Prayer Diary April - June 2017

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prayerdiary April – June 2017


Welcome from the Chief Executive


hile reading the newspapers and watching the news on television, I’ve lately found myself reflecting deeply on the turmoil of our world. From Brexit controversy here at home and the horrific crimes against humanity in the Middle East to environmental concerns, everywhere I look there seems little to feel optimistic about.

The more I wrestle with what I see in our world, the more firmly I believe that what we need most is hope. The Scriptures call us to be a hope-filled people. In the New Testament, the Greek word Paul uses for hope is elpis, which means joyfulness and certain expectation. Romans 15:13 tells us: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Hebrews 6:19 says: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…” The Scriptures suggest that hope isn’t a vague concept; it’s a reality because God is hope. And as Christians, we need to be a hopeful people because God calls us to be so thanks to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Hope holds onto the promise of a better tomorrow even when today is tough. We need to remain confident that even when all around us we see signs of chaos and confusion, God will bring order. We must continue praying that God will make us hopeful, confident and patient. We are a hopeful people because heaven lives inside each one of us. This message of hope is what our evangelists are taking to men, women and children across the British Isles, particularly the most bruised and broken. Thank you for supporting Church Army and helping us to spread this message of hope where it’s most needed. Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader

The Prayer Diary Supplement is available to download at The supplement is updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists, members and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

1 – 8 April

prayerdiary 5 April Robert Quarton (Derbyshire) is chaplain at the Alfreton police station, which includes police officers, police community support officers and a regional unit. He also co-leads a children’s and young people group. Pray for Robert and all those he supports through his ministry. Susan

1 April Susan Bloomfield (Nottingham) is Missional Chaplain for the Deaf in the Diocese of Derby as well as Southwell and Nottingham. Ask God that relationships may continue to be built with schools for deaf children in both dioceses. Pray especially for opportunities with deaf families on the Mackworth estate in Derby.

2 April Alan Cooper (Nottinghamshire) requests prayer for all our retired evangelists, many of who are as active in their communities now as they were during their employment.

3 April Nick Grayshon (Matlock Bath, Derbyshire) is the Vicar of St Mary’s Church, Cromford and Holy Trinity. Please pray these churches continue to grow to be more outward facing.

4 April Yvonne Desroches (Northamptonshire) asks that we pray for the Worship on a Wednesday (WOW) after-school club at St Mary’s School in Burton Latimer. Please pray for new ways to introduce Jesus to all those who are connected with the school community.

6 April David Sanderson (Chesterfield, Derbyshire) would like prayer for his work with the men that take part in his Thom’s Blokes group. They meet at St Thomas’ Church once a month for discussions and outings and many of the men who attend are not church members.

7 April Rick Tett (Worcester) would appreciate prayers for his ordination as priest later this year as well as for his ministry to the Bredon Hill Group of Churches.

8 April Gary Shirley (Devon) is an associate priest for the West Dartmoor Mission Community, comprising six parishes in West Devon. Give thanks for their Palm Sunday services – complete with a real donkey – which will be held jointly by the six parishes. May their outreach to the community prove fruitful.

“ The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him…” Lamentations 3:25

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9 – 15 April 9 April

13 April

Lord Jesus, you willingly stepped down to earth, renouncing your power and status. On this Palm Sunday, we pray you help all Church Army staff and evangelists to serve the poor, lonely and marginalised with the same spirit of humility.

Paul Hamilton (Essex) asks that we pray for the young people being confirmed and baptised in his area. May his team be able to give them the right support and guide many other young people to know Jesus as their friend and Saviour.

10 April

14 April

Charles McNutt (Harrogate, North Yorkshire) asks us to pray for his team’s Easter outreach. Pray particularly that the short service being held outside a local pub will touch people’s hearts and lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for showing us your infinite love by sending your only son to die for us. Help us to understand the enormous power of Jesus dying on the cross.

11 April Geraldine Christmass (Egremont, Cumbria) would like prayer for all those she comes into contact with over Easter through her prayer ministry, Bible study groups and in her role as branch leader of Egremont Mothers’ Union. May her team use every opportunity to point people to Jesus.

12 April Martin Hartley (Norwich) would like prayer for the Freedom Café, which was set up to help the community explore Christianity. Please pray for all those visiting the café; may they be inspired by the Good News of Jesus.

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15 April Today the world seemed silent as the cross stood empty and the tomb was full. Lord, on Easter Saturday, a day of waiting, help us in the things we must wait for in our own lives. When things seem lost and hopeless, let us remember that you have the ultimate victory.

“ Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.” Luke 23:46

16 – 22 April

16 April Hallelujah! Jesus is risen! We praise you for the freedom we live in because of what you did for us. Let our lives be lived fully in this freedom so we may honour you and so that others would see you in us.

17 April Alison Knights (Essex) asks for prayer for the groups she runs for children and their parents, especially the Little Fishes group, which is held in a nearby village. Pray that relationships with non-churched parents deepen and grow as Alison seeks to reflect God’s love.

18 April Linda Howard (Leigh-on-Sea, Essex) would appreciate prayer for the healing ministry she is involved in at St Clement’s Church. May many people be encouraged to step forward and receive God’s blessing.


19 April

21 April

Chigor Chike (London) is the Vicar of Emmanuel Church in Forest Gate. Please pray for the team as they knock on the doors of the people living in the parish. May God’s grace touch the lives of many through this ministry.

Rose Hudson-Wilkin (London) serves in the church, St Mary-at-Hill in Billingsgate, City of Westminster, where our founder, Wilson Carlile, was once rector. Please pray for a real vision in ministering to the Billingsgate community.

20 April Linda Thornton (Essex) asks that we pray for her team’s weekly Open House, which offers a meal and a place to meet and chat for people who are homeless or marginalised. May lives be changed powerfully through Jesus.

22 April Laurence Gamlen (Surrey) is the parish priest at Holy Trinity Lyne and Longcross as well as chaplain at St Peter’s Hospital in Chertsey. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom in both roles so that Laurence may reach out to those most in need.

“ ...In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3 prayer diary 5

23 – 29 April

23 April

27 April

Audrey Shilling (Surrey) would like prayer for the residents she supports in a nursing home that is due to be closed. May they find suitable accommodation and experience God’s peace during the transition.

David Wells (Bedfordshire) asks that we pray for the children attending the four youth and children’s groups which he leads. The clubs face closure due to lack of funding. Pray for all those who attend, especially those with difficult family circumstances.

24 April Alan Dodd (London) prays that his church congregation will be emboldened to invite people to hear the gospel presented by the well-known Christian speaker, J. John, at JustOne, a large-scale evangelistic event being held in July.

25 April

28 April Anne-Marie Garton (Surrey) would appreciate prayer for her work with the local Mothers’ Union and their monthly Bible study groups. Pray also for the families who attended their Easter workshops, may they continue to grow in faith.

Theresa Pountney (London) is part of St James the Less Church in Pimlico. She said: “Please pray for those who have recently been confirmed in our church as they step forward in their Christian lives, particularly those who are vulnerable and suffer from anxiety.”

26 April Michael Hough (Surrey) would be grateful for prayers as he reaches out to the residents of the Timperley Gardens housing estate in Redhill. Also pray that those who have come to faith recently will share the Good News with their friends and neighbours.

“ Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27

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Graham and Nancy

29 April Graham Nunn (Kent) and Nancy Wang will be at the Little Venice Canalway Cavalcade over this coming May bank holiday weekend. May they have ample opportunities to be salt and light among the boaters and those who will be attending the event.

30 April The Senior Leadership Team and Board oversee everything that happens within Church Army. Give thanks for the commitment and faithfulness of each member. May God guide them in all their decisions.

1 May The Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell, is Chair of the Church Army Board. Thank God for his leadership and gift of evangelism. Pray for him as he shares the gospel with people around the country.

2 May Andrew Chadwick, our Dean of Community, would like prayer for further developing the Mission Community, supporting Church Army in its growth and helping to unlock the true potential of all our evangelists.

3 May Mark Russell, our Chief Executive, travels widely to inspire others in mission and evangelism. Pray he may find the time in his busy schedule to rest and be refreshed in Christ.

4 May Des Scott, our Deputy Chief Executive, said: “Pray the management team would know God’s wisdom in all that we do. Pray also for the continuing development of our DARE strategy.”


5 May Jude Davis is the newly elected Vice Chair of the Board. She is also the priest in charge of three rural parishes in the Peak District. Pray she may have fresh opportunities to share Jesus with these communities.

6 May Neville Willerton, our National Operations Manager, oversees Church Army’s Centres of Mission. He said: “Pray for the five new Centres of Mission that will be opening soon. May the right appointments be made so that many people will discover the hope Jesus brings.”

“ In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

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30 April – 6 May

Our Senior Leadership Team and Board

7 – 13 May

7 May

11 May

Give thanks for Christine Goodger (Northampton) who leads worship for people with dementia and their carers. Please pray she might give the right support to each one of them. She is also a member of the Northampton Deaf and Hard of Hearing Group. Spend some time praying for members of her team who have recently been made redundant.

Praise God for Kelvin Bolton (Liverpool) and for the Messy Church he leads to reach out to families. Pray many more will be inspired to come along and take part.

8 May Gordon Banks (Stafford) is leading a team in the church tent at the Staffordshire County Show at the end of the month. Pray they may have good conversations with people attending the event. May strong links with rural bodies, agencies and farming groups also be built.

9 May

12 May Aidan Greenwood (Greater Manchester) would like prayer for his calling to become a primary school teacher. May God guide him on how best to reach the children and young people in his community and encourage them in their walk of faith.

13 May David Woodall (Rochdale) is the incumbent in two churches within the Diocese of Manchester. Spend some time today praying for David as he leads the congregations and determines the best way forward in mission and evangelism

Keith Shaw (Staffordshire) requests prayers for his spiritual and pastoral work at three mental health hospitals in his area. Please pray for the end of the stigma around mental health issues.

10 May Dorothy Needham (Bolton, Greater Manchester) thanks God for the many opportunities her team has to engage with children in schools. Please pray that through their words and actions, children will realise how special they are to God.

“ My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you…” Isaiah 26:9

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Howard Schnaar (Crawley, West Sussex) asks us to pray for his team’s Monday Munch lunch club which aims to show God’s love through hospitality, companionship and generally looking out for each other. Praise God for those who are being spiritually nourished through the event.

18 May

Tim and Kate

Judith Bawtree (Hove, East Sussex) asks that we pray for her Good Book group to continue to use the right material to point their friends to Jesus. Pray also that group members will invite their friends to join in.

14 May

19 May

Tim and Kate Hatton (Guernsey) would love prayers for their new initiative, Mini Messy. May the 40 adults and children who attend continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Michael Voice (Portsmouth, Hampshire) is part of St George’s Church, Portsea. Please pray for his ongoing work with the local Church of England primary school. May he find innovative ways of engaging children with the gospel.

15 May Val Fernandez (Caerphilly, Wales) asks for prayer for an elderly people’s holiday club she will be holding at her church this summer. Please pray as she recruits volunteers, that others may be inspired to get involved and the event will be well attended.

16 May Dennis Wight (Haverfordwest, Wales) said: “Please pray for our new bishop and staff team in the Diocese of St David’s. May they inspire the diocese in joining God’s mission.

20 May Praise God for Jean Cade (Abergavenny, Wales) and her team who take part in house visiting as well as reaching out to people in the streets, in shopping centres and on public transport.

“ Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light…” John 12:36

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14 – 20 May

17 May

21 – 27 May

24 May Carrie and Derry Bowman (Plymouth) request prayer for the ministry and staff team of St Edward’s and Christ Church in Estover. Please also pray for the growth of a worshipping community on a new housing estate in the area.

25 May

Richard and Neil

21 May Richard Cooke (Selby, North Yorkshire) would appreciate prayers for the Selby Centre of Mission team as they continue in their search for a building where the church can be visibly present to the community.

22 May Neil Walpole (Selby, North Yorkshire) would like prayer for the worship group that is held on a bus as part of the Selby Centre of Mission’s outreach to a local housing estate. Pray also for the young people who take part in the centre’s self-harm support group.

23 May Adrian Prescott (Torquay, Devon) would warmly welcome prayers for the youth in the Ellacombe area of Torquay and for the fruitfulness of the Messy Church for families he will be launching shortly.

Shena Moray (Scarborough, North Yorkshire) asks us to thank the Lord for the many families and young children who have recently joined their Sunday services at the Holy Nativity Church in Eastfield. She said: “Pray for the volunteers who share God’s love with the younger ones. May the Holy Spirit bring the gift of faith into these young lives.”

26 May Janet Northing (Buckinghamshire) asks for prayer for her parish team as they welcome people moving into the new housing developments in Milton Keynes. May God bless them as they share the gospel with the residents.

27 May Richard and Mandy Priestley (Somerset) are seeking new forms of sustainable rural church. They would appreciate prayers for their fresh expression of Church, the development of a spirituality and arts centre and for the growth of their café-style ministry in the surrounding villages.

“ I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 104:33

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31 May

Peter Hallsworth (York) is a Vicar of the Clifton Benefice in York. Please pray for the churches in the area, as they learn to listen to God more clearly and go out to make new disciples.

Janet Jackson (Harrogate, North Yorkshire) and her team reach out to many older people who live in the flats at Spa Mews in Starbeck. Pray that the residents who attend their weekly meetings will feel closer to Jesus. May those who don’t know Jesus come to recognise him as their friend and Saviour.

28 May – 3 June

28 May

1 June Kate Wiley (York) is a parish evangelist in Heworth. Please pray for God’s blessings on her ministry, which includes school outreach, lunch clubs and fellowship groups.

2 June

Paul and Sheelagh

Nigel Chapman (North Yorkshire) has been appointed as the Vicar of the Benefice of Filey. Please pray the congregations may have an outward-looking focus and hear what God wants for them.

29 May

3 June

Paul Easby (Harrogate, North Yorkshire) would like prayer for the members of their late teens and early twenties group at St Andrew’s Church in Starbeck. May the young people deepen in their relationship with Jesus.

Dear God, on the day of Pentecost, we thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit. We pray the Holy Spirit will empower us just as it did Jesus’ disciples and equip us in sharing the Good News with others.

30 May

“ All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”

Sheelagh Easby (Harrogate, North Yorkshire) asks that we pray for the lunch club and older people’s group at St Andrew’s Church in Starbeck. Please pray many more individuals will come to a living faith through these events.

Acts 2:4

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4 – 10 June

4 June

8 June

James Hawksworth (Bradford) is part of Sorted, a church for young people run by young people. He said: “Please pray for our work with the over 17 age group and for the lunch club in the local secondary school. May we continue to build strong relationships with the young people.”

Dave Rose (Gainsborough, Lincolnshire) has recently retired after 21 years of working with children for the Diocese of Lincoln. Give thanks for his continuing youth work courses. Please pray for him, the tutor team and all the students.

5 June Andy and Tracy Milne (Bradford) lead Sorted as part of the ministry of the Bradford Centre of Mission. Praise God that they are able to share all that it has learnt with the wider church through events and Andy’s new book, The DNA of Pioneer Ministry.

9 June Alan Rainford (Cumbria) asks for prayer for the children’s and youth work being done in the Wigton Methodist Circuit. May God show the team the most relevant ways to engage with the young people.

6 June Val Thomas (Bradford) would like prayer for meaningful conversations with the individuals she visits at the Fairmount Park retirement complex. Pray the Lord will lead her to those who feel the loneliest.

7 June Nancy and Malcolm Thompson (Telford, Shropshire) ask for the Lord’s blessing on their prayer ministry. Pray also for Malcom as he leads worship at St. Michael’s Church in Madeley and for Nancy as she runs a women’s prayer breakfast.

“ So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you…” Isaiah 41:10

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10 June Mike Reeder (Sheffield) asks for your prayers for the work of the chaplaincy team at St Luke’s Hospice. Give thanks for the daily opportunities they have to walk beside people in their journey of life and as they face life’s ultimate challenge. Please pray for courage, wisdom and sensitivity as they help those in need.

Xplore is an evangelism training programme for young adults aged 18 to 25. For more information, visit

11 June

14 June

Pray for this year’s cohort of Xplorers who are full of passion and enthusiasm to reach out to those who haven’t yet heard the Good News. May God strengthen and sustain them in their evangelism.

Xplore Birmingham asks for prayer as they begin to engage more with the residents of Selly Oak, an industrial and residential area in southwest Birmingham. May God lead them to those who are open to hear the gospel message.

12 June Give thanks for both the city and online groups of Xplorers. May they continue to build strong bonds of friendship and support each other during through their training and outreach.

11 – 17 June


15 June Neville Barnes is the Xplore Programme Leader. Please pray for him as he looks for opportunities to open other Xplore bases across the British Isles and Ireland.

16 June Beth Burras and Ronan Walker (Sheffield) are our newest Xplore staff members. Please pray for them as they settle into their new roles and think of ways to further develop the Xplore evangelism training programme for young adults.

17 June

Three Xplores from Northern Ireland during a recent gathering in Belfast

13 June Praise God for the growth of Xplore in the Republic of Ireland, with Xplorers now based in Galway, Sligo, Wexford and Wicklow. Pray that our Irish Xplorers may inspire many other young people in mission and evangelism.

Please pray for the team as they start preparing for next year’s Xplore programme, which kicks off in September. Pray that many other young people with a passion for evangelism will be encouraged to step forward and join the programme.

“ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” Romans 8:16

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18 – 24 June

The Research Unit Church Army’s Research Unit is committed to sharing discoveries from fresh expressions of Church and church plants. Visit

18 June Praise God for the 10 dioceses that have sensed a call from God to start more church communities as a result of the Research Unit’s reports into fresh expressions of Church. Pray the findings may be widely used across the country. May more dioceses be inspired to take part in this research.

19 June Pray the Director of Research, George Lings, will have strategic opportunities to share findings into fresh expressions of Church further afield. Give thanks for Andrew Wooding as he works on making the resources produced by the team more widely available.

20 June Give thanks for the Research Unit’s partnership with the Resource Strategy and Development Unit of the Church of England. They partly fund the work done by Church Army’s Research Unit and share their passion for discovering God’s mission, ensuring that it’s understood correctly and applied far and wide.

21 June Pray for Claire Dalpra as she begins a twoyear investigation into two areas of Messy Church: how they mature and how they make disciples. Please pray for this vital work into the most widely used form of fresh expressions of Church.

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22 June Pray that as new churches are started throughout our nation – whether you call it planting or fresh expressions – that it does not become a fad, but remains a response to a genuine calling from God.

23 June Pray for Elspeth McGann who is working on Recording the Journey research into Church Army’s Centres of Mission and key projects, which aims to capture data on the impact our work is having across the British Isles and Ireland.

24 June Please pray for Andy Wier and John Vivian as they investigate what is working and what isn’t working in regards to church among young adults aged 18-30. This is currently the least represented age group when looking at church engagement and attendance.

“ But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John 16:13

27 June

Emma Rodrigues (County Galway, Ireland) would like prayer for finding a suitable location to start a community drop-in centre. Pray also for opportunities in developing a children’s club and her outreach to the travelling community in the town of Ballina.

Jo Bowyer (Aberdeen) and her team, minister to young children and their families through their Mainly Music events and school lunchtime clubs. Please pray Jesus will shine through all their interactions with those who attend.

25 – 30 June

25 June

28 June Stuart Budden (Dundee) has recently joined the team at our Dundee Centre of Mission. Please pray he may quickly build strong links with the community.

29 June


Kerry Dixon (Dundee) asks for prayer for his ministry to people in difficult life circumstances. May the individuals who attend the newly launched The Banquet and other outreach events come to realise how special they are to God and may this inspire them to transform their lives.

30 June 26 June Gary Roberts (Lisburn, Northern Ireland) offers pastoral care in four parishes which are currently without a full-time leader. Pray for ample opportunities for him to listen to and encourage people of all ages in their faith walk.

Paul Smith (Scottish Borders) asks for prayers for Mary’s Teas, an outreach and befriending ministry to the elderly and isolated in Newcastleton. Pray also for the individuals suffering from loneliness, mental health issues or substance and alcohol misuse who attend the Window of Time community drop-in.

“ There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” Proverbs 21:30

All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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“ In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.” Psalm 95:4

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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