1 minute read
Spanish Resources
Church Publishing 9781640654662 $28.95 paper | 8 x 10 | 224 pages December 14, 2021

Church Publishing 9781640654648 $19.95 paper | 6 x 9 | 192 pages December 14, 2021
Morehouse Publishing 9781640654099 $22.95 paper | 5 x 7.5 | 208 pages September 21, 2021

La Celebración de la Eucaristía / Celebrating the Eucharist
Una guía ceremonial práctica para el clero y otros ministros litúrgicos / A Practical Ceremonial Guide for Clergy and Other Liturgical Ministers Patrick Malloy A clear, illustrated guide for the presider and other leaders of the liturgy, contemporary in approach but based on ancient and classic principles of celebration. Contents include: Theological and liturgical principles; Liturgical ministry and liturgical ministers; Liturgical space; Vesture, vessels, and other liturgical objects; the liturgical year; the shape of the liturgy; the sung liturgy and singing during the liturgy; the order of the Eucharist (the “heart” of the book); and the celebration of Baptism during the Eucharist.
La Liturgia / A House of Meanings
Casa de los Sentidos / Christian Worship in Plain Language Juan Oliver A House of Meanings presents liturgical theology in accessible ways, free of technical language. The book is designed for individual reading and structured to be a resource for a series of parish workshops, especially during the Easter season. Chapters conclude with a discussion guide intended to assist parishioners in developing their own sense of the value of worship and its relationship to our daily lives. Unique and refreshing, A House of Meanings will be useful not only to congregations but to seminarians and anyone planning or evaluating worship.
Corazones que escuchan / Listening Hearts
Discernir el llamado en comunidad / Discerning Call in Community Suzanne G. Farnham, Joseph P. Gill, R. Taylor McLean, and Susan M. Ward Foreword by Eugene Taylor Sutton Written to make the often elusive and usually clergy-centered spiritual practice of discernment accessible to all people, Listening Hearts features simple reflections and exercises drawn from scripture and from Quaker and Ignatian traditions. The seminal work in the Listening Hearts Series, this bestselling book has been a beloved resource for tens of thousands of individual readers, retreat participants, small groups, and church leaders listening for and responding to God’s call in their lives.