend Pirate Monks, a weekly meeting that aims to encourage and challenge them in their faith journey. May they continue to learn and grow together.

November 3


Pray for Lead Evangelist, Kerry Dixon, as he reaches out to the homeless and hurting in Dundee. May the Lord put those most in need of help in his path.

October 31 Praise God for Soup ’n’ Soul, a weekly event held at St Paul’s Cathedral, which offers food and friendship for people with difficult life circumstances. Give thanks for the 1,646 meals that were served to vulnerable people last year through this initiative.

November 1 Remember Bruce, Fiona and Georgie who volunteer for the centre. Please pray that more volunteers will be inspired to give their time and talents to further God’s kingdom in Dundee.

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Give thanks for all those who have come to know Jesus as their friend and Saviour with the support of the Dundee Centre of Mission. Pray that their new-found faith may help them to resist the temptation of drugs, alcohol and gambling.

November 4 Pray for the team’s ministry to the gay community in Dundee. May individuals be inspired to find out more about the gospel.

November 5 Give thanks for the Dundee Centre of Mission’s partnership with St Luke’s Church Downfield and the Diocese of Brechin. May they enthuse many others in mission and evangelism.

“ Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

The Church Army Mission Community is a family of like-minded Christians who are committed to sharing faith through words and action. Please join us in praying for the community.

November 6 Give thanks for our newest members: Grace Wylde, Deb Chadwick, Mike Dare, Anne-Marie Garton and Frances Grieve.

November 6 – 12

Mission Community

November 7 Pray for the evangelists-in-training who have made their promises to the community: Peter Tomkinson, Cherith Collins, Ian Roulston, Dawn Cooper, Judith Bawtree and Elaine Smith.


November 8

November 11

Give thanks to the individuals who have been re-commissioned as Church Army Evangelists: Paul Bourner, Nigel Chapman, Brian Duckworth and Dennis Wight.

Spend some time praying for our Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick. May he be guided by the Lord on how best to help members grow in their identity and use their gifts and ministries.

November 9 Praise God for our newly appointed Local Mission Community Leaders: Kathy Green, Shena Moray, Gerry Bowyer and Andy Settle. Pray that they will be instrumental in building community by working together and learning from each other.

November 10 The Mission Community will be advertising additional posts for Local Mission Community Leaders in the next few months. Pray that Church Army Evangelists around the country may be able to discern God’s calling for their lives and be inspired to apply.

November 12 Pray for Community Facilitator, David Craig, as he supports and encourages new and existing community members.

“ But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7

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November 13 – 19

On the margins Please unite with us in praying for the work our evangelists are doing with the most vulnerable and marginalised members of society.

November 13

November 16 St Peter’s Vauxhall in London was founded 152 years ago to offer musical and artistic opportunities for poor children. Pray for Paul Fitzpatrick and the team, who have recently established a children’s choir at the church; may gospel seeds be planted in young lives.

November 17


Praise God for Theresa Pountney and her Open Door meals, which help 60-80 homeless and vulnerable individuals living in London. Pray that the Christmas events she is planning will be soul-stirring and life-transforming.

November 14 Give thanks for Isaac Hannah and the many opportunities he has to share Jesus with the thousands of visitors who come to the Drumcliffe Parish in County Sligo to visit the grave of Irish poet, William Butler Yeats. May he be able to communicate the gospel powerfully to the most hurting and disillusioned.

November 15 Pray for Val Fernandez in Caerphilly, South Wales, and her ministry to individuals with special needs, including those with learning and physical disabilities as well as dementia.

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Ask for God’s blessings on the people you know who put loving their neighbour into practice and give up their time to serve the less fortunate.

November 18 Give thanks for Philip Gay and his team at St Barnabas on the Barlow Hall housing estate in Manchester, who reach out to their local community through a parent and toddler group, coffee mornings, drop-in centre and food bank.

November 19 Our Thanet Centre of Mission and a small team of volunteers visit residential homes on the east coast of Kent, helping individuals to explore faith in later life. Please pray for the elderly people they reach out to, may the Lord alleviate their physical and emotional suffering.

“ So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Matthew 20:16

We would appreciate your prayers for the individuals who lead Church Army and who work hard to shape our organisation into all that God wants it to be.

November 20

November 23

Praise the Lord for the Chair of the Church Army Board, Stephen Cottrell, and his steadfast commitment to evangelism.

The Leaders’ Conference commences today at the Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield. Ask God to bless our Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick, National Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, and the others who have worked hard to prepare for the event.

November 20 – 26

Senior Leadership Team and Board

November 24 Please pray for our Annual General Meeting and community day taking place today at the Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield. May the Church Army family continue to grow in faith, fun and fellowship.

November 25

Board Member, Dorothy Needham

November 21 Please pray for our Board Members who serve Church Army faithfully. Give thanks for those who are standing down as Trustees and for the new members being elected at the Annual General Meeting this week.

November 22 Our Chief Executive, Mark Russell, will be taking part in the Archbishops’ Council Meeting in Lambeth Palace today. Spend some time praying for him as he attends meetings and speaks at events across the country. May he be successful in enthusing others in evangelism.

Pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he supports our evangelists, staff members and management team.

November 26 Pray for God’s guidance over our Senior Leadership Team and Board as a new year begins. May their decisions lead to many more men, women and children coming to a living faith in Jesus Christ.

“ Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15 prayer diary 7

November 27 – December 3

Spirit of Christmas Please join us in praying that there may be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on men, women and children across the British Isles and Ireland this Christmas.

November 27

December 1

As Advent begins today, pray for the outreach taking place in your area. May many hearts yearn to know Jesus for themselves.

Praise God for the opportunities Nick Russell from our Greenwich Centre of Mission has to share the gospel in local housing estates. He has invited around 600 children and parents to his Superkidz Christmas parties; pray that those attending will hear Jesus’ voice clearly.

November 28


Pray for Phaedra Pamphilon-Green in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, that she and her team may be able to provide support and Christmas cheer to those who are lonely, isolated and housebound over the festive period.

November 29 Give thanks for Val Thom in Dungannon, County Tyrone, and ask for God’s blessings on her Christmas party for toddlers.

November 30 Jane and Syd Henderson in Leicester will be holding their first children’s carol service this year, in addition to their traditional nativity and evening carol services. Please pray for the success of their Christmas events.

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December 2 Pray for the Christmas outreach that Kinder Kalsi and his team will be doing in Sheffield’s city centre. May they have meaningful conversations with non-Christians as they hand out mince pies and involve the community in searching for hidden angels.

December 3 Pray for Steve Rogers and the team at St Andrew’s Community Church in Bath, who are holding a Messy Church event tomorrow for more than 70 unchurched people. He said: “Pray that Jesus Christ would reveal himself to both adults and children who will be attending.”

“ And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” 1 John 5:11

Please pray for our Research Unit as they continue to research and share their findings into fresh expressions of church. Visit

December 4

December 8

The Research Unit presented their research findings on fresh expressions of church at two conferences last month. Pray that what emerged from the findings may be successfully applied in different contexts.

Pray for George Lings in his role as external consultant for the team that promotes lay pioneers within the Leicester Diocese. May he be a source of encouragement for them.

December 5

December 9

Pray for God’s guidance over Claire Dalpra as she researches the effectiveness of Messy Churches over the longer term.

The Research Unit has asked our Centres of Mission to identify both their strengths and weaknesses. Pray for clarity and wisdom as the team sets up this new piece of research.

December 6

December 10

Give thanks for Andy Wier, who has recently begun analysing how the wider church can best reach young adults who are disconnected from church.

Praise God for the opportunity the unit has been given to supervise the fresh expressions research being done by the Methodist Church. Pray that it may promote better understanding of key issues.

December 7 The Research Unit is currently researching fresh expressions of church in the Lichfield Diocese. Pray that the churches will respond with detailed and accurate information so that the report can give a realistic snapshot of what is happening in the diocese.

December 4 – 10

Church Army’s Research Unit

“ Turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding…” Proverbs 2:2 prayer diary 9

December 11 – 17

Tuam Centre of Mission The Tuam Centre of Mission, Church Army’s first centre in Ireland, was launched in April 2016. One of its main aims is to create a hub for contact and outreach to all disadvantaged members of the local community.

December 11

December 14 Pray for gospel opportunities as Emma builds links with local schools and makes plans to set up children’s clubs in the area, including on one of the housing estates.

December 15 Spend some time praying that individuals who are passionate about children’s and youth ministry will step forward and volunteer for the centre. (L-R) Leslie and Emma

Please pray for the centre’s Lead Pioneer Evangelist, Emma Rodrigues, as she builds relationships with the local churches, schools, agencies and with the community she seeks to serve.

December 12 Give thanks for the partnership between Church Army and the four main churches in the area: the Church of Ireland, Methodist Church, Catholic Church and Presbyterian Church. Pray that the partnership will bring many more to a living faith, especially the most marginalised and vulnerable.

December 13 Give thanks for the prayer walks Emma has been leading around the local housing estates, together with Leslie, a missionary from Texas who works for the local Presbyterian Church.

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December 16 Praise God for the connections made with local families through football. Emma’s Brazilian husband, Robson, organises football training and games for children and teenagers. Give thanks that they can continue these get-togethers during winter in the Catholic parish hall.

December 17 Pray that Emma’s ministry among the travelling community and people of different nationalities and faiths will continue to develop. May she be enabled to share her faith with them.

“ Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17

This week we rejoice in the Christmas outreach that our evangelists are planning. May the people they reach out to experience the Lord’s peace, love and faithfulness for themselves.

December 18

December 22

Jo Bowyer in Aberdeen would appreciate prayers for the carol services being held in her local community. She said: “Pray that the Christmas season will be an opportunity to spend quality time with local families.”

December 18 – 24

Sharing the miracle

December 19 Praise God for Nic Sheppard and the Churches Together team in Wetherby, West Yorkshire, who are providing a Christmas day lunch for around 150 people that would otherwise be spending the day alone.

December 20 Pray for Julie Thomson at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission and the special events for children she will be holding over the Christmas period, including Posada.

December 21

Steven and Jenny

Steven and Jenny Colby are involved in the Bible Society’s and Calne Partnership of Churches’ living nativity scene. They are hoping to be entered into the Guinness World Records for the largest number of people in nativity costumes. Pray that the event may inspire community members to discover the gospel for themselves.

Give thanks for Jacquie Messinger and her team in Colchester who will be hosting four family-focused Christmas events, including a crib service for children who can dress up and add characters to the nativity scene. Pray that these young Christians may embark on a lifelong friendship with Jesus.

December 23

“ This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12

Give thanks for the outreach that Alan Lowe and his wife Heather are doing in West Cumbria, especially through their Lazy Sunday Café, where they serve breakfast and offer prayerful reflections and activities to around 50 unchurched individuals.

Pray for all the people you know who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. May they experience the miracle of Christmas in a deeply personal way.

December 24

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December 25 – 31

What can I give him, poor as I am? By Peter Graystone

Something to think about: How is your Christmas shopping going? I hope it hasn’t been too stressful this year. Or too expensive! A huge number of presents are going to change hands in the next few days. Gifts have all kinds of hidden messages. Some presents are given to say a heartfelt thank you. Some are given to ease a guilty conscience. There are some gifts which are a sign of deep love. Others are given to stop a child nagging – for a while at least. Then there are presents which are given so that a teenager can have some self-respect among his or her friends. And of course, sometimes we give people things which we ourselves would actually have liked to receive. It’s so satisfying when you find a gift which is really appropriate for a particular person.

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Over the years, Christians have come to see hidden messages in the gifts which the wise men gave to the young Jesus: gold seems to be associated with kingship; frankincense has always been a feature of worship; myrrh seems to foresee the significance of Jesus’ death. I’m sure all that is true. But it occurs to me that it might all have been much more mundane. The wise men had expected to greet the king of the Jews in a splendid palace. They had obviously selected gifts which were suitable to present to royalty on a state occasion. When they realised how humble the circumstances of Jesus’ family were, perhaps they were completely embarrassed. I can imagine one of them whispering to another: “We had no idea how basic the family’s needs were going to be. If only we had realised, we could have brought something much more appropriate. A loaf of bread, perhaps, or a jug of wine.”

Something to praise God for:

Something to read:

“ Thanks be to God for his indescribable

“ After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15

Something to dwell on: “ What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man I would do my part Yet what I can I give him – give my heart.”

Christina Rossetti, English Poet (1830 – 1894)

Matthew 2:9-11

Something to do: Where are you going to be on Christmas Day? Find a candle. Go now and put it in the quietest room in that place. At some point during the Christmas celebrations, sneak away from the bustle, go to the room and light the candle. Make that moment really special between you and Jesus. You don’t need to say anything. Just be thankful that life is full of hope and meaning because Jesus has come into our world. Then blow out the candle, go back and eat another mince pie, and don’t tell a soul what you’ve done.

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Mission Community

Mission Community What is the Church Army Mission Community? Wilson Carlile founded Church Army in 1882 as a society of evangelists trained to encourage and enable ordinary Christian people to share their faith through words and action. In the twenty-first century, the need to witness to our faith is no less and the way to enable this is evolving. In 2012, Church Army became a mission community approved by the Church of England and endorsed by the other Anglican Provinces in the British Isles and Ireland. This has allowed us to extend the vision our founder had to encourage, enable and support others in evangelism in local communities right across these islands. Through this extended network of missionminded people, we hope to see more communities transformed and evangelism resourced as we support local Christians in their desire to share the Good News. To find out more, please visit

Revised distribution Please note that this edition of Prayer Diary is shorter than usual. This is so we can begin a new year of prayer together starting from 1 January.

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Open to all Christians Church Army is a mission community open to all Christians who have a passion for evangelism and seeing people come to faith. You can be a part of a movement of Christians across the British Isles and Ireland who are passionate about the Good News of Jesus Christ and who want to share it with their family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and with those most in need within their communities. Church Army is a place where you can find support and gather together locally and nationally with other Christians who are committed to evangelism. You can share in our DARE strategy, which sees us Doing, Advocating, Resourcing and Enabling evangelism across the whole church. We will explore with you what it means to belong, how we can see each other go deeper into everything that God has called us to and do all he has called us to do.

“ Start being brave about everything. Drive out darkness and spread light. Don’t look at your weaknesses. Realise instead that in Christ crucified you can do everything.” St Catherine of Siena “ We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become. If we love things, we become a thing. If we love nothing, we become nothing. Imitation is not a literal mimicking of Christ, rather it means becoming the image of the beloved, an image disclosed through transformation. This means we are to become vessels of God’s compassionate love for others.” Clare of Assisi “ Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.” St Anthony of Padua

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“ For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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