Division 22 Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 4

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Division 22: Vernon Township, Sussex County Technical, Sparta, Pope John XXIII Regional, Hackettstown, Mount Olive, High Point

Clarkin's Chronicles Volume I Issue 4 August 2015

Table of Contents Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

3: Letter from your LTG 4: DCM Schedule 5-6: K-Family Picnic 7: St. Jude’s Research Hospital 8: American Red Cross 9: Key Leader 10: Key Leader Registration 11-13: Youth Opportunities Fund 14-15: A Guide to the District Website 16: Vision Partners 17: Service Partners 18-19: Social Media 20: District Project 21: Reminders 22: Contact Information

Letter From Your LTG Hi Division 22! I hope you are all having a wonderful August so far. While I know many of your clubs have not been quite as active during the summer I hope by the beginning of next month you will have renewed the Key Club spirit within yourselves. School is unfortunately almost here, but with school comes Key Club and I hope everyone is pumped for that. Start thinking of recruitment, and service project ideas. At today’s DCM we will discuss recruitment, our Divisional Project as well as the upcoming RTCs. If any officers have not attended Spring RTCs it is highly suggested you attend this Falls. Along with RTCs, I will continue to train all officers until we are at 100%. I hope to see you all very soon! -Your Lieutenant Governor, Ciara Leonor P. Clarkin

“Key club is the most amazing club I have ever been a part of. It has helped me grow as a person and given me amazing opportunities to serve my community and those around me. Key club has honestly changed me for the better!” - Caroline Jacobs

High Point President

DCM Schedule June-Completed August-Completed October December February

These meetings are designed to update, educate, and train Key Club officers as well as potential club leaders within the geographic region concerning district and International events, scholarships, and programs. Often service projects and social events are carried out in conjunction with these meetings. These meetings will be held in the Panera Bread of Sparta NJ. It is mandatory that each club send two officers to each meeting. Please bring non-perishables for each meeting so that they can be sent to the NJ Federation of Food Banks (our District Project)

K-Family Picnic The K-Family Picnic was a splendiferous annual event that took place on June 19th hosted by the NJ Circle K. Numerous people from the New Jersey District of Key Club attended the event. There we participated in about an hour and a half of community service work, cleaning up the beach, afterwards Kiwanis Family members (includes K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis) engaged in multiple competitions and fun activities. Some of these activities included a sand castle building competition, volleyball, a water balloon toss (which ended in a water balloon fight) and the pieing of people on the Circle K District Board. The NJ District of Key Club made one fantastic Key Club logo sandcastle and several of us were able to pie Circle K members, Governor Josie even managed to be the first one to pie Circle K Governor Rocky Trifari. So I suppose one could say a battle between two Governors emerged. I found this event to be a lot of fun, people from all the K-Family clubs bonded together in one event each spending only $10 for a glorious time. I would most definitely recommend going to next year’s picnic, especially if you want to join Circle K or Kiwanis later in life. Mingling together, you could really see how much everyone in the K-Family values service.

St.Jude's Research Hospital Founder of St. Jude’s Research Hospital Danny Thomas was once a young man, like many, who was unsure of life’s direction. Thomas sought guidance from the patron saint of hopeless causes, St. Jude Thaddeus; Thomas vowed to build a shrine in the patron’s name if the saint would point the path he should take. The result was St. Jude Children’s Hospital. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital first opened on February 4th, 1962 with the mission of advancing cures, and means of prevention, for catastrophic diseases through research and development. Through the eyes of founder Danny Thomas, his vision insisted that no child shall be denied treatment based on religion, race, or a family’s ability to pay. As a Key Clubber, the most efficient method is to raise funds through hosting a Team Up for St. Jude event. Team Up for St. Jude is a student-led, student-run program in which high school students raise both funds and awareness for St. Jude while showing their school spirit at the same time. Students can start letter-writing campaigns to get the word out, or host side events during high school spirit events to raise awareness and donations. It is essential to participate your event and provide them the materials supplied by St. Jude for fundraising. Fundraising plays such a large role in St. Jude’s Research Hospital because the hospital keeps a tradition of not charging the families a single dollar for treatment, travel, housing or food. St. Jude Children’s Hospital thoroughly believes that this should continue because all a family should worry about is helping their child live, not lofty expenses. With a goal of 100% survival, and currently at 80%, the hospital could be even more successful with more fundraising. With the partnership of Key Clubbers across the state, St. Jude could greatly increase the development of cures and soon get to 100% survival for childhood cancer cases. The help of St. Jude has increased the survival from 20% to more than 80% in over 50 years, and with the help of New Jersey’s Key Club, we can help St. Jude eradicate childhood cancer. Let’s Team Up for St. Jude!!

American Red Cross The American Red Cross is an organization that provides compassionate care to those in need to achieve their goal of preventing and relieving suffering, around the world and in America. On May 21st, 1881, Clara Barton and a few of her acquaintances founded the American Red Cross after first hearing of the Swissinspired global Red Cross network while visiting Europe succeeding the Civil War. The American Red Cross has five KEY service areas: Disaster Relief, Supporting America’s Military Families, Lifesaving Blood, Health and Safety Services, and International Services. As a Key Clubber, there are many ways to help the American Red Cross. Fundraising is always essential to the success of any organization, and funds are always needed to help those in need. You are encouraged to ask for support from local businesses, or individuals and groups in your local community. When fundraising, you may hold an individual event and submit the proceeds as a club, or ask for general request to use the American Red Cross Brand and fundraise directly to the American Red Cross. With a focus to direct service, a Key Clubber can give blood or have their club host a blood drive. When hosting a blood drive, it is imperative that the club offers a suitable location, recruits and schedules donors, and publicizes the drive. Volunteers are always needed at these blood drives, from welcoming and signing in donors, to thanking and assisting donors in the refreshment and recovery station. Furthermore, a club could even host or take an American Red Cross class; classes range from first aid and CPR for students to disaster and international services training for adults. These classes would be of extreme benefit to the community and the students, while being hosted by a Key Club! It is also important to remember that even though your Key Club may not be able to host an event, or very few American Red Cross opportunities may arise near you, advocating is essential to the success of any organization. The use of social media, and first hand encouragement of others to get involved, can go a long way!

Key Leader Imagine a weekend in the woods with about 65 Key Clubbers learning about service leadership and having fun while doing it – that is exactly what Key Leader is! This year, from December 4th-December 6th, Kiwanis is sponsoring their annual Key Leader in Camp Cross Roads in Port Murray, NJ! As mentioned, about 65 students join together for a weekend to learn about what it means to be a leader. From ropes courses to informative workshops, Key Leader is an overall amazing experience! At Key Leader you are able to meet teens from all over New Jersey who share a passion for service just like you! The friendships and bonds you form at Key Leader are incredible. The great thing is that not just Key Clubbers attend – students not in Key Club as well as 8th Graders can join in on the fun! If a student has attended a Key Leader prior to this year, they are able to sign up as a Student Facilitator. At Key Leader, students break off into groups called “neighborhoods” and Student Facilitators are in charge of neighborhoods. The neighborhood will have to create their own mascots, posters, and will be taking part in team building activities together. The Student Facilitators will get a discounted price of about $115 of what would be $200 for non Key Clubbers and $175 for Key Clubbers. The money goes towards food, lodging and activities throughout the weekend. It is truly a life changing experience, and you get to meet so many amazing people! If you have any questions about Key Leader, feel free to contact me or our Key Leader subcommittee chair, Josh Mariscal at ltg18.mariscal@gmail.com. I hope to see you there!

How to register: To sign up, go to key-leader.org, click register and go to Cross Roads Camp Dec. 4 - 6, 2015 and register. Note that NJ Key Leader is in the left column since we aren't doing the registration through the regular system. Remember to be student facilitator you must have attended a Key Leader before. If you choose the student facilitator option, questions will pop up as you continue the registration. You must pay by either check or credit card. If you register after November 20th there will be an added late fee of $25.

Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International that provides funds to help Key Clubs execute their service opportunities. The YOF is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships – a fellowship that aims to fund service projects and recognize people who unselfishly contribute their time to the Key Club Program. YOF grants can help your club perform the service project of your dreams; start looking around your school, community, or world for things that need improvement! Applications are due on October 15 th at 11:59 EST each year – do not miss the deadline, there is only one funding cycle per year! The Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 1 st, 2016. Clubs may request financial assistance for said service project ranging anywhere from $100-$2000. The YOF committee usually allots the funds to clubs who ask for a portion of the total cost of the project, and to projects that are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. In 2010, Warren Hills Regional High School Key Club in Washington, New Jersey, was awarded $2,000 to organize an association and create a 72-plot organic vegetable and flower garden with two water pumps and a deer fence for the community. Out of this small plot of land, they were able to produce and donate over 1,000 pounds of food from the garden to their local food pantry. Now, the Key Club is working on adding 23 more plots, 4 water pumps, brick walkways and birdhouses…not to mention the wheelchair-accessible plot this spring! I challenge YOU to apply for the YOF grant and make an impact as big as Warren Hills Regional! The current application for the YOF grants can be found on www.keyclub.org.

District Project With this initiative, the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks and the New Jersey District of Key Club International have teamed up to galvanize awareness for hunger and poverty that are affecting our neighbors right here in New Jersey. You may not know it, but 1 in 8 people in New Jersey struggle with hunger - put that in the perspective of whichever school you attend, town in which you live, or activities in which you engage. Hunger is a very real problem, but often overlooked, so we are giving Key Clubbers opportunities to engage with their communities to make a difference.


➔ RTC’s- September 12th, 13th and 19th ➔ Fall Rally- October 11th ➔ Key Leader- 4th-6th ➔ International and District dues combined are $12.50, and early bird deadline is November 1st, regular Deadline is December 1st. ➔ Next DCM is October 3rd ➔ Governor's Blog (every month) ➔ CMRF’s due the 6th ➔ Attend DCMs!! ➔ Newsletters (when completed) should be sent to me ➔ CLUB ROSTERS!!!!! ➔ Officer Training! ➔ Questions? Concerns? Contact me! ➔ Remind account- text @division22 to 81010

Contact Info Josie Suddeth District Governor governor.suddeth@gmail.com

Sarah Park District Secretary secretary.separk@gmail.com

Bobbie Boettinger District Treasurer treasurer.boettinger@gmail.com

David Guirgis District Editor editor.guirgis@gmail.com

Shannon Peng District Webmaster webmaster.speng@gmail.com

Ciara Clarkin Lieutenant Governor ltg22.clarkin@gmail.com

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