CIMSA UGM December Meeting 2015 Booklet

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PROJECT MANAGEMENT Apa itu project? Project adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan pada waktu tertentu untuk mencapai suatu tujuan Tahapan pembuatan project ada 3, yaitu: a. Perencanaan  Asesmen  Identifikasi Masalah  Penetapan Tujuan  Strategi dan Metodologi  Rencana Kegiatan b. Pelaksanaan  Pengelolaan sumber daya  Implementasi c. Evaluasi  Evaluasi  Finishing  Follow up dan laporan Kategori Project: a. Jenis Kegiatan  Sustainable Project  Community Development  Event :  Celebration : merayakan suatu momen kesehatan dunia  Campaign : bersifat mengkampanyekan suatu aksi b. Skala  Lokal : melibatkan 1 lokal CIMSA  Region : melibatkan >1 lokal dalam satu region yang sama  Nasional : melibatkan lokal-lokal dalam region yang berbeda  Internasional : melibatkan NMO lain dalam IFMSA Sustainable Project  Adalah rangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam periode tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu yang memiliki manfaat yang berkepanjangan  Kata kunci dari sustainable project adalah terbentuknya “SISTEM”  Apa perbedaan sustainable project, community development, dan project? Terletak pada GOALS nya


Project  pencapaian goal secara umum Sustainable project  mengarahkan pada pembentukan sistem Community development  memandirikan masyarakat Merencanakan suatu sustainable project :

GOALS sebuah project yang ideal adalah SMART  Spesific  memiliki target/sasaran project yang jelas  Measurable  dapat terukur secara konkrit dan kuantitatif keberhasilannya  Achieveable  dapat dilihat sisi kelogisannya untuk tercapai dengan melihat SWOT project serta sumber daya yang dimiliki  Relevant  sesuai dengan latar belakang diangkatnya suatu project  Time bound  ada jangka waktu tertentu yang jelas kapan project ini dianggap sudah selesai pelaksanaannya dan tercapai tujuannya Contoh goals project yang SMART: Meningkatkan wawasan ibu hamil di desa Rejosari (spesific) mengenai pentingnya pemberian ASI kepada bayi sebesar 80% (nantinya bisa dengan dilakukan post test, survey, kuisioner  measurable) dalam jangka waktu 2 bulan (2 bulan kemudia difollow up apakah para ibu di desa tersebut sudah sadar akan pentingnya pemberian ASI  time bound) *untuk aspek achieveable  mungkin tidak terpapar secara eksplisit namun bisa dilihat dari SWOT dan SDM yg ada, untuk aspek relevant dikaitkan dengan latar belakang project Assesment  Adalah sebuah proses sistematis yang komprehensif berupa pencarian dan pengumpulan informasi atas data (fakta/evidence based) untuk mengetahui gejala dan kendala-kendala yang dialami dalam suatu kegiatan, serta kelemahan dan kekuatan



beserta kebutuhan yang diperlukan dari pihak assesor, dimana data tersebut akan diolah untuk menjadi landasan menyusun program jangka panjang yang efektif dan efisien karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan secara holistik Bisa dilakukan dengan pencarian data PRIMER maupun SEKUNDER

How to develop a sustainable project: 1. Base your decisions on data 2. Develop a detailed description of what activities you want to sustain. 3. Identify what you need to manage and operate the activities you have selected. 4. Stakeholders 5. Potential partner Key Step in Sustainability Planning Process 1. Determine what you want to sustain 2. Clarify your vision 3. Choose your desired sustainability strategies and methods 4. Develop action steps for sustainability

BASIC WRITING SKILL Without a doubt, the most important invention in human history is writing. It provides relatively permanent record of information, opinions, beliefs, feelings, theories, etc. Writing allows us to share our communication with todays or future generations. It permits longdistance communication. Writing clear, thorough and targeted proposal is essential for an NGO’s success, especially in gaining funds from donors, etc. Mastering the art of proposal writing requires a unified approach to project management. The project proposal should be a detailed and directed manifestation of the project design. To make a clear, thorough, and target proposal we must learn a few basic aspects of writings, which are 1. Clarity Insufficient clarity may be due to vagueness, ambiguity or obscurity. Vagueness is usually a matter of using a word or expression which the meaning is not precise enough. Ambiguity occurs when a word or expression is used in such a way that it can be understood in more than one way. Obscurity happens usually due to incorrect word or convoluted sentence structure, which can be reduced by using the words you know the meaning of. 2. Coherent Writing Coherent writing has clear connections between ideas, sentences and paragraphs.


3. Focused Writing Focused writing has a clear purpose and a clear topic. Focus establishes what you are writing about and why. Without focus, writing cannot be coherent. Other than that, there are several tips regarding writing, which are : 1. Be as clear and as brief as possible 2. Be specific and accurate as possible 3. Give credit to your sources 4. Edit and revise your writing Now that we’ve learned the basic of writing, let’s learn about making project proposal. Proposal Writing is a part of project designing, but before the project is written, its individual elements need to be developed. The quality of project proposal is not possible without proper planning. In a variety of formats of the project proposals, it is possible to see common elements, which are: 1. Title Page, it should contain name of project and organization, also place and date of project 2. Project Title, it should be short, concise, and preferably refer to certain key project or leading activity. 3. Contents Page, contents page should only be made if the proposal page is more than 10 pages. 4. Abstract, Many readers (aka potential donor) have lack of time to read the entire proposal, so abstract or short summary of the project is very useful. Include in abstract are : backgrounf, aims, key activity, and budget 5. Background, In this part, the proposal describes social, economic, cultural background that initiate the project. It should contain relevant data from research or other resources. 6. Project Justification, project proposal should point out why a certain issue is a problem for the community or society as a whole. The needs of the target group that have arisen as a direct negative impact of the problem should be prioritized. The project proposal should describe the strategy chosen for solving the problem and precisely how it will lead to improvement. It should also show capabilities of your organization by referring to its capacity and previous project record. 7. Project Aims a. Project Goals (main objective) b. Project Objectives c. Project Results


8. Target Groups, The proposal should provide detailed information of the size and characteristic of the target group. 9. Project Implementations a. Activity Plan, It should provide specific information and explanations of each of the planned project activities. b. Resource Plan, The resource plan should provide information on the means necessary to undertake the project. 10. Management and Personnel, A brief description should be given of the project personnel, the individual roles each one has assumed, and the communication mechanisms that exist between them 11. Annexes, The annexes should include all the information that is important, but is too large to be included in the text of the proposal.

FUNDRAISING IS FUN! Bosen jadi seksi danus terus? Taukah kalian bahwa fundraising adalah salah satu pilar dalam berlangsungnya project. Tidak hanya itu, fundraising juga merupakan pilar dalam keberadaan suatu organisasi. Karena keberhasilan suatu tim dalam melakukan fundraising sangat berpengaruh terhadap jalannya project. Apabila tim itu berhasil, acara akan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana sehingga Visi dan Misi organisasi dapat ditransformasikan dengan maksimal. Maka dari itu diperlukan training basic fundraising ini untuk para member CIMSA agar dapat memaksimalkan pendapatannya di setiap project.


The bottom line is, without any fundings, you won’t be able to run any projects! Apa itu fundraising? fundraising adalah tindakan dalam pengumpulan uang ataupun memproduksi uang untuk tujuan tertentu. Namun ada juga yang membedakan fundraising dengan money making. Dimana money making adalah aktivitas yang menghasilkan profit berupa uang, sedangkan fundraising adalah membuat hubungan jangka panjang dengan seseorang yang tertarik dengan kegiatan/ organisasi kita sehingga mau berinvestasi di dalamnya Sebelum pelaksanaanya, perlu adanya fundraising strategy untuk memastikan penggalangan dana ini akan berhasil. Strategi ini akan krusial untuk menentukan bagaimana kita dapat melakukan penggalangan dana sesuai dengan waktu yang tersedia dan juga bagaimana caranya kita mendapatkan nominal uang yang dibutuhkan saat ia dibutuhkan. Dengan strategi yang tepat kita akan mendapatkan Quick Wins yaitu penggalangan dana dengan usaha minimal namun dengan dampak yang besar. Strategi ini meliputi : TTS + P (Target, Timetable, Sasaran + PIC/ Person in Charge). Saat mengembangkan strategi fundraising kita harus dapat menjawab pertanyaan dibawah ini : 1) Berapa banyak waktu yang kita punya? 2) Siapa saja yang dapat melaksanakan strategi ini? 3) Berapa jumlah modal awal yang kita punya? Lalu dalam pelaksanaan perlu diperhatikan 4 aspek penting yang bisa disingkat menjadi get REAL (Research, Engage, Ask, Love). Dimana Rresearch adalah memastikan kembali sudah memiliki strategi yang tepat, Engage adalah mendekatkan diri dengan sasaran (seperti membuat janji pertemuan kepada pihak eksternal), Ask adalah secara jujur menanyakan kepada sasaran apakah mereka mau membantu kita, dan yang terakhir Love adalah menunjukkan afeksi kita dengan mengucapkan terima kasih walaupun ditolak. Ada 4 metode fundraising, yaitu : 1) Financial Endowment (donasi dari lembaga eksternal) 2) Special Event (konser amal, gala dinner) 3) Product Fundraising (dana usaha dengan menjual bawang) 4) Online Fundraising (crowdfunding). Pemilihan metode yang tepat akan bergantung pada strategi yang telah kita tentukan sebelumnya karena di setiap metode juga memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masingmasing. Product Fundraising memiliki keuntungan yaitu mudah dan tidak memerlukan usaha yang besar. Dengan pertimbangan kekurangnnya adalah adanya kemungkinan untuk rugi/deficit, potensial mendapatkan profit yang rendah, dan harus bersaing dengan product fundraising yang lain. Sedangkan Special Event Fundraising memiliki keuntungan yaitu lebih menyenangkan, cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan nama di pihak luar, dan dapat memperluas nama organisasi. Lalu kerugiannya adalah memerlukan usaha yang besar,


waktu yang lama, dan perlu publikasi yang sangat baik agar pendapatan bisa menjadi maksimal. Dengan melakukan fundraising, akan ada beberapa keuntungan yang kamu dapat selain mendapatkan uang, yaitu : meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi, kerja sama dalam tim, dan melatih kreativitas. Everyone can be a great fundraiser

PUBLICATION 101 PART I: BASICS OF PUBLICATION What is Publication? 1. Communication of information to the public 2. the act or an instance of making information public 3. the act of bringing before the public; announcement. Why do we need to do publication? Because (y)our activities must be known, in order to: Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health!



Project PostProject

How to do it? 1. Understand everything about your project! 2. Knowing your targets! 3. Make a plan and be prepared! 4. Give more attention to important details! 5. Choose your ‘vehicle’ and make it awesome! 6. Strategic & Positioning! 7. Follow up & Get Engaged! Remember: PIMP COBRA (packaging | impact | positioning | content | branding)


PART II: BEING A GOOD DESIGNER, A GUIDE FOR BEGINNER 1. Find your weapon 2. Make the concept  Define your theme, keep it inline with your event’s theme.  Watch your targets.  Be polite: not everyone understands your real purposes. DO DONT  Event about earth hour; make a public  Event about valentine; make a greeting poster about energy card with graveyards  A leaflet about hiv/aids for children;  Make a joke about some places, make it without graphic contents ethnics, or religions  Place a sensitive content in a matter  Put graphical content in an that nobody will stand against you inappropriate way 3. Get your idea What are the things / objects / design elements i have to make?  Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration....  Think for things related to your concept  Search the net  Fresh air (yes it works!)  Build your own! Be creative Done. Now how do i make it?  Tutorials (again!)   Look for free images / templates on the net  Or you can just design it directly on your application! 4. Lets start designing! LAYOUTING Principles of design:  Balance: Do you want to design something symmetrical or asymmetrical?  Spaces: Don’t fill every single inch of your design with objects. Let the viewers relax their eyes.  Proportion: Make the right size for every different purpose of the objects: title, content, images, etc.  Emphasis: You may want an object as the main focus of your whole design. Let the viewers know what you are designing about. Rule of third: Divide the height and width of your image / layout by three, and put your focus object in the line of divider or in the one of the sections.


Things to note:  Placing the objects: Keep the proportions, take spaces  Textboxes: Emphasize your words, help reading  Choosing right images: Suits with the theme, non-discriminative  Define your own style!  Plagiarism <> Mimics  Make it readable! Additional tips:  Emphasize using visuals - graphic elements should dominate.  Use graphics, cartoons, and figures instead of text. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Use color to emphasize or to link words and images together.  And you still can search the internet and pick some layouts and get the tutorial to make them! TYPOGRAPHY: SERIF vs SANS SERIF In general… Serif: Sans-Serif: Better in printed media (newspaper, Better in screen (display picture, e-poster) leaflet) Better in captions / titles Better in paragraphs Better for children, tall font Better for oldstyle, small size Things to note:  Get your size  Proportion (again)  Where can we find ‘em? o Free: o Paid: o Or you can just search the net....


COLORING Best readability text color:  White over dark  Black over light  Color over white Choosing Colors:  Use shades  Don’t use more than 4 different color hues, except for complex background / emphasized object  Keep the colors in harmony; but black and white are suitable with almost every colors. 5. Finishing  Review the contents, is it enough or too many?  Check the spelling/grammar/EyD. Make it professional!  Fix the errors: spaces, margins, unused object, etc.  Furnish it, but don’t be excessive!  PUBLISH IT! What are you waiting for? Lets design & be a good designer!

PUBLIC SPEAKING What is Public Speaking? Human`s ability to communicate using formalized system of language sets us apart from other living creatures on earth. It used to unite us to set up perception. Why is it important? If you speak well in public, it can help you get a job or promotion, raise awareness for your team or organization, educate others, and best thing is, you are useful to other people. How to do it well? To become a better speaker, use the following strategies:  Plan appropriately  Set the material  Start to make a presentation in a very interesting manner  In using powerpoint, just highlight important points. The points are then to be informed in your speech.  In using a Flipchart or Blackboard, don’t forget to be informative without any long explanation that bores the audience.  In using a Model, it has to be large enough to be seen. Don’t forget a backup plan


 

for any mechanical failures of this procedure.  In using Video, make sure it gets into your point. You may start or pause the video to explain several crucial point.  Handouts are to be distributed before or after the presentation. Not during. Practice  Practice frequently and in a variety of ways  Time yourself  Conduct a practice with full set of equipments needed Pay attention on how you send the message  Grounding How you perform in posture to ensure you being charismatic  Voice To make sure your tone is not boring. Beware of FLAT TONES!  Eye contact Remember to keep contact with the audience to have their full attention  Walk stop talk Remember to take a little walk, then stop, then continue your speech  Gesture This is to increase audience’s comprehension and is a way to have the audience believe of what you say Engage with your audience  Break the gap from you and the audience  Use humor or some question Think Positively Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your confidence Watch recordings of your speeches Evaluate your performance by asking the audience or watch your own recording

Tips and Tricks  Make relevant information and make it vital to the audience  Give latest and freshest information  Use attention-getting techniques to startle your audience  Present your speech with a bit of taste of humor  Associate your idea with familiar concept  Use appropriate visual aids for enhancement  Restate keywords and concepts with art  Be well-organized with clear outline Public Speaking needs 7C ways of Communication!  Clear  Concise


    

Concrete Correct Coherent Complete Courteous

RESEARCH SKILL Definisi Riset Penyelidikan (penelitian) suatu masalah secara bersistem, kritis, dan ilmiah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengertian, mendapatkan fakta yang baru, atau melakukan penafsiran yang lebih baik Pentingnya riset dalam pelaksanaan project CIMSA  Assessment Menentukan masalah yang mendasari tujuan proyek  Planning Untuk keefektifitasan dan keefisiensian proyek  Execution  Evaluation dan Follow Up Pertimbangan perbaikan proyek berikutnya Jenis-jenis metode riset 1. Descriptive – qualitative (Ethnography/case study) Menurut pendapat orang lain 2. Descriptive – quantitative Deskripsi angka 3. Correlational / regression analyses Perbandingan dua variabel 4. Quasi experimental Perbandingan satu kelompok terintervensi dengan kelompok tak terintervensi tanpa acak 5. Experimental Perbandingan satu kelompok terintervensi dengan kelompok tak terintervensi dengan acak 6. Meta analysis Kesimpulan riset yang telah dilakukan pada program yang sama Cara melakukan riset 1) Rationale behind the study (Observasi proyek) 2) Problem definition (perumusan masalah) Contoh pertanyaan : apa hubungan antara lokasi pelaksanaan project dengan tingkat pemahaman peserta?



Research objectives (Literature review) Misalnya kita akan melakukan riset tentang hubungan antara lokasi project dengan tingkat pemahaman peserta maka paling tidak kita bisa mempelajari tentang psikologi dan cara kerja otak. 4) Research hypothesis Prediksi dari hasil riset 5) Research design Rencana sistematik tentang riset seperti apa yang ingin kita lakukan, alurnya, sampai ke outcomes yang diharapkan 6) Sampling plan Merencanakan bagaimana cara mendapatkan data, apa saja variabelnya, siapa subjeknya 7) Instrument development & pilot testing Beberapa jenis instrument antara lain : a. Tes kemampuan dan perilaku b. Interview dan wawancara c. Questionnaire d. Observasi e. Catatan pelaku riset maupun obyek 8) Data collection & analysis tools Jenis-jenis data : a. Data nominal b. Data ordinal c. Data interval d. Data rasio 9) Limitation of the study Pemfokusan tujuan riset 10) Research Publication


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