Prayer Diary Autumn/Winter 2015/6

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prayerdiary Autumn/Winter 2015/16


Welcome from the Chief Executive


s we look forward to celebrating Christmas, let’s remember all the lonely people in our community who don’t have much to look forward to this festive season (page 8). Please join us in praying for the many disadvantaged women we help as part of the Marylebone Project in London (page 16) as well as for our Vulnerable Women in the North of England Project (page 19). I am very excited to announce the launch of our brand new online resource, Faith Pictures, which has been designed to help individuals and churches in their evangelism efforts in a simple and stress-free way (page 7). Please pray with us that the resource will have an impact in transforming lives. One of Church Army’s key objectives is to lead the future generation to a personal relationship with Jesus. Praise God for The Amber Project (page 18), which helps young people in Cardiff who self-harm and for the Selby Centre of Mission’s bus project, which was launched in March 2015 and is proving fruitful in reaching out to hurting young people and their families (page 20). The number of Centres of Mission across the British Isles is witnessing a period of unprecedented growth and we are thrilled to see what God is planning to do through us. Please pray for our newest North Belfast Centre of Mission (page 6) as well as for our new and developing Centres of Mission in Wales (page 23). As I reflect on all that has been achieved in 2015, I realise afresh what a wonderful gift you, your prayers and your support are to Church Army, each and every day of the year – thank you so much! I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a new year filled with happiness. Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

Autumn/Winter 2015/16

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4 Mission community Being part of our faith-filled family

11 Tomorrow’s disciples Our work with children and young people

18 The Amber Project Supporting young people who self-harm

5 Training and Education Shaping future evangelists

12 Christmas reflection Three wise men and a shining star

6 North Belfast Centre of Mission Lifting up our newest centre in Ireland

14 New year, fresh hope Praying for Good News in 2016

19 Vulnerable women in the North of England Bringing the light of the Lord into dim lives

7 Faith Pictures Our brand new resource for equipping individuals and churches

15 Church Army’s Research Unit Finding out more about fresh expressions

8 Show you care Remembering the lonely and vulnerable

16 The Marylebone Project A helping hand for women who are homeless and hurting

10 The real meaning of Christmas Sharing Jesus’ love with local communities

17 Irish prayers Evangelists sharing the gospel in Ireland and Northern Ireland

20 Selby’s Bus Project Reaching out to young people and families 21 Rejoicing in our retired evangelists Continuing to march on for Jesus 22 Leading Church Army Prayers for those in leadership and management roles 23 Centres of Mission in Wales Blessings for our developing centres

Front cover image: C hurch Army Evangelist, Richard Cooke, with some of the people that our Selby Centre of Mission reaches out to through its bus project. Please pray for them on page 20. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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November 1 – 7

Mission community The Mission Community Team aims to enable members to keep growing and deepening in their relationship with God and their fellow community members. They also provide information, advice and support for people wanting to become part of our faith-filled family.

November 1 Ask the Holy Spirit to guide our Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick, in building a mission community family that listens to God attentively so that they can truly be all that he wants them to be.

November 2 Clusters are local expressions of the mission community, which gather together on a regular basis. Pray that these meetings will be a time of learning and inspiration for all.

November 3

November 5

Pray for safe travels for Community Guardians, Andrew Smith and Debbie Orriss, as they visit clusters, mission community members and individuals who are exploring being part of our community.

Praise God for Vocations and Volunteers Guardian, Sean Andrews, as he supports people who are exploring the mission community’s commissioned pathway.

November 4 Thank God for our cluster leaders, who co-ordinate the groups and help community members to keep in touch.

November 6 Spend some time praying for Community Facilitator, David Craig. May he be successful in helping to create a sense of belonging to each other.

November 7

“Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’” John 20:21

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The team is busy planning events for 2016. Please pray that these will create an even closer-knit community as members of the body of Christ.

This week we focus on our Training Team and the evangelists that support our evangelists-intraining. Visit for them as they meet the challenges of facilitating an expanding programme.

November 11 Training Manager, Jane Truman, said: “Please pray for God’s guidance in developing the training and supporting the team so that we can enthuse and enable a greater number of people in evangelism.”

November 8 Each evangelist-in-training is supported by a Commissioned Evangelist, who helps them reflect on their ongoing practice and their learning. Give thanks for Bob Read, Penny Horseman, Kerry Dixon, Ian Maher, Myrtle Morrison and Heather Kemball, as they share their wisdom and experience with trainees.

November 9 Give thanks for Rob Barker, Gerry Bowyer, George Newell, and others who work locally with the evangelists-in-training.

November 10 Praise God for the commitment and hard work of Training Administrators, Joanne Spink and Andrew Wooding, and pray

November 12 Give thanks for Claire Dalpra and Andy Weir who work across Church Army’s training, research and operations teams. Pray that the insights they share may be helpful to the work of each team and further Church Army’s overall vision.

November 13 Pray for Tutors, Mike Starkey and Steve Hollinghurst, as they support our evangelists-in-training and seek to encourage and enrich our Commissioned Evangelists in their ongoing ministry.

November 14 Wilson Carlile Centre Librarian, Liz Bentley, said: “Please pray that the library service is effective in putting resources for evangelism into people’s hands.”

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 prayer diary 5

November 8 – 14

Training and Education

November 15 – 21

North Belfast Centre of Mission Let’s unite in prayer for our North Belfast Centre of Mission, which was launched in September 2015 and aims to engage with the community in the North and Mid-Belfast area.

November 15 Give thanks for the partnership between Church Army and the Diocese of Connor, which has resulted in the launch of the new Centre of Mission. May it prove fruitful in making Jesus known in the local community, especially among the most marginalised and vulnerable.

November 16 Pioneer Evangelist, Stephen Whitten, has been working in the area and building links with the local community Stephen & Karen since March 2015. Please pray that the people he has been making contact with may be drawn into a deeper relationship with God.

November 17 Lead Pioneer Evangelist, Karen Webb, took up her post in September 2015. Spend some time praying that she will speedily settle into her new role, gain a deep

understanding of the needs of the local people and so be able to build increasingly meaningful relationships with them.

November 18 May the new centre prove to be a real blessing and support for the parishes across the North and Mid-Belfast area.

November 19 The North Belfast Centre of Mission aims to work with universities, as well as Xplore, Summer Madness (a Christian youth event), and Street Reach youth movement, so that they can develop regular outreach activities. Please pray that many strong partnerships may be made to bring more people to a living faith.

November 20 Please pray that the team will be successful in establishing fresh expressions of church in the area and in training others in evangelism.

November 21 Pray that as Karen and Stephen celebrate their first Christmas with the local community, they will have ample opportunities to reach out to them with the hope of Christ, through prayer and outreach activities.

“Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.” James 5:13 6 prayer diary

Faith Pictures is our brand new evangelism resource, launched this month. It aims to help Christians to share their faith with friends, family and neighbours by talking about their own unique journey of faith in a simple yet powerful way. The six-week, anxiety-free online course is also aimed at churches that have little or no experience in evangelism. For more information, visit

November 22

Mike Starkey

November 25 Praise God for Training Team member, Mike Starkey, who created Faith Pictures to encourage others in their evangelism efforts.

November 23 Spend some time praying that all those who use the resource will be able to make the most of the Christmas season to bring men, women and children to a personal relationship with our Saviour.

November 24 Give thanks for the launch of Faith Pictures, which will take place next month. May all those who attend be excited and inspired by the resource.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...” 1 Peter 3:15

Please pray for all the Church Army Evangelists across the British Isles who will be making use of the resource to help others explore their faith.

November 26 Pray that many individuals and churches may find the resource useful for their outreach. May it equip them to feel confident in contemporary evangelism and on how to touch the hearts of non-Christians with the message of Jesus’ love.

November 27 Next month, a two-day Faith Pictures training session will take place in London, involving leaders of around 30 churches from within the Diocese of Southwark. Pray that the training will prove fruitful for the church leaders involved so that they, in turn, can enable their congregations in evangelism.

November 28 Pray for Church Army Evangelists, staff members and supporters as they promote the resource at speaking engagements across the British Isles. May the resource inspire Christians of all ages to have a heart for evangelism.

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November 22 – 28

Faith Pictures

Show you care: remembering the lonely and vulnerable As we prepare for the festive season – planning our Christmas meals, spending time with our loved ones and wrapping presents – let’s offer our heartfelt prayers for the many men, women and children who aren’t looking forward to Christmas, particularly those suffering from loneliness. Through our DARE (Doing, Advocating, Resourcing and Enabling evangelism) strategy, Church Army aims to reach out and comfort as many people across the British Isles as possible with the message of Jesus’ love.

November 29 Spend some time praying for those facing financial hardship and unemployment this Christmas. Spare a thought for how difficult it must be to suffer hunger pangs while others are enjoying a delicious meal, and not being able to afford to buy a present for their children.

November 30 Pray for those who are homeless or sleeping rough. May they soon find a warm bed to sleep in at night and a hospitable roof over

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their heads to shelter them from the cold, wind and rain.

December 1 Please pray for those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one this Christmas. May our Heavenly Father wipe every tear from their eye.

December 2 Pray for those who are suffering from depression, addiction and those who self-harm. May they realise how special they are to the Lord.

Spend some time praying for all the women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual exploitation or emotional abuse. May the grace of Jesus give them strength and hope.

December 4 Pray for the elderly who are lonely and suffering from illness or physical pain. May the compassion of Christ heal them and give them solace.

December 5 Please pray for God’s protection for children throughout the British Isles, especially the ones that are part of dysfunctional families, those who are orphans and those suffering from emotional or physical neglect and abuse.

Bible verses to comfort the lost and the lonely “All my longings lie open before you, Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you.” Psalm 38:9 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18 “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39 “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.” Psalm 25:16-17

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November 29 – December 5

December 3

December 6 – 12

The real meaning of Christmas Join us this week as we pray for our evangelists who are planning Christmas outreach activities.

December 6 Please pray for Theresa Pountney and her team in London, that they may be blessed in their Christmas activities at St James the Less in Pimlico, especially in regards to family outreach.

December 7

Open House team as they explore new and exciting ways to tell people about the real meaning of Christmas.

December 9 Pray for Elizabeth Shearcroft and her team at Immanuel and St Andrew’s Church in London, as they reach out with the message of God’s love through Christmas carols, Christingles and a Christmas Eve crib service.

December 10

Kinder Kalsi

Remember Kinder Kalsi as he takes the full-size figures of Mary and Joseph around the community of Wisewood in Sheffield and sings carols with his team. May they be able to highlight what Christmas is all about in a fun yet powerful way.

December 8 Praise God for all the opportunities that Val Legg and her team in Wallasey, Merseyside, have to share the Christmas message through schools, Christingles and all-age services. Please pray for their

Give thanks for Jon Durley and his team, who will be taking Posada (travelling nativity scene) to the schools and households of the Parish of Kenfig Hill in Cardiff, sharing the Good News of Christ’s birth with their community.

December 11 Spend some time praying for Stuart Budden and the team at St Paul’s Church in Margate, Kent, as they plan outreach activities for the community they seek to serve.

December 12 Ask God to bless the Christmas activities that you and your church are planning. May they bring more people to open up their hearts to Jesus.

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name of Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 10 prayer diary

This week we pray for our evangelists across the nation as they reach out to children and young people with the message of the hope in Jesus.

December 13

December 17

Give thanks for Kate Hatton and her two after-school clubs at St Martin’s Primary School in Guernsey. Please pray that both the craft-based and drama-based clubs will engage and inspire the children to have conversations with God and experiences of Jesus.

December 14 Praise God for Nick Russell’s children’s parties, which will attract around 300 mostly unchurched parents and children. May God bless him to share the true Christmas message with the adults and young people in a way that will touch their hearts.

December 15 Please pray that the Kidz Klub Christmas party and the Messy Church special event held by Matt Rowley and his team in Blackpool will be fruitful in bringing more children and families to a living faith.

December 16 Spend some time giving thanks for all the evangelists and volunteers that you know who work with children and teach them about Jesus.

Nicholas Lebey

Give thanks to God for the young people who will be attending the Transforming Youth Mission’s Christmas party run by Nicholas Lebey and his team of volunteers. May the nativity story inspire each young person who will attend.

December 13 – 19

Tomorrow’s disciples

December 18 Pray for Sheila Samuels in Surrey, who has just held her Prayers ‘n Party event for children and parents. May the families that attended make the next step of participating in their Messy Church and finding out more about the gospel.

December 19 Graham Nunn will be speaking about the birth of Jesus and its significance at a number of schools around Kent. Please pray that he will get his message across to the children in a way that is meaningful to them.

“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me…“ Mark 9:37

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Three wise men and a shining star

“After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.� Matthew 2:9-12 12 prayer diary

As we exchange gifts with each other this Christmas, let’s think about the unique gifts that the Lord has blessed each one of us with and reflect on: •H ow can you use the gifts God gave you to show your worship and further glorify him? •H ow can you utilise your God-given talents to bear testimony that Jesus is Christ? •H ow can you use your gifts and talents to bless the lives of those around you on a daily basis?

Generously sharing our gifts for God’s greater glory If you have a musical gift, you could share the gospel through song in elderly care homes or homeless shelters. Artistic individuals could communicate with the unchurched through painting, drawing or sculpting. Writers could start a blog or a newsletter to share their faith with others. Even if you haven’t discovered your special talent yet, the best gift you can give to another human being is time. Take

time to look around you and see who you can bless with a smile, by lending an ear or extending a helping hand. Let’s remember that giving is a privilege – and the blessings from your Christ-like actions will boomerang back to you!

December 20 – 26

This time of the year always brings with it a sense of wonderment for Christians around the world, as we relive the story of the birth of Jesus. We can easily understand the excitement of the wise men as they followed their path, illuminated by the star of Bethlehem, winding their way towards the tiny Messiah.

In this season where we celebrate the greatest gift of all, let’s continue cultivating our own God-given talents. Nurturing your talents is an act of faith, which involves overcoming your own personal fears and insecurities.

Here are two gift-related Bible verses to inspire you: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” Romans 12:6-8 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 Pray for God to guide you, like a shining star in the night, on how to best use your time and talents to help others and to further glorify his name. Church Army wishes you a blessed Christmas, filled with peace, joy and love. May the spirit of Christmas stay alive in your heart each and every day of the year.

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December 27 – January 2

New year, fresh hope This week we pray that the dawning of a new year will shower blessing on our evangelists, wherever in the British Isles they may be, as they reach out into their local communities and among the most marginalised.

December 27 Praise God for the individuals who have recently come to faith through Evangelists, Craig Dowling and Kerry Dixon, at our Dundee Centre of Mission. Please pray for the team’s pioneering work, which is attracting new and different kinds of people. May they bring many more to a living faith.

December 28 Kevin Wren said: “Please pray that as South Asian Concern, a multi-racial partnership of Christ’s followers, settles into our new offices in King’s Cross, we may be enabled to engage more productively with churches throughout London and beyond.”

December 29 Pray for Gerry Bowyer in Aberdeen, who will be opening a coffee shop and a mission centre in 2016, as well as developing a street pastor ministry. Pray that God will touch the hearts of the locals they are reaching out to.

December 30 Spend some time today praying for those you know who are evangelists, church leaders or who are involved in community outreach.

December 31 Pray for John Hotchin in East Yorkshire, who has recently been appointed as chaplain

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to the Lord Mayor of Hull. He says: “Please pray for me as I attend numerous civic and community events, some of which I will be speaking at.”

January 1 Mike Smithers in Kent, who is part of the church leadership team at St Michael & All Angels Church, would like prayers for their congregation. May they continue to grow in numbers during the new year.

January 2 Pray for Heather Kemball and her team in Chester as they continue to build relationships with the individuals who took Heather Kemball part in their Connect Mission starter courses. Ask the Holy Spirit to enable the team in encouraging a life-long discipleship of Jesus.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Our Research Unit is committed to sharing discoveries from fresh expressions of church and church plants. Visit

January 3

January 7

Elspeth McGann and other team members are in the last few months of researching fresh expressions of church within individual dioceses. Pray that they will gather the data they need in order to complete their report for the Church Commissioners by spring.

Pray for George Lings, Claire Dalpra and Andy Wier as they teach on fresh expressions of church to students at Cliff College in Derbyshire later this month.

January 4 After their research in each diocese, the Director of Church Army’s Research Unit, George Lings, will be visiting the dioceses to report on the unit’s findings. Pray that the research the team has undertaken will make a difference to each diocese’s understanding of priorities and their willingness to invest in young churches.

January 3 – 9

Church Army’s Research Unit

January 8 Snapshots – stories from the edge is a free downloadable booklet exploring a story or an issue around fresh expressions of church. Pray for clarity and wisdom for George Lings as he writes and for Andrew Wooding as he edits.

January 9

January 5 Claire Dalpra and John Vivian are nearing the end of work that looks into how many attenders at fresh expressions of church are from de-churched and non-churched backgrounds. Pray for them as they work towards their deadlines.

January 6 Andy Wier is in the final stages of conducting interviews and gathering data on how best to sustain fresh expressions of church. Remember him as he compiles his report and pray for its effect.

The Research Unit is considering the possibilities for future areas of research. Please pray that they will be led to accept the ones that will have the most impact.

“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:17-19 prayer diary 15

January 10 –16

The Marylebone Project Working towards meeting the needs of homeless women in London, the Marylebone Project is one of the largest projects and hostels of its kind in the UK. It offers vulnerable women a range of services including accommodation, counselling, practical support and educational opportunities. Visit

January 10

January 13

The Marylebone Project aims to empower vulnerable women towards independent living by helping them to make informed choices about their lives. Give thanks for the 76 women who were settled into independent living between April 2014 and March 2015.

Praise God for this partnership between Church Army and the Portman House Trust, which during the last financial year was able to offer 40,515 bed nights to homeless women.

January 11

Give thanks for the Marylebone Project’s staff members, who offer advice and practical help in areas such as training, education and employment, thus enabling residents to move back into the wider community.

Phillippa Middleton

Spend some time praying for the project’s new Operational Manager, Phillippa Middleton. May she inspire staff members and successfully lead the team through the grace of God.

January 14

January 15 Pray for the volunteers, who are such a blessing to the staff and women at Marylebone, particularly the five Time for God volunteers who come from across Europe for a 12-month period to help out.

January 12

January 16

Pray for the women that make use of the Bradbury House Emergency Bed Unit, which offers a secure environment for women affected by issues such as domestic violence and unemployment. Pray for continued funding for the unit. May the women be able to get back on their feet through Christ.

May the Lord bless all those involved in Munch in Marylebone, an innovative approach to helping women back on their feet through learning to cook and bake tasty and wholesome food. Pray that this programme may continue to build the women’s confidence and self-esteem.

“For it is written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully…’” Luke 4:10 16 prayer diary

Join us in praying for our evangelists in Ireland and Northern Ireland who reach out into their communities, sharing the gospel.

January 17

January 22

Give thanks for Myrtle Morrison in Craigavon and for her ongoing chaplaincy work in the Craigavon Area and Lurgan hospitals.

George Newell in Belfast would appreciate prayers for the ongoing outreach work within the Willowfield community. Pray that his George Newell team’s weekly prayer on the streets, door-to-door ministry and Alpha courses will inspire locals to discover Christ for themselves.

January 18 Pray that Elizabeth Cairns and her team in Mullavilly, County Armagh, may be able to build on relationships made through their Christmas Tree Festival to spread the Good News into the local community and further afield.

January 19 Please pray for Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, as he leads teaching sessions each week. Pray that his Xplorers will benefit from the training received to change lives and grow God’s kingdom.

January 17 – 23

Irish Prayers

January 23 Pray for Val Thom in Dungannon, County Armagh, that she may find the right volunteers for their bus project and children’s outreach activities.

January 20 Praise God for Geoffrey Walmsley and his team’s continuing work with children and young people. Pray that those who lead ministries within the group of parishes may feel supported, encouraged and empowered.

January 21 Spend some time praying for evangelists and people you know that work for Jesus in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

“But he said, ‘I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.’” Luke 4:43

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January 24 – 30

The Amber Project The Amber Project supports young people aged 14-25, in Cardiff and the surrounding areas, who have experience of self-harm. Visit

January 27 Spend some time praying for Amber’s dedicated team of staff and volunteers, who build a sense of community and belonging. Praise God for the members of The Amber Creative Team, many of whom are ex-service users, who give their time and talents to the project.

January 28 January 24 Please pray for the young people who access The Amber Project and that frequently feel overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and hopelessness. May God’s light break through their darkness.

January 25 In partnership with Small World Theatre, The Amber Project runs a 10-week series of theatre workshops, three times a year. Give thanks for this opportunity, which allows young people who find it difficult to verbalise their thoughts to explore painful issues through drama.

January 26 Praise God for Project Coordinator, Caryl Stock, who has been in this role since the project started in 2002 and works hard to create a welcoming, supportive and non-judgemental environment.

Please pray for the young people being helped by the project. Ask God to let them realise their self-worth and let them know they are loved, unique and special.

January 29 Give thanks for all the people who support The Amber Project through prayers and financial support. Pray that the project may continue to grow in response to the increasing needs.

January 30 Pray for the young people who move on from the project. May they continue to thrive and enjoy lives that are hopeful, happy and fulfilling.

“…I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1

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Two Church Army Evangelists and a team of volunteers in the North of England reach out to some of the most vulnerable and exploited women in our society, those involved in street prostitution and women suffering from domestic violence or mental health problems. Join us in praying for God’s healing power in the women’s lives. Visit

January 31 Spend some time praying for the team’s outreach in the red-light district. Pray for God’s safety for the evangelists and volunteers as they prayer walk around dangerous areas.

January 31 – February 6

Vulnerable women – North of England

February 1 Give thanks for the project’s community house, offering vulnerable women a safe haven where they can enjoy a meal, chat, craft-making and bubble baths. One of the vulnerable women who the project helps said: “The house is my comfort blanket, it’s where I let off steam and feel safe enough to be myself.”

February 2 Pray for the continued success of the project’s morning outreach, where vulnerable women are offered a cooked breakfast, as well as the team’s weekend outreach, which offers cakes and prayers. May it be a means of transforming lives.

February 3 Spend some time praying for God’s guidance for the staff and evangelists who offer one-to-one mentoring to the women, supporting them through pregnancy, rehabilitation and family court hearings.

February 4 Praise God that the team have finally found two male volunteers to reach out to the men in these vulnerable women’s lives. Pray that God will change both the hearts and habits of these men.

February 5 Give thanks for the provision of a car to aid the project this year, meaning that vulnerable women can enjoy excursions, which open their hearts to new hopes and dreams.

February 6 Pray for funding for the project so that they can continue buying food, petrol, toiletries and other necessities.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” Isaiah 6:8 prayer diary 19

February 7 – 13

Selby Centre of Mission’s bus project This week we pray for Evangelists, Richard Cooke, Neil Walpole and their team of volunteers at our Selby Centre of Mission, who launched their bus project in March 2015 to engage with families and young people in the area, especially those suffering from problems as a result of addiction, anger or violence.

February 7 Praise God for the team’s outreach in Selby, which has seen the numbers of young people taking part in the bus get-togethers Richard Cooke increase from an initial 15 to around 40. Pray that solid relationships may continue to be built and that there may be many more opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus.

February 8 Give thanks for the hunger for God witnessed in the young people taking part in the project, with more than 20 individuals requesting prayers. Pray that even more young people will open up and take advantage of the project’s personal prayer ministry.

February 9 Please pray for the team’s newly-launched Youth Alpha on the Bus, which is held every Wednesday evening. May it bring many young people to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

February 10 The majority of the young people that take part in the bus project are facing problems such as a lack of self-esteem, anxiety, anger management issues and a history of child abuse or self-harm. Pray that Richard, Neil and the rest of the team may help them heal from their hurts.

February 11 Spend some time praying for the project’s work with families. May the team help family members to reach a place in their lives where they can see and hear God clearly.

February 12 Many older people that the team reaches out to are isolated and alone. Pray that, through the bus, they can feel comforted and cared for.

February 13 Please pray for the evangelists and volunteers involved in the bus project. May God grant them spiritual and emotional resilience as well as wisdom to face the challenges ahead.

Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’” Luke 18:27

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Let’s unite in prayer for our retired evangelists who tirelessly and cheerfully continue to share Jesus among their local communities.

February 14

February 18

Barrie Glover would like prayers for his cluster group at Gloucester Cathedral. May they have many opportunities for fellowship, bonding and building an even stronger sense of unity.

Remember Michael Joint, who has recently been appointed vicar ad interim at St Katherine’s Church in Southbourne, Bournemouth. He said: “The parish I will be serving is very active and well-attended. Pray that I will provide the right support to the congregation.”

February 15

Mary Bittles

Pray for Mary Bittles and her Bible study group at All Saints’ Church in Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, that they may grow in numbers and keep deepening in their faith.

February 14 – 20

Rejoicing in our retired evangelists

February 19 Diana Burton would like prayers for her outreach to the elderly residents of Storey Court and Heath House care homes.

February 20 Bernard Allen preaches at All Saints Westbrook in Margate, Kent about three times a month. Please pray that he may inspire a greater awareness of Christ among the local community.

February 16 Spend some time praying for the retired evangelists you know or that live in your area.

“For in him we live and move and have our being.”

February 17

Acts 17:28

Margaret Failes in Gloucestershire would value prayers for her role as Safeguarding Lead Person. May she be successful in supporting both staff and church members at the churches of St Matthew’s and St Mary’s.

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February 21 – 27

Leading Church Army Join us as we pray for those at Church Army in leadership and management roles.

February 21

February 24

Praise God for Mark Russell as he leads us into 2016, his tenth year as our Chief Executive. Pray that his passionate enthusiasm for evangelism will continue to inspire and motivate our staff, partners and supporters.

Pray for the Bishop of Chelmsford and Church Army Chair, Stephen Cottrell, and give thanks that he is such a steadfast advocate of evangelism.

February 22

Give thanks for our board members and for the ideas, wisdom and guidance they bring to Church Army.

Pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he continues to implement the DARE (Doing, Advocating, Resourcing and Enabling evangelism) strategy across Church Army.

February 23 The number of our Centres of Mission are set to double in the next 18 months. Ask for God’s guidance for National Operations Manager, Neville Roger Horsley Willerton, and National Projects Officers, Peter Graystone and Roger Horsley, as they seek to build the right foundations for each centre.

22 prayer diary

February 25

February 26 Please pray for Marketing Manager, Neil Thomson, and Fundraising Team Leader, Paul Critchlow, as they promote Church Army’s life-changing work and further develop prayerful and financial support for us.

February 27 Pray for our Finance Team, headed by Finance Manager, David Arundale, as they begin a new year of overseeing Church Army’s finances.

“…and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Please pray for our new and developing Centres of Mission in Wales, as well as for our evangelists and homeless projects based in the country.

February 28

March 2 Praise the Lord for our evangelists located across the dioceses of Swansea and Brecon, Monmouth, St Asaph, St David’s, Llandaff and Bangor. May they guide many more people to a living faith.

February 28 – March 5

Centres of Mission in Wales

March 3

Chris Lawton

Pray for our new Centre of Mission based in Wrexham, North Wales, which was launched in partnership with the Diocese of St Asaph. Ask for God’s blessing as Lead Evangelist, Chris Lawton, and Pioneer Evangelist, Josh Smith, establish themselves in the local community and make links with the churches in the area.

February 29 Give thanks for the new partnerships and relationships Church Army is building, both within the Church of Wales and among local communities. Pray that new and dynamic partnerships will be built and the existing ones strengthened, so as to grow God’s kingdom in Wales in a powerful way.

March 1 Remember our new Centre of Mission in Neath, South Wales, which was launched in partnership with the Diocese of Llandaff in September 2015. Pray for the centre’s Lead Evangelist, Andy Settle, as he builds links with those outside the church.

Pray that the discussions currently underway to launch new Centres of Mission in Wales will prove fruitful so that people in other areas of the country may be reached with the Good News of our Saviour.

March 4 Spend some time praying for National Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, as he supports, manages and helps to develop our existing and new Centres of Mission in Wales. Please pray for energy and safety as he travels.

March 5 Church Army Residential Services is one of the few agencies in Cardiff providing accommodation and practical support for young homeless people aged 16 to 21. Please pray for the dedicated team of staff and volunteers at the project. May the young people find comfort in the message of Jesus’ perfect love.

“…if God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 prayer diary 23

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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