Church Resources 2023

The Book of Common Prayer is available in a wide variety of bindings, color, sizes, and languages.
Bilingual Edition, 2022 Translation
This bilingual edition features selected materials from the Book of Common Prayer in English and a newly authorized Spanish translation. Included are liturgies for morning and evening prayer, compline, baptism, marriage, the Holy Eucharist, reconciliation of a penitent, and burial of the dead, as well as selected psalms, prayers, and thanksgivings. This edition was created to support the liturgical and pastoral needs of families and bilingual congregations.
9781640656116 | Paperback | 5" x 7.5" | 360 pages | $26.95
Chancel Edition
This is the standard Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church together with The Psalter or Psalms of David according to use in the Episcopal Church in the United States as authorized in 1979. The text is 10 point font size.
9780898690613 | Hardcover | 6" × 8" | $36.95
Economy Edition
Embossed with an elegant gold cross, the imitation leather cover comes in black or burgundy. It includes one satin ribbon marker, and the text is 8 point font size.
9780898694390 | Imitation Leather | 4" × 6" | $26.95
Episcopal Hymnal 1982
Basic Singers Edition
The pew edition for all who sing, choir and congregation alike, containing all hymns and service music.
9780898691207 | Hardcover | Blue | $26.95
9780898691214 | Hardcover | Red | $26.95
Hymnal 1940 With Supplements I and II
A classic Episcopal hymnal which includes the Supplemental Liturgical Index and collection of service music from 1961.
9780898690026 | Hardcover | $29.95
Lift Every Voice and Sing II
An African American Hymnal
This popular collection of 280 musical pieces from both the African American and gospel traditions has been compiled under the supervision of the Office of Black Ministries of the Episcopal Church.
9780898691948 | Hardcover | $34.95
Accompaniment Edition
9780898692396 | Spiral | $42.95
My Heart Sings Out Pew Edition
Edited by Fiona Vidal-White
My Heart Sings Out is a hymnal designed for all-age worship, with the aim of the full inclusion of children in weekly worship.
9780898694741 | $29.95
Teacher’s Edition
9780898695014 | Spiral | 12" × 9" | $59.95
Episcopal Hymnal 1982 Accompaniment
Two-Volume Edition
This edition provides accompaniment for all hymns and service music and contains an appendix of additional service music. It comes in two volumes — one of hymns and one of service music.
9780898691450 | Hardcover | $111.95
Wonder, Love, and Praise
A Supplement to The Hymnal 1982
This second supplement to The Hymnal 1982 is an eclectic collection of 200 hymns and spiritual songs, including a large selection of service music and devotional pieces. The sturdy paperback pew edition contains all necessary accompaniments.
9780898692266 | Paperback | $29.95
Leader’s Edition
9780898692686 | Spiral | 12" × 9" | $59.95
Voices Found
Women in the Church’s Song
A rich collection of hymns and spiritual songs by, for, and about women.
9781640655447 | Paperback | $25.95
Leader’s Guide
9780898693683 | Spiral | 12" × 9" | $59.95
Sing a New Creation
A Supplement to Common Praise (1998) Compiled by the Anglican Church of Canada
Designed for use in many congregations and musical traditions, this supplemental volume includes new hymns and songs.
9781640652736 | Hardcover | $23.95
2nd Edition
Thomas Pavlechko and Carl P. Daw, Jr.
These planning guides help church musicians and clergy identify hymns and anthems that are connected to the scriptures appointed for Sundays and feast days. They also offer suggestions about where in the liturgy each selection can best be used. Featuring hymns from hymnals authorized for use in the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Moravian Church in America, as well as anthems from a variety of sources, these guides allow liturgical planners to add musical variety to services.
Year A: 9781640654341 | Paperback | $39.95
Year B: 9781640656208 | Paperback | $39.95
Year C: 9781640656222 | Paperback | May 2024 | $39.95
This digital music library provides a quick and easy way to include hymns and songs from a variety of sources in your worship services. The collection includes hymns from The Hymnal 1982; Wonder, Love, and Praise; Lift Every Voice and Sing II and many more! Includes permission for congregational print use.
A Practical Guide for Episcopal Church Musicians
Marti Rideout
A comprehensive resource which has been the essential guide for church musicians working in the Episcopal church for over twenty years.
9780898696523 | Paperback | $28.95
Settings for Morning and Evening Prayer and the Holy Eucharist
Carl MaultsBy
This collection of liturgical music for congregations represents Euro-Anglicanism as well as American Anglican and African styles, along with Caribbean, gospel, blues, and jazz.
9781640655430 | Paperback | $35.95
Ponder Anew
Conversations in 21st Century Church Music
Edited by Jessica Nelson
Foreword by William Bradley Roberts
A definitive look at how church music is changing in the 21st century.
9781640654440 | Paperback | $19.95
This online worship planning tool features a comprehensive library of liturgical and musical resources, content for special services and celebrations, and fully customizable templates. A 14-day free trial is available at riteplanning. com.
Preparing an Episcopal Funeral
Rob Boulter and Kenneth Koehler
This simple guide explains the Episcopal theology of celebrating a life alongside grief, while offering practical guidelines and forms for planning and arranging funerals.
9780819229168 | Paperback | $11.95
Preparing for Baptism in the Episcopal Church
Anne E. Kitch
A primer or refresher on the sacrament of Baptism for new parents, new members, and godparents.
9780819231710 | Paperback | $11.95
Planning for Rites and Rituals
A Resource for Episcopal Worship
Edited by Andrew R. Wright
Newly revised and reorganized, this guide to liturgical planning in the Episcopal Church is organized around the seasons of the church year and the cycle of Sunday readings in the Revised Common Lectionary.
Year A: 9781640656741 | Hardcover | July 2025 | $59.95
Year B: 9781640656390 | Hardcover | $59.95
Year C: 9781640656727 | Hardcover | $59.95
Book of Occasional Services 2022
This new edition features additional liturgical materials such as a liturgy for quinceañeras and revised liturgies for the founding of a church and reaffirmation of ordination vows.
9781640656253 | Hardcover | $39.95
Preparing for a Wedding in the Episcopal Church
Tobias Stanislas Haller
A resource for clergy to give to couples seeking to be wed in an Episcopal Church.
9780819232670 | Paperback | $13.95
Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2022
This new edition includes new commemorations including the consecration of Bishop Barbara Clementine Harris, Simeon Bachos, Episcopal deaconesses, and Frederick Howden, Jr.
9781640656277 | Hardcover | $44.95
Drawn to the Gospels
An Illustrated Lectionary
Jay Sidebotham
This series brings weekly gospel readings to life. Every cartoon illustration creates a lighthearted opportunity for individual reflection, or an enjoyable addition to study materials and church bulletins.
Year A: 9781640650800 | Paperback | $19.95
Year B: 9781640650824 | Paperback | $19.95
Year C: 9781640650848 | Paperback | $18.95
Altar Book
Deluxe Edition
This leather-bound edition of the Altar Book is used for worship in conjunction with the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
9780898690842 | 8" × 11" | 391 pages | $249.95
Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church
Year W
Wilda C. Gafney
In this stand-alone single year lectionary, widely praised womanist bible scholar and priest Wilda C. Gafney selects scripture readings that cover all four gospels.
9781640654747 | Paperback | $36.95
Revised Common Lectionary, Deluxe Leather Edition
The gospel readings for all Sundays in Years A, B, and C according to the Revised Common Lectionary, together with the gospels for all major Holy Days, in the New Revised Standard Version translation. Beautifully bound in genuine leather with gold stamping and ribbon marker, this book has been designed for ceremonial use in the Eucharist.
9780898695526 | Genuine Leather |
8.5" × 11" | 230 pages | $164.95
Revised Common Lectionary Lectern Edition
Years A, B, C, and Holy Days According to the Use of the Episcopal Church
The complete readings for the Revised Common Lectionary Years A, B, and C as authorized by the 2006 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, together with readings for the major Holy Days of the church year, in the NRSV translation.
9780898695540 | Hardcover | 8.5" × 11" |
544 pages | $122.95
Preaching Baptism
A Practical Guide
Rev. Dr. James Bradley Shumard
A guide on how to reinforce baptismal values in the weekly liturgy and from the pulpit in sermons.
9781640656369 | Paperback | $24.95
Wilda C. Gafney
“Gafney’s paradigm-shifting scholarship will influence biblical preaching and teaching for generations to come.”—National Catholic Reporter
Year A: 9781640651623 | Paperback | $36.95
Year B: 9781640655706 | Paperback | $36.95
Year C: 9781640655720 | Paperback | July 2024 | $36.95
Book of Common Prayer / El Libro de Oración Común
2022 Translation, Pew Edition
This hardcover edition is designed for use in churches, with a sturdy binding and cover.
9781640656048 | Hardcover | 5" × 7.5" | 752 pages | Red | $24.95
Los Evangelios
Leccionario Común Revisado
The complete readings for the Revised Common Lectionary Years A, B, and C, as authorized by the 2006 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, together with readings for the major Holy Days of the church year, in the Good News translation.
9780898699500 | Hardcover | 8.5" × 11" | 312 pages | $59.95
Selections from the Book of Common Prayer / Selecciones del Libro de Oración Común
Bilingual Edition, 2022 Translation / Edición Bilingüe, Traducción de 2022
Ideal for families and congregations, selections from the Book of Common Prayer in Spanish and English.
9781640656116 | Paperback | 5" × 7.5" |
360 pages | $26.95
El Himnario Selecciones Congregational Text Edition
This collection is a words-only edition of favorite hymns and songs from El Himnario. It includes translations of other hymns that are familiar to Hispanic congregations.
9780898695120 | Paperback | 6" × 9" |
100 pages | $11.95
Oración Diaria para Todos los Tiempos
Offers readers the prayers of the Daily Office and more.
9780898699258 | Kivar | 5.5" × 8.5" |
164 pages | $25.95
Leccionario Común Revisado, Edición Atril
This edition uses the Good News translation, often used by Spanish-speaking congregations.
9780898699463 | Hardcover | 8" × 11" |
784 pages | $76.95
Ritual Para Ocasiones Especiales
This edition, authorized by the 2003 General Convention, includes variety of liturgies for new congregations, as well as collects, blessings and hymn suggestions.
9780898692181 | Hardcover | 6" × 8" | 364 pages | $29.95
Oración Común para Niños y Familias
Jenifer Gamber and Timothy J. S. Seamans
Whimsical, simple illustrations accompany prayers drawn from Episcopal prayer resources that focus on the daily lives of children.
9781640653399 | Paperback | 8" × 10" | 144 pages | $17.95
El Mejor Día
El Camino del Amor para Niños y Niñas
Roger Hutchison
Through words and colorful images, children will see how to practice the Way of Love in their daily lives as followers of Jesus.
9781640653863 | Paperback | 8" × 10" | 40 pages | $11.95
Tu fe, tu vida
Una invitación a la Iglesia Episcopal
Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis
The everything-you-need-to-know adult guide to the Episcopal Church.
9781640655768 | Paperback | $24.95
This cost-effective subscription program gives your parishioners the benefit of organizing the appointed scripture readings, psalms, collects, and refrains for Sundays and Holy Day on easy-to-read single sheets of paper.
Designed for your convienience, these inserts will save your parish time and spare you the effort of printing and assembly each week. With our lectionary inserts, every Sunday can remain focused on worship.
Size and Format
Inserts are available in a standardized and easy-to-read format. 8.5 x 11-inch, 14-point font, in packs of 25.
All Regular Sundays
Pricing Per Week: $3.00 per 25 inserts
Holy Days*
$4.00 per 25 inserts
Palm Sunday and Good Friday—Dramatic Narrative Readings Editions
$4.50 per 25 inserts
To subscribe or to learn more about the program, please contact Warner Press, our distribution partner, for the Lectionary Inserts program: Call: (844) 639-0240
Complete Guide to Godly Play
Jerome W. Berryman and with Cheryl V. Minor and Rosemary Beales
These revised and expanded editions offer new concepts and terminology, completely new illustrations, and a new structure based on feedback.
Volume 2
9780819233592 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 3
9780898690835 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 4
9780898690866 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 6
9781640653436 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 1: How to Lead Godly Play Lessons
9781889108957 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 5: Practical Helps from Godly Play Trainers
9781931960045 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 7: Enrichment Presentations
9781931960465 | Paperback | $34.95
Volume 8: Enrichment Presentations
9781931960472 | Paperback | $34.95
Jugar Junto a Dios, Edición español
Volumen 1
9781606740491 | Paperback | $34.95
Volumen 2
9781931960489 | Paperback | $34.95
Volumen 3
9781931960496 | Paperback | $34.95
Teaching Godly Play
How to Mentor the Spiritual Development of Children
An essential handbook for those engaged in the practice of Godly Play.
9781606740484 | Paperback | $22.95
Godly Play in Middle and Late Childhood
Cheryl V. Minor
Foreword by Jerome W. Berryman and Heather Ingersoll
This latest addition to the Godly Play series focuses on methods for mentors to use with school-aged children to keep them engaged, including adaptations to the environment, adding more stories, offering more sophisticated materials for free-art responses, and more.
9781640655799 | Paperback | $24.95
Graceful Nurture
Using Godly Play with Adults
Rebecca L. McClain
This book offers background on Godly Play, including why and how to use it with adults, and in depth notes and suggestions for twelve key Godly Play lessons, including how to adapt them for an adult audience.
9780898699678 | Paperback | $20.95
Stories of God at Home
A Godly Play Approach
Jerome W. Berryman
Using Godly Play methods, Jerome Berryman offers families a way of nourishing faith in the home.
9780898690491 | Paperback | $25.95
My Faith, My Life, Revised Edition
A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church
Jenifer Gamber
Foreword by Dr. Lisa Kimball
A trusted confirmation curriculum for the Episcopal Church.
9780819229625 | Paperback | $22.95
Leader’s Guide, Revised Edition
9780819229649 | Paperback | $18.95
Call on Me
A Prayer Book for Young People
Jenifer Gamber and Sharon Ely Pearson
This prayer book designed for teens draws from the Book of Common Prayer, relevant prayers written by well known Episcopalians, and ancient prayers rooted in the Bible.
9780819228345 | Paperback | $18.95
Finding God (and Self) on Campus
Edited by James Franklin and
Becky ZartmanThis thought-provoking book for college students and those who minister with them deals with issues of faith, identity, sex, success, failure, and more, through the concept of belovedness.
9781640652835 | Paperback | $20.95
Building Faith Brick by Brick
An Imaginative Way to Explore the Bible with Children
Emily Slichter Given
Engages children with multiple learning styles using a familiar medium—LEGO® bricks. This book offers the methodology as well as thirty Old Testament and twenty-four New Testament stories with lesson plans.
9781606741924 | Paperback | $25.95
Building Faith Brick by Brick II
An Imaginative Way to Explore the Parables with God’s People
Emily Slichter Given
This second book offers the original methods, discoveries since the first volume was published, and thirty-two new stories with lesson plans based on Jesus’ parables.
9781640650916 | Paperback | $21.95
Arts Camp
A Creative, Customizable Alternative to Vacation Bible School and Beyond
Christina Clark
Provides practical, concrete instruction that a church needs to plan, organize, staff, and conduct an annual five-day Arts Camp.
9780819232281 | Paperback | $34.95
Best VBS Workbook Ever!
Lisa Brown
This book provides Christian educators with the tools they need to assess the needs and resources in their congregation, and to craft a creative program in response to that assessment.
9780819233011 | Paperback | $34.95
Foundation Book
These Are Our Bodies
Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home
These Are Our Bodies is written for real people with real lives. It invites parents and church leaders into the serious, hopeful work of integrating body and soul.”
—Lisa Kimball, Ph.D., associate dean for lifelong learning, Virginia Theological Seminary
An easily understandable, theologically progressive, Christian curriculum on human sexuality.
This curriculum offers practical information, developmental material, and suggestions on how to ask and answer age-appropriate questions regarding human sexuality, all in the context of the Christian faith. It addresses the topic of sexuality through the lenses of decision making, faith and daily life, respect, growth and change, responsibility, and more, offering a foundation for individuals and churches to build upon.
The program consists of a Foundation Book recommended for facilitators, small group leaders, and parents. Each module includes a Leader Guide, a Participant Book, and a Parent Book.
9781606743089 |
Paperback | $32.95
Your Faith, Your Life, Revised Edition
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church
Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis
The everything-you-need-to-know adult guide to the Episcopal Church.
9780819233714 | Paperback | $25.95
A People Called Episcopalians, Revised Edition
A Brief Introduction to Our Way of Life
John H. Westerhoff III and Sharon Ely
A brief, easy-to-understand introduction for any newcomer or seeker in the Episcopal Church.
9780819231888 | Paperback | $10.95
Lifelong Faith Formation for All Ages and Generations
John Roberto
With current research, clear examples, and tools for design and evaluation, Lifelong Faith is a practical, thoughtful, and comprehensive guide for clergy, educators, and lay leaders who seek a fresh, holistic approach to Christian education and discipleship.
9781640654860 | Paperback | $26.95
Welcome to a Life of Faith in the Episcopal Church
Megan Castellan
The Episcopal Church has a language and a practice all its own. For a newcomer, these can seem intimidating at first glance. This book takes readers through a Sunday worship experience, and explains the what, the why, and the how of what they might encounter.
9781640651364 | Paperback | $19.95
Living Water Baptism as a Way of Life
Klara Tammany
The second edition of a classic designed for baptismal preparation and relevant to all Christians.
9781640654594 | Paperback | $19.95
Listening Hearts, 30th Anniversary Edition Discerning Call in Community
Suzanne G. Farnham, Joseph P. Gill, R. Taylor McLean, and Susan M. Ward
With updated language, revised appendices, and added stories, Listening Hearts can impart the deep wisdom embedded in its pages to new generations of those who seek to answer the call of Jesus to ‘follow me’.”
—The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church.
9781640654136 | Paperback | $23.95
The Dream of God A Call to Return
Verna J. Dozier
Foreword by Sophfronia Scott
A beloved teacher helps modern people live the Bible’s message more fully. This new and revised edition includes a new foreword by Sophfronia Scott and a study guide.
9781640654884 | Paperback | $20.95
Hazel Bradley and Jim Cargin
In association with L’Arche
This vital resource explores the essential considerations of pastoral work with those with intellectual disabilities.
9781640653993 | Paperback | $21.95
Church Administration and Finance Manual
Resources for Leading the Local Church
Otto F. Crumroy Jr., Stan Kukawka, Frank M. Witman, and Paul D. Witman
Fully revised and updated, this popular guide includes guidelines, tools, and forms for improving the management of the church.
9781640655645 | Paperback |
September 2023 | $49.95
Faithful Giving
The Heart of Planned Gifts
James W. Murphy
Foreword by Robert F. Sharpe, Jr.
An interfaith guide to planned giving.
9781640654761 | Paperback | $29.95
The Vestry Handbook, 4th Edition
This new edition responds to the changing needs of Episcopal churches with additional coverage of diversity and inclusion, new guidance for parish finances, and advice tailored to small congregations. The volume has been updated throughout to reflect the current canons of the Episcopal Church.
9781640656703 | Paperback |
January 2024 | $18.95
Brendan J. Barnicle
Tools for clergy and congregational leaders to lead theological conversations about money.
9781640654488 | Paperback | $19.95
New Altar Guild Book
Barbara Gent and Betty Sturges
Offers a lively blend of liturgical history, sacramental theology, and practical hints to help parish altar guilds carry out their ministry.
9780819216571 | Paperback | $16.95
Large Print Edition
9780819219763 | Paperback | $17.95
Manual for Acolytes
The Duties of the Server at Liturgical Celebrations
Dennis G. Michno
A valuable, illustrated handbook for the server at all liturgical celebrations that details all the responsibilities and duties of the acolyte.
9780819212726 | Paperback | $14.95
James L. Elrod Jr.
“This book would be a great group-read for congregational leaders and their pastors so that all can face their community’s financial futures together and unafraid.”
—Sarah Birmingham Drummond, founding dean, Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
9781640652873 | Paperback | $15.95
The Power of Decisive Action and Incremental Change
Edited by James W. Murphy
Foreword by Donald V. Romanik
Faithful Investing provides thoughtful insights and practical guidance from experts who daily navigate the multifaceted labyrinth of faith-based investing.”
—Marcia Shetler, executive director/CEO Ecumenical Stewardship Center
9781640652446 | Paperback | $25.95
Parish Register Register of Church Membership and Rites
Provides space for recording historical data, baptisms, confirmations and receptions, a summary of communicants, marriages, and burials within a parish.
9781640654945 | 10.5" × 8" | $120.95
In Remembrance Register Multi-Ring Binder
Provides a permanent record of gifts made to your church. This sturdy faux leather multi-ring binder includes a starter pack of twenty-five pages to record memorial and other gifts.
9781640655102 | 10.25" × 11.875" | $66.95
Refill Pages
Pack of 25
9781640655119 | Paper | 11" × 8.5" | $18.95
Guests of Our Church Register Multi-Ring Binder
This turned-edge binder with the words “Guests of Our Church” embossed in gold includes a starter pack of register pages.
9781640655096 | Paperback | 10.25" × 11.875" | $66.95
Refill Pages Pack of 25
9781640655089 | Paper | 11" × 8.5" | $18.95
Register of Church Services #400
Columned pages provide a day-by-day record of attendance and number of services for Sunday and Saturday evening Eucharists, weekday and private Daily Offices and other services.
9781640655003 | Hardcover | 11" × 9" |
Register of Confirmation/Receptions #37 Small Size
9781640655140 | Hardcover | 8" × 10.5" |
Register of Marriages #50
Small Size
Includes an alphabetical index and historical data section. Bound with a sturdy, embossed cover with gold-foil.
9781640655157 | Hardcover | 8" × 10.5" | $120.95
Confirmation Certificate #210R
Pack of 25
This certificate for the Rite of Confirmation is printed in red and black on cream colored stock. Certificates are offered in packs of twenty-five and include matching creamcolored envelopes.
9781640655485 | 7" × 4.75" | $19.95
Baptism Certificate #110R Pack of 25
Printed in red and black on white paper stock decorated with a dove. Includes envelope.
9781640654921 | 7" × 4.75" | $19.95
Godparent’s Certificate #500
Pack of 25
Four-page certificate with Sponsor’s Prayer, plus other prayers and helpful suggestions. Printed in red and black on cream stock.
9781640654969 | Paper | 6" × 3.75" |
I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing, Commemorative Wedding Booklet, Gift Edition
The Declaration of Intention and the Marriage Certificate, printed on handsome parchmentlike paper, are stitched into the booklet. Interior pages are printed in red and black. Includes envelope.
9781640655133 | Paperback | 8.5" × 5" |
Ordination Certificate #7221R
Beautifully printed in red and black on heavy natural white stock. Appropriate for the ordination of priests or deacons. Suitable for framing.
9781640655027 | 13" × 19" | $17.95
Episcopal Church Annual 2023
General Convention Edition
9781640656383 | Hardcover | 5.5" × 8.125" | 624 pages | $49.95
2024 Episcopal Church, Revised Common Lectionary Lesson Calendar
This wall calendar includes daily eucharistic and office readings according to the use of the Episcopal Church. An ideal resource for worship planning, the calendar also includes hymn suggestions from The Hymnal 1982 and other authorized hymnals.
9781640656147 | 10½" × 9" | $16.95
Episcopal Clerical Directory 2023
A must-have for every search Committee.
The Episcopal Clerical Directory is the biennial directory of all living clergy in good standing in the Episcopal Church—more than 18,000 deacons, priests, and bishops. It includes full biographical information and ministry history for each cleric.
9781640656574 | Paperback | $99.95
2024 Episcopal Liturgical Appointment Calendar
Consisting of two facing pages and an illustration for each week, this calendar includes ample space to note appointments. In addition to religious and secular holidays, the calendar includes Daily Office readings appointed in the Book of Common Prayer and Revised Common Lectionary readings for the Sunday Eucharist.
9781640656154 | Spiral Bound | 8" x 10" | $18.95
Church Publishing Incorporated products are available through any Episcopal bookstore, Amazon, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, Cokesbury, or your preferred bookseller. Customers wishing to place an order by phone can do so through Christianbook (800) 247-4784, Cokesbury (800) 672-1789, or the Episcopal Booksellers Association (888) 589-8020.
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Church Resources 2023
Stay prepared with the eCP app!
The eCP app is a complete, digital Book of Common Prayer. Ideal for personal devotion and liturgical use, eCP includes:
• An interactive calendar for the Daily Office and Eucharist.
• Bookmarking, sharing, and printing functionality.
• Font size adjustability for easy reading.
• Offline usability—no internet access required.
• A robust library of in-app purchases.