2 minute read
Spiritual Growth
Morehouse Publishing 9781640654433 $16.95 paper | 6 x 9 | 144 pages August 17, 2021
Shaping a Faithful Life
Discernment and Discipleship for Young Adults Kathleen Henderson Staudt The resources collected in this book equip young adults to explore deep questions of meaning and purpose and to find ways to connect these questions to the call to faithful living. People in their twenties and thirties are in a stage of life where questions of meaning, purpose, and identity loom large. Here are six core discernment questions to help readers look deeply at where they are now and where they desire to grow. This book offers gathering prayers, scripture readings, prayer practices, and discussion/reflection questions, together with additional resources that leaders can use to custom design each session if working with a particular group. Readers will learn to listen for God’s leading in the choices that they face around relationships, time, and money, and the kinds of work that awaken purpose and passion in their daily life, both in the present and for the future. “This should be on the bookshelf of every young adult asking questions of meaning, purpose, and identity, as well as on those of the college chaplains, Christian educators, rectors, and others who love them.” —Jenifer C. Gamber, priest and missioner, School for Christian Faith and Leadership, the Episcopal Diocese of Washington KATHLEEN HENDERSON STAUDT is a lay leader and educator in the Episcopal Church and has facilitated a multiyear ecumenical Bible study program for young adults as well as workshops at college chaplaincies. She is the author of three books of poetry, two scholarly books, and numerous articles, essays, and reviews. She is a Companion in the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross, a community of women dedicated to a life of prayer and active discipleship.
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