Volume II Clarkin's Chronicles I to Board

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A Newsletter from your District Treasurer

Clarkin’s Chronicles Volume II Issue I July 2016

Table of Contents Letter from your Treasurer Voucher Reminder Dues Unpaid Clubs DPS Contact Hunger In NJ Totals Star Clubs Encouraging Clubs to Increase Membership Reminders Contact Information

Letter from your Treasurer Hello NJ District Board! I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! As we roll into Month 5 of our terms and the August Board Meeting, this newsletter will detail all of your Treasurer related questions and Hunger in NJ accomplishments. I can’t wait to see you all at August Board! Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

Voucher Reminder Throughout the year, from traveling to mailing things out, as board members you may end up spending money for key club. In recognition of this, all district officers as well as committees have a budget that was allocated to them in the beginning of the year. Use your budget wisely, but know that it is there. However, please remember that one cannot vouch for things after a period of 6 months. Include receipts and a description for what you are vouching for, and send the excel document to me as a pdf email or hand it to me.

Dues Unpaid Clubs As a District, we still have 5 clubs that have yet to pay dues of which are: Division 2: Pleasantville Division 3: St. Augustine Prep Division 7: Donovan Catholic MATES Division 13: South Hunterdon Reg

DPS Contact

The District Project, should be the main focus of all clubs this service year. All clubs should be raising money, food and being doing service for Hunger in NJ. Therefore, it is imperative that all LTGs are in constant communication with their clubs regarding current projects benefitting Hunger in NJ as well as future plans.

Hunger in NJ Totals Food Collection:

8,025.5 lbs

out of 56,000 lbs

Monetary Donations:

$8,713.83 out of


Hours Served:


out of


DPS Star Clubs Monetary Donation Spotlight

l o o h c S ld High

e i f m o o l iv 18: B


$1,500 Food Collection Spotlight

Div 22: Sparta High School Service Spotlight

3,000 lbs

Div 11: North Brunswick High School

250 hrs

Increasing Membership As dues season approaches, clubs will begin to advertise key club to their peers. To ensure that clubs are doing their best to increase membership rather than having their numbers drop, as LTGs you can suggest making flyers, going around with candy, posting on social media, making loudspeaker announcements etc. Also, let your clubs know that after paying dues in the fall they can always add more people to the club roster and send their money in as the year progresses. Helping Key Club grow as an organization, is not only making new clubs but maintaining and aiding the clubs we do have flourish. So please, in the coming months encourage your clubs with lower membership to advertise and the spread the word about key club to their school.

Reminders ● Send out the Dues Increase Flyer ● Continue Staying in Contact with your clubs in regards to Hunger in NJ ● When the need arises fill out the voucher form ● Advertise Fall Rally HEAVILY to your divisions ● Remember to CC BOTH Hayley and I on all things DPS, and me on everything regarding Dues ● Feel free to contact me or any Exec with questions ● Remind account for Presidents and Treasurers @dtreasurer to 81010

Contact Information Luke McGeown District Governor governor.mcgeown@gmail.com Cell 908-458-3587

Meghan Nevola District Secretary secretary.nevola@gmail.com Cell: 973-908-5118

Ciara Clarkin District Treasurer treasurer.clarkin@gmail.com Home: 973-764-1873

Julien Rosenbloom District Editor editor.rosenbloom@gmail.com Cell: 908-323-8971

Akshaya Dinesh District Webmaster webmaster.adinesh@gmail.com Cell:732-322-2092

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