Prayer Diary Autumn/Winter 2014/2015

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prayerdiary Autumn/Winter 2014/2015

“ For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.� Psalm 33:4


Welcome from the Chief Executive


ince I last wrote to you in Prayer Diary, we have had an exciting few months at Church Army. Our new resource, Stepping into evangelism, has really taken off, with thousands of copies being sent out nationwide as a blessing to the wider church and we’ve had some great feedback about it. So please do join us in praying for the impact of this resource and for God to use it for his glory (page six). To find out more visit In this edition you can also read a new story from our ONE series as we share with you how God is changing people’s lives through our work. On pages 4-5 you can hear from Craig in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, on how he turned his back on tarot cards after reading the Bible and coming to know God for himself. He is now part of Oak Church where he helps to lead the all-age monthly service and is involved in the men’s ministry. And as our thoughts turn to Christmas, Barbara from The Marylebone Project in London shares with us her story of transformation as part of our Christmas Angel appeal (pages 8-9). Last Christmas, Barbara found herself homeless, unemployed and with little hope. Now, thanks to The Marylebone Project, she is looking forward to moving into her own home and has secured a job working in a hotel. But most importantly she has come to know Jesus and has recently been baptised. Hallelujah! I hope and pray you are encouraged by all that you read as together we work to grow God’s kingdom. Yours in Christ,

Canon, Mark Russell, Chief Executive

To order more copies of Prayer Diary for your friends, church or group, please telephone 0300 123 2113 or email

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The new Prayer Diary Supplement is now available to download at The supplement will be updated with each edition of Prayer Diary so that all Church Army Evangelists and staff are prayed for throughout the year.

As well as Prayer Diary being available on the Church Army website, you can now join us in prayer by email each week. To sign up for this, please visit

10 4 ONE series: Craig’s story A testimony from Skelmersdale, Lancashire

Autumn/Winter 2014/2015

15 12 Church Army International Prayer for our brothers and sisters worldwide

6 Stepping into evangelism Our resource for churches 13 The Valley of Hope Project 7 Loving sacrifice Supporting ex-offenders The season of in Wales remembrance 14 Joy to the world 8 Christmas Angel appeal A Christmas reflection From The Marylebone 15 The Lisburn Centre Project for homeless of Mission women in London Working with children 10 Church Army’s in Northern Ireland Research Unit 16 New year, new life Investigating fresh Prayer for community expressions of church outreach 11 Making the most 17 Sharing Jesus in of Christmas retirement Outreach during Remembering our Advent retired evangelists

18 18 Community chaplaincy Providing spiritual care 19 The Selby Centre of Mission Interceding for the DNA youth group 20 Xplore Training young adults in evangelism 21 Church Army’s Leadership Our Senior Leadership Team and Board 22 Online evangelism Pray for our Now a Christian course and the Christian Enquiry Agency website 23 Children and young people Planting gospel seeds

Front cover image: C raig (left) from Skelmersdale, Lancashire, where he became a Christian thanks to Evangelist, Peter Bone (right), who helps to lead Oak Church on the Tanhouse estate and runs a men’s pool team in the local pub. Read Craig’s story on page four. All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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God Church Mission

“...go and make disciples” Matthew 28:19

Bringing people to a living faith in Jesus Christ is at the heart of our ONE series of films and stories as we celebrate how God is impacting people throughout this nation. We hear from Craig in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, who for years was involved in astrology and tarot cards, but after reading the Bible came to know God for himself. “My mum loved astrology, she’d wake up in the morning and the first thing she’d do was read her horoscope in the newspaper and she got me interested. About a year later I bought a magazine which came with free tarot cards and I was fascinated with them. I went onto study psychology, the ego and Buddhism and it led me to know there was more of a purpose to life. My daughter used to tell me about Jesus – but I wouldn’t have it because when I thought of Christians I thought of people who work, moan, go to church, come out happy and get back to normal again. “When I met Peter from Church Army he invited me over for a brew and to chat about what each other believed. But after reading things in the Bible with Peter I began to realise – why shouldn’t there be a God? Then faith came into my life. I read something in the Bible about needing to follow the narrow path and all I could think about was how I’d been taking all these different paths in my life and I was going slower. There is nothing in this world now that can take me back to where I was without God.”

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Craig and Peter

To watch a film about Craig’s story, visit C raig is now part of Oak Church

in Tanhouse, Skelmersdale, where Evangelists Peter and Lynne Bone are based. Join us in prayer this week for Oak Church

The Tanhouse estate

October 26 Give thanks for Oak Church’s men’s group on the Tanhouse estate. Pray that, through the group’s pool team and film and chippie nights, many others would come to know Jesus.

October 27 Pray for all those on the Tanhouse estate who visit the chapel at Oak House – the home of Oak Church. With the housing estate lacking facilities and a church, pray Oak House will be a blessing to the community and a spiritual home for people.

October 28 Remember all those who attend the weekly parent and toddler group at Oak House, may fun and fellowship be enjoyed and people drawn into the church. May parents and carers also be able to offer one another practical support.

October 29 Praise God for the regular assemblies that Evangelist, Lynne Bone, leads at Hillside Community Primary School and for the opportunities she has to share the gospel

with hundreds of children. Pray also for Peter Bone in his role as chaplain at Lathom High School.

October 30 Today the Tanhouse community café will be taking place in the housing estate’s community centre. The café is a place where people of all ages can meet and enjoy quality food at low prices. Pray for Evangelist, Lynne Bone, and her team of volunteers as they run the café.

October 31 This afternoon the Happy Hands group will be meeting at Oak House where people gather to knit, crochet and pray together. Pray for those who are new to this group that they will feel welcomed and will have opportunities to hear something of Jesus.

November 1 Spend some time today praying for Lynne and Peter Bone as they help to lead Oak Church and bring the Good News of Jesus to the Tanhouse estate. May they continue to persevere and glorify God in everything they do.

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October 26 – November 1

Prayer for the project

We’re excited about our resource, Stepping into evangelism, filled with practical advice and exercises to help you and your church reach out to others in words and action. Launched earlier this year, we have distributed thousands of copies nationwide and are praying it will bear much fruit for God’s kingdom. To buy your copy visit

November 2

November 3 Pray for the many churches that are using Stepping into evangelism as individuals or in their home groups. May it help them step back and reflect on their personal witness and their witness as a church.

November 4 Give thanks for all of our new supporters who’ve received a free copy of Stepping into evangelism by signing up to our mailing list. Pray Stepping into evangelism will be a great introduction for them to Church Army and they will be inspired to get more involved in our work.

November 5 Pray for all those promoting Stepping into evangelism at Church Army speaking engagements in churches and at special


Spend some time praising God for the thousands of copies of Stepping into evangelism that have been distributed over the past six months. Pray it will resource and enable the church in evangelism and inspire people to share the gospel with those they meet day-to-day.

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Stepping i

November 2 – 8

Stepping into evangelism

events. May people capture the vision of the resource and sign up for a copy.

November 6 Pray for Church Army’s Marketing Team as they make future plans for Stepping into evangelism so that it can reach an even wider audience.

November 7 Pray for Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada) who are reproducing Stepping into evangelism for the Canadian church.

November 8 Spend some time praying today for your church and for its evangelism and outreach.

“…these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” John 20:31 6 prayer diary

During this season of remembrance, we remember Jesus’ loving sacrifice on the cross that motivates all that we do as we reach out to others. to do craft, games and a short act of worship. Most of these have no previous contact with church.” Also, praise God for the children that were baptised last week from the project.

November 12 November 9 On this Remembrance Sunday, spend some time reflecting on those who have lost their lives in conflict across the world and their families. Pray for the remembrance events and services that are taking place nationwide today, that people will hear something of Jesus’ loving sacrifice for each and every one of us.

November 10 Pray for Paul Whiteley in Spalding, Lincolnshire, and for his work as chaplain for the Royal Naval Association. During this season of remembrance, pray he will have many opportunities to share the gospel with its members.

Pray for Keith Shaw, Lead Chaplain at South Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, as he works across three hospitals caring for the spiritual needs of patients, carers and staff.

November 13 Pray for Matthew Rowley, Family and Young People’s Worker at Christ Church with All Saints in Blackpool. Matthew started this new role in September – so please pray he will be able to build teams of volunteers for outreach.

November 14 Pray for Retired Evangelist, Diane Giles, at St John’s Felbridge in West Sussex as she organises a Church Army Weekend being held on November 22-23. Pray that people will be inspired by our life-changing work.

November 11

November 15

Give thanks for the Open House Project which Val Legg runs each Tuesday after school for families at St Mary’s Church Liscard, Merseyside. Val said: “We now have 25 to 35 children and adults coming

Give thanks for the Bacon Buddies group which Gordon Lamb leads on the Meole housing estate in Shrewsbury where people gather together each week for food and an informal service.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 prayer diary 7

November 9 – 15

Loving sacrifice

Last Christmas, Barbara found herself alone and homeless on the streets of London – but what a difference a year can make thanks to our Marylebone Project. Here she shares with you her amazing journey of redemption and the Christmas Angels that helped her on her way…


ast Christmas I was so angry with God. Inside I was filled with despair and sadness. As I faced Christmas alone on the streets, I looked back on my life and wondered how I had reached this dark place. Previously I had enjoyed a successful career working as an intensive care nurse in Portugal but when the recession hit I lost my job and struggled to find another. So I decided to come to the UK for a fresh start and to use my skills, but in my first week here in London I ended up tripping over and breaking my ankle in five places. With a broken ankle I couldn’t get a job and slowly my money began to run out. I just didn’t know what to do and another lady in the hostel suggested that I go to the church for help. At the time I wasn’t a Christian and I thought: why would the church help someone like me? All Christians do is pray. But I was so hungry and my leg

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was so painful I thought it was worth a try. When I arrived at the church the people inside were having a big Christmas party and a lady at the door welcomed me in asking me “are you ok?” She gave me soup and hot tea and reassured me of her help. I was put in touch with a hostel for homeless women run by Catholic nuns where I was able to stay for three months while my ankle healed. As I walked through the door of the hostel on my first night I noticed a picture of an angel above me and realised I had seen that same angel in one of my dreams a few nights before. It was then that I knew perhaps God did have a plan for me. Slowly I healed and I was lucky enough to be given a room at Church Army’s Marylebone Project for homeless women where I began to rebuild my life. It was around this time that I realised I hadn’t been living the right way and that God had used my broken ankle to bring me to him. So I decided to be baptised.

To donate to our Christmas Angel appeal, please return the Prayer Diary coupon, call the fundraising team on 0300 123 2113 or give online at christmasangel where you can also watch a film bout Barbara and download other Christmas resources.

Please pray for: 1. women living at the project as they look to move into their own homes 2. women who are sleeping rough and who use the project’s day centre As I was given the key to my room at the Marylebone Project I cried so much. It was like a castle to me and I knew how lucky I was. The staff at the project were so kind to me and with their help I was able to secure a job at a nearby hotel. When I wasn’t at work I also found I had a new desire to help others so I began volunteering to help women who had been trafficked. Meeting these women made me realise how small my problems really were.

3. women who are struggling with mental health problems and are being cared for by the project’s specialist Valentia Suite 4. women who have expressed an interest in finding out more about Christianity 5. the project’s social enterprise, Munch in Marylebone – a catering business which provides women with training 6. the Christmas events which are being held at the project over the coming weeks 7. staff, volunteers and local churches who are connected to the project

Now, one year on as I look forward to Christmas, my life is so different. I love my job at the hotel, I’m applying to university to train as a midwife and thanks to the Marylebone Project I will soon hopefully move into my own home. I appreciate life so much now and pray to God each day to make me more like him. I am so grateful to all those who have cared for me this year and were like angels sent by God to bring hope into my life. They saved me.

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November 16 – 22

Will you be an angel to homeless women like Barbara this Christmas?

November 23 – 29

Church Army’s Research Unit Join us in praying for our Research Unit this week as they investigate new forms of church and fresh expressions of church.

November 23 John Vivian has recently joined the Research Unit team to work with Claire Dalpra. Together they are investigating the spiritual backgrounds of people who attend fresh expressions of church, as well as their age and gender. Pray that John continues to settle into his new role and that they uncover hard evidence and form wise conclusions.

November 24 Pray for Andy Wier as he continues working on a research project looking at the sustainability of fresh expressions of church and considers the question “what factors are needed to develop fresh expressions of church that last?”

November 25 The Research Unit are well into phase two of their diocesan research into fresh expressions of church, surveying all known examples in a further 10 dioceses. Pray for George Lings, Elspeth McGann and Claire Dalpra as they draw conclusions from the statistical evidence gathered.

November 26 Pray for George Lings as he researches stories of young churches and writes them up for the online publication Snapshots

– stories from the edge. Pray also for Andrew Wooding as he edits it.

November 27 George Lings is speaking to Church Army’s Research the Yorkshire Unit team Archdeacons Network today in Sheffield. Please pray the evidence he presents about how older and newer churches grow will inform the group’s thinking about diocesan policy and how they support local church leaders.

November 28 Church Army’s Research Unit receives a number of invitations to speak at conferences and events. Pray for wisdom for the team to balance its time between doing the research and speaking about it.

November 29 Next week on December 4 the Faith in Research Conference - ‘from evidence to action’ is taking place in Sheffield. Pray for the Research Unit as they prepare to speak at it.

“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” Psalm 33:4 10 prayer diary

Advent and Christmas are such an exciting time with so many opportunities to share the gospel. Let’s make the most of them!

November 30 Remember Gill Martin at St Francis Church in Strood as she leads a number of outreach services during Advent and Christmas, including a carol service at Medway Towns District campsite on 12 December, a Christingle, and a carol service on 21 December.

December 1 Pray for all of our homeless projects as staff and volunteers plan and hold special events during Advent and Christmas for those they support.

December 2 Spend some time praying for those in Church Army who will be leading or organising carol services or outreach events over the coming few weeks.

December 3 Pray for Retired Evangelist, Alan Cooper, and his involvement in the Christmas Tree Festival which starts today at St Mary’s and All Saints Church in Bingham, Nottinghamshire. He said: “We look forward to welcoming many visitors, for most of who this will be their first visit to a church. Pray that they will find a warm welcome and be introduced to the love of our Lord as well as enjoying the beauty of the festival.”

December 4

November 30 – December 6

Making the most of Christmas

Give thanks for the opportunities those in Church Army have to share about Christmas in schools through assemblies and Christingles.

December 5 Praise God for the Silent Night Carol events which are taking place across the country in sports stadiums and churches. These events are part of HOPE 2014’s Greater Love initiative and will be focused on the Christmas truce in the trenches during World War One where troops sang Silent Night in German and in English on Christmas Eve 1914.

December 6 Spend some time praying for friends, family and neighbours who you would like to invite to church this Christmas so they can hear the Good News about Jesus.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.” Isaiah 9:6 prayer diary 11

December 7 – 13

Church Army International Join us this week as we pray for our Church Army brothers and sisters worldwide.

December 7

December 10

Give thanks for Church Army Denmark’s night shelters for those who are homeless in the cities of Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg and Odense. Pray that through this practical support those who use the shelters see something of Jesus and the freedom, healing and restoration that he alone can offer.

Pray for Conrad Parsons, National Coordinator of Church Army Australia, as he works to establish 12 regional networks of evangelists across Australia over the next three years. Pray for the organisation also as it celebrates its 80th anniversary.

December 8

December 11 Give thanks for Joyce Fowler who has completed her Certificate in Evangelism and Local Mission with Church Army New Zealand and who has been authorised as an associate evangelist. May God use her greatly to extend his kingdom.

December 12

Remember Evangelists, Eden and Carolyn McAuley, in New Brunswick who are part of Threshold Ministries (formerly Church Army Canada). Pray for them as they mentor men and women leaving prison and rehabilitation who are trying to start a new life off the streets. Give thanks for those who have started afresh thanks to this mentoring programme.

Pray for Dr Vincent Oyato and Lab Technician Ochieng Oyato, who run Church Army Africa’s medical clinic in Nairobi, Kenya. Pray for the community training events they hold with the Ministry of Health educating people on issues such as HIV testing and counselling.

December 9

December 13

Pray for the work of Church Army Jamaica, which is led by Phyllis Thomas and focuses on parish ministry including school chaplaincy, hospital chaplaincy and social work.

Pray for Maurice Webster who leads Church Army Barbados and for the evangelists and volunteers who serve their communities through the local churches.

“Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” Revelation 21:1 12 prayer diary

The Valley of Hope Project in Wales works with ex-offenders and those suffering from physical abuse, substance misuse and mental-health issues. Founded on practical Christian care, it provides people with transitional housing, support and training as it helps them to rebuild their lives. Visit

December 14 Spend some time today praising God for all those who have turned their lives around thanks to the Valley of Hope Project. As one lady said: “Three days after my child was born, I was suddenly given what I had been longing for, a lifeline to a new beginning, whereby I met Ralph Upton and Paul Jones from the Valley of Hope Project. Thankfully they both believed in me and offered me a house in the valleys. At last a real home that I could call my own.”

December 15 Pray for all those who have recently been referred to the project as they make the transition to a less chaotic lifestyle. Pray too for the Valley of Hope team as they put together personal support plans for people and help them access accommodation.

December 16 Pray for those using the project who take part in activities and courses covering topics such as budgeting, craft, healthy living, cookery, IT and workplace skills. Pray these workshops will not only teach people new skills but also improve their confidence.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

December 17

Valley of Hope photography group

Give thanks for the project’s photography group which has seen people exhibit their work at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay and the Muni Arts Centre in Pontypridd.

December 14 – 20

Valley of Hope

December 18 Pray for those at the project who will find Christmas a difficult and lonely time of year, whether due to family breakdown, addiction or other reasons. Give thanks for the Christmas meal which the project organises where people can enjoy fun and fellowship.

December 19 Spend some time praying for Ralph Upton who leads the project and his team of staff and volunteers.

December 20 Pray for vulnerable people in your area and for the projects that work hard to support them.

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December 21 – 27

Joy to the world

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’ Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.’ When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’ So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered tahem in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” Luke 2:8-20

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This week as we joyfully celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, join with us as we reflect on this passage from Luke’s Gospel and what we can learn from the shepherds. As you meditate on God’s word, spend some time thinking about the following questions in relation to the passage: • What can we learn from the shepherds about believing and trusting in God’s word? • What can we learn from the shepherds about obeying God’s word? • What can we learn from the shepherds about proclaiming God’s word to others? Will you be like the shepherds this Christmas? Each day this week, spend time praying for someone that you know who doesn’t yet know Jesus for themselves. Intercede for them, that this Christmas they may be struck afresh by the gospel.

Evangelists John O’Neill and Karen Webb lead the Lisburn Centre of Mission in Northern Ireland with a focus on children’s and schools work. Karen is also the Children’s Ministry Coordinator at Lisburn Cathedral. Visit May they too come to know Jesus Christ for themselves.

December 31


December 28 Give thanks for the children who attend Kidzone each Friday evening at Lisburn Cathedral, which Karen leads. Pray for the gospel to be clearly communicated, particularly as many of the children are from non-churched backgrounds and have no knowledge of Jesus and the Bible.

December 29 Pray for the many opportunities that John and Karen have to share their faith in schools through assemblies, puppet workshops, after-school clubs and curriculum-based subjects relating to the Christian faith. Pray that these good relationships will continue with the schools and for many gospel seeds to be sown into the pupils’ lives.

December 30 Pray for the staff and teachers at the schools that John and Karen visit regularly.

Pray for all those involved in the annual area and diocesan-wide Kids Praise Events along with John and Karen. May the children who come understand their value as children of God and get excited about sharing Jesus with others.

December 28 – January 3

Lisburn Centre of Mission

January 1 Remember Karen and John as they look ahead to the coming terms and plan accordingly. May they be faithful to God’s word and may the Holy Spirit direct them in what to teach the children.

January 2 Praise God for the opportunities Karen and John have to provide training to churches and other children’s workers. May this resource and enable others to share their faith through words and action.

January 3 Alongside his work with children, John is also the chaplain to the province-wide Harley Davidson Chapter. Pray God will provide him with opportunities to share his faith with the bikers and their families as he offers them spiritual and pastoral support.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 5:17 prayer diary 15

January 4 – 10

New year, new life As 2015 begins, we pray for our evangelists working in communities across the United Kingdom and Ireland.

January 4 Pray for the Open Doors Community Café which Sheila Samuels runs on the St John’s housing estate in WaltonSheila Samuels launching on-Thames in the Open Doors café Surrey. May it help people on the estate connect with the local church.

January 5 We are very excited to have launched a new Centre of Mission in Dundee, Scotland, which is a partnership between us and the Diocese of Brechin. Pray for the Centre of Mission Team, Kerry Dixon and Craig Dowling, as they look for ways to share the gospel with the community.

January 6 Remember Gordon Banks as he starts a new role this month as Mission and Growth Partner in the Stafford Episcopal Area.

January 7 Give thanks for Kevin Metcalfe, Children’s and Outreach Coordinator at St John’s Wimborne in Dorset, and the many opportunities he has to sow gospel seeds

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into children’s lives. Pray today for the School Run Coffee Morning and for the parents and carers who come along to it.

January 8 Rick Tett leads the Tolladine Mission in Worcester and would like prayer for the school garden project and for the pupils involved in it – particularly those who are struggling academically or are from chaotic backgrounds.

January 9 Pray for Colin Taylor at St John’s Dromara and Garvaghy, Northern Ireland, as he leads a team planning a year-long parish mission for 2015. Pray particularly for the organisation of the men’s breakfasts, Praise Services, Easter Dawn Service and Messy Church events.

January 10 Pray for the teenagers at the Rock Solid group at Christ Church The Quinton in Birmingham as they meet each week to learn more about Jesus. Pray for Ade Prescott as he leads the group and plans materials.

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:14-15

Many of our retired evangelists continue to be active in their ministry and this week we pray for them.

January 11

January 14

Ken Cavanagh in Alicante, Spain, would like prayer for a new monthly group he has started called Stepping Stones for those coping with loss. He said: “Please ask God especially for wisdom and understanding and a willingness for people to come to the monthly meeting and fully participate.”

Pray for Cliff Rouse in his role as hospital chaplain at Bradford Royal Infirmary. May he bring hope and comfort to all those he meets.

January 12 Pray for Theresa Pountney at St Paul’s Church in Marylebone, London, and for the Torch Fellowship group which she leads for blind and partially sighted people.

January 11 – 17

Retired evangelists

January 15 Michael Amos at St Aidan’s Church in Cannock, Staffordshire, would like to praise God for the community café which the church runs each Wednesday offering cooked breakfasts and meals. Around 50 people are now attending it each week which is great news.

January 16 Pray for Aileen Taylor as she facilitates the West Yorkshire and Humberside Retired Cluster for Church Army Evangelists where its members meet together for prayer, fellowship and encouragement. Theresa Pountney

January 13 Josie Midwinter in Didcot, Oxfordshire, would like prayer for her outreach to the new housing estate, Great Western Park. With the newly built community centre due to be opened on the estate, pray for Josie and others in her church as they consider which groups to set up, including a toddler group and coffee drop in.

January 17 Spend some time praying for elderly people you know in your community who are struggling with ill-health, loneliness or bereavement. Pray local churches will find ways to share the hope of the gospel with them.

“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Proverbs 4:18 prayer diary 17

January 18 – 24

Community chaplaincy Many of our evangelists are involved in offering spiritual support within institutions and organisations including universities, hospitals, schools, workplaces and supermarkets. Join us as we pray for them this week.

January 22

January 18 Mike Reeder is chaplain at St Luke’s Hospice in Sheffield. He said: “Give thanks for the continued opportunities the chaplaincy team has to support people facing life-limiting illness and death and for those who have found new hope. Please pray with us for our daily encounters that we will always be ready to hear the questions that people are really asking and that God will give us the grace and strength to act appropriately.”

January 19 Pray for David Grace, chaplain at Weston General Hospital in Weston-super-Mare and for the team of staff and volunteers who work alongside him.

January 20 Give thanks for the opportunities that Roger Horsley at our Warwick Centre of Mission has to explain the gospel as chaplain at the Jaguar/ Land Rover Factory in Coventry and at the solicitors firm Wright Hassall in Leamington Spa.

January 21 Pray for Kathy Green, Chaplain at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, as she supports staff, children and their families.

Remember Patrick Samuels, Faith Coordinator and Chaplain for Surrey Police. Pray for Patrick as he supports the Patrick Samuels volunteer police chaplains, provides training to the police and builds links between the police and faith communities in the area.

January 23 Ian Maher is the Anglican Chaplain and Multifaith Chaplaincy Co-ordinator at Sheffield Hallam University. Ian requests prayer for opportunities to connect effectively with those students who feel overwhelmed or who are experiencing difficulties.

January 24 Pray for Louise Yaull, chaplain at Sheffield Teaching Hospital Trust, as she offers God’s healing and comfort to patients, their families and staff through listening, loving presence and prayerful encouragement.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 18 prayer diary

The Selby Centre of Mission works with the community on the Flaxley Road Estate in Selby, North Yorkshire. This week we focus our prayer on its youth group, DNA, which works with young people from a non-Christian background. Visit

January 25

January 25 – 31

Selby Centre of Mission

Spend some time thanking God for DNA’s developing sense of community and pray that, as the group discover more of Jesus, they will find that it is he who is holding their community together.

January 26 Thank God for the volunteers who help to run the group and pray for God to call more leaders into this ministry who are able to nurture trust and get alongside the young people.

January 27 DNA relies on the favour of the local children’s centre for provision of a place to meet. Please thank God for this provision and pray the group may continue to meet there.

January 28 Part of DNA’s vision is to use film making to help the group explore the heartbeat of Jesus in a broken world. Pray for inspiration and for the discovery of new gifts and skills among the young people as they plan their next film project.

January 29 DNA’s first film From Despair to Hope told the story of a young person who met Jesus and was healed of drug addiction. Please pray for protection for the young people

from the temptations they face regarding drugs and alcohol.

January 30 This year Neil Walpole who leads DNA hopes to launch a youth home group for those who want to find out more about Jesus and grow their faith. Pray for young people to respond to this opportunity and for wisdom for the leadership team.

January 31 Please pray for all the young people at DNA that they will put their hope and trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and that they will live out their faith in the community.

“…all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16-17 prayer diary 19

February 1 – 7



Our Xplore programme is for 18 to 25-year-olds and provides young adults with evangelism training in their local communities along with mission placements and weekends throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland and Romania. Visit

February 1 Pray for our Xplorers nationwide as they live and speak for Jesus in their local communities. May the online evangelism training and teaching they receive each week as part of Xplore resource and equip them.

February 2 Pray for our Xplorers who are in employment and are involved in workplace evangelism to their colleagues. May they be blessed with gospel conversations and build good friendships with their colleagues.

February 3 Remember our Xplorers who are at university and are sharing their faith with their housemates and friends, those on their course, lecturers, and other students on campus.

February 4 Over the coming two months, the Xplorers will be taking part in a mission week in Liverpool where they will put all that they’ve learnt into practice. Pray for the Xplorers

20 prayer diary

and Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, as they plan and prepare for the mission week.

February 5 Pray for the Xplorers as they prepare to go on a mission trip to Romania this term where they will be working among some of the poorest communities in Europe. Pray also for the friends they will be taking on the trip who don’t yet know Jesus for themselves.

February 6 Pray for Xplore Programme Leader, Neville Barnes, as he prepares and leads teaching sessions each week. Pray also for safety and energy as he travels throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland visiting the Xplorers.

February 7 Give thanks for all those taking part in Xplore USA which was launched last year and has groups meeting on the campuses of Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City University and Arkansas University in Wisconsin. Pray the programme will grow and flourish for God’s glory.

“In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...” 1 Peter 1:3

Join us as we pray for those in leadership roles within Church Army.

February 8

February 12

Church Army Chief Executive, Mark Russell, would like to give thanks for the opportunity he had last week to speak at a youth conference in Helsinki, Finland. Pray that as he travels to speaking engagements nationally and internationally God would give him all that he needs.

As Church Army responds to the changing needs of our society, pray for Deputy Chief Executive, Des Scott, as he oversees change across the organisation. May he have wisdom and compassion to lead it well.

Spend some time praying for our board members: Bonnie Appleton, Peter Ridge, Rob Barker, John Applegate, Dorothy Needham, David Wilbourne, Graham Nunn, Steve Eccleston, Wendy Saunders Wendy Saunders and Joanna Cox. May God give them wisdom, vision and integrity as they make decisions about Church Army’s future.

February 10

February 13

Give thanks for the Bishop of Chelmsford and Chair of Church Army’s Board, Stephen Cottrell, and for his gifts, skills and passion for evangelism.

Pray for Finance Manager, David Arundale, and for his team as they work hard to ensure the smooth running of Church Army’s finances and accounts.

February 11

February 14

Remember Marketing Manager, Neil Thomson, as he leads Church Army’s Marketing Team which is responsible for communications and fundraising. Pray he will have strategic vision and creativity in all that he does.

Spend some time giving thanks and praying for those you know who are working in full-time Christian leadership and ministry. Pray each day they will return to the cross as they seek Jesus in all they do.

February 9

February 8 – 14

Church Army’s Leadership

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18

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February 15 – 21

Online evangelism This week we pray for our Now a Christian course and the Christian Enquiry Agency (CEA) website. Visit and recently are N (who has become a Christian in the UK but dare not tell her husband who would be deeply opposed), S (who is a Muslim who has become fascinated by Jesus), and R (who was baptised last July after months of emailing – he first got in touch after a health scare). Please pray for them.

February 18 February 15 is the website run by the CEA and supported by Church Army which allows people to find out about the Christian faith. Praise God that during the past year 252,883 people visited the website. About two per cent of these people come from countries where it would be very difficult to find out about Jesus any other way, so please pray for people who are reading the website in secret.

February 16 During the year, 1,702 people used the CEA website to make personal contact. Some asked for a free Gospel of Luke, some had a question about Christianity which we were able to answer and we pointed others to a nearby church. Please pray for them.

February 17 Among the people the Christian Enquiry Agency has been in conversation with

Now a Christian is a free course for people who have recently become Christians. Pray for all those who download Now a Christian as a mobile app, may it be an encouragement and challenge to them.

February 19 Pray for all those who sign up to Now a Christian via the website – more than 3,000 people so far!

February 20 Pray that more and more churches will come to hear about Now a Christian and that it will be a useful resource to them as they look to help people grow in faith.

February 21 Spend some time praying for all those involved in the CEA and Now a Christian as they look to grow and develop them.

“Pay attention and turn your ear to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach…” Proverbs 22:17 22 prayer diary

Join us this week as we pray for the children and young people we work with.

February 22

February 26

Spend some time praying for all the children and parents who attend the Superkidz Parties which are run by Nick Russell from our Greenwich Centre of Mission in London. Pray for Nick and the team as they plan materials for these events.

Pray for all those who are part of Church Army who lead assemblies in schools. May the Holy Spirit guide them in their planning and give them the right words to say.

February 23

Nicholas Lebey at our Greenwich Centre of Mission in London would like to praise God for all those who attend and help with the Friday Night Youth Club. Pray for Nick as he looks to start Nicholas Lebey small groups for the young people where they can find out more about Jesus and grow in their faith.

Pray for Nic Sheppard, Diocesan Youth Work Adviser for West Yorkshire and the Dales, as he advises and supports parishes in developing their work and mission with young people.

February 24 Praise God for the families that attend Messy Church led by Clynt French each month at Emmaus Primary School on the Wybourn estate in Sheffield. Pray that increasing numbers of families in the community will connect with the group.

February 25 Pray for Snapshots, an after-school family service at St Saviour’s Church in High Green, Sheffield, which is led by Maureen Greaves each Wednesday. Pray that through the songs, storytelling, puppets and drama the gospel will be clearly proclaimed.

February 22 – 28

Children and young people

February 27

February 28 Pray for the Christian children and young people that you know; that they will be confident in their faith and have opportunities to share Jesus with their friends and those at school. Pray also for those you know who don’t yet know Jesus.

The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.” Isaiah 35:1-2 prayer diary 23

DNA youth club at our Selby Centre of Mission

“ …all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16-17

Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos. 226226 & SC040457 A Company Limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No: 37169

ISSN 1751–3979

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Church Army, Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ, Tel: 0300 123 2113 Email: Web:

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