As we approach the halfway point of our 125th year, it is clear to me that one of the elements that CIM has always focused on is the one element that it must continue to foster, namely, the desire and ability to allow and encourage a space for different voices to speak and be heard.
As a CIM member, you—individually, but especially collectively—have the power to use your voice to drive our industry forward in a wealth of ways. Join societies and committees that align with your interests and contribute to improving standards, guidelines and leading practices. CIM is the sum of its parts, most importantly its members, and it serves both those members and the industry at large by developing and communicating best practices and fostering innovation.
The 2023 CIM Convention—considered our most successful yet—focused on perhaps our biggest challenge: decarbonizing the world. The positive feedback we received made it clear that sharing perspectives,
considering new avenues and challenging traditional wisdom are the keys to unlocking our potential as an institute and as an industry, not only to meet decarbonization deadlines, but also to solidify our Canadian brand and lead the transformation of industry and how it might be perceived.
Yes, there will likely be obstacles on the road ahead. But if we continue to make more room for other voices, we’ll have much of what we need to attain a more prosperous future for ourselves, our communities and our industry.
Michael Cinnamond President, CIM Senior VP, Finance & CFO, B2Gold Corp.CIM is Canada’s leading technical industry resource for the minerals, metals, materials and petroleum sectors. We are dedicated to advancing knowledge, facilitating innovation, celebrating excellence and promoting sustainable practices across the full spectrum of our industry.
Through conferences, technical resources, networking and social events, we encourage meaningful discussion among people from all disciplines and walks of life. Together, we can improve awareness of the value of our industry in society.
Over 10,000 members
31 local and international branches
11 societies 11 committees
1 Standards, Guidelines and Leading Practices Directorate
CIM’s strategic plan provides a fresh outlook on how we can support the Canadian minerals industry in its role as a global leader in sustainable and responsible mining. From lithium production to copper and nickel mining, to digitalization, job creation and community engagement, CIM continues to be the trusted authority and collective source for advancing mineral industry knowledge, guidelines and leading practices.
CIM tackles the industry’s toughest challenges by creating, curating and sharing trusted, leading-edge content through our events, technical publications, award-winning magazine, online learning platform, local and regional happenings and so much more.
Montreal, QC | April 30–May 3
The CIM Convention + Expo brought together a diverse range of stakeholders keen on fostering stronger relationships with local communities, exploring the necessary innovations needed to achieve a sustainable and carbon-free world, and engaging in insightful discussions on how to finance these ambitious initiatives.
More than 40 awards presented
A record 15 short courses Over 300 presentations
Minerals and Materials Theresa Nyabeze, Vale; Garth Kirkham, Kirkham Geosystems Ltd
Mining in the 21st Century Ali Madiseh, University of British Columbia; Agus Sasmito, McGill University
Mine Operations George Darling, RMS Corp.
ESG and Building Trust Jennifer Hill, JLH Environmental
Environment: Minimizing Our Footprint Bernard Aubé, Envirobay Inc.
Markets and Finance Jessie Liu-Ernsting, G Mining Ventures Corp.; David Anonychuk, SGS
Mine Waste Impoundment Doina Priscu, Priscu Engineers
Mining for Talent Trang Tran-Valade, Stantec
Rock Mechanics/Engineering Mike Yao, Vale
Energy and Circular Economy Resa Furey, Stantec
Protecting Our People Glenn Lyle, MIRARCO
Decarbonization Technologies: From Mining to Metals Daniel Brosig, Gas Cleaning Technologies LLC; Phillip Mackey, P.J. Mackey Technology Inc.
Iron Ore Symposium Stefanie Vo, Hatch
470 exhibitors
Ottawa | January 17–19
The Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP) is a Technical Society of CIM. All CIM members with an interest in any aspect of mineral processing are welcome to join. The Annual Conference features presentations on comminution, flotation, gold and iron ore processing, mineralogy, mill optimization, process control and more.
Planner - Wesley Griffith, NRCan, CanmetMINING; Planner - Rory Cameron, NRCan, CanmetMINING; Dave Hardy, Student; A/V - Bryan Tisch, NRCan, CanmetMINING; Registration desk - Jean-Michel Bondy, NRCan; Registration desk - Kent Rutledge
Chair - Andrew Taylor, Atlantic Gold Corporation; Vice-Chair - Irma Gabric-Burk, Transmin Pty Ltd; 2nd Vice-Chair - Kim-Quyên Nguyên, Osisko Mining; Past Chair - Berge Simonian, Newcrest; Secretary - Rory Cameron, NRCan, CanmetMINING; TreasurerWesley Griffith, NRCan, CanmetMINING
505 participants
3 short courses
32 CMPsponsored Students
Don’t miss our upcoming events
International Conference on Hoisting and Haulage
August 13 - 16, 2023
Montreal, QC
62nd Annual Conference of Metallurgists
August 21-24, 2023
Toronto, ON
Maintenance, Engineering and Reliability/Mine Operators Conference (MEMO 2023)
September 17, 2023
Saskatoon, SK
Capital Projects Symposium
November 19, 2023
Vancouver, BC
*As compared to January to July 2022
30% MORE * English and French Technical Paper Library views
121% MORE * Book and paper downloads from the CIM Bookstore
128% MORE * CIM short courses for you
CIM has partnered with MindEdge to offer new courses that can help you improve your communication, teamwork, influencing, problem-solving and leadership skills. CIM members get 15% off.
Special Issue
Volume 14 Issue 1
Innovations in Underground Ventilation
Read it now
Refreshed CIM Academy website is easier to use
COMING SOON New and improved CIM mentorship program lets you share your lived experience while creating pathways for success.
National Magazine Awards B2B Silver for Best Profile of a Company for Midlife makeoverCompass Minerals prepares the Goderich underground salt mine for the next century of mining
Silver Winner
CIM takes an active leadership role in driving innovation and working with our valued partners to advance an increasingly sustainable future through the world’s mineral resources. We enable inclusive collaboration across our industry and beyond that helps to identify the most pressing of challenges, set priorities and facilitate solutions.
The Practice Guidelines for Mineral Processing (PGMP) were prepared by the Sub-Committee of the Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP), which is a Technical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).
The PGMP covers the involvement of mineral processing professionals in providing inputs to the estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves and providing technical content for internal reports as well as public reports on mineral projects, as required under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101). The PGMP supplements the CIM Exploration Practice Guidelines (2018) and the CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources & Mineral Reserves Practice Guidelines (2019), which are referenced in Companion Policy 43-101CP to NI 43-101 and recognized internationally.
The CIM Standards, Leading Practices and Guidelines Directorate (SLPGD) has begun drafting the Cost Estimation Guidelines, which will serve as a “how to” on effectively managing cost estimating activities involved in a mineral project. Anyone interested in writing, reviewing or contributing expertise is asked to reach out to Jennifer Breaux
The CIM Health & Safety Society has been busy with a number of initiatives. After developing a strategic plan to align with CIM National, revisions to the Society Charter have been drafted. At the recent Society Annual General Assembly Samantha Espley, past CIM President, took over the role of Society Chair, with Glenn Lyle becoming Past Chair. Bryan Wilson was elected to the position of Vice Chair. New members were also added to the executive.
The convention in Montreal was a great success with a solid stream of safetyrelated presentations. The Society, in partnership with CIM Magazine, is producing the webinar series “The Safety Share” and has put on four engaging discussions to date with more in the works.
Planning has begun for a CIM Health & Safety Society Conference with a committee formed and conference date and location confirmed Oct 6-8, 2024, at the Marriott Hotel in Toronto.
has relaunched its website: www.metsoc.org
We are thrilled to provide our community and members a new website. Feel free to explore and discover all the exciting features and information we have to offer. The website is aimed at recognizing the work of our volunteers and the association services we provide to the community at large. You will find technical content, volunteer opportunities and a more user-friendly interface. Enjoy your browsing!
MES has hosted multiple events, like the ever popular Virtual Student Day in collaboration with CIM Toronto Branch, and talks on the global economic outlook, security and liability, markets and finance, and more. Learn more about MES.
The CIM Expo provided a glimpse into the latest technology, solutions, tools and products.
2428 478 24 Participants Exhibitors Registered Media
We set the industry standard for learning and professional development by producing a range of courses, workshops, programs and events geared towards practitioners at every point in their careers.
Distinguished Lecturers 2023-2024
Lecture topics will be announced August 2023
Featuring the world’s most comprehensive collection of tunneling, mining, and minerals-based research in one place.
CIM members enjoy free access to over 2 million pages.
Celebrating and recognizing excellence within the mining and minerals industry is a tradition of which CIM is extremely proud. Through the CIM-Caterpillar Celebration of Excellence, the CIM awards honour the CIM Awards honour the industry’s finest for their outstanding contributions in various fields. Their achievements and dedication are what make Canada’s global minerals industry stand out.
to our 2023 CIM Award Winners
A.O. Dufresne Exploration Achievement Award Skeena Resources Eskay Deposit Exploration Team
Bedford Canadian Young Leaders Awards
Kevin Bromfield, Shelby Yee, Chris Copley , Trang Tran-Valade
CIM Distinguished Lecturers
Priti Wanjara, Doris Hiam-Galvez, Hani Mitri, Mustafa Kumral, Gary Poxleitner, Nancy Wilk, Roy Slack
CIM Fellowship
Stéfanie Vo, Alistair Kent, Bob Chambers, George B. Darling
Distinguished Service Medal
Keith N. Spence
District Distinguished Service Award
Robert Cloutier - Eastern District, Roy SlackCentral District, John P. Thompson - Western District
Diversity and Inclusion
Mary-Jane Piggott
Excellence in Sustainable Development Award
Alistair Kent
Hatch-CIM Mining & Minerals Project Development Safety Award
Rio Tinto - Kemano T2 Tunnel Project
J.C. Sproule Northern Exploration Award
Craig Hart
John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
National Metal, Glencore - Nickel Rim South Operation; National Select, Vale - Voisey’s Bay Mine; National Coal, Westmoreland
Mining Holdings LLC - Poplar River Mine; Regional Metal BC/Yukon, New Gold Inc., New Afton Mine; Regional Metal Prairie/Territory, Agnico Eagle Mine Ltd –Meliadine Mine; Regional Metal Ontario, Vale Canada Ltd - Coleman Mine; Regional Metal Quebec/Atlantic, Hecla QuébecMine Casa Berardi; Regional Select West, Nutrien - Rocanville Mine; Regional Select East, Atlantic Mining NS Inc (St. Barbara Ltd.)
-Touquoy Mine
Mine Safety Technology
Lake Shore Gold - Timmins West Mine
Julian Boldy Geological Society Service Award
Theresa Nyabeze
Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award
CIM Sudbury Branch
McParland Memorial Award for Excellence in Maintenence, Engineering, and Reliability
Martin Provencher
Mining Safety Leadership Award
Don MacLean
Mining Engineering Outstanding Achievement Award
Jim Gusek
Robert Elver Mineral Economics Award
Mauro Chiesa (Posthumous)
Selwyn Blaylock Canadian Mining Excellence Award
Phillips S. Baker, Jr.
Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Awards Community Engagement Excellence Award, Diavik Mine’s Turning Copper into ‘Gold’ project - Rio Tinto; Environment Excellence Award, New Afton Mine’s Energy and GHG Management Project - New Gold
Vale Medal for Meritorious Contributions to Mining
Kurt Strobele
Through our national, branch and student chapter events, we bring people together and provide them with opportunities to collaborate explore ideas and share knowledge
Congratulations to our CIM student poster winners!
Sponsored by:
19 students presented their ideas at the Poster Competition Watch the students present their projects
Speed Mentorship Event
30 mentors
50 mentees
Student & Young Leader
Science North exhibit
Linkedin representative
• Industry recruiters
CIM liaises with others, including academia, organizations within industry and fellow non-profits, on key initiatives. Together, we encourage transparent dialogue on technological innovations, sustainable practices and community partnerships.
32% increase in fans & followers across all CIM social networks
55% increased engagement with CIM posts
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment.
Get involved!
CIM Branches, Societies and Committees are always busy organizing events, discussing findings and publishing research. Find out what’s going on!
Community Engagement Excellence Award, Diavik Mine’s Turning Copper into ‘Gold’ project - Rio Tinto Mathieu Bergeron, Sustainability Business Partner, Rio Tinto Minerals; Michel Tremblay, Supervisor, Underground Mining, Diavik Diamond Mine and volunteer on the copper recycling initiative; Gaeleen MacPherson, Senior Manager, HR and CSP, Diavik Diamond Mine; Diane Haché, retired employee of the Diavik Diamond Mine and award winner for her work on the copper recycling initiative; Winter Bailey, Principal Advisor, Communities and Social Performance, Rio Tinto Minerals; Tara Marchiori, Manager, Communities and Social Performance, Diavik Diamond Mine; Sophie Bergeron, Managing Director, Rio Tinto Iron and Titanium and Diamonds