Church Army Prayer Diary Spring-Summer 2014

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prayerdiary Spring/Summer 2014

“ As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.� Psalm 71:14


Welcome from the Chief Executive


ringing the hope of the gospel to those most in need across the United Kingdom and Ireland is at the heart of Church Army. In this edition of Prayer Diary we hear from “Zoe” at our Marylebone Project for homeless women in London about how after years of struggling with mental health problems and alcohol addiction, she is now preparing to move into her own home (pages 22-23). We’re also praying for the work of our Southampton Centre of Mission which supports people on the Weston housing estate through projects including a lunch club, community allotment, drop-in sessions and a food bank (page 9). As people across the world this year join together to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War One, here at Church Army we too are remembering all of our evangelists and volunteers who in 1914 stepped up to the challenge of sharing the gospel with those facing great adversity in the trenches and on the home front. On pages 12-14 you can read more about our new appeal, Open to All, which highlights our work during World War One and how 100 years later we are still serving people in their darkest hour. Finally, I’d encourage you to continue to pray for HOPE 2014 who we’re partnering with in a year of mission. Since January, hundreds of churches across the nation have joined together to share their faith through words and action and we want to praise God for all that’s happened so far and pray expectantly for what is to come (page 17). Thank you so much for all that you do for us, both in prayer and finance. You are truly a blessing to Church Army, as together we make Jesus known.

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

9 4 Gospel hope for children Interceding for the next generation 5 Chaplaincy outreach Supporting the community 6 Xplore gap year Equipping young adults in mission 7 Prayer for our leadership Senior Leadership Team, Board and management 8 Faith, words and action in Ireland Evangelists serving others 9 Southampton Centre of Mission Praying for our projects on the Weston housing estate

Spring/Summer 2014



10 Celebrating Good News this Easter Sharing the gospel beyond the church

18 Persevering in retirement Remembering our retired evangelists

11 Proclaiming the risen Lord Evangelists bringing Good News 12 Open to all World War One appeal 15 Young people Praying for teenagers and young adults

19 Wilson Carlile Centre The home of Church Army 20 Growing the kingdom Evangelists making disciples 21 Church Army International Evangelism worldwide 22 The Marylebone Project Helping homeless women

16 Church Army’s Research Unit Discovering more about new forms of church 17 HOPE 2014 A year of mission

Front cover image: K idist Bezabih, at our Marylebone Project for homeless women in London, gets involved in our Munch social enterprise which offers catering training. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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March 2 – 8

Gospel hope for children Church Army is passionate about the next generation and planting gospel seeds among children, knowing that faith can begin from an early age.

March 2

March 5

Pray for Children’s and Family Worker, Ade Prescott, at Christ Church the Quinton in Birmingham where he has established a Messy Church for families in the community. Pray also for the schools work he is involved in.

Praise God for the JAFFA after school club which Neil Walpole runs at Selby Community Primary School and for the good links our Selby Centre of Mission has developed with the school over many years.

March 3 Remember Phil Gay at St Clement’s in Manchester as today marks the beginning of a series of Experience Easter events for primary school Phil Gay children. Pray for the 23 classes who will visit the church to find out more about the Easter message. Pray also for the volunteers who will be helping to run the events.

March 4 Gill Martin at St Francis Church in Rochester, Kent, would like prayer for the regular assemblies and services she leads at the primary schools in the parish. Through this outreach, pray that families will be drawn into the church.

March 6 Pray for Aidan Greenwood in the Wythenshawe area of Manchester as he too leads a series of Experience Easter events for primary school children. As he looks to move to a new role in June, pray that the right person will come forward to coordinate this vital ministry to the eight schools.

March 7 Alan Rainford, Head of Operations at the Christian outdoor activity provider In2venture, would like to give thanks for all the school residentials taking place during the spring and summer term. Please pray for the children’s safety as they take part in activities, enjoy God’s creation and experience something of Jesus.

March 8 Pray for all our evangelists who will be leading assemblies in schools over the coming weeks.

“…whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4

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This week we pray for our evangelists involved in chaplaincy work.

March 9

March 13

Pray for Kathy Green, chaplain at Sheffield’s Children’s Hospital, as today she helps to lead a Remembering Afternoon for bereaved families and a service in the chapel.

Roger Horsley at our Warwick Centre of Mission would like to give thanks for the opportunities he’s had to share Jesus as part of his role as chaplain at the nearby Jaguar/Land Rover factory. Pray for those who’ve recently taken part in the Alpha course which Roger ran at the factory.

March 10 Keith Shaw, chaplain for South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Please pray for those who suffer with mental health issues and remember all the staff, service users and carers.”

March 11 Ian Maher is the Multifaith Chaplaincy Coordinator at Sheffield Hallam University. He said: “Please pray for students as the exam season approaches and especially for those who are feeling under pressure. Pray also that I would be able to make the love of Christ known among staff and students.”

March 12 Pray for David Grace, chaplain at Weston General Hospital in Weston-super-Mare, and for his work with the Palliative Care Team and hospices. Pray also for the volunteer chaplaincy visitors who work alongside him.

“And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:7

March 14 Pray for Louise Yaull who is a hospital chaplain in Sheffield where she visits patients on the cancer wards, maternity wing and Louise Yaull at the acute hospitals. Pray also for her role as a chaplain at various GP surgeries in the city.

March 15 Mike Reeder is the chaplain at St Luke’s Hospice in Sheffield. He said: “Give thanks for the hospice’s new inpatient centre (IPC) which has recently opened. Please pray for the work I am undertaking with the children of a number of our patients both in the IPC and in the community.”

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March 9 – 15

Chaplaincy outreach

March 16 – 22

Xplore gap year Our Xplore gap year programme is for young adults who are passionate about evangelism and is made up of two strands – a “year out” and a “year in”. Our Xplore year out is run in partnership with Summer Madness, with Evangelist Jasper Rutherford, and sees the Xplorers taking part in practical mission placements in Northern Ireland and Romania as well as regular Bible teaching and training. Alongside this we have launched our Xplore year in. This offers the Xplorers the flexibility to remain living in their local community and to shape their mission around their personal circumstances while receiving weekly online training from Xplore. Throughout the year in there are also regular residential weekends and the opportunity to take part in mission placements in Romania and with Church Army evangelists. Visit

Xplorers 2013/2014

March 16

March 20

Pray for our Xplorers in the South of England: Venessa Pinto, 19, in West London, Cherith Collins, 22, in Hindhead, Surrey, Tom Tame, 21, in Burpham, Surrey, and Peter Coombs, 20, in Wantage, Oxfordshire.

Spend some time praying for those who are in the final stages of preparing for the Xplore Romania mission trip at Easter which will see them bring along a non-Christian friend as together they serve some of the poorest communities in Europe.

March 17 Pray for our Xplorers in Belfast, Northern Ireland: Steph Edwards, 21, Amy Webb, 20, Olivia Wilson, 20, and Ian Roulston, 20. Pray also for those in Coleraine, Northern Ireland: Johnny Hill, 21, and Stephen Whitten, 24.

March 18 Pray for our Xplorers in Nottingham: Rosie Elwood, 20, Debs Houdghton, 22, and Mandla Moyo, 22.

March 19 Pray for our Xplorers in the North West of England: Mickey Brown, 24, in Bolton and Josh Smith, 22, in Liverpool.

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March 21 Pray for the Xplore retreat this weekend, may it be a time of learning, biblical teaching, reflection, prayer and fellowship.

March 22 Spend some time giving thanks for those who completed Xplore last year and have gone onto further education, employment and Christian ministry.

“As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.” Psalm 71:14

Join us as we pray for those at Church Army in management and leadership roles.

March 23

March 26 Spend some time praising God for Church Army’s Board Members and for the gifts they bring to the organisation: Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Sarah James, Dorothy Needham, David Wilbourne, Graham Nunn, Steve Eccleston, Wendy Saunders and Joanna Cox.

Mark Russell

Church Army Chief Executive, Mark Russell, would like to give thanks for the recent teaching and preaching opportunities he’s had at Ely Cathedral, St Mellitus College in London and St Thomas Crookes School of Theology in Sheffield. Please pray for the following upcoming speaking engagements; Church Army’s Centres of Mission Conference and Church Army’s Regional Gatherings.

March 24 Pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he continues to work hard developing and implementing the DARE strategy throughout Church Army; doing, advocating, resourcing and enabling evangelism.

March 25 Dean of Community and member of Church Army’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Vanessa Kirby, said: “As SLT meets, pray God will give us a unified vision for Church Army and that during our meetings he will enable us to work efficiently with the time we have together.”

March 27 Remember our Chair of the Board and Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell, and give thanks for his commitment to encourage and challenge the wider church in evangelism.

March 28 Neville Willerton, National Operations Manager, supports our projects and evangelists around the country and develops new work and Centres of Mission. Pray for Neville as he prepares for the upcoming Centres of Mission Conference which will be held in Sheffield on 13 – 15 May. Around 100 delegates from our Centres of Mission will gather to share and learn.

March 29 Remember those you know who are in Christian leadership. May they faithfully proclaim the scriptures and live holy lives in submission to God.

“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” 2 Timothy 4:2

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March 23 – 29

Prayer for our leadership

March 30 – April 5

Faith, words and action in Ireland Across Northern Ireland and Ireland our evangelists are serving communities.

March 30

April 3

Pray for George Newell, Outreach Coordinator at Willowfield Parish Church in Belfast and for the new church plant on the Braniel estate. He said: “We’ve begun a new Sunday café-style service and a drop-in café for the community during the week. Pray we will also quickly build relationships with the primary school.”

Spend some time praying for churches in Ireland and Northern Ireland, that evangelism and growing God’s kingdom would be a priority for them.

March 31 Jasper Rutherford is the Development and Outreach Officer at Summer Madness – a Christian festival for young people in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Give thanks for the 120 young people who gave their lives to Jesus at last year’s festival and pray for Jasper as he prepares his talks over the coming months for this year’s festival taking place on 27 June - 1 July.

April 4 Richard Waller at Willowfield Parish Church said: “Please pray for the children of the Just 55 group in the Lagan village community, for them to grow in their faith in Jesus and for opportunities to share our faith with their families.”

April 5

April 2

Karen Webb at our Lisburn Centre of Mission would like prayer for the Kids’ Praise Event which she is leading today at Lisburn Cathedral. Pray also for Karen Webb the assemblies which she leads regularly in the nearby primary schools.

Pray for Matt Rowley at our Craigavon Centre of Mission as he leads Kids’ Club this evening and tomorrow evening on the Parkmore housing estate. Pray this group will continue to grow and build strong links with children and families in the community.

“But you, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.” Jonah 2:6

April 1 Remember Elizabeth Cairns, Rector for the Parish of Mullavilly in Co Armagh. Please pray for new opportunities to open up for outreach and mission to all ages and that Elizabeth would encourage the congregation in evangelism through the teaching of God’s word.

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Our Southampton Centre of Mission is based on the Weston housing estate and its team brings the light of Jesus to all those they meet through a variety of community projects and groups.

April 6

April 10

Pray for all those who come to the Sunday Lighthouse Beacon service which is held each week. May those who already know Jesus be effectively nurtured in their faith and those who don’t be challenged about their need for him.

Pray for the weekly Lighthouse lunch club providing social outreach, a “thought for the day” and a meal to around 25 people of all ages. Give thanks for the volunteers that prepare the food and serve others so willingly.

April 7

April 11

Give thanks for those from the community who are involved in the Lighthouse Seedbed Allotment and are taught gardening skills and supported by our evangelists and volunteers. Pray also for Evangelist, Mark Bingham, as he visits the local secondary school’s allotment where he mentors the pupils.

Give thanks for the Lighthouse Project Community Award Scheme for school pupils that our Centre of Mission is setting up, where badges and certificates can be awarded for services to either the local community or the worldwide community.

April 12

April 8 Remember those who use the weekly drop-in groups, DadSpace and Cuppa, as they support each other.

April 9 Praise God for all those who donate to the Lighthouse Store and Larder providing clothes and food to those in need in the community. Pray that all those who use this service will feel loved and accepted.

Trevor Clarke at the clothing bank

Pray for the team at the Southampton Centre of Mission, Evangelists Tim Hyde, Trevor Clarke and Mark Bingham, and Evangelist-inTraining, Maria Hembrow.

“…Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’” John 7:37-38

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April 6 – 12

Southampton Centre of Mission – The Lighthouse Project

April 13 – 19

Celebrating Good News this Easter As Easter approaches, join us in praying for our evangelists and volunteers as they work alongside churches to share the Good News.

April 13 Give thanks for the many opportunities our evangelists have had to share the Easter story with children and young people in schools.

April 14 Pray for Myrtle Morrison who leads our Craigavon Centre of Mission in Northern Ireland as the team prepares for Easter outreach this week, including a holiday club and a Good Friday Walk of Witness through the community, finishing with worship and a lunch at St Saviour’s Church.

April 15 Remember all those who will be taking part in street evangelism this week, whether it is giving out free hot cross buns and chocolate or organising Passion Plays and Easter egg hunts for the community.

“It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.” April 18

Luke 23:44-46

Ralph Upton leads our Valley of Hope project in South Wales which supports prisoners, ex-offenders, the homeless and those with addictions. Pray for those attending the project’s Easter meal and for the speaker who will proclaim the Good News.

Lord Jesus, on this Good Friday, we remember the ultimate sacrifice that you made for us by dying on the cross through which our sins are forgiven and our relationship restored with you. Thank you for the hope of new life which this brings for us personally and for all of humankind. May we humbly return to the cross each day as we seek to live for you.

April 17

April 19

Pray for all those leading Easter holiday clubs or fun days this week, and for the children attending.

Spend some time praying for people you know who are exploring Christianity this Easter or who do not yet know Jesus.

April 16

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As we celebrate Easter Sunday and the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we pray for our evangelists who are proclaiming this life changing truth throughout our nation.

April 20

April 23

We rejoice this Easter Sunday as we celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead through which death has been conquered and our sin forgiven. Hallelujah! We give praise to you God for this everlasting truth and the certain hope of eternal life it brings us.

Andrew Payne, Parish Missioner for Haverhill in Suffolk, would like prayer for the upcoming Two Rivers Mission which is taking place from 3 - 7 May, involving the local churches and a team from Through Faith Mission. Pray for Andrew as he jointly-chairs the planning team.

April 21 Graham Bibby at St Richard’s Church Crowborough in Sussex said: “Please pray for the outreach group at St Richard’s as we plan how to share the gospel with the community. Pray also for those who came to the outreach events we held recently as part of the national A Passion for Life initiative.”

April 22 Dawn Husdon at our Sheffield Centre of Mission works with the Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust in the Dawn Husdon Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Department. Pray for her as she seeks to develop a new Christian community specifically for people with mental health problems.

April 20 – 26

Proclaiming the risen Lord

April 24 Gordon Lamb at Trinity Churches in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, would like to praise God for all those who attended a recent Alpha course he led. Pray for those who made a commitment to Jesus as part of the course and for those who are still exploring faith.

April 25 Eileen Caple at St Augustine’s in Twickenham would like prayer for the Pathfinders lunchtime club at Bishop Perrin Church of England Primary School which she and her husband, Stephen, lead.

April 26 Paul Ward at HOPE Nottingham would like to give thanks for all those who’ve donated to the project’s food bank which over the past two years has helped more than 5,000 people.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above…” Colossians 3:1

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Open to all As people across the world this year join together to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War One, here at Church Army we too are remembering all of our evangelists and volunteers who in 1914 stepped up to the challenge of sharing the gospel with those facing great adversity in the trenches and on the home front.


Whether through recreation huts and tents, hostels and rest homes, mobile canteens or hospital visiting, thousands of men and women found hope in their darkest hour thanks to our work. It was a period of incredible suffering, yet one which revealed countless acts of heroism, devotion and selflessness. As one soldier wrote on visiting a Church Army recreation tent while in the trenches in France:

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Here a young evangelist describes his work on the Western Front:

April 27 – May 3

Throughout the war, Church Army set up 2,000 recreation huts and tents – places of hope and refuge which were open to all. Places where many soldiers wrote their last letters to family and loved ones before facing the horror of the trenches. Places where the light of Jesus was all that was left to hold onto.

And still our legacy continues 100 years later as our evangelists across the United Kingdom and Ireland bring hope to those who are marginalised and facing their own “darkest hour” - those who are homeless, women experiencing prostitution, people struggling with addictions and the unemployed. For example, just in this past year, our Marylebone Project in London for homeless women has provided 5,824 nights of accommodation, resettled 96 women back into independent living and its day centre has had 7,266 visits. We are so thankful for all that God has done. How will you support us as together we serve and care for those most vulnerable in our communities? To donate to our Open to All appeal, please call the fundraising team on 0300 123 2113 or visit /ww1 Soldiers outside a Church Army Hut close to the frontline

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Join us in praying for the evangelism opportunities the World War One centenary will bring as people around the globe pause over the coming months to reflect on the sacrifice and service of so many Š Imperial War Museums (Q 7967)

April 27 – May 3

Open to all

Tea being served to soldiers in the Church Army Hut at St Omer in France April 27 Spend some time interceding for those who will attend special remembrance services over the coming months being held in churches, at war memorials and in the community.


April 30 Pray for special services and events taking place in schools and those involving uniformed groups such as Scouts and Guides. May 1 Remember all those who will be visiting the battlefields on the Western Front this year. As the scale of the suffering inflicted by the war is brought home to them in a very real way, may they have the opportunity to pause and reflect on the big questions of life and death. May 2

Pray for all those who will be visiting churches across the country to take part in historic tours looking at the themes of memorials and World War One. May the churches be a place of welcome to these visitors and have opportunities to share the gospel with them.

As the nation looks ahead to August 4, the day on which the United Kingdom declared war on Germany in 1914, pray for those who are busy organising national remembrance events to be held that day. Pray in particular for the service that will be held at Glasgow Cathedral for Commonwealth leaders on the day after the closing of the Commonwealth Games in the city and for the candlelit vigil to be held at Westminster Abbey in London that evening.

April 29

May 3

Give thanks for the Greater Love outreach initiative being coordinated by our partners at HOPE to encourage and resource all churches to come together as they facilitate and serve their communities at this important time of commemoration.

Spend some time praying for those currently in our armed forces and their families.

April 28

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To read more stories from Church Army’s work during World War One, visit

This week we pray for our evangelists working with teenagers and young adults.

May 4

May 7

Pray for Zac Milner, Deb Smith and Sarah Thompson who lead the youth work at our Scottish Borders Centre of Mission in Newcastleton and for those who attend the Number 8 youth centre each week.

Pray for Nick Russell at our Greenwich Centre of Mission in London who as part of the Superkidz Community Trust mentors young people from difficult backgrounds who are in trouble with the police or are ex-offenders. Pray their lives may change direction.

May 5 Remember Nicholas Lebey at our Greenwich Centre of Mission in London and the volunteers who work alongside Nicholas Lebey him at the Friday night youth club in Abbey Wood, which the team launched earlier in the year.

May 6 Damien Hine at our Bradford Centre of Mission helps to lead Sorted 3 – a church for teenagers and young adults from nonchurch backgrounds which has around 50 members. Pray for Damien as he develops the newly formed small groups and looks at new ways to encourage the teenagers and young adults in mission.

May 4 – 10

Young people

May 8 Rob Barker at our Chester Centre of Mission would like to give thanks for the volunteers from the local churches that help him run a bus project for young people who are often from chaotic backgrounds.

May 9 Rick Tett leads the Tolladine Mission in Worcester and would like prayer for the young people who use the Wychavon youth bus where they can relax with friends and chat with the team about faith and any difficulties they are facing.

May 10 Pray for Evangelist, Nic Sheppard, and his colleague, Nigel Chapman, in the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales as they lead The Big Night Out youth event today for 2,500 young people at Lightwater Valley Theme Park in Ripon.

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ…” Philippians 1:9-10 prayer diary 15

May 11 – 17

Church Army’s Research Unit The team at Church Army’s Research Unit are involved in a variety of research projects looking into new forms of church, fresh expressions and what the wider church can learn from them. Visit

May 11

May 15

Pray for Research Unit Leader, George Lings, as he prepares for a working trip to Canada in June speaking to the Diocese of Fredericton in Eastern Canada about reimagining church.

Andy Wier is planning a pilot research project for sustainability of fresh expressions of church. Pray for God’s wisdom for him.

May 16

May 12 Pray for George Lings (writer) and Andrew Wooding (editor) as they work together on the second issue of Snapshots, an online publication looking at new forms of church. May this publication be a useful resource for the wider church.

May 13 Pray for fruitful relations and effective learning between Church Army’s Research Unit and other teams in Church Army, particularly with the Education and Training team who they work closely with.

May 14 Claire Dalpra is leading a pilot project researching members of fresh expressions of church. Pray for her as she does this and that the pilot will lead to a long-term research project.

Elspeth McGann

Pray for God’s discernment for Church Army’s Research Unit. What can they learn from the research they have gathered and what lessons can they pass

on to the wider church?

May 17 Church Army’s Research Unit has hosted teaching days for a number of Swiss pastors coming to the United Kingdom to learn more about fresh expressions of church. Give thanks for all that was learnt during their visit last week.

“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.” Proverbs 3:13-14 16 prayer diary

May 18 – 24

HOPE Together This week let’s pray for Hope14 and for the impact of the gospel across the United Kingdom and Ireland as churches do more together in mission in words and action.

May 18 Easter is a key opportunity to explain why Jesus gives us hope. Pray that those who heard the Good News at Easter will be reminded this week to take a step closer to Jesus.

May 19 The Big Weekender at the start of May saw thousands of young people around the country serving their community with practical acts of kindness. Ask God to give boldness and sensitivity to the young Christians you know.

May 20 Many people have heard the gospel in fresh ways through Hope14 in recent months. Pray for people you know who have not yet responded to Jesus’ love.

May 21 Church leaders are working together as part of Hope14 – some for the first time. Pray, with Jesus “that they may be brought to complete unity” (John 17:23) so that the world will discover more about Jesus’ love.

May 22 Hope14 encourages churches to put faith into action. Thank God for the Christian

initiatives in your area where people are loving and serving your community in Jesus’ name.

May 23 To introduce people to Jesus, we all need to put our faith into words. Ask God to help you to hear the prompting of his Holy Spirit to speak about the hope we have. (1 Peter 3:15)

May 24 Many churches are inviting people to a summer fête, Big Lunch or Pentecost Festival in the coming weeks. Pray these events will strengthen church connections with their communities.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:18-19

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May 25 – 31

Persevering in retirement Join us in praying for our retired evangelists this week as they continue to share the gospel with those they meet.

May 25

May 28

Angela Jarvis at St Mary Magdalene in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, would like prayer for the local food bank which she and other church members are involved in and for all those who use it and are facing difficulties.

Pray for our retired evangelists who continue to preach regularly in their churches and lead Bible studies. May they encourage and equip others in evangelism.

May 26

Fidelis Oruche at New Life Church in Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester, would like to give thanks for the team he is part of which visits eight residential homes for the elderly each month leading services for residents and staff, some of who have responded positively to the gospel message.

Tony Maidment in Stourbridge, Worcestershire, would like to praise God for the opportunities he has to lead assemblies in schools explaining Tony Maidment the gospel to children through magic tricks and illusions. Pray also for his work in schools with The Gideons as they hand out Bibles.

May 27 Spend some time praying for our retired evangelists who are suffering from ill health or bereavement.

May 29

May 30 Stephen Colver at All Saints Aston-cumAughton in Sheffield and his wife Sarah, who is curate at the church, would like prayer for those who’ve recently taken part in a confirmation course. Pray also for their work with schools.

May 31 Pray for Bob Carrington in the Parish of Sutton and Seaford, Sussex, in his role as church warden. Pray also for the church leadership and congregation as they begin to put their newly launched vision statement and mission action plan into practice.

“It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” 2 Samuel 22:33

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The Wilson Carlile Centre (WCC) in the city centre of Sheffield is Church Army’s spiritual home and houses its office staff. It also includes a conference centre, Wilson’s Café, chapel, theological library and en suite accommodation, which are all open to the public. Visit

June 1 Pray for Centre Evangelist, Kinder Kalsi, who is based at the WCC and leads our Sheffield Centre of Mission, as he continues to build links with Kinder Kalsi Springfield Primary School and with shops in the city centre. Pray also as he looks to partner with others in the Sheffield Diocese.

June 2 Give thanks for our wonderful hospitality and reception team who work so hard to make our visitors to the WCC welcome, whether it is preparing meals, cleaning rooms or dealing with phone calls and enquiries.

June 3 Remember all those who visit the WCC; may they experience something of Jesus

June 1 – 7

The Wilson Carlile Centre – the home of Church Army

through our Christian hospitality. Pray particularly for those who are vulnerable or marginalised who use our café and for those visitors on retreat.

June 4 Give thanks for the businesses, churches and Christian organisations that have used the WCC for conferencing for the first time during the past months. Pray that business for the WCC will continue to grow.

June 5 Remember Church Army’s office staff at the WCC. Pray for them as they support Church Army’s frontline work through administration and finance, HR and marketing.

June 6 Praise God for the good relationships the WCC has built with its neighbours at Springfield Primary School and Victoria Court which provides accommodation for those experiencing homelessness.

June 7 Pray for good relationships to continue to flourish between the WCC and other churches and agencies in the city centre.

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.” Luke 10:38

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June 8 – 14

Growing the kingdom Pray for our evangelists across this nation as they seek to make disciples for God’s kingdom.

June 8

June 12

Andrew Chadwick at our Thanet Centre of Mission said: “Please pray as we need more volunteers for Prayer Care among older people, Thanet Food Link which provides meals for those in need, Thanet Kidz Klub and Community Pastors that patrol the streets late at night to keep people safe and be a God presence.”

Pray for Anne Williams at The Good Shepherd Church in Sunderland as she visits families who’ve recently moved into the newly Anne Williams built houses on the Highfield Park estate. May God bless her with gospel conversations.

June 9 Clynt French works on the Wybourn housing estate in Sheffield. Please pray for the monthly church plant and Messy Church groups which he leads. Pray also for those who have recently taken part in an Alpha course exploring Christianity.

June 10 Pray for Maureen Greaves at St Saviour’s Church in High Green, Sheffield, and for the Community Project which she runs for those in need. This includes a food bank and washing machine and, in addition, clothing, household goods and other essential items are available at a very low cost.

June 11 Ken Gaskell at St Michael’s in Bradford would like prayer for the Scout Group which he leads, enabling the church to connect with children and families. Pray for Ken as he leads parade services, camps and involves the group in church events.

June 13 Remember Kevin Metcalfe, Children’s and Outreach Coordinator at St John’s Wimborne in Dorset, as he coordinates a range of children’s groups both in the church and in schools. Pray also for him as he prepares for holiday clubs and camps this summer.

June 14 Keith Blinston at Meadowhead Christian Fellowship in Sheffield would like prayer for the Focus church services which he leads for people with learning disabilities. Pray that through the interactive Bible teaching and activities, those who attend would grow in their faith.

“Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” Psalm 32:1 20 prayer diary

This week we are praying for our brothers and sisters across the world who are part of Church Army International which is made up of nine independent societies committed to evangelism beyond the church.

June 15

June 15 – 21

Church Army International

Praise God for Church Army Denmark’s day centres and night shelters for those who are homeless and vulnerable, where they can access food, a hot shower, clean clothes and a warm place to sleep.

June 16 Spend some time praying for Threshold Ministries’ (formerly Church Army Canada) evangelists-in-training and for Ruth Jarvis Coleman who oversees their training. Pray also for those who are considering becoming evangelists with Threshold Ministries.

June 17 Remember all those who are members of Church Army New Zealand’s Street Hope community as they share the gospel with children, young people, older people and through community-based evangelism and from parish churches.

June 18 Give thanks for those experiencing addiction and alcoholism that have completed Church Army USA’s The Way Out course, which is a series of workshops to help them in their recovery.

Children from the Church Army Academy in Nairobi, Kenya

June 19 This week Church Army Africa is holding a mission conference to celebrate its 60th anniversary. Praise God! Today more than 100 Church Army Evangelists-inTraining will be commissioned at a special service. Please pray for them.

June 20 Pray for the leadership teams of Church Army Jamaica, Church Army Barbados and Church Army Vanuatu as they work to further God’s kingdom and glorify him.

June 21 Give thanks for all those who have benefited from Church Army Australia’s Kihilla Retreat and Conference Centre. Pray also for its leadership and board as they make important decisions about the future direction of the organisation.

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” Romans 5:1

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June 22 – 28

The Marylebone Project My name is “Zoe” and I have lived in London for many years. I became homeless when I was 15 years old and have suffered with alcohol addiction and mental health problems since then. I’m now in my 40s and have lived at The Marylebone Project for three years. It is much better than other hostels I’ve stayed in and the staff are very helpful and really have time for you. I also like the fact I still have my freedom – for example I still cook for myself as I have access to a shared kitchen. I’m now in the process of moving into my own flat which my key worker at the project has helped me to find. She will continue to support me once I have moved. I am really thankful to everyone at the project – if it wasn’t for them I’d still be on the streets drinking.” Church Army’s Marylebone Project in London is one of the largest projects for homeless women in the United Kingdom and its work is centred on the four themes of spirituality, hospitality, empowerment and resettlement. The project has residential accommodation for 112 women, including a specialist mental health unit, a women-only day centre and a social enterprise project. To find out more visit

The Marylebone Project choir

22 prayer diary

June 22

June 26

Give thanks for the hundreds of homeless women The Marylebone Project has resettled back into independent living, who are now looking to a brighter future. Pray for those women currently at the project who are preparing to move to their own homes and for the staff who will support them through this time of change.

Pray for those involved in the social enterprise project, Made in Marylebone, which aims to equip women with skills, experience and employment support. Made in Marylebone includes a catering company, room hire service and jewellery making.

June 23 Pray for those women staying at the Valentia Suite – a specialist residential unit for those experiencing mental health problems. May the project be a place of healing and restoration for them and may they come to know the ultimate peace which Jesus brings.

June 24

Kidist Bezabih, at our Marylebone Project for homeless women in London, gets involved in our Munch social enterprise which offers catering training and employment skills.

June 27

Spend some time praising God for those women who’ve wanted to find out more about Jesus. Pray that many more will be impacted by the gospel and will choose to get involved with the Christian activities at the project.

Spend some time praying for the managers and staff at the project as they work hard to support the women who are often dealing with difficult issues such as domestic violence, trafficking and addictions.

June 25

June 28

Remember those women who use the project’s day centre where they can access hot showers, laundry facilities and advice about housing. Give thanks for those who’ve benefited from the IT classes and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) sessions.

Praise God for the many churches, schools, businesses and individuals who partner with The Marylebone Project prayerfully, financially, with their time and through practical donations. Give thanks in particular for the project’s partnership with Expedia, whose staff have raised more than £20,000.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

prayer diary 23

The choir at The Marylebone Project in London which supports homeless women

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above…” Colossians 3:1

Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 ISSN 1751–3979

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