Prayer Diary A/W 2014

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prayerdiary Autumn/Winter 2013/2014

“ Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Welcome from the Chief Executive “ Dear Lord, I give thanks that your gospel has the power to transform people from the inside out and turn lives around. I pray for the work of Church Army as its evangelists and volunteers reach out to their local communities. Help me also as I share my faith through words and action.”


hroughout our Inside Out campaign, this has been our prayer, and it has been really inspiring to see so many of you joining with us in it. In this edition of Prayer Diary you can read more about Inside Out and how our Sheffield Centre of Mission is working with people living in the Edward Street flats (pages 8-9). Visit We also hope you enjoy our Christmas reflection based on Isaiah 9:2-7 (pages 12-13) and, as we head into the new year, do join us in praying for the launch of HOPE 2014 – a nationwide year of mission (page 14). HOPE is a movement that wants to bring churches together to transform their communities through doing mission in word and action – so it’s great to be working with them! Visit Finally, more and more people are living in poverty and find themselves in desperate need. Church Army is passionate about alleviating poverty, so with Poverty and Homelessness Action Week taking place between January 25 and February 2, we will be praying for our projects and evangelists who are working with those in need and bringing them hope through the gospel (page 18). Thank you once again for all that you do for us. May the Lord continue to work through us so that together we can make the Good News known across our nation. Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

8 4 Prayer for Ireland Lifting up our evangelists in Ireland 5 S acrificial service Supporting communities

Autumn/Winter 2013/2014



11 Upholding our retired evangelists Prayer for our retired evangelists as they share the gospel

17 Online evangelism Celebrating the work of Now a Christian and the Christian Enquiry Agency

12 A different kind 6 Church Army’s leadership of king Remembering our Senior A reflection for Leadership and Board Christmas 7 Advent and Christmas 14 HOPE 2014 evangelism A year of mission in A call to prayer as words and action Advent begins 15 Newcastle Centre 8 Inside Out – mission of Mission in community Lifting up the Sheffield Centre neighbourhoods of Mission of Willington Quay and Shiremoor 10 Children and young people Interceding for the future generation

16 Wilson Carlile Centre Church Army’s home in Sheffield

18 Poverty and Homelessness Action Week Remembering those in need 19 Church Army’s Research Unit Investigating new forms of church 20 Training and Education Equipping and resourcing others 21 Church Army International Prayer for our worldwide family 22 Planting seeds Sharing faith through words and action

Front cover image: E vangelist, Tim Smith, with Saba and her children Alazar (left) and Arsimar (right) at our Sheffield Centre of Mission All Bible references in Prayer Diary are taken from the New International Version (2011).

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November 3 – 9

Prayer for Ireland Throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland, our evangelists are working in communities, sharing their faith through words and action.

November 3

November 7

Val Thom leads the Zacchaeus Outreach Bus in the Diocese of Armagh, which works with people involved in marching bands. Give thanks for the project’s volunteers and for those who have visited the bus – particularly those who’ve taken a Bible.

Gary Roberts, Evangelist in Charge of Ardmore Parish Church and Esky Church in the Diocese of Down and Dromore, would like prayer Gary Roberts for the young people in the parish and for the church to find ways to share the gospel with them.

November 4 Pray for Geoffrey Walmsley at Seapatrick Parish Church in Banbridge and for the pensioners’ lunch club he runs each month. May those who are lonely enjoy this time of fellowship and sharing a meal with other people.

November 5 Pray for John O’Neill at our Lisburn Centre of Mission as he works in schools leading assemblies, faith-based lessons, afterschool clubs and puppet workshops. Give thanks for the good links he has built with the schools’ staff and pupils.

November 6 Remember Elizabeth Cairns as she settles into a new role as Rector of Mullavilly Parish Church in Armagh. She said: “Please pray the church may be a house of prayer, a centre of Christian teaching and a witness within the community to God’s redeeming love.”

November 8 Richard Beadle works in the Swanlinbar Kildallon Group of Parishes in the Kilmore Diocese; pray that he may encourage and challenge the congregations to reach out to their rural communities.

November 9 Pray for the wider church in Ireland and Northern Ireland, may the amazing Good News about Jesus’ death and resurrection be at the centre of all they do and motivate them to tell others.

“You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:19

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With Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day taking place this week, we pray on the theme of sacrificial service.

November 10 Today, on Remembrance Sunday, spend some time reflecting on the men and women who’ve contributed and sacrificed so much defending our country during conflicts, and remember their families. Also, spend some time reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice for us.

November 11 Pray for Clive Deverell, Team Minister at St Mary’s Church, in Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, as he shows the love of Jesus to the many visitors to the Royal British Legion Royal Wootton Bassett Garden of Remembrance this week. This national garden remembers all those who’ve fallen in conflict, but specifically those in Afghanistan.

November 12 Pray for Nic Sheppard, Youth Work Adviser in the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds, and for his colleague Nigel Chapman as they attend a day in Harrogate to explore ways of using new media to reach young people.

November 13 Shena Moray in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, would like to praise God for all those who’ve been helped through the Westway Open Arms Project on the Eastfield housing estate, which offers debt and budgeting advice, pregnancy crisis support and a food bank.

November 14 Colin Brown is a Community Arts Evangelist in Falmouth, Cornwall. Pray for the students and staff of Falmouth University and for Colin and the rest of the chaplaincy team as they support them in many and varied ways.

November 15 Remember Paul Hamilton, Rector of St Nicholas, Ingrave in Essex, who has recently returned from a sabbatical. Pray this time away will have refreshed him as he encourages the parish in evangelism.

November 16 Nikki Foster-Kruczek leads the SOURCE Community in the Hythe area of Colchester, Essex. Pray for the Hythe Station Community Garden work day which is taking place today.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

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November 10 – 16

Sacrificial service

November 17 – 23

Church Army’s leadership This week we pray for our Senior Leadership Team, Board and Management Group.

November 17

November 21

Church Army Chief Executive, Mark Russell, would like to give thanks for the recent opportunities to speak about evangelism at the Diocese of Cork Clergy Conference, the Chelmsford Diocesan Readers’ Day and the Aberdeen and Orkney Diocesan Conference for Clergy and Lay Readers.

Praise God for our Board Members and the gifts they bring to Church Army: Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Sarah James, Dorothy Needham, Graham Nunn, Peter Ridge Steve Eccleston, Wendy Saunders and Joanna Cox.

November 18 Pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he continues to implement and develop Church Army’s DARE strategy; doing evangelism, advocating evangelism, resourcing evangelism and enabling evangelism. Pray this strategy would be successful in furthering the gospel and would bring glory to God.

November 19 Remember our Dean of Community, Vanessa Kirby, as she leads and develops Church Army’s Mission Community. As she travels around the country visiting Mission Community members, please pray for energy and safety.

November 20 Pray for wisdom and guidance for our Chair of the Board and Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell.

November 22 Pray for Church Army’s Management Group at the Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield as they oversee the day-to-day running of the charity and budget for the year ahead: Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, Training Team Manager, Jane Truman, Finance Manager, David Arundale, HR and Admin Manager, Paula Barker and Marketing Manager and Communications Team Leader, Neil Thomson.

November 23 Spend some time giving thanks and praying for church leaders in your area.

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6 6 prayer diary

As Advent begins next week, we pray for the outreach initiatives and special events that will be taking place to help people discover the real meaning of Christmas.

November 24

November 28

David Coleman at our Greenwich Centre of Mission in South London said: “Please pray for the Christmas activities taking place at our mid-week Messy Church at St James’ Church in Kidbrooke. This will include a travelling nativity scene going from home to home and a sheep-based nativity trail in shops and businesses.”

Jeff Hill in Witney, Oxfordshire, would like prayer as he organises a travelling crib, which will go around families in three schools during Advent. Pray also for the late-night street café that Jeff runs in the centre of Witney as they reach out to those celebrating in the bars and pubs during the Christmas period.

November 25 Pray for Lynne and Peter Bone in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, and for the Christmas community pantomime of Aladdin they’ve helped to organise. Pray also for the Beer and Carols event which is taking place in The Tanner pub.

November 26 Remember all our evangelists and volunteers who are involved in leading Christingles, carol services and nativities over the coming weeks.

November 27 Tim Hyde leads our Southampton Centre of Mission on the Weston housing estate. Pray for the Christmas lunches he is organising for the community and for the families at the Sure Start Centre.

November 29 Pray for Myrtle Morrison and Matt Rowley at our Craigavon Centre of Mission in Northern Ireland as they share the Christmas story with the community at the switching on of the Christmas tree lights on December 4. Pray also for the Christmas lunch for senior citizens on December 10.

November 30 Spend some time praying for Advent and Christmas outreach that is taking place in your area.

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfil the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.’” Jeremiah 33:14 prayer diary 7

November 24 – 30

Advent and Christmas evangelism

As our Inside Out campaign continues, we find out more about our Sheffield Centre of Mission’s work with families living in the Edward Street flats “I live in the Edward Street flats with my mum and have been coming to the youth club for two years which is run by Tim who always spends time chatting with me. The games, crafts and activities are really fun and it is a place where I can relax and enjoy myself. There is such a joyful and happy atmosphere. It is a place where I feel safe and secure.” Antonio, 12 years old Antonio is just one of the 15 young people who benefit from the Edward Street youth club which is run each week by Evangelist, Tim Smith, from our Sheffield Centre of Mission.

thanks to the redevelopment of the area, things have greatly improved and the flats are becoming a vibrant and multicultural community. “The youth club is a great way to connect with families and to support the young people – many of who are from troubled backgrounds. As Christians, we are there to represent the ultimate parent, our Father God – his faithfulness, constant love, forgiveness and peace.” T o watch a film about Inside Out, please visit insideout or scan the code with your mobile phone.

Tim began leading the youth club fourand-a-half years ago after being called by God to reach out to the Edward Street community, and is supported in his work by volunteers from St Stephen’s Church in the Netherthorpe area of the city. Tim said: “When I first began working with the Edward Street community, it was spiritually a very dark place. The flats were part of the city’s red-light district and therefore prostitution and drug dealing were commonplace. However,

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Antonio at youth club

December 1 Give thanks for the upcoming carol singing and refreshments which Tim is leading during Advent in the Edward Street flats’ gardens, and the way this event has grown year on year. Pray residents would come along to the event and find out more about the real meaning of Christmas.

December 2 Pray for Tim and the volunteers from St Stephen’s Church as they carry out home visits to residents in the flats, offering them emotional, spiritual and practical support.

December 3 Praise God for the good links and trust Tim has built with the flats’ Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) and that he is invited to attend their meetings. Pray this will continue to open doors into the community for Tim and that TARA will make good decisions to improve the lives of the residents.

December 4 Pray for Tim and those from St Stephen’s who lead assemblies at Netherthorpe Primary School and sit on the board of governors. Also, pray for the staff and pupils, that they will engage with the gospel.

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” John 1:14

Tim Smith with Saba and her children

December 5 Spend some time praying for the children who attend the Edward Street youth club each Thursday after school – particularly those from difficult backgrounds. Pray it will be a safe space where they can develop their God-given talents, have fun and benefit from the mentoring provided by Tim and his team of Christian volunteers.

December 6 Give thanks for the volunteers from St Stephen’s Church and for their willingness to serve the Edward Street flats community. Pray for the team’s fortnightly meetings where they eat together, pray and share stories of how God has been at work in people’s lives. Praise God for the family fun days and picnics they have organised for the community.

December 7 Pray for Tim as he sets up Bible study groups in the flats and opens God’s word with people. May the right people come forward who are willing to host groups in their homes and may the Bible speak life changing truth into people’s lives.

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December 1 – 7

Join us in praying for the Sheffield Centre of Mission

December 8 – 14

Children and young people Join us in praying for our evangelists working with children and young people across the United Kingdom and Ireland.

December 8

December 12

Pray for Celia Hare, Schools and Children’s Worker in the market town of Bedworth, Warwickshire, as she leads school assemblies and services over the coming weeks exploring the real meaning of Christmas.

Remember Graham Nunn and Hannah Seal in Kent who work with children and young people in schools, after-school clubs, Saturday morning clubs, holiday clubs, Messy Church and special one-off events. Pray for them also as they train churches in children’s work.

Spend some time praying for James Hawksworth at our Bradford Centre of Mission as he helps lead the Sorted Project – a church for young people run by James Hawksworth young people – the majority of who are from deprived, non-Christian backgrounds.

December 10

December 13

Dave Rose, Children and Youth Officer in the Diocese of Lincoln, would like to give thanks for all those who attended the recent children’s and youth work course which he ran over three sessions at St Matthew’s Church in Skegness.

Pray for John Marrow in Guildford and for the midweek KidsAlive325 service he leads for families, which is action-packed, full of fun and Jesus-focused. Also, give thanks for the committed volunteers who work alongside him.

December 11

December 14

Remember Adrian Prescott who has recently begun a new job as children’s worker at Christ Church Quinton in Birmingham. May he settle into his new team well and quickly build good relationships with families in the area.

Spend some time praying for children and young people in your community; may those that are already Christians be confident in sharing their faith and for those that don’t yet know Jesus, may local churches find ways to engage with them.

December 9

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 10 prayer diary

Across the country, our retired evangelists continue to serve their communities.

December 15 Carrie and Derry Bowman at Derriford Church in Plymouth would like prayer as they visit local primary schools sharing the gospel as part of the Open the Book project. Also, pray for the Messy Church they are involved with which reaches out to families.

December 16 Nancy Thompson in the Parish of Madeley, Telford, would like prayer for her involvement in the Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast and Prayer Ministry Team. Pray also for her husband Malcolm as he preaches and leads services across the parish. May they be blessed with energy and servant hearts.

December 17 Josie Midwinter in Didcot, Oxfordshire, would like prayer for outreach to the new Great Western Park housing estate which will eventually have 3,300 houses. Josie Midwinter Pray for her and the Churches Together Team as they visit each house with a welcome leaflet from the churches and organise community activities

such as craft afternoons, games in the park and the Oxfordshire Playbus.

December 18 Pray for Alan Cooper as he writes the Update newsletter for retired evangelists each month. Give thanks for his willingness to serve in this way.

December 15 – 21

Upholding our retired evangelists

December 19 Give thanks for Theresa Poutney at St Paul’s Church in Marylebone, London, and for the monthly Torch Fellowship Group which she helps with for those who are blind or partially sighted. Pray also for the prayer times she leads on Thursdays at Church Army’s Marylebone Project for homeless women.

December 20 Ros Haines at St John’s Church in Burscough, Lancashire, has recently trained as a spiritual director for the Liverpool Diocese. Pray for her as she meets with people and encourages them in their faith. Pray also for her husband Phil, as he works with those with learning disabilities in Southport.

December 21 Spend some time remembering those retired evangelists who are unwell, housebound or bereaved.

“Teach me your way Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11 prayer diary 11

December 22 – 28

A different kind of king This week as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we reflect on Isaiah 9:2-7 and the qualities of His character and kingship.

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder. For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the

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fire. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” Isaiah 9:2-7

December 22 Spend some time reflecting on Jesus as light in the darkness. Consider how Isaiah would have longed for the coming of the Messiah to bring light to the darkness of the religious world at the time. Pray that today, Jesus would be the light that can expose and change the darkness of our world today.

December 23 As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, we give thanks to the Father for the sacrificial gift of His Son who humbled Himself and came to earth as a vulnerable baby so that He can share in our brokenness and rescue us from our sin.

December 24

on in Isaiah 40:11: “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart…”

December 27 Consider Jesus our “Prince of Peace” who when He came into the world not only preached peace but made peace with God for us at the cross. He is our peace and as Christians we are united at the foot of the cross.

December 28 As we head into 2014, pray that God will bless you with abundant opportunities to tell people the Good News about Jesus Christ so that they too will become part of His everlasting kingdom.

Praise God for Jesus our “Wonderful Counselor” whose wisdom and purposes are perfect, all-encompassing and true. May we seek His way in all areas of life.

December 25 Isaiah says Jesus will be called “Mighty God” – spend some time giving thanks for God’s awesome power and how, through Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, death has been defeated. Pray particularly for those you know who are going through times of trouble or are in need, may you have opportunities to speak of God’s absolute power and faithfulness.

December 26 Be reminded afresh of God as our “Everlasting Father” who is tender and loving to us, His children. As it says later

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December 29 – January 4

HOPE 2014 This week sees the start of HOPE 2014 and a year of mission together in words and action – the whole church reaching the whole nation for a whole year. Visit

December 29

January 2

HOPE 2014 invites churches to work together to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action. Pray that God will deepen our love for Jesus, for each other and for our communities.

The dream of HOPE 2014 is to see our nation changed by the love of God. Pray for your neighbours, friends and family who don’t yet know Jesus’ love.

December 30 Pray that in this year of mission God’s Holy Spirit will inspire every believer and every church to look outwards, meeting the needs of our communities with faith, words and action.

December 31 Thank God for the freedom to pray together. Thousands of Christians around the country will be praying as 2013 turns to 2014. Pray that passion for God will be rekindled throughout the United Kingdom, transforming communities.

January 3 Pray for the different churches in your area. Pray Jesus’ prayer that they might be one “so that the world may believe” (John 17:21).

January 4 Pray that young people will take a lead, showing the whole church what a mission lifestyle looks like – putting faith into practice and backing words with Godly actions that give glory to Jesus.

January 1 Jesus proclaimed God’s favour. It is a message our nation needs to hear and see in action. Pray that the church will make the most of every opportunity in this HOPE 2014 year of mission.

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” Peter 3:15 14 prayer diary

Our Newcastle Centre of Mission is led by Steve Dixon who is responsible for the St Paul’s Community Partnership in Willington Quay, North Tyneside - an old industrial village on the banks of the River Tyne and an area of urban deprivation. Alongside this, David and Suzette Maguire are developing new forms of Christian community at Coffee Plus – a Christian coffee shop in Shiremoor. Evangelist-in-Training, Stephen Ramshaw, is also based at the Centre of Mission. Visit

January 5 – 11

Newcastle Centre of Mission

January 5 As a new year begins, pray for the activities that take place each week at the St Paul’s Community Partnership including the craft and chat sessions, toddler group, lunch club, kids club, young people’s drop-in and drama workshops.

Left to right: Steve Dixon, Stephen Ramshaw, Suzette Maguire, David Maguire

January 6

January 9

Give thanks for all those who come along to the Sunday Celebration each month, which Steve established in 2009. Pray for those who volunteer at St Paul’s and for those who are exploring Christianity.

January 7

Pray for the Chill-Out Zone, Table, and Knit and Natter events at Coffee Plus. May the many conversations at each event continue to build community and proclaim the gospel.

January 10

Remember the many people in Willington Quay who are facing unemployment and who visit the St Paul’s Community Partnership to access training and support, such as help with job applications, CVs and interviews.

Coffee Plus relies heavily on volunteers, for both their time and listening skills, and many customers come in regularly to chat to them about any difficulties they are facing. Give thanks for each of the volunteers – Margaret, Sue, Ginny, Simone, James and Jack.

January 8

January 11

Give thanks for all those who attended the two Christingle Celebrations at Coffee Plus. May they be encouraged and challenged by what they heard.

Pray for Stephen who is in his third-year of our Mission-Based Training Course; may he be motivated in his evangelism by his academic study and practical work.

“In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:11

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January 12 – 18

The Wilson Carlile Centre – the home of Church Army The Wilson Carlile Centre (WCC) in Sheffield is home to Church Army’s office staff and includes a conference centre, Wilson’s Café, theological library and chapel. Visit

January 12 Pray for all those who use Wilson’s Café – particularly those who are vulnerable and from chaotic backgrounds. May they feel warmly welcomed and part of the community at the WCC.

you could hardly do better than the WCC. The facilities are excellent at a modest cost. The refurbished flats are comfortable and there is a good selection of books to consult in the library. The staff are also really friendly and helpful.”

January 15 Praise God for our Hospitality and Reception Team who look after the WCC’s guests so well and who go out of their way to meet people’s needs.

January 16 Wilson’s café

January 13 Give thanks for the many different Christian and non-Christian organisations that use the WCC for conferencing. Give thanks also for the church groups that have visited the centre.

January 14 Spend some time praying for those who stay at the WCC for retreats, that they will be refreshed in their faith and encouraged in evangelism. Jared Hay said: “If you are looking for a base for time out to reflect,

Pray for Church Army’s office staff who are based at the WCC and who spend 10 per cent of their working time volunteering in the community.

January 17 Give thanks for the good links the WCC has established with the nearby Springfield Primary School through the lunchtime singing group and with its staff.

January 18 Pray that more and more people, churches and organisations would use the WCC and benefit from its resources.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 16 prayer diary

This week, join us in praying for two online projects we are involved in; Now a Christian and the Christian Enquiry Agency (CEA). Visit and

January 19

January 23

Church Army’s Peter Graystone, who runs the CEA website for people who want to find out more about Christianity, would like to give thanks for all those who engaged with the website over Christmas.

Remember those who have been put in contact with local churches through the CEA and Now a Christian. May they be warmly welcomed and their faith nurtured.

January 20 With more than 1,000 people visiting the CEA website each week, plans are underway to develop its work this year; including short films about what Christians believe, information about Jesus for tourists visiting churches and reflections on war and peace to coincide with the centenary of the First World War. Please pray for all who are involved in developing these.

January 21

January 19 – 25

Online evangelism

January 24 Pray for Church Army’s Marketing Team as they look for new ways to engage with people online – particularly through Facebook and Twitter.

January 25 Pray that growing numbers of churches and Christian organisations would find out about Now a Christian and the CEA and find them helpful resources.

Each week around 30 people who have visited the CEA make contact by email to ask a question. Thank God for each of them.

January 22 Now a Christian is a free course for people interested in Christianity and what it means to follow Jesus. People can sign up online and they then receive an email each day for five weeks. Pray for all those who have taken part in it.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4

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January 26 – February 1

Poverty and Homelessness Action Week This week is Poverty and Homelessness Action Week which sees hundreds of churches across the country hold special events to raise awareness about the issues facing vulnerable people.

January 26 Pray for churches across the country today as they focus on the issues of poverty and homelessness in their services. May people be personally inspired and challenged by what they hear.

January 27 The Marylebone Project

Give thanks for our Ty Bronna and Danescourt project in Cardiff which provides accommodation to homeless young people aged 16 to 21. Chris, who is now living independently, said: “Church Army offered me a place to stay after becoming homeless and living in a tent in the woods. I was offered a home and a place of warmth and understanding.”

January 30 Pray for our Marylebone Project in London which supports hundreds of homeless women each year through its hostel and day centre. Pray especially for the women who are preparing to live independently and move into their own accommodation.

January 28

January 31

Spend time praying for our Church on the Bus project in Derbyshire which supports homeless and vulnerable people. Pray for the nurture groups which meet on the bus each week in Chesterfield and Matlock for those interested in finding out more about Christianity.

Pray for “Hannah” and her team of volunteers who work with women experiencing prostitution in the North of England. Pray both for the women they meet out on the streets and for those who are regular visitors to the project’s house where they can access help in a safe environment.

January 29 Remember our Valley of Hope project in the Rhondda Cynon Taf area of Wales which supports recently released prisoners and those with substance misuse issues.

February 1 Spend some time interceding for those who are homeless and vulnerable in your community.

“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God.” Proverbs 14:31

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Church Army’s Research Unit looks at new forms of church and mission, examining what the wider church can learn from them. Visit

February 2

February 5

Recently, the Research Unit Team has completed a statistical report for the Church of England’s Church Commissioners, on new forms of church across a number of dioceses. Pray that its findings are read by many and pray for the team as they take part in speaking engagements to explain the research.

Beth Keith is an associate of the Research Unit, currently studying in Durham for ordination and a PhD. Pray for Beth as she studies and also for her husband, Laurence, and their children, Josh and Anna.

February 3 Pray for Research Unit Leader, George Lings, as he speaks at a conference next week for vicars and pioneer ministers at Wydale Hall in Scarborough.

February 4

George Lings and Andrew Wooding

Remember George Lings and Andrew Wooding as they plan, write and edit a new online publication to be published three times a year looking at new forms of church.

February 2 – 8

Church Army’s Research Unit

February 6 Give thanks today for the Research Unit’s good links with the Fresh Expressions Team and the Anglican Church Planting Initiatives, who have been a huge encouragement to the team.

February 7 George Lings has edited the newly published book, Messy Church Theology, which takes a deeper look at the growth of Messy Church – a new form of church for families involving crafts, eating together, games and informal worship. Pray the book will be a useful resource and will help Messy Churches be more effective.

February 8 Pray the Research Unit Team would be blessed with wisdom as they consider future projects.

“But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it – not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it – they will be blessed in what they do.” James 1:25 prayer diary 19

February 9 – 15

Training and Education Join us this week as we pray for our evangelists-in-training and our Training and Education Team.

February 9

February 12

Pray for fourth-year Evangelist-in-Training, Stuart Budden at our Thanet Centre of Mission in Kent and for the Ignite church plant which he helps lead with the aim of reaching the vulnerable and socially deprived. Pray also for Stuart as he shares the gospel with residents and staff in care homes.

Fourth-year Evangelist-in-Training, Paul Smith, at the Grafted Project at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission would like prayer for the weekly drop-ins for people struggling with issues such as loneliness, alcoholism and substance abuse.

February 10

February 13

Fourth-year Evangelist-in-Training, Maria Hembrow, at our Southampton Centre of Mission on the Weston housing estate said: “As I complete the Mission-Based Training course during the next few months, please pray for me as I look for my first job as an evangelist.”

Pray for first-year Evangelist-in-Training, Yvonne Desroches, who is training in the Peterborough Diocese. May she balance her academic and practical work well and glorify God in all she does.

February 11

Remember our Training and Education Team, Jane Truman, Claire Dalpra and Steve Hollinghurst, as they lead our MissionBased Training Course and develop new forms of training to equip and resource the wider church in evangelism.

Fourth-year Evangelist-inTraining, James Wilkinson, at our Chester Centre of Mission would like prayer as he works alongside Rob Barker running a bus project James Wilkinson for young people. Pray also for James as he seeks opportunities to develop his own ministries.

February 14

February 15 This spring Church Army’s training will be inspected by the Church of England Ministry Division. Pray for the preparations that are going into this, for those in the training team and for those doing the inspection. Pray it will be a time of learning for all involved.

“Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of 1 Timothy 4:13 Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.” 20 prayer diary

Across the globe, Church Army’s international societies are reaching people with the gospel. This week we pray for their work.

February 16

February 19

Remember all the evangelists at Church Army Jamaica, Church Army Barbados and Church Army Vanuatu as they work in the community reaching out to people beyond the church.

Praise God for all those who have visited and benefited from Church Army Australia’s Kihilla Retreat and Conference Centre. Pray that its visitors will be refreshed in their faith and benefit from the centre’s Christian hospitality.

February 17 Pray for John and Alison Stanley from Church Army USA who lead the Uncommon Grounds café in Aliquippa, Philadelphia, which is a Christian café serving the community. Pray for all those involved in Bible studies, open mic nights and the art groups.

February 16 – 22

Church Army International

February 20 Pray for Erick Hinton at Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada) who leads the Street Hope project in Victoria, British Columbia, which supports those who are homeless. Pray also for the project’s volunteers who feed the hungry and befriend people. Visit

February 21

Alison and John Stanley

February 18 Give thanks for Church Army Africa’s Bungokho Rural Development Centre in Uganda, which has a working demonstration farm where people can learn more efficient ways of farming. Courses are also offered in carpentry, masonry, tailoring and hairdressing, as well as English and maths. There is also a nursery and school. Visit

Spend time praying for all those at Church Army New Zealand who are taking part in the Certificate in Evangelism and Local Mission. Pray the students would engage well with what is taught and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

February 22 Give thanks for the hundreds of volunteers at Church Army Denmark’s St Nicolai Service – a telephone line that is open to anyone who needs to talk to someone on an anonymous basis. Pray for the 30,000 people who use this service each year, many of who are lonely and marginalised.

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22 prayer diary 21

February 23 – March 1

Planting seeds Across the United Kingdom and Ireland, our evangelists are planting gospel seeds in their communities.

February 23

February 27

Richard Cooke and Neil Walpole at our Selby Centre of Mission in North Yorkshire would like to give thanks for the Edge Community Café which they run on the Flaxley Road housing estate. Give thanks also for the 25 to 45 people who attend each week and for the volunteers who serve refreshments and bake cakes. Pray the team would make the most of each opportunity to reflect Jesus to people.

Praise God for Nikki Thornhill who is a chaplain at the military training base in Cornwall, HMS Raleigh, and for the recruits who have been baptised or Nikki Thornhill confirmed after taking part in a baptism course.

February 24 Pray for Community Development Worker, Jon Clarke, at Folkestone Baptist Church and his involvement in setting up Neighbourhood Action Groups, support groups for job seekers and community health walks.

February 25 Pray for Mike Reeder, Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator at St Luke’s Hospice in Sheffield, as he works with staff, patients and their families. Also, pray for Mike as he regularly leads funerals and give thanks for the God-given opportunities they bring.

February 26 Remember Mark Bingham at our Southampton Centre of Mission and the Seedbed Allotment Project which he leads. Pray for the children and young people who visit the allotment from the nearby schools.

22 prayer diary

February 28 Pray for Richard Priestley in Somerset as he begins to develop new ministry in the Shepton Mallet Local Ministry Group. Pray for the second Mission-Shaped Intro course which he is running to help parishes discover new ways of being and doing church in the countryside.

March 1 Denis Tully in Nottinghamshire said: “Please pray for outreach on the Leamington housing estate in Sutton-in-Ashfield by St Mary Magdalene’s; for new worship initiatives and for the development of the Leamington Community Group.”

“…whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6

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To find out more visit where you can register your event and download our fun range of resources. prayer diary 23

Ellie and Leona at the Edward Street flats youth club in Sheffield

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 ISSN 1751–3979

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