Bethel Journal 06/16/21

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Your Community Press newspaper serving Delhi Township and other West Cincinnati neighborhoods



A barista at Drip Coffee Lounge in Camp Washington prepares a Honey Oat Vanilla Latte on the morning of June 8. PHOTOS BY ZANE MEYER-THORNTON/THE ENQUIRER

African-inspired Drip Coff ee Lounge opens doors Emily DeLetter Cincinnati Enquirer USA TODAY NETWORK

There’s a new coff ee shop and casual destination in Cincinnati’s Camp Washington, and it’s hoping to be a community hub for the neighborhood. Drip Coff ee Lounge held its grand opening May 22, said Doris Adotey, one of Drip’s managing partners. “Our niche is essentially promoting African culture,” said Ado-

tey, who is Ghanian. “It’s something new and diff erent for this area. We’re wanting to tap into that multicultural background.” Other business managing partners come from a variety of African regions and cultures, Adotey said. Drip Coff ee Lounge’s menu features African coff ee, African-inspired specialty cocktails and street food from regions across the continent. The lounge’s interior features a reading nook, couches, See COFFEE, Page 2A

Adannia Ufondu, of East Walnut, Hills, and Christine Yun, of Over-The-Rhine, share a laugh over drinks .

Tropical Smoothie Cafe coming to West Side Brook Endale Cincinnati Enquirer USA TODAY NETWORK

The list of new businesses opening on the West Side continues to grow as Tropical Smoothie Cafe announced it is com-

ing to the Western Hills Plaza. A large sign draped over 6008 Glenway Avenue states the fast-casual restaurant chain will soon open for West Side shoppers to enjoy. There has been recent growth in the Westwood area following the closure of several businesses

in the plaza. Recently, popular restaurants and retail chains including Ulta, Old Navy, and Chicken Salad Chick opened in the area. Tropical Smoothie Cafe will add to the growing number of dining and retail options at Western Hills Plaza. The health-

focused eatery off ers made-to-order real-fruit smoothies, as well as toasted sandwiches, salads, and more. The fi rst Tropical Smoothie Cafe location opened in Tallahassee, Florida, in 1997. Now, the chain has hundreds of sites across 45 diff erent states.


Trip advisor: Learn how to travel safely this summer

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Vol. 94 No. 26 © 2021 The Community Recorder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED $1.00


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