It is remarkable that as we write this message, 120 hostages are still being held in Gaza, their fate unknown. The world has turned upside down as global antisemitism continues to rear its ugly head, and here in Canada we feel increasingly more unsafe.
The global rise of antisemitism has magnified how marginalized we feel as Jews and the importance of community building is exponentially more critical. Now more than ever, the sisterhood of CHW is attracting a new generation; the focus on funding projects in Israel that benefit at-risk women, children and families is essential; and addressing the tsunami of mental health issues for everyone, particularly treating PTSD, is of paramount importance.
To address community building, CHW held a wildly successful fourth annual FASHION BLOOMS Toronto event in May with over 400 men, women, and young professionals in attendance. Attracting both young and mature supporters, the event has grown steadily since its inception. The success of the event demonstrates the multigenerational strength of CHW, the new face of CHW, and a growing devotion toward Zionism by supporters of all ages.
The bonds of sisterhood will not be broken, and it is a key strength of our community of volunteers and donors. This strength is what sets CHW apart from other community organizations and has attracted dozens of new volunteers and donors since 10/7.
We are currently kicking off our S.O.S - Starting Over Safely summer campaign to empower victims of violence and trauma in Israel and Canada. Domestic, sexual, gender based, and intimate partner violence are societal issues of epidemic proportions in Israel and Canada. The campaign also addresses the critical
Lynn Gillman National President
issues around trauma recovery and PTSD treatment for women and children in Israel and showcases how CHW is filling the gaps to support those most at risk. The projects supported through CHW’s donors will provide significant impact and benefit the most vulnerable to change lives, provide hope, and build futures.
Since our last ORAH was published, the ONE DAY AT A TIME campaign for rehabilitation and recovery wrapped up. We exceeded our $2 million goal this year (toward our $3.2 million commitment) supporting the large hydrotherapy pool at Hadassah Hospital and innovative, pioneering treatment for PTSD utilizing hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Shamir Medical Center. We are deeply grateful to the Azrieli Foundation for their lead gift of $1.2 million to the campaign. Our gratitude is extended to the many donors whose support will improve lives. Todah Rabah for your generosity.
We continue to stand as one nation now more than ever before. The diaspora stands in solidarity with Israel and CHW’s support is unwavering in our commitment to fund all our Israeli partners. Our organization is ever-changing, evolving to increase engagement, impact, and to ensure our future. To learn more about our advancements and impact, we hope you will read your ORAH cover to cover.
Everything we do is possible with your steadfast support and for that we are so very grateful.
Thank you for your philanthropy today and always.
Am Israel Chai.
Warm regards,
Lisa Colt-Kotler Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW)
Rebecca Bowslaugh
Daniel Pike
Alanna Elias
Jennifer Ierullo
Malka-Deena Lewis
Katia Ousovitch
Karen Rustia
Sharon Stern
Lynn Gillman
Elayna Latsky
Marcia Glick
Dorothy Hanson
Jeannette Hoffman
Shanna Mittleman
Barb Rosenstein
Ariella Schachter
Linda Senzilet
Tova Train
Lisa Colt-Kotler
The articles which appear in ORAH Magazine, while representing the opinions of the authors (or issuing agencies), may not necessarily reflect the official views of Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW). We welcome any letters or comments regarding the contents of ORAH Magazine. Printed in Canada.
209-638A Sheppard Avenue West Toronto, ON M3H 2S1
Telephone: 416-477-5964
Toll-Free: 1-855-477-5964
Fax: 416-477-5965
Email: info@chw.ca
Web: www.chw.ca
Your generosity allows Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) to support education, healthcare, and social services, benefiting women and children in Israel and in Canada. You can contribute to CHW in many ways:
• Support a campaign
• Monthly giving
• Cards and Certificates
• Join our Legacy Circle
• Support a fundraiser
• Join a chapter
• Start a chapter
• Volunteer at an event
• Host a fundraiser
• Volunteer as a canvasser
CHW Hadassim Children and Youth Village
• Lea Zev Shilman & Joseph Zunia Shilman Therapeutic Program
• Emergency Generator
• Music Program
CHW Nahalal Youth Village
• The Ruth and Fredz”l Cooperstock Dairy Farm
CHW Netanya Technological High School
• Culinary Arts Program
CHW Neri Bloomfield School of Design at Haifa University
• Student Scholarships
Hadassah Academic College (HAC)
• Alanna Elias Blender Scholarship
• Max & Faye Kifer Scholarship
Hadassah Hospital, Mt. Scopus
• Large Hydrotherapy Pool at the Gandel Rehabilitation Center
Shamir Medical Center
• PTSD treatment utilizing hyperbaric oxygen therapy
World WIZO
• Safety Net
• Essentials Kits
• Respite Summer Camp
Michal Sela Forum
• The Michal Sela Canines
• Michal’s Watch
HaGal Sheli
• Mental health for at-risk youth
Her Academy
• Services for at-risk women escaping prostitution
Franny’s Fund
• Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal
Scholarships and Bursaries
• Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa
Canadian Young Judaea (CYJ) Camps & Programs
• Across Canada
Annual Holiday Toy Drive
• Calgary
We are so grateful to have such generous volunteers and donors supporting us every single day.
Thanks to your incredible generosity, CHW’s Emergency Appeal raised $3,040,002 to support our partners on the ground in Israel, and CHW’s One Day At A Time Annual Campaign raised $2,070,402 in support of rehabilitation and recovery.
Thank you for helping us make a tremendous impact.
We give you a place to tell it.
Activating brands around the world or around the corner.
Susan and John Rose recently made a major gift in support of the new Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Hospital. We love asking about the motivation behind generosity, and here is what Susan had to say.
John and I, along with our children, decided to support the Gandel Rehabilitation Center because we recognize the need of the services the Center provides. Our donation is in memory of my mother, Betty Skolnikz”l, who was an occupational therapist. Her first job was working with WWII veterans. She always talked about how her work allowed her to help others with the healing of their bodies.
During CHW’s “Celecation” trip, John and I visited several of CHW’s projects. We saw firsthand how CHW donations go directly towards helping the people of Israel.
I have been a member of CHW Tamid Chapter for 25 years, taking on a variety of positions at the chapter, centre, and national level. In the fall of 2021, Barb Rosenstein and Stephanie Caplan, who were CHW Toronto Centre President and Vice-President respectively, asked me to consider being the next Vice-President. I was very excited to be asked and I happily accepted the position, knowing that I would become CHW Toronto Centre President in August 2024.
I am already a Sustainer, so with my increased involvement in CHW, John and I decided to move our giving to the next level by increasing our donations to CHW.
Both John and I grew up in households that taught us to give back to the community through volunteer work and philanthropy. When it comes to Israel and the Jewish community, my grandmother’s words are ingrained in my memory: “If we don’t give, who will.” We are strong supporters of Israel for that reason and because we want Israel to continue to thrive. We have visited Israel and seen what a vibrant, welcoming, and warm society it is. We are delighted to be a part of CHW’s project.
The new large hydrotherapy pool in the Gandel Rehabilitation Center (pictured right) is funded by CHW. Thanks to the Roses, there is now a lovely reception area for patients waiting for their therapy. Read more about hydrotherapy on pages 10-11.
Our 2024 annual campaign, aptly named ONE DAY AT A TIME: On the Road to Rehabilitation and Recovery, funded the large hydrotherapy pool in the new Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus.
Hadassah Hospital began planning and constructing the large, state-of-the-art Gandel Rehabilitation Centre on Mount Scopus long before October 7, to meet the need for rehabilitation beds and advanced treatment in Jerusalem. With the outbreak of the Iron Swords War, the shortage of rehabilitation services intensified, so Hadassah expedited a partial opening of the multi-story Gandel Rehabilitation Center (GRC) to meet the urgent needs of Israel’s population.
Unlike Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and other major medical centres in Israel, the Mount Scopus campus did not have a fortified area that could function as a hospital if the area came under rocket and missile fire. Hadassah rigged up an under-construction underground parking garage with the infrastructure necessary to operate a fully functional five-ward, 130-bed hospital, pulling all available workers from other projects to work around the clock, completing the underground emergency hospital within a few short weeks.
Hadassah opened the initial crucial departments on January 17, 2024: inpatient care, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. The hospital continues to expedite construction of the remaining departments, equipping them with leading-edge technologies, to provide the best rehabilitation services. To meet the increased costs, Hadassah diverted existing resources and raised additional funds for the expedited construction.
To date, Hadassah Hospital has treated more than 700 soldiers and civilians injured by the war, and the GRC has treated more than 200 patients since it opened. Once the eight-floor, 30,000 square meters GRC is completed, it will treat 10,000 patients annually in four inpatient units with a total of 140 beds, and a range of specialized outpatient clinics, quadrupling Hadassah’s capacity and alleviating the severe shortage of percapita rehabilitation beds in Jerusalem.
“Supporting Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem is a privilege because since October 7, we believe in the incredible work they are doing at the Gandel Rehabilitation Center
The state-of-the-art hydrotherapy centre opened in April. Comprised of two heated treatment pools, locker rooms, staff rooms, and waiting area, the 1,175 square meter hydrotherapy center will significantly increase the hospital’s capacity.
Hydrotherapy is an efficacious form of waterbased physical therapy that eases pain, improves mobility, and promotes strength and healing through exercise. Hydrotherapy works by using the properties of water:
• water pressure helps to reduce swelling and inflammation
• buoyancy reduces the impact of gravity on the body, reducing stress on injured joints and muscles and providing for a low-impact environment and easier movement
• the resistance of the water helps strengthen muscles and improve range of motion
• the warmth of the water reduces pain and inflammation, improves circulation, relaxes muscles, and improves mobility.
For patients receiving treatment, the new facility marks a major improvement from the rehabilitation ward in Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus.
The pool provides a unique platform for treating patients who have undergone complicated
Elazar was seriously injured when the tank he was serving in was hit by an anti-tank guided missile in Gaza, causing a fire and filling the vehicle with smoke. Elazar sustained burns to much of his body, requiring skin grafts to his face, and severe damage to his lungs from the smoke inhalation. The new facility allows Elazar more sessions than the previous facility, speeding up the recovery process for his lungs. Elazar
orthopaedic surgery, cannot yet put weight on their body or limbs, or suffer from intense pain. Staffed by physical therapists trained in hydrotherapy who work with the patients outside of the pool, patients enjoy a continuum of treatment.
Another advantage of GRC’s large hydrotherapy pool is its equipment. Patient equipment, such as underwater bicycles, allow for targeted treatment, while staff equipment, such as waterproof computers, allow therapists to pull patient files in real time while in the water- changing, correcting, or fine-tuning treatment based on the individual’s medical history.
Previously limited to 50 patients per day, today upwards of 70 patients use the large hydrotherapy pool each day, with nearly all soldiers using the hydrotherapy pool as part of their treatment at the GRC. The large hydrotherapy pool’s counter current lane is especially beneficial for the soldierpatients who tend to be young, healthy, and strong, challenging their bodies and rehabilitation (few rehabilitation centres in Israel have counter current pools).
Funded by CHW – and to be named by CHW - the large hydrotherapy treatment pool (187.5 square meters), serves as the main aquatic gym for individual and group therapy sessions.
Sagi Shiftoni sustained severe burns after Hamas terrorists set fire to his home on October 7. He was hospitalized for two weeks in Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem’s Burn Unit. Following intensive inpatient rehabilitation care and psychological support, he participates in outpatient rehabilitation at the GRC. Sagi is profoundly grateful for the care he has received and is still receiving at the GRC. “I am enveloped
Congratulations to CHW on a sold-out event!
You successfully raised over $140,000 in support of physical rehabilitation at Hadassah Hospital, psychological recovery at Shamir Medical Center, and scholarships for leadership programming and camp experiences at Canadian Young Judaea.
1-R32 Foundation
Sam Altman
Anonymous x3
The Azrieli Foundation
Maria Beckz"l
Kaye Bernstein Trust Fund #1
Marie Buxbaum Ledererz"l
Paula Cohen
Dr. Geoffrey Conway Memorial Foundation
Ruth & Fredz"l Cooperstock
Sylvia & Lorne Cristall z"l
Marla & Aubrey Dan
The Aubrey & Marla Dan Foundation
Debbie Eisenberg & Gary Levene
The Eldee Foundation
Esther Rachel Federmanz"l
The Jaclyn Fisher Foundation
Adrienne Folb z"l
Rachel Lili Gerstenzangz"l
Ginette Ingrid Goldz"l
Bea Goldbergz"l
Bernard Goldbergz"l
Harvey Goldmanz"l
Paul and Claudia Goldman
Sam Goldsmithz"l
Ilona Gondorz"l
The Harweg Foundation
Gertrude Helperinz"l
Jeannette Hoffman
Roslyn Joseph
The Joseph Lebovicz”l Charitable Foundation
Rachel Lapidusz"l
Elayna & Jonathan Latsky
Dena Kelsonz"l
Chana Kempner-Sternz"l
Lillian Freimanz”l founded Canadian Hadassah-WIZO in 1917. Despite her busy home life (married with three children), Lillian hosted meetings, opened her home to new immigrants, supported countless causes, supported veterans, raised funds for those in need, established the first agricultural school for women in Israel (CHW Nahalal Youth Village), travelled the world to fight injustice, and oversaw the transport of 150 Ukrainian Jewish orphans to Canada. Lillian is also celebrated as being the Canadian "Poppy Lady," thanks to her longterm role as National Poppy Chair. By the mid-1920s, under Freiman’s leadership, CHW had grown to 4,500 members and 68 chapters across the country. From 1919–1940, Lillian served as National President of CHW. In 1934, she became the first Canadian Jew to be awarded the Order of the British Empire. Lillian passed away at the age of 55, after passing along her passion for philanthropy to the next generation.
Esther & Harry Lebovic
Marilyn Libin & Jed Gaines
Shirley Lipovskyz"l
Edith S. Mandellz"l
Louis Manpelz"l
Irving and Estherz"l Matlow
Bertha Moskovitzz"l
Eunice C. Mouckleyz"l
Dr. Jay Newmanz"l
William H. Owenz"l
Norma Palmerz"l
Paradise Homes Corp.
David Pollackz"l
Helen Readz"l
Susan & John Rose
Gloria I. Rosenberg
The Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman Foundation
Dr. Natalie Shafferz"l
Etta T. Shermanz"l
Marianne Simorz"l
Marilyn and Stephen Sinclair
Phyliss Reta Sniderz"l
SOMAR Foundation, Sandy & Larry Martin
Soskin Family Foundation
Thelma Grace Steinz"l
Gerald Strollz"l
Eva Szuszz"l
Martha Vajdaz"l
Manual Whitzmanz"l The Wolf Lebovic Charitable Foundation
Philanthropy and generosity often run in the family, and so does supporting CHW. We are an organization that spans generations: mothers and sons, aunts and nieces, grandmothers and granddaughters, working together to create global impact. This is our family, and together, we are changing the world.
My late mother, Pearl Greenbaumz”l, first got involved with CHW back in the 1960s when she joined the Ilana Chapter. Years later, she took on her work with CHW full-time and eventually she chaired the Hadassah Bazaar and took on the role of CHW Toronto Centre President from 19811983.
Growing up in an upper middle-class Jewish home, when I got my driver’s license in 1971, I quickly became my mother’s Hadassah assistant. After school, I would be allowed to use the family station wagon to meet my friends, but first I had to schlep boxes of items from Willowdale or Bayview to Forest Hill. Dropping off and picking up items destined for the Bazaar. This was my first exposure to CHW, and it was a wonderful thing.
I wanted to help, to make a difference, to effect change, to give back, to see CHW become a better place. It was an extraordinary experience for me, and I learned that money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. The bonus was that I met so many kids my age, either through CHW or through camp, developing lifelong friendships within my own community.
Over the past few years, I have supported CHW Fashion Blooms, Passover Tulip Drive, and the National Garage Sale, which was a tribute to the Hadassah Bazaar.
Thanks to my mother, I’m a Hadassah Life Associate, but I also volunteer because I enjoy looking back and thinking, “I supported that, and it’s bigger and better now because of me.”
Our family’s journey with CHW began over five decades ago when I first joined the organization. As a passionate advocate for Israel and the Jewish community, I was looking for a way to connect with women who felt the same. I was drawn to CHW’s dedication to supporting healthcare, education, and social services in Israel and Canada, and I saw CHW as a vital way to make a tangible difference.
Through CHW, I forged many lifelong relationships with like-minded women, and together, we had momentum that led to change. My involvement inspired my husband, and later our children and grandchildren, to continue this legacy. Our family’s commitment to CHW has become a multigenerational effort, rooted in the shared belief that supporting Israel and our Jewish community is not just a responsibility but a privilege.
Giving back to the community and practicing tzedakah is important for us, it a core value that has been instilled in our family. We know that our strength and resilience as Jewish people comes from our collective efforts to support one another. By giving back, we honor the sacrifices and achievements of those who came before us and ensure a brighter future for the next generation.
Our involvement in CHW allows us to contribute to the well-being of those both in Israel and in Canada, reflecting our commitment to Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of repairing the world.
One of my fondest memories is when I co-chaired the annual CHW Montreal Art Auction. My entire family got involved: my husband, our children and their spouses, and our grandchildren all volunteered. It was incredibly moving to see three generations working together for a cause we deeply believe in.
It was so important for them to see our commitment, not just in words, but certainly in actions. The event was not merely a way to raise funds for CHW’s projects, but also a way to strengthen our bond as a family and connect with the larger Jewish community. The sense of unity and purpose we felt participating is something I will always be proud of and cherish.
Over the years, my family has been particularly drawn to initiatives that support children and healthcare. We have supported CHW’s daycare centres and youth villages, and we have been strong advocates for CHW’s healthcare projects, such as Hadassah Hospital and Shamir Medical Center.
These initiatives and events resonate with us because they align with our values. By participating in events and supporting these projects, we emphasize the importance of communal responsibility and the power of collective effort in making a significant impact.
Like many survivors, my mother, Fanny Pillersdorfz”l, was intensely supportive of Israel. It was my parents’ belief that if Israel had existed during the second world war, the Holocaust would have been very different.
Fanny was determined (or some might say stubborn), a trait that served her well when she would fund-raise for Israel. When we emigrated from Barbados to Canada, she quickly joined Canadian Hadassah-WIZO and was involved in numerous fundraising activities. Her favourite activity; however, was the Hadassah Bazaar. With the help of her Weitzman Chapter members, she started a hotdog stand that became a staple of the Bazaar. She had hotdogs and buns donated and served soft drinks. Eventually, she grew the booth to offer donated coffee and donuts in the morning, and hamburgers and hotdogs thereafter. I would look forward to helping her sell these items along with extended family and friends who would come down to the CNE to help her raise money for Israel.
My favourite memory of the Bazaar is ironically, one of the last ones. When the Bazaar got to be too physically demanding for her and the rest of her chapter, they asked a younger chapter to take over. Someone I had known for several years, who was a member of the younger chapter, heard me talking about my mother’s involvement in the Bazaar. “My G-d. Your mother was Fanny!” She related with great fondness and awe how everyone in her chapter was scared of Fanny because things at the hotdog stand had to be done in the correct manner or she would be all over them.
In her late seventies and eighties, Fanny, who had always been reluctant to discuss the Holocaust, became deeply involved in Holocaust education, giving lectures to public school classes and attending several March of the Living trips through Toronto and Miami. She never forgot her commitment to Israel though and she began collecting seconds from clothing manufacturers and hired ladies to help her sew and correct imperfections in the clothes. Much to my father’s chagrin (even though he whole-heartedly supported her efforts), she would take every opportunity, day or night, to sell clothes out of their basement to anyone who would call. In this fashion, she was able to raise over $100,000 for Israel.
With my parents providing roles to emulate, it is important for my generation to give back to the community and to support Israel. CHW continues to be an active, vibrant way to do this, with its programs in healthcare, education, and social services, and I am happy to support CHW and continue my mother’s legacy.
Iam a very long-standing member and supporter of CHW, having joined a chapter in Montreal right after university. When I moved to Toronto in 1998, I wasn’t very involved with CHW, but I rejoined after meeting Shayla Gunter-Goldstein in 2008. She invited me to be part of her chapter, CHW Toronto Atid Chapter.
I became progressively more involved and started to take on leadership roles within CHW Toronto Centre. My parents also became supporters of CHW in support of me, and later my mom, Marion, increased her commitment because she saw how important CHW is to me.
Our family is very philanthropic. My mother serves on the board of two Jewish organizations in Montreal, my sister Andrea in Chicago is the lay President of a Jewish Day School, my late father was very community-minded and imparted in all of
us the desire to get involved and do our part, so it was only natural for me to take on the role of CHW Toronto Centre President in 2022.
I was looking for a project to support to mark the end of my presidency in Toronto and the Horse Therapy Program at CHW Nahalal Youth Village really resonated with me. My mom agreed to come on board in support as well because she is a lifelong lover of animals and supports other animal focused causes.
I have very fond memories of spending time in the horse barns at summer camp, taking care of the horses, and I became very fond of a lovely gentle white horse named Marshmallow. To care for an animal teaches all sorts of life skills, especially around consistency and commitment, and I am proud that our donation allows CHW Nahalal to impart those skills on their students.
AUNTIE G: The tradition in Leeds, UK, was that recent brides were asked to join a WIZO chapter. I joined a chapter in 1975, soon after I was married. Sarah’s mom, Susan, married my husband’s brother a few years later and soon she was asked to join a new chapter. I moved over to her chapter to be with her and to help get the chapter started.
When our family immigrated to Canada in 1982, I contacted CHW Ottawa Centre to find a chapter, and some 42 years later I am still a member. I also served on the Board of Directors for three terms, which was a wonderful experience.
SARAH: Growing up, WIZO UK was such an integral part of my identity, and as natural as going to school, brownies, or seeing my friends. The hustle and bustle of women chatting over a cup of tea while shopping the knick-knacks on offer were part of my regular Sunday mornings. My mother or another friend from her WIZO group would also host coffee mornings to raise funds for Israel. And if I was lucky enough, I would be the chosen as “coffee morning opener,” which meant I got to be dressed to the nines and everyone would pay extra special attention to me while getting my picture taken for the local Jewish paper.
The piece de resistance was being picked as the child presenter for the Blue and White Bazaar (our equivalent to the Grand Bazaar in Toronto). I was fortunate to have this honour around my Bat Chayil, along with my three good friends. We all had to make a speech to the attendees and afterwards we had a celebratory meal behind the scenes. It was such a momentous event for me. I kept my speech and have it still to this day. It was a natural progression that I would become involved in the organization when I was old enough to participate more fully.
AUNTIE G: I have so many fond CHW memories, like making blintzes for the Bazaar at the home of Terry Schwarzfeldz”l, with the ladies cooking and the husbands packing and freezing. I also enjoyed
chairing the Designer Duds events where I got to spend several days with women of all ages when we were pricing the items. I have hosted several teas for CHW Ottawa Centre and my family always helped out: my husband encouraged men to attend by welcoming them with a glass of wine in the garden and my daughter-in-law would bake and bring my grandsons to the tea.
Of course, most recently, I was so proud to see Sarah on the Toronto Fashion Blooms committee and I was so impressed with the show when I attended the event in May. I must say that not only did I not expect to live in Canada this long, but I also certainly never thought Sarah and I would be at a CHW event together! It made me very happy!
SARAH: It is important for me to be actively involved in CHW because no matter how hard life is there are always people who are less fortunate and need support. It is important to not only remind myself daily of the blessed position we are in, but also to expose our children to these values and instill that practice into their daily lives.
AUNTIE G: I went to Israel for the first time in December 1973, as a university student volunteer, to pick oranges after the Yom Kippur War. It moved me deeply to see how the Israeli people were trying so hard to build a life for themselves. Giving back to our community has always been important for me and our family.
Learn how CHW scholarships are helping students achieve their dreams.
Meet Mor, a fourth year student of fashion design. Mor was raised by her mother, with no relationship with her father. She grew up dependent on the system for support and began working at a young age. Despite having
eet Yarden, a third year student of fashion design at the Neri Bloomfield School of Design. Her love and learning of fashion began in childhood. Yarden’s grandmother was a tailor. By the age of 14, Yarden was studying fashion at WIZO Art & Design High School. As a high school student, she would come to Neri Bloomfield School to see their projects. And today, as a student, it “feels like home” to Yarden. Yarden is studying at NBA against odds set against her. Without any financial backing from home, Yarden has been working as a lifestyle journalist to support her studies. With the outbreak of war, fashion blogging came to a halt and Yarden couldn’t afford school. The scholarship provided by CHW allowed Yarden to continue her studies. In the next year, Yarden plans to gather experience in
AUGUST 20-21, 2024
We are calling for canvassers to help CHW raise funds for this year’s campaign. If you or someone you know is interested in helping out, please visit the website below, or
CHW supports the innovative Michal Sela Canines program, which provides women like Abby, who are under high-risk threat of intimate partner violence, with a life-saving protection dog. This is Abby’s story.
Four years might not seem like a very long time. It’s the length of most university degrees. It’s how much time we wait between Olympic Games. You could probably learn the basics of a new language in that span of time. Four years was long enough for Abby to get married and have two beautiful children. It was also enough time for Abby to withdraw from her family and friends. It was enough time for Abby to learn how to hide what was going on in her own home. It was enough time to start living in fear for her life.
During their four years of marriage, Abby’s husband took control of everything. She couldn’t even have a conversation with a neighbour without it ending in violence. He was in her every thought. “That’s what happens with violence, he takes control of everything: of the light of your life, your beliefs,
Abby survived, and her husband received a five-year prison sentence. For five years, Abby felt she was the one in prison, “I lived every day over those five years as if it was my last. I was the most amazing mom for my kids; every day I was a fairytale mom, roughhousing with them, taking them on trips, cooking with them, messing up the home.”
As her ex-husband’s release date drew near, Abby’s anxiety rose to intense levels. “You know what darkness is? Well, it was darker than that. Darkness with no light, and no-one to come and turn on the light. Just dark.” For months, Abby couldn’t sleep, despite sleeping pills and tranquilizers. Abby simply came to terms with the fact that the day her exhusband would be released from prison would be the day she died.
The police and welfare department had one solution: a shelter. “Everything I’d built over those five years is thrown away. All the rehab I did on myself. From now on, you live in fear in the shelter.”
Two months before her ex-husband was released, Abby saw a post about Michal Sela Forum (MSF) on social media. She reached out, ready to try anything. She was so happy when she heard back almost immediately. MSF set Abby up with a panic button and home security cameras. They also started the process of introducing her new canine protection dog: Zili.
The canine protection training was uncomfortable for Abby at first, she didn’t even feel confident petting the dog. Watching the dog suddenly spring into action was also scary, after everything Abby had been through. “You’re trying to get away from violence, and now suddenly the dog becomes… violent. For five years, I hadn’t experienced violence, and now there’s violence next to me, but this time for protection. If I activate him, does it make me violent? That’s something I couldn’t get my head around.”
Zili had an amazing impact on Abby and her children. “I’m not living with fear anymore, I’m living the way I want to live, and I’m having fun doing it. The dog is a blessing for the kids - I got my
Abby’s elder son used to have a fear of dogs and would certainly never touch or pet one. Today he lets Zili lick him, lie on top of him, play with him. Today Zili listens to him and he listens to Zili.
“There’s this amazing harmony between them. With the war, Zili has been like medicine for them, he gives them strength- and me too, a lot. If a siren goes off, Zili licks them, or goes to their side and stays with them. Imagine how much security he brings into the home, for me, for the kids.”
MSF, and in particular the Michal Sela Canines, provided Abby with security. “I can breathe again. I’m not controlled by fear now. The woman I am now isn’t anything like that woman back then. The woman who started the program isn’t like that woman who was stabbed over 40 times. While I was being stabbed, I didn’t cry out. I didn’t even call out. Neighbors called the police - it didn’t cross my mind to call the police.”
Abby found her identity and her voice thanks to Zili. She smiles more, talks more, and doesn’t hide behind her story. She brings Zili to work with her and has shared her story with her colleagues and friends. She is proud of what she went through and how she came out on the other side. “I can be an inspiration for other women, and for everyone around, so they don’t look at us women as poor victims. We’re not poor victims. We didn’t choose to be brave. We can be a light for each other and for other women.”
Abby is so thankful that she found Michal Sela Forum and Zili. She hopes MSF can reach every home in every corner of the world. “People need to know that the Michal Sela Forum is literally our light, our life. The Forum was established because a woman was murdered. Because of that woman who was murdered, I’m alive today.” CLICK ON THE ICON TO WATCH THE IMPACTFUL INTERVIEW WITH ABBY.
Franny’s Fund ensures at-risk children and families have access to legal counsel and therapeutic counselling services as they navigate the criminal justice system.
Franny’s Fund was created by Rebecca Snukal in 2021 to provide financial resources for urgent needs of children/youth and families who had the courage to report and stop violence. Being able to provide resources to support caregivers and their children through the process helps to minimize significant trauma down the road.
CHW began supporting Franny’s Fund in 2022 through Luna Centre and Homefront in Calgary. Last year, we expanded support across Canada to increase our impact and help as many at-risk families as possible.
Luna Centre provided 89 therapy sessions, unique therapeutic intervention for 29 individualsincluding 12 caregivers - and engaged 17 counselling professionals.
Homefront supports legal fees, financial aid for tutoring services, security cameras for families in high-risk situations, and empowering events for women and their children.
Fondation Marie-Vincent supported many families by providing financial support, food, therapy with interpretation, and transportation to necessary services.
Treehouse launched a child counselling program for victims of abuse and for those experiencing complex symptoms, cutting out lengthy waits for free services.
CFS Ottawa provides group counselling for children who have experienced sexual abuse and provides fees associated with the justice process.
Boost expanded their Child and Youth Advocacy Program, supporting 157 families during police and child protection investigations and hired a designated advocate, which led to a 36% increase in support for families.
In addition to Michal Sela Forum, Franny’s Fund, and WIZO Safety Net, CHW’s S.O.S - Starting Over Safely Summer Campaign is supporting two new projects in 2024: HaGal Sheli and Her Academy.
For over a decade, HaGal Sheli has empowered and educated youth nationwide to conquer life’s challenges by harnessing the transformative power of surfing, fostering personal growth, resilience, and success.
In the aftermath of the attacks on October 7, HaGal Sheli launched an emergency trauma intervention
program to prevent the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among affected individuals.
Since the onset of the war, HaGal Sheli has provided critical care to over 1,000 evacuees from the most affected communities in both the north and south, released hostages, Nova Festival survivors, active combat soldiers, and veterans.
The primary aim is to prevent the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among this vulnerable demographic. This unique initiative utilizes surfing as a powerful therapeutic tool, complemented by the expertise of a dedicated team of educators, clinical psychologists, and social workers.
With a focus on the present—emphasizing the “here and now” through surfing, individuals are able to strengthen
their sense of control amid uncertain conditions in the sea and release pent-up energies. They also benefit from group support, and experience success by overcoming the challenges of surfing. Nature therapy is an integral part of the healing process, fostering both physical and mental recovery.
Certified surf instructors lead each weekly session throughout the program, supported by trauma specialists, clinical psychologists, educators, and mentors.
Her Academy is a revolutionary non-profit organization, working holistically to support highly vulnerable women escaping prostitution and violence in Israel through the provision of vocational training, job placement services, and more. Their success rate is remarkable: 85% of students graduate and over 70% of those eligible for work find stable employment.
Her Academy starts by addressing the endemic challenges, including lack of formal education, social stigmas, debt bondage, trauma, low self-esteem, and isolation. They empower their students to find and use their own voice. They restore independence and control by providing access to education, skillbuilding and a judgment-free learning environment.
They provide a structured support system during the transition out of sex work and into the Israeli workforce. Their services work together in and with the existing system to enhance overall support:
In 2024, with CHW’s support, Her Academy hopes to support 200 students in Tel Aviv and 40 students at a branch opening soon in Haifa. Click the icon to learn more.
FSharon and Jeannie also visited Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and the CHW Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Unit (PCCCU). As one of just three cardiac-dedicated programs in Israel, the PCCCU’s 16-room unit treats approximately 1,000 children a year. The unit will be hosting the National Conference on Neonatal Intensive Care – a conference that was initiated and developed by two of the unit’s nurses, under the inspiring leadership of department head, Prof. Uri Pollack.
ormer CHW Victoria Centre President Sharon Fitch and CHW member Jeanne Bronstein visited Hadassah Academic College in May. The visit began with a tour of the recently renovated DAN Department for Creative Human Design – a unique industrial design unit with a focus on inclusive design to ensure access and use of products by all. The redesigned department has inspired its 120 students, 80% of whom are women and 30% of whom have been serving reserve duty in the Iron Swords war.
Sharon and Jeannie visited the Blender’s ultraorthodox student campus and met with two students. The first, Miri, is a third-year student who made Aliyah with her family from Russia. Miri came to the Blender with, “just the seeds of the idea.” With the support of the Blender, Miri developed a coding company with a first and very pleased customer. The second, Deborah, is a first-year student who made Aliyah with her family from France. Deborah and Miri together, in The Blender, developed Vital Whisperer, a life-saving, first-aid instruction application suitable for anyone, not just those with a medical background. Miri and Deborah and their achievements via the Blender are mind-blowing! The Blender is trailblazing a new path for the young minds in the religious community. Now in its fourth year, the Blender has had over 1,000 participants in its various activities.
Successful Canadian businessman and entrepreneur Neil Closner, had a personal tour of Hadassah Hospital’s recently opened Gandel Rehabilitation Center in April. Not yet completed, Neil visited the large hydrotherapy pool funded by CHW, the underground emergency hospital, and a variety of other rehabilitation departments. Having served in a leadership role at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, Neil’s deep understanding of healthcare made his appreciation for the Gandel Rehabilitation Center’s advanced technological and personal treatment extra meaningful.
IThe most powerful part of Neil’s tour was meeting Michael. Michael is a 57-year-old reservist in the combat engineering unit of the IDF. On October 7, Michael didn’t wait to be called to service, he and a friend drove south and fought Hamas terrorists. Uninjured, the two fought in Gaza until late November when their unit came under attack. Michael was shot in the ankle and his friend was killed. Michael underwent two surgeries at Ein Kerem, before being transferred to Mt. Scopus, where he underwent an additional four surgeries. Today, Michael is an outpatient at the Gandel Rehabilitation Center. He can’t thank Hadassah and its staff enough for their excellent treatment.
n December 2023, Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem hosted a touching ceremony dedicating the beautiful bronze sculpture donated by Barry Shiff to Professor Ofer Gofrit and the entire urology department. Before an intimate group of family, friends, and department staff, Barry shared his personal story of misdiagnosis, neurological issues, and doctors in Canada and the U.S. who told him to live with it. Then he met Prof. Gofrit, the head of urology at Hadassah Ein Kerem.
After 10 years of being told there was nothing that could be done, Prof. Gofrit, and his team operated and healed Barry’s long-term issues. As he was leaving the hospital, Barry saw a sculpture in the gift shop that resembled hands of a surgeon. Barry found the artist, Sara Ezer, and commissioned her to create the hands of a surgeon in bronze for Prof. Gofrit and his department.
Harry and Nancy Bloomfield visited the Neri Bloomfield School of Design in June. Hosted by acting President, Arch. Ori Ronen and incoming President, Prof. Lea Perez, Harry and Nancy viewed exhibits by each of the departments and met with scholarship recipients supported by CHW and the Eldee Foundation.
CHW Past National President Claudia Goldman visited Nahalal Youth Village in February as part of WIZO’s Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders tour. The visit began at the Nahalal cemetery, where Nahalal Director Galia Alef and former Commander of the Israel Air Force and Nahalal graduate Amikam Norkin led us through the cemetery of the first moshav. After the cemetery, Claudia met with today’s leaders in the making: Na’aleh students.
In March, Claudia also visited CHW Hadassim Children and Youth Village. It was her first visit to the youth village in seven years. During her tenure as CHW National President, Claudia was instrumental in the renovation and expansion of the youth village. The nostalgic stroll through Hadassim’s campus was moving, but the highlight without a doubt was meeting the Na’aleh students living in the Claudia Goldman Dormitory Hey. The six students who made Aliyah from different parts of the world shared their experiences as students at Hadassim during the Iron Swords war.
In recognition of generous cumulative giving* received between January 1 and December 31, 2023 from $1,000+
GIFTS OF $1,000,000+
‘The Azrieli Foundation
GIFTS OF $10,000+
Aron Abecassis
The Alvin & Mona Libin Foundation
Donald Berman Jewish Eldercare Foundation
Andria Eisen
GIFTS OF $100,000+ 1-R32 Foundation
Simon Altman
Aubrey & Marla
Dan Foundation
Ruth Cooperstock
Susan & Joseph Balinsky
Shelley & Dan Baruch
Karine Bellisha & Michael Cons
Fran Belzberg
Ben and Mary Zukierman Family Fund
Stephanie Caplan & Robert Pelcowitz
Leigh & George Eisenberg
Estate of Ethel Solomonz”l
Fanny and Aaron Malkin Fund
Mandy & Russell Fleischer
Ruth Freeman
A. Benjamin Gallay Fund
Estate of Adrienne Folbz”l
Roslyn Joseph
Debbie Eisenberg & Gary Levene
Esther & Harry Lebovic on behalf of The Joseph Lebovicz”l Charitable Foundation & The Wolf Lebovic
Charitable Foundation
Irving & Estherz”l Matlow
GIFTS OF $50,000+
Nancy Cohen
The Eldee Foundation
The Jaclyn Fisher Foundation
Judith Harris
Symetryx Corporation
GIFTS OF $20,000+
Anonymous (4)
Ansky-Coulson CIBC Private Wealth Management
Tali & Jeff Baum
Shellianne Bedder and Warren Green
Bell Mobility
Neil Closner
Sylvia Cristall
Famglas Foundation
The Friedberg Charitable Foundation
Gina Grant
Jeannette Hoffman
Sarah & Gary Hutman
Kimel Family
Elayna & Jonathan Latsky
The Lindy Green Family Foundation
Stephen Cotsman and the family of
Teresa Schwarzfeldz”l
Karen & Lionel Dubrofsky
Lynn Gillman
Marcia & Bernard Glick
Shirley Glick
Gayle & Harry Goldgut
Claudia & Paul Goldman
Joanna & Matthew Goodman
Barbara Hennick
Seda & Stanford Korsch
Katarina Kraizel
Mina Kupferberg
Leboff Family Charitable Foundation
Josephz”l & Rochelle Levittz”l
Sharon B. Lipman
Florence & Sheldon Miller
Pursuits M.W. Inc.
Jeffrey Royer
RSM Canada
Sharon Cookie Sandler
Rosalie Sharp
Marilyn & Stephen Sinclair
Myrna & Steve Singer
Marnie Zigman Stern & Richard Stern
Beverly Sultineau Fowler
Renée Wolfe
GIFTS OF $5,000+
David Abramsky
Alma & Bruce Abugov
Hayley Baboushkin Shaffer & Ian Shaffer
Debbie & Mark Bank
Genesis De L’Ouest
Debbie & Ian Goldberg
Sala Goldhar
Joan Young & Mel Goldstein
Rhonda & Stan Gordon
Gustav Levinschi Foundation
Sandra Herlick & Jack Frieberg
ILSCI (International Logistics Solutions Inc.)
Sandi & Julius Kirschner
Laboratoire Riva
Leila Lax
Elizabeth Laxer
Lori & Joel Leonoff
Judith Lifshitz & Danny Kaufer
Jordanna Lipson
Marnie Mars Nusbaum
Jason Mars
SOMAR Foundation,
Sandy & Larry Martin
Mawer Investment Management
Bonnie Meisels
Shanna Mittleman & Todd Mandel
PearTree Securities Inc.
Hilary Prusznowski
Shanna Rosen
Barb & Gerald Rosenstein
Rima Rozen
RP Investment Advisors
Susan Segal
Linda Senzilet
Fred & Jon Sherman
Haya & Stanley Stein
Marilyn Libin & Jed Gaines
New Century Charitable Foundation
The P. Austin Family Foundation
Ronald S Roadburg Foundation
Susan & John Rose
Karen & Ben Varadi
Elise & Barry Walderman
Carole & Bernie Zucker and Family
Patricia (Lala) Berkovic
Heather Glassman Berkowitz
Mark Tinnerman, BMO Nesbitt Burns
Mel H. Brown
Marion Caplan
Lisa Colt-Kotler & Andrew Kotler
Delaney Capital Management Ltd.
DFC Auto Group Inc
Cherry Tabb
The Asper Foundation
The Henry and Berenice
Kaufmann Foundation
Adina & Elias Toby
Michelle & Robert Weinberg
Terry & Robert Yanowski
GIFTS OF $1,000+
Anonymous (24)
Ruth R Aaron
Susan Abramowitz & Daniel Rosenfeld
Karen & Marc Adler
Leonda Adler
Gil Aharon
Albert Abrum Lager Foundation
Sheila Alexander
Anna Leff Foundation
Shannon Gorski & Gary Averbach
Yonge Vision
Azuria Group
Scott Bachrach
Nancy Baker Halpern
Adele & David Balinsky
Barry Bank
Gertrude Barath
Lori & Philip Barer
Baron De Hirsch Cemetery Inc.
Barrel Oil Corp
Linda and John Barron
Paradise Homes Corp. and the Baruch Family
Renna Bassal
Bea Goldbergz”l
Liddy Beck
Jean Bédard
Sharron Beder
Bell Kearns and Associates Ltd
Lauren & Samuel Bell
Ilene-Jo Bellas
In memory of Eleanor Lambertz”l
Bonnie Belzberg
Jenny Belzberg
Esther E. Benbihy
Carol Berall
Cylia Bercovich
Susan & Jeff Bercovitch
Judith Berg
Judy & Allan Berger
Julie Berger
Dida Berku
Eleanora Berku
Charlotte Berman
Sonia & David Bickman
Naomi & Eric Bissell
Marjorie Blankstein
Blatt Holdings Inc.
Jennifer Blitz & Dan Kaminsky
Erika Bloch
Karen Bloom
Lorraine & David Bloom
Pearl & Gerald Bloom
Harry Blum
Marnie & Darren Bondar
Stewart Bondar
Esti & Bert Bonkowski
Bridgeport Asset Management Inc
Carrie & Mitchell Brody
Andrea Bronstein
Rosalind & Neil Brown
Clarice Brownstein Kolomeir
Bernice Brownstein
Orah Buck
Gladys Buckler
Lynda & Howie Budd
Bruce Burnett
Gloria Burnett
Pauline Burns, Oshawa
Harold & Adina Busner
Beverley Carley
Giancarlo Cataldo
Andrea Ceko
Miriam Chamberlain
Elaine Chelin
Glenda Chetner
Aviva & Stephen Cheuk
Marion & Jack Chivo
CI Private Wealth
Trudy Clifford
Randi Milstein Cohen & Barry Cohen
Elise Cohen
Laurie Cohen
Marlene Cohen
Paula Cohen
Samuel H. Cohen
Sandy Cohen
Vivian Cohen
Esther Colez”l
Claire Conrad
Debbie & Ronald Cons
Diana Zoe Coop Nerman
Barbara Cooper, East Garafraxa
Gail & Richard Cooper
Leba and Jack Cooperstone
Beverley & Ron Corber
Crowe BGK
Barbara & Barry Cutler
Eleanor Cutler
Ann & Morris Dancyger
Joanne Davidson
Margo & Harvey Elman
Corinne Engel
Alicia and Howard Epstein
Catherine & Michael Epstein
Sylvia Epstein
Daryl Erdman
Cecilia and Joseph Ergas
Diane & Larry Erlick
Ernest Enterprises
Michael Etinson
Maxanne Ezer
Terrie Faber & Perry Gerwing
Lynn Factor & Sheldon Inwentash
Toby Farb
Jason Farber
Karen Farkas & Clyde Hurtig
Naomi Fayer
Solly Feldman
Debbie & Paul Fenwick
Allan & Susan Fenwick
Ellen & Gerald Fialkov
Fiberlinks Textiles Inc. / Symak Sales
Annette & Larry Filler
Miryam Filosof
Shelley Fine
Steve Finiffter
Molly & Henry Finkelstein
Sharon & Edward Fitch
Karen Florence
Fonex Data Systems Inc.
Ms. Rosalie Fox
Eva Frank
Lorraine Franklin
Pam Freedman
Wylma & Irwin Freedman
Nora & John Freund
Elly (Helen) Freund-Bell
Simmie Frieberg Antflick
Seth Frieberg
Patricia & Allan Friedland
Linda & Joey Friedlich
Delmar International Inc.
Alvin Delovitch
Rob Di Iorio
Karen & Stephen Diamond
Edith Dimant
Natalie & Jack Ditkofsky
Marie Doduck
Dorel Industries Inc
Jean-François Drolet
Rozlyn Druckman
Rhoda & Jerry Dubin
Lauren & Philip Duchen
Ruth Dvorkin
Estate of Miriam Bookbinderz”l
Borden Ladner Gervais
Michelle & Jack Bottner
Bracha Investments
Brettler/Mintz Foundation
Maureen & Jack Dym: In loving memory of our beloved Mother Frieda Dymz”l
Ehrlich Real Estate Advisors Inc
Wendy Eisen
Stella Ekstein
Lois Friedman Fine & Jack Fine
Fruitman Kates LLP
Edward Gaiotti
Sandy Galet
Ganz Family Foundation
Ruth & Alby Garbe
Corinne & Mark Gelfe
David Gerstein
Francine Gerstein
Josh Gerstein
Rita Gerstein
Myrna Ghitter
Daniella Givon & Bernard Pinsky
Marla Glassman Arnovitz & Neil Arnovitz
Rose Marie Glassman
Susan Glazer Brown & Mitchell H. Brown
Daniel Glazerman
Barbara Gleiberman
Vera & Malcolm Glube
Gluskin Sheff & Associates Inc.
Helen Goldberg
Janice Goldberg
Goldberg Family Foundation
Leo and Shirley Goldfarb Foundation
Brad Goldhar
Karen Goldhar-White & Allan White
Rosylin & Gerold Goldlist
Glory & Joe Goldman
Adele Goldstein
Diane & Wayne Goldstein
Ellen &Norman Goldstein
Esther & Jonathan Goodman
Karen Gosbee & Mark Zivot
Rina Gottesman
Bailey Grad
Carole & Jerry Grafstein
Sarah Granatowicz
Toddy Granovsky
Sandra Green
Robyn & Saul Greenspan
Howard Greenspoon
Josh Groberman
Judy Groberman
Saryl Gross
Karen & Louis Grossbaum
Bonnie Grossman
Lynda & Edward Grossman
Sharon Grossman
George S. Grostern
Bonnie Grundman
Kahane Law Office
Evelyn Kahn
Gary Kalk
Michael Kalles
Howard Kaminsky
Michelle & Arnon Kaplansky
Margo & David Kardish, In Memory of
Tessie Zelikovitzz”l & Eva Kardishz”l
Sandy Kates Minden & Michael Minden
Judy & Irving Katsof
April & David Katz
Sam Katz
Eva & Alan Katznelson
Joy D. Kaufman
Dora Kichler & Harry Kichler
Adam Kimel
Jordana Kimel
Perri Kirshenblatt
Paula & Howard Klaiman
Debbie Kleiner & Lawrwnce Zucker
Lisa Klinger
Celia Kobric
Laurie Koch
Tiana Koffler Boyman
In Memory of Shirley Konigsbergz”l
Marla Korman
Jeremy Kornbluth
Ethel Kostman
Philip Koven
Sharon & Fred Kroft
Dr. Ralph & Sheila Gurevitch
Barbara Haberman
Shelly Haber
Andrea Halperin
Jackie Halpern
Jessica Halpern
Halpern-Solomon Fund
Jackie & Hayim Hamborger
Carol & Peter Hamilton
Jessica Handelman
Julie Hanning-Winberg
Annette Hanson
Gail & Melvin Ksienski
Esther and Irving Kulik, In Memory of Lola & Mordecai Lipszycz”l
Sugithan Kumaresan
Francy Kussner & Arthur Yallen
Wally Kusters
Harriette Laing
Dorothy Hanson & Sheldon Shagal
Hartel Holding Co. Ltd.
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd
Reva B. Henriques
Florence Hertzmanz”l
Jennifer & Jeffrey Hesselson
Naomi Himel
Sonya & Joel Hirsch
Tammy Hittner
Eva & Gordon Hoffman
Helen & Ralph Hoffman
Rhonda & Richard Halpern
Michael P. Hollinger
Hanka Hornstein
Howard B. Lohner CPA Inc.
Joyce & Howard Jacobs
Charlotte Jacobson
Raisie & Simon Jacobson
Barbara Joffe
Just Play LLC
Judy & Joseph Kaback
Glynnis Louis
Fran & Alan Luborsky
Mona Ludmer
Sandra Lyons
Emmy & Perry Maerov
Patricia Maia & Randy Shapiro
Evelyn Thaw Maizen
Glennie Mandel
Devorah Mandell
Judy & David Mandleman
Mrs. Doreen Manly
Glenn Marcotte
Marsid Family Foundation
Martin Stein Real Estate Ltd
Beulah Martin
Lorraine & Randall Martin
Evelyn Mashaal
Anne Matlow
Leanne & David Matlow
Linda & Myron Matlow
Sharon L. Mayer
Hedda Medjuk
Shirlee Medjuck
Roslyn Mendelson
Dorit Mevorach
Karen Meyerowitz
Migson Public Storage
Miriam Milavsky
Luba Miller
Dennis Mills
Lana & Mark Landa
Marlene Landa
Sonja Langburt
Dionne Laslo Baker
Susan & Dan Lavy
Carol Leiren
Leo & Shirley Goldfarb Foundation
Lillian Lermanz”l
Miles Leutner
Leslie & Marvin Levant
Shifra and Ron Levene
Rochelle Levinson
Ruth Levitan
Marleen & Harold Levy
Shawn Lewis
Philip & Harriet Libin Family Foundation
Fauna & Phil Lidsky
Lisa & Andrew Wiseman
Margaret & Andrew Lindzon
Susan & Paul Lindzon
Joanna Lipfeld
Jeffrey H Lipton
Heather Lister & Craig Lister
Adam Little
Neal Livingston
Sandy & Michael Minden
Eleanor & Jack Mintz
Heather Mintz
Risa Mintz & Gary Himel
Sonia & Greg Mitelman
Michelle Moll
Morris & Rosalind Goodman
Family Foundation
Anita Morris
Joan Morris
Randi Morris
Sheryl & Randy Morris
George Morrison
Diane Moscoe
Kevin Moscoe
Dr Michele Moss & Dr Allan Donsky
Joanne Nadal
Lynda Nadolny
Fabricio Naranjo
Nathan and Lily Silver Family Foundation
Janice Nathanson & Joel Prussky
Sheila Nemtin Levine
Madelon & Jay Niman
Norbert & Gusta Roth Foundation
Kathie & Mickey Norris
Northern Management Services
Vita Edith Novick
Naomi Oelbaum
Heather Ordon
Susan Orenstein
Beverley Orman
Alex Osten
Adrienne Pacht
Linda & Bernard Papernick
Hannah & Marvin Pascal
Lola Pawer
Sharon & Mark Pearlstein
Pennylove Holdings
Solomon Pillersdorf
Sharon L. Pollock
Sylvia L Polskyz”l
Dr. Ana M. Porzecanski
Dr. Lorne & Beth Price
Erica Prussky
Marsha Ptack
Rochelle Rabinovitz
Merle Rachlin
Rebecca and Alan Simpson
Family Foundation
Fern Reich
Gloria Reinhart
Beverly Reisman
Jesse Remillard-Steiner
Ofer Reshef
Marlene & Ronald Richardson
Monty S. Robbins
Murray Robins
Lisa Ritchie
Dianne & Grant Roebuck
Debra Roher
Vivien Sharon
In Memory of Clarice Buckwoldz”l
Shawna Goodman & Todd Sone
Family Foundation
Rhonda Sheff
In Memory of Bella Sheftelz”l
Gerald Sheiner
Janice & Lloyd Sheiner
Ellie Sherman
Betty Ann Sherwood
Elaine Shiff
Susan Shinoff
Lindy & Stanley Shortt
Judy A. Siblin-Librach
Marissa Sidel
Deborah Siegel & Eric Beutel
Hinda & Allan Silber
Kory Ireland & Arthur Silver
Silverspoon Dinner
Rebecca & Alan Simpson
Sally Singal
Robin Turack
Beverley Siskind
Nanette Rosen & Michael Feldman
Lori & Jeff Rosenthal
Dr. Stuart & Irene Ross
Molly Ross
Linda Rotchin
Marilyn Rotenberg
Fonda Roth
Sheila & Danny Rother
Eleanor Roth-Latsky
Shelley Rothman
Sonia & Gerry Rowan
Patsy Mallek Royer
Arthur Z. Rubin Lorne Rubin
Toby & Sidney Rubin
Stephanie & Daniel Rusen
Susan Sacchi
Karen & Barry Sacks
Susan Sager
Michelle Lavine & Larry Saltsman
Diana Salvati Fellen
Maxine Sanders
Judy & Sam Sapera
Debra & David Satok
Randi & Peter Satok
Steven Satov
Bea & Hershie Schachter
Diane Schwartz
Gayla & Ken Schwartz
Jerry Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Mina & Charles Schwarz
Ann Davis Secter
Ilse Seetner
Joel Segal
Marcy & Mark Segall
Tammy Seigel
Jane Shadley
Brondell Shapiro
Monica & Barry Shapiro
The Sam Yakubowicz Family Foundation
The Shadigee Investment Corporation
Ryan Tomicic
Harriet Train
Tova & Marshall Train
Miriam & Paddy Trehearne
Ruth & Phillip Ullman
Union Lighting & Home
Upper Canada Soap & Candle Makers Corp
Tina Urman
Lillian Vineberg & Morris Goodman
Evelyn Vinerz”l
Nancy Viner
Bonnie & Victor Vogel Kit Sawhney
Wainberg Family
Nadine & Terry Walman
Cynthia Borovoy Warren
Andrea & Samuel Wasserman
Goldie Wassermuhl
Mary Waterman & Collin Paulson
Wendy Weber
Marilyn F. Weinstein
Risa Weinstein
Paul Sitzer
Jeannie & Peter Sklar
Debby & Ted Small
Dr. Stan & Carey Smith
Mr. Jay Smith
Mandy Smith-Haber
Rebecca Snukal
Roberta & Rick Soderstrom
Steven Sofer Pro Corp
Karen Solomon
Fran & Edward Sonshine
Southwood Development Corporation
Donna Spaner
Michael Spiegelz”l
Carol Lou Spiegel
Julie Spira, In Memory of Elizabethz”l & Leslie Herczogz”l
Harriet Star
Suzanne Stein
Debbie S. Steinberg
Dori-Ann Steinberg
Dr. Mireille Steinberg
Mariel Heller & Mark Steinman
Michael Steinman
Lisa Stern & Zachary Gillman
Peter Stock
Vivian & Howard Stotland
Shana & Ronnie Strauss
Barbara Sugar
Barbara & Martin Sversky
Eunice Swadron
Beverly Swedko
Rozlynn & Eddie Weinstein
Marilyn Weisbart
Caroline Weiss
Sasha & Thomas Weisz
Janet Weisz-Asa
Susan & Jonathan Wener
Barbara Wenger & Fred Wenger
Zees Wenger
Janet & Allen Werger
Ruth Wilansky
Rhona & Steve Williams
Carole Winberg
Judy Winberg
Cynthia Wine
Darlene Switzer-Foster & Bill Foster
Deborah & Howard Szalavetz
Lauren Tabatznik
Lois & Marvin Tafler
Francine Taras
Maureen & David Tartick
Mary Taub
Sara & Irwin Tauben
TD Commerical Bank
Aurelien Teboul
Maidy & Irving Teitelbaum
Louise Tenenbaum
The Chelminski Family Foundation
The Leonard Simpson Family Foundation
Jane Winikoff-Plotnick & Lawrence Plotnick
Randi Winter
Murielle Zagury & Daniel Wise
Carole Wolfe
Karen Wolfe
Sherri & David Wolfish
Pamela Wolfman
Shelley & Harold Wolkin
Karen Assouline & Dov Wolman
Sirky Wolynetz
Rachelle Wolynetz-Frankel
Sylvia Wortsman
Gloria Wunderz”l
Chen Xu
Gwendolyn Yacht
Ellen & Barrie Yackness
Liora Yakubowicz
Toby & Joel Yan
Betty Young
Nelly Zagdanski
Beverley Zaifman
Helene & Don Zarbatany
Susie Zarnett & Ben Zarnett
Charlene & Alex Zbar
Judy & Martin Zelikovitz
Helen & Leonard Zenith
Shelley Zimmerman
Sheila J. Zive
Karen Gosbee & Mark Zivot
Rose Zivot
Andrea Zlotnik & Dean Mendel
Sarah Zolberg
1093026 Ontario Limited
3651835 Canada Inc
Carole & Arnold Abramson
Freda & Marvin Abugov
Acting Up Stage Theatre Company Inc
Linda Adams & Gil Troy
Luba Allen
Avi Amir
Aqueduct Foundation
Vivian Astroff
Phyllis Balm-de-Vries & Alfred Balm
Barry and Esther Naiberg Family Fund
Eva Bartonz”l
Natalie Batshaw
Estate of Frank Hardyz”l
Estate of Lee Koffmanz”l
Estate of Lucy Niskerz”l
Estate of Nora Finkler Levinez”l
Estate of Suzanne Destonz”l
Estate of Sybil Sarah Lichtensteinz”l
Estate of Tatjana Tryjanskiz”l
Estate of William Evansz”l
Paul Faibish
Margaret Farkas
Susan and Arnie Fine
Irene Finkz”l
Phyllis Flatt
Cynthia Flower
Frankenburg Foundation
The Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation
Miriam Neveren Memorial Fund
Mariann Molnarz”l
Jack Naveranz”l
Dr. Jay Newmanz”l
Shirley Ogdenz”l
Norma Palmerz”l
Paradise Homes Corp.
Paul Heller Ltd.
Barbara & Pinchas Pleet
Sophie Podhoretz Schachterz”l
David Pollackz”l
Nancy Poslunsz”l
Sandy & Alan Posluns
Frayda Raber
Joyce Raymond
Helen Readz”l
Debbie Baylin Leona Bell
Bergwen Industries Ltd MedMobility
Ann Bernickz”l
Bina and Leonard Ellen Family Foundation
Sarah Block & Denis Beaulieu
Maria Beckz”l
Marilyn & Paul Bild
Else Boehm
Brian Bossin Professional Corporation
Byron Holdings Ltd
C & C Packing Inc.
Robin & Norm Chernick
Sandra Chernoff
The Citrine Foundation of Canada
Caroline Cohen
Cora Cohen
Diane Cohen
Helen & Alan Cohen
Louise Cohen
Robyn B. Cohen
Helen Colemanz”l
Miriam Cooper
Mollie Corberz”l
Sandy Corenblum
Cristall Group Investments Inc.
Shirley Croll
Rachel Lili Gerstenzangz”l
Joseph Gold
Bernard Goldbergz”l
Beryl Goldmanz”l
Harvey Goldmanz”l
Ralph Goldmanz”l
Sam Goldsmithz”l
Sylvia Goldstein
Ilona Gondorz”l
Philip Gordonz”l
Great Gulf Homes Charitable Foundation
Shirley Greenbergz”l
Helen Greenfeld
Mark Halpern
Gertrude Helperinz”l
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Charitable Foundation
Joseph Rinzler Investments
Helen Kahanez”l
Alan Katz
Frank Kettnerz”l
Chana Kempner-Sternz”l
Fay Kiferz”l
Madzia Krymalowskiz”l
Connie Monson Kussnerz”l
Beverley Davis in memory of Evelyn Davisz”l
Pearl Dennisz”l
Dianne Kardish Memorial Fund
Trudianne Dolman
Frieda Lewin Dymz”l
Joanne T. Emerman
Mark Epstein
Marcelle Essesz”l
Rachel Lapidusz”l
Esther & Dave Laredo
Lianne Leboff
Ruth Leithz”l
Enid Lesserz”l
Charlotte Levenez”l
Rochelle Levittz”l
Joe Levyz”l
Jay Libfeld
Bluma Litner
Faith Ribackz”l
Georgina Rigorz”l
Gloria I. Rosenberg
Paul Rosner
Ruth and Hy Ross
Royal Bank of Canada
Perla Rozen
Tracey Rumig & Stephen Eichler
Ruth E. and William H. Ross Foundation
Evelyn Bloomfield Schachter
Marcia Schnoor
Berel (Ben) David Schwartzz”l
Natalie Shafferz”l
Faigel & Len Shapiro
Kayla Shoctorz”l
Silver Star Automotive Group
Judy Silver
Marianne Simorz”l
Melissa Singer in memory of Phyllis G. Singer & A. Leo Singer
Heather & Areyh Snitman
Mildred Sonshinez”l
Sybil Staniloffz”l
Carla Stein
Allan Stitt
Gerald Strollz”l
Sam Switzer & Family
Syra Kamin LTD
Edith Thompsonz”l
Estate of Abe Leithz”l
Estate of Anna Ruth Leithz”l
Estate of Beatrice Norma Hockz”l
Estate of Dianne Kardishz”l
Estate of Elizabeth Narodz”l
Esther Rachel Federmanz”l
Estate of Eunice Mouckleyz”l
Estate of Eva Braunz”l
Lloyd Liverant
Bess Lokach
Rita Marie Mackayz”l
Louis Manpelz”l
Neil Maizen
Marion & Shlomo Mayman
Jacqueline Meltzer
Minto Apartments Limited
Martha Vajdaz”l
Gabi Weisfeldz”l
Manual Whitzmanz”l
Sheila E. Wolfishz”l
Inez Zelikovitzz”l
Lucy Zimmermanz”l
*At time of printing - June 2024. We apologize for any errors or omissions.
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From intimate gatherings to weddings and corporate events let Lavender Grace make your next function magnificent.
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Lavender Grace offers stunning floral arrangements to add a luxurious focal point to any home or office.
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Discover the perfect venue for your next celebration at our beautiful studio space. It’s an ideal setting for bridal showers, birthday parties, baby showers, private events, and more.
Through the lasting friendships you built over the years with CHW, and our vital projects that have touched your life, together we become part of your extended family. As your partner in philanthropy, CHW can help turn your vision into reality.
It starts now and continues with the legacy you leave behind. Consider a planned gift to enjoy significant tax and financial advantages while providing financial security for our projects in Israel to sustain them for generations to come. to wear with pride!
CHW offers a complete selection of any-occasion cards and certificates to recognize life-cycle events, such as:
• Bar/Bat Mitzvah
• Birth
• Birthday
• Holidays
• Mazel Tov
• Sympathy
• Todah Rabah
Available online: chw.ca/cards
One-of-a-kind, handmade mezuzahs (scroll not included). The perfect gift for a new baby, wedding, engagement, anniversary, or housewarming. Designed by artist Debra Satok. $72/each.
“Am Israel Chai” paper cutout is encased between layers of glass, in a silver tone case with a silver chain. Keep Israel close to your heart with this unique handmade necklace designed by CHW supporter Zahava Goldstein. $50/each +shipping.
A meaningful elegant accessory for any occasion. Silk, 3 inch diameter, magnetic back, and only available at the CHW Calgary office for pickup. M&S Schmalberg has been handmaking flowers in New York City since 1916. Designers such as Vera Wang, Marchesa, Oscar De La Renta, and Ralph Lauren have ordered specialty pieces for haute couture, runways, and celebrity designs.
Own a piece of CHW history. These unique gold-plated mementos include a CHW logo charm, customized just for CHW by Aura Designs, an exciting Israeli designer. $100/each.
Visit chw.ca/shop to see all your local fundraisers.
2023-MAY 2024
The dedication of canvassers, volunteers, and staff was instrumental in raising over $218,000, securing matching donors, and demonstrating unwavering commitment to supporting women and children in Israel.
Dr. Tamar Elram shared about the opening of the new Gandel Rehabilitation Center, which is transforming care for hundreds of injured soldiers and civilians since 7/10.
Guests enjoyed delicious culinary creations, signature cocktails, beauty, fashion, haute pop-up experiences and an amazing silent auction. The event raised over $140,000.
The always amazing Shoshana Telner.
CHW Toronto L’Netzach Chapter hosted a dazzling afternoon of music with the brilliant Shoshana Telner! A special thank you to Michael Schulte for his violin stylings.
CHW Toronto Centre hosted a beautiful evening of homemade babkas and special tips on how to arrange bouquets. The Lavender Grace Studio was buzzing with excitement.
Thank you to all who purchased flowers and cards to make this fundraiser a success!
The dedicated members of CHW Toronto Lev Zahav Chapter came together to fill orders for their fundraiser.
The event was well attended and helped to spread awareness about the hostages in captivity.
In solidarity with the women who have been taken hostage, CHW members from various chapters joined together in a Pilates Fusion Class led by fitness Instructor Crystal Mallari.
CHW Toronto Atid Chapter were hard at work sorting and delivering tulips after another year of successful fundraising.
CHW Toronto Aterret Chapter presented Toronto-based writer Robert Rotenberg. He walked 50 attendees through his personal journey in writing his latest crime novel, What We Buried, through a conversation with Glory Goldman.
CHW Toronto Tzedakah Chapter hosted their 21st annual AOT, featuring 25 stunning tablescapes by renowned designers. The chapter raised over $400,000!
Proceeds went to CHW’s ONE DAY AT A TIME Annual Campaign, helping Israelis heal and recover.
In solidarity with the women who have been taken hostage, CHW ancouver Centre joined together in a Pilates Class led by fitness expert Daisy Chark.
Thank you to all who walked, sponsored, and donated to help make this fundraiser a success!
CHW Toronto Dor L’Dor Chapter came together to walk 12 km in support of rehabilitation and recovery in Israel. They surpassed their $12K goal and raised over $18,000!
and on-theme for Chanukah.
New this year, CHW Calgary Centre presented Kosher candies for Chanukah. A delicious way to fundraise!
CHW Vancouver Games Day came back with a splash! We are so excited that we had almost 100 people there and everyone had a fantastic time.
Some members of the CHW Montreal Executive Committee met in December to celebrate Chanukah.
The Spin event at Cadence Cycle was a huge success. The sold-out class was led by the fabulous spin instructor Yaron Spitzer. Participants were each assigned a hostage to motivate them during their spinning.
CHW Montreal Centre hosted a special presentation of Tablet Tableaux at Beth Zion synagogue. This art exhibit showcases the stories of each parsha of the Torah on large, vibrant canvasses.
CHW Montreal donated a collection of toys to Chai Lifeline and Fondation Marie-Vincent (CHW’s partner organization through Franny’s Fund).
CHW Montreal volunteers were out in force for the Passover Gift deliveries. With their help, 500 gift bags were delivered all over Montreal. We appreciate all their hard work and dedication!
The members of the Nurses’ Council Chapter and friends were out in force at the Cote St. Luc Aquatic Centre.
10, 2024