The Fullnes of Life Chapter 4

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The fullness of life | 31

r e v o God pa a cup Colby y n n e By J

Scripture John 14:1-9

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Let’s Focus: One of the places I visit regularly is the Tea House in Bracknell. It is a place where people come for refreshments or a rest. But most of all they come for some fellowship; many of these visitors are perhaps lonely or isolated. My witness as a Christian is simply to make myself available to anyone who wants to talk or seek prayer with me. ‘I wish I could believe like you’; these words have been said to me on more than one occasion by visitors I see most weeks in the Tea House. Sometimes they are followed by a conversation about the Christian faith; sometimes simply a chat about mundane matters. Through getting to know people at the Tea House, I have developed links with families wanting Baptism for their children and requesting me to lead their funeral service when the time comes. I see this ministry as sharing with people along life’s journey: sharing with them in their glad times and supporting them through difficult times.

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Let’s Reflect: The Bible reading speaks about Jesus’ patience with his disciples. In answer to Philip’s request ‘Lord show us the Father’, Jesus says ‘Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.’ (John 14:8-9). Jesus has called me to be his hands and his feet (as shown clearly in the writings of St Teresa of Avila). My prayer is that people will come to know Christ through seeing him in my life, my words and my actions; for we also read in John’s gospel, ‘I am in my Father and you are in me, and I am in you.’ (John 14:20). When others see Christ in our life through our actions and words, we are being true witnesses in a most natural way. This scripture is apt when considering what presence evangelism is all about. It is easy to make ourselves available to God for Him to use us through our ordinary, unexciting everyday experiences. What is important is that we are prepared to serve and ready to share our faith when the moment is right. Whether we agree or not that Christian presence can rightfully be termed evangelism, Christians are present in the world and this will have a direct bearing on how they are perceived by non Christians. The way we live our everyday lives should lead us to ask the question, ‘Are we Good News to society?’ When we give testimony of our life transformed by Christ we share in the mission of the Church that was inaugurated by Christ himself. In my ministry as an Evangelist, I have seen those who previously lived for themselves start to live with others’ needs in mind. I have

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seen people who are materialistic, change and share their resources with others. Transforming lives reflect Christ and are inspirational. St Paul teaches us in Romans 12:18 that we should live at peace with everyone. That peace is born out of love. The heart of presence evangelism is the ability for one to love unconditionally those that God places on our path. That ability to love comes about through prayer. For me, prayer is an essential tool to succeed in the mission God has placed before me. We need to challenge ourselves to be different and love those who come into our life; we need to be good to them, by at least praying for them. I have had the privilege of meeting people who are hurting. I have prayed for each of them. I often contemplate that if Jesus had not prayed for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, then all of us would not have the opportunity to experience the joy of salvation. Just be aware that broken people can unwittingly upset us as they reach out for help; it is easy to reject them because of their actions. In those moments, pray that they will experience calmness and be open to the gospel and come to Christ. When someone sees or experiences our genuine love for them they may well say, ‘I wish I could believe like you’. Sincere actions will draw them to Christ.

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Let’s Discuss: 1. Can true Christ-like love be insincere? How do we ensure it remains sincere?

2. How can I share my faith in a natural manner?

3. What activities might we consider as being presence evangelism?

4. Where could we engage in presence evangelism?

5. What will we do when people respond to us?

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Action: People come into the Tea House each Friday, not to hear me preach the gospel, but to enjoy the atmosphere and spend time in the company of friends or chatting to me or one of my volunteer helpers. I have got to know many members of the public over the last four years, through serving them Fairtrade tea and coffee each week. One family I have got to know through the Tea House asked me to baptise their baby son and less than a year later asked me to officiate at the funeral of their still-born daughter. I drew very much on God’s strength for the later occasion and tried to show to them through my words and actions how much God loves them and had placed them as a family, including their still-born daughter, in His loving arms. Many people who come into the Tea House have learning difficulties. They are welcomed, loved and shown that they are valued, by me and by God who is a loving Father to all. Others who come are elderly people who live alone and value the time spent chatting, listening to music or just being in the company of other people. For them it is important to show that Jesus is the constant companion to all who believe in Him. Also to share with them that Jesus gives us hope for this life and a promise of eternal life with Him and with our loved ones. Being prepared to share one’s faith in an environment where there are no rules and every encounter is unique, challenging and encouraging. You need to be open to God bringing you those who have a need. You need to be prepared to ask people ‘are you ok?’; be ready to really listen to the answer, and finally be open to respond in a loving and caring manner.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, use my body as if it were yours. Utilise my hands and feet to take me to the places you want me to be. Enable me to see with your eyes, bless me to look with compassion on this world. Christ you have no body now on earth but ours. Amen.

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s e t o N g n i Support uals and d i v i d n I for s r e d a e Group L I remember the first time I prepared to lead a bible study; I was 22 years old and went bald! Well, I think that was down to nature rather than the preparation. However, it was scary as well as exciting. Ring a bell? Then read on‌. The scriptures are littered with stories of God's people being called to do something they feel they are not humanly capable of. Yet it is similarly littered with outcomes of God's people completing what He has called them to undertake and the blessing therein. So let's take those fears and chill a bit, in the knowledge that God will help you, as he has helped countless others. Part of my ministry as an evangelist over the past 10 years has been to encourage and enable, so be encouraged that the Lord is moulding you in leadership. In my experience it helps to know that you do not have to be an expert on the Bible or even a college professor! Essentially it is all about preparation and discussion. Allow God to enable you by His Holy Spirit to lead you with confidence and discernment. Therefore in order to offer some help to you, I have set out below some of the things that have aided me in leading studies in the past.

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Before you begin Studying the scriptures and exploring other people’s experiences of evangelism can be for some, very exciting; for others it can be very daunting indeed. I have put together some suggestions that may help you as you prepare to get the most out of The Fullness of Life. We hope that each week you will be stimulated through the scriptures and through the content on the Web. To find out more about how all of our Evangelists and staff are working at transforming lives and communities visit to see videos of ministry in action. Each of our contributors to these studies has carefully thought through how you can apply this learning in your own life and context, in order to engage in evangelism. Their questions are designed to challenge and encourage action.

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Studying as an individual Pray: Before you begin each study, ask the Lord to guide you and open your mind. Give yourself time to allow God to stabilise your inner self so that you can apply what you are learning in your life. Time: Give yourself space to learn; the studies are designed that you can learn at a pace that suits you. It may help you to briefly read all seven studies before you begin; this may help you to think about where the studies will take you. Bible: Having your own Bible is important as it will be a book that you will be familiar with. The version that you find most helpful is the best one to use. All Bible verses quoted in these studies are from the New International Version. Notes: Make notes within each study. Remember there are no wrong answers; the beauty about our relationship with God is that He illuminates our life and inspires us by the Holy Spirit. So jot down your response to the question honestly.

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Studying as a group For the leader: These notes may be of some help as you prepare to lead the group either for the first time or as a seasoned veteran! Preparation: Groups are naturally formed of individuals, so be encouraged to follow the points suggested for individuals, as you prepare for your group study. In this way you will find your learning in group study deepens through your preparation. Participation: Discussion is by far the best form of learning. Remember that as the leader you will need to ensure that everyone has their say. No answer is wrong! Share how God is teaching you, how He is encouraging/challenging you, and how He is doing that with others. Be focussed: Stick to the study material being discussed for that week. It has been my intention that you only have to use the scriptures referred to. There is no need to look up commentaries or other views. The core essence of these studies is to reflect upon the evangelistic example given. Therefore the paramount questions of the study are: How can I do this? How do I apply this? Listen: Encouraging all that listening to other members of a group is as important as contributing. If you have an attentive ear, you may be surprised at how much you can learn from others. In parish ministry I was always amazed at how the quiet person sometimes came with a suggestion that was as a blast of fresh air. A balanced input: As group leader you should be able to ensure all have the chance to contribute. It is important that we ensure that individuals do not dominate the discussions. The eagerness one has to share can often be at the cost of others not having time to respond. Therefore encourage one another; after all, the Christian journey really should not be about outsmarting each other. Involve God: God wants to share with each of us; His desire to see us evangelise. Be open to the Holy Spirit talking to you and to your fellow group mates. Most of all have fun discovering new boundaries.

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