CIA Magazine Aug/Sept 2013

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C r e at i v e I n d e p e n d e n t a r t i s t s AU G U ST/ S E PT E M B E R 2 0 1 3 issue ©

this issue: INDIE ENTERTAINMENT SUMMIT Zietgiest Festival Rock & Roll Autograph Show Promoting People’s passions

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ASCAP pays members for live performances at venues of any size. You can now receive royalties when your music is performed live at venues of all sizes throughout the country. Just provide the basic details of the performance and which of your songs were performed and you’ll receive an OnStage payment with your normal ASCAP distribution. It’s that simple.

• Payment for each live performance • Track your live performances • Save multiple setlists for easy submission • Available now 24/7 via your Member Access account • Submit your performances on the go via ASCAP Mobile

Make ASCAP OnStage a regular part of your post-show routine, no matter how big or small the venue. c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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Up Front 6 From the Top

Publisher’s letter


Editor’s Note



Dear Artists! If you have a story you would like to share with our readers, please send it to us. Sharing the struggles, accomplishments, victories, and defeats in the lives of creative people is inspiring to everyone.

articles 26 NAB Show in Las Vegas 30 Zeitgeist Media Festival 66

The Rock n Roll Autograph Show


The reality of a dream

Whether you have a humorous or touching story, or perhaps advice or questions for our readers, we’re sure that you have something powerful to say, and would certainly benefit your fellow artists in many ways.

Send your stories to Today!

CIA Entertainment DirectorY 11


33 music 71 Models 81 film/production 89 other passions & talents


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A powerhouse band of Funk, Latin, Rock & Jazz!

Santa Fe & The Fat City Horns, the most known UNKNOWN horn band in the world. Ask musicians anywhere in the world about this band and you’re likely to get a surprised look that says “How did YOU know about them!” The Crown Jewel of Las Vegas Nevada, this band has re-set the bar for “horn bands.” Although known and revered as one of (if not THE) most original and prolific of the horn bands in this genre, they are also admired and loved as an extremely talented and versatile vocal group. If you like Tower of Power, Earth, Wind and Fire all kicked up about two notches, then you simply have to see

Santa Fe & The Fat City Horns! Check website for show dates

www.SantaFeandTheFatCityHorns. c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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publisher’s note

from the top

j o h n k ay e - p u b l i s h e r

The recession appears to be turning in the Real Estate industry but, this could be “The Calm Before The Storm.” The Independent movement grows stronger as time passes and the test of everyone’s passion is being tried with an ever-growing need for the shrinking dollar. Needless to say, those who are obsessed continue to press on and learn to adapt. More and more events are created daily to help artists in every media to flourish. There is a cross-section of the art loving community that continually assist in bringing their favorite cause for the media of entertainment and consciousness to the forefront of people who are oblivious to the daily struggles that we, as the human race, continue to battle. I’m not one to look at the negative things in life that tend to get most of the media’s attention, but I relish in the idea of knowing that of all things past, present, and future, and the one thing that always persist, has been that of the human creators. This is not to say that those gifted individuals that sustain their pursuit of happiness in the arts are the only ones gifted with God given talent that can endure time, but proof that art is never ending will always continue in homes, museums, auditoriums, and a multitude of other mediums, especially in the eye of the beholder. Others who are creative in their field of endeavors such as; insurance, accounting, and dozens of other nondescript positions in life have an appreciation for those who do create works of beauty, functionality, pleasure, and lasting joy. So, to all of you who are struggling with the arts, keep up the fight. It will one day serve you well by withstanding the test of time. There is nothing better to know, that something you create brings joy to another, or helps someone through their struggle, ease the pain of love lost or of the loss of a loved one. To quote a great man in closing I say, “Who Needs You?” Alfred E. Neuman. Only you can answer that!

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creative independent artists

E d i t oR ’ s No t e

PUBLISHER J o h n K ay e

e d i to r

Dianne Leonetti Ed i to r & C r e at i v e D i r e c to r

Dianne Leonet ti

c r e at i v e / p r o d u c t i o n D’ziner Graphics



co n t r i b u t i n g w r i t e r s Am y Ly n d o n D r . A n n L at h a n K e r z n e r G L ENN C A M P B E L L Ramona Benjamin sher bach For information, or to submit articles, photographs, or to become a contributor with CIA Magazines, please contact us at:

Cia Magazines are published online. Individual copies are available for purchase by “Print-On-Demand” to be shipped worldwide. Copyright ©2011 CIA Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without publisher’s written permission. CIA Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. CIA Magazines does not endorse or represent any individual, group, or entity included in this publication. CIA Magazines is not liable for content submitted to CIA Magazines.

CIA MAGAZINE, LLC 2300 W. Sahara Avenue Suite 800 Las Vegas, NV 89102 ADVERTISING 702.334.1606 EMAIL IdeaLine: 424.239.9669 WEB

Another year has come and gone, and here we are...heading into fall, the holidays and soon to be 2014 before we know it. And, now ask yourself what have you accomplished so far this year? Have you achieved many of your goals? Or, have you at least started the process of reaching those goals? In the last issue we talked about the business aspect of your creative endeavors, and in this issue we want you to think about the steps you need to take in reaching your goals. Have you marketed yourself (your band, your art, your new book) to the masses? An article in this issue (The Reality of a Dream) addresses the process of getting your manuscript into book form. And, for most of us, the bigger picture of actually having a book in hand, a music cd completed, a screenplay finished, or advertising materials done, seems to be a big task; something that we can’t quite get our heads wrapped around. So, we put off taking the first steps in accomplishing these things. But, it is easier than we think, if we just start moving. We would like to see all the creative independent artists out there, achieving their goals and sharing their beautiful talents with the world. We hope to inspire you to get moving on whatever project or process that is holding you back. We would love for you to share your stories with us. Send us your story of struggle, accomplishment, and even your questions! We would love to hear from you, and so would our readers. Wishing all of you much success in your endeavors.

Creatively yours,

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. Jim Rohn

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS & CREATIVES D r . A n n L at h a n K e r z n e r is the Executive Director at Jonas Music Services, a premier online entertainment marketing firm, where she consults with creative artists, managers, record labels, publicists, promoters, and presenters world­wide. She is also a lecturer in Music Entrepreneurship at William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ. She holds a Ph.D. in Music from the University of Pennsylvania with undergraduate and graduate studies in Music, Marketing, Arts Administration and Sound Engineering Technology. G l e n c a m p b e l l Contributing CIA writer Glenn Campbell has been active in the entertainment industry for over 30 years. Originally a producer and jingle writer for Myriad Productions and Mirror Image Recording Studios in Gainesville, Florida (starting 1991), passion and opportunities eventually led to California and the development of Virtual Wireless Production technologies. Currently vice president of Audio Integrated Research, Glenn continues to reach out to others who desire information on new technologies and all they require to achieve undeniable results. “I believe CIA magazine offers a compelling, attractive medium through which we may effectively share information. I am pleased to be a part of it and simply wish to share value with my friends - old and new. Thank you for reading.” JONATHAN BLAC KBURN - W EB M ASTER A commercial digital and production artist for 10+ years concentrating in of Multimedia/Web/Graphic/Print and Brand Design. His extensive experience spans a wide range in web development, typography, corporate identity, advertising design, digital illustration, photography, and various fine art mediums. His design artistry revolves around blending and implementing traditional painting, mixed media and street art mediums that are transformed into the digital medium to create colorful, wild and vivid expressions. Website:

SHER BAC H has been in the music and entertainment business for more than 30 years, both on stage and behind the scenes, working with some of the top rated people in the entertainment world. Sher has worked for several publications, most notably, PlayGirl and Country Weekly Magazines. A self-professed spelling and grammar “Nazi”, she will sometimes send e-mails back with the corrections attached. Currently as a partner with Malla Entertainment Group, Sher has enmeshed herself in the Hollywood scene and the world of film. “Reality Check” is her mantra and she writes with truth and humour. “I want to be a beacon of light for those artists who sometimes find themselves stranded on the dark road of dreams. As an entertainer myself, I know all too well the pitfalls of realizing your passions and achieving your goals, and how devastating the word “no” can be. I hope to be able to show you how to use your mind to create the world you want to live in, but also to live in the a world that is real.” Follow her on Twitter at readyblessedgo. A M Y LYN D ON Lyndon has 40+ films to her credit. She can be seen in 5 LionsGate Feature Films: “B.T.K,” “Bram Stoker’s Dracula’s Guest”, “Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck”, and many others. As a Personal Manager, Lyndon owned and operated the Management Co. for 9 years and has been an International Booking Coach for close to 20. Lyndon created The 15 Guideline Map To Booking Technique and has since helped 1000’s of actors learn how to book jobs. Look for The Lyndon Technique “The 15 Guideline Map To Booking” Handbook at or on her website and check out - a site which helps actors understand how to run their business. R a m o n a B e n j a m i n holds a Master of Science Degree in Information, Management and Communications, an established Tax and Accounting Expert having more than twenty-five years of experience working with Individual and Business Tax Regulations including IRS mandates that can affect all areas of your business. Ramona is known for her knowledge and ability to find ways to enhance the profitability for you or your company; helping you retain more of your hard earned revenue. PA G E 8

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CYNT HIA FLOREK Cynthia Florek is a New York City based model specializing in fitness, swimsuit, petite, lingerie, commercial print and TV/film. Recent shoots include; Music Video with Reggae artist Bashment Produced by NakEnterprise, La Masion De Pascaleswim campaign, a spot as lead dancer in the upcoming movie ‘Animal Rescue’, Pascale Swim Swimwear Line, Australian Swimsuit Edition Magazine, Australian Swimwear Magazine, the empowered ME Breast Cancer Prevention Campaign, Manduka Yoga Catalog, Harley Davidson fashion show and photo shoot, Coors Lite Aerobic Challenge Girl, Website for Hindin Center Dentistry and the Four Winns Boat Catalog. Cynthia’s modeling/acting skills have also landed her several television commercials such as Members Only Credit Union, Garage Door Sports, Boyne Highland Resorts, Inland House Resort and ‘Chevrolet Girl’ in a series of several commercials as well as roles on the popular tv shows Blue Bloods, The Carrie Diaries, Fraiser, Desperate Housewives and an appearance in the “One Love” music video. Cynthia’s skills as a trained dancer and avid Bikram yoga practitioner not only enhance her modeling, but also keep her fit and ready to shoot at all times!

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Jeanne “G igi ” Stanley Gigi is all about “living, loving, singing, dancing, laughing and adventure...gotta have it all!” Jeanne “Gigi” Stanley comes from a long line of entertainers. “I guess I always had it in my blood!” Gigi’s been in numerous bands: The Stand, Hot Ala Mode, Tux Dentist, Foreign Objects, Vanity Killz, Metropolis, and currently working with K’Sandra. Her genre includes rock, pop, alternative, blues, and even punk! Gigi has played the music circuit in Southern California including the famous Hard Rock,Troubador, Golden Bear, Gazzarri’s, and more. Gigi also performs for large corporate and private events. Gigi was a host for cable show, In Style, and recently appearing in commercials and is expanding her acting career!

Check out her music and videos at: FACEBOOK/Gigi-Musician c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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Cassie FliegeL Tall, blond, blue eyed and talented, Cassie Fliegel is an experienced SAG actress who has appeared in numerous films and TV shows including, “The Office,” “Nip/Tuck,” and National Geographic’s “Locked Up Abroad.” With a background in theater from Harvard University, leading lady looks, superior athletic abilities and charming comedy chops, Cassie is equally comfortable playing action stars, athletes, businesswomen, FBI agents, supermodels and superheroines. Cassie believes that in order to be successful in this business you have to create opportunities to showcase your specific talents. In addition to acting, she is an experienced songwriter and screenwriter, with a feature-length comedy in development. She is also currently recording her latest track, “I’m Thinking,” and will be appearing as the female lead opposite Michael Morano in his hit jazz song, “No One Ever Tells You.” You can catch Cassie’s martial arts skills as the lead in “Karma,” (a short action film) or enjoy her upcoming performance as one of the Victoria’s Secret Angeles in a behind-the-scenes fashion show spoof that Cassie wrote, directed and is set to star in, along with a gorgeous group of look-alike Angels. Of the VS Angel casting process, Cassie jokes, “I’ve never seen my boyfriend so interested in one of my projects.”

CONTACT: AGENCY: Almond Talent AGENT: Ann Soussi PHONE: 323-934-5500 EMAIL:


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Lau ra Cuffe Laura Cuffe-(Carrie Hunter)-Laura was born and raised in Connecticut, where she studiedtheatre for many years. She graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University with a B.A. inTheatre. She moved to Los Angeles in spring 2012 to further pursue acting. She has since thenacted in a few short films with New York Film Academy and Video Symphony. She has beenworking with Film Syndicate for several months now and couldn’t be happier. When she’s notbringing vampires to their knees, Laura spends her time auditioning, hiking and running andexploring California with great friends. She is excited for Vampire Killer to hit the streets andgrateful to be working with the Film Syndicate team.

contact info: Anthony Stoppiello Producer 818-518-7528 •

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LUC Y R AYNER Up and coming actress, Lucy Rayner, has just returned from the Madrid International Film Festival with the trophy for Best Supporting Actress. Lucy won for her role as the mother in ‘Bolero’, a beautiful and moving film directed by Dennis Brucks, telling the story of an abused child overcoming adversity. “Acting has been my passion for as long as I can remember and I was thrilled to have been nominated,” says Lucy. “To have won on the same night as Sir Ben Kingsley: wow, what an honour!” Now living in Los Angeles, Lucy grew up in Wales and studied at the University of Edinburgh and the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York. She has performed on both sides of the Atlantic on stage and in film, notably starring in ‘Coup De Grace’, which screened at Cannes. “Not many actresses can portray both refined elegance and maternal warmth so naturally. Lucy is grace incarnate” says Dennis Brucks. Director Stephen Leeds: “Lucy has a great spirit – both on and off camera.” “Stellar!” Director Mary John Frank ‘Einstein’s Dance’.

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Jess Adam s Jess is a young actress from Columbus, Ohio. She has made guest appearances on NBCs Community as Jen with Hilary Duff and on Nine Lives of Chloe King as Mimi. She also has done films such as “The Wicked” and “That Thing” with Sarah in such a short time! She has made cameos in many YouTube comedy skits and music videos. She has modeled for Hot Topic clothing, Country Girl, and Bear Paw Shoes. She loves to rock climb, spend time with her puppy, and go to the beach in her spare time. She is known for her positive personality and her smile. She has a passion for comedy as well as drama. She also loves to dance for a good workout and sing her favorite songs. Her twitter link is, and you can also find her Facebook Fan Page under her name. She is represented by an amazing team at Beddingfield Management and Innovative Artists.

contact info: manager: Michael Dewitt 818.285.7411: email: agency: innovative artists Melissa Hirschenson 310.656.5100

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Malina Germanova Actor Current Residence: Los Angeles, California

Training: Bulgarian Academy for Film and Television-Varna Film Roles: Highly versatile actor. Credits in different productions around the globe and multiple commercials. Role Types: Dramatic Femme Fatal, Secret Agent, Exotic Girlfriend, Young Professional, Doctor, Detective, Business Woman,Young Mom Local Hire: Los Angeles, Atlanta, Bulgaria

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J o di m ille r Jodi Miller has been performing Stand Up comedy all over the country for over 13 years and is a regular at all the Clubs in Hollywood. She has also entertained the troops in Afghanistan. She is a high energy comic who has a unique take on life. She’s not afraid to push the envelope. Jodi covers everything from cats and dogs, to singer/songwriters and how her dad is desperate to get her knocked up! She’s a reoccurring guest commentator on CNN’s Showbiz Tonight and was recently on The Tonight Show and the Travel Channel series The Traveler’s Guide To Life. Jodi was writer on the Cinemax series Co-Ed Confidential (yes it’s soft porn cause that sh*t doesn’t write itself) and is also the co-author of the WTF Series: WTF College, WTF Work & WTF Women and OMG: GUYS in stores and online now. WTF America will be in stores this summer. She is the producer of the amazing weekly show The “C” Word. Every Monday night @ The World Famous Comedy Store. And just in case you were wondering, yes she has a cat!

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K athryn Arianoffs • Actress • Singer • Dancer • Musician • Bass Player • Songwriter • Voice-Over Talent

I just celebrated one year of performing at the Las Vegas Hilton, in ‘NUNSENSE’ as Sister Robert Anne. This is the most comedic lead I have ever been given, and it is such a blast to sing, dance, act, and listen to laughter every day! I have credits for film, television, and radio, along with an extensive history in theater. I have been a lead in Las Vegas production shows for more than 8 years. One of my favorite LV production shows was an original musical called ‘Tease’. We played ‘strippers’ and were dubbed one of Vegas’s sexiest shows, by E! Entertainment and the Travel Channel, and aired in reruns on both channels for several years. So if I look familiar, perhaps you were up late one night... This magazine is all about passion, and mine is alive in many areas. This year I was inducted into the Las Vegas Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for work I did as a youngster in a fantastic 9 piece horn band that recorded originals, and played at Disneyland and Disneyworld. You may have seen me at the Tropicana Hotel in LV all through the 80’s in an act called ‘Taylor & Taylor’, singing and playing bass. After a career performing in nightclubs and lounges all over the world for more than 20 years, I still perform regularly in ‘copy’ bands doing everything from Lady Gaga to Joan Jett to Diana Krall. This year I have been interviewed several times for KNPR (public radio), as a professional performer in Las Vegas, and on a panel for ‘Hope’. My passion is to participate for the rest of my life! contact info:

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CIA Records proudly presents

Santa Fe’s Self Titled Debut Release CD

Now Available!

at: Before Santa fe & Fhe Fat City Horns, Las Vegas’ own Santa Fe band played the late night crowds into the early morning hours. Here are the original songs that first rocked the Jet Set of the Entertainment Capital of the World! c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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A Natural Performer

Topricin Gets a Standing Ovation ®

W E ’ R E PA S S I O N AT E A B O U T PA I N R E L I E F. YO U W I L L B E T O O. Long days on the set, in rehearsal, and on their toes leave professionals with aches and pains. But once the curtain goes down and the credits roll, Topricin is behind the scenes to offer safe, natural healing and pain relief.

Since using Topricin we have seen the difference in recovery and performance in all of our clients, including pros from The Rockettes and Broadway stars. It totally complements our therapeutic work.” Laurie Towers, LMT, founder, and CEO of Physical Advantage, NYC

Award-winning Topricin is formulated with a soothing combination of 11 homeopathic biomedicines that rapidly help heal the damage that is causing pain—without grease, odor, parabens, petroleum, or other harsh chemicals. And, unlike over-the-counter pain relief pills or ointments that just mask pain, Topricin has no known side effects. Patented to treat the pain associated with fibromyalgia and neuropathy, Topricin relieves: Injuries, cramps, and muscles strains and sprains Lower back, neck, and shoulder pain Carpal tunnel, bursitis, tendonitis, and sciatica Ankle, foot, and knee pain Topricin—the performer’s performer for healing pain relief. W W W. TO P R I c I N . cO m


Use promo code CIA to receive 30% off your entire web or phone order PerformerAd.indd 1

3/1/11 12:37 PM

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What to Expect from the NAB Show in Las Vegas Here’s a Look:


very year, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), the premier advocacy association for America’s broadcasters, hosts its NAB Show in Las Vegas. The NAB Show is the world’s largest electronic media convention covering filmed entertainment and the development, management and delivery of content management across all mediums.

Are celebrities the star attraction at the NAB Show or is it the innovative technology on the floor of the annual convention? It’s a debatable point, and the answer will probably differ from person to person, but the trade show definitely brings in some highly notable people each year.

Golden Globe-winning actress Teri Hatcher With more than 90,000 attendees from 151 countries emceed this year’s show opening. Terry Moran, coand 1,500 plus exhibitors, the NAB Show is the ultimate anchor for ABC News “Nightline” moderated the marketplace for digital media and entertainment for the election panel. Strip Headliner Donny Osmond, radio and television industries. From who hosts two internationally syndicated creation to consumption, across multiple The NAB Show radio shows, keynoted the show’s radio platforms and countless nationalities, is the ultimate industry luncheon. Award winning author, the NAB Show is a blended showcase for journalist and radio and TV personality news, sports and entertainment content, marketplace for Stephen J. Dubner delivered the debates on public policy on broadcasting digital media and keynote address during the show opening. and a gathering place for engineers and is the co-author of international entertainment Dubner other technical experts. It’s open only to best sellers “Freakonomics” and for the radio broadcast industry professionals. “SuperFreakonomics.”

and television

The NAB Show offers everything from industries. over 750,000 square feet of exhibit space, At this year’s show, three celebrities were conferences, training, super sessions inducted into NAB’s Broadcasting Hall of and post-show online education to event highlights Fame: Actress Betty White, TV and Film Icon Garry including celebrity keynote speakers and emcees, Marshall and Play-By-Play Announcer Bob Uecker. luncheons, official after parties and book signings.

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If you plan to The innovative technology at the show is NAB reported an uptick in exhibitor also the key draw for a lot of participants. attend a future participation and an almost 10-percent According to Mark Fisher, marketing increase in size from last year. The show NAB Show, director of Marshall Electronics, a leading comprised 1,600 exhibitors spanning manufacturer of LCD rack mount and camera it is highly 815,000 square feet of exhibit space, top monitors for broadcast, multimedia, recommended you up from 1,550 exhibitors occupying video, film and news professionals 745,000 square feet in 2011. take advantage worldwide, “The NAB Show is mandatory for any professional or company working of myNABShow, If you plan to attend a future NAB in the radio or television production. It is it is highly recommended you a free personal Show, the only show in our industry that can offer take advantage of myNABShow, a a wide combination of global interaction, planning tool! free personal planning tool available education and ground-breaking production on the conventions website that offers technology under one roof. The professional attendees and exhibitors easy to use development and international outreach with customers searching, visualization and a mobile app to make the and colleagues can’t be beat.” most of your time at the show. It allows you to schedule Polecam, the UK’s leading lightweight camera firm showcased its newly developed Wire Strut System for the first time at this year’s NAB Show. Polecam’s Managing Director Steffan Hewitt said “We’re excited to be showing our new wire strut system for the first time is the U.S. It has been developed by working closely with experienced UK and US-based Polecam operators, and we think it will provide a must have piece of kit for new and exciting Polecam operators.” Projects still in development were featured in NAB’s International Research Park. The park featured emerging technologies from academic, governmental and private labs including Ryerson University in Toronto. Wyatt Rivers, an undergraduate computer science major from Ryerson exhibited his camera tracking application that uses the Xbox Kinect’s functionality to determine where points are in space. Using a pan-tilt-zoom camera, he can then center and follow a subject in the frame. According to Rivers a lot of people were interested in his product and asked when he would be commercializing his technology. “It’s not quite at that stage yet, it’s just sort of been a research project,” said Rivers. “There’s still a lot of work to be done on it before it can be something that would be available to the market.”

meetings before, during and after the show, search for specific products, create a personalized exhibit floor plan and more. In addition, the NAB Show actively engages in social media including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn where attendees can get show news, exclusive offers and special promotions and participate in contests. The 2013 NAB Show is April 6-11. Cost to attend varies greatly depending on level of involvement. Participants can enter the exhibit floor for $150, however, the best value is to get the SMART Pass, which gives attendees access to just about everything the NAB Show has to offer including the NAB Show opening, conferences, training, super sessions, a luncheon and post-show online education. The cost for the SMART Pass is $1,149 for NAB members and $1,349 for non-members. Exhibitor fees also vary substantially and are based on square footage. For more information about the show, including attendance, exhibitor sales, advertising and sponsorship opportunities, visit•

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“It was a Festival of full-spectrum conviction, overflowing with compelling emotions that reflect the real conundrums pressing in upon our emerging global society with accelerating force. In this sense this now-annual Festival is a natural outgrowth of a growing, terrestrial upheaval that is going to leave no part of man’s collective being untouched.” -Hollywood Today

What is ZMF?

Recognizing the power of art and media to help change the world, the annual “Zeitgeist Media Festival” (ZMF) bridges the artistic & activist communities in the hope to inspire change. It recognizes that needed changes in the structural/economic workings of society can only manifest in tandem with a personal/social transformation of values in each of us. While intellectual knowledge serves its role of showing the path, many in the world follow their feelings and comforts - not new knowledge. Art is considered the most powerful tool we have to bridge these levels of awareness and inspire action for change. Keeping the gesture of the long history of influential artistic creators whose vision have changed our world for the better, The ZMF works to unify the world through this expression with the basic ethos that we are one species sharing one planet and it is time the world learns to work together for the betterment of all before it is too late. The Inaugural Event for the now annual Zeitgeist Media Festival occurred in 2011 with over 40 events occurring across 20 countries with unique presenters and performances by Charles Fleischer, Lili Haydn and others. 

In 2012, the Los Angeles Main Event increased in recognition with notable participants including Tim Kring, Rutger Hauer, Marianne Williamson, Cofield Mundi, The Artivist Film Festival and many more.

While started by the non-profit, social sustainability activist organization The Zeitgeist Movement, the ZMF is open to any socially conscious group which wishes to express change and a better, peaceful world through the power of art. Founded and curated by Peter Joseph and a small team, the “Main Event” each year takes place in Hollywood California. In 2011 it occurred at the Music Box, while in 2012 it PA G E 30

found a new home at the historic Avalon, where it will re-occur in 2013. Participating in The Media Festival does not mean each event shares some strict requirement of focus. However, participation does require that each act/expression understand and agree with a general train of thought (Please review our Mission Statement below) with respect to human and social sustainability and the self-evident factors that comprise a Global View of Earth as a single system and how that relates to our single Human Family. All ZMF Events are Non-Profit / At Cost Expressions and are organized and run by volunteers. While this is a Global idea and all events are important, we feature one “Main Event” each year which is promoted directly. In 2012, this main event will be in Los Angeles, CA, USA. If you are interested in conducting an event, please see “How to Submit an Event” below. 
The Mission of The Zeitgeist Media Festival is to unify the world through annual awareness events that bridge the difference between all nations, races, classes, genders and creeds; to understand we all share the same basic needs; ;to understand we are truly One Family sharing One Habitat and that our world views and hence societal approaches should reflect this foundational Global Perspective. The ZMF works to help facilitate this unifying expression for all socially conscious organizations that wish to use the power of Art to effect change in the social “Zeitgeist” - advancing our value system to see how much positive possibility there is for real social change if we choose not to fear it.


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Global Activism Charity Support

Since 2011, The Zeitgeist Media Festival globally raised thousands of meals for the poor. As many know, poverty has been on the rise across the world and while it is clear that deep structural changes are needed to really achieve a resolution to this epidemic, it is also important we do our best to support those in need on a day to day basis. The Zeitgeist Movement conducts all its events with a Food and Clothes drives whenever possible to help those locally. Rather than donate money to a third party organization, we support the direct material drives which cut out the middle man and possible corruption. Prior partners in America have included the LA Food Bank, Oregon Food Bank, Chicago Food Depository, Second Helpings, Food not Bombs, Quest and many others. Those interested in conducting a ZMF event and including a Resource Drive should research their local community’s donation based non-profits/food banks. You may also have luck searching the Feeding America listing service if in America. Otherwise, it is important to point out that any little bit helps and no event or donation is “too small” to matter.


Apart from joining the Mailing List, the ZMF’s main Youtube channel and its Facebook page is a good way to follow everything happening. Support for the event is limited only to your interest to promote. As noted before, this is a grassroots, non-corporate concept and the success of each years’ events depends on the support of the community.


If you are in agreement with the Mission Statement above and would like your event to be recognized and posted, please submit an Event Form. The terms of your participation are very simple:

1) Your event will be not for profit. 2) You will, if possible, conduct a Food/Resource Drive to help your community.

 Beyond that, the curation of your event and its specifics are up to you.. A ZMF event does not need to be a huge, 1000 person seat venue. It could be a small outdoor, community event or even semi-private affair. Of course, it is very important that you document what you have done, large or small. Setting up a Facebook/Youtube Channel for your community and video documentation is highly suggested. After your event is complete, we would appreciate all press/video/photo of your event be sent to us so we can continue an ongoing catalog each year to show the development. •

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YUKO NAKAMUR A Songstress of the American Song Book. Performing 25 years in Japan and 16 years in the US. Master Koto (Japanese harp) player. Based in L.A. (310) 940-0821

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Lydia ansel

e l

Lydia is a classically trained violinist, based in Las Vegas. She received her degree in Violin Performance from the University of North Texas, and has had the opportunity to perform multiple genres of music including rock, country, pop, and classical, which has allowed her to travthe world. Lydia enjoys being able to play variety sets of music, combining her favorite artists and styles. She has worked in symphonies, small ensembles, big band orchestras, tribute bands, country/rock bands, variety bands, and as a solo artist. Some artists Lydia has performed with include Rod Stewart, Jordin Sparks, John Legend, Regina Carter, Randy Travis and Clint Holmes, and Three Dog Night.

Lydia will be performing again with Rod Stewart (July/August 2013) at the Colosseum at Caesar’s Palace. She also performs regularly with Bella Electric Strings, and full time with Vegas headliner, Zowie Bowie. • 602.432.0418

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Denise Fulei h an Former back up and lead singer for Tina Turner and her sons..opened for BB King in New York, worked with Quincy Jones, Tom Jones, Altovise Davis on Sammy Davis Jr’s benefit special on HBO, Worked with Donny and Marie Osmond on Marie’s talk show in 2009 and now writing material for Oprah’s network and other major cable networks. Now playing live at House of Blues in LV, Wynn and Encore, .....appeared on Xfactor season 2 with Simon Cowell, Demi Lavato, LA Reid, and Britney Spears. PA G E 36

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LE REVER IE Le Reverie was founded in early 2010 by singer Allie Jorgen, Keyboardist “The Mysterious O.G.” and Drummer Roc Boyum. Allie met The Mysterious “O.G.” in a club and together with L.A. Drummer Roc, they decided to start a Gothic/Metal Rock band, and Allie knew that her vocals and lyrics would fit Mysterious O’s haunting melodies perfectly. Le Reverie recorded their 3-song EP “Truth & Lies” with Legendary Producer, Ron Nevison, (Led Zeppelin, The Who, Heart just to name a few) at the Famous East West Studios in Hollywood, California. The first song off the EP, “Hold Me Down” won the award for “Breakout Single of the Year” from the Los Angeles Music Awards, and the Award was presented to Le Reverie on the Red Carpet at the Paramount Pictures Studios in Hollywood, California and was played on internet radio and radio stations worldwide. Ron Nevison recently said of Le Reverie – “Le Reverie is an amazing assortment of musicians and songwriters fronted by Allie Jorgen, destined to be on top! 2012, the Critically Acclaimed and Long Awaited CD “Dark Symphony” was released. Dark Symphony is a combination of Symphony, Goth Rock, Metal and Progressive Rock and will take you on an amazing journey from the symphonic musical elegance of “La Naissance” to the dark, heavy/progressive title track, “Dark Symphony” to the tender ballad “Ghost of You” and the haunting tribute to Edgar Allan Poe himself, “Raven”. The CD was produced by the Band’s Guitarist Jeff Mallow and Le Reverie, and the first pressing of the CD also includes a free DVD of their Gothic Video of the song “Hold Me Down”.

The CD is available on the band’s website and iTunes, CD Baby and Amazon c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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SCO TT MAC KAY What began for Scott MacKay as casual weekly guitar lessons quickly grew into a true passion for singing and songwriting. Scott MacKay a native of Mt. Herbert, PEI, began exploring his musical talents upon entering university and today has completed his first EP, Dressed in Blue. As an emerging songwriter Scott places the focus on his lyrics, using music as the vehicle to carry the message. He hopes his carefully crafted lyrics will invite emotions from his listeners. His songs touch on several topics universal to us all such as love found, faded, and lost. Scott doesn’t shy away from topics that are uneasy and plans on exploring the uncomfortable as a means to grow personally, as well as a musician, and connect with his audience at more than just a surface level.

Meaghan Blanchard- “Scott MacKay has a voice that soothes and croons. A voice that will blow over your skin like a warm breeze. Although just stepping into the spotlight; Scott’s name will soon roll off the tongues of music lovers all over.”

Website: • Twitter: ScottDennisMacK Facebook: Scott MacKay Music Email: • Phone: (403) 483-7122 PA G E 38

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STITCH ED UP H EART Hailing from Hollywood, California, Stitched Up Heart’s passion explodes in an uproar of crunchy guitars, haunting melodies, driving rhythms and anthemic songs. Furious and ultimately rapturous performances led by singer extraordinaire, Mixi, have captivated fans across the nation and around the world. With Warped Tour, SXSW and other festival performances, as well a 10 state US tour under their belt, the aggressive drive behind this band is tantamount to our ultimate goal of universal conquest. Tours in 2013 will support the release of a new EP “Skeleton Key”, currently being produced by Clayton Ryan (Davey Suicide, Natural Born Killers). A violent cacophony of fiery charged emotions makes Stitched Up Heart a dangerously volatile maniacal machine that commands YOUR attention. c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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J.C. HYKE J.C. Hyke is an ASCAP singer songwriter from Pasadena, CA. He plays as a solo acoustic act around Southern California. Before moving back to LA, he performed around the Seattle area with his band “The Gambling Scarecrows” for 4 years. Prior to that, he spent 3 years in Nashville living on Music Row honing the craft of songwriting. J.C. has a rich, deep, traditional country voice and plays acoustic rhythm guitar. He has a fantastic repertoire of original music and a highly acclaimed debut album. In Seattle, he opened for major country acts Brad Paisley and Montgomery Gentry. He also produces and hosts the weekly show, The Songwriter Serenade which features 4 different songwriters each week. J.C. is currently trying to get his songs into film and television shows. J.C. just released his new single “The Tip Jar Song” which is available on iTunes. He hopes it will someday become a bar room standard helping musicians make more money. “It cures the epidemic of an empty tip jar” says J.C. When he has sat in and played the song live for other band’s shows, he has quadrupled the amount of money in their tip jar. This song is a “giving song” to people trying to make a living at music. Not only that, the song is a fun, uptempo, lively song that makes you want to yell “Yeehaw” and dance. • The Tip Jar Song

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JEMMA LOUIS Jemma was born in Sydney Australia 16 years ago, moving to Los Angeles in 2009 to attend The Los Angeles School of the Arts. She has been singing since she could talk and has studied music with a range of coaches and producers including jazz and classical training. Her love of music extends to rnb, pop and dance with a passion for jazz. Jemma has performed extensively throughout Australia, California, Las Vegas, Puerto Rico and China. She is happiest on stage bringing her soulful, powerhouse vocals to appreciative audiences. Currently working with girl group ‘Fine Chynah’, Jemma is also carving out time for solo projects and to graduate high school!. Jemma is a true ‘triple threat’ with both natural gifts and skills developed over time. She sings, writes, plays piano, dances and acts. Jemma hopes to achieve success globally in the coming years. She is excited about her journey and all of the amazing people she is meeting. Phone: 562 235 7257

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JENNY STAMPE R Hey y’all! My name is Jenny Stamper and I am a singer-songwriter. I have been on stage for over fifteen years with a female acoustic duo known as Justus. We continue to perform throughout Southern Ohio and are eagerly planning a trip to Nashville in April 2012 to kick start the release of our new CD, “Diamonds on the Water.” I was raised in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. My hometown is Hindman, which is the county seat for Knott county. Of course, I’ve had many influences throughout the years. And yes, there were the “hair band” days. I was told many times to turn down the Led Zeppelin, AC/DC and Aerosmith that was blaring from my bedroom. Although I still love those bands, I cut my teeth on bluegrass. When I heard Bill Monroe, Ralph Stanley, or Larry Sparks playing throughout our family home, well, I knew Mommy was having a good day. Later, my influences became Wynonna Judd, Bonnie Raitt, and other strong, talented women that had “made it in the business”. I especially enjoy artists who sing about my beloved Kentucky home. After several years performing original and cover music, I am excited to focus more on song writing and sharing my stories with a larger audience. I am proud to be a member of the Nashville Songwriter’s Association International and look forward to additional networking with other professionals. I am seeking opportunities in the music industry, to include placement of music in film and television. PA G E 42

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Jonny com e lately Consisting of four friends who love to play music and only juniors in college, Jonny Come Lately displays more musical talent than most bands twice their age. Formed in 2006, the band includes Izzy Loya (lead vocals & guitar), Angela Ross (drums), Julian Johnson (stand-up bass), and Adrian Johnson (guitar & harmonica). Jonny Come Lately received national recognition when they were contestants on season two of NBC’s hit show “America’s Got Talent”. They knocked off thousands of other acts on their way to establishing a place in the show’s “Top 20 in America”. Since then, Jonny Come Lately has headlined at the L.A. County Fair, and performed at countless festivals and venues throughout California. The band’s love of music from all over the world has created a sound that’s different, hard driving, groovy, and thought provoking. Their original music fuses the genres of rockabilly, ska, blues, and surf, spiced with eastern and Latin influences. In early 2010, Jonny Come Lately recorded their first EP of original music. Their music can be listened to online on their website, Facebook, Spotify, or on CDs. Jonny Come Lately continues to demonstrate the young musical talent seen all over America.

FOR BOOKING INFO CONTACT: OR facebook /jonny come lately

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judge ja cks on band If you’re a living, breathing rock and roll diehard with a pulse just about anywhere across this great country of ours—no one embodies that drive, determination and lifestyle better than JUDGE JACKSON, whose balls-to-the-wall classic take on a noble tradition is the soundtrack to your life. For more than a decade, through five albums, a thousand shows and tours with Gov’t Mule, Doobie Bros., Cheap Trick, Buckcherry, Army of Anyone, UFO and Joe Bonamassa, among others, this hard-driving quartet’s music can be heard on a variety of TV shows, including the Super Bowl, NHL and NBA playoffs, and NASCAR. JUDGE JACKSON began in 1995, when vocalist/lyricist McTavish, who came to town from Canada, where he once played in a band that featured Shania Twain as back-up vocalist, joined guitarist/ songwriter Jackson in L.A. to tirelessly play the town’s club circuit. By 1998, the band released its debut album, followed by a second CD, 8068. Drummer Garcia joined the group after the release of JUDGE JACKSON’s third CD, One Diamond, which marked the band’s multimedia breakthrough, with “Amazing” receiving airplay across the U.S., while “Times Been Changing” was featured on NBC’s popular comedy My Name Is Earl. And while they’ve been the best-kept secret on the L.A. rock scene, JUDGE JACKSON is gaining recognition. The group’s last album, Drive was named “Best CD of the Year” in the 5th Annual All Access Magazine Awards. Since then, the group has added bassist Brian James, formerly of The Rocking Scoundrels and Stone, to replace longtime member Ryan Rogers. Judge Jackson is currently in the studio working on the next record, playing dates with Tesla and wrapping up an exclusive music video production and interview series for schools across Canada and the US.

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ronny north Ronny North plays his own signature brand of instrumental guitar rock and is fast becoming a southern California guitar hero. He won the Best Male Guitarist Award at the 2006 All Access Magazine Music Awards and has appeared in and has been featured in several national and international music publications such as Guitar Player Magazine, Young Guitar Magazine (Japan), MMR Magazine, Performer Magazine, Player Magazine (Japan), Music Connection Magazine, Flash Magazine from Italy, Modern Guitar Magazine, Muen Magazine, Premier Guitar Magazine, Guitar World Magazine, All Access Magazine, Verde Valley Independent, and Fireworks Magazine from Europe. (He is also featured on the Fireworks compilation CD that comes with the magazine.) In April 2007, he was featured in Guitar Player Magazine where GP magazine head editor Michael Molenda said some very complimentary things about Ronny’s playing. Ronny was honored with his own Ronny North Day at his old high school Norwalk High in Norwalk, California on April 7th, 2009.

Definitely check out Ronny and see what all the excitement is about. He’s tomorrow’s guitar hero today…… 562 214 5075 (Ronny North Hotline for public) c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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Nic ki gillis Nicki Gillis is an Australia entertainer whose music is catchy and vibrant. Her songs are strong and provide hope and guidance for people who feel they are forgotten. Her every performance shows that a real woman can still exude the sensuality and confidence that is so often forgotten, but not necessarily lost, by women today. Nicki is very much in the mould of Nancy Sinatra, Shania Twain and Annie Lennox. She is a strong and confident entertainer who proves that class and style still exist in these modern times. Nicki’s resume includes numerous awards, including the Australian Entertainment Industry award for Best Country Performer. She has also had chart success in Australia and Europe with a No. 1 hit on the UK country charts with “Be A Star”, a cheeky upbeat song written herself that depicts her life as a performer and advice given along the way. The song remained at No.1 for four weeks and on the charts for 14 weeks. Nicki has toured and performed in many parts of the world including Australia, Britain, Germany, USA, New Zealand, she has also entertained troops in the Middle East, Solomon Islands and East Timor. Nicki’s stage experience shines and she can mould a show to suit just about any audience. Nicki’s live shows are a blended mix of original and classic songs that make the audience feel positive, enlightened, happy and confident. Songs that prove mature women can still be a meaningful force in society today.! +1(901)254-7813 •

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royc e nelson Royce has lived for the stage since her first taste as a young toddler, tip toeing in tap shoes in front of a few hundred people. However, she discovered her true passion for singing as a 10 year old at summer camp belting out tunes on the stage for the first time. “It combined my two favorite things: the stage and a rush I could only feel from singing my heart out,” Royce says as she reminisces. By the age of 13, she was working in the studio with songwriter/producer Karen Tobin, and in 2004 she won a Golden Globe for singing background vocals on a song sung by Mick Jagger for the movie “Alfie” called “Old Habits Die Hard”. She went on to record demos and back-up vocals for many producers, songwriters, and artists including Dave Stewart, Lois Blaisch (writer of Tiffany’s 1988 #1 hit single “Could’ve Been”), Mick Jagger, Sheryl Crow, and Candyman 187. To date, she has performed in venues all over Los Angeles including The House of Blues, The Viper Room, The Roxy, and The Whiskey-A-Go-Go. She has also fronted her fair share of bands and been in few girl groups (most recently BG4 produced by Bobby Jones and Shane Sparks of “So You Think You Can Dance”). She is currently writing for other artists while also embarking on a Pop/Rock solo career cowriting her newest originals with songwriter Peter Hanna (writer of “Hollywood Girl” for the Hollywood Insider and Mitchel Musso’s new record “Get Away”.) c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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Michele Vr eeland An electrical aura of energy surrounds the music of singer/songwriter Michele Vreeland and flows into songs that crystallize dreams, emotions and intentions. With her upcoming CD Wild Horse, Vreeland infuses this alchemy into a powerful litany of seven exquisitely crafted songs. Vreeland grew up in the Los Angeles suburbs of Whittier, Long Beach and Norwalk, California; a graffiti-dotted landscape of warehouses and strip malls. Michele has a wealth of compatible talents. Prior to her musical career, she worked in feature films and editorial fashion campaigns as a hair and makeup stylist; and she is both an accomplished seamstress and a painter. She avows that as a visual person, it is her gift to see colors. “I can visualize something before I do it. Music and color are very much tied together – when I’m singing a note, I hear it exactly for what it is. Also, when I’m writing, I’m telling a story. And visually I have told stories through editorials and fashion. Songwriting is another medium to do that.” As a performer, Michele is equally at home with either her full band or in a solo setting where she accompanies herself on her sponsored brand Luna guitar she endearingly calls “Phoenix.” And not unlike the well known Greek mythology of the legend of the phoenix, where a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor, Michele brings the same courageous yet venerable spirit to the upcoming album Wild Horse.

Contact Michele: 323.819.6467 • PA G E 48

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NEIL H ARNETT �Neil Harnett has enjoyed such highlights as a Juno Nomination, three singles on the Canadian charts, three full length CDs, three videos with national exposure and shared concert billings with Jeff Healey, Chuck Berry and The Doobie Brothers. In the spring of 1989 Neil signed with Bruce Allen’s Penta label. Neil’s debut CD, Times Like These, met with enthusiastic response with two tracks in the Top Ten of the Canadian AC charts. Neil was nominated for a Juno Award as Most Promising Male Vocalist in 1990. National interest in Neil was at a peak when Penta suddenly folded. In mid-1995, finally free of the contractual red tape, Neil released a self-produced follow-up album, Rubber Room Day, which received positive reviews and two supporting videos received maximum rotation on CMT. Brant Zwicker of CFBX 92.5 FM Kamloops - “...Neil is one of those rare and talented singer-songwriters who are equal parts of both – first-rate vocalist and composer – and when his tasty guitar playing is added to the mix, it simply does not get any better. Whether performing solo or with a band, Harnett can rock the house, and then turn around and break your heart with but a song...” In 2009 Neil released his new CD, Somewhere, which has received airplay throughout the world. The tunes from Somewhere are a testament to Neil’s musical depth and diversity, encompassing rock, blues, folk and roots music, all showcasing Neil’s world-class, soulful vocals and guitar work. Whether solo or with a band, Neil is well known for his relaxed audience rapport and engaging, passionate performances. • 604 728-9451

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louis prima jr. Long before Brian Setzer’s “Jump, Jive an’ Wail,” David Lee Roth’s “Just A Gigolo,” and the motion picture SWINGERS, paving the way was the originator, the great Louis Prima. Louis Prima, Jr. brings his famous father’s music back to life, with an energetic performance and the unique, first hand perspective of being the son of a music legend. Louis Prima was the original Sicilian “King of Swing.” His exuberant personality and energetic, raucous show, sold out venues across the nation for 50 years. Louis Prima and the Witnesses became a legendary landmark during the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Like most High Rollers and celebrities, even the famed Rat Pack were regulars at the “Wildest Show” in Vegas. With hits like “Jump, Jive, an’ Wail,” “Angelina,” “Just a Gigolo,” “That Old Black Magic,” “Buona Sera,” “When You’re Smiling” and “Sing, Sing, Sing,” the shows remained sold out for years. Louis Prima Jr. performs an electric tribute to his father’s popular Vegas show. In the vein of his father, Prima Jr. has put together a show with a swinging and rocking band that will “jive” you crazy with the feel of the “Wildest Show” in Vegas. Louis Prima Jr.’s debut CD will be released worldwide in June 2012 through Warrior Records/ Universal Music. for all the latest news/info/tour dates

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LEAH MCH ENRY Some have described LEAH as the “ENYA of heavy metal” and others say her music sounds like “Loreena McKennitt meets Delain.” One thing is for sure: LEAH’s voice will play the strings of the most brutal of hearts, causing them to melt into submission. From ethereal ballads to folk-tales, mysterious world instrumentation, and operatic blast beats, LEAH’s debut album is not to be forgotten. Many lovers of Celtic music and symphonic metal say she has become the best music discovery of 2012/2013, listing LEAH alongside bands such as Delain, Xandria, and Epica. While homeschooling her four children and raising a family full-time, LEAH took two years to complete her masterpiece. “Of Earth & Angels” was released with HMP out of Vancouver, BC in June 2012. What followed in the months after was a slew of raving reviews, tweets and blogs, hundreds of plays on multiple internet radio stations, online magazine features, interviews, downloads, and a huge following from all over the globe. LEAH succeeded in her quest to fuse together her influences... and the world loved it! Purely through word-of-mouth and social media LEAH has attracted a global audience and landed on the popular Metal Storm Awards 2012 list! LEAH has no intention of stopping now. More inspired than ever, LEAH is moving forward with plans for future albums and appearances, digging deeper and carving a more distinct path. LEAH has only begun to make her mark; the world is taking notice.


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sandr a lee Sandra Lee is an independent singer/songwriter,music video producer and artist manager living in Nashville, TN. She began writing and playing guitar at an early age and has since worked with some of Nashville’s most prolific songwriters. Sandra Lee was part of a mother-daughter duo performing with her daughter, (Country Music artist, Brittini Black), for several years. The duo opened shows for Lonestar, Kenny Chesney, Kenny Rogers, Brian White, Sammy Kershaw, Billy Ray Cyrus, Wade Hayes, Rick Trevino and Diamond Rio (at the Grand Ole’ Opry), to name a few. Their songs topped Country Radio charts helping them develop a strong and loyal following. Writing, singing and performing brought the duo to Nashville where they were in development with Decca Records just before Decca was dissolved. Sandra Lee has written many commercial jingles and in May of 2010 she landed her first national commercial campaign for Aaron’s Rents. She has also written songs for television and film; writing the theme song for the made for television movie “Vegas Heat” and other musical tracks. She signed a single-song deal with Sony Music Publishing in 2011 and just landed a major cut on the new Jimmie VanZant record set to release in June 2012. As a Music Business entrepreneur, Sandra Lee has produced her own television show called “Breakout” which she is currently pitching to networks. She has also produced music videos for many of Nashville’s emerging Country Music Artists and has moved into management and booking. Sandra Lee has also had a long and successful career in radio and television sales and sales management and is putting her business savvy into her many Country Music projects. She is living the dream and loving every minute of it! Learn more about Sandra Lee and by visiting or by emailing • PA G E 52

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MA RA & THE BIG ROCKSTARS FUN 80’ s ROCK COVER BAND Sure, Mara & The Big Rockstars will play some Journey and Bon Jovi – because they’re awesome! But they also play tunes like ‘Final Countdown,’ ‘Africa,’ ‘Kickstart My Heart,’ and “Eye Of The Tiger” to keep audiences on the dance floor and at the bar. What sets them apart from other 80s party bands is not silly costumes or schticky dialogue, but completely live instruments with five-part vocal harmonies, and a can’t-take-your-eyes-off-her front-woman, most often compared to Janis Joplin and Nancy Wilson. Audiences of all ages follow their roaming party from venue to venue all over Los Angeles, bringing the rock hits to clubs, festivals and private/corporate parties. Also available as an acoustic solo, duo, or trio for more intimate engagements. Before the cover band, Mara was an award-winning solo singer/songwriter chasing a record deal in LA. A native New Yorker, she jump-started her career playing on the streets and in the pubs of Scotland. She found herself playing five packed nights a week for locals and International backpackers, promoting her original albums. Invitations for live radio appearances and performances as a featured artist at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival kept her on the move, and she returned to tour in the UK for the following three summers. Her performances gained national media coverage on Scottish television, radio and worldwide webcasts. In the states or overseas, 80s covers or originals, Mara continues her commitment to making a difference by donating time and performances to support Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s Research charities.

For booking and information, contact 310-281-3146 or

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Marina V Marina V is an award-winning recording artist with a “hauntingly beautiful” voice (L.A. Times), whose “melodic and passionate music” (The Washington Post) has been influenced by the Beatles, Tchaikovsky and Tori Amos. Born in Moscow, Marina came to America at 15 to pursue her American Dream. Having played over 600 shows worldwide from The Kodak Theatre in Hollywood and the American Embassy in Moscow to clubs from Sydney to Paris, Marina raised $30,000 from her loyal fans to record her new album, MY STAR, which was produced by Guy Erez (Gipsy Kings) and features guest musicians from KISS and Collective Soul.

With songs in TV shows, films, ads and in the most popular iPhone game, Marina is “an emerging musician you should know about” (The Huffington Post). “hauntingly beautiful” ~ L.A. Times “melodic and passionate music” ~ The Washington Post “the voice of an angel” ~ The Prague Post “timeless quality and ethereal beauty” ~ Las Vegas City Life PA G E 54

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DAV ID & DEVINE Retro-Soul music is currently all the rage, and L.A.-based David And Devine are riding that wave of music being popularized by high-profile artists including Adele, Cee-Lo Green, Janelle Monae, and Bruno Mars, to name a few. In a world where the old record business is crumbling and hanging on by a thread, the soulful duo consisting of Candace Devine (vocals) and Dave Yaden (piano-vocals) are the new school - having enjoyed radio airplay for their song “Leave The Light On” while being signed to top Hollywood talent agency ICM and working with a well-known L.A. music manager - all without the benefit of a major label deal. Dubbed “The new Bonnie and Clyde of Soul” by one scribe, David and Devine’s body of work includes well-receiv�ed sci-fi/thriller-themed video “’Til The Sun Comes Up” featuring actress Mariana Klaveno of HBO’s hit series, True Blood. Another standout track from D&D is the uberpoppy “Get Up Everybody And Dance.” Blues-Pop is another genre synonymous with David And Devine, similar to what one might expect to hear if, say, Elton John and Aretha Franklin formed a band. It’s easy to see where the great songwriting emanates from: Both Yaden and Devine compose music for TV and film scores, with “NCIS/LA;” MTV’s “Real World;” and AMC hit “Breaking Bad” among their recent scores. Additionally, each have written, recorded, and performed with many high-profile acts including One Republic, Christina Aguilera, Lady Antebellum and “The Voice” finalist, Tony Lucca.


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dylan tayl or DYLAN TAYLOR is a singer and song writer from Atlanta, GA. Dylan’s music is known for its pop, rock, and folk musical blend, combined with captivating lyrics and stories. Her influences cross a wide range of artists from James Taylor, John Prine, and The Beatles, to Michael Jackson, Patty Griffin, and David Bowie. Dylan Taylor’s self-titled debut release is comprised of 8 tracks of her self-penned songs taking the listener on a journey of an observer and participant of everyday life situations. Each song is unique in its storyline and showcases Dylan’s excellent song writing talents and performances. Dylan tours performing with her complete band and also solo vocal and acoustic. She is known for her powerful acoustic shows and her unique voice and distinctive guitar abilities. Described as “Swanky Cool”, Dylan has been compared to Shawn Colvin, Lucinda Williams, Bonnie Tyler, and Sheryl Crow. Fans agree her style is unmistakably all her own.

DYLANTAYLORMUSIC.COM FACEBOOK.COM/DYLANTAYLORARTIST Management and Booking Contact: Ronnie Brown Next Century Music, LLC Phone: (615) 977-9767 Email: PA G E 56

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Glyscian Glyscian is a power metal trio fronted by Canadian lead singer & guitarist, Suzanne Slair, backed by bassist, Thomas Hall, (Texas) and drummer Rona Rougeheart, (L.A.). Glyscian has melded loud, heavy guitars with pretty melodies and mixed punk sensibilities with a sharp sense of songwriting. A loud and fast style of heavy metal, they have their roots in the hard-rocking rock band tendencies, choosing to amplify with the speed of punk rock. Combined with extremely dynamic vocal melodies, intense lyrics, they harness that energy and in the process, produce a raging sound. Their first studio album, to be released Summer 2012, will be produced by the fabulously talented, giant stud, David Allen (Black Label Society, Robin Trower, Reverend Horton Heat, Stryper, Fishbone). Photo by Sabrina{bean}photography c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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Huw P ri ce Huw Price is a guitarist and singer who is influenced by soul, swing, and samba. He plays both his own compositions and a wide range of soul, jazz and latin classics. Huw is available for bookings for bars, restaurants, hotels, night clubs, members’ clubs, weddings, private parties and corporate functions. Huw can play solo, in duos or trios with sax and/or percussion, or with his 4-piece band The Riveras. As a solo artist or with his duos, trios and bands, Huw has played at great venues like Dogstar, China White, Trafalgar Square Hilton, Lost Angel, Eight Members Club, Gaucho Picadilly, Le Garrick, Mass, Citizen Smith, The Conrad [aka Wyndham Grand], He has also played at Claridge’s, Momo’s, Hyatt Regency, Electric Ballroom, Sound, Home House, Hampton Court Palace, Park Lane Hilton, Infinity Club, Sound, Leeds Castle, Dingwalls. He has entertained celebrities such as Take That, Ken Livingstone, Boris Becker, and the Chelsea first team. He has played private art exhibitions for artists like Banksy and corporate events for blue-chip clients such as Audi and Microsoft. Huw’s recorded music has received club and radio airplay from top DJs worldwide, including Patrick Forge [Kiss FM], Chris Phillips [Choice FM], Michael Rutten [Soulsearching / Compost], Dom Servini [Wah Wah 45s / Straight No Chaser] and many more. The 12 inch of his songs ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Jusitify’, released under the Spengler moniker on their Bermuda Triangle Records imprint, was critically acclaimed and described as a ‘future classic’.

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purp le melon London band Purple Melon, are influenced by quintessential Brit Rock including the Kinks and The Faces. They have been playing to growing crowds at venues like The Roxy Theatre and headlined the Sunset Strip Music Festival at the Viper Room. The band has been featured on AOL sessions, MTV, KTLA, Hit Music Central and were named as a hot new sound to watch on the Billboard charts. The band announced a full 140-date tour in the USA starting March 4th 2012

In their highly anticipated album Purple Melon deliver a masterful record of catchy and smart English pop rock. Guitar Player magazine praised their “killer interlocking guitars and amazing vocals”. The album was recorded analog live to 2-inch tape and produced by Paul Stacey (Black Crowes, Oasis) c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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Joh n Huldt John Huldt is an award winning guitar player from Sweden who’s been calling Los Angeles home since 2006. He has quickly gained a reputation as a high level player and instructor and was awarded “Guitarist Of The Year” at the 2012 SouthBay Music Awards. He works as a session and studio musician, teaches the advanced rock curriculum at the LA Music Academy and plays with metal standouts AMPORA and his own instrumental band. John Huldt is endorsed by: Kemper Profiling Amps, Elmwood Amps, T Rex pedals, Mad Professor pedals, George El cables, Seymour Duncan pickups, Hipshot products and Oceanaut watches. You can find him online on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google+

John Huldt 626-274-4020 PA G E 60

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Young royals Is there hope for rock n roll? YES. The universal truth that rock will never die has been brought to the forefront by Los Angeles-based band YOUNG ROYALS. Solid like a Les Paul, memorably melodic, combined with the sonic bombast of all that is heavy, YOUNG ROYALS is a band that packs an albums worth of tunes worthy of your ears, IPod, car stereo, or any preferred listening device of the 21st century. Bone-crushing, soul-stiring, modern-classic rock. Don’t be afraid, Its just heavy. A good heavy...

follow us on twitter @theyoungroyals c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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John Eng hauser Singer/Songwriter, John Enghauser, has been on the original music scene since the mid 90’s. Beginning with his band Jamawokee, a high octane 4-piece funk rock project which debuted in Massachusetts, John began honing his songwriting and frontman skills. The band released its first recording self-titled “Jamawokee” in 1996. In the late 90’s, John fronted his own original group, Jeng, where he wrote all of the material and whose potent live show piqued the interest of record labels such as Columbia and Virgin Records. John released his second album “Larium Dream” which was a compilation of Jeng songs he’d written during his time with the band. It was around this time that John also served as Music Director and contributing songwriter on the indie films “Urban Relics” and “When it Rains”. The “Urban Relics” Soundtrack would mark John’s 3rd official release to date. In 2000, Enghauser ventured westward where he landed in California. After several musical stints in San Francisco and Los Angeles, John has settled in the bay area where he’s just completed his long anticipated fourth release “Lost In The Pages”. In addition to all vocals, John performs guitar, bass and keyboards on the CD. Currently, John’s new band is performing and promoting “Lost in the Pages” live while the CD is being played in 13 countries worldwide including England, Australia, Germany, France, New Zealand, Canada and The U.S.A. “Lost in the Pages” has already received critical acclaim by being nominated by LA Music Awards as “Best Album of 2009” in two categories. John’s new albuim “Reality” is set to be released Spring of 2013.

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Tomi rae Brown Tomirae Brown, the widow of music superstar James Brown, is hard at work in the studio with her new band, Tomirae Brown and Dogs on Broadway. The project centers around some of the last recordings of her late husband. Begun shortly prior to his death in 2006, and produced by the Godfather of Soul himself, the recordings include several duets with Mr. and Ms. Brown, while additionally featuring his unique stylings on piano and organ.

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Booking • Management • Distribution • Promotion

Atlas Agency Artists “Your World... Our Shoulders”

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The Rock n Roll Autograph Show Premieres in Los Angeles September 13-15, 2013 Headliners Include Artists from Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Cars, The Monkees, Black Oak Arkansas, Chicago, Foreigner, Three Dog Night and Special Guest David Ellefson of Megadeth! (Los Angeles, California) July 19, 2013 – he Rock n Roll Autograph Show is premiering in Los Angeles September 13-15. The Show promises an opportunity for fans to meet their Rock n Roll heroes in an intimate setting, while taking home their personalized pieces of rock music history. All for a heartfelt cause, funds raised through The Rock n Roll Autograph Show will benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, helping to ensure that families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food -- because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.

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The show will be held Friday through Sunday, September 13-15, at The Westin Los Angeles Airport. Attendees will hang out with some iconic musicians and performers, artists who made the soundtrack of our lives. The selection of artists includes a sampling of Rock n Roll favorites throughout the generations from early years to today, including both soft and classic rock, doo-wop, 70’s rock and 80’s metal.

Featured artists include:

Rock n Roll Hall of Famers Artimus Pyle and Bob Burns of Lynyrd Skynyrd; Lou Gramm of Foreigner; Co-founder of Megadeth, David Ellefson; Black Oak Arkansas featuring Jim Dandy; Elliot Easton, guitarist from The Cars; Chuck Negron, formerly of Three Dog Night;

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Jennifer Batten, guitarist for Michael Jackson; Micky Dolenz, drummer for The Monkees; Lee Sklar, bass player for many including James Taylor; Danny Seraphine, drummer of Chicago; Bebe Buell; Jean Beauvoir of the Plasmatics; Ron Nevison, who was a producer for Led Zeppelin, The Who, Heart and more; Ross “The Boss” Freidman and David Shankle from Manowar; and Barry Bostwick of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Also represented are artists whose hits included “This Diamond Ring” (Gary Lewis and the Playboys), “Still the One” (Orleans), “Rhythm of the Rain” (John Claude Gummoe of Cascades), “My Boyfriend’s Back” (The Angels), “867-5309/Jenny” (Tommy Tutone), and Carlo Riley the top global Michael Jackson tribute artist. Many more artists and celebrities are included. For the most recent updated list please see: confirmed-guests/ Founder Corky Byer has been dreaming about creating a focused and upscale autograph show for Rock n Roll for over thirty years. He has been an avid autograph collector since he was a teenager, and has over 7000 pieces of signed memorabilia in his collection. “I want every fan, whether a veteran collector or first-time autograph seeker, to feel like I did when I got my first signature. I still remember the thrill of meeting the artist, and how special I felt being a part of the rock music scene,” says Corky. “Over the years, as an avid Rock n Roll fan, I have seen that there is a real absence of Rock n Roll autograph events and I wanted to change that. I believe in paying it forward and wanted this event to support saving lives through the efforts at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.”

The show will open Friday night September 13, free and open to the public, with vendors and sponsors only from 5-10 pm (no artist will be on the floor signing autographs). Friday night includes a Battle of the Bands and some celebrity teaser performances, including Artimus Pyle and Bob Burns playing Lynyrd Skynryd classics, as well as Jennifer Batten, famed guitarist for Michael Jackson, doing a tribute to the King of Pop. Entry is limited to the first 1300 people to arrive. Doors will be open Saturday and Sunday, September 14 and 15, from 9 am to 5 pm, with artists on the floor from 10 am to 5 pm. One-day tickets, two-day passes and special VIP guest passes including a VIP private party are available. Artists will sign personal photos, cd’s, rock memorabilia, collectible guitars, drumheads and other items while vendors, sponsors and partners will be on-hand, with lots of great media opportunities and star performances. General admission tickets for Saturday or Sunday are $20 per person in advance online and $25 per person at the door. A discounted two-day pass is available for $30 per person in advance online or $35 per person at the door. VIP Passes are $150 per person in advance online or $200 per person at the door. Individual autographs will be subject to additional charges per each artist’s discretion. The VIP Party on Saturday night September 14th from 6 pm to midnight will feature full sets by The Artimus Pyle Band featuring Bob Burns, and other guests including Black Oak Arkansas, guitarists Micki Free and Jean Beauvoir and Skynyrd Reloaded….plus some surprise guests! The Rock n Roll Autograph Show is thrilled to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude was

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founded by the late entertainer and visionary, Danny Thomas, on his belief that “No child should die in the dawn of life.” Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since it opened 50 years ago.

For more information and to buy tickets: For more information on St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

About The Rock n Roll Autograph Show Founded in 2012, the mission of The Rock n Roll Autograph Show is to pay it forward while celebrating the music of our lives.

About St. Jude Children’s Research Center Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since opening more than 50 years ago. St. Jude is working to drive the overall survival rate for childhood cancer to 90 percent by 2020. We won’t stop until no child dies from cancer. Because the majority of St. Jude funding comes from individual contributors, St. Jude has the freedom to focus on what matters most – saving kids regardless of their financial situation. Through the generous support of donors, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food, because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. St. Jude freely shares the discoveries we make so one child saved at St. Jude means thousands more saved worldwide. There is no place like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. PA G E 68


The Rock n Roll Autograph Show to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital


Friday through Sunday, September 13-15 Friday September 13, 5-10 pm – FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (vendors only, no autographs) Saturday September 14, 9 am-5 pm – Artists On Floor 10 am – 5 pm Saturday Night September 14, 6-Midnight – VIP Party (VIP Passes Only, Limited Number) Sunday September 15, 9 am-5 pm – Artists On Floor 10 am – 5 pm


The Westin Los Angeles Airport 5400 West Century Blvd, Los Angeles California, 90045 Phone: 310-216-5858 Toll Free: 888-627-9085


General admission tickets for Saturday or Sunday are $20 per person in advance online and $25 per person at the door. A discounted two-day pass is available for $30 per person in advance online or $35 per person at the door. VIP Passes are $150 per person in advance online or $200 per person at the door. Individual autographs will be subject to additional charges per each artist’s discretion.

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Parking: On-site self-parking $10 a day, at The Westin Self Park. Valet $15 a day.

The full committed list to date for The Rock n Roll Autograph Show Los Angeles is: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Apollonia Kotero Artimus Pyle Band – Lynyrd Skynyrd Barry Bostwick Barry Dennen Bebe Buell Black Oak Arkansas Bo Donaldson – The Heywoods Bob Burns – Lynyrd Skynyrd Carlo Riley – Michael Jackson Tribute Artist Chris Holmes – W.A.S.P Chris Sanders – Knight Fury Chuck Negron – Formerly of Three Dog Night Dale Bozzio – Missing Persons (Saturday Only) Danny Seraphine – Chicago (Saturday Only) David Ellefson – Megadeth (Sunday Only) David Shankle – Manowar Dee Dee Phelps & Deke Detanna – Dick & Dee Dee Dick Wagner – Alice Cooper Donna Loren Elliot Easton – The Cars Ex Wives of Rock – Sharise Neil, Bobbie Brown, Athena Kottak Gary Lewis – Gary Lewis and the Playboys Jean Beauvoir – Plasmatics Jennifer Batten – Michael Jackson John Claude Gummoe – The Cascades Jon Butcher Leland Sklar – James Taylor

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

London Lonn Friend – Editor and Chief RIP Magazine Mackenzie Phillips MARK FARNER – Formerly of Grand Funk Railroad Mark Lindsay May Pang – John Lennon Micki Free – Shalamar Micky Dolenz – The Monkees Orleans P.F. Sloan – Singer/Songwriter Pamela Moore – Queensryche Peter Rivera – Rare Earth Richie Onori – Sweet Ron Dante Ron Nevison – Producer Led Zeppelin, The Who, Heart Ross Friedman “Ross the Boss” Sal Valentino – The Beau Brummels Spencer Davis – The Spencer Davis Group Steffi and Joey Scott – Lizzy Borden Ted Neely The Angels – Jiggs, Peggy and Barb The Bullet Boys (Saturday Only) Tommy Tutone Trini Lopez Women of Rock VideosCathy St. George, Ava Fabian, Carrie Stevens, Sandra Taylor, Barbara Moore

For more info and to buy tickets: 800-77-ROCKS (800-777-6257) Media Contact: Kristin Hettermann c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M • cell (808) 205-4767

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JAkI Nelson Jaki’s credentials include film, music, theatre, dance and modeling 818-422-2101 PA G E 72

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Jaehne Moebius Originally from Buffalo, New York, Jaehne Moebius relocated to Los Angeles, California, putting aside her studies in Dietetics (Nutrition) for the world of Modeling and Fashion. Having spent several years working in these fields in Los Angeles as well as Japan and Greece, she has applied her knowledge, experience, and passion to Fashion Styling. She has worked with Los Angeles photographers Sarah Morrison, Joseph Avalon, Sanjay Belani, Joseph Braun, etc., and German photographer Uli Schepp on an array of exciting fashion editorials. She is greatly inspired by vintage fashion, particularly 1940’s to 1980’s, and specializes in mixing pieces from different eras. Her latest styling endeavor is pending publication in “Chicago” Magazine, and has also styled a futuristic video for an upcoming HBO pilot with director Mischa Pfister and art director Aaron Williamson. Having also worked extensively in video and television, Jaehne would love to continue expanding her fashion vision to the world of Film and Television, though it is likely that high-fashion editorial will remain her first love! c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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The reality of a dream.

Book publishing now that you’ve written your best seller.


o, you had dreams of writing your own book, you’ve probably dwelled over this for quite a long time, and you finally sat down and wrote it! That, in itself is a huge accomplishment, and any author will attest to that. And, of course, while you were writing, you were day dreaming of your book becoming a best seller, perhaps appearing on television shows and giving your autograph out at book signings! It’s a wonderful dream and, for many, it becomes a reality, as you’ve seen with J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin and many others.

But let’s get a little more real, down to earth and take some baby steps towards the possibility of becoming a best seller. You have your manuscript in hand, and now you want to have your book in your hand! Well, this is the first step to achieving your goals, and actually one of the easiest ones on this path to publishing. Many of you out there, think that you have to get some big publisher to read, critique and take your book under their wing and then you’ll have your book, and be on your way. But in today’s world, that isn’t necessarily true. It’s certainly “easier” in many ways to have your book promoted if you find a publisher first, but this is a hard way to go PA G PAE G76 E 76

for many authors; it can take months, even years to get your book into the hands of a publisher. It is much easier and quicker to self-publish your own book in the beginning. Then, once you’re successful with your book, it’s much easier to find a publisher who would be willing to invest. However, it’s very likely that you will enjoy self-publishing enough to never give it up. One of the benefits of self-publishing, is that you have control over everything that happens with your book, and things can move quite quickly this way. So, if you want your book to be available to your readers (and the public) as soon as possible, then self-publishing is the way to go. In the self-publishing world, you have access to the best designers, editors, and marketers, simply because now these highly skilled people are no longer working at the big publishing firms. They are out on their own, offering their services online, starting their own design firms, and independently charging al-carte for these valuable services. And, this allows the self-publisher to put out top quality books at great savings and make more money in the long run. You can get distribution for your book through and just as easily as Harper-Collins and Random House can for their books.

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First Steps: 1. Write your book 2. Get your book edited by a few friends, family, and finally by a professional editor. 3. Buy your own ISBN and create your own publishing house. If you have market aspirations for your book, buy your own ISBN and create your own publishing company. For $125 (what a single ISBN costs) and a little added paperwork, you can do everything a small publisher does. Even if you go with one of the subsidy presses and just have them put the ISBN on your book, there’s no reason to have Lulu, CreateSpace, iUniverse, Author House or whomever listed as your publisher. Note: Most self-publishing operations will provide you with an ISBN for both your print book and e-book but just remember, whomever provides you with the ISBN will be listed as the publisher. 4. Hire someone to design your book cover and the interior of the book. And also to have your book printed. It’s better to hire your own people and work directly with them. You should be able to talk with the designer, the editor, copy editor, and they all should have experience in book publishing. Many people pay an extra $300 fee to be able to talk directly to a live person on the phone for customer support at companies like Lulu and CreateSpace. They have complete DIY options and require no upfront setup fees, and when you’re dealing with a basic package, you’re most likely going to be doing customer support via e-mail or IM, and you won’t get much hand-holding. So, it’s very nice and comforting to be able to call up and talk directly to a live person on the phone, so take that into account when you’re examining your options.

Many independent companies and designers, can get your book printed for you, or assist you in getting your book printed. Print on demand companies such as Lightning Source, Lightning Press, MillCity, and Createspace offer POD at very reasonable rates. So, whether you need 10 books or 1000, they can handle it. Now that you have your book written, edited, the cover and interior designed and you’ve gotten your first batch of printed books... what do you do next? You market and sell your books to the public! The biggest mistake people make when it comes to selfpublishing is that they expect to just put out a book and have it magically sell. They might even hire a publicist and expect great things to happen. It’s just not so... You have to be a self-promoter, and no one is going to sell your book except you. You should come up with a marketing plan well before you publish your book. Your plan should have a variety of ways to get the word out, because chances are you’re going to strike out on a couple of them, so you have to be ready to move on to plan B, C etc. Getting your book in bookstores sounds good, but that isn’t tops on the list. You may have always wanted to see your book in a bookstore but bookstores aren’t that easy. It’s extremely difficult to get good placement in the store for your book so chances are no one will see Continued on pg 76

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the 4 copies of your book the store has on hand anyway. Furthermore, your royalty drops on in-store book sales. So, market where you can make the most money on book sales. Here are few ideas to get you started: 1. Get your book on Amazon, and BarnesandNoble; it’s very easy. And, make the most out of your Amazon/BN page. Some people don’t seem to realize how important this is. But you need to have your Amazon page look as good as possible and take advantage of the tools Amazon has to help you promote your book (“Tags,” Listmania, reader reviews, etc.). Make sure your book is put into all the allowed browsing categories (Amazon allows you to have 5 categories). It helps to categorize your book to readers and will help make your book look better if it’s a bestseller in those categories. 2. Social Media: Set up a Facebook page for your book, and start sharing. 3. Set up a Blog site for you to talk about your book, answer questions, and get the word out. Perhaps Tweet about your book. 4. Put up a Website or a WordPress (it’s easier) site 5. Sell your book at Tradeshows, Events, Conventions, anywhere you can

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6. Join chat rooms and talk about your book 7. Send out a press release 8. Write articles about your book and put them online 9. Offer your book as an ebook, Kindle or Nook 10. Do speaking engagements, appear on radio/ television and other blog/web sites 11. Do Book signings at stores, events, conventions 12. Send out flyers, postcards, get bookmarks designed and hand them out There are many creative ways to market and sell your book. Depending on what your book is about, the road to becoming a best seller is paved with unique marketing ideas. Talk with designers, marketing agents, and do your research... you will find the path that works for you. So, write your book, get it designed and get some books into your hot little hands! This is the first step to being able to share your dreams, knowledge, inspiration or advice with the world...

... We’re just waiting for you!

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The secret’s in the way it’s made...



Look It’s All in the Fit! Mass produced clothing was never intended for Executives and the Elite. If a man wants to look exceptional, his suit must be made to fit his individual posture. Cool elegance comes with the “fit” of a Chapman suit.

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Chapman’s formula involves taking customized measurements and photos to study a man’s body profile. Designs for your perfect individual pattern are created and can be used to make an entire “custom” wardrobe. It’s the art of hand-tailored elegance.

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Chapman suits are synonymous with actors, politicians, sports figures, and high profile executives. Chapman is the choice of the elite.


Greg Chapman A Master’s Touch

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A successful image leads to a successful result. There is no substitute for the flawless look of clothing that has been made from scratch to address your unique shape and individual measurements. Our affordable Wardrobe Plan Program puts “time” to work in building you a life long business and casual wardrobe, all without need of fittings, shopping or alterations. Clients including famous athletes, entertainers and business professionals have built amazing wardrobes over the phone from photo swatch sheets. Many authorize monthly automatic charge card deductions while enjoying a stream of new perfect clothing every 3,4 or 6 months. Your wardrobe will “magically” grow over the years. continued on pg 92 c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M Private Complimentary Consultation - 310.657.84.87 – Offices in Beverly Hills, California - Las Vegas, Nevada

Screenwriters Staging producers audio & video and more 

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Film & Prod

Charles Dewandeler Charles Dewandeler is an award winning director and editor. His work has been featured on the Independent Film Channel, The CW Network, Starz Network, Fox Reality, TV One and various websites. His feature length comedy film ‘Parody Movie’ (recently released on DVD) is loosely inspired by Dewandeler’s own Directing experiences. It’s about a film Director spoofing his favorite movies, including spoofs of Superman, Batman, Star Wars and more... Charles Dewandeler wrote the script after moving to Los Angeles. Dewandeler shot the film in his hometown of Detroit, MI and it stars a host of newly discovered Michigan talent. Now that ‘Parody Movie’ is completed and on DVD, Dewandeler has moved on to other projects. He currently has three (3) screenplays he’s shopping around Hollywood, while working as a TV Editor, dabbling in standup comedy and Directing comedy videos for “I’ve got a lot on my plate right now,” says Dewandeler, “and I like it that way.” (310) 889-4920 • PA G E 82

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Film & Prod

Craig Wils on Craig is the oldest son of a retired Navy veteran and a Filipino mother. His mother’s family comes from a lineage of Filipino legends including the great entertainer Oscar Obligacion. Inspired to create he gathered a group of fellow creatives, and put on a collection of original short plays thus his theater/film collective Mental Eclectic was born. Knowing that film was his true passion he relocated to Los Angeles, CA to attend Los Angeles Film School. He continued working under the name Mental Eclectic gathering a new crop of actors, writers and Filmmakers. They made a slew of student films. He returned to San Diego and found himself starting networking events for artist, running a duel city Filmmakers showcase and in charge of the film stage of San Diego Indie Fest. Soon he returned to Los Angeles. The distribution company Continuum Pictures picked up his short film thriller En Passant. It is now slated for a run on Netflix with a collection of other genre specific films later this year. He co-wrote the feature film script Day After The Revolution that is now in the hands of possible financiers. Soon after the signing of his short film he became the President of New Media for Continuum Pictures. He now works to help projects develop through the Sag-Aftra New Media contracts with Continuum Pictures. Mental Eclectic is now part of the Indiegogo Partnership program where he and another member of the collective work with other filmmakers on their crowdfunding campaigns. • 619-381-9024

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Film & Prod

jon isaac s Born in Cebu City Philippines, raised in Long Beach California, as a kid, Jon Isaacs dreamt of becoming a CHP officer. A fan of the classic 70’s series CHIPS, he rode his bicycle pretending to be Ponch. In the summer of ’89, all this changed after watching the Tim Burton film “Batman”, where he realized his future and path. Entering college, he majored in film production with focus on Directing and Scriptwriting. Later he went on to study at the New York Film Academy then at Video Symphony focusing on Film & TV post-production. In recent years, he’s worked as a freelance Editor but recently has been thrust back into the Director’s chair. As co-founder of Film Syndicate and at the helm of the short film Hunter: Vampire Killer, he’s set on taking the vampire mythology back to its roots. • 562-857-7039 PA G E 84

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Living in a Conscious World

“Our show is designed to experientially demonstrate what is possible when accessing unlimited personal power!”

THE CONSCIOUS VIEW TV SHOW To provide the technology, tools, rules for self-expression and to raise personal consciousness in the world. We feature prominent coaches, psychologists, therapists, authors and entrepreneurs from around the world in 7 different disciplines essential for life balance. HiddenHillsADs2010:Layout 1 1/12/10 2:08 PM Page 1

Our channels include: Health, Finances, Relationships, Personal Growth, Environment, Career and Spirituality

Starring: Dean Allen PhD-Consciousness Consultant, Coach Steve Toth-Host/Moderator, Kristy Knight-Music Director and 9 awake and conscious professionals. “Consciousness - The Only Elegant Solution”

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other passion

Cath y St. Geor ge Make-up Artist Born on the east coast and raised in southern California, Cathy is forever a bi-coastal woman. She is grateful that being a makeup artist allows her to work in the two cities she loves most, New York and Los Angeles, as well as many cities in between. With three decades of experience, Cathy has worked with some of the most talented photographers in the world including the iconic George Hurrell. Some of the publications you may have seen her exceptional skills in are Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, W, Interview, and Venice magazines as well as many others. She has also done makeup for director David Lynch in his productions as well as his still photography. Her creative talents have also given her the chance to work in television, film, and print with some of the top recording artists, professional athletes, and some of the best actors in the industry. She attributes a great deal of her career to skills she has honed in her many years in front of the camera as a model and actress. “I’ve learned something new on every shoot no matter what side of the camera I was on. Cathy plans to brush up on her producing skills as well as continuing her makeup in the near future. It’s important to me to always be learning new things and growing in all areas of my profession. I really love being an artist and the desire to constantly improve is the very thing that makes me good at my job.”


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other passion

TC Topcat Mark Paralitici uses the name TC Topcat when he performs his close-up magic. He first became interested in magic at the age of 15 while watching another teenager with a deck of cards. Over the years he has dabbled in all the various forms of the magic arts while being a member of the different magic fraternities including SAM (Society of American Magicians), FCM (Fellowship of Christian Magicians) and the World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA. He is well known in Ventura County for his light-hearted humor and amazing skills with a variety of items such as coins, cards, handkerchiefs and paper money. With his mesmerizing eyes and dexterous fingers, it’s easy to believe in the impossible while watching him entertain audiences both young and old. While specializing in close-up magic for corporate events, conventions, banquets, wedding receptions, anniversaries, family reunions, bar/ bat mitzvahs and any special occasion, he also performs a stand-up magic show for children’s parties. He has performed for Kinko’s Corporate, Monsanto Company, Tutti’s Off Main, Capistrano’s Restaurant, Romio’s Pizza & Pasta, Prime Steakhouse, Nordman, Cormany, Hair & Compton LLP Attorneys, Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office Ventura County, American Red Cross and Hollywood Fitness, etc. Want to be the host of a most successful party? Add the Close-up Magic of TC Topcat. Guaranteed to amaze your guests! Mark can be reached at (805) 766-1597 or c i A m a g a z i n e S . C O M • C IAARTISTS . C O M

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other passion

lisa Klein Lisa Anne Klein is a dreamer with the purpose of expanding dreams to meet reality all over the world. Years ago, she realized that in order for a dream to come true, first we have to fall asleep, which can be easier said than done in the fast-paced, buzzing lifestyle of Los Angeles. Enter Lisa’s writing. Lisa lives to share her art, her vision, and her love to help create a more connected, more peaceful world. She pursues acting as a means of touching her audience with her love, and within her tool chest, awaits her book of meditations: 33 Dream Prompts: Using Imagination for Restful Sleep and Stress Relief Now an ebook on, these short meditations intertwine with picturesque landscape photography to aid the reader in sleep and stress therapy. Lisa excitedly plans to narrate an audio version of Dream Prompts for digital media. The combination of a Cum Laude degree from U.C.I., extensive traveling, and--most of all--Lisa’s own meditative practices (including her use of Dream Prompts) have come together to spark a remarkable change in her life, and Lisa wants nothing more than to share this special empowerment with the human family. Her discovery is simple: adults need bedtime stories, too.

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