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Procter & Gamble - Tide Situation As Procter & Gamble’s marketing partner for more than 10 years, Digitas is the interactive agency of record for multiple P&G brands. In 2007 we were named the interactive agency of record for P&G’s Fabric Care brands which include Tide, Downy, and Bounce. Our responsibilities including driving strategy (including brand, integrated marketing, segmentation, and personalization), Web marketing, Web site design and build, viral marketing, and measurement. Digitas was asked to help Tide drive its strategies online. Tide’s objective were to strengthen the brand with loyal consumers through product innovations (e.g. the launch of 2x Ultra Tide), broaden Tide’s relevance by inviting more consumers into the franchise (e.g. the launch of Tide Total Care), drive value through innovation, equity and the right price (e.g. Tide Stain Brain) and unleash the power of Tide as an “iconic” brand of the people. In its ongoing effort to be the “brand of the people,” Tide recognized the need to update its web presence to better serve an ever-changing digital landscape and meet/exceed consumer objectives. In January 2009, Digitas relaunched and Tide Current, our monthly email CRM newsletter in October 2009. In conjunction with these relaunches, Digitas also helped to launch Tide Total Care, a new product line for appearance conscious Moms. In order to spring board Tide’s mobile presence, we also launched Tide Stain Brain, a stain solutions application that has currently gained a top spot (#7 as of 5/17/10) on the iPhone most downloaded list.