Prayer Diary Summer/Autumn 2015

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prayerdiary Summer/Autumn 2015

“…in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6


Welcome from the Chief Executive


s the days become sunnier and brighter, let’s unite in prayer for our evangelists who continue to do God’s work by bringing light to those in a dark place in their lives. The approaching summer makes me reflect on Psalm 89:36: “that his line will continue for ever, and his throne endure before me like the sun.” Amen! As part of our ONE series, you can read about Jordan, 22, who has come out of his personal darkness of drugs, theft and imprisonment to bask in the light of hope, prayer and love (page 8). Please join us in praying for our energetic team at the Chester Centre of Mission (page 5), who spread the Good News of Jesus by bus and boat, in pubs and during adventure weekends. On page 22, we praise God for the work of our evangelists and volunteers at the Bradford Centre of Mission, which is home to the Sorted Project, a fresh expression of church for young people. At Church Army, we are very excited to celebrate our third year of Church Army September. We would love you to get involved by booking one of our speakers or holding a fundraising event (page 14). As another new school year begins, please pray for schoolchildren across the UK and Ireland (page 16). May their minds be open to the gospel and their hearts to God’s eternal love. Last but definitely not least, I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of our supporters. Your powerful prayers and financial help really are making a difference to people’s lives, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised members of society. You are deeply valued and you’re always in my prayers and thoughts – thank you! Yours in Christ,

Canon Mark Russell, Chief Executive and Community Leader To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit


Summer/Autumn 2015


11 Upholding our retired evangelists Retired evangelists glorifying God 5 Chester Centre of Mission Reaching out to the non- 12 Community outreach Giving thanks for our churched evangelists reaching out 6 Church Army beyond church walls International 4 Chaplaincy outreach Supporting the people most in need

Praying for evangelists abroad 7 Commissioning and training evangelists Equipping others in mission

18 Church Army’s Research Unit Delving deeper into fresh expressions of church 19 Growing the kingdom Evangelists making disciples

13 Xplore Training young adults in evangelism

20 Church Army Residential Services A project for homeless young people in Cardiff

14 Church Army September Joining forces for a common goal

21 Church Army’s leadership Lifting up our Senior Leadership Team and Board

8 ONE summer appeal: From crime to Christianity, 16 Back to school Sowing gospel seeds Jordan’s story into children’s lives 10 Changing lives in Northern Ireland and Ireland Living and working with local communities


17 Harvest evangelism Prayers for the rural context

22 Bradford Centre of Mission Fresh ways of doing church for teenagers and young adults 23 Love your neighbour Prayers and reflection for local churches and their work

Front cover image: S tephen Ramshaw and Yvonne Desroches will be commissioned as Church Army Evangelists in July. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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June 28 – July 4

Chaplaincy outreach This week we pray for our evangelists involved in chaplaincy work.

June 28

July 1

Praise God for the opportunities created through ‘words and action’ for Mike Reeder to support people who come into the care of St Luke’s Hospice in Sheffield, especially by leading funeral services. Pray that he will be blessed in comforting people who are saying goodbye to their loved ones.

Pray for chaplains you know that work in your church or area.

June 29 Pray for Keith Shaw as he raises awareness of mental health issues and tries to remove the associated stigma through Keith Shaw his work in hospitals and local churches across South Staffordshire and Shropshire. Pray for all the patients, staff and carers he comes into contact with in these counties.

July 2 Please pray for Sharon Connell and her multi-faith chaplaincy team as they serve those in their care at the Chelsea and Westminster hospitals in London.

July 3 Remember David Grace during a period of change at the Weston General Hospital in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Pray also for the Roman Catholic chaplain, duty chaplains and volunteer chaplaincy visitors who work alongside him.

July 4 Give thanks for Ian Maher and his chaplaincy work as part of the Student Wellbeing Service at Sheffield Hallam University. Please pray that the peace of God and the mind of Christ is in all that Ian and his team do. May they guide students towards a living faith.

June 30 Louise YaulI in Sheffield would like prayers for her work as hospital chaplain as she commences a new season of ministry and for her ordination training, which begins in September.

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“…he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Titus 3:5

This week we focus on the Chester Centre of Mission in Ellesmere Port in Cheshire, which is led by Evangelist, Rob Barker. Together with Colin Harris and James Wilkinson, the team works with communities and churches throughout the area to resource and enable them in evangelism. Visit

July 5

July 8

Praise God for the young people that the Chester Bus Project reaches out to every week, sharing the gospel among them. Pray that they may come to a living faith.

Give thanks for the many volunteers at the Chester Centre of Mission who give their time and share their faith with others.

July 6

July 9

Spend some time praying for the young adults that are about to enter employment, that they may continue to attend Christian fellowship regularly.

Pray for the continued success of the Narrow Boat Project. May their days out with the members of the homeless hostels, Narcotics Anonymous and other groups continue to be fruitful.

July 7

July 10 Please pray for the team’s work with the men in the local pub. Many of the men they are engaging with are fighting with various addictions and struggling with life and broken relationships. Please pray that they may receive God’s healing in their lives.

July 11 Narrow Boat outing with the young people from the Coronation Day Centre

Pray for the individuals that attend the centre who are in the care system, that they may grow in confidence and selfworth and that they won’t be stigmatised by society. Ask the Holy Spirit to let them know that they are loved.

Praise God for the continued passion, strength and unity of the team members. Pray for them as they continue the breadth of their work, ranging from school outreach to sharing the gospel during adventure weekends.

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10 prayer diary 5

July 5 – 11

Chester Centre of Mission

July 12 – 18

Church Army International This week’s prayers are for our Church Army brothers and sisters around the world, who are consistently helping people in other countries come to a personal relationship with Jesus.

July 12 Last month, our Chief Executive, Mark Russell, visited Church Army Denmark in his role as Chair of Church Army International. Pray that God will strengthen ties between the two countries.

July 13 Lift up the individuals who will take part in Church Army Australia’s Project 300. The project aims to identify, mentor and equip 300 evangelists across the nation. May the training equip them to effectively reach out to the unchurched of all ages.

July 14 Pray for Church Army Africa, which is represented in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan and Malawi. Pray that God will protect all the evangelists who spread the Good News across these countries. May the Christian community in these countries keep on growing. Hallelujah!

July 15 Give thanks for Church Army New Zealand’s Apprenticeship in Evangelism and Church Planting, may God be the focus of everything they do.

July 16 Praise God for the partnership between Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada) and the Youth and Intergenerational Committee of the Diocese of Fredericton. Together they have hosted a series of workshops entitled Youth Matters, on how to minister to children and youth. Pray that all those who took part may touch young people’s hearts with the gospel. Visit

July 17 Praise God for the leaders, evangelists and volunteers that are part of Church Army Vanuatu, Church Army Jamaica and Church Army Barbados. May they be a beacon of light shining brightly in their communities.

July 18 Spend some time praying for anyone you know who is involved in doing evangelism in other countries, may God deepen their faith.

“The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” Psalm 33:5 6 prayer diary

Church Army is committed to equipping and resourcing people in evangelism. Join us this week in praying for our two evangelists who have just completed their training, those continuing and for our four new evangelists-in-training.

July 19

July 22

Yvonne Desroches, who will be commissioned as a Church Army Evangelist on July 21, said: “I pray that as we join together for the Yvonne and Stephen commissioning and admitting service, many people will either fall in love with Jesus for the first time, or that their love for him may deepen.”

Evangelist-in-training, Colin Harris, works at our Chester Centre of Mission. He said: “Pray for all those studying, that they may find it fulfilling and encouraging and that it will adequately equip them in all that they encounter during their particular journey.”

July 20 Pray for our newly commissioned Church Army Evangelist, Stephen Ramshaw, in his first post as a pioneer evangelist in Willington Quay, Tyne and Wear. Please pray that God will guide and bless him as he shares the Good News of Jesus among the local people.

July 21 Give thanks for our two continuing evangelists-in-training, Jo Bowyer in Aberdeen and Alex Thornton in London. Pray that the training weekends enrich them as they reflect on their day-today ministry.

July 23 Give thanks for evangelist-in-training, Jane Emson, who works as a family development officer on the Winn Gardens estate in Sheffield. Please pray that she will inspire more people to get involved in the various ministries on the estate.

July 24 Remember evangelist-in-training, John Menagh in Belfast, and pray that God will continue to bless him in his role as community outreach worker. May he lead many more people to Jesus.

July 25 Evangelist-in-training, Ruth Hills in Aberdeen, would like prayers to continue growing in her relationship with God. She said: “Please pray that I can hear God and be his hands, feet and voice in my daily life in this community.”

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11 prayer diary 7

July 19 – 25

Commissioning and training evangelists


God Church Mission

“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19

Bringing people to a living faith in Jesus Christ is at the heart of our ONE series, as we celebrate how God is impacting people throughout this nation and share their stories. Jordan, 22, tells us about his journey, in which Jesus led him from drugs, theft and imprisonment to a life of hope, prayer and love. My name’s Jordan and I’m 22 years old. I have a little boy and a partner and I live in North Greenwich. I work in demolition and construction and I enjoy it. My life growing up was quite a struggle. I had nine brothers and sisters and things were hard. I got mixed up with older people on the Ferrier estate, I faced peer pressure and I started getting into drugs and stealing cars and motorbikes. I enjoyed the adrenalin of being chased by the police. I ended up in prison when I was 14. I got out when I was 16. I have known [Church Army Evangelist] Nick Russell since I was about seven and I had my eighth birthday party at his house. We’ve had a good relationship since then. Nick gives me good advice – he has been there for me more than my own father. To be honest, when I started going to the chapel, it was more something to do to kill time. But then I started enjoying it and when I came out of jail, I started participating in more programmes with Nick. I help out with the SuperKidz

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and Sunday Bible groups. It feels good to be involved. It’s hard to explain the feeling I have inside me to others, but when I pray, I feel something inside – if you’re a believer yourself, you’ll understand what I mean. I pray all the time now. Knowing Jesus has made me think about things a lot more. It has really transformed me.

To watch a film about Jordan’s story, visit

Join us in praying for the work of our Greenwich Centre of Mission this week, as they continue their work among children and young people as well as among communities and a number of housing estates struggling with poverty, unemployment and crime.

July 26

July 29

Pray for Evangelist, Nick Russell, the staff and the sessional workers from struggling communities at Superkidz Community Trust Nick Russell as they work with disadvantaged children and young people, many of whom are involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.

Praise God for Evangelist, Nicholas Lebey, and the dedicated volunteers at the Transforming Youth Mission (TYM) in Abbey Wood, south-east London. Give thanks that they’re seeing more young people coming to the youth club every week and that many of them are responding to the gospel. Ask God to bless, guide and protect all the young people who have committed their lives to Jesus.

July 27

One of TYM’s key values is empowering young people to become leaders of their own church. Give thanks for TYM’s young leaders. May God help them to grow in their faith.

Give thanks for the young people and adults being trained in construction site health and safety, in youth work and those applying for jobs through Superkidz Community Trust. Please pray for the funding of Superkidz Community Trust, which needs over £100,000 a year to do its work across four struggling council estates.

July 28 Pray for Nick and the team that are doing evangelism and providing prayer ministry and practical support at the Coffee Stop drop-in at St Saviour’s, Eltham, working with people with learning difficulties, addictions and mental and physical health problems. Please pray for Friendship Tea, the fresh expression of church that meets on Sundays.

July 30

July 31 Pray for Evangelist, Trevor Clarke, as he reaches out to underprivileged children and adults from the Horn Park estate, the community centre, special needs centre and Horn Park Primary School.

August 1 Please pray for Trevor’s work with members of the former Ferrier community and new residents in Kidbrooke Village, Greenwich. The Ferrier community was in the worst three per cent nationally for child deprivation.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

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July 26 – August 1

Prayers for the Greenwich Centre of Mission

August 2 – 8

Changing lives in Northern Ireland and Ireland Join us this week as we pray for our evangelists in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

August 2

August 6

Give thanks for Evangelist, Richard Beadle, at the Swanlinbar Kildallon Group of Parishes on the Irish border. He said: “Here in rural Cavan, Leitrim and Fermanagh, agricultural life is focused on continued growth and the coming harvest. Please pray that spiritually we would have a similar focus to see growth and harvest.”

Pray for God’s love to guide Elizabeth Cairns and her team in Mullavilly, in County Armagh, in all that they do in his name. Give thanks for their new Youth Coordinator, Alyn Jones. Pray for their newly trained parish visitors, that they might be a blessing to all those they visit.

August 3

August 7

Remember Myrtle Morrison in Portadown as she leads a children’s holiday Bible club from today until August 10. Pray that Myrtle and her team will continue to build strong links with the young families that reside in Craigavon.

August 4 Richard Waller would like prayers for his drop-in centre at Willowfield Church in Lagan Village, East Belfast, which provides hot drinks and meals to members of the community.

August 5 Pray for the churches and evangelists throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland as they reach out to their communities with the gospel. May God’s Word touch the hearts and transform the lives of many.

Kidzone, Lisburn

Praise God for John O’Neill and Karen Webb and for their work in schools, churches and street ministry around the Lisburn district and across the Connor Diocese.

August 8 Spend some time praying for Geoffrey Walmsley, who leads the Dundalk Group of Parishes in Ireland. Praise God for their two new family services and Sunday schools.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” 10 prayer diary

Psalm 56:3

Pray for our retired evangelists glorifying God and faithfully serving their communities.

August 9

August 12

Pray for Alan Cooper as he supports all our retired evangelists. Pray especially for those who are still involved in sharing Jesus through faith, words and action within the communities in which they live.

Spend some time praying for Frank Clarke and his local church group at St Mary’s Church in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. May they continue to be motivated and committed and be joined by new members.

August 10 Josie Midwinter, who works on the Great Western Park estate in Didcot, Oxfordshire, would like prayer for their newly created community Josie Midwinter centre and prayer group, which meets every Monday to plan Christian summer activities.

August 11 Thank God for Dorothy Bush, who is holding a Stepping into evangelism training session with her ladies’ group in Beeston, Nottingham. Please pray that they will be able to effectively bear witness of their faith among their neighbours, family and friends.

August 9 – 15

Upholding our retired evangelists

August 13 Pray for Eric Atkinson in Woking, Surrey, and that his club for people aged 50 and over will continue to grow and attract new members, particularly among the unchurched.

August 14 Give thanks for Chris Adams in Luton, who has worked as a prison chaplain at Bedford Prison for 24 years and will now be retiring. Please pray for the new university students of Bedfordshire who he works with, that they may come to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

August 15 Pray for Dorothy Almond in Liverpool and her Bible study group. May they keep on growing in fellowship and faith and may more people come and join them.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 prayer diary 11

August 16 – 22

Community outreach This week we are praying for our evangelists across the nation as they reach out beyond the walls of the church to make new disciples.

August 16

August 20

Remember Theresa Pountney and her new parish centre in London. Pray that the leadership team of the Church of St James the Less in Pimlico, Westminster, continue to reach out to the numerous vulnerable people they are helping and that God may provide them with further opportunities to share the gospel.

Pray for Val Legg in Wallasey, Merseyside, and the Open Door Project, which reaches out with God’s love to some of the most povertyVal Legg stricken areas of Birkenhead. Give thanks for all the churches that work together to make the project a success, especially for the growth in the number of children taking part.

August 17 Please pray for Board member, Steve Eccleston, and for all those taking part in the Pilgrim course at St Columba’s Crosspool in Sheffield. Give thanks for their Men’s Magnificent Meals project, which reaches out to older men in their community who are bereaved or lonely.

August 21

Spend some time giving thanks to God for all the evangelists and volunteers that go out into your local community to spread the Good News.

Remember Evangelists, Kerry Dixon and Craig Dowling at our Dundee Centre of Mission, as they launch their new school chapel session. Pray for their Soup & Soul time with the homeless of Dundee city, which is held every Wednesday. Praise God for their café church and may it continue to thrive.

August 19

August 22

Jon Clarke in Folkestone in Kent would like prayer as he considers how best to help families with children who receive free school meals, who will be experiencing food poverty over the school holidays.

Pray for Stuart Budden and his team at our Thanet Centre of Mission as they try to build new and stronger relationships with the staff and management of the care homes they visit as part of their Prayer Care outreach.

August 18

“’So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.’ And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.” Genesis 50:21 12 prayer diary


Our Xplore programme is for young adults aged 18- to 25-year-olds who are passionate about evangelism. It is made up of two strands: a ‘year out’ and a ‘year in’, which involves practical mission and training.

August 23 Remember Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, as he finalises the training material for next year’s Xplore. May it teach the Bible faithfully and encourage, equip and challenge the Xplorers.

August 24

will work with 400 young people from Protestant and Catholic backgrounds.

August 23 – 29


August 26 Pray for God’s blessings as Xplore visits youth festivals over autumn, telling people about the training programme and how they can be a part of it.

August 27 Praise God for young and passionate people nationwide with a heart for evangelism. May they have the courage and resources to reach out in their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

August 28 Xplorers in Romania

Give thanks for all those who have taken part in Xplore 2014/2015 and for their faithfulness to evangelism, which has seen God move in healing people, transforming lives and individuals coming to a living faith in Jesus.

August 25 Pray for Neville and his role in an outreach project in Dunmurry, Belfast, where he

Preparations are underway for Xplore 2015/2016, which begins in October. Please pray that the right people will come forward to fill the last few places on the programme. Ask God to provide opportunities for Xplore in Scotland and Wales.

August 29 Pray for all the young adults who will be joining Xplore in October and who will begin training for evangelism through the programme.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 prayer diary 13

Celebrate Church Army September with us by promoting and praying for our work among the most marginalised members of society This is the third year that we will be holding Church Army September. Let’s celebrate our partnership as we continue to extend beyond church walls and bring men, women and children to a living faith in Jesus. Throughout September, churches hold special services and fundraising events to raise awareness about our life-changing work with ‘the least, the lost and the last’. Our evangelists will be visiting churches to share their inspiring stories. We hope that through Church Army September our partnership with you can grow even stronger. We also hope it will encourage and motivate you in your own evangelism. To book a speaker for your church or special event, please visit www. or telephone 0300 123 2113.

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Please get involved and help us make this Church Army September an even greater success! You can do this by: l booking a Church Army speaker, l promoting our work, and l holding a fundraising event for us

August 30

September 4 Pray for God’s protection over our evangelists and staff members as they travel nationwide to share the stories of how we are transforming lives through faith, words and action.

Praise God for all the churches who are partnering with us during Church Army September and who will be sharing stories about our life-changing work. Pray that individuals who hear about Church Army for the first time will want to find out more and be part of our vision.

August 31 Pray that many people’s lives will be transformed by the gospel and that they will come to a personal relationship with Jesus through Church Army September.

September 1 Praise God for each and every one of our supporters who selflessly give up their time towards our common goal of spreading the Good News. Give thanks for our partnership and pray that it may continue to grow and develop.

September 2 Give thanks for all the churches who’ve requested one of our speakers for Church Army September. Please pray that these visits would touch people’s hearts, as they find out more about our work.

August 30 – September 5

Praying for Church Army September

September 5 Give thanks today for our founder, Wilson Carlile, who in 1882 established Church Army to equip ordinary Christians to do extraordinary things. Praise God for all the nineteenth- and twentieth-century evangelists who passionately shared their faith and grew God’s kingdom. Pray also for all those in Church Army who continue to live out this vision today so that others may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

September 3 Praise God for all the generous individuals and churches who will be holding a special fundraising event for us. Pray that more people will consider donating to us on a monthly basis so that we can continue to reach out to individuals who are lonely, vulnerable and afflicted.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour...” Ecclesiastes 4:9

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September 6 – 12

Back to school Join us in praying for our evangelists as the new school year begins. May they have plenty of opportunities for planting seeds of the gospel among children.

September 6

September 10

Praise God for Sandra Doore in Liverpool and the work that she does, alongside her parish team, in state schools. Pray that she may able to tell Bible stories to the children in a fun and understandable way and that this may inspire them to come to a living faith.

Pray for School Governor, Jenny Colby in Bracknell, Berkshire. May she deliver clear and meaningful assemblies at Holly Spring Infant and Nursery School.

September 7 Spend some time praying for Kinder Kalsi’s playground duties and Christian school assemblies at Springfield Primary School in Sheffield. Pray for creative opportunities for him to share about Jesus and to build dialogue with the children’s parents at the local schools he visits.

September 8 Give thanks for Aidan Greenwood in Manchester and his work at All Saints’ Church of England Primary School. Pray for the teachers and pupils at the school, that they may continue to share, learn and grow spiritually together.

September 9 Please pray for Graham Nunn and his team, who will shortly be visiting schools in China. Pray that the drama, illusions, games, music and storytelling activities they are preparing may be exciting and relevant to the children’s lives.

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September 11 Mike Smithers would appreciate prayers for the staff and students in the academy school he is currently working for in Mike Smithers Kent. He said: “Pray that God might open the door to more opportunities to host assemblies in the school in the coming months.”

September 12 Pray today for those you know personally who are sharing the gospel with children in your local schools.

“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.” Isaiah 54:13

Numerous Church Army Evangelists throughout England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales will be preparing special outreach activities for the harvest season. Please join us this week in praying for them.

September 16 Pray for food banks, the donations that will be made to them, and all the disadvantaged individuals and families that will be using them.

September 13 – 19

Harvest evangelism

September 17

September 13 Pray for all those organising harvest suppers and lunches, that it may provide an opportunity to strengthen Christian fellowship and bring new people to a personal relationship with Jesus.

September 14 Remember all those evangelists who share the gospel in the most remote areas of the United Kingdom and Ireland.

September 15 Ask the Holy Spirit to be among those attending harvest festivals and special outreach services in churches.

Praise God for all those involved in harvest events in schools and pray that more young people will come to give their hearts to Jesus.

September 18 Spend some time praying for any harvest event you are involved in or that are taking place in your church or community. Who could you invite to them?

September 19 Give thanks for farmers and all the other people involved in producing our food.

“The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.� Psalm 85:12 prayer diary 17

September 20 – 26

Church Army’s Research Unit Spend some time praying for our Research Unit this week as they delve deeper into fresh expressions of church. Visit

September 20

September 23

George Lings has just finished writing a book on fresh expressions of church to be published next summer by Bible Reading Fellowship. Pray for George and Andrew Wooding as they work together on editing and revising the manuscript before it goes to the publishers.

Andy Wier has been doing numerous interviews and visits to find an answer to the question: “What makes a fresh expression of church sustainable?” Please pray for wisdom as he analyses and interprets the results.

September 21

Elspeth McGann, George Lings and Andrew Wooding

The Research Unit are in the final few months of phase two of their research on fresh expressions of church in various dioceses. Pray for George Lings, Elspeth McGann, Claire Dalpra and John Vivian as they continue this work. May it open people’s eyes to how much is already happening in this field.

September 22 Praise God that the Research Unit are finding out much more about the effectiveness of fresh expressions of church. Pray that the wider church will learn to place resources on the basis of what is being shown to be fruitful.

September 24 The Research Unit are seeking God’s will for the research they will be doing from 2016 and beyond. Pray that they may know which research projects they should be involved in. Pray also for adequate funding to support their work.

September 25 Claire Dalpra and John Vivian are continuing with data collection for their attenders survey. Pray that findings in this research will enable the wider church to be more mindful of the church backgrounds of its attenders and have the courage to ask: “How are we doing at reaching the non-churched?”

September 26 Members of the Research Unit are regularly asked to attend conferences and gatherings of leaders to present their findings. Remember them as they prepare their talks. May they have insight to know which speaking invitations to accept.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” Colossians 3:23 18 prayer diary

This week we pray for all our evangelists across the United Kingdom and Ireland, who go out into their communities, making new disciples for God’s kingdom.

September 27

October 1

Praise God for Richard Cooke and his team at our Selby Centre of Mission who, after nine years of ministry in the local primary school on one of the most disadvantaged estates in the county, are looking to implement further changes to improve the lives of local children. Pray that they may have more opportunities to reveal Jesus to them.

Pray for Maria Hembrow at our Southampton Centre of Mission and for their three new drop-ins for anyone in the community looking for prayer, advice, support and making new friends.

September 28 Maureen Greaves in Sheffield would like prayer for the new St Saviour’s Community Project, which includes a shop, furniture store, food bank and a weekly two-course meal for the community. Pray that she may gather a dedicated team of volunteers to help her run this project.

September 29 Praise God for Jonathan Wiggam at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, in Hampshire, and the Holiday at Home for seniors held last month. Pray for all those who encountered Jesus Christ through fun, fellowship and sharing of the gospel thanks to the project.

September 30 Spend some time today praying for your church and for its evangelism and outreach activities.

October 2 Praise God for Paul Niemiec at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, which continues to draw new worshippers, especially among Paul Niemiec the young. Please pray for the leadership of the church, as they handle both the joys and challenges of growth and new ideas. Give thanks for all the people who join in on their fellowship and pray that their numbers will continue to increase.

September 27 – October 3

Growing the kingdom

October 3 Give thanks for Children and Youth Officer, Dave Rose, working within the Diocese of Lincoln, who has been involved in numerous summer projects with children and young people. Pray that the parishes and schools in the area will strengthen links with each other.

“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17

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October 4 – 10

Church Army Residential Services Church Army Residential Services is one of the few agencies in Cardiff providing accommodation and practical support for young homeless people aged 16 to 21. Visit

October 4

October 7 Church Army Residential Services provides an accepting, non-judgemental environment, giving young people a second chance with the understanding that we all make mistakes. May the allembracing love of Jesus may engender forgiveness and reconciliation in the hearts of all families affected by homelessness.

October 8

Young homeless people not only have the initial trauma of being without family support, but can find themselves being discriminated against and in dangerous situations they are ill-equipped to handle. Pray that all homeless people may find love and support to help them endure their difficulties.

October 5 The residential units of Ty Bronna and Ty Danescourt offer young people the opportunity of a quiet space, free from harm, where they can begin to trust others. Pray that all staff will use the opportunities presented with a compassionate heart.

October 6 Personal development support workers help individual young people develop all aspects of their independent living skills, so that they are equipped to move into their own home. Pray that the personal development support workers be blessed with patience and perseverance.

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Remember Resettlement Support Officer, Rachel Crooks. Ask God to provide her with the strength to support young people moving into their own homes.

October 9 Praise God for all the support that the agency receives in practical terms of food and household provisions, as this enables the team to continue to provide support to many.

October 10 Give thanks for Supported Housing Manager of Church Army Residential Services Cardiff, Susan Way, and the entire Cardiff staff team. Please pray that the love of God shown through their commitment may continue to act as a beacon of hope.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.� Hebrews 13:2

Join us this week as we lift up our Senior Leadership Team and Board.

October 11 Chief Executive, Mark Russell, will be speaking at numerous churches, leadership conferences and other events over the coming months. Pray for God’s protection as he travels. May the Holy Spirit guide Mark to proclaim God’s word with eloquence and passion, so that the people attending will feel Jesus’ presence, healing power and love.

October 12 Please pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he travels between Sheffield, London and Wales, overseeing projects. Pray for safety and energy while he travels.

October 13 Remember the Bishop of Chelmsford and Church Army Chair, Stephen Cottrell, and give thanks for his passionate commitment to evangelism.

Stephen Cottrell and Mark Russell

October 14

feet and the mind of Christ to see the gospel lived and proclaimed, wherever in the UK and Ireland they may be.”

October 15

October 11 – 17

Church Army’s Leadership and Board

Praise God for our board members: Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, Joanna Cox, Steve Eccleston, Graham Nunn, Wendy Saunders, John Applegate, Dorothy Needham and David Wilbourne. Pray that God will guide them in all their plans and decisions for 2016.

October 16 National Operations Manager, Neville Willerton, said: “Please pray for the Church Army Operations Team as we seek to support, manage and develop our existing and new centres of mission in Ireland and Wales.”

October 17 Pray for retired evangelist, Nanette Sanderson, who serves as an associate member of the Senior Leadership Team. Give thanks for the wisdom and skills she contributes.

“…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” Mark 10:43-44

The Dean of Community, Andrew Chadwick, said: “Pray that the members of our mission community would have soft hearts, hard

prayer diary 21

October 18 – 24

Bradford Centre of Mission Sorted is a Church Army project in Bradford that consists of three separate youth churches, Sorted 1, Sorted 2 and Sorted 3. It seeks to develop fresh ways of doing church for teenagers and young adults, especially those from a non-church background. The youth churches include a weekly service, Bible study groups, activity nights and outreach to local schools. For more information visit

October 21 Remember the young disciples across Sorted and the Bradford team’s ability to help them form as witnesses of Christ.

October 22

October 18 Give thanks for Sorted 2 and Sorted 3, which meet twice a week to share worship services. Please pray for the team as they do outreach in Hanson Academy and Immanuel College.

October 19 Pray for the young adult work that is being carried out as part of Sorted 1 and for the young-parent group called Thrive, led by Val Thomas and James Hawksworth.

October 20

Pray for the young people Sorted works with, who are struggling with depression, bullying, self-harm and loneliness.

October 23 Please pray for continued support and funding of the centre to keep the projects going, to strengthen the faith of the young members and to bring more youths to a personal relationship with Jesus.

October 24 Praise God for team members Andy Milne, Tracy Milne and James Hawksworth.

Praise God for the opportunities provided to share Jesus during summer camp at Sneaton Castle in Whitby, North Yorkshire.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 22 prayer diary

Let’s unite in prayer for and reflect on our local churches as they share the gospel among the most vulnerable members of society.

October 25

October 29

Remember George Newell and his visitation team at Willowfield Church, Belfast, who are visiting 6,500 homes in their parish for a faith survey.

Praise God for Sheila Samuels and all the families and volunteers involved in the Messy Church in Surrey, may they keep on growing together in faith. Please pray that all children that have been involved in the holiday clubs will be able to take part in follow-up activities.

October 26 Give thanks for Les Tennant and the Church of Tomorrow Project (CHUFT) at St James’ Church in Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire, which is increasingly being used by groups for their meetings and events. Pray that people’s growing familiarity with St James’ Church will lead to an awareness of Christ.

October 27 Stephen and Eileen Caple at St Augustine’s Church in Twickenham, Middlesex, would like prayers for God’s blessing on their ministry to Bishop Perrin Church of Eileen Caple England School and Heathfield Infant and Junior schools.

October 28 Pray for all those people who are marginalised, lonely or grieving. May the church effectively reach out to them so that they may know the hope of the gospel in their lives and to feel God’s perfect peace.

October 25 – 31

Love your neighbour

October 30 Pray for the Diocesan Community Development Officer and Priest in Charge of the Diocese of Llandaff Church in Wales, Jonathan Durley, and his team involved in the Hafan Housing Project. May they continue to receive prayerful and financial support to help the single-parent families and the asylum seekers who receive their emergency food parcels.

October 31 Thank God for Heather Kemball and the Congleton Team Parish in Cheshire, who shared the Good News during their second Connection Mission, and for all those who heard the Good News and have begun to follow Jesus through it. Pray that God will keep renewing the parish, transforming it into all that he wants it to be.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 prayer diary 23

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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