Super-cute Cookies

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© CICO Books


COOKIES 35 easy to make and decorate cookie projects

chloe coker

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© CICO Books


COOKIES 35 easy to make and decorate cookie projects

chloe coker

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© CICO Books extraordinaire For Jon, cookie taster O Books Published in 2011 by CIC s & Small Ltd ter Pe and Ryl of An imprint or 519 Broadway, 5th Flo 20–21 Jockey’s Fields 12 100 NY k, Yor w Ne London WC1R 4BW

contents Introduction 6 Planning your cookies 7

Successful cookies 8

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Equipment 10

1 Text © Chloe Coker 201 © CICO Books 2011 y ph gra oto ph Design and . All rights hts have been asserted The author’s moral rig reproduced, stored s publication may be reserved. No part of thi form or by any or transmitted in any in a retrieval system, g, or otherwise, chanical, photocopyin means, electronic, me r. ission of the publishe without the prior perm le from the Librar y for this book is availab A CIP catalog record tish Librar y. of Cong ress and the Bri

Cookie recipes 13

Printed in China Editor: Alison Bolus anda direction: Luis Peral-Ar Design, styling, and art Norris Photographer: Martin Note d in all recipes, measurements are use Standard level spoon : unless otherwise stated l spoon 15m one = on 1 tablespo spoon 1 teaspoon = one 5ml en given. measurements have be tric me and al eri Both imp tur a mix e of both. rements only and not Use one set of measu erwise stated. large (large) unless oth Eggs should be extra gs. It is prudent ipes made with raw eg This book contains rec and nursing ople, such as pregnant for more vulnerable pe the elderly, ng children, invalids and mothers, babies and you the of e Som hes made with eggs. to avoid uncooked dis ed by sum s and should not be con recipes also contain nut rgy. anyone with a nut alle

Polka-dot presents 80

Covering cookies 18 Decorating cookies 21 ❉ Celebrations and Gifts 24 Afternoon tea 26

Baby shoes 32 7 ISBN: 978 1 907563 73

Baubles 78

Royal icing 16

Baby grows 28

Bunting 34 Balloons 38

❉ Holiday Cookies 74 Scandinavian birds 76

Christmas puddings 82 Jolly penguins 84 Christmas trees 88 Spring chicks and eggs 90 Easter bunnies 92

Summer daisies 40

Glittery ghosts 94

Witches and wizards 96

❉ Love and Weddings 98 A girl’s best friend 100

Vintage corsages 42

Bridal henna 102

Tulips and butterfly 46

Broderie anglaise 104

Hot-air balloons 48

Fancy hats 108

❉ Fun for Children 50 Apples for my teacher 52 Animal faces 54

Princess tiaras and wands 60 Ladybugs 64 Sailing boats 66 Train set 68 Under the sea 70 Teddy bears 72

Contemporary flowers 112 French hearts 114

Blossom and butterflies 116 Flower corsages 118

Templates 122 Index 127

Suppliers 128

Acknowledgments 128

love & weddings 5

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© CICO Books extraordinaire For Jon, cookie taster O Books Published in 2011 by CIC s & Small Ltd ter Pe and Ryl of An imprint or 519 Broadway, 5th Flo 20–21 Jockey’s Fields 12 100 NY k, Yor w Ne London WC1R 4BW

contents Introduction 6 Planning your cookies 7

Successful cookies 8

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Equipment 10

1 Text © Chloe Coker 201 © CICO Books 2011 y ph gra oto ph Design and . All rights hts have been asserted The author’s moral rig reproduced, stored s publication may be reserved. No part of thi form or by any or transmitted in any in a retrieval system, g, or otherwise, chanical, photocopyin means, electronic, me r. ission of the publishe without the prior perm le from the Librar y for this book is availab A CIP catalog record tish Librar y. of Cong ress and the Bri

Cookie recipes 13

Printed in China Editor: Alison Bolus anda direction: Luis Peral-Ar Design, styling, and art Norris Photographer: Martin Note d in all recipes, measurements are use Standard level spoon : unless otherwise stated l spoon 15m one = on 1 tablespo spoon 1 teaspoon = one 5ml en given. measurements have be tric me and al eri Both imp tur a mix e of both. rements only and not Use one set of measu erwise stated. large (large) unless oth Eggs should be extra gs. It is prudent ipes made with raw eg This book contains rec and nursing ople, such as pregnant for more vulnerable pe the elderly, ng children, invalids and mothers, babies and you the of e Som hes made with eggs. to avoid uncooked dis ed by sum s and should not be con recipes also contain nut rgy. anyone with a nut alle

Polka-dot presents 80

Covering cookies 18 Decorating cookies 21 ❉ Celebrations and Gifts 24 Afternoon tea 26

Baby shoes 32 7 ISBN: 978 1 907563 73

Baubles 78

Royal icing 16

Baby grows 28

Bunting 34 Balloons 38

❉ Holiday Cookies 74 Scandinavian birds 76

Christmas puddings 82 Jolly penguins 84 Christmas trees 88 Spring chicks and eggs 90 Easter bunnies 92

Summer daisies 40

Glittery ghosts 94

Witches and wizards 96

❉ Love and Weddings 98 A girl’s best friend 100

Vintage corsages 42

Bridal henna 102

Tulips and butterfly 46

Broderie anglaise 104

Hot-air balloons 48

Fancy hats 108

❉ Fun for Children 50 Apples for my teacher 52 Animal faces 54

Princess tiaras and wands 60 Ladybugs 64 Sailing boats 66 Train set 68 Under the sea 70 Teddy bears 72

Contemporary flowers 112 French hearts 114

Blossom and butterflies 116 Flower corsages 118

Templates 122 Index 127

Suppliers 128

Acknowledgments 128

love & weddings 5

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© CICO Books introduction From my own experience, I know that you Many of my earliest and may be so keen to get on to the fun stuff that happiest memories are of you do not read the techniques section in detail— standing on a chair in the only coming back to it later if things haven’t turned kitchen learning how to out quite how you expected. To try to avoid this, cook. Although, over the I have kept the techniques in the following section years, the recipes have as brief as possible, including a few tasty recipes become more complex, the enjoyment remains the same—a love of all and some helpful hints and tips, so try to read it things homemade, the comforting association of first. If you don’t have time to read everything, food and family, and a sense of nostalgia for long look at the baking tips on pp.8–9 and the icing afternoons in the kitchen. It is with this sentiment techniques on pp.16–21. It is a good idea to follow the recipes and measure accurately to start with, that I have approached this book, detailing delicious, homemade gifts for special occasions, then, once you are happy, try experimenting with your own ideas. projects that you can make with children, oldI love teaching people to cook, and there is fashioned holiday baking, and vintage-style nothing more satisfying than seeing someone biscuits for weddings and parties. leave a class with something they did not think Whether you are a first-time baker or an they could make at the beginning of the session. experienced cook, a busy parent or someone All the projects in this book are achievable with with time to bake, this book contains lots of a bit of practice, and many of them are much achievable projects for many different easier to make than you may initially think. Just occasions. And whether you choose something relax and enjoy yourself. Start with one of the that involves helping little fingers to make a simpler projects and build up your skills and messy cookie or creating something beautiful and complicated, the most important thing is that confidence. Ideally, give all the projects a try, and don’t worry if your cookies aren’t perfect the you enjoy making it and people enjoy eating it. first time around—you are likely to be the only Iced cookies are a great starting point for a first-time baker and a fun-to-make addition to an person to notice. And, even if they don’t work out exactly as planned, they will still taste great. experienced repertoire: they are delicious and I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as easy to make, the ingredients are inexpensive, I have enjoyed writing it. If you flick through it and the dough will keep in the refrigerator or can are inspired to make something, then I will have be frozen, they will keep for a long time in an achieved my aim. You probably already have the airtight container and, most importantly, there ingredients you need, so why not give it a go? are endless ways to decorate them.

planning your cookies Before you begin baking, think about a few practicalities: how many cookies you need to make, how much time you are likely to need, how difficult the design is, and whether you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment. Start with the Bunting (p.34), Balloons (p.38), or many of the children’s and holiday projects in chapters 2 and 3 if you are new to cookie making or would like to bake with your family. Move onto Afternoon Tea (p.26), Tulips and Butterfly (p.46), Fancy Hats (p.108), and Contemporary Flowers (p.112) to practice new skills and extend your repertoire. If you have made cookies before, you might like to try the Summer Daisies (p.40), Bridal Henna (p.102), Broderie Anglaise (p.104), or French Hearts (p.114). These projects might require more specialist decorating equipment and are a bit more challenging. With some practice and confidence, all of the cookie collections in this book are achievable, and hopefully you will find that many of them are easier to complete than they may look. The most important thing is that you enjoy making them and that the end result tastes good.

out of reach to dry. I can’t tell you how many cookies I have ruined by knocking them when they are still drying. Finally, remember to relax and enjoy making your cookies.

enjoy! You will usually be the only person who notices any flaws or mistakes in your cookies. Everyone else will be wowed by them, especially if they are lucky enough to receive them as a gift. And if anything does go really wrong when decorating them, the cookies will still taste good, so you can enjoy eating them while you make another batch!

designing your own cookies You may also want to use the techniques and ideas in this book to create your own cookies. As described on p.11, you can design your own cookies and make your own templates and cutters. When designing a project, it is often helpful to draw out your cookie designs before you start so that you know exactly what you are going to do and you can have all your icing prepared before you begin. I tend to stick to between two and four colors and three or four variations on a design. This gives enough interest while making sure that the batch of cookies all look good together.

being organized Try to be organized and have everything prepared before you begin icing your cookies so that you don’t have to keep stopping to make up icing or fetch decorations. Work in a clear and organized area and move your cookies somewhere planning your cookies 7

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© CICO Books introduction From my own experience, I know that you Many of my earliest and may be so keen to get on to the fun stuff that happiest memories are of you do not read the techniques section in detail— standing on a chair in the only coming back to it later if things haven’t turned kitchen learning how to out quite how you expected. To try to avoid this, cook. Although, over the I have kept the techniques in the following section years, the recipes have as brief as possible, including a few tasty recipes become more complex, the enjoyment remains the same—a love of all and some helpful hints and tips, so try to read it things homemade, the comforting association of first. If you don’t have time to read everything, food and family, and a sense of nostalgia for long look at the baking tips on pp.8–9 and the icing afternoons in the kitchen. It is with this sentiment techniques on pp.16–21. It is a good idea to follow the recipes and measure accurately to start with, that I have approached this book, detailing delicious, homemade gifts for special occasions, then, once you are happy, try experimenting with your own ideas. projects that you can make with children, oldI love teaching people to cook, and there is fashioned holiday baking, and vintage-style nothing more satisfying than seeing someone biscuits for weddings and parties. leave a class with something they did not think Whether you are a first-time baker or an they could make at the beginning of the session. experienced cook, a busy parent or someone All the projects in this book are achievable with with time to bake, this book contains lots of a bit of practice, and many of them are much achievable projects for many different easier to make than you may initially think. Just occasions. And whether you choose something relax and enjoy yourself. Start with one of the that involves helping little fingers to make a simpler projects and build up your skills and messy cookie or creating something beautiful and complicated, the most important thing is that confidence. Ideally, give all the projects a try, and don’t worry if your cookies aren’t perfect the you enjoy making it and people enjoy eating it. first time around—you are likely to be the only Iced cookies are a great starting point for a first-time baker and a fun-to-make addition to an person to notice. And, even if they don’t work out exactly as planned, they will still taste great. experienced repertoire: they are delicious and I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as easy to make, the ingredients are inexpensive, I have enjoyed writing it. If you flick through it and the dough will keep in the refrigerator or can are inspired to make something, then I will have be frozen, they will keep for a long time in an achieved my aim. You probably already have the airtight container and, most importantly, there ingredients you need, so why not give it a go? are endless ways to decorate them.

planning your cookies Before you begin baking, think about a few practicalities: how many cookies you need to make, how much time you are likely to need, how difficult the design is, and whether you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment. Start with the Bunting (p.34), Balloons (p.38), or many of the children’s and holiday projects in chapters 2 and 3 if you are new to cookie making or would like to bake with your family. Move onto Afternoon Tea (p.26), Tulips and Butterfly (p.46), Fancy Hats (p.108), and Contemporary Flowers (p.112) to practice new skills and extend your repertoire. If you have made cookies before, you might like to try the Summer Daisies (p.40), Bridal Henna (p.102), Broderie Anglaise (p.104), or French Hearts (p.114). These projects might require more specialist decorating equipment and are a bit more challenging. With some practice and confidence, all of the cookie collections in this book are achievable, and hopefully you will find that many of them are easier to complete than they may look. The most important thing is that you enjoy making them and that the end result tastes good.

out of reach to dry. I can’t tell you how many cookies I have ruined by knocking them when they are still drying. Finally, remember to relax and enjoy making your cookies.

enjoy! You will usually be the only person who notices any flaws or mistakes in your cookies. Everyone else will be wowed by them, especially if they are lucky enough to receive them as a gift. And if anything does go really wrong when decorating them, the cookies will still taste good, so you can enjoy eating them while you make another batch!

designing your own cookies You may also want to use the techniques and ideas in this book to create your own cookies. As described on p.11, you can design your own cookies and make your own templates and cutters. When designing a project, it is often helpful to draw out your cookie designs before you start so that you know exactly what you are going to do and you can have all your icing prepared before you begin. I tend to stick to between two and four colors and three or four variations on a design. This gives enough interest while making sure that the batch of cookies all look good together.

being organized Try to be organized and have everything prepared before you begin icing your cookies so that you don’t have to keep stopping to make up icing or fetch decorations. Work in a clear and organized area and move your cookies somewhere planning your cookies 7

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© CICO Books

chapter 1

celebrations and gifts

Make special occasions truly personal with these gorgeous handmade gifts: with balloons and bunting for birthdays and parties, cute baby grows for new arrivals, cookie flowers for loved ones, and kitsch cookies for vintage tea parties, this chapter contains lots of beautiful one-off gift ideas.

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© CICO Books

chapter 1

celebrations and gifts

Make special occasions truly personal with these gorgeous handmade gifts: with balloons and bunting for birthdays and parties, cute baby grows for new arrivals, cookie flowers for loved ones, and kitsch cookies for vintage tea parties, this chapter contains lots of beautiful one-off gift ideas.

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© CICO Books afternoon tea These kitsch cherry tea sets are inspired by colorful 1950s kitchenware. They are perfect for a tea party, a birthday gift, or Mother’s Day.

YOU WILL NEED: 6 teacup cookies and 6 teapot cookies made from a recipe on pp.13–14, using cookie cutters 1 recipe light blue royal icing (see pp.16–17) 1 ⁄4 recipe each brown, red, green, and white royal icing EQUIPMENT teacup and teapot cookie cutters 5 piping bags (see p.12) with fine (1–2) tips (nozzles) 1 squeezy bottle or piping bag with thick (4) tip toothpick (cocktail stick) soft paintbrush


When the icing has dried, make the cherry stalks by piping “V” shapes in brown icing with another fine tip. Then pipe red dots at the end of the stalks for the cherries using another fine tip.


Outline and flood the cookies using a fine tip for the outline and a thick tip for the flooding, following the steps on pp.18—19.


To pipe the leaves, pipe a green dot and pull downward and away with the tip as you lift off. Then gently pull a damp paintbrush through the dot to make the leaf shape.

26 celebrations and gifts Super-Cute Cookies


With white icing, pipe little polka dots and lines to mark the trim of the teacups. Repeat with the teapot cookies.

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afternoon tea These kitsch cherry tea sets are inspired by colorful 1950s kitchenware. They are perfect for a tea party, a birthday gift, or Mother’s Day.

YOU WILL NEED: 6 teacup cookies and 6 teapot cookies made from a recipe on pp.13–14, using cookie cutters 1 recipe light blue royal icing (see pp.16–17) 1 ⁄4 recipe each brown, red, green, and white royal icing EQUIPMENT teacup and teapot cookie cutters 5 piping bags (see p.12) with fine (1–2) tips (nozzles) 1 squeezy bottle or piping bag with thick (4) tip toothpick (cocktail stick) soft paintbrush


When the icing has dried, make the cherry stalks by piping “V” shapes in brown icing with another fine tip. Then pipe red dots at the end of the stalks for the cherries using another fine tip.


Outline and flood the cookies using a fine tip for the outline and a thick tip for the flooding, following the steps on pp.18—19.


To pipe the leaves, pipe a green dot and pull downward and away with the tip as you lift off. Then gently pull a damp paintbrush through the dot to make the leaf shape.

26 celebrations and gifts Super-Cute Cookies


With white icing, pipe little polka dots and lines to mark the trim of the teacups. Repeat with the teapot cookies.

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© CICO Books

chapter 2

fun for children

All of the colorful projects in this chapter are designed to make with or for children: bake apple cookies to take to school, create colorful sea creatures or fun animal faces, make glittery tiaras with little princesses, or trains and boats for young adventurers.

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© CICO Books

chapter 2

fun for children

All of the colorful projects in this chapter are designed to make with or for children: bake apple cookies to take to school, create colorful sea creatures or fun animal faces, make glittery tiaras with little princesses, or trains and boats for young adventurers.

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YOU WILL NEED: 10 round cookies made from a recipe on pp.13–14, using a cookie cutter confectioners’ (icing) sugar, for dusting 31⁄2oz (100g) each brown, pink, white, and black rolled fondant (sugarpaste) (see p.20) 2oz (50g) gray rolled fondant edible glue


animal faces These cute animal faces are simple to make and do not require any tools other than a round or wavy-edged cookie cutter. They are made by simply modeling rolled fondant (sugarpaste), making them a fun and easy project for children and adults alike. The quantities of rolled fondant are enough to make two cookies in each design.

EQUIPMENT rolling pin round cookie cutter wavy-edged cookie cutter knife


For the bear, cover the cookie with rolled fondant following the steps on p.20. To make the ears, roll a ball of brown rolled fondant and a smaller ball (about half the size) of pink rolled fondant. Using your thumb, squash the brown ball into a flat ear shape, leaving a raised edge at the top, which will form the edge of the ear. Squash the pink ball with your thumb and attach it to the brown ball, leaving a thin border at the top for the edge of the ear. Using a knife, cut off the bottom of the ear in a slight curve. Repeat the process to make a second ear and attach the ears to either side of the cookie.


For the eyes, roll a small ball of white rolled fondant and a smaller ball of black. Make the white ball oblong and squash it with your thumb. Squash the black ball and attach to the bottom of the white oblong. Repeat for the second eye. For the cheeks, roll 2 balls of white rolled fondant (twice the size of the eyes). Squash them to make circles and mark dots using a toothpick. For the nose, roll a small ball of pink icing. Pinch one end into a “V” shape, flatten slightly, and attach to the cookie.

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YOU WILL NEED: 10 round cookies made from a recipe on pp.13–14, using a cookie cutter confectioners’ (icing) sugar, for dusting 31⁄2oz (100g) each brown, pink, white, and black rolled fondant (sugarpaste) (see p.20) 2oz (50g) gray rolled fondant edible glue


© CICO Books animal faces These cute animal faces are simple to make and do not require any tools other than a round or wavy-edged cookie cutter. They are made by simply modeling rolled fondant (sugarpaste), making them a fun and easy project for children and adults alike. The quantities of rolled fondant are enough to make two cookies in each design.

EQUIPMENT rolling pin round cookie cutter wavy-edged cookie cutter knife


For the bear, cover the cookie with rolled fondant following the steps on p.20. To make the ears, roll a ball of brown rolled fondant and a smaller ball (about half the size) of pink rolled fondant. Using your thumb, squash the brown ball into a flat ear shape, leaving a raised edge at the top, which will form the edge of the ear. Squash the pink ball with your thumb and attach it to the brown ball, leaving a thin border at the top for the edge of the ear. Using a knife, cut off the bottom of the ear in a slight curve. Repeat the process to make a second ear and attach the ears to either side of the cookie.


For the eyes, roll a small ball of white rolled fondant and a smaller ball of black. Make the white ball oblong and squash it with your thumb. Squash the black ball and attach to the bottom of the white oblong. Repeat for the second eye. For the cheeks, roll 2 balls of white rolled fondant (twice the size of the eyes). Squash them to make circles and mark dots using a toothpick. For the nose, roll a small ball of pink icing. Pinch one end into a “V” shape, flatten slightly, and attach to the cookie.

fun for children 55

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© CICO Books

chapter 3

holiday cookies

Fill your home with the festive smell of home baking with these projects for the whole family to enjoy: bake decorations for your Christmas tree, keep children entertained with Glittery Ghosts for Halloween, and make cute chicks and bunnies for Easter.

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© CICO Books

chapter 3

holiday cookies

Fill your home with the festive smell of home baking with these projects for the whole family to enjoy: bake decorations for your Christmas tree, keep children entertained with Glittery Ghosts for Halloween, and make cute chicks and bunnies for Easter.

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© CICO Books

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YOU WILL NEED: 12 cookies made from a recipe on pp.13–14, using assorted bauble cookie cutters

⁄2 recipe each white, turquoise, and red royal icing (see pp.16–17) edible glitter 2.2yd (2m) ribbon 1

baubles These bauble cookies make lovely Christmas tree decorations. Go for turquoise, red, and white for a vintage look or opt for richer colors, such as purples or reds, for a traditional festive look. Making these cookies from gingerbread makes your house smell wonderfully festive.


Bake a batch of cookies with a hole in the top. Outline and flood them, using a fine tip for the outline and a thick tip for the flooding, following the steps on pp.18—19.

EQUIPMENT bauble cookie cutters 3 piping bags (see p.12) with fine (1–2) tips (nozzles) and 2 with thick (4) tips spatula or table knife toothpick (cocktail stick)



With fine tips, pipe simple patterns onto the cookies in different colors.


While the cookies are still wet, sprinkle glitter over them. To get a light, even covering, put some glitter on the end of a spatula or table knife and gently tap the side.


Finally, thread ribbon through the cookies so that they can be hung up.

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YOU WILL NEED: 12 cookies made from a recipe on pp.13–14, using assorted bauble cookie cutters

⁄2 recipe each white, turquoise, and red royal icing (see pp.16–17) edible glitter 2.2yd (2m) ribbon 1

© CICO Books baubles These bauble cookies make lovely Christmas tree decorations. Go for turquoise, red, and white for a vintage look or opt for richer colors, such as purples or reds, for a traditional festive look. Making these cookies from gingerbread makes your house smell wonderfully festive.


Bake a batch of cookies with a hole in the top. Outline and flood them, using a fine tip for the outline and a thick tip for the flooding, following the steps on pp.18—19.

EQUIPMENT bauble cookie cutters 3 piping bags (see p.12) with fine (1–2) tips (nozzles) and 2 with thick (4) tips spatula or table knife toothpick (cocktail stick)



With fine tips, pipe simple patterns onto the cookies in different colors.


While the cookies are still wet, sprinkle glitter over them. To get a light, even covering, put some glitter on the end of a spatula or table knife and gently tap the side.


Finally, thread ribbon through the cookies so that they can be hung up.

holiday cookies 79

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