Your Community Press newspaper serving Anderson Township, Batavia, Milford, Union Township and other East Cincinnati neighborhoods
McAlister's Deli opened in Anderson Township earlier this year. PHOTOS BY SHEILA VILVENS/THE ENQUIRER
The Union Township Burger King location on Ohio Pike will soon be razed and replaced with an updated version of the same restaurant.
A new Chipotle opened in Anderson Township at Shoppes of Anderson Towne Center.
Growing dining options in Anderson, Union Townships Sheila Vilvens Cincinnati Enquirer USA TODAY NETWORK
Anderson Township has a new Chipotle. Just a few miles up the street in Union Township, Burger King readies to raze its existing building to make way for a more modern restaurant design with on-the-go diners in mind. Both restaurants are on Ohio 125, locally known as Beechmont Avenue or Ohio Pike. The stretch of Ohio 125 between Interstate-275 and Five Mile Road is easily a dieter’s nightmare or a casual dining fan’s dream-come-true.
Expanding dining options in Anderson A Chipotle restaurant opened in the new Shoppes of Anderson Towne Center located at the corner of Beechmont Avenue and Wolfangel Road. Earlier this year McAlister’s Deli opened in the same shopping center. This fall, diners can expect Kroger Kitchen 1883 to open in Anderson Township. The restaurant is a full-service dining experience that offers a fresh take on American comfort food. Union Twp's changing face of dining The Burger King at 561 Ohio Pike recently received approval from Union Township zoning of plans to raze
its existing restaurant in front of Home Depot. A new Burger King will be constructed in the same place, according to Union Township Trustee John McGraw. The new restaurant design has less indoor seating capacity than the existing Burger King, but it will have expanded drive-thru capacity, he said. In Union Township, new dining options are becoming commonplace. Just last month the township announced plans for a Hooter's opening in the vacant building once home to Logan’s Roadhouse near Eastgate Mall.
Anderson celebrations: 225 years in the making Sheila Vilvens | Cincinnati Enquirer | USA TODAY NETWORK
You’ve seen the banners, maybe the history book and historic videos. Now it’s time to celebrate Anderson Township’s 225th anniversary with free events. The first of two free event weekends is Sunday, Sept. 16. The day’s schedule includes: ❚ Clough Pike history walk, 1 to 4 p.m., is a selfguided tour of the Clough historic business district, between Bartels and Berkshire roads, featuring four historic sites including two pioneer homesteads. Food trucks and entertainment will also be along the route. ❚ Ohio historical marker dedication, 2 p.m., will be held at the James Clark Stone House, the corner of Clough Pike and Hunley roads. The house, owned by
the township, is one of the oldest stone homes still standing in southern Ohio and was built around 1801. The home will be open for tours. ❚ The anniversary celebration, 4 to 7:30 p.m., will wrap up the day’s events at Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road. The celebration will include entertainment, food, historic displays, and kids activities. The month of celebration concludes Sunday, Sept. 30, with the second free event day of the month. Tour of Historic Anderson, 1-4 p.m., is a self-guided tour of 15 sites including pioneer homesteads, a historic candy company, a pioneer chapel and more. Locations include Anderson, Newtown and California. For more details on any of the month’s activities visit the Anderson Township website.
The historic James Clark Stone House in Anderson Township. SHEILA VILVENS/THE ENQUIRER
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Vol. 1 No. 35 © 2018 The Community Recorder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Art Affaire is presented by the Greater Milford Area Historical Society in association with Lykins Energy Solutions
13th Annual
September 22, 2018
Milford’s Premier Art and Fine Craft Show Greater Milford Area
Historical Society Serving Milford & Miami Township
11:00am - 5:00pm Located on Main Street in the Heart of Milford, Ohio www.Facebook.com/ArtAffaire
Price $1.00
Great Art! Great Food! Great Entertainment!