7 minute read
Feline first aid
None of us want to think about what would happen if a cat starts to experience medical distress while being groomed or in your care, but it is a good idea to be prepared in case this ever does happen. Would you know what to do if a cat started choking? Started showing signs of major distress? If they collapsed or became unconscious? It’s always better to be ready for anything like this just in case and hope nothing ever comes up. By iPET
Network Cat Grooming Tutor Katie Gwilt.
The iPet Network do an inperson emergency first aid level 3 course that is OFQUAL regulated and veterinarian
Sophie Bell at Animal Love Pet First Aid does a selection of courses.
Here are five feline first-aid tips to give you some food for thought.
Check for danger
If you see a cat in distress, check the area before rushing in. Is there anything near the cat that has triggered their health issue such as an electric cable they have bitten or a chemical that could be poisonous?
If you are out and about and see a cat hit by a car, before helping them is it safe to cross the road or are you putting yourself at risk as well? There is no point in running into a problem and getting yourself injured as well and not being able to help anyone. Take a moment to assess the situation first.
Don’t panic
Try to keep your calm in an emergency. Panicking will only make others around you panic as well. Cats in particular are able to sense our emotions.
Keeping panic at bay will help you also be more logical in dealing with any emergencies and be much more able to help the cat. If people around you are panicking a great way to help is to give them one simple task to help them focus. Ask them to find a towel, get a bowl of water, clear the area of other people etc.

Check for a response and breathing
If the cat is conscious this is much easier. I don’t recommend shouting at the cat or shaking them at all.
Try moving a finger and seeing if their eyes track it, tap near them to see if they register the sound or movement and if not try tapping the back of your hand in a clapping motion that isn’t as loud as actually clapping your palms.
If the cat is unconscious and doesn’t react to these then check to see if they are breathing. I don’t recommend touching an apparently unconscious animal just in case they come to suddenly and lash out in confusion.
Hold a mobile phone or mirror in front of their mouth to see if you can see their breath steam it up. Watch their chest to see if it rises and falls.
If not and you know how to give chest compressions then move on to this whilst on the way to an emergency vet. If you know the recovery position and it is safe to do so, lie the cat on its left-hand side to do this giving you better access to the heart which is on the left.

Scan the cat’s head and body
Check the pupils and for any discharge from the nose, mouth or ears. Are there any bones visible or limbs in unusual positions? Can you see any obvious wounds without touching the cat?
There can be internal problems so it’s usually wise to avoid moving the cat more than necessary. If there has been physical trauma then always take for a vet check to see if there are any internal injuries.
If possible look at stemming any bleeding with pressure on the wound and try to gently wrap the cat to keep them warm. Losing bodily fluids and going into shock all cause a drop in temperature so do your best to help with this.
Get to the vet ASAP
It is always best to contact your local vet for a proper health check. There may be internal complications you are unaware of. Keep the details of the closest one to your salon in an easy-to-find place and include details of your nearest out-ofhours vets too.
Always check with clients before starting grooming if the cat has any known health conditions and is on any medication and keep this information updated. If the situation is serious then head straight to the vet and contact the client on the way to let them know what is going on

If you suspect poison (remember cats have different toxins than dogs) and have an idea of the cause, take a photo of the cause or take it with you in a bag. Anything that touches a cat’s paws or fur will be licked and groomed so take extra care with any products, cleaning supplies and plants in your salon.
I highly recommend doing a first aid course and topping up your knowledge every two years.
Visit www.ipetnetwork.co.uk/ipetnetwork-canine-and-feline-qualifications/ ipet-network-level-3-award-in-felineemergency-first-aid/

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