Three ways of assembling a house

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WILLA NORDIC – Light construction, flexible solutions, small customers

The all-encompassing building system or solution delivered

Company profile

from Willa Nordic is based on light prefab construction (wood

Willa Nordic (WN) was established as a housing

and plasterboards) offering flexible solutions to small, usually

manufacturer by the end of the 1980’s and today

private costumers. The following analysis is based partly on an interview with Sales Representative Kjeld Kielstrup from the

employs approx. 75 people of whom about 40 work in the production unit. The company offers unique individual housing solutions designed by architects

Danish division and partly on an earlier interview with

who are either associated with Willa Nordic

Mattias Hjälmeby, Sales Director at the main office in Sweden.1

or selected directly by the client. The final product

Furthermore, the project group has visited the factory twice

is primarily detached single-family homes but some

(2004 and 2008).

midsize semi-detached housing projects have also been done for developers. WN produces approx. 140 units per year. The primary target group is quality conscious private clients, who also weight other parameters than price, square metres and technical quality. Hence, the company does not compete with the cheapest housing manufacturers on the market which have the most standardised products. A modest vision is that everybody looking for a house designed by an architect should choose Willa Nordic. Presently, there is no special need for publicity, which is indirectly carried out by former clients and architects using the concept.2

Production in the factory, Willa Nordic. Photo: CINARK

Vibæk Jensen & Beim (2006), p. 149. This interview was made in connection with the CINARK research project Kvalitetsmål I den arkitektoniske designproces (Strategies and goals in the process of architectural design) Vibæk Jensen & Beim (2006). 1 2


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