Prayer Diary Spring/Summer 2016

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prayerdiary Spring/Summer 2016


Welcome from the Chief Executive


on’t you love the fresh hope and opportunities that a new year brings? We are eager to see what plans God has in store for us in 2016 and hope you will be inspired to continue journeying with us, as we go about transforming lives with the message of God’s all-encompassing love. Please join us in praying for our Thanet Centre of Mission (page 4), which brings hope to communities throughout Kent, especially the most lonely, vulnerable and ostracised. Please also pray for our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission (page 11), which works extensively with children and in outdoor evangelism activities for all age groups. As we approach Easter, let’s reflect on the powerful message in Romans 6:8-11: “For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Please pray for the Easter outreach activities our evangelists are planning (page 6 and 7). On page 8, you’ll also find some top tips for your Easter evangelism, which we hope you’ll find useful. Church Army has always reached out beyond church walls, working with the most socially excluded members of society. Please pray for our ministry to the marginalised (page 13) as well as for our work with young people (page 18) and the elderly (page 19). As we make plans for the year ahead, I cannot say emphatically enough how precious you are to our mission. I so appreciate your prayers, support and notes of encouragement. We are truly blessed in our partnership with you – an enormous thank you! Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

6 4 Thanet Centre of Mission Bringing hope to communities in Kent 5 Mission community Encouraging each other’s faith journey 6 Remembering Holy Week God’s greatest gift to mankind 7 Easter outreach Rejoicing in the resurrection 8 Easter Evangelism Top tips for your outreach 10 Training and Education Lifting up our evangelists-in-training 11 Scottish Borders Centre of Mission Fostering spiritual well-being

Spring/Summer 2016



12 Praising God for our retired evangelists Following Jesus in the UK and beyond

18 Sharing Jesus with young people Outreach to children and young adults

13 Prayers for the marginalised Healing through the gospel

19 Bringing the gospel to the elderly God’s guiding hand in the twilight years

14 Our Senior Leadership Team and Board Blessings for those in leadership roles

20 Our work in Wales Creating Christ-centred communities

15 Comforting through chaplaincy At schools, universities, hospitals and prisons

21 Regional Gatherings Growing in faith and fellowship

16 Church Army International Prayers for our worldwide partners

22 Sharing God’s love with communities Our evangelists serving others

17 The Wilson Carlile Centre The national home of Church Army

23 Faith Pictures Church Army’s latest evangelism resource

Front cover image: E vangelist Maureen Greaves, BEM, with one of the ladies she has helped along her journey of faith through her door-knocking and outreach in High Green, Sheffield. Maureen retired on 1 February 2016, which was also her birthday. We thank her for all the work she has done and wish her every blessing for the future. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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March 6 – 12

Thanet Centre of Mission This week, our prayers are with the Thanet Centre of Mission, which brings hope to communities in the area surrounding Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs on the east coast of Kent.

March 6 Peter and Lynne Bone took up their posts as lead evangelists at the Thanet Centre of Mission in September 2015. Please pray for continued conversations and open minds as they share their vision with the local community.

is especially designed for people with chaotic lifestyles and those who are marginalised, including the homeless, the mentally ill and those struggling with addictions. Pray that Jesus may heal the hurts in their lives.

March 10 Ignite Newington is based at St Christopher’s Church. The Newington Estate in Ramsgate is home to over 2,000 people, many of who are struggling financially. Give thanks for volunteers Ken and Sue as they seek to build a new, Jesus-centred community on the estate.

March 11

(L-R): Stuart, Lynne and Peter

March 7 Pray for Stuart Budden and the team of volunteers involved in Prayer Care, who visit homes and help residents to explore faith in later life.

March 8 Please pray for the St Paul’s Church leadership team as they take the church out among the community, rather than waiting for the community to come to church.

March 9 Ignite is a fresh expression of church, established by the Thanet Centre of Mission in partnership with St Paul’s Church in Margate. It

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Pray for the partnership between the Thanet Centre of Mission and St Christopher’s, St Laurence (Ramsgate), St Mary’s (Cliffsend) and St Catherine’s (Manston) churches, which together make up the four church benefices.

March 12 Praise God for the Thanet Centre of Mission’s volunteers, who have a real heart for evangelism and a deep commitment to share God’s love, especially among the most lonely and vulnerable. Pray that more people will be inspired to volunteer.

“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24

Church Army is a mission community of people from all over the British Isles who are passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. Pray for Church Army as it continues to grow and shape its identity as a mission community.

March 13 Praise God for our Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick, and the Mission Community Team as they formulate plans and make decisions for the year ahead.

March 14 Thirty-six people joined the Mission Community in 2015. Pray that all members may be enabled to grow in their walk with Jesus and to further develop their talents and ministries.

March 15 Clusters are local expressions of the Mission Community. We have around 30 cluster groups across the British Isles. Please pray for their regular meetings, may they grow in faith and fellowship.

March 16 Please pray for the cluster leaders, that they may inspire their teams, help to foster a sense of belonging and create a supportive environment so that the group can flourish.

Andrew and David

March 18 Discovery Days are especially designed for people interested in joining the Mission Community, so that they can have the opportunity to explore who we are and what we do. Please pray for the Discovery Day being held in April. May those that attend find it an enriching experience.

March 19 Pray for Community Facilitator, David Craig, as he continues to learn about his role and grow into everything that God has called him to be.

March 17 Spend some time praying for all those exploring becoming members of the Mission Community or becoming Church Army Evangelists. May God speak clearly to them so that they can discern his purpose for their lives. Please also pray for the Church Army staff and evangelists who are supporting them in making their decision.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

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March 13 – 19

Mission Community

March 20 – 26

Remembering Holy Week This week we remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death. Let us be amazed and humbled afresh at God’s greatest gift to mankind in offering the life of his only son so they we may find eternal life.

March 20 Kinder Kalsi is the coordinator for mission in Sheffield’s city centre, comprising seven locally based churches. They will be erecting a 25-foot cross in the city centre and praying for the community from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. May the people they reach out to encounter Jesus in a powerful way.

March 21

March 24

Andrew Payne and his team in Suffolk will be holding their Experience Easter event, which will be attended by seven local schools. May the 300 school children taking part in the event understand the real meaning of Easter through it.

Spend some time praying for Roger Horsley and the Jaguar Land Rover team in Warwickshire as they hand out Christian literature to the hundreds of people attending their Easter display. May truly enriching conversations about Jesus be shared.

March 22 Thank God for a number of our young people who have recently come to faith through Richard Cooke, Neil Walpole and the team at our Selby Centre of Mission. Please pray for the young people as they prepare for baptism on Easter day by the Bishop of Selby.

March 25 Lord Jesus, let us reflect on how you were betrayed, publicly humiliated and mocked, beaten and then hung on a cross to die. Please pour out your Holy Spirit on us and may our faith, words and actions powerfully proclaim you as Saviour to all we meet.

March 23

March 26

Give thanks for Graham Nunn in Kent as he travels to local schools sharing the Easter story. May the children learn that there is more to Easter than chocolate eggs and bunny rabbits.

Pray for our Chester Centre of Mission’s Jesus Bus, which will continue to go out over the Easter period, sharing the love of God with the young people of Ellesmere Port and beyond.

“ his wounds we are healed.” 6 prayer diary

Isaiah 53:5

As we celebrate the focal point of our Christian faith, Jesus’s victory over death, let’s pray that the outreach done during this period will inspire many to follow in Christ’s footsteps.

March 27 All praise to our Messiah, the Lamb of God, who defeated death and sin! On this Easter day, we pray that you will show us how best to shine your light into every corner of our community, change the hearts of non-believers and be worthy witnesses of your incomparable love. Hallelujah!

March 28 Nicholas Lebey and his Sunday youth church will be holding a special celebration service entitled He’s Alive this evening, with people sharing stories of what Christ has done in their lives. Please pray that it will be well attended and that the young people taking part will feel Jesus’ holy presence in their midst.

March 31 Our Xplore training programme is for young adults aged 18-25 who are passionate about evangelism. Give thanks for Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, the Xplorers and their The Journey outreach on the streets of London. May they find the right words to say to each person they meet.

March 29

April 1

Pray for our North Belfast Centre of Mission as they engage with the local clergy and community. Lead Pioneer Evangelist, Karen Webb, said: “Please pray that we will make the most of every opportunity to share God’s story with everyone we meet.”

Celia Hare is a Schools and Children’s Worker in Bedworth, Coventry. She said: “Some children dread the holidays because of family circumstances and the lack of routine. Please pray for the children and families who will struggle with the holidays, may they find faith in him who will never let them down.”

March 30 Spend some time praying for the children and young people that our evangelists have reached out to with the story of God’s great love for us this Easter. May God reign in their young hearts forever.

April 2 Pray for all the people you know who don’t know Jesus as their Saviour. May their souls be stirred by all he has done for us.

“If you declare with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 prayer diary 7

March 27 – April 2

Easter outreach

Top tips ideas for Easter Evangelism Free chocolate

Open-air events Join together with other churches in your area to organise an outdoor Easter service or Passion play, a drama telling the story of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and resurrection. Arrange with your council to hold it in a central location where passers-by will be able to stop and watch.

Follow-up chat

Take to the streets and give away free chocolate Easter eggs to those you meet. Pray for God to open up gospel conversations.

Community choir

During the week following Easter, when chatting with people you meet, take the opportunity to simply ask them: “What did you do for Easter?” Hopefully you will naturally be able to engage them in conversation and identify yourself as a Christian.

Photography and art exhibition

Choirs have experienced a surge in popularity lately thanks to a number of high-profile TV programmes. Make the most of the opportunity and ask church members to invite their non-Christian friends to sing in the Easter choir. Not only will the gospel be communicated through the music that is sung, but community will also be built, as you have fun together.

Social media If you are a fan of Twitter or Facebook, link to the Christian Enquiry Agency (CEA) during the Easter weekend. The CEA is a partner of Church Army and is a website where people can find out more about what it means to be a Christian, request a Bible and ask for prayer. You could include the web link on any literature you plan to hand out or on your church website.

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Organise a photography and art exhibition around an Easter theme such as “love”, “hope” or “new life”. Get as many people from the local community involved as possible. Advertise it in the shops, schools, pubs, cafés, community groups and local newspaper. Hold a celebration evening where everyone is invited and prizes are awarded to the best entries.

School outreach

Holiday club During the Easter holidays, organise a holiday club for younger children, which communicates the gospel through activities, games and song. At the end of the event, hold a short, informal service, which you can invite their parents along to. This is a great way of blessing families in your area and giving parents a much-needed break.

Easter egg hunt Organise an Easter experience event for primary school pupils, where they can enjoy a trip to the church and hear more about the real meaning of Easter. It is a great opportunity to strengthen links with the local school and to engage children with the Bible through crafts, storytelling and singing. You could also offer to lead Easter-themed assemblies and RE lessons.

Easter cards

Send Easter cards that include a short Bible verse to your friends and family. It may get them to stop and think about the real meaning of Easter – even just for a few moments.

During the Easter celebrations, invite neighbours and their children to an Easter egg hunt in a suitable garden or a local park. Serve some light refreshments and hot cross buns. Also have some gospel tracts available to give away and invitations to your Easter services. Keep the time short, fun and focused, and make sure people know you are a group of Christians celebrating new life in Christ.

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April 3 – 9

Training and Education This week we lift up our evangelists-in-training and all those who support them in their learning. Visit

April 3

April 6

Pray for the Training Team as they prepare their teaching sessions for the summer term, especially Training Manager Jane and leader of the summer module, Jane Truman. The module will include exploration of professional practice and vocation as a Church Army Evangelist.

Pray for those in training on the commissioned pathway. There are nine evangelists-in-training at present: Jo Bowyer, Jane Emson, Colin Harris, Ruth Hills, John Menagh, Hannah Seal, Josh Smith, Alex Thornton and Stephen Whitten.

April 4

April 8

Two residential weekends will be held in the summer term at the Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield. Pray that the tutors, evangelists-in-training and other trainees will enjoy a positive time of community and learning from each other.

April 5 Give thanks for Evangelists Rob Barker, Gerry Bowyer, Chris Lawton, George Newell, Andy Settle, Karen Webb and others who work locally with the evangelists-in-training.

April 7 Each evangelist-in-training is supported by a Commissioned Evangelist, who helps them to reflect on their ongoing practice and learning. Pray for the reflectors as they share their wisdom and experience with trainees.

Pray for the members of the Training Team based in Sheffield. Give thanks for the different gifts each person brings.

April 9 Our latest evangelism resource, Faith Pictures (, was produced by the Training Team as a gift to the wider church. Pray that it may be effective in helping Christians to share their faith in a powerful way with family, friends, neighbours and communities.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26 10 prayer diary

Please pray with us for the Scottish Borders Centre of Mission. Based in the village of Newcastleton, the centre’s Grafted Project aims to promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being through living out the gospel of Jesus Christ.

April 10

April 14

Give thanks for the centre’s volunteers, Mary, Peter and Cal, who serve the elderly and isolated through Mary’s Teas. They endeavour to create a warm, family environment where local elderly people can meet together and share a homecooked meal, games and activities.

Pray for the men’s ministry that forms part of the Grafted Project. Pray that through the walking, football, cycling and hillwalking activities, further opportunities for friendships and sharing the gospel may be developed.

April 11 Pray for the families who attend Stepping Stones, a ministry for children aged up to four. May spiritual seeds be sown and firm foundations laid in these young lives.

April 12 Praise God for the work the team is doing in schools across Newcastleton and the Scottish Borders. Give thanks for the openness of teaching staff to the centre’s ministry. Pray that relationships may continue to be built with parents.

April 10 – 16

Scottish Borders Centre of Mission

April 15 Praise God for Soul, a newly launched men’s Bible study group run by Lead Evangelist, Paul Smith, which has seen members open up about their lives. Soul provides an opportunity to ask questions about who Jesus is and how he is relevant to their lives.

April 16

April 13 Pray for the primary school children who attend the weekly kids clubs run by the centre, Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew. Pray for staff members Julie and Zach, and volunteer Libby. May they be able to inspire a lifelong relationship with Jesus.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” John 14:1

(L-R): Keith, Wilma and Dave volunteer at the Window of Time drop-in centre in Galashiels

Please pray for the two Church Army drop-ins in the towns of Hawick and Galashiels, run in partnership with Christian charity Soulspan Ministries and Hawick Baptist Church. The drop-ins are safe havens that offer Christian friendship and a chance to talk through issues including substance misuse, mental health and loneliness.

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April 17 – 23

Praising God for our retired evangelists Our prayers this week are for our indefatigable retired evangelists, who continue to bring the sunshine of the gospel into their communities.

April 17

April 21

Remember Sheelagh and Paul Easby as they take on extra responsibilities during the interregnum at St Andrew’s Church in Harrogate, North Yorkshire.

John Le Page does a weekly prayer walk in Fuengirola in the province of Málaga, southern Spain, which includes handing out sandwiches and soft drinks to the homeless people he meets on the streets. May their lives be transformed by the healing power of God’s love.

April 18 Edwin Bates is involved in church planting and food banks in Andalusia, Spain. Please pray for his ministry alongside the Turre Edwin Evangelical Church, the Ecuadorian Church in Vera and the Lions Club as they distribute food to over 1,000 struggling local families.

April 19 Spend some time praying for our retired evangelists who are suffering from ill health or bereavement. May their faith, friends and family sustain and comfort them.

April 20 Pray for Betty Swinscoe and her Bible study group in Alvaston, Derby. She said: “May our prayers, meetings and activities be of value to Boulton St Mary’s Church and to the people of the area.”

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April 22 Spend some time praying for Jean Cade based at the Powys/Monmouthshire border as she reaches out to individuals of all ages, many of whom have little or no contact with the church. May they experience God’s life-altering love in their lives.

April 23 Please pray for Mary and Stephen Adamson and their team in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, as they decide on the future of the Rainbow Christian Centre, which includes a bookshop, café and resource centre. May the Lord guide them towards the right decision on how best to use the centre to further glorify him.

“I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” Job 23:12

Our evangelists work beyond church buildings among some of the most broken, rejected and hurting people in society. Please join us in praying for them this week.

April 24

April 28

Pray for Dawn Hudson and St Timothy’s Space4Faith group in Sheffield. The programme aims to reach out to nonChristians, many of whom struggle with mental health issues or long-term unemployment.

Pray for the work of our evangelists and volunteers at the Centre of Mission for Vulnerable Women in the North of England. The centre reaches out to some of the most exploited individuals in society, including those involved in street prostitution, experiencing domestic violence and suffering from mental health problems.

April 25 Nick Russell, who leads our Greenwich Centre of Mission, works with underprivileged communities, girls who are sexually exploited, young offenders and young people who suffer from psychological trauma. Please pray for his outreach among vulnerable adults who live lives of daily struggle, where drugs are a daily temptation and children as young as 12 are enticed into earning money through drug deliveries.

April 29

Spend some time praying for marginalised men, women and children who live in your neighbourhood.

Spend some time praying for Chigor Chike and the team at Emmanuel Church with St Peter in Forest Gate, London. Praise God for their weekly Chigor Stepping Stones, a space for those with mental health difficulties to socialise, have fun and worship.

April 27

April 30

Give thanks for Kerry Dixon and the team at our Dundee Centre of Mission, who provide food and friendship for those who are homeless through their Soup & Soul city centre outreach. Praise God for all those who have come to faith through the project.

Gordon Lamb in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, runs a number of community events for people of all ages who suffer from loneliness. Pray that relationships may continue to grow and that many lives will be committed to Christ.

April 26

April 24 – 30

Prayers for the marginalised

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” Psalm 9:9 prayer diary 13

May 1 – 7

Our Senior Leadership Team and Board This week we ask God’s blessings for the men and women who lead Church Army.

May 1

May 6

Remember Stephen Cottrell and pray for God’s blessing in his roles as the Bishop of Chelmsford and Chair of the Church Army Board.

May 2 Praise God for the many opportunities Chief Executive Mark Russell has to be an advocate for evangelism to the wider church across the British Isles. Pray that he may continue enthusing others.

May 3 Pray for Church Army’s Board Members Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Joanna Cox, Steve Eccleston, Dorothy Needham, Graham Nunn and Wendy Saunders.

May 4 Give thanks for our three new Board Members: the Bishop of Connor, Alan Abernethy, the Lay Chair of the Diocese of Salisbury Synod, Christine Corteen, and Founding Director of Bridge Ministries UK, Sam Follett.

May 5 Board Member and Assistant Bishop of Llandaff in Wales, David Wilbourne, has stepped down from his role as a Church Army Board Member. Praise the Lord for the wisdom, skills and experience he has contributed to the role. May God bless him in his future plans.

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Please pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he visits churches around the British Isles to speak about Church Army’s work. May God keep him safe as he travels and may he inspire others with our vision.

May 7 Please pray for National Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, as he manages and supports our frontline activities. Give thanks for the significant growth of our Centres of Mission across the British Isles and the development of new roles for our evangelists.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

Please join us in praying for our chaplains, who offer support and spiritual guidance in hospitals, prisons, schools and universities across the British Isles.

May 8

May 11

Darren Thornton is the Coordinating Chaplain at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. He asks for prayers for all students that will be graduating Darren shortly. May they be able to utilise all that they have learnt to reach their full potential.

Louise Yaull is a chaplain at the Royal Hallamshire, Weston Park and Northern General hospitals in Sheffield. She said: “Pray that I may be able to listen with unhurried compassion to patients, their relatives and hospital staff as they share their stories. Pray that I may also be able to adequately represent God’s love and compassion during times of sickness and suffering.”

May 9

Give thanks for David Booker, who coordinates the worship life of over 1,200 students at the Wren Academy in London. Pray that he may be successful in helping the young people reach their full potential through Christ.

Pray for Aidan Webster and his team of 40 volunteers in Hartlepool. Aidan is the manager of the North Tees Seafarers Centre, a charity that provides vital funding to support people in the maritime community and their families. Please pray for more volunteers, funding and that their plans to involve the local Muslim community in their work may prove fruitful.

May 10 Pray for chaplains that you know personally and for those that work in your area.

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing…” 1 Peter 5:2

May 8 – 14

Comforting through chaplaincy

May 12

May 13 Spend some time praying for Sharon Connell and the multi-faith chaplaincy team at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London as they serve those in their care.

May 14 Ian Maher is the multi-faith chaplaincy coordinator for the Sheffield Hallam University. He said: “In the current political and economic climate, life as a university student is particularly challenging. Please pray for all students at or preparing for university. Pray also for the university support services, including chaplains, who try their best to support them.”

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May 15 – 21

Church Army International This week we pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe who devote their lives to the Lord through serving their neighbours.

May 15

May 18

As we celebrate Pentecost today, may the Holy Spirit stir afresh within us. Pray that there may be an increasingly stronger unity, partnership and understanding within the worldwide church and Church Army across the globe.

Helle Christiansen, who leads Church Army’s work in Denmark through Kirkens Korshær, asks for blessings for the work they are doing with poor families and migrants living on the streets and in shelter rooms, as well for their pastoral care programmes in local prisons.

May 16

May 19

Pray for Church Army New Zealand as they continue rebuilding work in Christchurch following the 2010/11 earthquakes. Please also Monika pray for Monika Clark as she settles into her new role as their National Programme Coordinator.

Spend some time today praying for the men and women you know personally that are growing Christian communities abroad.

May 17 Give thanks for the new missional community and refreshed training model launched by Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada). National Director, Shawn Branch, said: “Pray for the community leadership as they assume new roles and we grow together as a community, supporting each other and like-minded individuals.”

May 20 Praise God for Church Army Africa’s HEAL Africa, a training programme aimed at equipping the clergy and evangelists in a holistic approach to ministry in Africa. Give thanks that the programme has already trained over 4,000 church leaders across Eastern Africa.

May 21 Give thanks for all the individuals that form part of Church Army Vanuatu, Church Army Jamaica and Church Army Barbados. May they continue bringing God’s light into the heart of their communities.

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12

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The Wilson Carlile Centre (WCC) is the home of Church Army, located in the heart of Sheffield. Visit

May 22 One of the objectives of the centre is to become a resource for evangelism and the wider church. Pray that our relationship with churches and charities will keep on thriving.

May 23 Pray for Claire Dalpra, Andy Wier and Andrew Wooding, who share the gospel with the children of the Claire multi-faith Springfield Primary School through Godly Play, a creative approach to Christianity. Pray that this interactive method of Bible storytelling will capture the imaginations and hearts of the boys and girls.

May 24 The Vine was set up in 2013 by the parishes of St Stephen’s and St Bartholomew’s churches in Sheffield. Praise God for Joanne Spink, Denise Cartledge, Mike Ackroyd and Dan Palmer, who prepare breakfasts for The Vine’s community café. The café embraces all members of the local community, ranging from

police wardens and council workers to students and the homeless.

May 22 – 28

The Wilson Carlile Centre

May 25 Elspeth McGann volunteers for the Burngreave Foodbank. Pray for all the struggling families, immigrants, young homeless people and unemployed individuals who access the food bank. May they find both spiritual and physical nourishment.

May 26 Give thanks for the WCC’s Centre Manager, Karen Kiely, and the conference team, who strive to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the guests making use of the centre.

May 27 WCC strives to use local suppliers as much as possible, from the local baker, butcher and farmer to a local family business for the laundry. Pray that all these individuals may learn to listen to God’s voice.

May 28 Pray for the Victoria Court Housing Project (located next door to WCC), which provides accommodation for people experiencing homelessness. May they find happiness and stability through Jesus.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 107 prayer diary 17

May 29 – June 4

Sharing Jesus with young people Please unite with us in praying for the evangelists involved in youth and children’s work. May they be able to touch young hearts with their testimony.

May 29

June 1

Matthew Rowley is a Family and Young People’s Worker in Blackpool. Please pray for his Kidz Klub, which is still in its early days; may it be well-equipped for its outreach. Also pray for the successful establishment of a youth group for 10-14-year-olds.

Praise the Lord for the evangelists and church members who are involved in children’s ministry and who generously give up their time to run programmes, projects and events so that gospel seeds may be planted in young lives.

May 30 Spend some time praying for Howard Schnaar and the Broadfield Kids house group at Christ the Lord Church in Crawley, West Sussex. Howard May the 25 young people who attend be encouraged to be life-long disciples of Christ.

May 31 Please pray for Alan Rainford, his wife Mim, and the Wigton Methodist Circuit in Cumbria as they help to prepare the children that take part in their Kidz Klub for the transition to secondary school. Pray also for their continuing work with children through their youth and outdoor activity clubs.

June 2 The Bradford Centre of Mission is home to the Sorted Project, a fresh expression of church for young people, run by young people. Pray for their latest initiative, Playthegame, which trains and equips their young leaders to grow in faith, character and leadership skills.

June 3 Give thanks for Yvonne Desroches and the growth of the SMUFs (St Mary’s Under-Fives Group) in Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire. Yvonne said: “Pray for God’s people, the group’s leaders, volunteers and all who attend. May the children and parents we reach out to take one more step along the road to knowing Jesus as their life’s travelling companion.”

June 4 Please pray for the young people who have experience of self-harm and that are being helped by our Amber Project ( in Cardiff. May they come to realise how precious they are to God.

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” Psalm 119:9 18 prayer diary

This week we devote our prayers to the evangelists that care and comfort the older members of our society, especially those suffering from loneliness and poor health.

June 5


June 8 Praise God for the opportunities that Julia Crathorn in Kent has to improve the spiritual lives of residents at a Methodist home for the elderly.

June 6 Michael Collyer leads the Sheffield Cathedral’s Action Team for Seniors and chairs the Sheffield Diocesan Ageing Group. Pray for him and his team as they plan a banquet to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, which focuses on valuing older people.

June 7 Give thanks for Philip Gay and the mission church of St Barnabas team in Manchester, who cater for the needs of the local older people through worship services, coffee mornings, a weekly drop-in and a food bank collection point.

“Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.”

June 5 – 11

Bringing the gospel to the elderly

Pray for Phil and Christine Baul in Plymouth, Devon, who run a bus project as part of their ministry to lonely senior citizens, particularly widows. Pray for the health, happiness and spiritual growth of all those who attend their weekly meetings.

June 9 Praise the Lord for Christine Goodger and her outreach to the older generation in Northampton. She said: “Please pray for me in my work with elderly dementia sufferers and their relatives, as well as for the worship I conduct in local residential and nursing homes.”

June 10 Spend some time praying for Ray Mills in Medway, Kent. He said: “Pray for the many older people in the South East who live alone and have little contact with the outside world. Ask God to help them enjoy the brighter, longer days and realise afresh the promise in Matthew 28:20: ‘I am with you always’.”

June 11 Peggy Boynes is part of the team of voluntary chaplains at Bath Abbey. They receive many requests from elderly individuals for prayers linked to loss – the loss of partners, friends, health and memory. Peggy said: “Pray that not only will they discover a balm for the pain but how much they are loved by God.”

Leviticus 19:32

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June 12 – 18

Our work in Wales This week we pray for our evangelists in Wales, who work hard to improve the lives of local communities through a variety of outreach programmes.

June 12

June 16

Praise God for Robert Lowe and his team’s TeaCoffee-Prayer meetings, which aim to bring the church and community of Llanelli in Robert South Wales together to share chats, prayers and refreshments.

Jon Price has recently begun his new post as pioneer minister for the Diocese of Bangor. He said: “Please pray that God will equip and guide us as we begin exploring the inception of a mission community in the heart of Mid Wales. May we be able to discern opportunities and priorities for mission.”

June 13 Val Fernandez in Caerphilly, South Wales, reaches out to local women with special needs. Pray that she may have many opportunities to reveal Jesus to them.

June 14 Please pray for our Homeless Projects Manager, Sue Way, and the Church Army Residential Services team as they work with homeless young people aged 16-21 living in Cardiff. May the young people be transformed through a personal experience of God’s boundless grace.

June 15 Pray for evangelists that you know who are making disciples in Wales.

20 prayer diary

June 17 Pray for Chris Lawton and his team at our St Asaph Centre of Mission in North Wales. He said: “We thank God for the openness the different community groups have shown towards us. We are especially thankful for the churches and Christian groups who are working with us to build the kingdom across Wrexham.”

June 18 Hannah Seal began her role as pioneer evangelist at our Llandaff Centre of Mission in January 2016. Please pray for her as she builds contacts with local communities and develops fresh expressions of church.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6

This week, members of Church Army gather for a series of Regional Gatherings to hear from our Senior Leadership Team, share and worship together, and experience being part of the Church Army community beyond their local context.

June 19

June 23

Please pray for all those leading sessions at the Regional Gatherings. May God grant them creativity and eloquence to inspire others and focus them on his will.

Pray for the members of Church Army that are meeting today from across Ireland and Northern Ireland. May Jesus be at the centre of everything that is said, done and decided.

June 20 Pray for God’s protection over all the people attending the Regional Gathering today in Sheffield, some of whom will be travelling a long way. May the Lord keep them safe and give them energy and enthusiasm for the work ahead.

June 21 Today the Regional Gathering takes place in London. As the Senior Leadership Team move from place to place, pray for God’s spirit to be with them, granting them safe travels and protecting them from fatigue.

June 22 As the gathering moves to the South West today, pray for those unable to attend. May they feel present in spirit and though a strong sense of belonging.

June 19 – 25

Regional Gatherings

June 24 Give thanks for all those who worked hard to ensure the smooth running of the gatherings. Pray that the people who have attended may implement what they have learnt to reach out even more effectively into their communities.

June 25 Pray for the team planning the 2017 national Residential Gathering. May they be able to build on the experience and input from this year’s events to plan and shape next year’s event.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” Hebrews 10:24 prayer diary 21

June 26 – July 2

Sharing God’s love with communities We would appreciate your prayers for our evangelists, who continue to transform lives with the message of God’s eternal love.

June 26 Pray for Stephen Whitten and the Streetreach team in Belfast, as they finalise their outreach programme for the young people of North Belfast. Pray that they will be inspired to follow the examples of Christ.

June 27 Remember Colin Brown in Redruth, Cornwall, as he moves into a new art studio in a complex where 170 creative people work. Pray that he may find innovative ways to show and share the Good News of Jesus.

June 28 Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of the people who don’t know Jesus as their Saviour yet. Pray for Jonathan Wiggam and the team at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, in Hampshire, who do outreach locally. May they grow God’s kingdom in the area.

June 29 Spend some time praying for Stephen Ramshaw and his team’s Community Partnership project for a community garden on the grounds of St Paul’s Church in Willington Quay, Tyne and Wear. Stephen said: “Please pray that we may be able to demonstrate God’s love to everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, and so be able to breathe new life into our community.”

June 30 Give thanks for the evangelists and church leaders you know that share the gospel in your community.

July 1 Pray for David Scurr and for all those he is preparing for confirmation this month at St Chad’s Church in Farndon, Cheshire. Pray also for the Bishop of Chester, who will be confirming them.

July 2


Praise God for Paul Ward, his team, and the recently completed building work at Hope Nottingham. May they facilitate new life and growth through their family drop-in centre, food bank, Hope youth café, Place of Peace Bible study group and Hope Community Christ-centred Sunday lunches.

“Jesus answered them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:31 22 prayer diary

faith pictures

a fresh way to talk about things that matter

If you were a household appliance, what would you be? Faith Pictures is a new downloadable free course to help you talk to friends, neighbours and colleagues about what you believe. At the heart of it is identifying an image that says something about your faith. Each of the six sessions includes a short video and lively discussion-starters. We reckon you’ll find Faith Pictures a little different from most other courses. It has three main distinctives: •

Honesty about our faith journeys, without bracketing out the hard questions.

Humour - Faith Pictures is designed to be fun and profound at the same time. Whole Church - Faith Pictures is a simple idea that can be used across different traditions and with different age groups.

Faith Pictures is an easy way to open up potentially life-changing conversations, and it is free.

Features Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, comedian Milton Jones, broadcaster Pam Rhodes, writer Paula Gooder and many more … plus a couple who had tarantulas on their wedding cake. For more information visit:

“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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