B1 Your Community Press newspaper serving Delhi Township and Sayler Park E-mail: We d n e s d a y, A u g u s t
Karen Schmidt loves her Beagles.
Volume 82 Number 32 © 2009 The Community Press ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Friday’s game
Don’t forget the 32nd annual Delhi Skirt game is this Friday, Aug. 7, at Delhi Township Park, 5125 Foley Road. Parking and shuttle service will be available at Floral Paradise Gardens, 461 Greenwell Ave., adjacent the park. The game will be from 5-11 p.m. This year’s theme is Women of TV Past and Present. Along with the game, there will music, lots of food, raffles and fireworks.
River cars
Cars – old and new – came rolling into Fernbank Park July 26 for the 20th annual Rollin’ on the River Car Show. – SEE PHOTOS, B1
Delhi gazebo
Got a clue where this is? We didn’t think so. Time to go hunting in the neighborhood to see if you can find it. Send your best guess to delhipress@community or call 853-6287, along with your name. Deadline to call is noon Friday. If you’re correct, we’ll publish your name in next week’s newspaper along with the correct answer. See last week’s answer on B5.
For the Postmaster
Published weekly every Wednesday. Periodical postage paid at Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 USPS 006-879 POSTMASTER: Send address change to The Delhi Press 5556 Cheviot Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45247 $30 for one year
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5, 2009
W e b s i t e : c o m m u n i t y p r e s s . c om
Sayler Park band on road show Plays for Tom Brokaw on newsman’s Route 50 odyssey By Heidi Fallon
A video of their “There is a Road Route 50” took a Sayler Park band a lot farther than they imagined. Tom Brokaw is featuring The Tillers on his USA Network American Character series, documenting folks along Highway 50. Mike Oberst, who plays banjo and fiddle for the string band, said it was a fluke that Brokaw’s staff found the video and contacted him. “We had heard about the show from a friend and sent emails, which, we found out, they never got,” Oberst said while sitting in the Sayler Park home where he grew up. Band member Jason Soudrette lives several doors down from Oberst and the third member, Sean Geil, lives in Cheviot. The three men combined their love of old-time music two years ago, after each had been with other bands. They play at the Crow’s Nest in Price Hill, Northside Tavern and Southgate House regularly. They also perform a bit closer to home at the Parkland in Sayler Park. Brokaw and his crew lugged massive amounts of equipment to Oberst’s backyard to film two days worth of interviews and a
Soccer players beautify stadium By Kurt Backscheider
John Mirizzi, head coach of the Oak Hills High School boys varsity soccer team, said he’s impressed with the work ethic of his players. And it’s not just because of what they do on the soccer field. Mirizzi is impressed with what the students do off the field as well. Members of the freshmen, junior varsity and varsity soccer teams recently volunteered to improve the landscaping around the soccer stadium at Rapid Run Middle School. “The guys have really put a lot of time and effort into the project,” said Mirizzi, who is entering his second year coaching the varsity squad. “The response from the guys has been great.” About 55 soccer players ranging in age from freshmen through seniors spent three days digging up weeds and bad grass behind the stadium’s press box and bleachers, and building a retaining wall and a mulched, landscaped flower bed in
“He just walked up my driveway like anyone else. It didn’t really register until he started to talk because he has such a distinctive voice.”
Mike Oberst Member of Tillers on Tom Brokaw
Tom Brokaw stopped in Sayler Park on his USA Network tour of Highway 50 to interview and listen to The Tillers. Playing for Brokaw in banjo player Mike Oberst's backyard are, from left, Sean Geil, Jason Soudrette and Oberst. hastily arranged concert in June. Band info About 100 people To see the segment of The Tillers on “Tom crowded onto Oberst’s Brokaw presents American Character Along lawn for that concert. Highway 50” go to Geil said all three were moved by the crowd of The Tillers, who are signed with Chestnut friends and family who Tree records, book two tours a year and are have supported The Tillers planning their fall tour now. Fans can keep up with the band at since they began playing and together. Along with joining that crowd of appreciative Internet. fans, Brokaw spent time talking “He just walked up my drivewith the trio on the back porch way like anyone else,” Oberst and watched their video via the said. “It didn’t really register until
he started to talk because he has such a distinctive voice.” The song that landed them the TV gig was inspired by the road Brokaw is trekking. “It’s a block away from me,” Oberst said. “It’s a wonderful road that I can walk one direction and go to Maryland or turn and walk the other way and go to Utah.” Likely playing his banjo as he goes. Oberst said he and Geil and Soudrette share a love of old-time American music with Irish and Scottish roots. “We’re as much historians as musicians,” Oberst said. “We are just trying to get our music out there and see if people like it.” The Tillers, who are signed with Chestnut Tree records, book two tours a year and are planning their fall tour now. The band doesn’t know where their music or Highway 50 will take them. They’re just hoping folks will like their music enough to tag along.
Cassandra Court parking ban proposed By Heidi Fallon Cassandra Court residents may find their parking limited KURT BACKSCHEIDER/STAFF with a proposed fire lane recomFrom right, Oak Hills High School junior Michael Beam spreads mulch with a pitchfork, while mended by the Delhi Township seniors Joe Ilg and Riley Kilgore work it around with their hands. The students are members of the Public Works Department. Oak Hills soccer team and were among the roughly 50 students who volunteered to improve the Ron Ripperger said his departlandscaping at the soccer stadium at Rapid Run Middle School. ment recently discovered the dead-end street is one of a few like this every year,” he said. its place. “It’s not just playing soccer. township streets not to have the Mirizzi said the students also put down mulch and planted flow- We’re trying to instill values in the parking restrictions based on its width. ers around a large red “OH” kids for the future.” Several residents asked townOak Hills junior Michael Beam insignia located on the hillside at said he didn’t mind getting his ship officials at the July 29 the south end of the soccer field. He said he and Doug Overberg, hands dirty, especially since it trustee meeting to consider who coaches Oak Hills’ freshmen improved the look of his home allowing some parking and not a total ban on the north side of boys soccer team, came up with field. “It kind of makes it look like a their street. the idea to have the players complete a landscaping project at the professional stadium,” Beam said. Ripperger said the parking Mirizzi and Overberg said the restriction is for safety reasons facility. “Our philosophy is to build landscaping work does make the since emergency vehicles would pride, respect and success back stadium more welcoming and find it impossible to navigate the attractive for fans, but it also street if vehicles are parked on into the program,” Mirizzi said. “This project gives the guys brought the students together for a both sides. that sense of ownership in the field common purpose. Carol Jackson told trustees she “All the work you see was com- supported the ban on her street and pride in the program.” Overberg said it was also a way pleted by the kids,” Mirizzi said. due to the safety factor. “They were great. They never to get the students to work togethTrustees asked Ripperger and er as a team and understand the complained, they just did what Fire Chief Bill Zoz to review the was needed to get the job fin- parking ban and report back at meaning of hard work. “We’re hoping to do a project ished.” the Aug. 26 meeting.