Bethel Journal 07/28/21

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The Zimmer Power Plant in the Village of Moscow, Ohio, employs about 150 people along the Ohio River. ENQUIRER FILE

Coal-fueled Zimmer Power Plant to be retired early in 2022 Chris Mayhew Cincinnati Enquirer USA TODAY NETWORK

The years of Zimmer Power Plant was going to remain open were already numbered, but a new announcement signals it's time to start counting the days it will remain open instead. Vistra will shut down its Zimmer Power Plant in the Village of Moscow, Ohio, by May 31, 2022, according to a company release. The electricity-generating station in Clermont County was previously scheduled to be retired no later than in 2027

based on environmental regulations. About 150 people are employed at the plant, according to Vistra. Opened in 1991, the plant has a capacity of 1,300 megawatts. The company said the decision to close came after the plaint failed to secure any capacity revenues in the latest auction held in May by the grid operator, PJM. In return for a commitment to provide power on demand, PJM pays power plants for that capacity as part of a market reliability pricing model, according to the PJM website. Zimmer was unable to sell any generating capacity in the 2022-2023 auction

as it was at priced about 50 percent lower than the previous year, according to Vistra's release. Bidding lower could have resulted in multimillion-dollar losses, according to the release. "The Zimmer coal-fueled power plant has recently struggled economically due to its confi guration, costs, and performance," said Curt Morgan, chief executive offi cer of Vistra. "The PJM capacity revenues are critical to Zimmer, and unfortunately, without them, the plant simply doesn't make money." Morgan said the decision to close was not easy.

"Our people work hard every single day to provide power to Ohioans and have done a number of things over the past few years to sustain the life of the plant and improve its economics," he said in the release. "But despite their best eff orts, the disappointing auction results, along with other challenging factors, make continued economic operation impossible. We're left with a diffi cult but necessary decision of retiring the plant." The Zimmer site will be evaluated for potential investments in renewables or grid-scale battery storage, according to the release.

Vaccines urged as COVID-19 cases rise Jackie Borchardt State Bureau

COLUMBUS – COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are on the climb again in Ohio, and although the numbers are much smaller than their peak during the winter or even a few months ago, health offi cials are concerned by the rate at which they are increasing. Two weeks ago, the number of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents

in the previous two weeks was 17.6. That more than doubled to 37.8 Wednesday. The test positivity rate has also risen from 1.6% to 2.6% during the same time. The number of COVID-19-positive patients receiving care in Ohio hospitals has increased from 203 on July 7 to 348 on Tuesday. That’s a 71% increase in two weeks but far below the peak of 5,308 in December. State health offi cials are attributing

Anderson Township


the rising numbers to the more contagious B.1.167.2 variant, known as the delta variant. The variant made up 15% of all variants sequenced during a two-week period in June, according to the Ohio Department of Health. That’s up to 36% during the two weeks ending July 3, but fewer than 300 samples were sequenced, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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See COVID-19, Page 2A

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State health offi cials aren’t planning to enact any mandates or health orders but are encouraging vaccination. “COVID-19 is essentially a vaccinepreventable illness,” Ohio’s Chief Medical Offi cer Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff said during a Wednesday news conference. About 57% of Ohioans age 12 and up

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Vol. 181st No. 110 © 2021 The Community Recorder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED $1.00


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