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Military support group:
10 years serving Cincy’s east side Sheila Vilven Cincinnati Enquirer USA TODAY NETWORK
She wanted to be a supportive military mom. However, this proved a monumental task for Jerri Meeks. Her son, Western Brown High School graduate Noah Keith, enlisted in the Army about 15 months ago. The separation was diffi cult for Meeks. Last Mother’s Day, her son was deployed to Iraq. The months waiting for his return to the United States have been long and sleepless, she said. “I begged my son not to go into the Army,” she said. . . “I try to be that proud military mom. I try to love it, and I just don’t. I don’t.” Meeks’ story is not unlike those of other parents and spouses of military personnel. If not for Whole in My Heart military family support group, many parents like Meeks would struggle alone. Whole in My Heart recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. Over the last decade, hundreds of people have gathered at the group’s monthly meetings looking for much-needed comfort, support, and knowledge. Retired Clermont County Commissioner Bob Proud is a founding member of Whole in My Heart. While he gave up other interests from his days as a politician, he continues with the support group. Meetings are much like a family reunion. Proud is the family patriarch who leads each gathering.
A Gold Star beginning The inspiration for Whole in My Heart came from a special gathering at a Gold Star Chili restaurant 10 years ago. Proud joined Sue Matson for an appreciaSee SUPPORT, Page 2A
Families assembled display boards to share at the 10th anniversary meeting of Whole in My Heart military family support group. SHEILA VILVENS/THE ENQUIRER
Pivotek bringing 80 jobs to Milford Jeanne Houck Cincinnati Enquirer USA TODAY NETWORK
A fi rm that makes prefabricated kitchenette and bathroom pods for hospitals, hotels and housing complexes is moving its corporate headquarters to Milford. Pivotek is leaving West Chester Township for the former 3M Co. property at 910 Lila Ave. in Milford. Pivotek expects to have 80 employees there by spring, President Kent Hodson said. Milford lost 135 jobs when the 3M Co. closed at the end of March 2017. The 123,000-square-foot warehouse and offi ce building that 3M Co. left is one of Milford’s largest, and has been vacant since that company turned off the lights, City Manager Michael Doss said. The property includes about 11.5 acres of industrially zoned land.
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“As Pivotek continues to grow, it is imperative that we continue to attract talent in a very competitive labor environment and we felt the Milford location would give us a greater opportunity to reach new labor markets,” Hodson said. “In addition, the Lila property, with some minor improvements, could not only fi ll our current needs for space but also gave us some green space with room to grow.” Milford City Council recently approved economicdevelopment incentives for Pivotek. The city agreed to credit the company with 50 percent of its withholding taxes on payrolls of at least $1 million for up to fi ve years. The city also agreed to rebate 100 percent of Milford’s portion of Pivotek's property taxes for fi ve years. See PIVOTEK, Page 2A
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A view of the former 3M Co. plant in Milford where Pivotek is moving its headquarters. JEANNE HOUCK/THE ENQUIRER
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