3 minute read
Morehouse Publishing 9781640654303 $16.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 176 Pages Now Available
Celtic Ways to Pray
Finding God in the Natural Elements Ruth Lindberg Pattison Celtic traditions point to God in the natural elements in this refreshing take on how to pray. Where is God when we pray? Artist and priest Ruth Lindberg Pattison looks to the legacy of Celtic spirituality to say God is in all of creation that surrounds us—earth, fire, water, air—and not up in the clouds. She invites the reader into a grounded spirituality rooted deep in Celtic tradition that sees everything as infused with the Spirit—including humanity. The material will deepen the experience of worship with creative, hands-on spiritual practices for the context of liturgy. It can also be used for creating the structure and substance of retreats, spiritual formation classes, and for helping parents who want to learn to pray with children. “Ruth Pattison’s innovative prayer experiments will break open your sheltered soul and enrich your worship of this elemental God wherever you are.” —The Rev. Peter M. Wallace, author of Getting to Know Jesus (Again) RUTH LINDBERG PATTISON is the associate rector for pastoral care, liturgy, and creative ministries at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Ruth completed the School of Celtic Consciousness with John Philip Newell and coordinated a self-directed Celtic pilgrimage to the British Isles, culminating in Iona. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
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This concise and clear introduction to Celtic spirituality provides an overview of all aspects of Celtic understandings. By providing readers not only with a narrative, but with the poetry and songs of the ancient Celts, she explores Celtic views of pilgrimage, solitude, creation, and healing. 9780819218063 | $22.95 | paper
Holy Companions Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints Mary C. Earle and Sylvia Maddox In this book, readers are invited to get to know and journey with eighteen Celtic saints. The authors have provided a theme inspired by each saint, along with a brief biography, a reflection on what the saint’s life and words may mean to us today, and some spiritual exercises and practices that grow out of that life and work. Written accessibly, this is an excellent book for individual exploration or group study. 9780819219930 | $16.95 | paper
Morehouse Publishing 9781640655409 $19.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 208 Pages April 19, 2022

Contemplative Gardening
Pamela Dolan Foreword by Peter Raven An illustrated guide for turning the art of gardening into opportunities for reflection and meditation. Contemplative Gardening encourages green thumbs to make a connection between tending to the earth and tending to their own souls, between creation care and community growth. From her own checkered history as a gardener, killing houseplants, and avoiding yard work to her becoming an avid grower, the author shows transformation can happen. Her own turning point came when she began a church vegetable garden as part of an effort to revitalize a small parish and help it heal from years of division and conflict. A commitment to feeding the hungry was born from the author’s reflection and the will to give. With reflections and discussion questions, she suggests that groups can engage and learn from each other. For real gardeners and armchair ones, retreat centers, churches, and seminaries examining agrarian ministries, and readers exploring the intersection of food and faith. PAMELA DOLAN is the rector of the Episcopal Church of St. Martin in Davis, California, and is an active gardener. She started the Shepherd Farm Garden in suburban Missouri, which gave away thousands of pounds of produce to foodinsecure households. She lives in Woodland, California.
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“With wit, generosity, and patience, Julie Cicora offers us a masterclass in knitting and prayer. You’ll come away with a deeper sense of connection to God, yourself, and the whole creation.” —Brother Aidan Owen, knitter, writer, and guestmaster of Holy Cross Monastery, New York 9781640652620 | $16.95 | paper
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“This beautifully worded book is a practical study in creating photography as a holy process. A must-read for every photographer who wants to see more through the camera lens.” —Deborah Bell Rodahaffer, minister for parish life, the Episcopal Church of the Advent, Louisville, Kentucky 9781640651340 | $17.95 | paper