Mobile Web vs. Mobile App

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Mobile Trends April 2012


Monday, April 30, 12

Android and Apple iOS currently maintain 77% of smartphone marketshare

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

In June of 2010 Android and Apple iOS maintained just 38% marketshare

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

RIM (Blackberry) lost half of its marketshare in one year going from 31% in 2010 to 16% in 2011

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

July 2011 smartphones surpassed feature phones as the top acquired device type

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

By the end of 2011 60% of all new acquired phones were smartphones compared to just 20% in December 2009

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

As a result smartphone penetration in the US is now 42% and is predicted to grow to 69% by 2015

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus; eMarketer US Mobile Usage Forecast


Monday, April 30, 12

Worldwide more than 1 billion people will use mobile devices as their primary Internet access point in 2012

Source: Google Mobile President, Mobile World Congress, 2012


Monday, April 30, 12

1 million small businesses globally will go mobile with a mobile Web site

Source: Google Mobile President, Mobile World Congress, 2012


Monday, April 30, 12

Online retail is the second fastest growing mobile category increasing by 87% from December 2010 to December 2011

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

....that accounts for 28.5 million consumers accessing online retail content via mobile

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus


Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends by the Numbers March 2012


Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / top acquired phones For 2011 Apple maintained the three top slots for smartphones sold The iPhone 4S was the third most acquired phone in 2011 despite not being available for purchase until October 2011 The iPhone 3GS, Apple’s value phone, was $99 for the first three quarters of 2011 and became free in Q4 with a 2/yr contract Oddly enough only one Android phone was in the top 5 in sales reflecting diversity in the Android ecosystem

This data clearly reflects the diversity and quantity of Android devices

As of December 2011 70 dierent Android phones were available for purchase within the US

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 13

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / purchase consideration

For smartphones consumers rate the OS brand as the number two most important factor for purchase consideration While the top purchase consideration factor is network quality of the service provider Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 14

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / OEMs

The differences between smartphone OEMs and the total mobile space is very interesting with Samsung, LG and Motorola maintaining 59% of marketshare in the US These brands are typically associated with Android however they still produce mass quantities of feature phones From an OEM standpoint Apple and HTC maintain nearly 50% of the US smartphone marketshare Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 15

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / smartphone penetration

With the overall growth in the US smartphone universe in 2011 we noticed a sizable shift in the total mobile audience towards smartphones The main reasons for the shifts are due to the proliferation and expansion of 3G and 4G networks, device functionality improvements and very aggressive pricing



The shift in pricing for several devices, typically close to free or free, has allowed smartphone penetration to grab significant marketshare for consumers that traditionally have not purchased a smartphone in the past

US Smartphone Share of Total Mobile Audience

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 16

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / growing demographics In the past we noticed that smartphones were typically reserved for high income, well educated and households with sizable amounts of discretionary income However, the aggressive pricing of these devices has significantly changed the segment The top five fastest growing demographics in the US among smartphone users are typically known as price conscious consumers The top two fastest growing demographics nearly doubled in 2011 while retired smartphone adoption grew by 92%

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 17

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / smartphone marketshare The growth of Android US smartphone marketshare is nothing short of amazing In just 1.5 years in the US Android has grown from 12% marketshare to 47% Android and Apple are the only two OS’s to increase marketshare during this timeframe As the chart would suggest a vast majority of RIM customers are shifting to Android devices with new purchases Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 18

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / mobile media consumption

With the advances made by 3G and 4G networks as well as the functionality and improvements in user experience, 2011 marked shifts in how people used smartphones Interestingly enough consumers in the US and EU5 use smartphones very differently with US consumers being much heavier users of both native apps and the mobile web However both markets noticed nearly 30% gains Y/Y for both native apps and Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus mobile web usage for consumption of media 19

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / mobile activities

More than 1/3 of the Americans accessed social networking sites in 2011 with their smartphone Nearly 3/4 of Americans sent a text message in 2011 while almost 2/3 took a photo 1/3 of Americans used or accessed search from their phones in 2011 Oddly enough just 24%, or 1/4, used their phone to listen to music 1 in 10 consumers accessed online retail in 2011

Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 20

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / top mobile categories

In the US 28.5 million consumers accessed online retail, via both native app and mobile web, in 2011 compared to just 15.2 million in 2010 which marks 87% growth Y/Y and positioned this category as the second fastest growing segment Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 21

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / mobile usage in retail

The most common activity performed by US females in a retail store is taking a picture of a product while the most common among males is scanning a barcode Two activities we feel will significantly grow in 2011 are comparing product prices and found coupons or deals due to the options consumers have to take advantage of these activities Source: ComScore 2012 Mobile Future in Focus 22

Monday, April 30, 12

Mobile Trends / conclusion The smartphone ecosystem is very volatile which is natural due to the nascency of the category Currently Android and Apple dominate the space and continue to demand more market share Windows Phone, while offering an interesting OS, is not a serious competitor in the space at this time We expect RIM marketshare to continue to decline due to the lack of innovation offered by the company Mobile media consumption continues to grow at an alarming pace due to proliferation of devices, advances in technology and development for the category New consumer segments are being reached, going mainstream, with the aggressive pricing models being utilized by the carriers Mobile usage in the Retail category continues to grow, nearly doubling Y/Y, with consumers utilizing mobile for a variety of purposes 23

Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman Mobile Web POV March 2012


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman Mobile Web POV / outline

Taubman Features Review Competitive Mobile Web Review Competitive Mobile App Review


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman Features Review


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman / mobile web This review provides a qualitative evaluation of the primary features that were developed for the Taubman mobile web site and how the competitors align with these features Home


Browse Stores

Get Directions

Store Details




Mall Map


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman / mobile web to web / competitive review Competitor Mobile Web features compared against Taubman Mobile Web Home

GGP Macerich Simon Tanger Westfield Taubman


Monday, April 30, 12

Browse Stores Store Details


Mall Map

Personalization Get Directions




Mobile App

Taubman / mobile web / differentiation Taubman is positioned with primary points of differentiation within the search, personalization and mall map features With search we are the first to market within mobile web with this key feature On the personalization front we are the second to market however the Taubman experience is be best in class compared to GGP’s iteration of the feature due to how they execute the feature with an iframe which is broken and inaccessible The mall map feature employed by Taubman is the first mobile web mall map to feature interactivity while all competitors, if a mall is included, feature a static map Two other areas of differentiation are store details and social For store details we provide consistent experience across all retailers, ability to add to favorites and current offer details if they exist as well as click to call Our social experience is simple and informs consumers, with clickable icons, that we have a presence on these channels 29

Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman / mobile web to app / competitive review Competitor Mobile App features compared against Taubman Mobile Web Home

GGP Macerich Simon Tanger Westfield Taubman


Monday, April 30, 12

Browse Stores Store Details


Mall Map

Personalization Get Directions




Taubman / rationale for why mobile web vs app Studiocom feels that this is less of an area of concern as the consumer experience delivered from the mobile web will easily match, and in most areas surpass, the competition Several factors impact our opinion when considering mobile web vs mobile app We consider the need for Taubman to reach critical mass, which mobile web allows for, across all smartphone and feature phone platforms as a necessity. Unfortunately mobile app development requires costly development for each platform that an app is developed for.


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman / rationale for why mobile web vs app

In essence with mobile web Taubman will reach 100% of the smartphone marketplace penetration at launch

Native app development is extremely costly due to independent app development per platform typically leading to 2X to 3X the costs of mobile web development


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman / mobile web The new version of the mobile optimized Taubman website launched in March This release of the mobile website included major enhancements to the existing version that firmly pushed Taubman ahead of the competition due to the key points of differentiation We are very pleased with the new website and each of the enhancements made to move Taubman ahead of the competition The new website provides a very powerful, yet simple, user experience that helps to aid the consumer when visiting a Taubman property In addition the consumer has the ability to experience the mobile website regardless of what type of mobile operating system or smartphone that they have providing Taubman with maximum reach across mobile devices


Monday, April 30, 12

Taubman / mobile web


Monday, April 30, 12



Browse Stores

Store Details



Mall Map

Get Directions

Competitive Mobile Web Review


Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile Web / simon Simon’s mobile web experience is fairly robust and includes several of the key features that will be included within the Taubman experience. The major CTA on most pages of the site is the mobile app download. Simon does include a nice search feature within the “browse stores” section. Users can easily access other Simon properties by tapping the “change mall” button featured at the top of most pages on the site. Comparable features include: Home Get Directions Browse Stores


Mall Map Pros - robust mobile design, store search, strong social and app download CTAs Cons - poor map, extremely long menu nav 36

Monday, April 30, 12


Browse Stores

Store Details

Mall Map

Get Directions


Competitive Mobile Web / ggp GGP delivers a consistent experience from a design standpoint across all of its properties. The major focus of the mobile site is the CTA to download the mobile app which is branded as GGP and not specific to each center. The personalization efforts with “the club” essentially fail in the mobile space as this feature is nonfunctional while the links to the social pages are virtually “untappable” due to size.


Browse Stores

Mall Map


Get Directions


Comparable features include: Home


Browse Stores

Get Directions

Mall Map


Pros - CTA to download mobile app Cons - overall poor mobile execution, static mall map, no search 37

Monday, April 30, 12

Links to social properties

Competitive Mobile Web / macerich Home

The Macerich centers are using a template approach very similar to GGP. The experience is fairly underwhelming and basic due to the lack of information available for the consumer.

Browse Stores

Store Details

Comparable features include: Home Browse Stores Get Directions

Store Details


Get Directions Social

Link to Google Maps

Links to social properties

Pros - excellent mobile design, strong social CTAs Cons - limited content, no mapping 38

Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile Web / tanger outlets The Tanger Outlets mobile website allows users to easily select which center they would like to visit and then allows them to access that location. Unfortunately the experience is not very user friendly and relies heavily on text and hyperlinks to access sections of the site which creates tapping on links a difficult action with the font sizes being so small. Comparable features include: Home Browse Stores Get Directions Pros - N/A Cons - poor mobile design, limited content 39

Monday, April 30, 12


Browse Stores

Get Directions

Competitive Mobile Web / westfield Westfield, much like Simon, delivers a consistent and useful user experience with a design that is built for mobile with large tappable graphics and information on each center. However they do not utilize the Google Commerce feature with the mobile web and bypass search completely with mobile web. Users can easily switch centers by tapping the the persistent “centers� link prominently featured in the top right of most pages. Comparable features include: Home Mall Map Browse Stores

Get Directions

Store Details Pros - consistent mobile design Cons - no search, limited content 40

Monday, April 30, 12


Browse Stores

Mall Map

Store Details

Get Directions

Competitive Mobile Web / best in class Out of the competitive review the Simon mobile web experience is currently the best in class after Taubman The design is very fluid and mobile friendly with large icons, calls to action and social inclusion The “driving directions� feature is our second favorite feature as it handles the process within the site and does not redirect the user to the default device map app


Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile App Review


Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile App / ggp The GGP mobile app focuses on loyalty and personalization with “the club” loyalty program. The program asks for an email address and phone number. The app also features Point Inside for the in mall mapping.





Mall Map

The Club

Major features include: Home Events Directory Food Mall Map The Club Pros - great loyalty integration with “the club”, mapping integration with PointInside Cons - very limited focus on center 43

Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile App / simon The Simon mobile app takes advantage of localization and preloads the mall closest to you. In addition they focus on gift card replenishments and parking.




Mall Map

Parking Reminder

Gift Cards

Major features include: Home Deals Stores Mall Map Parking Reminder Gift Cards Pros - search, localization, parking reminder, gift card balance checker Cons - inconsistent experience from mobile web to app, poor mapping 44

Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile App / tanger outlets The Tanger Outlets app tends to focus more on stores, but does include some hidden features such as a QR Code Reader and current offers.


Store Directory

Coupons & Oers


Property Map


Major features include: Home Store Directory Coupons & Offers Shop Property Map Search Pros - search Cons - confusing/misleading app icon tray, limited use of visual assets and heavy on text 45

Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile App / westfield The Westfield mobile app provides several key features and delivers an exceptional mobile app experience despite its unappealing look. The Google Commerce search feature is the market leading feature and definitely an option that Taubman will need to consider for app development.


Product Search

Mall Map

Shopping List

Oers & Events


Major features include: Home


Shopping List

Product Search with Google Commerce

Mall Map Offers & Events

Pros - wonderful tech integration with Google Commerce Search, shopping list and mall map Cons - poor graphic design 46

Monday, April 30, 12

Competitive Mobile App / best in class In our native app review the best in class among competitors was Westfield The app contains several features that set it apart from the competition with the most important feature being “product search” which employs Google’s Commerce Search and allows users to view current inventory In addition the “shopping list” feature is unique and allows users to add products after locating them via the “product search”


Monday, April 30, 12

Thank you


Monday, April 30, 12

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