CA Fundraising Pack

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Fundraising Pack follow us on

Faith Words Action

welcomE We hope you’ll find this pack useful in your fundraising activities. Whether you are planning an event with your friends, your church or with your colleagues, this pack is designed to help you with tips, advice and support. Here at Church Army, we are so thankful for your partnership as together we work to alleviate poverty and reach those who are marginalised throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland with the Good News of Jesus Christ. This vital work is only possible with your help and support - both prayerful and financial - and we would love you to plan your own fundraising activities to help us raise the £5.7 million we need each year for our work to continue. Every single penny you raise counts! So, don’t forget to let us know what you’re planning as we can offer advice to kick start your ideas. Speak to the Fundraising Team on 0300 123 2113 or contact us by visiting our website


Church Army’s President, Desmond Tutu, says: “It is such a joy and privilege for me to be the President of Church Army. I hear so many stories of the wonderful work your evangelists and volunteers do – heart-warming work sharing the love of God with people and helping them to see they are important to Him. I hear about their work with the homeless, those involved with prostitution, the asylum seeker, the work they do with young people and old people. How they reach out to people on difficult housing estates and in isolated rural areas. Church Army is doing the kinds of ministry our Lord would be doing if He was still walking on this earth. I said it before and I say it again, Church Army has left a smile on God’s face.”

Contents 4 5 6 8 12 14 15

What we do Why we need your help Planning your fundraising event Fundraising ideas Promoting your event Staying safe Sending in your money


What we do Church Army is a mission-focused community of people who are transforming lives and neighbourhoods through the work of evangelists, staff and supporters. We are committed to sharing the Christian faith through words and action in a variety of contexts across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Our evangelists work beyond church buildings among some of the most broken, rejected and hurting people in society. We are also committed to building new forms of Christian community to reach people who have little or no experience of church. Working in the margins Impacting lives in challenging situations is long-term work and requires a special commitment and focus. Here are some of the areas we work in, or have worked in recently: • Homelessness • Helping women involved in prostitution • Inner city housing estates • Self-harm prevention • Night-time street ministry • Local church ministry • Children and young people • Schools outreach • Drug and alcohol prevention • Bus-based youth and community projects • Older people • Community allotments • Church planting and fresh expressions • Family breakdown prevention Other key work includes: • Research in evangelism • Training evangelists • Developing Centres of Mission • Developing online evangelism resources


Why we need your help Louise’s story My name is Louise* and I fled from my home and husband after experiencing domestic violence. I came to London but ended up on the streets for nearly a month, which was really terrifying. I was then referred to Church Army’s Marylebone Project and moved in straight away which was such a relief. Since arriving I have been involved in the jewellery making project, a computer course and have helped out at a local church. I’m also taking part in a domestic violence course and one about confidence and awareness. The Marylebone Project is so important and helps women from many different situations. It has saved me. My key worker has done everything she possibly can to help me and I am about to move into my own flat, which I’m really looking forward to. I’m going to miss all the new friends I’ve made here, but I will come back and visit them. * Name changed


provides 20 homeless women with a hot meal at our supper club.


pays for a home starter pack for women like Louise, which includes kitchenware and bedding.


pays for a week’s stay in our emergency bed unit.


Planning your fundraising event

Things to think about first

What type of event are you planning and how many people will it attract?

How long will it take to organise and will you enjoy it?

What type of event will you hold? If you are stuck for ideas, turn to page eight and have a read of our suggestions to get you started. When will you hold your event? You need to choose a suitable date and time so as many people as possible can attend. Check what events are happening on or around the same time in the local area to avoid clashes. Where will you hold your event? Make sure the venue is the right type and size for your event and has all the facilities that you need. Try and get the venue at the right price (or for free!) and look around for the best deal. Who will you invite? Consider who you want to invite to your event and if there is a maximum or minimum number that can attend. Also, make sure you invite people well before the event so their diaries don’t get booked up. You can send out invites by hand, by email or via Facebook. Promote your event! Turn to page 12 to find out how. Stay safe - find out if any regulations apply and if you need to do a risk assessment. Turn to page 14 to find out more.


Do you have any people that can help you organise it? It’s always better to work together.

Have you set a realistic target of how much you can raise?

Can you cover the costs of staging the event?

Budget for everything that is needed to put on your event; including printing, postage, photocopying, equipment, catering and hire charges. Income from the event can come from things such as tickets/entry fee, sponsorship, raffles or auctions, sale of goods and refreshments. Find as many ways as possible to fundraise at your event. It could be a bring and buy stall, raffle, lucky dip, quiz etc – with all those people there you’ll want to raise as much money as possible. Consider showing a short Church Army film on a big screen or TV, depending what type of event you’re holding. You can view them on our website, on YouTube, or we can send you one on DVD. Make a full list of everything that you need to get done in the lead up to the event and a list of things to do on the day. Tick each task off once it has been done. Share out tasks to those helping. On the day - have fun! Also, we love to celebrate the success of our fundraisers, so please send us any photos that you are happy for us to use in our publicity.


Fundraising ideas

Have you got time? Have you got talent? Why not put them to good use an Organise a dinner party with a theme. There are so many options: a wine and cheese party, international food evening or a safari supper. You could even play one of Church Army’s films between courses.

Dig out all those unwanted items in your house and sell them at a car boot sale or on eBay. Why not ask your friends to join in?

Why not recycle your old mobile phones/cameras/ sat navs/ink cartridges/ mp3 players? Many places will give you money back for trading in these items.


Hold a ‘dress down’ or ‘dress up’ day at your workplace, school or church.

Ask members of your church to make some cakes or biscuits and then sell them with the refreshments after the Sunday service. Or you could hold a coffee morning or tea party.

Ask friends and local businesses to donate something towards an auction night for Church Army.

nd have a go at fundraising for us? Here are some ideas to get you started Organise a sponsored church walk – it can be as long or short as you like! It is also a great way to get chatting to new people.

Quiz nights are great events for people of all ages. You can charge per person or per team.

What about a 24-hour challenge? It could be a 24-hour sponsored silence, dance, zumbathon …

For those who are sporty, hold a golf, tennis, football or netball tournament. Or you could take part in a sponsored run, cycle ride or sky dive!

During the summer, host a garden party. Strawberries and cream are always a favourite.

Get people to sponsor you to “give something up”. It could be chocolate, coffee, your mobile phone, the internet or smoking.


More fundraising ideas...

Host a pamper party for the ladies – think face masks, foot spas and manicures.

Hand out Church Army money boxes to your friends and ask them to fill them with spare change. You’ll be amazed at how much is raised. To order money boxes please email

or telephone 0300 123 2113.

Get your friends to clear out their wardrobes and hold a clothes swap party.


If you and your friends are musically talented, organise a concert or gig.

C If you are a keen gardener, why not grow some plants which you can then sell?

Be inspired by your favourite TV show and host a Britain’s Got Talent, Strictly Come Dancing or Come Dine with Me event.

The congregation at St Bart’s Church in Sheffield raised a brilliant £700 for Church Army at their Bollywood Evening.

Denise Cartledge put her best foot forward and took part in the 10k London Run raising £150 for us.

Adventurous fundraiser, Jane Lamb, reached new heights after doing a sponsored sky dive in Nottingham. She raised £1,300!

Ten-year-old Oliver Cake braved freezing temperatures in January to take part in a North Sea “dip” raising more than £500 for us.

Peggy Boynes went the extra mile for Church Army and walked 76 miles from Reading to Bath along the Kennet and Avon Canal to celebrate her 75th birthday raising more than £4,000.


Promoting your event Raising funds in aid of

In aid of Church Army Any materials you produce should make it clear who the event organiser is. To help, we’ve designed a special fundraising logo available to download from our website. Also please add our charity numbers to any publicity: “Registered Charity Nos. 226226 and SC040457”. Please make it clear you are raising funds in aid of Church Army and that you are not an actual representative of the charity.

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Posters and resources We have a range of resources available to help you advertise your event and to use on the day, including posters, bookmarks, sponsorship forms, money boxes, giving envelopes, DVDs and leaflets. To order or download them, visit or telephone 0300 123 2113.

BT MyDonate and JustGiving The easiest way to enable most Faith people to donate to your event is Words Action to set up a fundraising page on BT MyDonate or JustGiving. We prefer BT MyDonate as we’ll gain a larger percentage of your donations, but we’ll leave the choice up to you. Set up a donation page, add a photo, tell everyone why they should support you and post links to the page from your Facebook or Twitter accounts. Just ask us for advice if you need any help to do this. Raising


funds in

aid of

Local press and radio Getting local or regional press coverage for your event will not only help your fundraising, it’s also a great opportunity to highlight the work of Church Army. Contact local newspapers and radio stations let everyone know. Facebook If you use Facebook, you can set up an event page for your event to promote it to your friends, family and colleagues. Don’t forget to add a link to your BT MyDonate page or JustGiving page if you’re using one. If your friends use Facebook too, ask them to help you promote your event to their contacts. Twitter Twitter’s a great way of letting people know about your event quickly, and you can really build up people’s interest in what you’re doing over time by sharing developments as they happen. We can easily tell all our followers about it as well. @ChurchArmy Gift Aid it If yours is a sponsored event remember to send in your sponsor forms with your donation. If any of your sponsors are UK tax payers we can Gift Aid their donation, if they have ticked the Gift Aid box. Gift Aid is a government scheme which allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 sponsored.


Staying safe We want you to have fun while fundraising, but please take care to stay safe. Please note; it is your own responsibility to make sure your event is safe and complies with any relevant authorities. Food hygiene Please be aware of food safety laws and use common sense in preparing and handling food. First Aid cover For larger events you may require first aid cover. The amount of first aid cover needed will depend on the size of your event. Do check with your local council for advice. Temporary event licenses If you are having alcohol and/or live music at your event you will need to apply for a temporary event license, if you are not using a licensed premises (pubs, bars and restaurants should all be fine). If you intend to serve cooked food after 11pm you will also need to apply for a licence. Please contact your local council for more information.


Raffles There are strict legal requirements governing the organisation of raffles, lotteries and prize draws. Please do not organise a raffle without checking first the guidelines. The simplest raffle to organise is at events you are staging to raise money for your event (for example a party or quiz). These types of raffle don’t need a licence, as long as you only sell tickets to people at the event and you draw the winner at the event too. If you’re using proceeds from the raffle to cover costs and pay for prizes, make sure you don’t use more than £100 on costs (such as tickets) and no more than £500 on prizes. Insurance While we appreciate your support, Church Army cannot accept liability for any fundraising activity or event you undertake in our aid. If you need insurance please make sure you have this arranged prior to your event taking place. Venues will often include insurance in hire charges but make sure you check.

Sending in your money

We’d love to hear about how it went,

Sending in the money you’ve raised Please send in your donation as soon as possible after your fundraising event. Just pop a cheque, payable to Church Army, in the post to Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ , with a description of how you raised the money and your contact details. Don’t forget to include any gift aided sponsor forms.

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so please email us with your story and any photos to fundraising@ or write to us at Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ. By sending your photos you are consenting for their use in future promotional materials.

A big thank you to all our supporters who fundraise for us every year - we couldn’t do it without you! We hope your event was a success and everyone had a great time.

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Other ways you can get involved • • • • •

Pray for us Sign up for resources Volunteer with us Become a parish representative Follow us on Twitter @ChurchArmy • Follow us on Facebook • Give to us regularly • Leave a gift in your Will Please visit or telephone 0300 123 2113 to find out more about any of the above. We’d love to hear from you.

Contact us Church Army Wilson Carlile Centre 50 Cavendish Street Sheffield S3 7RZ

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169


Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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