7 minute read
Morehouse Publishing 9781640654150 $16.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 176 pages November 16, 2021
Walking Each Other Home
Spiritual Companionship for Dementia Caregivers Jean M. Denton Dementia changes everything—and not just for the person who receives the diagnosis. Each of the 5.6 million Americans with dementia has one or more caregivers struggling to make meaning while watching their loved one’s personality vanish. The caregiver is sure to be changed—not only by the myriad tasks and responsibilities, but by the soul-searching questions: Dare I hope? Who’s to blame? What do I do with my anger? Where’s God in this? These questions of doubt, guilt, intimacy, depression, and acceptance are ultimately questions of spirit. This book is distinctive: it directly addresses the spiritual needs of the caregiver. It invites the reader to explore his or her own spiritual journey rather than offering pre-determined answers. Appropriate, both for people with faith and people without religion, it encourages dementia caregivers to probe their spiritual questions along with a sympathetic author, one who walked her husband through early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. JEAN M. DENTON has woven together two careers: nursing and public health and spiritual direction and priesthood in the Episcopal Church. She is the author of Good is the Flesh: Body, Soul, and Christian Faith. She lives in California.
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Morehouse Publishing 9781640654327 $14.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 128 pages November 16, 2021
Soul Stages
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Morehouse Publishing 9781640654112 $16.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 128 pages October 19, 2021
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An Adoration of the Body Christina Kukuk “The Word became flesh and lived among us” may be the best news our Christian story has to tell. Through lyric essays and poetry, Christina Kukuk finds the spiritual in the most material bodily experiences: a girl’s tumble through food scarcity, an adolescent awakening to infatuation at summer camp, and a woman waiting hours for her lover’s recovery on a hospital’s transplant floor. Earthy and divine, funny at times, these pages invite readers into an adoration of the body—birth, food, love, pain, death, and water become skin-wrapped windows into the holy. CHRISTINA KUKUK has been an ordained pastor in the United Church of Christ for more than fifteen years. A writer and pastor now living in Oregon, Christina attended journalism school at Kent State University and worked as a business reporter for the Akron Beacon Journal in Ohio. Since then, her freelance work has appeared in numerous publications including The Christian Century.
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Morehouse Publishing 9781640654709 $9.95 paper | 5 x 7 | 96 pages December 14, 2021
The Silence of Calvary
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Morehouse Publishing 9781640654464 $19.95 paper | 6 x 9 | 216 pages October 19, 2021
Praying with Saint Benedict
Reflections on the Rule Stephen Isaacson The Rule of St. Benedict offers a rich opportunity to explore a grounded devotional practice, and this book’s fresh perspective will bring the Rule into your daily life. Praying with Saint Benedict was written for the thousands of lay Christians who are drawn to the Rule of St. Benedict and desire to incorporate it into their daily devotional practice. Those who study the Rule aspire to apply the Benedictine values of community, hospitality, humility, simplicity, and prayer in their daily lives. This unique book incorporates the passage of scripture that Benedict cites, three contemplation questions that facilitate lectio divina, and a concluding prayer. Unlike other commentaries on the Rule, the reflections here tend not to be historical or theological, but rather present personal, relatable thoughts and applications. STEPHEN ISAACSON is the Prior of the Cornerstone Community, a lay Benedictine group within Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Oregon. He is the co-coordinator of outreach ministries at the cathedral, and has served as vestry member, catechesis mentor, lay eucharistic minister, and Diocesan Council representative.