Your Community Press newspaper serving Bethel, Chilo, Felicity, Franklin Township, Moscow, Neville, Tate Township, Washington Township E-mail: T h u r s d a y, J u l y 3 0 , 2 0 0 9
Vol. 110 No. 29 © 2009 The Community Press ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Breath tests are more accurate
Clermont County is the first county in the state to use a new device designed to provide quicker and more accurate testing of possible drunken drivers. The Intoxilyzer 8000 has been in the field about two months. It is being used by the sheriff’s office, the state highway patrol and police departments from Miami, Pierce, Union and Goshen townships as well as Loveland and Milford. Bethel is expected to have a unit soon. FULL STORY, B1
Strickland visits Bethel schools
It was a rare day in Bethel when Gov. Ted Strickland visited William Bick Primary School to talk to the community about the state’s new plan for education. Strickland said he was impressed with progress and staff at Bethel-Tate and wished he could “take them with him” around the state, he said. FULL STORY, A2
Skydiver to deliver flag to fair
A skydiver from Team Fastrax based at Start Skydiving in Lebanon will deliver an American flag to the track in front of the grandstands as part of the Salute to Veterans and Our Troops scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 30, at the Clermont County Fair in Owensville. “We encourage the entire community to attend and show support for our troops, our veterans, and their families,” said Clermont County Commissioner Bob Proud, who organized the event. FULL STORY, A4 For the Postmaster
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Audit causes shift By Mary Dannemiller
Though the state audit of the village of Bethel will not be completed for several weeks, village officials already have started making changes based on the auditors’ recommendations. These include asking village council members to approve the previous month’s expenditures at meetings and adopting a new purchase policy, said Fiscal Officer Angel Burton. “The village will be incorporating various best practice procedures as a result of the audit,” Burton said. “These practices assure the accountability for the use of public funds and provide checks and balances for those of us responsible for the funds.” The audit already has Burton uncovered several problems with the village’s finances, including a negative balance in the general fund and an alleged $13,000 stolen from mayor’s court by former clerk Laurie Taylor. “We aren’t able to speculate as far as a specific completion date due to any unforeseen circumstances that may arise,” said Steve Faulkner, spokesman for Ohio Auditor of State Mary Taylor. The expenditures which council is now asked to approve include taxes, benefits, postage and other miscellaneous expenses, Burton said. The village’s new purchase policy will require employees fill out several forms which must be approved by village Administrator Travis Dotson. “Prior to invoice payment, the purchaser of the product has to sign off on the invoice as OK to pay and after payment, every invoice is stamped with the date it was paid and the check number it was paid with,” Burton said. These, along with future changes to village business and its financial procedures, will not only save the village money, but also streamline operations, the fiscal officer said. “Many changes were made after the change in administration last year and are really best practices all municipalities should have in place,” Burton said. “I’m sure they will lead to an easier, and thus cheaper, audit next time.”
Fair royalty
The 2009 Clermont County Fair royalty was crowned Sunday to kick off the annual event that runs through Saturday, Aug. 1. From left in front are: Prince Tyler Stegbauer of Lynchburg and is a member of the Select 4-Hers; King Cody McConnell, Felicity, Rump Roast Riders 4-H Club; Queen Brittany Bayne, Miami Township, Ruff ’n’ Stuff 4-H Club; Carley Snider, Felicity, Ultimate 4-Hers; Caprine Representative Samantha Manning, Felicity 4-H Winners and Felicity-Franklin FFA Moscow; In back: Small Animals Representative Jeri Plante, Milford, Patriots 4-H Club; General Projects Representative Anna Green, Batavia Township, Buzzing Enthusiasts 4-H Club; Swine Representative Mariah Messink, Milford, Maple Rey Milk & More 4-H Club; Equine Queen Kristin Koch, Bridgetown, Winners Circle 4-H Club; Beef Queen Shelby Church, Bethel, Bethel Beefers & Sheepers 4-H Club.
By Kellie Geist
Bethel-Tate may ask voters for their support in November. District Treasurer Amy Wells presented the final report for fiscal year 2009 to the school board July 21. In her report, if you subtract money that’s restricted and encumbered, the district would have ended the year about $7,000 in the red in the general operating fund. That does not include the $400,000 in restricted money that can’t be used to “pay payroll or turn on the lights,” Wells said. Wells also said Bethel-Tate will lose money with the state’s new plan and the federal stimulus dollars they will receive to make up for that are restricted. In light of the news, the school board decided they need to discuss putting a levy on the fall ballot. The district is down 14 jobs from last year. The board also instituted wage freezes, changed busing and cut funding for extra-curriculars. “I look at the numbers and I don’t know how we would avoid asking. I know November is probably not a great time to ask for money, but I don’t know what
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Mallory Taulbee, 7, of Felicity, rode in the Buckeye Express for Still Smokin’ Barbeque at the parade. For more from the fair, see page A5.
Bethel-Tate considers levy
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Upcoming meetings
Finance committee: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4, at the district office, 675 W. Plane St. Athletic committee: 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5, at the district office. Special board meeting: 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6, at Bethel-Tate High School, 3420 Ohio Pike. Regular board meeting: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 18, at Bethel-Tate High School. else to do,” said board President Ed Dyer. The board agreed that it wasn’t a question of if they should ask for a levy, but when they should ask and how much they should ask for. If the district passes a levy in November, they would start collecting money in Jan. 2010, but if they wait until spring, they wouldn’t collect until the 20102011 school year. “We understand that times are tough and why the other levies failed, but we’re providing a great school district to the people of this community ... and at some point there’s got to be money to back that education,” said board member Dave Brannock.
The board will have a finance committee meeting to generate a few financial models to decide whether the district should ask for an earned-income tax or a property tax and how much they should ask for. Board member Mark Rose said the district needs to make a commitment to the community that they need the additional funding. “We’ve been lucky so far, but we’re to the point where the cuts will start affecting the level of education our students are getting,” Rose said. Rose said he hopes the school community can hit the streets once again to support another levy. “I know we’ve drained the coffers and people are tired, but we need to make this commitment,” Rose said. “Our situation has not changed and I don’t see any relief outside local money.” The school board will have a finance committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4, at the district office, 675 W. Plane St. The board will meet again to vote on a levy during a special meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6, at Bethel-Tate High School, 3420 Ohio Pike.