Eximious Paschal Candles 2015

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www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195

e x i m i o u s® (eg-’zim-e-es) means Distinguished, Unparalleled, Extraordinary

Building on tradition, Cathedral Candle Company has emerged as a leader and innovator who has explored the craft’s full potential and continues to reach new dimensions in product excellence and originality. Through vision, experimentation and four generations of family know-how, Cathedral Candle Company again succeeds in creating new styles and methods that extend beyond existing frontierswith their very special, madeto-order e x i m i o u s ® Paschal Candle line. e x i m i o u s ® Paschal Candles are indeed a tribute to the craft and art of more than 100 years of fine candlemaking. . . An acknowledgment of the duality of special talents, the candle designer and the candle craftsman, who both share a common vision. Each and every e x i m i o u s ® Paschal Candle is made-to-order, mastercrafted with the finest beeswax formulation and individually bench- worked and hand tooled to create splendid intricate inlays, rich onlays and classic sculptured engraving.

Since 1897 Cathedral Candle Company Family Owned and Operated for Four Generations

e x i m i o u s ® Paschal Candle designs are unique and allow the candle decorator’s artistic talent to fingerprint each individual candle. No two candles are exactly alike; every candle is an individual work of art.

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 Upon This Rock – Saint Peter + "I for my part declare to you, you are Rock, and on this rock I will build my church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. I will entrust to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 16:18). Our newest design features the rich symbolism of St. Peter. + The silver and gold keys to the kingdom of heaven entrusted to Peter by Christ. Whatever you declare bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven and whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be held loosed in heaven. + The inverted cross, which Peter requested to be crucified on, stating he was not worthy of being crucified in the same manner in which Christ was. Upon This RockTM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size

e x i m i o u s®

1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

Upon This RockTM Altar Candles 1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12



39 4 $184.00 44 5-2 207.00 36 4sp 184.00 42 5 207.00 48 6 236.00 48 7 275.00 52 8 297.00 36 6sp 236.00 48 8sp 297.00 60 10 340.00 36 9 327.00 48 11 414.00 60 15 473.00 48 15sp 473.00 62 20 586.00 42 18 654.00 60 25 860.00

$115 Pair 165 Pair 193 Pair 221 Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195

Mount. Olivet™ – ". . .but go to My brethren, and say to them: I ascend to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God" (John 20:17). Mount Olivet, the mount of olives surmised to be and designated by tradition to be the site at which the disciples, the believers, witnessed the ascension of Christ into heaven completing the work of our redemption. The ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ depicted as this Paschal design in high relief castings of wax, all with a richly burnished bronze finish. Mount OlivetTM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size

e x i m i o u s®

1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4


39 4 $184.00 44 5-2 207.00 36 4sp 184.00 42 5 207.00 48 6 236.00 48 7 275.00 52 8 297.00 36 6sp 236.00 48 8sp 297.00 60 10 340.00 36 9 327.00 48 11 414.00 60 15 473.00 48 15sp 473.00 62 20 586.00 42 18 654.00 60 25 860.00

Mount OlivetTM Altar Candles


1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$115 Pair 165 Pair 193 Pair 221 Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195

e x i m i o u s®


Luke 24™ We celebrate – “Why do you search for the living one among the dead? He is not here, he has been raised up.” Our Savior Jesus Christ, on this morning we celebrate. One of the most resonating scripture readings of our faith emblazoned as the theme of this paschal candle. The burial shroud symbolically draped on his cross, his Chi Rho monogram triumphantly crowns the design ensemble. All rendered in wax with highlights of copper leaf and burnished with bronze wash. Luke 24™ – Distinguished, Unparalleled, Extraordinary. Luke 24 T M Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

Luke 24TM Altar Candles 1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12


39 4 $173.00 44 5-2 193.00 36 4sp 173.00 42 5 193.00 48 6 220.00 48 7 258.00 52 8 276.00 36 6sp 220.00 48 8sp 276.00 60 10 318.00 36 9 305.00 48 11 387.00 60 15 455.00 48 15sp 455.00 62 20 567.00 42 18 628.00 60 25 816.00

$108 Pair 153 Pair 180 Pair 207 Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 Christus Rex™ – We worship Jesus as Christ the King. Tu Rex gloriae Christe. So he is said to reign in the hearts of humanity, Christ as our Lord, Christ as our King. Framed as the illuminated centerpiece of a gothic stained glass rose window. This exquisite design celebrates the Kingship of Christ as King of all humankind, King eternal, King of all kings, King of the ages, and Lord of all creation. Artisans delicately apply all natural, fine metal leafing to recreate the look of illuminated stained glass set in traditional gothic frames. The Christ as King design is further enunciated by the presence of both the intertwined Alpha Omega and the Victorious Agnus Dei each set as bas relief window centers. “He will sit upon his royal throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him.” (Mt 25) Christus RexTM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size

e x i m i o u s®

Christus Rex™


1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4


39 4 $184.00 44 5-2 207.00 36 4sp 184.00 42 5 207.00 48 6 236.00 48 7 275.00 52 8 297.00 36 6sp 236.00 48 8sp 297.00 60 10 340.00 36 9 327.00 48 11 414.00 60 15 473.00 48 15sp 473.00 62 20 586.00 42 18 654.00 60 25 860.00

Christus RexTM Altar Candles 1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$115 Pair 165 Pair 193 Pair 221 Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195

Jerusalem – The City of Peace. . . of shared derivation from both Greek and Hebrew. The Jerusalem Cross – for centuries admired for its simplicity and symmetry. The four surrounding smaller crosses represent the four Gospels as proclaimed to the four corners of the earth, the large center cross symbolizing the person of Christ. Together as one, representing the Spirit of Jerusalem – The City of Peace. Rendered in deep green highlighted with bright copper/bronze leafing and bordered by two rough hewn copper/bronze bands inscribed with the Alpha Omega and Chi-Rho. The Spirit of Jerusalem™. . . Distinguished, Unparalleled, Extraordinary. Spirit of JerusalemTM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

e x i m i o u s®

Spirit of Jerusalem™ PASCHAL CANDLE


39 4 $173.00 44 5-2 193.00 36 4sp 173.00 42 5 193.00 48 6 220.00 48 7 258.00 52 8 276.00 36 6sp 220.00 48 8sp 276.00 60 10 318.00 36 9 305.00 48 11 387.00 60 15 455.00 48 15sp 455.00 62 20 567.00 42 18 628.00 60 25 816.00

Spirit of JerusalemTM Altar Candles

1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$ 108 Pair 153 Pair 180 Pair 207 Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 The “Evangelium™” – In tribute to the writers of the four canonical Gospels. This beautiful iconic design rendered in bronze toned wax, gilded with 24 carat gold leaf dramatically offsets the natural hues of the 51% Beeswax Paschal. Mathew, Mark, Luke and John – Early, traditional Christian art has long depicted, in beautiful iconic fashion, these four writers of the canonical Gospels as the four “living creatures” that surround God’s throne. Centuries old, Cherubim renditions of Mathew/Human, Mark/Lion, Luke/Ox, and John/Eagle. Each and every Evangelium paschal is meticulously assembled using hand-cast wax ornaments, trimmed with 24 carat gold leaf then inlaid beneath the surface of the highest quality 51% Beeswax candle. The Evangelium™. . . Distinguished, Unparalleled, Extraordinary. EvangeliumTM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

e x i m i o u s®



39 4 $182.00 44 5-2 205.00 36 4sp 182.00 42 5 205.00 48 6 234.00 48 7 273.00 52 8 294.00 36 6sp 234.00 48 8sp 294.00 60 10 337.00 36 9 323.00 48 11 411.00 60 15 468.00 48 15sp 468.00 62 20 580.00 42 18 648.00 60 25 852.00

EvangeliumTM Altar Candles

1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$114 164 191 219

Pair Pair Pair Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 “The 12 Apostles™” 51% beeswax paschal candle is a masterpiece of ecclesiastical design and skilled artistic craftsmanship. “The 12 Apostles™”, a dramatic expression of spiritual adoration, gloriously presented with rich gold, royal velvet, red and pure white handmade wax symbols of the season. . . the Holy Eucharist, instituted by Jesus on the eve of His passion at the “last supper”. . .the 12 Apostles™, witnesses and scribes to the passion, death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord. Every 12 Apostles™ paschal candle is madeto-order, individually benchworked and hand tooled. The entire design ensemble is beautifully inlaid within a carved niche, recessed beneath the surface of the candle. “The 12 Apostles™” paschal candle. . . Extraordinary! The 12 Apostles TM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle.

Diameter Length

(inches) (inches) Size 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

e x i m i o u s®

The Twelve Apostles™ PASCHAL CANDLE


39 4 $162.00 44 5-2 182.00 36 4sp 162.00 42 5 182.00 48 6 210.00 48 7 247.00 52 8 264.00 36 6sp 210.00 48 8sp 264.00 60 10 303.00 36 9 289.00 48 11 373.00 60 15 439.00 48 15sp 439.00 62 20 550.00 42 18 612.00 60 25 782.00

The 12 Apostles TM Altar Candles

1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$105 148 175 200

Pair Pair Pair Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 The “Cross Of Erin®” is a magnificent waxwork adapted from the sculpted stone high crosses of ancient Ireland. This stately 51% beeswax, made-to-order paschal candle is ideal for use during the Easter season and for other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Designed and handcrafted in a highly individual style. . .the metallic bronze wax cross being the prime element with arms and shaft joined by four great arcs, engraved mouldings, interlacing, intricate frets and a three tiered base containing key-symbols of the Alpha/Omega, Lamb Of God and the current year. An elegant new approach to the traditional paschal nail. . .handmade brilliant wax “gemstones,” created exclusively for the “Cross of Erin®” paschal candle. Cross Of Erin ® Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle. Diameter Length (inches) (inches) Size Price

e x i m i o u s®

1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

39 4 $121.00 44 5-2 147.00 36 4sp 121.00 42 5 147.00 48 6 171.00 48 7 208.00 52 8 221.00 36 6sp 171.00 48 8sp 221.00 60 10 253.00 36 9 243.00 48 11 322.00 60 15 386.00 48 15sp 386.00 62 20 487.00 42 18 556.00 60 25 698.00

Cross Of Erin ® Altar Candles



1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$ 83 Pair 118 Pair 144 Pair 168 Pair

Complementing Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 The “Way Of The Cross™” is an imposing 51% beeswax paschal candle created with precise – skilled handwork, that portrays the 14 stations of the cross in sculptured images of high relief. The brilliant cross with it’s faceted appearance of hand wrought gold is a striking contrast to the rough cut, grey stone-like bands trimmed with burnished hand wrought silver. The “Way Of The Cross™” is indeed, an extraordinary paschal candle. . . complementing to both traditional and contemporary church decors.

Way Of The Cross TM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle. Complementing Altar Candles Diameter Length (inches) (inches) Size Price 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

39 4 $173.00 44 5-2 193.00 36 4sp 173.00 42 5 193.00 48 6 220.00 48 7 258.00 52 8 276.00 36 6sp 220.00 48 8sp 276.00 60 10 318.00 36 9 305.00 48 11 387.00 60 15 455.00 48 15sp 455.00 62 20 567.00 42 18 628.00 60 25 816.00

Way Of The Cross TM Altar Candles

e x i m i o u s®

Way of the Cross™


1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$108 153 180 207

Pair Pair Pair Pair

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195 “Ascension™” heralds the risen Christ and features meticulous craftsmanship in an artistic pallet of soft celestial hues in sky blue and angelic white. The glorious center cruciform presents the appearance of movement and rises upward from the flowing alpha and omega toward the ascending dove. . .symbol of the Holy Spirit. During Easter Vigil Services, the five nail tiles are placed in the cruciform, sealing the incense grains.

Ascension TM Paschal Candles

Due to the workmanship required to benchcraft each candle, please allow four weeks for the creation and delivery of your EXIMIOUS paschal candle. Diameter Length Complementing (inches) (inches) Size Price 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4

39 4 $143.00 44 5-2 167.00 36 4sp 143.00 42 5 167.00 48 6 191.00 48 7 231.00 52 8 248.00 36 6sp 191.00 48 8sp 248.00 60 10 283.00 36 9 271.00 48 11 355.00 60 15 423.00 48 15sp 423.00 62 20 534.00 42 18 598.00 60 25 750.00

Ascension TM Altar Candles

e x i m i o u s®


1-1/2 x 17 2 x 17 2-1/2 x 12 3 x 12

$ 97 Pair 138 Pair 163 Pair 185 Pair

Altar Candles

www.Church SupplyWarehouse.com - 866-757-5195


Š 2014 Cathedral Candle Company

US 14/15

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