The Book of Common Prayer

The 1979 Book of Common Prayer Vivella Gift Edition
An ideal gift, this prayer book features imitation leather binding with a soft, matte finish. It is sturdily assembled, with Smythsewn pages and a spine that won’t crack under heavy use. A presentation page and certificates for the rites of baptism, confirmation, and marriage are included.
List Price: $32.95
Black | 9780898696196
Red | 9780898696202
Wine | 9780898696189
Green | 9780898696219
Church Publishing

The 1979 Book of Common Prayer Large Print Edition
This large-print edition of the entire 1979 Book of Common Prayer is ideal for anyone who prefers reading larger type. Special features include fourteen-point type size, Kivar cover for long-lasting quality, and lay-flat binding for hands-free use.
List Price: $44.95
Red | 9780898699227
Church Publishing
El Libro de Oración Común / The Book of Common Prayer Edición personal, Traducción de 2022 / Personal Edition, 2022 Translation
Esta edición económica y compacta de tapa blanda es ideal para uso personal y perfecta para tenerla en casa o para viajar.
This inexpensive, compact paperback edition is ideal for personal use and perfect to keep at home or use while traveling.
9781640656055 | List Price: $24.95
Church Publishing

The Book of Common Prayer
The 1979 Book of Common Prayer Personal Deluxe Edition
This beautiful and durable gift edition features a gold cross stamped on the bonded leather cover in your choice of five colors, with gilt edges, a presentation page, and two satin ribbon markers.
List Price: $52.95
Black | 9780898691115
Burgundy | 9780898691412
Red | 9780898691108
White | 9780898691122
Church Publishing

The Book of Common Prayer & The Holy Bible (NRSV) Combination Edition
Combined into one volume, this edition is an excellent and logical choice for personal use, both in daily devotion and study and on Sundays during the liturgy. It comes with bonded leather, gold edges, ribbon markers, and a gift box.
List Price: $124.95
Black | 9780898695786
Red | 9780898695793
Church Publishing
The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982 Combination Edition
This is the standard Book of Common Prayer combined into a single volume with the Singers Edition of The Hymnal 1982 Bound in genuine leather, it includes gold edges, ribbon markers, and a gift box.
List Price: $124.95
Black | 9780898692440
Red | 9780898692433
Church Publishing

Prayer Book Offices
Pulling from the riches of the Prayer Book Daily Office and the Contemporary Office Book, Prayer Book Offices includes both Rite I and Rite II versions of the round of offices from the Book of Common Prayer. Additionally, the volume includes canticles, the Psalter, Collects, and the full cycle of readings for Years One and Two and Holy Days in the Daily Office Lectionary. The book is Smyth-sewn, with a gold foil-stamped bonded leather cover, and includes four ribbons.
Bonded Leather | 9781640652071 | List Price: $124.95
Church Publishing
Hear Our Prayer
Prayers of the People for the Revised Common Lectionary
Jon White and Lisa Graves
Based on the pattern for the Prayers of the People in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, the prayers in this volume retain the familiarity of liturgical tradition, while offering a call to action to congregations in the present.
List Price: $29.95
Church Publishing

Daily Prayer for All Seasons
Compiled by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
From Advent through Ordinary Time, Daily Prayer for All Seasons provides a holy way to order our days, with prayers written in fresh, contemporary, and generous language. The Deluxe Edition includes a bonded leather cover with two ribbons, gilded edges, a presentation page, shrink-wrapped, and placed in a quality gift box.
Deluxe English Edition
List Price: $54.95
Church Publishing
Children and Families

Prayers for Every Season
More Common Prayer for Children and Families
Timothy J. S. Seamans
Rooted in Christian traditions of daily prayer, this volume is an accessible collection that children can use to pray on their own, with their family, or with their school or church community. Designed to be used on its own, or with its companion volume, Common Prayer for Children and Families
9781640656659 | List Price: $24.95 Church Publishing
Common Prayer for Children and Families
Jenifer Gamber and Timothy J. S. Seamans
Foreword by Wendy Claire Barrie
A collection of whimsically illustrated prayers and liturgies written for kids and the adults or communities who pray with them. Includes prayers for morning, midday, and evening; prayers throughout the church year; and prayers for all sorts of occasions. Age range: 3–12 years old.
English Edition: 9781640652644
List Price: $19.95
Spanish Edition: 9781640653399
List Price: $19.95 Church Publishing

Call on Me
A Prayer Book for Young People
Jenifer Gamber and Sharon Ely Pearson
“Call on Me belongs on the bookshelf of every youth, parent, youth minister and clergy of the Church. It is a rich resource for personal devotion, corporate worship, and formation purposes. Praying does shape believing. This book will be instrumental in deepening the faith of all those who use it.”
—The Rt. Rev. Brian Prior, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota 9780819227645
List Price: $24.95 Morehouse Publishing
Advent Devotionals

Living the Way of Love
A 40-Day Devotional
Mary Bea Sullivan
Foreword by Courtney V. Cowart and Stephanie Spellers
Perfect for using as devotional at any time of the year, the book offers forty brief reflections about the seven Jesus-centered practices identified by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in “The Way of Love” initiative.
9781640652309 I $18.95
Church Publishing
Advent with Evelyn Underhill
Edited by Christopher L. Webber
A selection of inspirational passages from Underhill’s most significant works, providing readings for every day of Advent and Christmas—and sharing the timeless treasure of Underhill’s spiritual vision.
9780819222213 | List Price: $16.95
Morehouse Publishing
Advent Meditations
Anne E. Kitch
In the spirit of expectancy, each of these meditations is focused on seeking and seeing God in the everyday of ordinary lives and is based on a psalm that corresponds to the daily office for the season of Advent.
9781640651463 | List Price: $12.95
Love Came Down
Anglican Readings for Advent and Christmas
Compiled by Christopher L Webber
Love Came Down draws on the best sermons, books, poems, and hymns by classic Anglican writers, with a reading for every day in Advent and for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
9780819218988 | List Price: $16.95
Morehouse Publishing
Advent Devotionals

Wounded I Sing
From Advent to Christmas with George Herbert
Richard Harries
Richard Harries reflects on 24 of George Herbert’s greatest poems and draws out spiritual insights for the reader to think about as they prepare to celebrate Christ’s appearing.
9780281089420 I List Price: £10.99
Do Not Be Afraid
The Joy of Waiting in a Time of Fear: The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2024
Rachel Mann
Rachel Mann writes with disarming verve of something we all experience—waiting. Covering 4 weeks, each meditation ends with a prayer and questions for reflection, which may be used by individuals or groups.
9780281090013 I List Price: £10.99
Rediscovering the Magic of Christmas
An Advent Adventure from Genesis to Revelation
John Hayward
Originally written as letters from a father to his adult children, this book warmly invites you to feast richly on some of the passages of scripture less commonly associated with our celebrations of the birth of Jesus.
9781789745146 I List Price: £14.99
Life in the Comma
Deepening Our Understanding of Jesus
John L. Bell
John Bell writes vividly of the people Jesus met; the things he said; the controversy he caused and the affection he had for the marginalized and for women in particular.
9781915843418 I List Price: £14.99

From Weary to Wholehearted A Restorative Resource for Overcoming Clergy Burnout
Callie E. Swanlund
“Even if you don’t identify as ‘burned out,’ the reflections and practices in From Weary to Wholehearted will feel like fresh rainwater poured on parched land. Read this book—it will restore your spark.”
—Stephanie Spellers, Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care
A much-needed companion to provide support through sustainable tools for finding joy and rest. Each chapter includes scripture, personal meditation, reflection prompts, an invitation toward flourishing, and an original prayer.
9781640656789 | List Price: $19.95 Church Publishing

The Art of Calm
Spiritual Exercises for the Anxious Soul
Roger Hutchison
“What a beautiful blend of personal memoir and effective guidance! This resource reflects the warm spirit of Roger Hutchison, and it generates the same hope and light that his ministry has brought to others.”
—Samuel G. Candler, Dean, The Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, GA
List Price: $22.95
Morehouse Publishing

Getting Better A Doctor’s Story of Resilience, Recovery, and Renewal
Andrew G. Kadar, MD
Inspired by the harrowing experience of being a seasoned doctor who unexpectedly becomes a patient, Dr. Andrew G. Kadar shares his transformative journey of healing and offers those in similar situations an enlightening perspective on the process of recovering from a serious medical event.
List Price: $27.95
Morehouse Publishing

Rage Prayers
Elizabeth Ashman Riley
“With honesty and depth of faith, Rage Prayers invites the reader into an intimate and raw encounter with God. This book is the permission slip you need if you’ve ever worried God couldn’t handle your deepest woes, or anger, or confusion.”
—The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
9781640657489 I List Price: $18.95
Morehouse Publishing
Heart. Soul. Pen. Find Your Voice on the Page and In Your Life
Robin Finn
“Heart. Soul. Pen. is an absolute gift. The endless guidance and support has helped me push through self-doubt, giving me so much more freedom as a writer.”
—Liz Astrof, author of Don’t Wait Up: Confessions of a Stay-At-Work Mom
Harmoniously blending actionable advice and spiritual insight, a renowned writing mentor helps readers reclaim their voice, tell their story, and embrace life experience through creative self-expression.
List Price: $25.95
Morehouse Publishing

Honest Creativity
The Foundations of Boundless, Good, and Inspired Innovation
Craig Detweiler
“. . . Detweiler makes a convincing case for prizing experimentation over productivity, reminding readers to ‘set aside our script or agenda long enough to see and hear the bounty before us.’ Christian creatives will be buoyed.”
Publishers Weekly
Author, filmmaker, educator, cultural commentator, and Variety Mentor of the Year recipient Craig Detweiler draws upon an eclectic range of creative inspirations to give readers the tools to develop their own methods for producing cohesive, whole, and enduring projects and find a like-minded community that both motivates and challenges.
List Price: $29.95
Morehouse Publishing

Enduring Wisdom
Words of Hope and Inspiration by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Loved and admired throughout the world, her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II touched the lives of millions. This treasury of quotations gives an intimate insight into the values she embodied and faithfully promoted throughout her life. This exquisite giftbook includes seven memorable portraits—one from each decade of her reign.
9780281090372 I List Price: £10.99
Hope Rising 365
Thoughts and Reflections for the Whole Year
Meg Cannon
Hope Rising 365 is a through-the-year devotional for Christian young women in their teenage years and in their 20’s. This beautifully produced book full of reflections makes an essential companion through the highs and lows of young women’s lives.
9780281090150 I List Price: £14.99

The Wisdom Whisperers Golden Guides to a Long Life of Grit, Grace, and Laughter
Melinda Blau
“The Wisdom Whisperers is a tonic for the soul. And best of all, the powerful ingredients of Melinda Blau’s life-affirming elixir: good older friends who fill our lives and fuel our spirits—are within everyone’s grasp.”
—Sheila Weller, author Girls Like Us: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon & the Journey of a Generation
Through engaging portraits and candid reflections, acclaimed journalist Melinda Blau reveals the trials and triumphs of the remarkable women she affectionately dubs “my old ladies” to uncover the hard-earned wisdom and resilience that come with growing older.
9781640657137 I List Price: $26.95
Morehouse Publishing

Worth It and Wonderful Inspiration for Christian Women to Live Bravely and Boldly
Caitlyn Scaggs
Caitlyn Scaggs draws from her eclectic background and Christian principles to offer practical insight and encouragement to women balancing the demands of motherhood, family, and career.
9781640656024 I List Price: $27.95
Morehouse Publishing

The Spirit of Fatherhood
Larry Hagner
“I wish someone had handed me this book in the maternity ward. It gives hope, encouragement, and wisdom at every age of this adventure that is fatherhood.”
—Jon Acuff, New York Times bestselling author of All It Takes Is a Goal
An essential guide for navigating the challenges of fatherhood while building a foundation of faith, love, and values in your children. Filled with vulnerability, humorous anecdotes, and refreshing insights, this inspiring read will help both new and seasoned dads feel empowered to embark on the extraordinary journey that is fatherhood.
9781640657113 | List Price: $18.95
Morehouse Publishing

Walking the Church Year
Personal Devotions for a Labyrinth Prayer Practice
Robert J. F. Elsner
Following the liturgical calendar, each entry offers scripture to contemplate, prayers or mantras, a reflection, and questions to inspire further thought in a portable edition.
Suggestions for alternate labyrinth forms ensure that these meditations can be practiced by the faithful of all physical abilities.
List Price: $20.95
Church Publishing

The Beauty of Motherhood
Grace-Filled Devotions for the Early Years
Kimberly Knowle-Zeller and Erin Strybis
“Readable, relatable, and real, the stories are woven together with prayers, scripture, ponderings, and practices that combine to make this book an inspiring, perfect gift for any mom. Simply lovely.”
—Glenys Nellist, author of God Made Mommy Special
This tender collection of stories, scripture, prayers, activities, and reflections connects mothers and other caregivers with God’s grace through the highs and lows of parenting young children.
List Price: $18.95
Morehouse Publishing

Current Affairs

Solidarity and Mercy
The Power of Christian Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine
Chris Herlinger
An acclaimed international journalist shares his extraordinary journey through the war-torn country and the inspiring people of faith he met along the way, recounting how people of various backgrounds joined forces to help Ukrainian survivors and refugees get to safety.
9781640657502 I List Price: $29.95
Morehouse Publishing
The Crisis of Christian Nationalism
Report from the House of Bishops Theology Committee
Allen K. Shin and Larry R. Benfield
Foreword by Michael B. Curry
In 2022, Bishop Curry charged the House of Bishops Theology Committee to study Christian nationalism, an issue that has increasingly come to the forefront of conversations surrounding Christianity, democracy, and white supremacy. Spanish translation of the report, case study, and discussion guide included.
List Price: $24.95
Church Publishing

The Faith Code
A Future-Proof Framework for a Life of Meaning and Impact
Terry Brisbane and Rusty Rueff
A prominent pastor who resides in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area and a renowned Silicon Valley investor, leader, and philanthropist offer a guide to living a life rooted in faith in a world transformed by technology.
List Price: $28.95
Morehouse Publishing
Social Justice

The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven Revised and Expanded 50th Anniversary Edition
Darlene O’Dell
“O’Dell’s book is a gripping read and a telling account that celebrates the courage of all the principled ‘rule-breakers’ who helped to move the Episcopal Church beyond the plea to ‘study and pray’ some more before acting. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest this narrative, take heart—and give thanks.”
—The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ordinations of “The Philadelphia Eleven,” this expanded and revised edition serves as the definitive account of the eleven courageous women who made history as the first female priests ordained in the Episcopal Church.
9781640657199 I List Price: $28.95 Church Publishing

The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning Meditations for Racial Healing
Catherine Meeks
Foreword by Michael B. Curry
“And so, for all who truly want to get well from the pernicious disease that is racism, The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning is a must-read.”
—The Very Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Dean, Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary
List Price: $24.95
Morehouse Publishing

He Called Me Sister A True Story of Finding Humanity on Death Row
Suzanne Craig Robertson
“This is Suzanne Craig Robertson’s moving story of a death in Tennessee. While disquieting and troubling, the story is gracefully intimate, respectful of all parties, tender and moving. She subtly honors the emotions inevitable in a story of innocence and guilt; of our collectively taking a life; of race and politics, right and wrong, and of wrestling with questions haunted by biblical memories that we confront every day.”
—Bill Moyers
List Price: $29.95
Morehouse Publishing

Graciously Assertive
How Becoming a Better Human Makes You a Better Leader
Yasmin Davidds
“. . . essential reading not just for leaders but for anyone seeking to come into positive and true alignment with their self. Dr. Davidds gives us a strong road map to build community and engage in meaningful social transformation in the world today.”
—Dr. Pardis Mahdavi, President of the University of La Verne
9781640656994 I List Price: $27.95
Morehouse Publishing
A Failure of Nerve
Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix (10th Anniversary, Revised Edition)
Edwin H. Friedman
“The age that is upon us requires differentiated leadership that is willing to rise above the anxiety of the masses. We need leaders who will have the ‘capacity to understand and deal effectively’ with the hive mind that is us. This is, in Friedman’s words, ‘the key to the kingdom.’ I am grateful for this accessible new edition.”
—C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Texas
List Price: $34.95
Church Publishing

A Failure of Nerve in 52 Weeks
A Yearlong Leadership Planner
Edwin H. Friedman
Incorporating the insights from the bestselling A Failure of Nerve, this versatile planner will provide the structure, guidance, and wisdom to help readers grow into the courageous leaders they aspire to be.
List Price: $21.95
Morehouse Publishing
Children and Families

Joan of Art
Lesa Engelthaler
Illustrated by Brooke O’Neill
“Joan of Art combines delightful illustrations with exactly the kind of story that kids need . . . and grown-ups too! This could be one of those precious few books that parents read to their kids for generations to come.”
—Brian D. McLaren, author of Cory and the Seventh Story
Follow along as artistic Joan harnesses the power of friendship and the bravery of her namesake, Joan of Arc, to accept her unique qualities and allow her creative nature to flourish. Bold illustrations bring this heartwarming story for children to life.
9781640656765 I List Price: $19.95
Morehouse Publishing

The Worried Wiseman
This beautifully illustrated children’s book for the Christmas season illuminates the journey of one of the three wise men as he learns the power of faith and hope even when things feel uncertain.
List Price: $21.95
Morehouse Publishing

50 New Testament Stories for Storytellers
Rob James
Illustrated by Amanda Ruston
This new children’s bible adapts fifty stories of Jesus’ life and ministry, as well as the experience of the early Church for oral storytelling. Each story is beautifully and diversely illustrated offering visual inspiration to readers and listeners alike.
List Price: $19.95
Morehouse Publishing

The Gift of Baptism
Roger Hutchison
Illustrated by Claire Westwood
Parents, grandparents, godparents, educators, and spiritual mentors will find a cherished resource and an ideal gift for helping children understand and embrace their baptismal calling with this beautifully illustrated poetic rendering of the promise made at baptism.
9781640657540 I List Price: $17.95
Morehouse Publishing
Children and Families

The Extra Special Baby
The Story of the Christmas Promise
Antonia Woodward
“Rendered in a soft pastel palette, Woodward’s gently scruffy illustrations exude coziness and comfort.”
Publishers Weekly
This beautiful retelling of the Nativity story will take you back to the excitement of that very first Christmas night. In this exquisitely illustrated Christmas picture book, full of warmth, read about baby Jesus, who was so extra special that life on earth would change forever.
9781915749253 I List Price: £10.99

The Shepherd Girl of Bethlehem A Nativity Story
Carey Morning Illustrated by Alan Marks
Discover the meaning of Christmas as the shepherd girl enters to find a radiant baby, whose light is a gift to everyone. Weaving the Nativity story into an original tale, this evocative Christmas book exudes a heartwarming message about love and peace.
List Price: £9.99

God Loves Little Me
Rebecca Elliott
An adorable first prayer book with bright and beautiful pictures. Illustrations by the wonderful Rebecca Elliott (Missing Jack, Mr. Super Poopy Pants) make this sturdy little board book a delight.
List Price: £5.99
Busy Family Devotional
52 Short Devotions from Genesis to Revelation
Lucy Rycroft
The Busy Family Devotional is your short and simple guide to leading your children through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. A resource to help you all grow in understanding and relationship with the God who created and loves you.
9781915749253 I List Price: £9.99
2025 Calendars

2025 Churchman’s Ordo Kalendar
January 2025–December 2025
2025 Christian Planning Calendar September 2024 to December 2025
This 2025 calendar features seasonally appropriate images of saints, selected from Lesser Feasts and Fasts. Each month—from September 2024 to December 2025—includes religious observances from the Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Christian, Islamic, and Jewish calendars, along with secular holidays.
9781640656895 | saddle stitched | 11” x 81/2”
List Price: $16.95
Church Publishing
The 2025 Churchman’s Ordo Kalendar is built around traditional feasts and devotional days celebrated across the Anglican Communion. Each day includes readings from the Revised Common Lectionary and the Anglican Service Book, as well as the traditionally appointed vestment color. An affordable price makes this calendar a great stocking stuffer. An ideal gift for congregations and staff.
8” × 14”
List Price: $4.95
Church Publishing
How to Order

2025 Episcopal Church Year Guide Kalendar
January 2025–December 2025
The 2025 Episcopal Church Year Kalendar includes feasts and fasts observed by the Episcopal Church, along with the liturgical color appointed for each day. The back of each calendar page features appointed readings from the Revised Common Lectionary and additional notes on liturgy. An affordable price makes this calendar a great stocking stuffer. An ideal gift for congregations and staff.
8” × 14”
List Price: $4.95
Church Publishing
All products are available through any Episcopal bookstore, Amazon, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, Cokesbury, or your preferred bookseller.
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