Shareit! Issue39

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shareit! The Magazine of Church Army


Summer/Autumn 2014




ear friends, It is a pleasure to write to you again and I’d like to express my thankfulness for your faithful support. Each day here at Church Army’s home, The Wilson Carlile Centre, we gather to pray for our work and I’m always so encouraged during these times to hear stories of how you are finding ways to partner with us, like Muriel Berzins (page 5) who celebrated her 90th birthday by holding a Menu for Change fundraiser for us. Amazing! In this latest edition of Shareit! you can read about our new ONE series of stories – one God, one church, one mission – where David and Leila share with us how they’ve come to know Jesus thanks to our work in Bradford (pages 10 -11). Also, look out for Lauren’s story and the beautiful poem she has written about her faith after she encountered Jesus for herself in jail (pages 8-9). I’m also excited about our new resource, Stepping into evangelism, which we’ve released to help you share your faith (pages 20-21). It is packed full of interactive questions and exercises, top tips and practical theology. As some of you may already know, evangelism is one of the top three priorities for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and as a member of his new Evangelism Task Group I hope and pray Stepping into evangelism will be a blessing to you and the wider church. Finally, as the world commemorates the outbreak of World War One, we too are remembering our evangelists and volunteers who served others so sacrificially (pages 12-14). As we’ve looked through our archives and read their accounts we have been continually inspired by their faith. Join us as we remember them.

Mark Russell Chief Executive Patron: HM The Queen President: The Most Revd Dr Desmond Tutu Church Army shares the Christian faith through words and action and equips others to do the same. Evangelists and staff are devoted to a wide range of service in Anglican churches, projects and teams throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. The paper used is from sustainable forests and can be recycled. Printed by Colourwise who have 14001 accreditation.

Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Registered Charity Nos: 226226 & SC040457

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Shareit! is the magazine of Church Army and it is available free upon request. Please let us know if you would prefer not to receive further issues of Shareit! or other communications from Church Army. If you have a story for Shareit!, or suggestions on how we can improve this magazine, then please contact Hannah Gray. Editor: Hannah Gray 0300 123 2113 Sub-editor: Bethan Hill Design & Print: CPO 01903 264556

ISSN 1751-3960


Summer/Autumn 2014



4 News All the latest from Church Army

16 On a mission Meet our new evangelists

26 Xplore for young adults Ian and Debs share their experiences

8 ONE campaign Lauren, David and Leila share their testimonies

20 Stepping into evangelism Our new resource for you and your church

28 Kids Alive Working with families in Guildford

12 Open to all Church Army stories from World War One

22 Church Growth Research Programme Fresh expressions of church having an impact

30 Now a Christian Our online course reaches 3,000 sign-ups

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24 Church Army September Find out how your church can join in

31 The last word a reflection from Peter Graystone


/Autumn Summer


Is this the first time you’ve read a copy of Shareit!? Would you like to receive your own edition regularly? To sign up and to find out more about other Church Army resources, please visit Alternatively email, telephone 0300 123 2113 or write to Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ. We will be more than happy to help.

Front cover: A bigail at our Kids Alive after school service in Guildford.

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Captain Rob sets sail around the world Rob Barker, Chester Centre of Mission Evangelist and Board Member, has returned from an adventure of a lifetime, joining the Clipper Round the World Race to raise money for Church Army. In a joint venture with the Sea Cadets, Rob crossed 5,800 nautical miles on one of 12 70ft clipper boats, facing around 24 gruelling days at sea, working as part of a crew of 20. He joined the crew of The Switzerland for leg six of the race, which saw him set off from Qingdao in China, sailing across the Pacific Ocean for four weeks before arriving in San Francisco, USA. Rob said: “The trip has been

a real adventure and a test of being the man God wants me to be. Living in such cramped conditions on the boat with 19 other people was very hard at times, but provided me with lots of gospel opportunities.

“One moment that stood out for me was when I was sharing my faith with a crew member on deck and at that moment a rainbow appeared over the boat reminding me of God’s faithfulness.”

Homeless women “Made in Marylebone” No longer just known for its station and fancy shops, the neighbourhood of Marylebone in London is now home to an exciting social enterprise, Made in Marylebone. It is part of Church Army’s Marylebone Project, which is one of the largest providers of accommodation and services to women experiencing homelessness in the United Kingdom. The social enterprise aims to equip women with employment skills and experiences through a catering company and room-hire service. The difference it has made… “The project has been very

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helpful in taking me off the streets. Made in Marylebone is expanding my horizons because I learn how to cook with fresh ingredients and make nutritious food. It has built up my confidence.

I enjoy working with others in a team and making money for the project which goes back into helping us.” – Maryanne Visit


Community hero honour for evangelist couple Evangelists, Patrick and Shelia Samuels, have enjoyed an evening of glitz and glamour at the Paragon Housing Group’s awards ceremony in Walton-on-Thames after winning the Community Hero category. Residents living on the St John’s housing estate nominated the couple for the award which recognises people in the community who go the extra mile for their neighbours. Patrick and Shelia run the Little Stars Toddler Group and a tea for older people each week on the estate. The awards ceremony was held at Mercedez-Benz World and volunteers, Tessa Badcock, Robyn Fairey and Carol Heyden, along with the couple’s vicar, Rev. Charles Stewart, joined them for the event. Sheila said: “It was a really special evening and Patrick and I were both crying when we up to collect the award. It meant a lot to us as it was about the residents feeling they wanted to do something special for us and to show their appreciation.” The couple have been based at St John’s and St Mary’s Church since 2008 and Patrick

has recently started work as force chaplain and faith coordinator for Surrey Police.

Muriel’s 90th birthday fundraiser Church Army Supporter, Muriel Berzins, celebrated her 90th birthday in style by hosting a Menu for Change party for her whole village in Aldbrough, East Yorkshire. With some help from her friends at church, Muriel organised a buffet lunch and coffee and cake raising more than £600 for us. She decided to hold the event after reading about our work in Inspire magazine. Evangelist, Richard Cooke, attended the party, where

he was able to present Muriel with a bouquet of flowers and share about his work on the Flaxley Road council estate in Selby, North Yorkshire. Muriel said: “I am giving this donation to Church Army in gratitude to God for 90 years of his caring for me… We all got a lot of pleasure from my 90th birthday party, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.” To host a Menu for Change event like Muriel’s visit menuforchange

Richard Cooke and Muriel Berzins

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Snapshots booklet launched Can cathedrals and larger churches do fresh expressions? Can monthly church be a good way forward? How can we build community and not just put on meetings? These are just some of the questions which Church Army’s Research Unit’s newest publication, Snapshots, gets to grips with. Snapshots – stories from the edge is a free downloadable booklet and in each issue the story of a fresh expression of church is told. The debut edition examines a community called Holy Ground that meets in

Exeter Cathedral each month. Author, George Lings, Director of Church Army’s Research Unit, explains: “As with our previous publication, Encounters on the Edge, we want to give thoughtful accounts of what happens when people follow Jesus, discern God’s call and start a new Christian community for people outside current churches.” To read the full story visit Three editions of Snapshots will be published each year. To receive a notification each time an issue of Snapshots is released, send your name and email address to: a.wooding@

Star Award for hospital chaplain

Kathy Green, Church Army Evangelist and Lead Chaplain at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, has been honoured

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at a special awards evening. The Sheffield Children’s Star Awards 2014 aims to celebrate the work of the staff at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust who’ve gone above and beyond in their roles. Kathy received first prize in the Individual Award for Best Contribution from a Non-Clinical Support Service category. There were 26 winners and runners up from across the departments and

special guest, Olympic silver medallist and current skeleton world champion, Shelley Rudman, presented the awards alongside Trust Chief Executive, Simon Morritt. Kathy said: “I have been leading the department at the Children’s Hospital for the past two years, representing Church Army and showing by word and action what spiritual care as part of holistic care really means. I’ve been available on the wards for patients and staff and it is brilliant that people are noticing the value of spiritual and religious care. It is a real privilege to win the award – it’s certainly God’s doing; without him I can do nothing!”

Evangelism is high on the agenda for the Church of England following the creation of the Archbishops’ Evangelism Task Group, which Church Army’s Chief Executive, Mark Russell, has been invited to be a part of. The group, chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is made up of experts and practitioners in evangelism and it intends to encourage and equip every church and Christian to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. During its first meeting, the group considered how it can bring influence to bear on the church in the short, medium and long-term. It is expected that the group will meet five times during its first 12 months. Beth Keith, an associate of Church Army’s Research Unit, is also a member of the task group and attended the meeting. Archbishop Justin, who has

identified evangelism and witness as one of the three priorities for his ministry, said: “It is the task of this group to see every church and every Christian embrace their calling to be those who proclaim the gospel in word and deed. Nothing quite brings energy and renewal to a church than seeing people come to faith.” Mark Russell said: “It is a real privilege to be part of

the Archbishops’ Evangelism Task Group. I hope this group can support the Archbishop on the third of his priorities – evangelism and witness – and help us bring about the cultural change in the church we need to see, and a real shift where the church becomes more outward looking, becomes more focused on serving the community.”

Vice President Pam Rhodes visits staff Church Army’s Vice President and BBC Songs of Praise presenter, Pam Rhodes, has visited the Wilson Carlie Centre in Sheffield. Pam and her husband, Richard Crow, met with staff and evangelists who were able to share about their work. Pam said: “Since 1882, Church Army has

been serving the most vulnerable in society meeting them where they are, all ages, all situations, all precious to God. Church Army combines practical help and support with the message of the gospel, providing a powerful example of God’s love for all.” Mark Russell, Pam Rhodes, Richard Crow

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Archbishops’ Evangelism Task Group


God Church Mission

“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19

Bringing people to a living faith in Jesus Christ is at the heart of our new ONE series, as we celebrate how God is impacting people throughout this nation and share their stories. We hear from Becky and Lauren in the North of England at our project for women who are vulnerable, addicted or involved in prostitution

Becky’s story – a volunteer at the project “The women we work with are some of the most vulnerable in our city: abused, sexually exploited, drug dependent and grieving for their children who have been taken into care. Faced with all of this, they are left heartbroken and desperate to see a change in their life. “At the project we aim to build long-term relationships with the women and share the Good News of Jesus and his radical grace. The project has its own house and weekly street outreach in the red-light district, as well as one-to-one visits.

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“The house is a place of refuge and belonging, a place where women experience sanctuary from the chaos of life on the streets. We aim to welcome, embrace and love unconditionally and without agenda. It is in reflecting the patient love of the gospel and walking alongside women in the valley and on the mountain, by being honest and real about pains and joys, that we see lives transformed by Jesus. “The house has a dedicated prayer room, living space, relaxation room and provides a drop-in facility with food, advice, craft activities, a listening ear and spiritual support. Just as God the Father welcomes us into his family through Jesus and prepares a place for us in the kingdom, we model a concept of ‘home’ and ‘family’ that is different to the one many women experience. It’s here they can realise their potential and are empowered to make positive choices, igniting hope for the future.”


Lauren* has been visiting the project for a year. She shares her story

A poem from Lauren about her faith, which she wrote in the project’s chapel

“I didn’t have a conventional childhood. My mother has depression and I left home aged three and moved in with my grandparents. I moved into care at 11 and left at 16 into independent living. I’ve been in hostels and was homeless for a while on the streets. I ended up in prison for something silly but Jesus was very much with me and I found Jesus in prison. When I really sat down and thought about Jesus I realised that, in hindsight, he’d been with me through everything. When I was a child in need and as an adult through the mistakes I’d made, he was with me all the time. Jesus was there always. When no one else cared or loved me, he did. Jesus’ love is unconditional. If it hadn’t been for the project I wouldn’t have met people who are great, love me for me and have given me belief in myself.”

When I shout out you hear me

Lauren is now attending a local church and has returned to college to study psychology. *name changed

When I cry you are near me When I am in pain you heal me When I’m weak you believe in me. When I am in darkness you are my light When the day beckons you become my night When I struggle you are my might When I get lost you show me what’s right. When I need guidance you are my star above When I’m sad you comfort me with love When I’m alone you send your Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit flies like a dove. When I am angry you are my shield When I don’t want you, you know how I feel When I’m afraid, I pray to you and kneel You know what I think and what I conceal. You are higher than the sky, wider than the ocean More courageous than a lion, stronger than any emotion You’re gentler than a swan, more loving than any being You’re the best vision that is beyond us seeing. T o watch a film of Lauren’s story,


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God Church Mission

“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19

Growing up on council estates in Bradford with a lack of aspiration and opportunities has been tough at times for David and Leila. But thanks to our Sorted Project – a church run by young people for young people – they have come to know Jesus and the hope and security he brings. As part of our ONE series, they share their stories David – 18 years old I became a Christian about three or four years ago when I started coming to Sorted. I went through a big change with my anger. I had been very, very angry. Andy and Nick, who lead Sorted, prayed for me and it calmed my anger. It’s really, really changed my outlook. I first heard about Sorted when Andy and Nick came into school saying: “We are starting a youth club soon - would you like to come along?” I went a few times as there isn’t really much to do on the estate and now it has really, really grown. I’m one of their youth leaders and their DJ! Life without Sorted would be very different. I would probably have ended up in prison having killed someone or hit someone. Knowing Jesus has really helped me with

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my problems and he’s like a friend who is always there when I need to call on him. Sorted gives young people the chance to turn around their lives and turn away from things that are damaging them. The community here is very, very poor and ripping apart but the Christians are keeping it together through their prayer.

Leila – 18 years old It’s quite rough to be in this area. It’s deprived, there’s a lot of hate towards people and if you don’t fit in you’re a target, because a lot of young people hang around in groups and if you’re on your own you’re not safe, sadly. Sorted is good for this community because it provides a lot of young people who live in deprived families, in a deprived area, with


the possibility of having a family. A lot of the families don’t have time for you or don’t care, or they don’t show they care, at least. At Sorted, they never give

“Sometimes I ask myself what would Jesus do?” up on you, they will love you no matter what you do. You can do some pretty bad stuff and they still welcome you with open arms. I dread to think what my life would look like without Sorted. We have been saved by Sorted because we would probably have gone down a really damaging route. I gradually came to believe when I came to Sorted. Before, I used to do everything on impulse – if I had a feeling about something, I’d do it – but now I question it a lot. Before, I used to be into smoking, drinking and drugs. Now I don’t act on impulse anymore, I question it and mull over it in my head. Then sometimes I ask myself what would Jesus do in this situation? T o watch films of David’s

and Leila’s stories visit

Andy Milne who leads the Sorted Project tells us more Sorted is made up of three fresh expressions of church, two among young people and one among young adults. These three separate churches involve small groups, worship nights and youth clubs. The idea for Sorted began about 12 years ago when God spoke over a number of weeks to my wife Tracey and I, telling us to set up a youth church. Three years later, at the end of my Church Army training in 2003, we moved back to Bradford, began meeting with churches and began to form Sorted. The big turning point was being invited into the local secondary school where I was able to build relationships with young people. It grew from there. Over the years we’ve seen some amazing young people come to Sorted. They are sometimes quite rough and ready when they arrive, not knowing where their life is going and being quite tough nuts. And then we see them open up over time, start to trust us and then open up to Jesus where they have a life changing experience. That’s been the best thing.

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As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One, we too remember our evangelists and volunteers who served others in their darkest hour


Here a young evangelist describes his work on the western front. He was just one of many in Church Army who stepped up to the challenge of sharing the gospel with those facing great adversity in the trenches and on the home front. Whether through recreation huts and tents, hostels and rest homes, mobile canteens and hospital visiting, thousands of men and women found hope in their darkest hour thanks to our work. It was a period of incredible suffering, yet one which revealed countless acts of heroism, devotion and selflessness. Soldiers outside a Church Army Hut close to the frontline

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World War One

As one soldier wrote on visiting a Church Army Recreation Hut in France:

Another wrote:

Throughout the war, Church Army set up 2,000 recreation huts and tents – places of hope and refuge which were open to all. Places where many soldiers wrote their last letters to family and loved ones before facing the horror of the trenches. Places where the light of Jesus was all that was left to hold onto. To read more stories about our work during World War One, visit Shareit! 13

© Imperial War Museums (Q 7967)

Miss Kirk and Miss Loy serving tea to soldiers in the Church Army station hut at St Omer, France, in 1919

To help churches mark the centenary of World War One, our partners at HOPE 2014 have prepared a series of Greater Love resources which we’d recommend you take a look at. These include: •A 16-page guide for local churches commemorating the centenary of World War One •A vintage gospel to give away from HOPE’s partner SGM Lifewords •A Greater Love DVD pack from Christian Vision for Men with interviews and footage shot at the Menin Gate • R esources to use in schools from Youth for Christ To find out more about these resources visit

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Wilson Carlile Centre conferencing & accomodation in the heart of Sheffield The Wilson Carlile Centre in the heart of Sheffield’s city centre is Church Army’s national home and a modern and welcoming conference centre.

Its facilities include:

• a café • theological library with more than 15,000 books

• 30 en suite bedrooms • day and residential conference facilities

• a chapel • a garden • city centre parking • free wi-fi * Discounted rates are available for churches and charities For more information: Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ Telephone: 0300 123 2113 Email: Centre Manager: Karen Kiely Wilson Carlile Centre Limited is the trading subsidiary of Church Army and plans to donate all taxable profits to Church Army.

On a mission

Hannah Gray speaks to our five new evangelists who have completed our Mission-Based Training Programme

Maria Hembrow – Southampton Centre of Mission Can you give us a quick overview of the mission you’ve been involved in during your training? Throughout my training I’ve been working on the Weston housing estate in Southampton. During my time there I’ve set up a Prayer on the Streets ministry which sees a small team of us engage people with the gospel directly and sow seeds of faith into their lives. Another key group which I lead each week is Cuppa – a drop in at Hope Community Centre for those who are lonely and isolated, where they can make some new friends and chat about faith. Home visits have also been an important part of my ministry to those who are housebound or depressed. What have been some of the highlights of your training? To be able to walk alongside people through their struggles has been a real highlight. For example, I’ve spent a lot of time supporting a single mum with two little girls who, when I first got to know her, was just so angry with everyone. It’s been great to see her slowly change and her relationships with her daughters improve. I’ve been able to share my own past experiences and difficulties as a single mum with her and I really feel God has used my past to help others during my training. Also, the hands-on nature of the training has been really valuable as I’ve been able to work alongside other evangelists. That kind of experience is priceless. What has God taught you during your training? It has deepened my trust in God and taught me that, even when things get tough in ministry, he gives us the strength to complete the task.

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“... the hands-on nature of the training has been really valuable...” How can we pray for you? Pray for me as I prepare for my first job working in one of the poorest areas of Southampton, that I will be able to draw a team around me who can make a practical difference so that people will find hope and faith.

Training What have been some of the highlights of your training? The relationships I have built with people at the bus project have been really encouraging. I hope and pray that the team and I can continue with them on their journey in an authentic and genuine way. The time I’ve spent with my fellow trainees in Sheffield during our residential training weeks has also been invaluable. I have gained brothers and sisters that have laughed and cried alongside me. What has God taught you during your training?

James Wilkinson – Chester Centre of Mission in Ellesmere Port Can you give us a quick overview of the mission you’ve been involved in during your training? At the Chester of Centre of Mission we run a bus project that welcomes anyone and everyone in the local community. We also

“Mission is a whole lifestyle...” have a canal boat which we use to take people out on the water where they can enjoy God’s creation and chat about faith. Finally, I’ve been able to use my artistic skills in schools to run workshops about faith and creativity.

Loads of stuff! I’ve learnt so much about myself as a Christian, dad, husband and leader in the church. I’ve also learnt the importance of living in authentic Christian community and our mission flowing out of that as a response to God’s grace. Mission is a whole lifestyle and what church should be about. How can we pray for you? Pray for the whole of the Chester Centre of Mission, as it covers many communities with vast and varied contexts. Give thanks for the many years of sowed seeds and prayer. Can you pray that God will break through in churches and communities, bring unity and transform the area in which we and many others serve.

continued over page...

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On a mission other trainees and together we’ve been able to share the experiences of our training and ministry. We’ve grown really close and there’s a great camaraderie between us. Once we are commissioned as evangelists we plan to still get together once a year for a retreat. What has God taught you during your training? That out in the real world, there are no formulas for evangelism. You have to learn as you go and be prepared to fall over every now and then. How can we pray for you?

Paul Smith – Grafted Project at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission Can you give us a quick overview of the mission you’ve been involved in during your training? Developing a men’s ministry has been a key focus for me. I am blessed in Newcastleton to have beautiful countryside on my doorstep and have used this to explore the Christian faith through walking and cycling surrounded by God’s creation. At the Grafted Project I’ve also been involved in running drop-ins in Hawick and Galashiels for people living with mental health issues and substance misuse. Other areas of ministry include men’s curry nights and a coffee bar for teenagers. I am looking to develop a mobile mission using the Grafted minibus, as well as events to meet people where they are, sharing the gospel, serving refreshments and handing out Christian literature. What have been some of the highlights of your training? One of the biggest blessings is having the time to share the gospel, study and invest in people and to study God’s word and apply it. It has also been brilliant to build friendships with the

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That God will provide opportunities to connect with more men in the village of Newcastleton and that other Christians will join alongside me in this.

Stuart Budden – Thanet Centre of Mission in Kent Can you give us a quick overview of the mission you’ve been involved in during your training? A large part of my training has been spent developing and leading Ignite in

Helping to lead the Wednesday evening youth club for nine-to-14-year-olds has been a real highlight, as we’ve seen the young people grow and develop. Some now come to church regularly and others have got involved with events like pancake parties. It has been great to journey with them and to be a consistency in their lives.


What have been some of the highlights of your training?

What has God taught you during your training?

Debs Battersby – Sheffield Centre of Mission Can you give us a quick overview of the mission you’ve been involved in during your training? I’ve been based in the Netherthorpe area of Sheffield at The Vine Church, where I’ve been involved in outreach to young people, international families and parents and toddlers. During my fourth year my focus changed and I spent it working among vulnerable women in the city.

Newington. Ignite is a weekly church gathering each Wednesday evening for people on the margins and includes people who are homeless, struggling with addiction and those with mental health problems. We make the sessions really interactive with games, drama sketches, music and film clips. Alongside Ignite I’ve also been involved in a pub ministry, men’s breakfast and Community Pastors. What have been some of the highlights of your training? Preaching for the first time was a really special moment back in 2010. I was at a Light Party at St Paul’s Cliftonville, which we put on for the community as an alternative to Halloween. At the time the news story about the Argentinian miners being trapped was being talked about a lot, so I was able to bring that

One of the things I’ve learnt during the four years is that it is God’s perspective of our life that matters. Also, training has helped me to discern the opportunities that God has placed before me and that I’m not the only link in the story. How can we pray for you? As I continue my work with vulnerable women, pray I will be free from distraction and focused on what God wants me to do. Also, pray for me as I train churches to support vulnerable women in their areas.

into my talk. Of course, another highlight is seeing people come to faith and being part of someone else’s faith journey. What has God taught you during your training? In essence, God’s plans are a lot bigger than mine! Also, God’s timing is crucial in discerning when to implement ideas. I have lots of ideas and always want to jump in straight away with both feet and get my hands dirty – so I’ve learnt a lot about patience and taking a back seat. How can we pray for you? Pray for the Ignite gathering, that it will continue to grow and build on its firm foundations and that many will come to faith through it.

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p p ing e t S i

We’re excited about our new resource, Stepping into evangelism, filled with practical advice and exercises to help you and your church reach out to others in words and action. Evangelism can be a scary prospect for many people or just another thing to add to life’s to-do list. Others may see it as merely a growth strategy for the church. Yet evangelism is so exciting when viewed from God’s perspective! It is God’s vision to see lives changed, hearts renewed, creation restored and people transformed into followers of Jesus. And the best news about all of this is that he wants us to be involved. Here at Church Army we are passionate about resourcing and equipping people in evangelism – we’ve been doing it for 130 years! So we’ve put our heads together to produce a new resource for you and your church, Stepping into evangelism. This 64-page booklet is filled with practical advice, tips and workbook exercises to help you share the gospel with others. Chapters include:

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n a gel v e i s o t n

• Why is evangelism God’s idea? • How to share your story • Who can you share your story with? • Leading people to Jesus and what next? • How can your church reach the community? hanging world, changing church – •C exploring fresh expressions of church

• Making the most of Christmas and Easter • Community events and outreach • Church Army’s story The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Revd Justin Welby, said: “When Pharaoh kept the people of God slaves he instructed them to make bricks but didn’t give them the straw they needed to make them. Our God is entirely the opposite – God charges us with a task then gives us what we need. This resource is a gift from God, via Church Army, to enable each of us to live out the most freeing, exciting and life-giving of mandates that God offers: to be witnesses to Jesus Christ. This is just the kind of thing we need.”



S tepping into evangelism is available to purchase from Church Army’s website or by telephoning 0300 123 2113. Individual copies cost £3 each.

Special offer! Do you have a friend who would like to receive a free copy of Stepping into evangelism and who doesn’t currently receive our Shareit! magazine and Prayer Diary? If you do, please ask them to fill in the coupon below and return it to us at Stepping into evangelism, Church Army, The Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ. We will then send you your own free copy as a thank you gift for introducing them to our work. My details are Title:................... Forename......................................... Surname:........................................................ Address:................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................... Postcode:.............................................................................................................................................. Year of birth:.......................................................................................................................................... Email address:....................................................................................................................................... Telephone:............................................................................................................................................. If you go to church, which one?......................................................................................................... What is the name of the person who gave you this coupon?.......................................................... What is their address?.......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... This offer is only available to those living in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Shareit! 21

Church Army’s Research Unit has discovered that fresh expressions of church are growing significantly throughout the Church of England. Read more about its findings as part of the Church Growth Research Programme Fresh expressions of church are having a major impact according to a report produced by Church Army’s Research Unit as part of the Church of England’s 18-month Church Growth Research Programme. The report examined all the fresh expressions of church in 10 representative dioceses. On average within a diocese, fresh expressions make up 15% of the churches and 10% of the attendance. Between January 2012 and October 2013, Church Army’s Research Unit spoke to the leaders of 518 fresh expressions in the dioceses of Liverpool, Canterbury, Leicester, Derby, Chelmsford, Norwich, Ripon and Leeds, Blackburn, Bristol and Portsmouth. Against a background of wider church decline, the report found that these young churches are showing signs of growth. Here are some of the report’s highlights:

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Church Army’s Research Unit: Elspeth McGann, George Lings, Andrew Wooding

• for every one person sent out from an existing church to start a fresh expression, there are now two and half more people. Very few existing churches in the Church of England have this impact. ONE PERSON SENT OUT TO BE A PART OF STARTING A FRESH EXPRESSION


• 66% of the fresh expressions of church

either continue to grow numerically or maintain the growth gained.

• 40% of the fresh expressions of church researched had started in the past three years and, by 2012, more than four times as many per year were being started compared to 2004.


25% of those ARE FROM NO attending fresh PREVIOUS CHURCH expressions BACKGROUND of church are already members of a church, 35% are people who used to belong to church but who left for one reason or another while 40% are those with no previous church background at all.

• 52% of fresh expressions of church are led

by those who are not ordained, while 40% of all examples are led by people without any church accreditation and often without formal training. They are also equally as likely to be led by women as men. Most often the men are ordained, working full-time and paid, whereas the women are not ordained, spare-time and voluntary.

• the average size of a fresh expression of church is 44 people.

• fresh expressions of church can be found

in all traditions in the Church of England. They meet in all kinds of venues at various

• 78% intentionally encourage discipleship,

not just attract attenders. Over a third have communion services and a third have had baptisms. Half are taking some steps toward responsibility for their finances and two thirds for how they are led. Very few have been given formal legal status within the Church of England.


• an estimated

George Lings, Church Army’s Research Unit Leader, said: “As we conducted the research here at Church Army, it was energising to hear the fresh expressions leaders talk about the growth they are seeing. My view is that the fresh expressions of Church movement is very important for the future life of the Church of England and now for the first time we have harder evidence to back up that conviction, as we move from reliance on stories to having statistics as well.” “As a team we have been encouraged by what has been discovered and our hope and prayer is that the findings are an encouragement and gift to the church. This is especially apt as the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has made ‘evangelism and witness’ one of his three top priorities.” Church Army’s Research Unit worked as part of the Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, Durham Consortium. Topics covered in the overall research also included growth at cathedrals and larger churches, church planting and the effect of amalgamations and team ministries. n

To read a 20-page summary of the report on fresh expressions of church and to watch a film, visit fxcresearch

times, days of the week and geographical settings. The world of fresh expressions of church is described as one of “varied, young, and smaller communities”.

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Celebrate with us this Church Army September and find out how you and your We are pleased to announce the launch of Church Army September! Throughout September, we’d love for your church to spend some time hearing about our life-changing work and how our evangelists are reaching those on the very edge of society with the gospel.

“We were blessed by the visit of Evangelist-inTraining, James Wilkinson, and his family. He was just the right person for our service, which was held in the open air just outside our church. The Word he gave was

You can book a Church Army speaker for the occasion who will be able to share inspiring stories with you. We also have films and resources available to order to help the day go well and to bring a focus to your prayer and giving. You could even create a Church Army display in your church. We hope that through Church Army September our partnership with you can be strengthened and grown. We also hope it will encourage and motivate you in your own evangelism – particularly for those involved in Back to Church Sunday on September 28. To encourage you, here is some feedback from St Michael’s Stourbridge and Bolton Abbey after they had a Church Army speaker visit them:

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Book a Church Army Speaker


church can get involved appropriate and very well received by all who braved the weather. St. Michael’s would love to see him again. I can’t say better than that!” “We really appreciated Evangelist Andy Milne’s visit and to hear about his work with young people at the Sorted Project in Bradford. He spoke really well and stayed for ages chatting with people. As our youth worker left last year, Andy had helpful advice for those who are trying to maintain our work in that area and we have been in touch since his visit to take things forward. It was also helpful receiving Church Army’s literature in advance of his visit.” We’d also love it if you or your church would consider holding a fundraising event for us during September. For inspiration, ideas and practical advice, take a look at our fundraising pack which can be downloaded at along with posters and sponsorship forms. Our Menu for Change fundraising initiative may also be of interest to you and is a great resource for anyone wanting to hold a food-related fundraising event – menuforchange If you would like to get

Church Army September resources are available to order

hold of printed versions of any of these resources please call 0300 123 2113. Church Army September is such a great opportunity for us to join together and celebrate our partnership as we continue to work across this nation to bring others to a living faith in Jesus Christ. We can’t wait to hear from you! n

For more information and to book a Church Army speaker visit or call 0300 123 2113. Also, please do get in contact if you would like to book a speaker for any other time in the year.

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a year in mission and evangelism

• • • •

Are you 18 to 25 years old or do you know someone that is? Passionate about evangelism and mission? Keen to be trained to serve God in your local community? All at a low cost?

Our Xplore programme for young adults is a gap year with a difference. It enables you to remain living where you are while receiving weekly online training and support from the Xplore team. Throughout the year, there are also regular residential weekends and opportunities to take part in mission placements in Romania and with Church Army evangelists across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Let go of any thought of a traditional year out or gap-year programme. The Xplore year in seeks to shape itself around your circumstances and grow out of your heart for mission. We are a group of explorers engaging with and often experimenting in mission and evangelism. A community who deeply want to see our cities and towns transformed as people encounter Jesus.

Applications are now open for Xplore. To find out more and watch a film visit or call 0844 585 3575. 26 Shareit!


“I’ve always loved the idea of a gap year, but have always had a heart for where I am – my university and campus. So when my friend told me about the Xplore year in, I immediately knew it was something I’d love to do. As part of the year in we’ve been going through the Pioneer Mission book and learning how to develop a Godly community. The online training has helped me reach others at university – particularly at the Students’ Union which is the centre of university life. I’ve struck up some really good relationships with people who aren’t yet Christians and I’ve been able to open up the Bible with them and pray for them. Putting the mission I’ve been learning about into practice has been brilliant. As part of Xplore, I’ve also spent a weekend with an evangelist in Liverpool, working with people struggling with addiction. Xplore has been amazing and I’ve met some great people who’ve been a constant source of strength and encouragement to me. I couldn’t recommend it enough.”

“Thanks to the Xplore year in, I’ve learnt how important prayer is to mission and reaching people in my community. Each week we have online Xplore groups where we receive teaching and can share stories, ideas and learn from each other’s experiences. It is a great encouragement to talk to the other Xplorers, who are excited about mission and who you know are praying for you and challenging you to act on what you’re learning. Day-to-day at St Nic’s church I lead an Alpha group and school kids’ club, teach people English in the community and help with the tea and toast outreach to clubbers on Friday nights.” Debs is from Nottingham, where she is an intern at St Nic’s church while working part-time as an administrator

Ian is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, where he is training to be a teacher.

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Kids Alive In the past year children and families at Emmanuel Church in Guildford have been in a Jungle Adventure with Chip the Giant Chipmunk, trained the children to rescue their friends for Jesus in Rescue Rangers and been Under the Sea looking for deep deep questions with Terry the Turtle. Evangelist, John Marrow, tell us more about the Kids Alive 325 service which he leads

Who comes along to Kids Alive 325?

Emma lives with epilepsy and has a very lively and energetic child. She once declared that she wasn’t John Marrow religious. She is now a Kids Alive 325 Since 2006, I have been based in regular and helps on the welcome Guildford working with children desk. We have been able to help tidy her and families in schools and through the local child’s bedroom and remove rubbish from her church. Part of my role includes leading home. Her husband now attends due to the Kids Alive 325, a weekly after school church support they’ve received as a family. gathering for families who don’t connect John and Debbie live on the Shepherd’s Hill with the church on Sundays. Estate where John manages a fish and chip It’s a fast moving, action-packed children’s church programme, full of energy and fun and very much Jesus focused. We use drama, songs, puppets and storytelling to creatively explain the truths of the Bible. Our aim is to build Christian community, make church accessible and provide children and their parents with the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

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shop. He brings his whole family to Kids Alive 325 and recently his youngest daughter was baptised at Emmanuel Church. Debbie and the children now come along to church on a Sunday morning. Jo lives with disabilities and is mum to nine kids, five of who are in care. She regularly attends Kids Alive 325 and values the love and support she doesn’t get elsewhere in the community.

Stories about stories from the Bible. They also enjoy seeing their friends and really love the prayer time at the end.” “We’ve been coming for four years now; my children have grown up with John and Kids Alive 325. They have such a great time with the songs and the stories. It’s a fantastic way for the children to learn about God and the Bible. Kids Alive 325 is an important part of our Christian lives.”

What the children say “Kids Alive is a friendly place where I can learn about Jesus and God with cool songs and great stories.” Alexandra, age six

What the parents say

“Kids Alive is fun. I like the praying and doing the actions to the songs. I like answering questions. I like the puppets doing a song.” Daniel, age five

“Kids Alive 325 is great, lively, silly and just what the children need to let off steam after a day at school. It’s a place to make friends. It’s made fun, not like the church I went to when I was young - much better! We don’t do many church things because my husband doesn’t believe. We can’t go to church on a Sunday so Kids Alive 325 is my way of going to church for myself and the kids.” “Molly and Francesca love coming to Kids Alive 325. You are always made to feel welcome and the kids love the puppets and the songs. It’s a fun way to learn about God and

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...reaches 3,000 sign-ups Find out more about our online course for those exploring faith Bringing people to a living Christian faith is at the heart of Church Army and we are so excited that more than 3,000 people have taken part in our Now a Christian email course. The course is specially designed to help people explore the basics of Christianity. People can sign up for free by visiting the Now a Christian website and they will then receive an email every day for five weeks which helps them discover what it means to follow Jesus and make their own decisions about the Christian faith. “Thank you so very much for Now a Christian. Through it I have learnt, started to read my Bible, prayed, cried and tonight I opened my heart to God who I have rejected and been angry with for so long. And he still loves me! I am safe with him again.”

30 Shareit!

“I am not sure if you still remember me. I’m the young man from Poland who wrote a message about how I was losing my faith. I’ve almost finished Now a Christian and I feel thoroughly changed and challenged. It is a decision that changes a man’s life.” Peter Graystone, one of the creators of Now a Christian, said: “I am surprised and delighted that so many people have used Now a Christian. Perhaps it has been so popular because it doesn’t start from the point of view, ‘We are Christians – what should we tell people?’ Instead my starting point when writing it was, ‘If I were making my first tentative steps toward faith, what would I want to know?’ So it’s simple, life-enhancing and utterly practical. And I hope it’s enjoyable too.” • To find out more visit

The Last Word

Giving as a way of living “ Jesus travelled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means.” Luke 8:1-3


ometimes our imaginations make the circumstances of Jesus’ ministry more like a Hollywood movie than they actually were. We imagine him striding through the countryside, penniless like Robin Hood, journeying like the Knights of the Round Table, under the open sky like Rob Roy. But that’s not what actually happened. Jesus’ mission was organised, disciplined and (most importantly) paid for. Who made it happen? It wasn’t a group of sympathetic villagers who rustled together a few onions and leeks to make a pot roast. Rather, it was a group of women who generously took care of the practical arrangements so that Jesus could focus on healing and teaching. Wonderfully, we know some of their names. There was Joanna, who

was wealthy. Her husband was the manager of King Herod’s household. It’s wonderful to think that the money which Chuza earned by overseeing that place of cruelty and torture was being redirected via his wife into Good News, healing and hope. Then there was Mary Magdalene, but she cannot possibly have been rich. She had lost her way through life and succumbed to a mental illness. Calmed by Jesus, she had been rescued from an existence in which she seemed to have resorted to prostitution to survive. But she didn’t just receive from Jesus. The Bible tells us that she was one of the financial contributors to his work. And then there was Susanna. Nobody knows anything about her apart from this solitary reference to giving. Was she rich or was she poor? She could be you!

By Peter Graystone

Shareit! 31

Involved in children’s work? Check out our new free catalogue with resources and ideas to save you time! Resources and

ideas to save yo

u time

Kids Club Kids Club Every Tuesday after school from 4-5.30pm. At Christ Church, Kings Cross Lane, Newquay. Join us for a fun time!

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