Cfs annual report 08 09

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CFS, The School At Church Farm Report to Donors 2008 - 2009

Class of 2009 Our students have extremely varied talents, interests and ambitions, as reflected in the wide variety of colleges and universities they have chosen. The 32 members of our newest graduating class will be attending: Albright College, Bloomsburg University, University of California - San Diego, Cogswell Polytechnic College, Community College of Philadelphia, Culinary Institute of America, Drexel University, East Carolina University, University of Hawaii, Hobart & William Smith College, Howard University, University of Maryland, Maryland Institute College of Art, University of Miami, Millersville University, NYU, N.C. State, Ohio State, Purdue, St. John’s University, St. Peter’s College, State University of New York (SUNY), Syracuse University and West Chester University.

The 87th graduating class of CFS Schools attended by other recent Church Farm graduates include: American University, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Emory, Johnson & Wales, University of Illinois, Penn State – University Park, Pepperdine, Seton Hall, Swarthmore and University of Virginia.

Top: Graduation ceremonies in the Chapel of the Atonement, closed with “The Lord Bless You & Keep You,” sung by the CFS Choir, joined by alumni and faculty. Clockwise, from left: 1) Many members of Chase Hamilton’s extended family came to graduation, including his aunt and cousins pictured with him here. 2) The traditional blessing, “May the Lord bless your going out and your coming in, from this day forward and forevermore,” is bestowed upon a new graduate. 3) Max Jenkins ’08, joined with Hongbae Jung and Myung-Jae Yoo in celebrating after the ceremony. 4) Matt Tisera flashed a smile at his mother upon receiving his diploma from Interim Head Tim Rodd and Board Chair Sam Ballam. 5) Academic and cottage faculty members donned their “colors,” the hoods that reflect their colleges and degrees, as they lined up for the graduation procession. 2

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

Dear Friends, The measurable success of a private and independent educational institution like ours is to be found in the clarity and purposeful direction of its mission, the character and dedication of its people, and the sustaining capacity and growth of its financial support. We are truly blessed that for over ninety years and counting, these three elements have been a distinguishing characteristic and key to our on-going vitality. CFS rests firmly on solid ground and our daily work is dedicated to serving that mission around which talented and caring people continue to gather, and for which they offer a commitment of energy, talent and treasure.

The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Shreiner visits with students on the steps of Greystock Hall during the early 1950’s.

In these pages you will see what I mean expressed in the words and images of several people representative of our purpose. Each offers a perspective on something more than just the meaning of a CFS education; indeed, their testimony is of the very experience of being here, of living and learning in this environment and where that wonderful work and time together may lead. And I trust you will come to know how your support of our mission continues to provide young men with significant, even life-changing, opportunity. This is a gift we aspire to offer now and into the future, and we remain grateful to all our friends and supporters who help make this possible.

Beyond the stories of mission and people, these pages offer a brief and important view into our annual financial condition. We are strong, and yet we also remain dependent on those who believe in who we are and what we do. While endowment income remains substantial, it provides 20% less of the susNed with his student advisees, (L to R) Avery taining capacity it did only two Osborne, Maxwell Drexler, Doolun Anyam, years ago. To offset this reality, Yu Sun, and Matthew Pressman we are dedicated to evaluating and making the necessary adjustments to operations, while seeking to expand both the base of our support through increased annual giving and the number of new friends we can bring into fellowship with us.

“... your support of our mission continues to provide young men with significant, even lifechanging, opportunity.”

We are engaged in important work and we look to you, our current generation of friends and benefactors, to affirm and renew your conviction that we are doing those things of which our founder would be proud and God will continually bless. For that we remain profoundly and eternally grateful. Faithfully yours,

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

The Rev. Edmund “Ned” K. Sherrill II Head of School


Who We Are... An aspiring veterinarian motivated by community service Joshua Rice ’10, the second of five brothers, came to CFS from Baltimore as a seventh grader. He tells about a trip to the zoo when he was young: “I saw staff taking care of an injured elephant, and I knew I wanted to do something like that.” As part of the CFS community service program, Josh has worked at Chenoa Manor, an animal sanctuary, and “helping Dr. Rob with the animals there made me think specifically about becoming a vet.” He completed more than 100 hours of service this past year, part of the over 2,500 total hours worked by Church Farm students.

Josh tending one of the llamas at Chenoa Manor, an animal sanctuary where students regularly volunteer as part of the CFS community service program.

Another important lesson that Josh has learned at CFS is time management, as he juggles academic (honor roll student) and other commitments. He works as a prefect in a cottage with 7th and 8th graders, helping with their studies as well as enforcing rules. Josh comments that it’s hard work always being the role model for the younger guys. He also gets up before his classmates each day to work in the dining hall, serving breakfast to the CFS community. In addition to his work and service efforts this past year, Josh was part of a group that organized a new student government organization.

When asked what’s special about CFS, Josh said, “All the adults here really care, you can go to any one of them for help.” He especially appreciates his faculty advisor, Ms. Sarah O’Neill, who has been a “great help with both big and small things.” When asked about Josh, Sarah said that he is a great young man, but most importantly “he knows what is right, and he stands up for it, even when it’s not popular.” Josh’s younger brother, Tyler, who hopes to start at CFS in September, 2010, has a strong role model to follow.

A dedicated teacher learning alongside his students It’s hard to know who learns more in one of Eric Fulmer’s classes, the students or the instructor. “Teaching history, I’ve got to keep learning, there is just so much to know,” says this third-year teacher. When he arrived at Church Farm, Eric knew that he had big shoes to fill, those of beloved, long-time teacher, Joe Rhile – and fill them he did. This past year, Eric taught A/P (Advanced Placement) History for his first time, and seven of his nine students passed the rigorous A/P exam, with three earning a perfect score (5) – a record for CFS. “I always knew that I wanted to teach, and if I was going to do it, to do it well,” says Eric. He completed his degree in history and secondary education, with teacher certification, at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre. Although certification is not necessary for independent school teachers, Eric notes that Director of Academics Ken Rodgers is going in this direction. “I really appreciate Ken’s vision for our academic program – increasing the rigor for both students and teachers,” says Eric. Consistent with this, he is working on his master’s in education, and anticipates receiving his degree from Cabrini College next spring.

Eric Fulmer keeps his students interested with an active approach to teaching.

What really drew Eric to CFS, however, is the sense of community, plus the benefit of classes of eight to twelve students, allowing teachers to adapt their methods to the different learning styles of students. Asked about his classroom style, he said “to be effective you can’t lecture, you’ve got to make it interactive. The students need to be reacting, really thinking, working their minds to understand complex issues.” Eric also emphasizes technology to challenge students and keep them engaged. His students report that in Mr. Fulmer’s classes “you work hard, but he always makes it interesting.” Their teacher notes “our students are here because they want to be, they want to learn.” This combination makes for a very powerful learning environment at CFS, for both students and teachers.


Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

Who We Are... A parent seeking a small school and diverse student body “Parents and sons find their own unique way to CFS,” says Rachel Lawton, parent of Kody, who will be graduating in June, 2010. Kody, Rachel’s second son, is a bright, athletic young man who needed a new environment. The very diverse, small boarding school environment of CFS seemed the perfect choice for Kody, who came to CFS as a 10th grader. “It’s been a great balance between living at CFS and coming home on weekends,” notes Rachel, “and with Bob Price as his houseparent in Rhinelander Cottage, I always know that Kody is in good, safe, supportive hands while he is at school.” This involved parent describes CFS as a “nurturing, yet stimulating” environment where boys can grow up and become responsible, successful students and moral individuals. Small classes ensure that students are challenged academically, yet “they are not overly-burdened, so they gain confidence in their abilities.” Like many CFS students, sports are a top priority for Kody. Rachel enthuses, “He has had a lot of fun playing soccer and baseball, and the coaching has been excellent as well.” Parent/Teacher Nights connect school and home. Rachel has met all of Kody’s teachers during these events and remarks, “I have felt that each of them wanted the best for him and helped him to set and achieve ambitious goals.”

Rachel Lawton, mother of Kody ’10, is a founding member of the CFS Parents’ Association.

Kody is in the process of applying to colleges and doesn’t know yet where he’ll be going. Wherever that is, Rachel says, “I believe he is well-prepared to take the next step towards discovering what he wants to do with his life and determining how he is going to get there, because of the ‘total person preparation’ he has received at CFS. As a parent, that’s what I want from a school.”

An alumnus with a mission to serve his country Paul Miranda ’04 has many memories of CFS, but his fondest is of his “band of brothers.” He recalls, “I had such close friendships with my classmates at CFS, and I tried really hard to build the same kind of relationships when I got to college. However, I wasn’t able to do it – there is something unique about the time, the place, the closeness we experienced.” In his years since graduating, Paul cites other important influences from his CFS experience. “Dr. (Bob) Devenney – learning math from him was one of the things that made me want to get into engineering.” The other area was leadership – that it’s a “two-way street.” Paul says that while people may think it’s difficult to be the one in charge, the real challenge is being a good team player. He’s found that “followership” is an essential part of leadership. Paul came to CFS from Jersey City, N.J., as a ninth grader with his twin brother, Peter, at the urging of his favorite 7th grade teacher. They both excelled as students. Paul was a Student Ambassador, member of Griffin Odyssey, was inducted into the National Honor Society, and received the Union League Award for Citizenship. He graduated from Drexel University, completed his ROTC training, and despite several job opportunities, chose to join the Army as a member of a Combat Engineering unit. Paul cites General Colin Powell as one of his inspirations. Powell said, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure.”

Paul receiving his commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army; behind him are his parents, Danilo Miranda and Marieta David.

As far as continuing his support for his CFS “band of brothers” Paul says, “right now I want to be involved with helping the seniors get into college, especially those who want to join the military or go into engineering.” He says that eventually he’d like to develop an active network of alumni supporting current students through networking and mentoring.

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009


Keeping Faith The Rev. Dr. Charles Wesley Shreiner established the Church Farm School in 1918 with five boys and a dream: to provide an opportunity where seemingly there was none. Specifically, he set his sights on supporting single parent homes with little financial means to raise and educate sons. He was often quoted as saying, “If God gives us a vision of something that He wants done, He also gives us the ability to do it.” The “Colonel,” as he was known and admired, lived by this maxim, and we continue to do so today. By design, our primary source of financial support is not derived from tuition. At every step, thanks to the faithful generosity of loyal friends, alumni and parents, we have built a strong and vibrant school community upon the founder’s vision. Simply put, through their charitable giving to the Annual Fund and Endowment, these generous saints have kept faith with us and continue to make the CFS mission a living reality for many deserving families, providing us with the ability to do what needs to be done.

Current Head of School Rev. Sherrill with the portrait of CFS founder, Rev. Shreiner

Annual Giving Annual Giving contributes significant additional financial resources to the annual operation of the school and also, when designated, provides added resources to the school’s endowment. Giving to CFS totaled nearly $1.2 million during the past fiscal year, a time of challenging economic conditions. While this presented a decrease from prior years, reflective of decreased philanthropic giving across the nation during the time period, CFS maintained its high level of service in all program areas.

Total Annual Giving

Annual Giving Trend $1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200

Annual Fund - 25% $000

Bequests and Estates - 30% Major Gifts - 34% Events and Other - 11%

1,000 800 600 400 200 0

‘06 - ’07

‘07 - ’08

‘08 - ’09

Annual Fund 2008 - 2009 The Annual Fund seeks to establish and maintain a regular habit of annual giving among all constituencies of the school community. Numbers of people participating and the amount given each year offer CFS a vote of confidence as well as a predictable source of revenue, relieving pressure on tuition and endowment. It is an important indicator of the value of our mission and its future sustainability.


Friends - 49% Foundations - 18% Alumni - 13% Trustees - 7.5% Other Organizations - 5% Faculty and Staff - 4% Parents - 3.5%

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

Keeping Faith The Annual Fund contributed $296,000 during 2008-2009. A decline from prior years, this figure is reflective of general trends across the country. Unlike most other independent schools, it is the friends of CFS who make up a larger portion of our support than any other constituent group.

Endowment Making a CFS education affordable has been at the heart of all giving for over ninety years, and the CFS Endowment Fund is at the center of all efforts to sustain our founding mission and business model. It is designed and managed to generate sufficient revenue to support annual operations.

CFS Endowment $160,000

3-year Rolling Avg.

140,000 120,000 $000


The CFS Endowment Fund performed better than its comparative benchmarks during the past year, yet as with other non-profit organizations both nationally and world-wide, the investment portfolio suffered a significant decline. While this appears dramatic in a one-year window, careful management of a diversified portfolio has delivered an average annual gain of 8.5% over the past fifteen years.

Year-end Value

80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0

‘00 ’01 ‘02 ’03 ‘04 ’05 ‘06 07 ‘08 ’09

During 2008-2009, the endowment provided 76.5% of operational funding. This represents a 5.46% draw against the fund’s three-year rolling average, below our 6.01% budget goal, and moving towards our longterm target of a 5% spending rate. The Board of Directors and CFS administration continue to monitor all operational expenses and funding sources.

Operations The operating budget is dedicated to the CFS mission and primarily sustains the dedicated faculty and staff who offer an outstanding, enriching and technology-based, college-preparatory program within carefullymaintained, modern and safe facilities on a 147-acre campus.



CFS strives to make its program affordable, particularly to those for whom such an experience would be otherwise unattainable. The average tuition paid last year was $5,300 and remains one of the lowest of any private boarding school in the country. While “full” tuition is $18,000, 93% of families received additional financial assistance.


Tuition and Fees Camp and Other Revenue Contribution (gift) Revenue


Total School Revenue


947 453 1,188 2,588



EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits Academic, Student & Other Expenses Debt

4,674 0 $ 11,027 $ 8,439 76.5%

Total School Expenses Endowment support allocations Endowment Support %

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

Tuition payments funded less than 9% of school expenses. The balance of expenses was funded through annual giving and endowment.


Building Community In 2008-2009, CFS had a student body of 180 young men in grades 7-12. Eighty-seven percent of students boarded in our ten cottages. Although most came to CFS from the Mid-Atlantic region (Pa., N.Y., N.J., Del. and Md.), students represented 13 states and three additional countries. International students made up 17% of our student body. CFS remains one of the most diverse independent schools in the nation, both ethnically and economically.


Other - 3% Hispanic/Latino - 10% Asian/Asian-American - 18%


African/African-American - 32%


60 Caucasian - 37%

20 # of Students

There are 27 full-time and six part-time academic faculty members, of whom 60% hold advanced degrees. The student-teacher ratio is 6:1. Classes average eight students, with a median class size of nine students. CFS provides a full range of college-preparatory courses, including 58 core courses (five Advanced Placement) and 17 electives, within a strong academic support system. Ninety-one percent of this year’s graduating students have enrolled in four-year colleges, with the remainder starting at two-year schools. We have an active chapter of the National Honor Society, which inducted four new members this year, and 195 total students during its 25-year history. A National Art Honor Society was recently established as well.

Math teacher Rich Lunardi, who also serves as CFS college counselor, explains a problem to one of his classes.

The school offers a wide variety of student activities. Nine varsity sports participate in PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association) competition, and one club sport (fencing) is also offered. The CFS Choir is locally renowned and has toured both nationally and internationally. The CFS Jazz Band placed 11th out of 87 schools at the Berklee College of Music competition during the ’08-’09 school year. CFS students participating in DECA (marketing/business club) placed regionally and state-wide, while the school had two national finalists this past year. Student and faculty artwork was featured at shows throughout the year hosted in the Samuel L. Phillips ’30 Art Gallery in Greystock Hall.

Keita Rodgers ’10 was the DECA state champion in Public Speaking, earning him a trip to the national convention in California.

All students participate in a work program during free periods of the school day, or on weekends. Jobs cover a wide range of areas, including grounds & maintenance, tutoring, office work and kitchen help. Furthermore, each student must complete a minimum community service work requirement, assisting with both on- and off-campus events and projects. CFS students as a group performed over 2,500 hours of community service this year.

Vince Starkes ’09 working at the front desk, answering calls and directing visitors


Abe Crook ’09 finishing a ceramic pot in the CFS clay studio; he is also a founding member of the Art Honor Society.

The CFS Choir provides one of many opportunities that students have to develop their talents.

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

Building Community 2008 Tyler Award Winner: Caryl Greaves Remarks upon accepting the award in September of 2008 I want to thank the school for giving me this award, as it is indeed an honor. However, I feel like I should be giving CFS an award for changing the lives of so many young men, especially those of “my boys.” I have been coming to CFS for over fifteen years, and this is the first time that I do not have one of “my boys” here. You might ask me how many children I have. While I only have one of my own, there are many families to whom I’ve suggested the CFS option. I have seen their sons grow into fine men, each a testimony to the difference that this school makes in young lives.

Previous Tyler Award winners Marc Turner (L) and Sally Graham (R) with ’08’s honoree, Carol Greaves, and her son Nigel, ’95.

Here is my story: When my husband died in 1991, my son, Nigel, was in his second year at a well-known catholic high school in the Bronx, N.Y. He struggled academically, socially and emotionally. He could not play the sports he loved, because he didn’t “make the team,” and he was disenchanted with school and disillusioned about his ability to succeed. I was desperate for a solution and a school that could make him believe in himself again. I told my story to Bill Seymour (CFS class of ’78 and Executive Director of Development), whom I have known for more than twenty years now, from way back in another life when he sold computer software. He said to me, “Your son sounds very much like me when I was fifteen.” I asked him, “You seemed to have turned out all right, what did your mother do?” He said, “My mother sent me to a little school in Pennsylvania that changed my life.” The rest is history. Bill invited us to visit Church Farm. Nigel liked what he saw, and spent his last two years of high school here. I can still hear Dr. Devenney and Mr. Lunardi saying to me that first year, “If we could just light the fire under him...” I am happy to report that the fire was lit, stoked, and is still burning brightly. After Nigel graduated in 1995, I found myself in Bill’s place, listening to friends or family sharing their frustrations with what was going on in their sons’ lives, and I now was able to offer CFS as an option. There was C.J. Shillingford ’98, my cousin’s son from Hempstead, N.Y., who came here with his head down, unable to look you in the eye. Yet, later he proudly played “The Queen” in the Christmas Pageant, and spoke at his graduation ceremony. Hassan Symes, who was the son of a childhood friend and struggled to fit in at a public high school in Rockland County, N.Y., came here and thrived, graduating in 2000. At his wedding in July, more than half of his wedding party was made up of his friends from CFS. They came from as far away as South Korea and Latin America, and from right here – Chuck Watterson, his house parent. The best part of that wedding for me was when Hassan came up to thank me for telling him about CFS, where he made such wonderful friends. There was Kerri Deschamps ’05, whose family was moving and did not know where he would go to school; Dwight Brown ’06, came to CFS at the urging of his brother, Nigel’s college roommate, who was determined to give his younger brother a better chance than the public high school in the Bronx. My godson, Daryl Paynter, was the son of a dear friend who had breast cancer and was undergoing treatment. Daryl spent six years at CFS, graduating in 2003, which allowed his mother to focus on her treatment and be confident that he was in good hands. And finally, Max Jenkins, my grandson, who graduated this past June, and who had spent seventh grade without a math teacher in a New York City public school. These young men, and so many others like them, may not have been straight “A” students or attended Ivy league colleges, but I can tell you that they have all grown up to be fine young men - respectful, socially well-adjusted and confident in their ability to succeed and find their place in the world. They are the reason why I am and continue to be a CFS ambassador.

The Tyler Griffin Award for Excellence in Ambassadorship was established to recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond in their support of CFS and its students. J. Tyler Griffin served as the Chairman of the CFS Board for many years, and he and his wife, Sonia, have been most generous supporters of CFS. We are pleased to honor Tyler’s legacy each year with this award.

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

So do not be afraid to tell your story — I am sure many of you have one — and to give the option of CFS to a friend or a neighbor. It may make the difference in a young man’s life!



2008 2009

2008–2009 Annual Fund 1918 Society

Gifts of $1,918 and above Mr. Michael Scott Mrs. Shirley Shreiner Mr. & Mrs. E. Newbold Smith Mr. & Mrs. James Tate ’52 Mr. Marc Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Van Houten Mrs. Meredith Van Pelt Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Washburn Mrs. Margaret H. Wolcott Col. Harry L. Wytock ’38

Mrs. Elizabeth Boyer Heisler Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Hengeveld ’64 Mr. Gary Marks &   Dr. Sharon Sweinberg P’08 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Molloie, Jr. ’82 Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran Mr. & Mrs. John Pickering Mr. John L. Ray Mr. Thomas Rodd, Jr. Mr. Lyle R. Schweitzer ’49

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Bates ’74 Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. Mr. P. F. N. Fanning Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Gherst, II Mr. & Mrs. George R. Graham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Tyler Griffin Mr. William A. Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. N. Peter Hamilton

Headmaster’s Society Gifts of $1,000 - $1,917

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Noah Attipoe P’12 Mrs. Anna May Austin Mr. Keith A. Baker ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bonyun, III Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Christian Bronk ’96, F-S Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. Francis G. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Lane Collins ’58 Mrs. Sheila Dolan P’04 Dr. & Mrs. Seung-Pyo Eun P’10,’11 Ms. Ann P. B. Fitzgerald

Mrs. Eleanor Graeber Dr. & Mrs. Robert Graf ’62 Mr. Kwasi B. Gyambibi ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur S. Hall Mr. Samuel David Hanger Mr. Richard S. Harkins Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lane P’04 Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Lee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lewis Dr. Katherine M. McCandless P’82 Mr. George F. McGrory Mr. & Mrs. C. David Miller Mr. Richard A. Mulford

Mr. Peter C. Neall ’64 Mr. Eric Nordstrom ’62* Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rogers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sanderson F-S Rev. & Mrs. Edmund K. Sherrill Mr. Charles W. Shreiner, III Mrs. Isabelle T. Vauclain Col. Burton L. Weller P’74 Brig. General Eric Weller ’74 Mr. Ira C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Nam-Yeon Won P’10

Mr. John F. Humphreys ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Morris C. Kellett Mr. & Mrs. Jonghae Keum P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Myung Hwan Kim P’09 Capt. Jason S. Kittlesen ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Seong Hoon Kook P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kullen ’73 Mr. Soo-Keun Kyung &   Mrs. Kook Hee Han P’07 Ms. Rachel Lawton P’10 Dr. & Mrs. Sungyoul Lee P’12 Mrs. Cordelia Lenz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Loney ’97 Ms. Nan Magistro Mr. Arthur R. Marcus ’53 Mrs. Maricela Medina P’96 Mr. Earl M. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Munson Mrs. Betty T. Norman Mrs. Caroline Steinman Nunan

Mr. Bruce B. Rambo Mr. & Mrs. William E. Reimer, Jr. Mr. Erwin P. Roeser ’41 Mr. Michael Russo ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Hampton Schoch ’38 Mr. Samuel Slater Mr. C. David Southwick ’54 Mr. Michael Stairs Mrs. John L. Steigerwalt Miss Beverly R. Steinman Mr. Henderson Supplee, III Mrs. A. French Thorington Mr. R. MacKenzie Timby, Jr. ’62 Miss Edwina Vauclain Mr. Edward R. Vollrath ’55 Mrs. Erika Wallington Mrs. Clarkson B. Wentz Mr. S. Gray Whetstone, Jr. ’60* Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Whitworth P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Won Jae Yi P’12

Greystock Society Gifts of $500 - $999

Mrs. Walter A. Barrows, IV Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Beck ’89 Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Burns P’10 Ms. Barbara Camp Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Carroll P’00,’01 Dr. & Mrs. William R. Coe Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cupp P’02 Mrs. Kathleen DeZorzi P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Kermit S. Eck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Furtado Dr. Leslie Gall &   Mr. Warren Mann P’03,’05 Mrs. Helen L. Gibb Dr. Carol Grant-Holmes &   Mr. Bruce Holmes P’94,’96 Mrs. Tucker C. Gresh Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hamburger P’12 Mrs. Janet C. Hartzell F-S Mr. Ralph W. Held ’34

KEY:      F-S - Faculty & Staff      P - Parent       * - Non-Graduating Alumnus 12

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

2008–2009 Annual Fund Maroon & Grey Society

Ms. Carolyn Miller Huyett Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Ivins Mr. T. K. Jackson, III Mr. & Mrs. Donald James P’89 Dr. & Mrs. Earl S. Jefferis, Jr. P’91 Mrs. Virginia Jeffries Mr. Harold H. Jensen, III ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Aaron M. Kearns F-S Mrs. Barbara G. Kehrel Mr. & Mrs. William L. Keltz Mrs. Caroline R. Kemmerer Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kenefick Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kenworthy P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Keslick F-S Mr. Robert Scott Kirgan ’69 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kirwin P’02 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kistler, Jr. F-S Mr. & Mrs. John Kistler Mrs. Josephine Klein Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kley Mr. George C. Kline ’59 Mrs. Annie K. V. Klotz Mrs. Shary Koenig P’98 Mr. Mikhail Kozitskiy P’12 Mr. Arnold J. Krog Mr. David P. Krutsch Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Kubasek Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kuchlak Mrs. Florence Laast Mr. Darrin C. Lancashire ’87 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Lander Dr. & Mrs. William W. Lander Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Large ’51* Mrs. W. Mifflin Large Mrs. Josephine G. Laub Mrs. Mary T. Layman Mr. J. Wayne Lee Mr. & Mrs. John N. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeKites ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lennig, III Mr. David C. Lewis ’77 Mrs. Jeanne K. Lewis Ms. Lou Ann C. Lewis Mrs. Susan C. Lloyd Mr. Harvey J. Long ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Long, Jr. Mr. Alberto A. Lopez ’66 Ms. Myrna Badillo Lopez P’12 Mr. Michael Lowe ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Lunardi F-S Mrs. Zandra L. Maffett P’00 Mr. A. Bruce Mainwaring Mrs. Mary D. Martin Mr. Steven Marvicsin ’41 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matteo F-S Ms. Janet May Mr. Joseph D. McClure ’84 Mrs. Gwynne G. McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McGann Mrs. Ruth B. Mellinger Mrs. Louise A. Merryman Mr. & Mrs. David W. Meves Mr. & Mrs. Rufus L. Miley Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Miranda P’04

Mr. & Mrs. Woodward W. Corkran, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Cosgrove P’09 Mrs. Myrtle G. Coulter Mrs. Harriet M. Craig Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Crook F-S Mr. Paul E. Crothamel Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Cuff Ms. Susan C. Davis Mrs. C. Denson Day Mr. & Mrs. William M. Denny, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Devenney Mr. Sean Devenney & Ms. Jennifer Chelf Mr. & Mrs. Newton Disney ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Donaghy, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Dorsey Mr. Lance A. Douglas ’75 Mr. Paul W. Downey Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duke Ms. Justine Englert Mr. Robert H. Erb Mr. & Mrs. Neil Fanelli, Jr. F-S Mr. Laird M. Ferguson ’85 Mr. Wayne J. Fields ’81 Mrs. Betteanne Fitzwater Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Flood, Jr. Mrs. Marianna Flowers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Fosnocht Mr. & Mrs. Kimber J. Fox Ms. Michele Frank P’11 Mr. John D. Frasca ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Karl P. Gabosch ’48 Mr. Jerry Gainey Mr. G. M. Gallagher, Jr. Mr. Edward E. Gardiner Mrs. Betty Dale Hegarty Gaston Mr. David J. Gathright P’12 Mr. Christopher M. Gehricke ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gehringer P’11 Mr. Paul R. Gerjovich ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gibby Mr. & Mrs. Alwyn Go P’14 Mr. Peter M. Goda, Sr. ’60* Mr. William L. Golemon ’50 Mr. & Mrs. George M. L. Gould Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gravely ’71 Mrs. Sue S. Gress Mrs. Jane R. Groo Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Guglielmo Mr. Robert K. Gulick ’47 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Haas Mr. Kenneth R. Hamm Mrs. Janet M. Haring Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J. Hart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver R. Hartzell Mr. David L. Hatchard ’93 Ms. Judith B. Hellekson P’92 Miss F. Phyllis Hepfner Mr. & Mrs. Nelson E. Herr Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Hersey Ms. Holly Hoffman Mr. Theodore J. Hordeski ’56 Mr. Bruce Hotaling ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hughes Mr. Charles B. Humpton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Hutchinson F-S

Gifts of $100 - $499

Anonymous (7) Ms. Muriel Acquaye Mr. Richard J. Adams ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Aichele Mrs. Lucetta S. Alderfer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Alexander, II Mr. & Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Kofi Atakora-Bediako P’09,’12 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Auch F-S Ms. Carol D. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ball Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Ballam, III Mrs. Elizabeth D. Ballinger P’85 Dr. Gary A. Ballinger ’85 Mr. Allan C. Barbee Mr. & Mrs. Lewin B. Barringer Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bartholomew Mrs. Wanda E. Bartholomew Mrs. Elsie J. Bedwell Mr. John A. Bellis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Berlinger Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert E. Bielefeld P’80 Mrs. Barbara W. Bingham Mr. William E. Birchall, Jr. ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Blount Dr. Frederick J. Boehlke, Jr. Rev. Eric Bond & Dr. Carolyn Bond F-S Mr. Richard Bonsu ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Biddle Ms. Angela Bowden P’11 Dr. Markley H. Boyer &   Dr. Barbara Millen Boyer Mr. Charles T. Bradshaw Mrs. Richard N. Bromley Mr. Charles G. Bronk ’94 Dr. & Mrs. Henry P. Brown, III Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Browne ’47 Mr. Frederick A. Brubaker Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Buckley ’65 Mrs. Karen Buki P’13 Ms. Kathleen Carter Mrs. Sally W. Castle Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ceschan, Jr. F-S, P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Claghorn Mr. & Mrs. John H. Clapham Mr. William R. Clayton ’73 Mr. Stewart A. Cleaver ’71 Mr. Rowland L. Coats, Jr. Mr. LeRoy R. Coer ’54 Mrs. Nancy Cofiell Mr. Richard Cofiell ’48 Mr. David J. Cohn ’94 Mr. Ralph Coho, Jr. Mrs. William Long Cole Mrs. Loraine M. Coll Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Collings, Jr. Mr. Joseph S. Collins Mrs. Gertrude W. Como Mr. Hobart W. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Copeland Mr. William A. Corbishley

KEY:    F-S - Faculty & Staff       P - Parent        * - Non-Graduating Alumnus Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009


2008–2009 Annual Fund Maroon & Grey Society

Mr. & Mrs. J. Kent Willing Mr. & Mrs. Lenox G. Wilson ’94 Mr. William R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. R. Richard Wright, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ziesing Mr. David F. Zimmerman ’88 Mr. Andrew M. Zinis ’84 Ms. Lisa A. Zinis P’84 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Zug Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Saul Mr. & Mrs. Jesse D. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Schellenger Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schmiederer P’10 Mr. Eric S. Schneckenberger ’79 Mrs. Ruth Scorr Mr. Brian Seymour Mr. & Mrs. William J. Seymour ’78, F-S Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Shafer, Jr. Miss Arminnie Shamlian Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sharp P’12 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shaw Mrs. Donna Shreiner P’04 Mr. Richard A. Siemon ’73* Mr. & Mrs. Joshua H. Silverman ’75 Mr. William P. Simons, II Mr. David A. Sinclair, Jr. ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Gurney P. Sloan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott Smith, Jr. Mrs. Priscilla S. Smithson P’72 Dr. Theodore D. & Dr. Gail Sokoloski Mr. Charles T. Spackman Mrs. Nancy Spatz P’83 Mr. Robert H. Staples Mr. & Mrs. Nathan P. Stauffer, Jr. Mrs. Louise Roberts Stengel Mrs. Kathryn F. Strang Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Strode Mr. William P. Stryke ’34 Mr. Samuel A. Stump Mrs. Barbara B. Supplee Miss Betty N. Supplee Mr. John R. Suria Mr. & Mrs. Erwin C. Surrency Miss Helen L. Swain Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Sweatt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Szabo P’05,’06,’12 Mrs. Lucille Tambe Mr. Joseph R. Thomas Mrs. Robin P. Thomas Mrs. Cathy Thomson Mrs. E. Ann Tippy Mrs. D. Jean Tisdall Mrs. Elena Tiuriakulova P’12 Mr. Kendall S. Tomlinson Mrs. Stephen A. Trentman Ms. Elizabeth B. Twaddell Mr. Joseph Van Bernum Mrs. Margaret B. Van Dusen Dr. Lina G. Vardaro Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Vauclain Mr. & Mrs. John D. Vidinghoff Mr. John M. Vogel Mr. Jeffrey B. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William Warden, III Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Warren ’68 Mr. Charles Watterson F-S Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. William W. Wentzel F-S Mr. Paul L. West ’54 Mrs. Stillman F. Westbrook Mr. Heyward M. Wharton Mrs. Charlotte G. White Mr. & Mrs. John R. Williams Mrs. Norris B. Williams

Gifts of $100 - $499

Mrs. Dorothy L. Mitchell Mr. Cedieu Moise P’15 Mr. Gerald Morgan, Jr. Mr. Charles E. Morrison, Jr. Mr. John A. Morrow ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morse ’85 Mr. William E. Morton ’56 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Moyer Mrs. Katherine J. Muckle Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein Mrs. Mary A. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Myers P’12,’13 Mrs. Emily S. Nagle Miss Fay Newkirk Ms. Dorothy J. Newnham Miss Marghrita L. Oneil Ms. Angela O’Reilly F-S Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Ottey F-S Mrs. Hildegard S. Parkhurst Rev. & Mrs. S. Walton Peabody Mr. & Mrs. John B. Pegram Ms. Krista S. Peterson F-S Miss Margaret E. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pohlig P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Potts Mr. & Mrs. John Powell, II Mr. Leroy A. Prempeh ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Preston, III Mrs. Joanne H. Price Mr. & Mrs. Roland A. Purnell ’81 Mr. Christopher C. Pusey ’81 Lt. Col. Thomas S. Pyle, II ’53 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Quain Mr. John E. Quinn, Jr. Mr. Thomas Quinn ’71* Mr. & Mrs. R. Wayne Raffety Mrs. Susan Rakestraw Mrs. Berry W. Ramsey Mrs. Margery G. Ramsey Mrs. Patricia P. Rech Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Reeves Mrs. C. Fraser Reichner Mrs. Doris E. Bean Renn Miss Helen Replogle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rhile, Jr. Mrs. Margaret B. Rhoads Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Richards ’43 Ms. Edith R. Riehl Mrs. Brent Wolcott Roehrs Mr. Charles S. Rogers ’65 Dr. Fred B. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James G. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ward Rogers, Jr. Mr. John W. Rorer Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Rottiers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ruf Mr. & Mrs. William L. Ruhling, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Russell Mr. James W. M. Ryan ’84 Mrs. Dorothy W. Sackett Mr. Timothy Y. Salam ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Sanderson

Griffin Society Gifts up to $100

Anonymous (9) Ms. Arlene Adair Mr. Joel A. Adams Mr. Michael Agyei ’96 Mr. John A. Ahn Mr. Lawrence D. Aigeldinger Miss Susan Aitken Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Albright Rev. & Mrs. James T. Alves ’44 Mr. Henry Blair Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Arbuckle Miss Louise E. Averill Mrs. Juliet Awuah P’09 Mrs. Jane Aycock Mr. J. Edward Bailey, Jr. Mrs. F. K. Baker Mrs. Jody Baker Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Barndt F-S Mrs. Jane W. Barton Mr. Philip Becker ’50 Mr. Joseph R. Behm Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Beitel Mrs. George M. Bell Mrs. Carolyn S. Berger Mrs. Virginia Berlenbach Mr. Richard F. Betts Mr. H. L. Beyer, III Mrs. Leslie Colket Blair Mrs. Wendy S. Boorn Miss Anna M. Boswell Miss Grace R. Boulden Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bowden Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bowers Mr. Henry Bowes Ms. J. Clarice Bowman Mr. Glenn Boyd & Dr. Debra Cipriani Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bozette, Jr. Mr. Stuart R. Brackney ’62 Mrs. Helen Bregler Mr. Alfio J. Brindisi Mr. John E. Brogan Mr. & Mrs. Christian S. Brosz Ms. Mary Elizabeth Brower Mr. Richard F. Brown Ms. Kendra Browne Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Burkart Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burkman Mr. & Mrs. James E. Burns, Jr. Mr. Robert R. Buswell, Jr. Mr. Adrian H. Butler ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Calvert Mr. Allan K. Cameron P’82

KEY:      F-S - Faculty & Staff      P - Parent       * - Non-Graduating Alumnus 14

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

2008–2009 Annual Fund Griffin Society

Mr. Jonathan Harrar ’02, F-S Mrs. Jane Harriman P’86 Mrs. Barbara T. Hartnett Mr. Francis C. Hartung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. C. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Harvey Mrs. Caroline Hass Mr. George H. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hendrickson, Jr. Mrs. Esther H. Hendry Mrs. Cora P. Heness Mr. Lawrence E. Henry Mr. Franklin M. Henzel Mr. Gerald Hevey ’92 Mr. & Mrs. George W. Higginson Mrs. Bertha A. High Mrs. Virginia Hines Mr. & Mrs. Clifford J. Holgren Mr. Jack C. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Holmes Mr. A. Stanley Hood ’47 Mrs. Janet G. Hood Mrs. Miriam Hook Mr. Graham E. Horn Ms. Carol L. Houck F-S Mrs. Elda Howarth Mr. John Y. Huber, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hughes Mr. William H. Hughes ’79* Mr. Daniel H. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Neil Hurowitz Mrs. Maud C. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur T. Jackson Mrs. Joseph G. Jacobs Mrs. Martha W. James Mr. & Mrs. William A. James Mr. & Mrs. James E. Jenkins Mr. Max Jenkins ’08 Mrs. Barbara Z. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Johnson, Jr. P’09 Mr. & Mrs. James Dorrance Johnson Mr. Paul T. Johnson Mrs. Helen S. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Johnstone P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Jones Mrs. Margaret E. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Kalmes ’54 Mr. Matthew Kaplan ’07 Mrs. Doris M. Karpinski Mrs. Almaz Kebede P’97 Mrs. John C. Kelbaugh Ms. Jean V. Kemp Mrs. Hugh Kenworthy, Jr. Mrs. Mary Anne Killian P’92 Mrs. G. Lloyd Kirk Miss Mary Kleinschmidt Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kmetz Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Knepley P’04 Miss Joan E. Knowlton Miss Sue A. Kopp Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Korb F-S Mr. William C. Krausser Mrs. Sandra Kreiss-Schmidt Mrs. Florence Krick

Mrs. Jessie E. Engan Rev. & Mrs. George W. Eppehimer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Erbe P’05 Mr. Patrick R. Erbe ’05 Mr. John M. Eshleman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Essinger Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Etherington Mr. & Mrs. John Etherington P’06 Mr. & Mrs. James Eustace, III Mrs. E. A. Evans Miss Mary F. Failor Mr. & Mrs. William Farley ’49 Mr. Rudolph Fedor, Jr. Mrs. Jane C. Fehr Ms. Dorothy A. Fessler Mr. Wilbert C. Fidler Mrs. Virginia H. Finch Mrs. Margaret E. Fitch Mr. & Mrs. Hector Flores P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Forbes F-S Mr. & Mrs. David S. Forrest Mr. & Mrs. John J. Forte Dr. & Mrs. William F. Foxx Mrs. Rena Francella Mrs. Sidney H. Franklin Ms. Massa V. Freeman P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Freeman Miss Mary H. Fukui Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Fuller ’92 Mr. Eric Fulmer F-S Mr. Marvin T. Garcia ’99 Mr. Blair D. Garland ’61* Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Garrison Mr. Edwin A. Gee Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Gehm Mrs. Dorothy J. Gerjovich P’74 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gesner Ms. Beana Gibbons Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Jamin M. Gibson P’06 Mr. Jamin S. Gibson ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Gillem Mr. Charles E. Gilmore Mrs. Virginia L. Goodby Mr. & Mrs. Amrit Gordon P’08 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Gould Mr. Bertram K. Graham Miss Nancy L. Graham Mr. & Mrs. John S. Graves P’08 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis P. Green Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Greenblatt F-S Mr. Nathanael B. Groton, Jr. Mrs. Mary W. Groves Mrs. Elizabeth A. Gudgeon Mr. & Mrs. George R. Guiles Miss Jane E. Gulick Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hagis, Jr. Mrs. Betsy Uphouse Haight Mr. & Mrs. Rush T. Haines, II Mrs. Dawna Haley Mrs. Dorothy A. Hall, Sr. Mr. James I. Hammons Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hardiman Ms. Mary Louise Harlan Mrs. Joan C. Harms

Gifts up to $100

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Carmichael Lt. Stephen M. Carroll ’00 Mrs. Emma L. Carson Mr. Ralph J. Celidonio Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ceschan ’94 Mr. Charles B. Chadwick Miss Jeanne M. Chandler Mrs. Nathan Chandler Mr. Donald E. Chappell ’53* Mr. Elwyn F. Chase, Jr. Mrs. Luitgarde M. Chassin P’92,’96 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Checchia Mr. & Mrs. David Chrest F-S Miss Cora E. Clock Mrs. Marjorie Coblentz Mrs. W. Burling Cocks Mrs. Ann S. Cohn P’94 Ms. Mary A. Cole Mr. Paul Cole Mr. A. Bruce Conlin, Jr. Ms. Eileen Copland Mrs. Elizabeth P. Cornman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crane Mr. & Mrs. Randy D. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Crawford Mrs. Jessie Crews-Rantz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Croft Mr. & Mrs. James L. Crothers Mr. & Mrs. David Crozier F-S Mr. Linwood Dale Daffin ’71 Mr. Fred L. Davidson Mrs. Bernella M. Davis Mrs. Louise W. Davison Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Davis Mr. Scott Deasy Mrs. Shirley A. Deist Mr. & Mrs. Nuhan Demirkan Mr. Kyle S. DeRiemer ’05 Mr. Scott Dever Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dezii Mr. & Mrs. Dennis DiGinto F-S Mrs. Anne C. Dillon Ms. Diana DiMeo & Mr. Gordon Rowse Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Dirks P’09,’11,’13 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Emile C. Donaldson Mrs. Lucy G. Doud Mr. Frederick Douglass, Sr. P’75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dripps, Jr. Ms. Felicity Dugbatey Mr. & Mrs. John F. Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Dull Mr. John B. Dunning The Rev. Faith D’Urbano Ms. Patricia M. Dushane Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Dutill Mr. & Mrs. James G. Dydo Mr. & Mrs. Judson Edwards ’91 Mr. William J. Eissing, Jr. Mr. Todd A. Elliott ’80 Mr. Edward C. Ellison ’42 Mr. Gerald E. Ellson ’50*

KEY:    F-S - Faculty & Staff       P - Parent        * - Non-Graduating Alumnus Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009


2008–2009 Annual Fund Griffin Society

Mr. Richard E. Moore Mr. Thomas C. Moore Mr. James Morrash Mr. Ken Morris Ms. Varbah Morris-Kerkulah P’09 Ms. Janet E. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mungall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy, Sr. P’03 Mrs. Adelaide A. Negus Mr. & Mrs. William J. Neumann Mr. William S. Newlin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Khai Quang Nguyen P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Niemann, Jr. Mr. Ronald Nyman Miss Lisa A. Ochwat F-S Mr. Gerald J. O’Connell Mr. Maurice A. O’Connor ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Hermes N. Paez P’13 Mr. Richard L. Page ’64 Mrs. Barbara Y. Painter Mr. & Mrs. John E. Palmer Mrs. Linda D. Parkin Mrs. Louise S. Parsons Mr. & Mrs. James B. Parvin Ms. Anna Passyn &   Mr. Theodore Lutkus F-S Mr. Romane Paul ’06 Mrs. Barbara Peck Miss Rosemarie Pedicone Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Peirce P’89 Mrs. Kinue B. Perkins Mr. Allan M. Perry ’35 Ms. Kimberly Perry Mr. Frederick Y. Peters Mrs. Barbara M. Pettinos Mr. Frank L. Pettit Mr. Henry W. Pfeiffer Rev. & Mrs. Thomas H. Phillips P’95 Mr. William H. Pittock Mr. Frederick H. Pitts ’62 Mrs. Mary E. Platt Dr. & Mrs. Robert Poole Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Porter Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Prescott, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Proctor ’64 Mrs. Marie D. Prosser Ms. Rebecca Pugh Mrs. Elizabeth Pula P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Kennard L. Pyse Mr. & Mrs. A. O. Quinn Mr. Lawrence T. Ramaika Mr. Patrick Rametti ’04 Mr. & Mrs. William Rankin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Redman Mrs. Barbara A. Reid Mr. & Mrs. James B. Remaily ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Remedio, Jr. P’12 Mr. William B. Retallick Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Rhodes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Richter F-S Mrs. Marie-Louise V. Riley Ms. Denise Ring Mrs. Frank B. Rippel

Gifts up to $100

Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. Mr. Ousman Laast-Maiga ’08 Mrs. Janet M. Labdon P’78 Mr. Mark A. Labdon ’78 Mrs. Kathleen LaMay &   Mr. John Meyer P’08 Mr. Richard E. Lander Miss Maryann Lauber Mrs. Marianne B. Layng ’08 Mrs. Jacqueline P. Leach F-S Ms. Rebecca Lee F-S Mr. Michael S. Lenau ’08 Mr. Daniel J. Lenehan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lessard Mrs. John F. Lewis Mrs. Lillian S. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. R. Cruse Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Lien Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Lindley Mrs. Florence T. Logan Cmdr. Samuel M. Long Mr. & Mrs. John Lord, III Mr. Andrew Louden F-S Mrs. Robin Lovell-Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd T. Lucas Mr. William S. Lyon-Vaiden Ms. Jamie MacAllister Mrs. J. Crawford MacFadyen Mr. Walter G. MacFarland, III Mrs. Laurel W. MacKenzie Mr. H. Robert MacLaughlin Mr. H. Cabell Maddux, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Maguire Mr. Richard W. Maletz Mrs. Alice R. Mannion P’81 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Marko Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Maroldo Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Maroney Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin Mrs. Nathaniel Summers Martin Ms. Veronica Collins Martin P’98 Mr. John D. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. McDaniels Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. McDermott F-S Mrs. Mary E. McDermott Mrs. Elizabeth M. McFarland Mrs. Susan S. McGhee Dr. & Mrs. Richard McGovern P’01,’03,’09 Mr. James D. McKay Mrs. Susan W. Meade Mrs. Dorothy E. Mearns Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Mello Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mendenhall ’39 Ms. Shannon Mewalal Ms. Helen M. Meyer Mrs. Beryl S. Miller Mrs. Grace D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. David Milligan P’09 Mrs. Anne Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David Lee Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. George F. Mohr Mr. Nicholas S. Molloy

Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Ritter Mr. James W. Ritter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Roberts Mrs. Gertrude Tate Roderick Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rodgers, Sr. F-S, P’09,’10 Mrs. Frieda H. Roesler Mrs. Claudia Rose-Muir F-S Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Rosenbluth Mr. Alan Rossbach Mr. Kenneth R. Rowe Mr. Daniel T. Rowley F-S Mr. Paul Rucker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Russo Ms. Blanche Ruth Mrs. Esther L. Sach Dr. Thomas M. Sagges Rev. & Mrs. Jusuf Salam P’97 Ms. Lauren B. Sanford Ms. Joan W. Santino Mrs. Elsie M. Savin Mr. Arthur H. Saxon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schaefer Ms. Madeline M. Schenk Dr. & Mrs. J. Gordon Schleicher ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Schul P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Scott, Sr. Mr. Lee Scouten ’71* Mrs. Lillian M. Scutti Mr. Robert H. Secrist Mr. & Mrs. Edgar C. Seely, Jr. Mr. Frank Seidenburg Mrs. Frances C. Sellers Mr. Brian Serbin F-S Mrs. Adele Seymour P’78 Ms. Irene Seymour P’92 Mr. Jamie Seymour ’92 Mr. John Seymour Ms. Katie Seymour Mr. Paul Seymour Mr. Scott Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Shechtman Mr. Vernon W. Sherlock Mrs. Desire Shillingford P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin Mr. Kenneth E. Shull Mrs. Alice E. Shumaker Mrs. Carol Ann Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Chester Simpkins P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson E. Simpson Mr. Henry H. Skillman Mr. & Mrs. Pieter Slot P’04 Ms. Elizabeth Smith Mrs. Herberta M. Smith Mr. Samuel L. Smith Mrs. Ann S. Snavely Mr. Park K. Snyder, Jr. Mrs. Eunice Soka P’10 Mr. Edward C. Somers Mrs. Dorothy Southrey P’69 Mr. Louis Spagnola F-S Capt. & Mrs. Paul Spear ’81 Mr. Raymond C. Spence Mr. & Mrs. William B. Stabert Mr. Russell Stackhouse, Jr.

KEY:      F-S - Faculty & Staff      P - Parent       * - Non-Graduating Alumnus 16

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

2008–2009 Annual Fund Griffin Society

Mr. Peter B. West ’61 Mr. & Mrs. H. William Westerman Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Whalon P’99 Mr. George R. White Mr. & Mrs. William H. White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Wick Mr. Frank W. Widdoes, Jr. Mr. Bruce G. Willbrant Mrs. George L. Wilmot Mr. David Wilson, Jr. &   Miss Elizabeth Lexa Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Wittmann Mr. Roddy G. Wood P’00* Mr. Robert S. Woodcock Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woodring Mr. & Mrs. Art Wrenn Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Yeager Mrs. William G. Yearsley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Young Mrs. William B. Young, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen Yusko P’08, F-S Mr. Kevin J. Yusko ’08 Mr. Edward S. Ziegenfus ’59 Mrs. Aida M. Zink Mrs. Carolyn H. Zuttel Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Zwierzyna, Jr. F-S

Mr. Leander P. Tori, Jr. Mr. Lesly Tran ’08 Mr. Thomas J. Trefz Mr. & Mrs. Alden F. Tucker Mr. Vincent Valente Rev. Canon &   Mrs. Rudolph J. Van Der Hiel Mr. & Mrs. Basil B. Varian Mrs. Jessica Villacis P’12 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Voge Mr. & Mrs. George Vogel, Jr. Mrs. Barbara E. Wainer Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Walker Capt. & Mrs. Samuel J. Walker P’84 Mr. William A. Walker, Jr. P’72,’75 Mr. William A. Walker, III ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walsh Mr. Thomas M. Walsh Miss Grace E. Walter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson Mr. William S. Wealot ’78, F-S Mr. Steven Weeks Mr. Henry N. Wein ’59 Miss Caroline A. Weisbecker Ms. Susan Wentink Mrs. Harry West

Gifts up to $100

Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Stanford Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Steele ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Steenrod Mr. Leslie L. Stephenson Dr. & Mrs. William H. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Stever Ms. Margaret R. Stonaker Mr. David Stout F-S Ms. Joanne Strong Mrs. Emmy Subers Ms. Carole Sweeney Mr. Stanley J. Szymborski Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Talbot Mrs. Lydia E. Taylor Mr. Robert Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Frederik Tellekamp P’89 Mr. Roy F. Tettemer Mr. & Mrs. Greg Thompson F-S Mr. & Mrs. Guy R. Thompson P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Rick Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson Ms. Elsie S. Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. James S. Toothman

KEY:    F-S - Faculty & Staff       P - Parent        * - Non-Graduating Alumnus

Michael Scott - Friend of CFS Michael Scott, one of the most loyal and generous donors in Church Farm history, did not attend the school; he did not work here, nor did he have any familial connections to its mission or program. In fact, Mr. Scott has never even visited the CFS campus. He is one of those many “friends,” who simply learned of the school, its mission, merits and needs, and chose to become a supporter at an early age. He was fresh out of Yale, just starting his career when he had the opportunity to meet our founder and learn of his passion. Mr. Scott describes his own youth, how when he was 17, away at a New England boarding school, his father, a Rear Admiral and Naval Executive Director of Development Academy graduate, was lost in battle during Bill Seymour ’78 visits with Mr. Scott WWII, leaving his family crushed and destitute. at his winter home in Hawaii. “If only my family had known of a place such as Church Farm,” he muses. Mr. Scott describes the thrill he felt upon meeting the Colonel at the home of a college classmate and hearing about the school that helped so many deserving young men, especially those from military families. He began to support the school by ordering stationery from its print shop. As he progressed in his career and found his own success, Mr. Scott increased his level of support to the Annual Fund and capital campaigns.

A portrait of Michael Scott’s father, Medal of Honor recipient Rear Admiral Norman Scott, who died in 1942, during WWII

Remembering his own history, Mr. Scott notes that the fact the school holds a special place for the sons of those who serve has always meant a great deal to him, as it makes Church Farm unique in many ways. We salute Mr. Michael Scott and thank him, as well as our graduates who have continued the brave tradition of service to country, for their faith and commitment. Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009


Special Gifts Memorial Gifts In memory of my husband, Marshall M. Austin   Mrs. Anna May Austin

In memory of my husband, Walter Barrows, IV   Mrs. Walter A. Barrows, IV

In memory of Florence M. Grant   Dr. Carol Grant-Holmes & Mr. Bruce Holmes   The Catherine Holmes Family   The Jeffrey Holmes Family   Ms. Janet May   Mr. & Mrs. Kennard L. Pyse   Ms. Donna Salinardo   Ms. Margaret R. Stonaker   Mrs. Lucille Tambe   Cornerstone Relocation Group, LLC   Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc.

In memory of Robert Bates ’75*   Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Bates ’74

In memory of my husband, Wesley T. Hall, Sr.   Mrs. Dorothy A. Hall

In memory of my uncle, Ernest M.   Belt ’30 & my mother, Dorothy Belt Hoffman   Ms. Holly Hoffman

In memory of David H. Carson, Jr. &   David H. Carson, III   Mrs. Emma L. Carson

In memory of James Herr   Anonymous   Ms. Carol D. Baker   Mrs. Elizabeth D. Ballinger P’85   Mr. & Mrs. James G. Dydo   Mr. & Mrs. Neil Fanelli, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Gehm   Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Greenblatt   Mr. Gary Gress   Mr. & Mrs. Nelson E. Herr   Mrs. Linda D. Parkin   Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rhile, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shaw   Harrisburg Area Community College,    Lancaster Campus

In memory of Mildred G. Challman   Miss Fay Newkirk

In memory of C. Elbert Hoffman   Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Rhodes, Jr.

In memory of my husband, J. Russell Sackett   Mrs. Dorothy W. Sackett

In memory of Douglas C. Cofiell ’49   Mrs. Nancy Cofiell   Mr. Richard Cofiell ’48

In memory of R. Peter Hollien ’57   Mrs. Cathy Thomson   AYUSA International

In memory of my mother, Lena Shaw   Mrs. Jessie Crews-Rantz

In memory of “Colonel”   Mr. Lyle R. Schweitzer ’49

In memory of Dan Hutchinson ’52   Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dezii   Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Scott, Sr.

In memory of Howard E. Bacon, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Randy D. Crawford   Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Porter   Ms. Rebecca Pugh In memory of Paul M. Barr ’32   Mr. & Mrs. Paul Buckley ’65

In memory of Harry C. Best, D.D.S., who   provided dental care to CFS students   Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Redman In memory of Alfred A. Bieber   Mr. Jeffrey B. Wallace In memory of Archie & Louise Bonyun   Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bonyun, III

In memory of my husband, Morrison Coulter   Mrs. Myrtle G. Coulter In memory of George Dechert   Mr. & Mrs. J. Kent Willing In memory of my wife, Parthene Downey   Mr. Paul W. Downey In memory of Violet Duffy, CFS Librarian   Mr. Peter B. West ’61 In memory of Carl Eby ’50   Mr. William L. Golemon ’50 In memory of my husband, Charles E. Finch   Mrs. Virginia H. Finch In memory of Barry Gouak ’56 &   Anthony Renda ’56   Mr. Theodore Hordeski ‘56

In memory of Allan Perry ’35   Mrs. Barbara T. Hartnett   Mr. Francis C. Hartung, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. William A. James   Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Kubasek   Mrs. Jeanne K. Lewis   Mr. & Mrs. David Lee Mitchell   Ms. Kimberly Perry   Ms. Madeline M. Schenk   Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Shechtman   Mrs. Emmy Subers   Ms. Carole Sweeney   Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Walker   Army Athletic Association In memory of my husband,   Robert E. Price, Jr., M.D.   Mrs. Joanne H. Price In memory of my husband,   Cortland R. Prosser ’32   Mrs. Marie D. Prosser In memory of Orville R. Prosser ’38   Mrs. Marie D. Prosser In memory of my parents, Herbert & Louise   Robinson and my niece, Lisa Blaauboer   Ms. Eileen Copland In memory of Paul Rosenberger ’47   Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Browne ’47

In memory of Judge Charles A. Lord   Lord Contractors, Inc.

In memory of Charles W. Shreiner, Jr.   Mrs. Dorothy J. Gerjovich P’74   Mr. Peter B. West ’61   Mrs. Shirley Shreiner Mr. Henderson Supplee, III   Mr. Heyward M. Wharton

In memory of my wife, Doris MacLaughlin   Mr. H. Robert MacLaughlin

In memory of Kathleen Smith   Mr. Samuel L. Smith

In memory of Mary D. Martin   Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson

In memory of Maddy Smith   Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd T. Lucas

In memory of William J. Meoli   Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Guglielmo

In memory of my sister, Joyce Spaziani   Mrs. Cora P. Heness

In memory of Father Calvin Miller   Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Dull

In memory of my husband, Thomas G. Strang   Mrs. Kathryn F. Strang

In memory of my grandparents, Dan &   Ellen Newhall   Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bartholomew

In memory of Frank Stryke ’29   Mrs. Wendy S. Boorn In memory of my brother, Peter Terry ’65   Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Jones

In memory of my father, Thomas Parke, M.D.,   CFS doctor   Mrs. Paul Gibian

In memory of Florence M. Grant Mr. & Mrs. Christian Bronk ’96, F-S Ms. Bridget Brown Ms. Kathleen Carter Ms. Ellen Cronin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Forte

In memory of my husband,   Francis L. Van Dusen   Mrs. Margaret B. Van Dusen

In memory of Allan Perry ’35   Ms. Arlene Adair   Mr. Glenn Boyd & Dr. Debra Cipriani   Ms. Diana DiMeo & Mr. Gordon Rowse

In memory of my parents, Robert W. &   Alice Wolcott   Mrs. Brent Wolcott Roehrs

* Non-graduating alumnus of CFS


Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

Special Gifts Honorary Gifts The following gifts were received in honor of alumni, faculty, staff, family and friends. In honor of my brother Bruce, Navy aviator    & my two sons, Allan, III ’81* and Bruce ’82    Mr. Allan K. Cameron In honor of Shirley Shreiner    Mrs. Anne C. Dillon In honor of Andy Lane ’04    Mrs. Sheila Dolan In honor of Dan Lovell ’98*    Mrs. Robin Lovell-Knowles

In honor of Rev. Benjamin Phillips ’95    Rev. & Mrs. Thomas H. Phillips In honor of CFS Class of ’53    Lt. Col. Thomas S. Pyle, II ’53 In honor of Caroline Ritter     Mr. James W. Ritter, Jr. In honor of William & Marguerite Host    Mr. Timothy Y. Salam ’97

In honor of Jason Torres ’94    Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schmiederer In honor of Stacey Szabo, a great    wife & mother    The Joseph Szabo Family ’05, ’06, ‘12 In honor of the CFS Development Office    Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walsh In honor of Terry Shreiner    Mrs. Clarkson B. Wentz

EITC The Educational Improvement Tax Credit program is funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and allows businesses to credit a portion of their eligible state taxes to an educational institution of their choice. CFS is very pleased to qualify as a “scholarship organization” under the requirements of the program. The following companies made charitable donations to CFS this past year, and received credits towards their Pa. corporate taxes ranging from 75% to 90% of their gift amount. We appreciate their generous support for our mission! The Bryn Mawr Trust Company Burns Engineering DNB First First National Bank of Chester County

Glenmede Trust Company Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs (HRH), Inc. IMC Construction Malvern Federal Savings Bank

Philip Rosenau Company Sovereign Bancorp, Inc.

Foundations and Organizations The following foundations and organizations have made gifts to CFS during the past year: Breyer Family Fund Christ Church & St. Michael’s   Philadelphia, PA Church of the Ascension   Atlantic City, NJ Corson Foundation Coslett Foundation The Crestlea Foundation William B. Dietrich Foundation

Draycott Family Foundation Emmanuel Episcopal Church   Quakertown, PA Hedgebrook Foundation The Heymann Foundation Invest in Others Charitable Foundation, Inc. T. James Kavanagh Foundation The Philadelphia Foundation - May I.   Young Fund

The Snowden Foundation The James Hale Steinman Foundation The John Frederick Steinman Foundation Target – Take Charge of Education Thayer Corporation Foundation Van Pelt Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation H.O. West Foundation

Matching Gift Organizations The following companies have matched charitable gifts made by their employees to CFS: Boeing Company Charitable Trust Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Campbell Soup Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation

Merck Partnership for Giving Olympus Corporation   Contribution Committee Quaker Chemical Foundation

Roche Matching Gifts for Education Program Time, Inc. – Time to Give Back Program The UPS Foundation Gift Matching Program

Planned Giving Planned Gifts are charitable donations made as part of an investment or estate plan, to provide future support for the Church Farm School. We received gifts from the following during this past year: Wilfred L. Black Trust Florence L. Casey Estate Ellason & Molly Laird Downs Trust Dora A. Dunn Estate May Hobson Ferguson Trust George W. Ferguson Trust S. Griswold Flagg, III Trust Eleanor M. Gaeckler Estate

Annual Report To Donors 2008 - 2009

E. Allen & Adelaide R. Ginkinger   Memorial Trust Frank C. Hagyard Trust George A. Hay, Jr. Estate Frances T. Light Estate Howard W. Mell Estate Lawrence J. Morris Trust Elizabeth S. Parker Trust - In Memory   of Howard & Priscilla Stirling

Theodore D. Rand Estate Evalyn C. Robinson Estate Loretta Russo P’67 Bequest Helen E. VanSant Trust Finley L. Walton Trust Eleanor L. Wieder Estate Edith M. Zimmerman Estate


CFS, The School at Church Farm 1001 East Lincoln Highway Exton, PA 19341 610-363-7500




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Make a Planned Gift to CFS Lyle Schweitzer ’49 celebrated his 60th reunion this past year. Lyle and his wife, Jean, have made a bequest to CFS as part of their estate plan. “I wasn’t much of a student in those days, not in the traditional sense, anyway. But, did I ever learn some important lessons at Church Farm that have continued to serve me well throughout my life!” Please contact Bill Seymour ’78 at or 610-8361447 if you are interested in learning more about planned giving opportunities at CFS.

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