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01 STAPES #13

about us.


for Indonesian

Medical Students' Activities

(CIMSA) is a non-profit medical student organization that is independent, nationalist, non-political and non- partisan with activity-based programs. CIMSA consist of six standing committees related to health issues, that are Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS, Public Health, Medical Education, Human Rights and Peace, Research Exchange and Professional Exchange. Having 30 active locals and 4 observers throughout Indonesia, CIMSA is growing bigger and bigger.

CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of medical student organization in the world who has been recognized by United Nations. CIMSA utilizes the developing technology with various activities to empower medical students in Indonesia to actively learn and create, plan strategies, and execute movements to improve the nation's health and well- being.







02 STAPES #13

fromforeword LOCO.

Dear Readers,

Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) adalah organisasi mahasiswa kedokteran yang terbentuk pada 6 Mei 2001 dengan sifat independen, nasionalis, non politik, non partisan, dan inklusif. CIMSA bergerak melalui enam Standing Committee (SCO), yang berfokus pada pendidikan kedokteran, hak dan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi termasuk HIV/AIDS, hak asasi manusia dan perdamaian, kesehatan masyarakat, pertukaran pelajar profesional, dan pertukaran pelajar berbasis riset. Kami bergerak di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan tujuan yang sama, yang tertanam pada tagline kami, “Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health.”

CIMSA FK Unpad merupakan salah satu lokal CIMSA yang berada di daerah Jawa Barat dan merupakan salah satu pendiri CIMSA dengan 5 lokal lainnya. CIMSA FK Unpad selalu berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik dengan menyalurkan tenaga kami pada berbagai aktivitas setiap tahunnya. Kami selalu berusaha untuk berkembang dalam segala aspek dan menjaga bahkan meningkatkan dampak yang diberikan kepada masyarakat.

Setelah hampir satu tahun kepengurusan CIMSA FK Unpad 2022/2023 berlalu, kami merilis STAPES edisi ke-13 yang menunjukkan highlight dari apa yang telah kami lakukan selama ini. Saya harap STAPES kali ini dapat menginspirasi pembaca untuk ikut berkontribusi aktif, terutama bersama CIMSA untuk menyehatkan Indonesia.

Be Active with CIMSA!


Local Coordinator

CIMSA FK Unpad 2022/2023

03 STAPES #13


CIMSA FK Unpad 2022/2023

Halo, readers!

Sudah setahun CIMSA FK Unpad atas segala dinamika yang ada untuk terus memberdayakan mahasiswa kedokteran dan meningkatan taraf kesehatan bangsa melalui berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan. Serangkaian campaign, event, community development, sustainable project, dan celebration, beserta pertemuan nasional dan internasional yang telah dilakukan turut berkontribusi berdasarkan visi dan misi CIMSA. STAPES #13 hadir sebagai bentuk highlight/ recap perjalanan CIMSA FK Unpad selama setahun ke belakang.

Penyusunan STAPES ini jauh dari kata sempurna dan kami membuka segala kritik dan saran dari pembaca demi meningkatkan kualitas kami dalam menyediakan media ataupun wadah untuk kemajuan CIMSA FK Unpad. Selamat membaca, readers! Semoga STAPES #13 hadir sebagai ‘pembuka mata’ untuk selalu berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan taraf kesehatan Indonesia.

Be Active with CIMSA!


CIMSA FK UNPAD 2022/2023

Aufa Nur Hidayah

Ayu HaniAmalia Hafitz

Kinanti Kidung Darajat Keira Ghassani

Muhamad Reksa Muladi

Nabila Salma Qinthara Saffanah Indira




05 STAPES #13
06 STAPES #13

Local Committees.



09 STAPES #13

Cease Socially Constructed Double Standard and Shout Out to Gender Equality

Equality and justice are still problems that continue to occur in society. The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia itself has stated that in fact, discrimination based on gender still occurs in all aspects of life despite progress in gender equality now. Moreover, based on the Gender Gap Report of The Asean Post 2021, Indonesia is ranked fifth in the context of gender based inequality in Southeast Asia. In this case, various factors support the existence of gender inequality, one of which is gender double standard.

Therefore, SCORA CIMSA FK Unpad held CONTRARY (Cease Socially Constructed Double Standard and Shout Out to Gender Equality) as its activity on eradicating gender double standard. CONTRARY is held on the 20th of July until 14th of August 2022 which consists of a series of events including volunteering, social experiment and talk show. The events held have the goal of increasing knowledge and awareness of gender inequality issues, especially on socially constructed gender double standard issues.

On 28th of July, open recruitment for CONTRARY’s volunteering event was started and had successfully involved 100+ volunteers nationwide. Volunteers were gathered first at a welcoming party that was held on the 3rd of August followed by a series of tasks of posting twibbon and infographics. Afterwards, on 8th August, a talk show about gender double standard issues in Indonesia was held. In this talk show, CONTRARY had successfully managed to invite one of Angsamerah Clinic’s counselor, dr. Asti Widihastuti.

Aside from talk show and volunteering activities, on the same day as volunteering’s open recruitment, CONTRARY also held a social experiment called “Ruang Aman” to accommodate Indonesia citizens on their experience and opinions regarding gender double standard. This social experiment was conducted on padlet and was filled with 30+ anonymous respondents who shared their views or personal experience regarding the issue. These filled padlets were then selected to be read and commented on by CONTRARY committees and were shot to make a social experiment video. The video was presented and uploaded on 11th of August in CIMSA FK Unpad’s Instagram account and the volunteers were tasked to make a commentary video about the social experiment and present it in their own Instagram accounts.

All in all, we hope that CONTRARY can be one of the events in Indonesia where the citizens, especially for the youngsters, can increase their awareness and knowledge regarding gender double standard that has been occuring in this country. Hopefully, with the acknowledgement of this issue, Indonesian youngsters are able to eradicate gender double standards and fight for gender inequality together.



Siapkan Diri denganBencanaMitigasi Alam

Flooding is Indonesia’s most common natural disaster. In West Java, the number of flood and flood-related events has continued to increase since 2012. Meanwhile, in Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency, the number of floods during the last two years has reached 14 times. One of the villages in Jatinangor that have suffered the greatest impact due to flooding is Cipacing Village, where floods occur on average twice every year.

To address these issues, SCORP-CIMSA FK Unpad designed SIMBA (Siapkan Diri dengan Mitigasi Bencana Alam) with five main events throughout August and September 2022. The main events were Volunteering, Air Campaign, Open Donation, Webinar & Focus Group Discussion, and  Workshop. SIMBA aims to increase the knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the general public, especially the community of RW 18 Cipacing Village, regarding the potential of flooding in their community, the importance of flood mitigation, and the skills that can be used to prevent flooding around their homes and communities.

On August 29th, we started our Air Campaign which consisted of five publications that were shared through Instagram (@cimsaunpad). Our second intervention was an open donation that was also shared through Instagram, in which 100% of the proceeds was used to fund our workshop on September.

SIMBA’s Webinar & Focus Group Discussion, titled “Flood Crisis Management”, was held on September 10th with Drs. Edy Haryadi, M.Si. from  BPBD Jawa Barat as the resource person. The Webinar consisted of a learning session regarding climate change and flood mitigation, followed by a focus group discussion where the participants was asked to share and discuss their opinions regarding flood- related issues. Our last intervention was an offline workshop titled “PLANT: Pemilahan Sampah dan Pembuatan Biopori” which was held on September 17th at the local posyandu in RW 18 Desa Cipacing, with Jaka Maulana Sastrawiria, S.Si. from DLH Jawa Barat as the resource person.

Through SIMBA, we expect to improve SCORP-CIMSA

FK Unpad members and the public’s knowledge regarding the potential of flooding in their community, the importance of flood mitigation, and the skills that can be used to prevent flooding around their homes and communities, thus promoting disaster management and environmental sustainability. Collectively, all SIMBA interventions were successful and our goals were achieved. We hope our activity can be the initial step in promoting and implementing flood mitigation as a way to intensify disaster risk reduction.

11 STAPES #13


Ready For The New Version of Exchange is a Pre-Departure Training

REVENGE stands for Ready For The New Version of Exchange is a Pre-Departure Training with the theme Exchange Knight: Reach Your Dream Across The Ocean by SCOPE CIMSA FK UNPAD to prepare outgoings students from Padjadjaran University that have been accepted to IFMSA Professional Exchange Season 2023/2024.  IFMSA Professional Exchange Program is an exchange where outgoings will experience a Clinical clerkship in one department in the destination country’s hospital. The exchange preparation that was previously named PDT: Tintin In TAIPEI was held via an online platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic that was still happening in Indonesia. And just like last year's PDT, this year’s exchange preparation is held via an online platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic that is still happening in Indonesia. REVENGE is held via zoom, on November 26th and 27th 2022.

REVENGE consisted of two zoom meetings: two main sessions on day 1 and one session on day 2. The first session was a presentation by Yasmin Zahrarianti Santosa as LEO from SCOPE CIMSA FK Unpad batch 2022/2023 titled “PreDeparture Training & IFMSA Database 101”. It’s about the exchange program, exchange documents, and exchange conditions that needed to be prepared by the outgoings before departure. Also, especially explanations about IFMSA Database. At the end of the session, the participants were given the opportunity to ask the speaker about stuff related to the exchange so that they could get a clear picture of it.

The second session was training about adaptation and communication skills during the exchange. To accomplish this aim, REVENGE invited the speaker from dr. Putri Azzahra Nur Azrina. She was a former staff of IFMSA Asia-Pacific Regional Team batch 2020 - 2022. In the training, she also shared her exchange experiences and how she will adapt to the environment in order to maximize the exchange opportunity. That’s all for the activities on the first day.

Then on the second day of REVENGE. The last session of the activities is a talk show about the global health system, social determinants of health, and exchange roles in those things by dr. Alvinsyah Pramono, MSCTS, MFarm. We hope that this activity can help outgoings to prepare the knowledge and skills in various matters, such as Global Health Issues, Bioethics, and Intercultural Knowledge that will be useful for the exchange later.

Are you worried about your exchange program? Need help with what to prepare while abroad? Or are you afraid of being unable to adapt to a new environment or culture? REVENGE comes to the rescue!

12 STAPES #13

Raising Awareness and Empowering Community to Eradicate Diabetes

Diabetes is considered to be a dangerous disease and ranks 3rd in the cause of death in Indonesia. According to data from the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), there are 537 million adults worldwide suffering from diabetes. Therefore, SCOPH FK Unpad held a movement called REMEDY (Raising Awareness and Empowering Community to Eradicate Diabetes) which aims to increase knowledge and also public awareness, especially parents and students regarding diabetes, which is a global health problem at the moment. this.

The first activity is the REMEDY welcoming party which will be held on November 10, 2022. This activity itself consisted of an introduction to CIMSA and also REMEDY, distribution of volunteer groups, and games carried out by volunteers and SCOPH members. On November 12 2022, REMEDY held a second activity, namely Upgrading with the title "DIABETES? Let's get to know it" invited an experienced and CIMSA Expert certified trainer, Cika Thalita N as a speaker in this upgrading activity. The activities themselves consist of presentation of diabetes-related material packaged in the form of stories prepared by resource persons and question and answer sessions with volunteers. This activity also included a focus group discussion (FGD) session with volunteer groups.

On November 13 2022, REMEDY held a talkshow entitled "Stop Diabetes Before It Starts" presenting Dr. dr. Made Ratna Saraswati, Sp. PD-KEMD-FINASIM. This activity consisted of presentation of material which was carried out interactively between presenters and participants with the aim of increasing the knowledge of REMEDY Talkshow participants about circulating myths about diabetes with moderator dr. Gumilang diamond beads. This activity consisted of presentations on diabetes-related material from resource persons, talk show sessions, QnA sessions with talk show participants.

The next activity was carried out offline, namely pre-activity training with REMEDY volunteers which was held on November 18 2022. PreActivity was held in the C6 building of FK Unpad. This activity consisted of training on how to test blood sugar, cholesterol, and uric acid, aimed at training the skills of volunteers and SCOPH members on how to check health. In this activity invited trainers who are alumni of CIMSA.

The next activity was also carried out offline which was carried out on November 19 2022, namely the Healthy Tent. This activity was carried out at Taman Saparua Bandung. Through the activity, REMEDY has reached approximately 37 members of the general public to participate in checking blood sugar, uric acid, and cholesterol. In closing the series of activities, REMEDY held a farewell party with volunteers. The farewell party was held on November 22, 2022, starting with the screening of the after movie and ending with awarding nominations to volunteers.

13 STAPES #13


HUNTER: Have Fun with Research Poster

Little Einstein (LE) is a Community Development Program held by SCORE CIMSA FK UNPAD with the goal to promote and enhance research and scientific literacy knowledge of Indonesian Youth, especially students. Last year, Little Einstein was held with the focus on essays and scientific papers. This year, we decided to shift our focus to Scientific Posters and called it Little Einstein : HUNTER (Have Fun with Research Poster) with Jatinangor high school students as the intended target.

Before the first intervention, we held a technical meeting on November 11th 2022 where we gave information about Little Einstein, specifically about the output, group division of the community participants, and the date of each intervention to the participants in SMAN Jatinangor.   On 20th of December 2022, we held the first intervention for Little Einstein : HUNTER in SMAN Jatinangor. It consisted mainly of talk shows with the topics of "Introduction to research" and "How to make scientific posters” that was brought by two speakers who are quite experienced in their own respective field, which is dr. Annisa Dewi Nugrahani and Alizha Rochana Putri, S.Ked respectively. In order to assess the effectiveness of this talk show, we conducted a pretest prior to the talk show and a posttest following the talk show.

This intervention was participated by 22 students from various grades in SMAN Jatinangor, and they are divided into several groups where each group has two facilitators who are volunteers to accompany and guide them along the journey. Participants in this first intervention appear to be really keen to learn more as evidenced by their participation in the Q&A sessions that take place in between the talk shows.

Not only did we hold a talk show, we also did a bonding session at the end of the intervention for the participants and facilitators in the hope that it could strengthen the relationship between them. This is only the first intervention from many more to go. We hope that this introductory intervention would ignite the participants' excitement and benefit them in a way that could bring scientific literacy in Indonesia to a greater extent.

14 STAPES #13

Master One Shoot

MR. OS which stands for Master One Shoot is an event series that strives for readiness of medical students to take on the practical exam in medical education curriculum and a definite contribution of SCOME CIMSA FK Unpad to empower medical students and achieve a healthier nation. MR. OS 2023 provides medical students to prepare for their practical exam through two events, lecture and workshop that take up cardiovascular and genitourinary systems specifically.

Held on February 18th 2023, the first event was an online lecture via Zoom Meeting in collaboration with Asclepio. Starting at 9 a.m, the first session discussed a review of the cardiovascular system delivered by M. Fikri Satria Kamal, dr. Moving to the next session, the review of the genitourinary system explained by Alif Sholehen, dr. Both of the lecture sessions were followed by question and answer time to facilitate the participants in any kind of curiosity toward the system and to ensure their readiness in the following workshop session.

The next event, a workshop session, was held on February 25th and took place in C4 building, Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University starting at 9.30 a.m. Took up the same systems, workshop of cardiovascular and genitourinary systems held simultaneously by dividing up the participants into two groups. Before starting the actual practice and to warm up the participants, the workshop session was preceded by a quick review to the practical session following.

The cardiovascular system session with the topic reading ECG started with a review and guideline to how interpretation of ECG results should be done. The session then followed by exercise time by trying to solve the case of cardiovascular system disorders from ECG results and question and answer with the trainer, Kang Ivan Christian Channel, S.Ked. In the same order, the genitourinary system session came up with the topic circumcision started with a guide and demo from the trainer, Teh Tiffany Resta Kanisha, S. Ked. The session then moved to a handson agenda that allows participants to actually practice circumcision from the explanation. After accomplishing one workshop session, the groups switched up to attend another workshop.

Other than Asclepio, MR. OS 2023 also held in partnership with Bank BTN and Sambal SS as sponsors and Webinar Dokter, Infovolunteers, Info Event, and Point Kampus as media partners. In accordance with the focus of SCOME and CIMSA, the accomplishment of MR. OS is expected to be able to help medical students in preparing the practical exam and to achieve the goals of empowering medical students and improving nation’s health.

15 STAPES #13




“Building Youths Commitment and Participation to Achieve the 2030 Agenda”

Yogyakarta, 16-19 February 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic is gradually getting better in 2023. MMSA UMY took the initiative as the host of the National Leadership Summit 2023 to carry out the first offline CIMSA national meeting after two years of virtual meetings. This meeting aims to build future leaders of CIMSA, as its name applied. MMSA UMY held it in Yogyakarta for four days, 16-19 February 2023, with a “Building Youths Commitment and Participation to Achieve the 2030 Agenda” theme. CIMSA FK Unpad was represented by 22 delegates, including members, a trainer, a Regional Coordinator, and National Officials. Luckily, we are still on a holiday break, so that we could send as many delegates as possible

We traveled to Yogyakarta separately, but most delegates departed from Bandung by train. It was a fantastic 7-hour trip where we could enjoy the scenery along the road. We arrived at Yogyakarta at 14.30, which was tight to the next schedule–Newcomer’s Session. Thankfully, we could still attend the agenda and had so much fun. The venue for the first day is Sportorium UMY, a massive hall that could accommodate all delegates. The next agenda is a Reflection Session where we analyze and solve an issue and then reflect on ourselves. After that, we attended the IFMSA Session, an inspiring talk show with IFMSA Officials that broadened our knowledge about IFMSA. The next agenda is the Welcoming Party, where there are welcoming remarks from the higher-ups and performances of traditional dance from Yogyakarta. The following agenda is a Plenary Session that closes the day and returns to our hotel, Burza Hotel.

The second day started with breakfast at our hotel and a Training Session. As usual, the training was split into basic and advanced classes. Next, we attended the Parallel Session, where the delegates met with other local representatives according to each field and standing committee. Then the National Officials conducted a Press Conference regarding releasing a new Policy Document titled “Pendidikan Seksual Komprehensif” with Kemen. PPPA and UNALA. After lunch, a Grand Lecture was held with the topic “Dare To Commit: Building Blocks to Achieve Life Goals” with Gayatri Hutami P. and dr. April Imam Prabowo, that was very inspiring. After that, the delegates gathered to join the Regional Session, where we met other locals from our region and another Training Session, continuing the morning session. Activities Presentation and Activity Fair are the next agenda after we had dinner. We displayed REMEDY, a sustainable project from SCOPH, for the fair and had so much fun. The second day also ended with a Plenary Session.

17 STAPES #13

After breakfast, we started the third day with Parallel and Training sessions. It was held in the hotel's meeting rooms, so we didn’t have to move anywhere far. After the training, we continued to attend a General Issue Update. All CIMSA FK Unpad’s delegates enrolled to discuss the Progress on Youth Participation in Public Health Decisions Making with Andi Firmansah from 2030 Youth Force Indonesia. We got new perspectives and insights about how we could maximize our role as medical students. After having lunch, the delegates attend the Officials and RC Class, followed by the third Parallel Session.

The agenda continued with a Cultural Night merged with dinner because every local served their origin’s traditional food. As a representation of Sundanese and Bandung, we presented various dishes like seblak, cireng, cimol, basreng, and many more. It was chaotic but an unforgettable experience seeing other locals represent their cultures. Finally, we moved to the grand finale of National Leadership Summit 2023, a Farewell Party. We watched performances from every standing committee and National Officials. We bid our goodbyes there and hoped we would see each other again when the time came.

The last day is the day we go back to our city. But, there was an option to join the Social Program provided by the organizing committee to explore more about Yogyakarta. Many of our delegates joined the program, and we went to Merapi Lava Tour, Keraton Yogyakarta, and many more. At the end of the day, we were very exhausted after attending a four-day event. But we can’t deny the fun and unforgettable moments of experiencing our first offline CIMSA national meeting. We couldn’t thank you enough to MMSA UMY for successfully executing the National Leadership Summit 2023.


“Enhancing Youth's Accountability to Increase Youth Participation in Achieving SDGs 2030”

CIMSA FK Unpad, 21-24 October 2022

2022 was the best and most memorable year for CIMSA FK Unpad. After three years, we finally got to host one of CIMSA’s national meetings, the October Meeting. CIMSA FK Unpad held it from 21-24 October 2022. The delegates attended virtually, while the committee organized the whole event offline. The theme for OM 2022 is "Enhancing Youth's Accountability to Increase Youth Participation in Achieving SDGs 2030”. CIMSA FK Unpad sent 21 delegates from our batch 2021 and 2022 members. We also sent a trainer, a national committee, national officials, and the region 4 regional coordinator.

On the first day, we welcome the delegates from all of the locals of CIMSA with a welcoming speech from the Project Officer of October Meeting 2022, Local Coordinator CIMSA FK Unpad, President CIMSA, and also from Vice Deen of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran. Followed by an angklung performance from Saung Angklung Udjo, we wrapped up the Welcoming Party section. The event continued with Newcomer Session, where the delegates were introduced to the new National Officials CIMSA 2022/2023 and played a few games to warm up. The next agenda was followed by a parallel session, where we met with other locals and discussed issues from each field and standing committees. Then, the delegates attended the plenary session as the last agenda for the first day.

The second day started with another parallel session and training with various topics. The training was split into two main categories; basic and advanced. The topic ranges from Youth Participation in Achieving SDGs 2030 to Motivation and Discipline: Key to Success. The day followed with Grand Design Agenda and General Issue Update (GIU). To enrich the discussion within GIU, October Meeting invited numerous partners that are experts in their field, namely UNFPA, UNOCHA, UNDP, Kementerian ESDM RI, CISDI, PERSAGI, and WHO. It was a valuable experience to deliver our opinion as medical students directly to the experts and have a healthy discussion. After that, the delegates join the third parallel session and reflection session. The latter facilitated members to analyze and solve a realistic case and reflect on themselves. At last, the day ended with continuing the plenary session from the previous day.



The fourth parallel session welcomes all delegates as the first agenda the following day. Then, a Grand Lecture with the topic “Lead Poisoning and Health: An Unseen Threat to Vulnerable Groups” was conducted with dr. Anas Ma’ruf, M.K.M., Direktur Penyehatan Lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan RI, as the speaker. There were also welcoming remarks from Aryanie Amelia as Spesialis Lingkungan dan Aksi Iklim UNICEF Indonesia. The Grand Lecture was freely open for the public to attend. The agenda continued with a Comdev Corner–where we could see a virtual exhibition of each best community development of CIMSA locals–and another training session. After that, the delegates attended a regional session where we met with other locals from our region. Like the other days, the third day also closed with a plenary session.

The last day started with a parallel session, followed by a social program, where we introduced the Sundanese and West Java cultures to diversely cultured delegates. The program opened with a video performance of a traditional dance called Jaipongan from Lises Unpad and a medley of Sundanese songs brought out by PSM FK Unpad. We continued introducing our culture through riddles about traditional food, games, landmarks, and language. It was an honor to represent the culture where Universitas Padjadjaran is to other CIMSA locals from all over the country. After that, we reached the finale of the October Meeting 2022, a Farewell Party. The party was filled with performances from each region of CIMSA and ended with an awarding session from National Officials

The fourth parallel session welcomes all delegates as the first agenda the following day. Then, a Grand Lecture with the topic “Lead Poisoning and Health: An Unseen Threat to Vulnerable Groups” was conducted with dr. Anas Ma’ruf, M.K.M., Direktur Penyehatan Lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan RI, as the speaker. There were also welcoming remarks from Aryanie Amelia as Spesialis Lingkungan dan Aksi Iklim UNICEF Indonesia. The Grand Lecture was freely open for the public to attend. The agenda continued with a Comdev Corner–where we could see a virtual exhibition of each best community development of CIMSA locals–and another training session. After that, the delegates attended a regional session where we met with other locals from our region. Like the other days, the third day also closed with a plenary session.


In May, CIMSA held a national meeting as the Officials from the last tenure officially descended from their responsibilities. May Meeting 2022 was held by Region 2 CIMSA from 25th and 27th to 29th May 2022. This year’s theme is “CIMSA Indonesia Priorities’ Impacts as Medical Students’ Sustainable Effort in SDGs 2030”.

CIMSA FK Unpad sent 31 delegates as the representative, which consists of trainers and CIMSA FK Unpad members batch 2020, 2021, and 2022. We actively contribute to this year’s May Meeting by sending three trainers–Alifiansyah Muharram, Drian Danya Hardi, and Novanda Salwa Nihando– and two members of the plenary team–which are Karina Aliyah Geertje and Maria Winneke Puspa Kartika. There are also four National Officials 2022/2023 candidates from CIMSA FK Unpad, which are Dominggo Theodoran as the candidate for Supervising Council, Tasya Nabiila Edlin as the candidate for President, Rafaella Christina Clarabelle as the candidate for Vice President for Finance, and Salwa Viska Nadlira as the candidate for Treasurer.

May Meeting 2022 started with a newcomer session and welcoming party. It was a warm greeting from Region 2, and we had so much fun. The following agenda was a parallel session, where we met and discussed issues from the field and standing committees. The last agenda was a plenary session, where the National Officials candidates presented their grand designs. On the second day, the delegates are obligated to join the training provided by the trainers. The training topics were divided into two categories, basic and advanced. We continue to enter a parallel and plenary session with yesterday's agenda.

The third day started with a training session followed by an aspiration session, where the delegates were allowed to share their thoughts for CIMSA to improve. The agenda continued to a grand lecture following the topic “Meaningful Youth Participation in Indonesia’s Digital Health Transformation - A Call to Action.” May Meeting

2022 invites excellent speakers from FKKMK UGM and Kemenkes RI.

“CIMSA Indonesia Priorities’ Impacts as Medical Students’ Sustainable Effort in SDGs 2030”
2 1 STAPES #13
gion 2 CIMSA, 25-29 May 2022








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