Prayer Diary Summer/Autumn 2014

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prayerdiary Summer/Autumn 2014

“ Go and make disciples of all nations...” Matthew 28:19


Welcome from the Chief Executive


ne of the best parts of my job as Church Army Chief Executive is getting to visit our projects across the country, where I have the privilege of meeting face-to-face those we are reaching with the gospel and whose lives are being transformed as a result. It is always such a joy to hear how Jesus has become a reality to them as they put their trust in him as their Lord and Saviour. Therefore, as we launch our new ONE series I’m so excited we are able to share some of these stories with you as together we “…go and make disciples…” Matthew 28:19. On pages 4-5, Lauren shares with us how, after a childhood in care, becoming homeless and then ending up in prison, she found Jesus and his unconditional love. She is being supported by our project in Northern England for vulnerable women and is now part of a church and has returned to college to study psychology. Also as part of our ONE series, David from Bradford tells us how he came to faith through our Sorted Project for young people (pages 16-17). David said: “Knowing Jesus has helped me with my anger issues and problems, he is like a friend who’s always there to call on.” To watch videos from Lauren and David visit We are also looking ahead to Church Army September (pages 14-15) which will see churches across the country coming together to remember those who are marginalised in our society and to pray for our work. The occasion will be marked with special church services and fundraising events and we hope that through Church Army September our partnership with you can be strengthened. Visit Thank you so much for you continued support, Yours in Christ,

Canon, Mark Russell, Chief Executive

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

7 4 ONE series: Lauren’s testimony From our project in the North of England for vulnerable women and women involved in prostitution 6 Commissioning evangelists Praying for those graduating from our Mission-Based Training Programme

Summer/Autumn 2014



10 Serving others Evangelists in the community

18 Church Army International Praying for our worldwide family

11 Church Army’s Research Unit Investigating new forms of church

19 Back to school Gospel opportunities with children and young people

12 Church Army’s leadership Praying for our Senior Leadership Team and Board

20 Growing Christian community Sharing faith through words and action

7 Xplore programme Evangelism training for young adults

13 Fresh hope for Northern Ireland Interceding for lives to be changed

8 Sharing Jesus this summer Making the most of the seasons

14 Church Army September Churches celebrating with us

9 The Amber Project Supporting young people experiencing self-harm

16 ONE series: David’s story From our Sorted Project for young people in Bradford

21 Wilson Carlile Centre – the home of Church Army A place of welcome and hospitality 22 Glorifying God in retirement Our retired evangelists 23 Young people facing homelessness Church Army Residential Services in Cardiff

Front cover image: Y oung adults on our Xplore programme at an evangelism training weekend in Sheffield. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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God Church Mission

“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19

Bringing people to a living faith in Jesus Christ is at the heart of our new ONE series as we celebrate how God is impacting people throughout this nation. We hear from Lauren* at our project in the North of England for women who are vulnerable, addicted or involved in prostitution “I didn’t have a conventional childhood. My mother has depression and I left home aged three and moved in with my grandparents. I moved into care at 11 and left at 16 into independent living. I’ve been in hostels and was homeless for a while on the streets. I ended up in prison for something silly but Jesus was very much with me and I found Jesus in prison. When I really sat down and thought about Jesus I realised that, in hindsight, he’d been with me through everything. When I was a child in need and as an adult through the mistakes I’d made, he was with me all the time. Jesus was there always. When no one else cared or loved me, he did. Jesus’ love is unconditional. If it hadn’t been for the project I wouldn’t have met people who are great, love me for me and have given me belief in myself.”

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Lauren is now attending a local church and has returned to college to study psychology.

To read a poem written by

Lauren about her faith, read the latest edition of our Shareit! magazine (pages 8-9). To watch Lauren’s video testimony visit * Name changed

July 2 Spend some time praying for all of those across the United Kingdom who have fallen victim to human trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse. May Christians nationwide speak the gospel of hope, freedom, forgiveness and justice into the situation and into individual lives.

June 29 Praise God for the project’s house which is a place of refuge and community for the women, away from the chaos of life on the streets. It has a dedicated prayer room and relaxation room as well as a drop-in facility with food, advice, craft activities and spiritual support. Becky, a volunteer at the project, said: “It is in reflecting the patient love of the gospel and walking alongside women in the valley and on the mountain, by being honest and real about pains and joys, that we see lives transformed by Jesus.”

July 3 Pray for the women at the project who benefit from one-to-one visits at their homes from the team. May trusting and lasting relationships be established as God’s commitment to them is practically shown.

June 30 Pray for those women at the project who are desperate for God’s intervention in their lives and who are being destroyed by crack cocaine. May they break free of their addiction and find new hope.

July 1 Give thanks for the project’s team members and volunteers. Pray for God’s protection over them as they take part in weekly street outreach in the red-light district, offering the women prayer, friendship and refreshments. Pray for their good links to continue with the police and other agencies working in the area.

July 4 Pray for the project’s team as they train others who feel called to support vulnerable women within their neighbourhoods. May these training sessions resource and enable people in evangelism for the glory of God.

July 5 Give thanks for the women at the project who have given their lives to Jesus and are preparing for baptism. Hallelujah! May they continue to grow in their faith and become rooted and established in the gospel.

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June 29 – July 5

Prayer for the project

July 6 – 12

Commissioning evangelists This week we are so excited to celebrate the commissioning of five new Church Army evangelists. We will be marking the occasion with a special service at the Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield led by the Bishop of Hertford, Paul Bayes.

July 6 Give thanks for our Mission-Based Training Team and for their commitment to enabling others to share their faith through words and action. The team includes Manager, Jane Truman, and Tutors, Mike Starkey, Steve Hollinghurst and Andy Wier.

July 7 Pray for Stuart Budden at our Thanet Centre of Mission in Kent as he leads the Ignite community in Newington – a weekly church gathering for those who are marginalised, particularly those who are homeless, struggling with addiction and experiencing mental health problems.

Left to right: Deb Battersby, Stuart Budden, Maria Hembrow, James Wilkinson, Paul Smith

July 10 Pray for Maria Hembrow at our Southampton Centre of Mission as she begins her new role.

July 8

July 11

Paul Smith at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission leads a men’s ministry in the village of Newcastleton as part of the Grafted Project. Give thanks for all those who Paul has shared the gospel with through curry nights, the local pub and outdoor pursuit days.

James Wilkinson at our Chester Centre of Mission would like prayer for those he shares the gospel with through the bus and boat project.

July 9 Deb Battersby at our Sheffield Centre of Mission works with vulnerable women. Pray for her as she provides training to local churches to help them connect, support and disciple vulnerable women in their communities.

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July 12 Pray for those in your local area who are training for full-time Christian ministry.

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:13


Our Xplore programme is for young adults who are passionate about evangelism and is made up of two strands – a “year out” and a “year in” – involving practical mission and training. Visit

July 13 Give thanks for all those who’ve taken part in Xplore 2013/2014 and for their faithfulness to evangelism, which has seen God move in healing people, Xplorer, Venessa Pinto changing lives and people coming to know Jesus. As the Xplorers consider their futures, pray for each of them by name: Venessa Pinto, Cherith Collins, Tom Tame, Peter Coombs, Steph Edwards, Amy Webb, Olivia Wilson, Ian Roulston, Johnny Hill, Stephen Whitten, Rosie Elwood, Debs Houdghton, Mandla Moyo, Mickey Brown and Josh Smith.

July 14 Pray for Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, who will be part of an outreach project in Dunmurry, Belfast, working with 400 young people from protestant and catholic backgrounds.

July 15 Pray for good favour as Xplore visits youth

festivals over the summer to tell people about the training programme and how they can be part of it.

July 16 Spend some time praising God for young people nationwide who have a heart for evangelism. May they have the courage and resources to reach their friends and communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

July 17 As preparations are made for Xplore 2014/2015, which will begin in September, pray the right people will come forward to fill the last few places on the programme. We ask especially for new opportunities to open up for Xplore in Scotland and Wales.

July 18 Pray for all those who will be joining Xplore in September and who, during their first few weeks, will gather in Sheffield for evangelism training.

July 19 Remember Neville Barnes as he finalises the training material for next year’s Xplore; may it teach the Bible faithfully and encourage, equip and challenge the Xplorers.

“From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’” Matthew 4:17 prayer diary 7

July 13 – 19


July 20 – 26

Sharing Jesus this summer The summer months are a great time to get out into your community and share the gospel. Join us as we pray for summer evangelism this week.

July 20 Nic Sheppard, Youth Work Advisor for the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales, would like to give thanks for all those who heard the gospel through the Church on Show display at the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate earlier this month.

July 21 Spend some time praying for the thousands of children and young people who will be attending Christian summer camps over the coming weeks. Pray the gospel will be clearly and faithfully communicated to them and that many would put their trust in Jesus for the first time.

July 22 Today marks the beginning of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. As thousands of people gather in the city, pray for the More than Gold initiative which equips individuals and churches to make the most of the occasion and share the gospel. Visit

July 23 Give thanks for the Holiday at Home events taking place in churches over the summer and for the many older people these will reach.

July 24 Praise God for the many Christian festivals which take place each year throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. Pray that those who attend will grow in their faith and in their passion for evangelism.

July 25 Pray for churches across this nation as they get involved in summer fêtes, fun days and country shows. May they build lasting connections with their communities.

July 26 Spend some time praying for any events or summer outreach that your church is involved in and for any friends, family or neighbours you hope to reach with the gospel this summer.

“He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.” Proverbs 10:5 8 prayer diary

The Amber Project in Cardiff, Wales, supports young people experiencing self-harm. To find out more visit

July 27 Spend some time praying for the young people who receive counselling from the project and who physically harm themselves, often as a way of coping with emotional pain and distress.

July 28 Give thanks for the project’s theatre workshops which help the young people explore their emotions surrounding self-harm and build their self-esteem.

One young person said: “When I’m in crisis I know I can get support from Amber – even if it means meeting up for a cup of tea and toast. I really feel supported.”

July 30 Praise God for the project’s two-day training course, which is designed to equip and educate those who work with young people who have experience of self-harm.

July 31 Remember Caryl Stock who leads the project. Pray for God’s protection over her and that he would sustain her each day physically, emotionally and spiritually.

August 1

Drama workshop

July 29 Pray for the staff and volunteers at the project who offer one-to-one support to the young people, whether helping them apply for a job, pay their bills or work out a monthly budget. May this practical support help reduce the young people’s feelings of isolation and give structure to their lives.

Pray for all those who attend the project’s Friday evening workshops. Each session begins and ends with circle time and includes activities such as cooking, craft and music. One young person said: “…I often feel like an outsider and that nobody will understand me. Because I feel accepted in the group, I am more confident and able to be myself without fear of rejection.”

August 2 Give thanks for all those who support the Amber Project financially and prayerfully.

“I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

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July 27 – August 2

The Amber Project

August 3 – 9

Serving others This week we are praying for evangelists working in communities nationwide.

August 3

August 7

Richard Cooke at our Selby Centre of Mission works on the Flaxley Road estate and would like to praise God for all those who’ve recently given their lives to Jesus and have been drawn into the Edge Community project.

Pray for Dawn Hudson at our Sheffield Centre of Mission as she develops Christian community among those experiencing mental health problems as part of her work with the Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust in the Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Department.

August 4 Today, as we commemorate 100 years since the outbreak of World War One, we want to pause and remember all those who served and lost their lives in that conflict. Pray that as special services and events are held across the nation today, may people dwell on Jesus’ sacrifice for each of us. Visit

August 5 Nikki Foster-Kruczek leads the Source Community in the Hythe area of Colchester. Pray for the coffee giveaway which Nikki leads each week for commuters on their way to work. May it build good connections with the community.

August 6 Pray for Nick Russell at our Greenwich Centre of Mission as he leads Coffee Stop on Thursday mornings at St James’ Church in Kidbrooke, a group for socially excluded adults.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 10 prayer diary

August 8 Remember Mission Enabler, Richard Priestley, this week in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, as he helps with the Love Shepton initiative, where churches practically serve and reach out to the community. Pray also for the outreach events he has planned this summer in the villages of Ashwick, Oakhill and Binegar including fêtes, garden teas and barbecues.

August 9 Evangelist-intraining, Yvonne Desroches, at St Mary’s Church in Rushden, Northamptonshire, would like to give thanks for all those who came along to the fun day Yvonne Desroches last month for families that have been baptised at the church in the past three years.

Our Research Unit is committed to investigating new forms of Christian community and fresh expressions of church. Visit

August 10

August 14

Give thanks that the Research Unit has secured funding for phase two of their statistical research into fresh expressions of church as part of the Church of England’s Church Growth Research Programme. This will see them research 10 additional dioceses. To read the findings from phase one of this research visit

Pray for Andy Wier as he develops a research project looking at the sustainability of fresh expressions of church. He will ask the question: how can we develop fresh expressions of church that last?

August 11 Pray for diocesan leaders within the Church of England to be prompted by the evidence from phase one of our team’s research so that they fund and resource fresh expressions of church strategically across their areas.

August 12 Director of Research, George Lings, is one of the keynote speakers at this year’s annual Breakout gathering for pioneer ministers, from September 24 - 26. Pray for inspiration for George as he prepares.

August 10 – 16

Church Army’s Research Unit

August 15 Pray for George Lings as he writes and researches issue three of Snapshots –stories from the edge which will be published in the autumn. Snapshots is available free online and each edition features a case study from a fresh expression of church. Visit

August 16 Give thanks for volunteer researcher, John Vivian, and for all that he brings to the Research Unit Team.

August 13 Pray for Claire Dalpra as she pilots a new research project looking at those who attend fresh expressions of church and whether they’ve previously had connections with church or have had none.

John Vivian

“With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 4:33 prayer diary 11

August 17 – 23

Church Army’s leadership This week we pray for Church Army’s management and leadership.

August 17

August 20

Please pray for Neville Willerton, National Operations Manager, as he develops new work for Church Army around the country. Pray for Neville Willerton wisdom as he cultivates new partnerships in dioceses for new projects and Centres of Mission.

Praise God for the Bishop of Chelmsford and Church Army’s Chair of the Board, Stephen Cottrell. As he leads Board meetings, pray for wisdom and guidance as important decisions are made and discussed.

August 18 Pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he speaks in churches across the country, inspiring people about Church Army’s work and encouraging them to partner with us. Pray for safety and energy while travelling.

August 21 Remember Church Army’s Board members: Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Sarah James, Dorothy Needham, David Wilbourne, Graham Nunn, Steve Eccleston, Wendy Saunders and Joanna Cox.

August 22 Pray for Chief Executive, Mark Russell, and his ongoing role as part of the Church of England’s Task Group on Intentional Evangelism. May those involved help keep evangelism high on the church’s agenda and be guided by God to find new ways of equipping and resourcing the church.

August 23

August 19 August is a quieter period for Dean of Community, Vanessa Kirby. Pray for the Mission Community team as they look at future developments; Sean Andrews, Alex Seymour, Andrew Smith and Debbie Orriss.

Pray for National Projects Officer, Peter Graystone, who is responsible for managing evangelists and projects in the South of England.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” Colossians 3:23

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This week our prayer is focused on our work in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

August 24

August 28

Pray for Richard Beadle, who leads the Swanlinbar Kidallon Group of Parishes, as he takes part in the Arrow Leadership Programme. He said: “May God continue to do a deep work in me through this course so I can better equip those in the small rural churches on the Irish Border where I minister.”

Geoffrey Walmsley at Seapatrick Parish Church in Banbridge would like prayer for a diocesanwide mission being held in 2015. Pray Geoffrey Walmsley for Geoffrey’s involvement in planning the mission, may the Holy Spirit enable all those involved so that many people will come to a faith in Jesus Christ.

August 25 Gary Roberts, evangelist at Ardmore Parish Church and Esky Church in the Diocese of Down and Dromore, would like prayer as he and his congregations plan for mission in 2015. Give thanks also for the completion of the new community hall; may it be a blessing to the community.

August 26 Val Thom, who leads the Zacchaeus Outreach Bus in the Diocese of Armagh, would like to give thanks for all the volunteers who’ve helped with the children’s outreach over the summer. Pray the gospel seeds that have been sown among the children would flourish.

August 27 John O’Neill and Karen Webb at the Lisburn Centre of Mission would like prayer for their ongoing work with children in schools, holiday clubs, kids praise parties and kids clubs.

August 24 – 30

Fresh hope in Ireland

August 29 Matt Rowley at our Craigavon Centre of Mission said: “Give thanks for all the children who attended our summer kids club this month, may we build on these connections as the new school term begins, particularly through the Parkmore kids club.”

August 30 Myrtle Morrison at our Craigavon Centre of Mission said: “Please pray for my ongoing work as a chaplain at Lurgan Hospital and Craigavon Area Hospital. May I speak words of comfort, peace and hope to the patients and staff that I meet.”

“He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work.” Psalm 104:13 prayer diary 13

Join with us as we launch Church Army September and find out how you and your church can get involved We are pleased to announce the launch of Church Army September. Throughout September, churches across the country will be coming together to remember those who are marginalised in our society and to pray for the life-changing work of our evangelists as they share the hope of the gospel through words and action. The occasion will be marked with special church services and fundraising events and we hope that, through Church Army September, our partnership with you can be strengthened and grown. We also hope it will encourage and motivate you in your own evangelism - particularly for those involved in Back to Church Sunday on September 28. We’ve got lots of great resources available for you to order, including posters, bookmarks, films and fundraising packs.

• To find out more and get involved,

visit september or telephone 0300 123 2113.

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August 31 – September 6

Praying for Church Army September August 31 Give thanks for the churches who’ve signed up to have a speaker visit them during Church Army September to share stories of how we are reaching those who are marginalised and bringing people to a living faith in Jesus Christ. Pray these visits would be a blessing to the churches and would inspire, equip, encourage and challenge people.

September 1 Praise God for individuals and churches that are holding fundraising events as part of Church Army September. Pray that all those involved would have great fun while raising money for us.

September 2 We are so thankful for all of our supporters (you!), who pray for us so faithfully and give to us so generously. Pray that Church Army September would help strengthen our gospel partnership with each and every one of you.

September 3 Pray for our church representatives across the country who, during Church Army September, will be promoting our work in their communities. We are so thankful for them.

September 4 Pray that through Church Army September many people would hear about our work for the first time and be inspired to get involved and find out more.

September 5 Pray for all those who will, as part of Church Army September, receive a copy of our new resource Stepping into evangelism. Pray this resource will be a blessing to them and equip them in their personal mission. To find out more visit

September 6 Give thanks today for our founder, Wilson Carlile, who in 1882 established Church Army to equip ordinary Christians to reach out to those beyond the walls of the church. Give thanks also for all those in Church Army who continue to live out this vision today so that others may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel…” Philippians 1:3-5

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God Church Mission

“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19

Growing up on a council estate in Bradford has been tough at times for David. But thanks to our Sorted Project – a church run by young people for young people – he has come to know Jesus and the hope that he brings. As part of our ONE series, join us in praying for the project.

David – 18 years old I became a Christian about three or four years ago when I started coming to Sorted. I went through a big change with my anger. I had been very, very angry. Andy and Nick, who lead Sorted, prayed for me and it calmed my anger. It’s really, really changed my outlook. I first heard about Sorted when Andy and Nick came into school saying: “We are starting a youth club soon - would you like to come along?” I went a few times as there isn’t really much to do on the estate and now it has really, really grown. I’m one of their youth leaders and their DJ! Life without Sorted would be very different. I would probably have ended up in prison having killed someone or hit someone. Knowing Jesus has really helped me with my problems and he’s like a friend who is always there when I need to call on him. Sorted gives young people the chance to turn around their lives and turn away

16 prayer diary

from things that are damaging them. The community here is very, very poor and ripping apart but the Christians are keeping it together through their prayer.

September 10 Give thanks for the good relationships the Sorted team has established with secondary schools in the area. Pray for the team as they go into the schools to meet with staff and pupils and to run lunchtime clubs.

September 7 – 13

Praying for the Sorted Project

September 11 September 7 The Sorted Project is made up of three fresh expressions of church, two for young people and one for young adults. These involve weekly youth clubs, worship evenings and small groups. There is also a young parents group called Thrive. Spend some time praying for these churches, that the gospel would be faithfully proclaimed and Christian community authentically lived out.

September 8 Praise God for all those who have been baptised at Sorted and for those who have chosen to put their trust in Jesus. Pray they will become rooted and established in their faith and that the gospel will continue to transform their lives and hearts.

September 9 Pray for those at Sorted who don’t yet know Jesus. May they be challenged and convicted by the gospel as it is shared with them week by week. May they come to understand their need for Jesus and his death on the cross for each one of them.

Pray for the young people at Sorted who are facing difficulties in their lives with their families and friends. Pray too for those who struggle with alcohol, drugs and selfharm. May the gospel bring restoration and healing.

September 12 Pray for the future development and growth of Sorted; may many other young people be drawn into God’s kingdom and raised up as Christian leaders.

September 13 Give thanks for the Sorted leadership team and the gifts and skills they bring to the project: Andy and Tracy Milne, James Hawksworth, Damien Hine, Carl Firth and Val Thomas. Pray God would continue to unite them as a team with a shared vision and that all they do would glorify him.

T o watch a film of David’s testimony

visit A lso, look out for other stories

from Sorted in our latest edition of Shareit! magazine, (pages 10-11)

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September 14 – 20

Church Army International This week we are praying for the Church Army family overseas.

September 14

September 18

Pray for all those taking part in Church Army New Zealand’s training programmes. These include a two-year certificate in evangelism and local mission and a one-year internship. Both involve regular training weekends away and ongoing mission.

Praise God for Church Army Denmark’s 7,000 volunteers who are vital to its work among those who are marginalised. Pray for the Helle Christiensen charity’s St Nicolai telephone line that is open to anyone who needs to talk to someone anonymously and for the 30,000 people who use it each year.

September 15 Pray for Evangelist, Martin Omollo, at Church Army Africa who is the chaplain at the Nairobi West Prison, which accommodates up to 1,000 inmates. He said: “Some of the inmates have hardened their hearts because of the bitterness and loss of direction in life. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict many to respond to the Good News.”

September 16 Remember all those who are homeless and marginalised who are supported by Street Hope Victoria in British Columbia – a project of Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada). Pray for the team who serve soup and refreshments to up to 40 people each night.

September 17 Pray for Phyllis Thomas who leads Church Army Jamaica and Maurice Webster who leads Church Army Barbados. May they glorify God in all they do so that his kingdom is grown.

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September 19 Spend some time praying for anyone you know who is involved in overseas mission. May God bless them and strengthen them today.

September 20 Give thanks for Evangelist, Yvonne Gunning, at Church Army Australia and for the gifts God has given her to reach children with the gospel. Pray for her as she oversees children’s work and outreach at Figtree Anglican Church in New South Wales.

“…so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5

Many of our evangelists and volunteers are involved in outreach to schools. As the new term gets well underway, join us in praying for them and the pupils and staff they meet.

September 21 David Booker in Leicester is chaplain at the Wren Academy, a secondary school for more than 1,000 students. Pray for David as he works with staff and students to share the gospel and develop the school’s curriculum and ethos.

September 21 – 27

Back to school

September 22 Pray for Celia Hare, Schools and Children’s Worker in Bedworth, Warwickshire, as she leads regular assemblies.

September 23 Pray for Graham Nunn and Hannah Seal this week as they lead the children and schools outreach in the Southam Deanery in Coventry Diocese as part of a HOPE 2014 mission.

September 24 Give thanks for all those who are leading Harvest Festivals for children, in schools or at their church. May the gospel be clearly proclaimed as God’s provision and creation is celebrated.

September 25 Pray for Paul McDonough in Lowestoft, Suffolk, and for his role as chaplain at the town’s further education college and sixth-form college. May he be blessed

Kids Alive in Guildford

with many opportunities to share the gospel with the students and connect them with local churches.

September 26 Remember John Marrow in Guildford as he leads the after school service Kids Alive 325 for families. One parent said: “I see Kids Alive 325 as church - my boys say ‘we’re going to church’. It is community, it’s welcoming. I used to go to church when I was little. It’s Kids Alive 325 that has made me want to come again and bring my children.”

September 27 Spend some time praying for schools in your area and for those who share the gospel in them. May these opportunities continue and good links be established between churches and schools.

“Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands.” Psalm 119:66

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September 28 – October 4

Growing Christian community September 28 Tony Williams, chaplain at Eastwood Park Women’s Prison in Gloucestershire, would like to give thanks for all the women who’ve taken part in the Christianity Explored course. He said: “It was so exciting when ‘Genna’ met with Jesus during the course. She was so bowled over that she ran on to the wings to shout… ‘listen up… you gotta meet this Jesus bloke…. he knows who I am… and it’s all okay!’”

estate in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, offering people the chance to come together and enjoy good quality food at a low cost.

October 1 Tim Smith at our Sheffield Centre of Mission would like to give thanks for the way God is opening up doors at the Edward Street flats project through the youth club, conversation club, home visits and through praying for people.

September 29

October 2

Peter Bone in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, would like to give thanks for the men he has shared the gospel with through The Tanner pub pool team and the film Peter Bone and chippy nights he runs at the Oaks church. In an area which is extremely isolated and deprived, pray the gospel would truly be Good News!

Pray for Craig Dowling at our Greenwich Centre of Mission who runs Hope Stop on the Glyndon estate – a church service for those who are homeless or struggling with addiction.

September 30 Pray for the community café which Lynne Bone leads each week on the Tanhouse

October 3 Pray for David and Suzette Maguire at our Newcastle Centre of Mission who lead Coffee Plus – a Christian coffee shop in Shiremoor. Give thanks for all those who come along to the monthly discussion group, Table, where faith is explored.

October 4 Remember Dorothy Needham in Bolton, as she visits two care homes regularly in Farnworth and Little Hulton. Pray for opportunities among the residents, their families and the staff.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalm 139:13-14 20 prayer diary

October 5 – 11

The Wilson Carlile Centre – the home of Church Army The Wilson Carlile Centre (WCC) is the home of Church Army and its office staff. It is also open to the public and provides conferencing and accommodation in the heart of Sheffield. Its facilities include a café, chapel, theological library, meeting rooms and 30 en suite bedrooms. Visit

October 5 Kinder Kalsi is the Lead Evangelist at our Sheffield Centre of Mission and is based at the WCC. He would like to give thanks for the recent assemblies he’s been able to lead at Springfield Primary School and for the St Matthew’s Carver Street building project which is underway, which will see an arts centre opened to work with mental health patients.

October 6 Each day at noon, Church Army staff, evangelists and visitors gather in the WCC’s chapel for prayers. Give thanks for those who faithfully lead these meetings and for the visitors that come along to them and hear something of Jesus.

October 7 Pray for all our regular customers who use the WCC and its café, may they be impacted by the Christian hospitality they receive and feel welcomed by all they meet.

October 8 Pray for those who visit the WCC for a time of retreat and reflection; may they leave re-energised and renewed in their faith.

WCC hospitality team

October 9 Give thanks for Wilson Carlile Centre Manager, Karen Kiely, and the good connections she has made with businesses and churches across Sheffield and further afield. Pray for continued growth in business for the WCC.

October 10 Praise God for the WCC team who make our visitors feel so welcome. These include the catering team, receptionists, caretakers, cleaners, conferencing staff and chef.

October 11 Remember Church Army’s office staff who are based at the WCC and whose work is vital in supporting our evangelists and volunteers. Pray for those who work in HR, finance, administration and marketing.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

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October 12 – 18

Glorifying God in retirement Join us this week as we pray for our retired evangelists.

October 12

October 16

David Sanderson at St Thomas’ Brampton in Chesterfield would like prayer for the Thom’s Blokes group which he leads each month for older men. He said: “At present around 30 men attend, with the aim of the group being to build relationships and to lead some of them to Jesus Christ.”

Mike Collyer in Sheffield would like to give thanks for the Celebration of Age event which took place at Sheffield Cathedral earlier this month which he helped to organise. The Mike Collyer event coincided with the UN day of older people and celebrated the achievements of older people in the city.

October 13 Pray for Paul and Olive Deeming who work closely with Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre in East Sussex, where Paul is a chaplain and Olive is on the prayer ministry team. Paul also does “on night call” as chaplain at Hastings Hospital and praises God for the many opportunities he has to share Christ’s love in sometimes traumatic circumstances.

October 14 Pray for Bernard Allen today who is a chaplain at Canterbury Cathedral. As he welcomes and offers support to visitors from all over the world, pray he will have the opportunity to share the gospel with them.

October 15 Pray for our retired evangelists who regularly preach in churches and visit them on behalf of Church Army to raise awareness about our work.

October 17 Pray for Stella Noons and for Evangelist, Rachel Seabrook, at St Edmund’s Church Taverham in Norwich and for the Messy Church they lead each month. Give thanks for the families that attend this group which explores the Bible through games, crafts, singing and prayers.

October 18 Spend some time praying for those you know who are retired in your area and that the church would find ways of connecting with them. Pray also for those who are retired and experiencing ill health, loneliness or bereavement.

“He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Psalm 25:9 22 prayer diary

Church Army Residential Services in Cardiff has been working with homeless young people since 1984. Today, it provides accommodation for young people aged 16 to 21 years old and supports them back into independent living. While at the project they are taught practical life skills such as cookery, budgeting and how to find employment.

October 19

October 19 – 25

Young people facing homelessness

Pray for all the young people living in Ty Bronna house, the project’s first stage of accommodation, which offers 24-hour support. Pray for the young people as they look to the future and for the project’s team as they support them in finding a job or accessing further education.

October 20 Today, spend some time praying for the young people living in Ty Danescourt house, the project’s second stage of accommodation, which prepares them for independent living.

October 21 The staff and young people at the project would like to give thanks to God for all the Harvest food donations which they’ve received from churches and individuals. These donations will allow the project to run cookery workshops for the young people.

October 22 Pray for continued opportunities for the staff to share the Good News about Jesus with the young people. Pray also that the young people would benefit from the project’s chapel which provides them with a space to pray and reflect.

October 23 Praise God for the trips out and activities the young people at the project have been able to enjoy so far this year, including barbecues, basketball tournaments and a trip to a theme park.

October 24 As we look ahead over the coming months, pray for the staff at the project as they coordinate an appeal for people to donate Christmas gifts for the young people who are often not in contact with their families and therefore are without gifts on Christmas Day.

October 25 Spend some time praying for homeless projects in your area.

“That is why we labour and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people...” 1 Timothy 4:10

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Young adults from our Xplore training programme on a mission trip in Romania

“From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘ Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’” Matthew 4:14

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113

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