3 minute read
from Cigarro Dominicano, Décimo Octava Edición Impresa con motivo del Decimo Aniversario 2023, PIGAT SRL
Mariolga is a 28-year-old girl who, before joining the world of tobacco at Víctor Sinclair Dominicana, worked as a veterinarian, which is her professional career, also completing a Master’s Degree in Business Management.
She is currently in charge of the Machine-Made Cigars Department, an area in which all the industrial processes for the machine cigars manufacture are carried out (moisturizing, conditioning, stripping, machinery conditioning, etc.) Having among her responsibilities the optimization and management of all industrial processes and production cycles; logistics planning and supply of raw materials and other materials; evaluation of customer requirements; new products development; distribution and logistics; cost accounting; collaborators management, among others.
DOMINICAN CIGAR presents this young professional, with a strong character and good nature, who has made her way in this industry.

CIGARRO DOMINICANO: Having studied veterinary medicine, we would like to know how you got into the tobacco industry?
MARIOLGA DOMÍNGUEZ: I have been working in the industry for five years, and the truth is that I never imagined myself working in it. Since I was little, I was always a fan of industrial processes, I loved to see how products could be made from an input that were later used to satisfy a need. Growing up I chose to dedicate my working life to another type of profession, however, at the end of the road I decided to use the knowledge that I had acquired throughout my life, and Víctor Sinclair opened the doors for me.
CD: Who has been your main role model in the workplace?
MD: I have many idols in the industry, many people who have given me their hand and shared their knowledge with me, but if I had to choose one, I would choose my father. He has always been my biggest inspiration, a person who let me choose my path, who listened to my opinions and allowed me to develop them, but, above all, who taught me the value of hard work and that to find success I had to understand that life It was a constant trial and error.
CD: Could you describe a major project you recently completed and what was your role in it?
MD: The latest project that I carried out was the physical plant expansion, which was a great challenge, since the structures were already done and it was necessary to remodeling the factory structure more than build to later enable them, at the same time that we continued working, which involved incredible logistics of time, industrial hygiene and safety, reorganization and machinery relocation.
CD: Which are the 3 unbreakable rules in your work life?
MD: Don’t settle. Trust your intuition, that never fails. Do not lower the goal, increase the effort.
CD: Tell us about some goals and objectives that you have set for yourself in your work and how you have achieved them?
MD: Everything around an industry are goals and objectives, for that we get out of bed every day. I can say that the goal with the longest term and the one I have been working on all these years is growth. When I took the reins of my department, I aligned all my objectives towards continuous growth. There is not a day of my work that does not focus on how many more cigars I can produce, on how I can reduce my costs and see greater benefits without diminishing quality, in how can I make my team happier. I can say that one of my greatest virtues and the ones that have allowed me to continue to grow constantly is knowing how to listen, because a project is not only achieved with a pair of hands, we need to walk day by day, as a leader, as a partner and above all, as a human being together with a team that, in the end, are the ones that will help you meet the objectives and reach your goal. The motivation that you project when you get involved with a group of people, when you walk in their shoes and feel empathy, leads you to make everyone want to work with you. When you achieve that, you already have part of your goal accomplished, because they are going to help you grow with the same intensity that you want.
CD: What do you like the most about your current job, and how do you handle the less attractive aspects?
MD: I could say that my favorite part is the creation, I’m a creative person by nature, and everything that has to do with building, developing, modifying a process to make it more mechanical and natural, motivates me and eliminates the monotony that can result from doing the same job every day.
In the same way, we know that not everything is perfect, and that there are many unpleasant circumstances in any environment in which you move. The most practical way to combat this is to reboot, just like a computer: where did we fail, why did we fail, if the damage is done, how can we change or improve it? Always with a positive attitude, since at the end of the road, mistakes are what lead us to be better.
CD: What other things can we know about Mariolga? Your interests, hobbies...
MD: I like to read romance books, play tennis, watch Formula 1 races, let my nephew beat me at video games, spend time with my pets and taste Dominican rums with a good cigar in hand.