Three ways of assembling a house

Page 53

State of the Art

The notion of configuration and digital, automated

Focus on configuration

manufacturing can thus, in a simplified way be condensed to a read/write process or, in digital

The construction industry is, to a large extent,

terms: scanning and printing. In most cases, the

based on one-offs and can be characterised as an

scanning or input of the user needs/decisions is

engineer-to-order environment. Considerable

done via the configurator, while for the printing or

resources are used in the sales process.

manufacturing some kind of digitally controlled

Manufacturers and suppliers of building

process is needed in order to fully exploit the

components use their resources in several

possibilities of an automated flow.

stages of the projects:

Within the construction industry, no fully automat-

• (Architectural) Design stage

ed configuration, production and installation system

• Tender stage

is in operation at present. Seen as a flow line from

• Construction stage

user specification to recycling, there are examples of systems handling different areas of the chain.

In the design stage of the project, the supplier will typically service the architect or contractor in

This chapter will show examples of CIC systems

terms of providing proposals and samples showing

from the construction industry with their focus on

how their particular product can be incorporated

configuration, engineering, manufacturing or

into the project. The project team is at a research

installation. Although engineering in a fully

stage often without any clear overview of the project

industrialised line of thinking should be called

economy and the supplier has no way of knowing

product development and placed prior to

whether his product will survive the following tender

configuration, in the contemporary design

stage, even if it meets the required specification.

process it is still exercised as a construction process following the design phase. We will also show an example of a system from another industry (shipbuilding), which handles almost the entire value chain for a product, which in complexity is highly comparable to the construction industry.

by Jesper Nielsen


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