Prayer Diary Summer/Autumn 2016

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prayerdiary Summer/Autumn 2016

Argyll and The Isles

Dundee North Belfast Scottish Borders


Bradford (Sorted)


Selby Scunthorpe


St Asaph St David’s


Norwich 1


Norwich 2




Amber Ty Bronna Danescourt




Welcome from the Chief Executive


roverbs 10:5 tells us that: “He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely”. Please pray for the summer outreach our evangelists are planning to bring the sunshine of the gospel to people of all ages (page 12). You will also find some top tips to encourage you in your summer evangelism on page 8. I often remind my brilliant team of evangelists that, in many cases, they are the only gospel that people will ever read. Our job is to partner with God and help individuals experience the risen Christ for themselves. It is for this precise reason that we have been launching a number of Centres of Mission across the British Isles this year, with more planned for 2017. We are opening these centres in challenging areas, where unemployment, poverty and single parent households are rife, and the need for God’s restorative love is great. Please join us in praying for our newest Centres of Mission on page 11. In this edition, we ask God’s blessings for the two Welsh Centres of Mission launched last year, St Asaph in North Wales (page 4) and Llandaff in South Wales (page 18). We also celebrate the novel and creative ways our evangelists have found to share the Good News in today’s society (page 10). I passionately believe that when people meet Jesus, lives are completely healed and transformed. Please pray for our work with men (page 13), women (page 20) and children (page 15). Thank you for all you do for Church Army and in Jesus’s name. You are amazing and I am praying for you. I thank God for you and for our partnership in his life-changing gospel. Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit


Summer/Autumn 2016


4 St Asaph Centre of Mission 12 Summer evangelism Sharing the sunshine Focusing on families of the gospel 5 Mission Community 13 Our work with men A heart for evangelism Growing God’s army 6 Commissioning and 14 Church Army training evangelists September Blessings for our trainees Celebrating our 7 Xplore partnership Equipping young 15 Back to school adults for mission Interceding for 8 Ideas for summer our children evangelism 16 Harvest evangelism Top tips for your outreach Reaping the fruits of faith 10 Creative evangelism 17 Building close-knit Expressing Christian love communities 11 Prayers for our newest Godly steps for growth Centres of Mission 18 Llandaff Centre of Reaching those most Mission in need Bearing witness in Wales

10 19 Giving thanks for our retired evangelists Salt and light in their communities 20 Our work with women Changing lives through Christ 21 Faith in action Practical help for our neighbours 22 Leading Church Army Prayers for our Senior Leadership Team and Board 23 Disturb us, Lord Inspiring poem by Sir Francis Drake

Front cover image: M ap highlighting Church Army’s Centres of Mission and key projects around the British Isles:

• Red – Existing Centres of Mission • Green – Newest or soon-to-be-launched Centres of Mission • Yellow – Key projects All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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July 3 – 9

St Asaph Centre of Mission This week we pray for the St Asaph Centre of Mission in South Wales. Launched in September 2015, the centre is based at St Mark’s Church within the Caia Park housing estate in Wrexham. Around 14,000 people live on the estate.

July 3

July 6 Spend some time praying for the school assemblies that Chris is leading in two primary schools on the estate. May the children be inspired to know more.

July 7 The centre is in need of volunteers, particularly for their ministry to toddlers, schoolchildren and teenagers. Pray that the right individuals may step forward. Chris and Josh

July 8

Lead Pioneer Evangelist Chris Lawton and Pioneer Evangelist Josh Smith have been leading prayer walks around the local area. May the team be successful in proclaiming the gospel to the local community in a powerful and relevant way.

Josh plays football with groups of men aged 18 to 35 several times a week, as well as coaching younger football players. Pray that the relationships being built will go beyond football as Josh shares his faith with them.

July 4

July 9

Pray for Chris as he organises events and activities for families living in the area, in partnership with St Mark’s Church. May lives be touched and transformed by the healing power of God’s love.

Pray for Josh as he visits the local prison with Prison Fellowship, a charity that helps prisoners through prayer and practical support. May lives be transformed as hearts are handed over to Jesus.

July 5 Caia Park is an area of significant poverty, unemployment and a high crime rate. Pray for the team as they reach out to people in need, especially the most marginalised, hurting and lonely.

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“Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies” Psalm 36:5

Church Army is a mission community open to all Christians who have a passion for evangelism. Please pray for us as we continue to encourage, resource and enable members to share their faith with others.

July 10

July 13

Please pray for the National Gathering planning group as they meet over the next few months to prepare and plan for the event, which will see hundreds of Church Army community members come together in June 2017.

Remember all those who have made their first promises to join the community at the regional gatherings last month. May they continue to grow in faith and fellowship.

July 11

Pray that God will continue to shape the Church Army Mission Community for his greater glory and to further grow his kingdom.

Ask God’s blessings for the new evangelists-in-training and other individuals who will be making their first promises as they join the Church Army Mission Community. May they realise their full potential through Jesus.

July 12

July 14

July 15 Give thanks for those in leadership roles within our Mission Community. Pray that the Lord may equip them with the right tools to guide and support all the members.

July 16 Spend some time praying that strong partnerships will continue to be built between the Church Army Mission Community Team and local churches, schools, social development projects and local authorities.


“We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8

Praise God for Brian Duckworth who has recently had his commission restored at the Regional Gathering.

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July 10 – 16

Mission Community

July 17 – 23

Commissioning and training evangelists This is a busy but joyful week for the Training Team, with a residential weekend, Admitting and Commissioning service and induction for the new evangelists-in-training. Please hold them in your prayers.

July 17

July 20

Pray for the existing evangelists-in-training who are gathering for their residential this weekend. May they meet God through the various activities that have been organised.

Give thanks for the new group of evangelists-in-training, who are also in Sheffield this week as they prepare for the start of their training in September.

July 18

July 21

Remember the evangelists-in-training now back in their home contexts after their time together. Pray for them as they manage times of ministry, rest and study within a demanding schedule.

Each evangelist-in-training is supported by a Commissioned Evangelist who helps them to reflect on their learning. Pray for them as they get to know one another.

July 19

July 22 Summer is a time of transition for the training community. Pray for the returning evangelists-in-training as they prepare to welcome the new trainees in September.

July 23 Give thanks for the growth in numbers of those in training. Please pray for those currently exploring a calling to commissioned ministry with Church Army.


Praise God for Jo Bowyer, who is being commissioned today as a Church Army Evangelist. Jo said: “Please pray for me to walk boldly and confidently in the things that God has called me to and for my equipping and learning to continue.”

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“And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” 1 Peter 5:4

Our Xplore training programme is for young adults aged 18-25 who want to follow in Jesus’s footsteps and make new disciples. Xplore equips individuals in mission and evangelism for their own specific context. Visit

July 24

July 27

Pray for the 45 young people who have recently completed the Xplore programme. Give thanks for all those who have come to a living faith through engaging with the Xplorers.

Xplore will be holding a retreat in September. Neville said: “Pray that all those who have completed their training may be refreshed and revitalised.”

July 25

July 28

Remember Xplore as they exhibit at Momentum in Stafford this week, an event aimed at Christians in their twenties and thirties. Pray that more young adults will be inspired to get involved with Xplore.

Shift is a network of Christians in their twenties and thirties who seek to challenge perceptions around identity, the church and culture. Pray for the partnership between Shift in London and Xplore to engage young people in outreach activities across London.

July 26

July 29

Give thanks for Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, as he meets with key leaders and young adults in cities across the UK and Ireland. May discussions for developing Xplore training programmes in these new locations prove successful.

Please pray for those involved in recruiting for Xplore this summer. Ask God to provide ample opportunities for Xplorers across the country to share their stories and motivate other young adults to join the programme.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’”

Pray that many more young adults from across Wales, Ireland and Scotland will want to be part of Xplore’s learning community and so be enabled in evangelism for their own local context.

Mark 16:15

July 30

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July 24 – 30


Ideas for summer evangelism Summer reading

Roller-skating fun Help those stuck at home with bored children this summer by putting on regular activities. If you have a church hall, why not organise a roller-skating club with games, music and refreshments? Get the kids to bring their own skates and CDs.

Everyone enjoys reading a good book while on holiday, but the fun doesn’t need to end there. Set up a summer book club and select literature that will provoke faith-related discussions.

Clothes swap


In this increasingly material-driven world we are all being encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle. Yet many people still yearn for the joy of a new summer wardrobe. Why not organise a clothes swapping event at your church? The concept is simple – ask people to bring nice, clean, presentable clothes that are languishing in the back of their wardrobes and other people will fall in love with them and give them a good home. For more information visit

Why not take the opportunity that Wimbledon brings to reach out to sporting fans in your community? Set up a big screen and invite people to enjoy a smattering of tennis accompanied by strawberries and cream.

Time together Building relationships with your non-Christian friends and family will inevitably provide opportunities to talk about faith. Maximise the time you spend with them by arranging a holiday together or a weekend away.

Holiday at Home For many elderly people, going away from home for a holiday is too much to cope with. As a church, reach out to them by organising a ‘Holiday at Home’ week. This could include games, crafts, day trips and film viewings.

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Water of life

Surprise postcard Many of us will attend Christian conferences and festivals over the summer. Take the opportunity to tell your unchurched friends about it by sending them a postcard. Most people love receiving surprise post!

Food glorious food

Take to the streets on a hot day and hand out bottles of water with information about your church attached.

Pub quiz

Remember the old saying: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?” You could apply this principle to your own life by hosting a summer dinner party, barbecue or picnic for your neighbours.

Breakfast giveaway

Contact your local pub or restaurant and arrange a summer quiz run by your church. This will help you meet people in an environment they are comfortable with.

Free babysitting Gather together a team of volunteers from your church and offer parents in the community a night of free babysitting.

Football tournament Organise a five-a-side football tournament – it’s always a winner!

Although many people will spend their summer sunning themselves in exotic locations, spare a thought for those still at work. If you are based in a town or city, reach out to busy commuters by organising a breakfast giveaway. Who doesn’t like to start the day with some tasty treats?

Online evangelism When you are organising an event, add to the bottom of every invitation, letter, email, poster and tweet. The website is run by the Christian Enquiry Agency in partnership with Church Army. It provides information for people who want to find out more about the Christian faith. The information is reliable, objective and thought-provoking.

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July 31 – August 6

Creative evangelism This week we rejoice in our evangelists who share the Good News with their communities in artistic, original and creative ways.

July 31

August 3 Give thanks for Penny Horseman in Amble, Northumberland, who has written a book about using the Jesus Deck cards as a way of sharing faith, discussing Bible stories and promoting spiritual development. The cards are named after gospel writers Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, depict a Bible scene and include a Bible verse.

August 4

Praise God for Tony Maidment in Stourbridge, West Midlands, and the magic tricks that he uses as a way of presenting Jesus’s love at school assemblies and other events.

James Hawksworth and the Bradford Centre of Mission team replicated a court room setting during a youth summer camp in the Yorkshire Dales, with 25 young people acting as the jury, testimonies from people who have come to faith and cross examinations. Pray that this may make the young people reflect about their own faith journey.

August 1

August 5

Susan Bloomfield is Missional Chaplain for the Deaf within the Diocese of Derby as well as Southwell and Nottingham. Pray for her ministry to the Royal School for the Deaf in Derby.

Pray for people you know who are exploring new and exciting ways to impact people’s lives with the message of God’s love.

August 2

Frank McGregor and his team are creating a huge faux stained glass window depicting Christ carrying the cross for St Matthew’s Church in Birches Head, Stokeon-Trent. Frank said: “Pray that Jesus’s holy light shines through the artwork on all those who see it.”


Pray for Jim Currin in Coventry and his new initiative entitled Aspect Photos, which celebrates life and prompts conversations, questions and reflections on some of life’s key issues.

August 6

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 10 prayer diary

Please join us in praying for our newest Centres of Mission that have opened this year and for the centres that will shortly be launching in England, Ireland and Wales.

August 7

August 11

The Tuam Centre of Mission, Church Army’s first centre within the Republic of Ireland, was launched in April. Praise God for our partnership with four main Christian denominations within the diocese.

Remember the Torbay Centre of Mission, which will be launched this September. Please pray for Lead Evangelist, Jeff Hill, and Community Evangelist, Adrian Prescott, as they reach out to families in Devon.

August 7 – 13

Prayers for our new Centres of Mission

August 8 Emma Rodrigues has been appointed as the Lead Community Evangelist for the Tuam Centre of Mission, based in Ballina, County Mayo. Pray that she will quickly forge strong ties with the local community.

August 9 Pray for the St David’s Centre of Mission in Wales, which was launched at the end of May. Praise God for the Lead Evangelist of the centre, Val Legg, and Pioneer Evangelist, Ian Roulston. May they be successful in creating a sense of excitement for God’s Word.

August 10 Give thanks for the partnership between Church Army and the Diocese of Norwich, which will see two new Centres of Mission launching in the area between 2016 and 2017. One centre will be in a rural and the other in an urban setting. May the Good News be powerfully proclaimed in both contexts.


August 12 Pray for Operations Team members Neville Willerton, Peter Graystone, Roger Horsley, Richard Cooke and Kerry Dixon as they support our newest Centres of Mission.

August 13 Please pray for the plans to open other Centres of Mission in areas of need across the British Isles. May many more lives be transformed through Jesus Christ.

“…Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” Philippians 2:15

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August 14 – 20

Summer evangelism We would value your prayers for the summer outreach our evangelists are planning; may they encounter those in the community most in need.

August 14 Give thanks for Rob Barker at our Chester Centre of Mission as he organises days out in the kayaks for young adults living locally. Rob said: “Pray that these days out may lead into meaningful conversation about self-worth, value and faith.”

August 15 Give thanks for John O’Neill and the other Christian motorbikers who proactively share their faith with the Belfast Harley Davidson Chapter and the wider motorbike community. Pray that they may have many opportunities to share the gospel at biker rallies being held across Ireland this summer.

August 16 Pray that the summer outreach activities your church has organised may lead many more people to become rooted in Jesus.

August 17 Heather Kemball works with the Congleton Team Parish in Cheshire. She asks for prayers as the parish undergoes a time of change and as they continue to consider and live out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

August 18 Ken Cavanagh in Alicante, Spain, is a founder member of Listeners, a counselling service for anyone going through a difficult time with bereavement, debt, a chaotic lifestyle or loneliness. Please pray that

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the team may give the right support to each person.

August 19 Graham Bibby is the Pastoral Leader of St Richard’s Church, Crowborough, in the Diocese of Chichester, where he leads a prayer group for men. Please pray for his team as they reach out to the men living on the Alderbrook Estate.

August 20 Give thanks for Jasper Rutherford, who leads the main stage celebrations for Summer Madness. Praise God for the hundreds of young people who gave their lives to Jesus during the event last month.

“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:14

This week we rejoice in the work being done across the country with men of all ages and from all walks of life. May they experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

August 21

August 24

Pray for Kerry Dixon at our Dundee Centre of Mission and his Pirate Monks group meetings for men. Many of the men who attend are struggling with addictions, deep hurts, broken relationships and low self-esteem. May they find peace, happiness and stability through Jesus.

Praise God for James Wilkinson and the men he reaches out to as part of the Chester Centre of Mission’s pub outreach. James said: “Pray that we may be able to continue to build relationships and share faith appropriately and boldly.”

August 22 Elizabeth Cairns is the Rector of Mullavilly in the Diocese of Armagh, Northern Ireland. She said: “Please pray for our new outreach initiative, which aims to encourage men of all ages to get involved in the life of the church.”

August 21 – 27

Our work with men

August 25 Please pray for those you know who are involved in men’s ministry. May they find innovative and relevant ways to evangelise men of all ages.

August 26 Nick Russell at our Greenwich Centre of Mission works with disadvantaged young men who come from dysfunctional families and suffer from behavioural disorders, substance abuse or who are ex-offenders. Pray that the light of Christ will shine through the darkness in their lives.

August 27


August 23 Spend some time praying for marginalised and hurting men living in your community.

Pray for Peter Allen and the team involved in running Men@Work events in the three Colnes parishes of North Essex. The events are held in a local pub and include a meal, guest speakers and a chance to form friendships.

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” 1 Corinthians 1:25

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August 28 – September 3

Church Army September This is the fourth year we are holding Church Army September, a time of year where we aim to increase our speaking engagements at churches, so we can share first-hand accounts about our life-changing work with people on the very edge of society.

August 31 Please pray for the individuals who will be introduced to our latest evangelism resource, Faith Pictures, during this month. May it prove helpful in sharing faith in a natural and meaningful way with others.

September 1 Praise God for all those who will be promoting our work across the country and fundraising for us through sports events, meals and 24-hour challenges.

August 28 Give thanks for all the churches who have booked a Church Army speaker for September. Pray that our evangelists may inspire them with fresh ideas for their own mission and evangelism.

August 29 Our evangelists visited 67 churches during last year’s Church Army September. Praise God for these opportunities to share stories about our work. Pray for all the evangelists who share Jesus daily with their communities.

August 30 Ask God to bless each and every one of our supporters, who encourage us in our work every single day. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

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September 2 Remember Church Army founder, Wilson Carlile, and all the Church Army Evangelists who served others faithfully and courageously during the two world wars.

September 3 Please pray for our first-ever Skydive Challenge, which is being held today in Nottinghamshire. May it be a special day for everyone involved.

“For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Please join us in praying for our evangelists and volunteers who work with children. May these young souls be inspired to embark on a lifelong journey with Jesus at their side.

September 4

September 8

Ask God to bless Sandra Doore as she settles into her new job as curate in Gateacre, on the outskirts of Liverpool. Pray that she will be able to build successful relationships with local schools and inspire children as she leads assemblies.

Praise God for Julie Thomson at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission and her ministry to local pre-schoolers, primary school children and high school students. May the young disciples be curious to know more about the gospel.

September 4 – 10

Back to school

September 5 Pray for the school children in your area as they begin a new academic year. May gospel seeds be planted in their lives.

September 6 Give thanks for Paul Niemec and his Messy Church team in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. He said: “Pray for our brilliant children and their parents and grandparents as they seek to bring up their youngsters in faith.”

September 7 Matthew Rowley and his team in Blackpool work with around 22 children as part of their Messy Church, many of whom come from dysfunctional families. Pray that the team may be effective in supporting them spiritually and practically.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


September 9 Pray for the after school club JAFFA (Jesus A Friend For All) run by our Selby Centre of Mission for children aged 7 to 11. Neil Walpole said: “Pray that many new children will join us in the year ahead.”

September 10 The Sorted Project is a fresh expression of church for young people led by Andy Milne at our Bradford Centre of Mission. Andy said: “Pray that the Sorted team may be able to get alongside the new year seven students quickly, listen to them and point them to Jesus.”

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September 11 – 17

Harvest evangelism As Christian communities across the British Isles are planning harvest-related events and outreach activities, please join us in praying that their efforts will be fruitful.

September 11 While you eat your meals today, thank the Lord joyfully for each mouthful; for all the individuals who work hard to grow, gather and deliver our food and for the beauty and fertility of our countryside.

September 12 Pray that the Lord may help harvest in us generosity, compassion and forgiveness. Pray for yourself, for faith and words, and then take action. You could perhaps bake a pumpkin pie, apple tart or beetroot cake and give it to a neighbour.

September 13 Ask God to bless the harvest lunches, suppers, festivals and other events that churches are planning. Pray that those who are not part of the church community will feel welcomed.

September 14 Pray that we may be more sustainable in the way we live and grow our food, enjoying the resources but with consideration towards future generations.

September 16 Do you know of any local food banks or soup kitchens? Pray for them. You could add an extra non-perishable item to your shopping basket this week to donate for the less fortunate.

September 17 Look at the country of origin on each item of food you eat today and pray for that country. Remember the 780 million people worldwide who suffer from hunger, pray that the world’s resources may be distributed more equally.

September 15 In Luke 10:2, Jesus says: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” May many more workers be inspired to go out into the harvest field to share the Good News.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

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One of the main aims of our evangelists is to build a sense of community and support network in the areas in which they live. This week, our prayers are that local communities may have open hearts and minds to the gospel.

September 18

September 23

Mark Bingham is a community worker in Maulden, Bedfordshire. Please pray that through the community projects he is planning, in partnership with the Maulden Baptist and St Mary’s churches, many lives will be committed to Christ.

Gary Roberts in Lisburn visits members of his community at home and in hospital. He said: “Ask the Holy Spirit to give me the right words as I challenge people to place their faith in Jesus, either as a renewal of faith or for the very first time.”

September 19

September 18 – 24

Building close-knit communities

Yvonne Desroches in Northamptonshire said: “Our community here in Burton Latimer continues to grow as many new housing developments begin to take shape. Please pray that as our community grows we are able to share the love of Jesus with all those we meet.”

September 20 Pray for the people you know that are involved in community outreach.

September 21 Give thanks for Stephen Ramshaw as he continues to engage with school children in Tyne and Wear. Pray that he may continue to build strong bonds with the children, their parents and teachers.

September 22 Pray for Stephen Plumb and the newly formed Iwade Roc Café in Iwade, Kent, which aims to build community among young people aged 11 upwards.


September 24 Nicholas Lebey at our Greenwich Centre of Mission leads a year seven group for students, many of whom have challenging behaviour patterns. Nicholas said: “Please pray that our discussions about building healthy relationships and the importance of learning may prove effective.”

“ who seek God, may your hearts live!” Psalm 69:32 prayer diary 17

September 25 – October 1

Llandaff Centre of Mission Please join us in praying for the Llandaff Centre of Mission, which was launched in September 2015. Based in Neath, the centre aims to establish new models of Christian community across the Diocese of Llandaff in South Wales.

September 25

September 28

Pray for Lead Pioneer Evangelist, Andy Settle, and Pioneer Evangelist, Hannah Seal, as they continue to build links with local churches, schools and the wider community.

Pray for the centre’s outreach to the elderly across the diocese, many of whom feel lonely and isolated. May they find hope, strength and happiness through Jesus.

September 29 Almost 10 percent of households that live in the deanery are lone parent households. Spend some time praying for the single parents that the Llandaff Centre of Mission reaches out to. May the team be successful in supporting them both practically and spiritually.

September 30 Hannah and Andy

September 26 Spend some time praying for the relationships being built with children and parents through Messy Church and toddler groups. May all those attending grow in fun, faith and fellowship.

September 27 Give thanks for the volunteers who help in the running of Messy Church and other family-related activities. Pray that more individuals will be inspired to get involved.

Praise God for the close partnership between Church Army and the Church in Wales. May it result in many more men, women and children coming to a living faith.

October 1 Pray that the team may inspire and encourage individuals across the diocese in evangelism. Pray also that the Llandaff Centre of Mission may be a ‘heartbeat’ for mission further afield.

“He must become greater; I must become less.”

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John 3:30

This week we focus our prayers on our retired evangelists, who have devoted their lives to serving Jesus and their communities.

October 2

October 7

Andrew Dyer and this team run a Home Watch scheme in Didsbury, Manchester. Please pray that it may provide further opportunities to create a sense of community and share faith stories.

Joan Hudspeth asks: “Please pray for the Church of St Martin with St Peter’s in Worcester during the interregnum following the rector’s retirement and give thanks for those who have taken on extra responsibilities as a result.”

October 3 Joan Hornby in York said: “Please pray that God will give me opportunities to share his love whilst doing my pastoral visiting in the parish of St Mark’s Church in Marske-in-Cleveland.”

October 2 – 8

Retired evangelists

October 8

October 4 Give thanks for Margaret Failes, who is the lead person for the safeguarding of vulnerable adults at St Matthew’s in Cheltenham. May God guide her and grant her wisdom.

October 5 Pray for David Sanderson and his team in Chesterfield, Derbyshire as they continue to share conversations about faith with men from the local mosque.

October 6 Judith Bawtree in Hove, East Sussex, said: “Please pray for our Good Book women’s Bible study group; may the Holy Spirit give those that attend a hunger for God’s word.”


Ask for God’s blessings on Jenny Taylor as she leads church services, home communions for the sick and housebound and supports those with hearing difficulties.

“Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea…” Psalm 46:2

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October 9 – 15

Our work with women This week we pray for all the individuals who help, love and encourage women that are hurting or struggling. May the women reach their full potential through Christ.

October 9

October 12

Please pray for the women being helped by the Marylebone Project in London. May Jesus Christ provide them with the strength and self-worth to get back on their feet.

Please pray for Kathy Green, chaplain at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital, as she provides emotional, practical and spiritual support for the mothers, grandmothers and other family members of children who are unwell.

October 10 Our evangelists at the Centre of Mission for Vulnerable Women in the North of England said: “Please pray for healing for the women we have been working with for many years and whose bodies and minds are now suffering the long-term effects of drug misuse.”

October 11

October 13 Tony Williams is the chaplain at HM Prison Eastwood Park women’s prison in Gloucestershire. He said: “Ask God to comfort the women separated from their children and for healing for the many women who have suffered a lifetime of abuse and violence. May God continue to open their hearts to his love.”

October 14 Pray for the women you know personally who are going through hardship or don’t know Jesus yet.

October 15


Lynda Alsford in East Sussex said: “Please pray that I may powerfully share God’s message of freedom, hope and restoration with women suffering from eating disorders.”

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Praise God for Dawn Hudson in Sheffield and her newly launched Precious Transformation, an initiative that reaches out to women of different ages and backgrounds with a creative mix of evangelism, healing and beauty therapies.

“The eternal God is your refuge...” Deuteronomy 33:27

This week we pray for all the evangelists that demonstrate their faith through words and actions and make positive contributions to their local area.

October 16

October 19

Pray for Gill Martin and her work for the Strood Community Project, an initiative between two parish churches in Strood, Kent, which aims to empower the local community. Gill is involved in helping individuals to find employment through training and CV writing.

Myrtle Morrison in Portadown, Northern Ireland, said: “Pray for our mother and toddler group, First Steps. May relationships and Christian influences continue to flourish.”

October 16 – 22

Faith in action

October 20 Pray for all the men and women you know who put their faith into action.

October 21 Geoffrey Goswell supports men and women in Northampton who are struggling with dementia through a café, day centre and Singing for the Brain meetings. Pray that the light of Jesus may shine through the illness. Pray also for the family members of those affected.

October 22 Gill

October 17 Remember David Grace and the chaplaincy team at Weston General Hospital in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, as they support chronically ill patients.

October 18 Give thanks for Gordon Banks and his new role as Mission and Growth Partner for the Stafford area. Pray also for his work with the Farming Community Network, an organisation committed to meeting the needs of farmers and their families.

As the new school years gets underway, pray for God’s blessings on Kinder Kalsi and his ministry to Springfield Primary School, a multi-faith school in Sheffield.

“But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand.” Psalm 10:14

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October 23 – 29

Senior Leadership Team and Board Please remember those in Church Army in leadership roles as they make important decisions on our future and raise awareness about our life-changing work.

October 23 Remember Chief Executive, Mark Russell, as he takes part in speaking engagements to highlight the impact of our work. Pray for energy and safety as he travels around the British Isles to attend meetings and events.

October 24 Pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, who supports the staff and management of our key projects, including the Marylebone Project, The Amber Project and Church Army Residential Services.

October 25 Give thanks for Church Army’s Board Members Alan Abernethy, Christine Corteen, Sam Follett, Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Joanna Cox, Steve Eccleston, Dorothy Needham, Graham Nunn and Wendy Saunders.

October 26 Please pray for National Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, as he oversees, advises and encourages the evangelists at our new and soon-to-be launched Centres of Mission.

October 27 Praise God for our Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick, as he continues to shape the Mission Community into all that God wants it to be.

October 28 Pray for Senior Leadership Team’s meeting next month. May all that is said, done and decided be for Jesus’s greater glory.

October 29 Pray for the Chair of the Church Army Board, Stephen Cottrell, and give thanks for the wisdom, guidance and skills he brings to the role.

“…my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24 Sam

22 prayer diary

Disturb Us, Lord This prayer is attributed to Sir Francis Drake and is believed to have been written by him before setting sail from Portsmouth in 1577. The journey would lead to his knighthood and fame as the second person ever to circumnavigate the globe.

Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, When we arrive safely because we sailed too close to the shore.

And in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas, Where storms will show your mastery;

Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess

Where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.

We have lost our thirst for the waters of life;

We ask you to push back the horizons of our hopes,

Having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity,

And to push into the future in strength, courage, hope and love.

prayer diary 23

“ For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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