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Your Community Recorder newspaper serving Elsmere and Erlanger T h u r s d a y, S e p t e m b e r

Melissa Jennings is the owner of MJennings Designs.

Volume 13 Issue 23 © 2009 The Community Recorder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Recipe for success

Twins Aaron and Adam Eversole were not fans of school up until their sophomore year. The brothers tended to get lower grades until they discovered The Success Academy, a joint venture between the Kenton County School District and the Kentucky National Guard 1204th Aviation Support Battalion. Now the two brothers are excelling at their studies, displaying leadership, and looking forward to an opportunity to serve their country. SCHOOLS, A6

Father Lou

Father Lou is back in the life section this week as Sports returns to its normal spot. Read how Father Lou suggests we deal with the unfairness of life that is sometimes thrown our way. Find Father Lou, recipes, calendars and other columnists in our Life section each week. B3

3, 2009


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Volunteers still vital to cities By Jason Brubaker

Dave Schrand knows as well as anyone that being a volunteer isn’t always easy. “I remember having to leave in the middle of a haircut one time, running out the door with half of my hair not done and my barber’s robe still on,” recalled Schrand, a volunteer with the Fort Mitchell Fire/EMS Department since 1975. “It’s definitely not for everybody, but I’ve found it to be really rewarding.” Schrand’s friend, George Bruns, became involved in volunteerism after helping a couple of friends put out a vehicle fire one night as a teenager. Bruns has been with the Crescent Springs/Villa Hills Fire Authority for around 30 years. “I enjoy being able to respond when people need help,” he said. “It’s a lot of responsibility, but it’s a good feeling to be able to help out.” JASON BRUBAKER/STAFF However, despite positive Fort Mitchell Fire Chief Scott McVey started as a volunteer with the department. Although Fort Mitchell’s volunteer numbers have remained strong, reflections from Schrand, Bruns many other cities are losing them. and others, volunteers across Fort Mitchell Fire Chief Scott certainly wish we had more, “Nobody wants to see taxes Northern Kentucky are quickly becoming a rare breed, according go up, but with costs rising, it’s McVey, who started as a volun- because there’s so much good to many city officials. Increased sometimes tough for city govern- teer before a paid position was that volunteers can do.” “It really is the best bang for state-regulated training for vol- ments to make ends meet and created earlier this year, said that unteers combined with a slump- provide the services they need the volunteer numbers have our buck, because the cost is ing economy have forced many to,” he said. “So having volun- remained fairly steady in Fort nominal and we get people who are really dedicated,” added volunteers out of the field and teers to provide some of these Mitchell over the years. “That gives us a bigger and Bruns. “But we certainly could into jobs where they’ll be receiv- services is a tremendous benefit, and we wish we had a lot more.” better pool of people to choose always use more, especially in ing a salary instead. Erlanger council member from when we need to,” he said. these times.” “These days, you have a lot And while volunteer positions more households where both Patty Suedkamp agreed. Sued- “Without volunteers, I really parents are working all day to kamp is currently a member of don’t know how our department and requirements can range from city to city, Suedkamp said that make ends meet,” confirmed the city’s Volunteers in Police would run.” However, Erlanger and Villa there is one constant for a volunErlanger Mayor Tom Rouse. “ I Services (VIPS) program, and don’t necessarily think the spirit previously volunteered on the Hills are among the cities who teer. “To see someone smile after have seen their volunteer numof volunteerism has gone away, Rescue Squad for 11 years. “It’s just so crucial to a city bers drop over the years, which you’ve helped them, or to get a but I do think the time just isn’t budget, because it saves so much Suedkamp attributes to families hug – it’s just a great feeling,” available for most people.” she said. “It’s something I wish Additonally, Rouse said the time and money for our paid staff generally having less time. “It’s just a different era, and everyone could experience.” decline in the number of volun- members,” she said. “We’re For more information about teers is coming at a time when always looking to save where with this economy, it’s tough most cities are faced with shrink- ever we can, and volunteers are enough to find time to work and volunteering, contact your local raise a family,” she said. “But we city administration. a big part of that.” ing budgets.

E-E schools adopt Twitter for messages

Sing it out loud

Ryan Henry expresses his faith through his music and shares that enthusiasm through recording and teaching. Read about what this Independence resident is up to and what his future plans are. Henry’s second CD, “The Beautiful Brokenness” will be released soon. LIFE, B1

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By Jason Brubaker Parents of children in the Erlanger-Elsmere School District will be receiving their school news a little differently this year. The district announced that they’ll be using the popular social networking site this year to help communicate with parents about schools closings, weather delays, early releases and other news. Twitter is a free Web site that allows users to send out 140character “tweets,” that can include status updates and/or breaking news. People can sign up to follow the district on Twitter, ensuring that they will receive the latest

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tweets as they come out, either on their cell phone or through email. “It’s really a great way to communicate with our parents quickly,” explained Superintendent Kathy Burkhardt. “It’s very efficient, and since Twitter has become so popular anyway, we figured this was a good way to use that to our advantage.” And while the district has its own Twitter account to send out district-wide news, Burkhardt said that each school is tailoring its own approach to using Twitter this year, as school employees work with parents who may not be familiar with it. “It’s definitely something new for some of our parents, but I

think it’s going over pretty well,” said Lindeman Principal Mike Shires. “We’ve sent out instructions to our parents on how everything works, and I think everyone is getting the hang of it.” Shires also said that in addition to the cost-savings (Twitter accounts are free), the system also works better than phone or e-mail trees, which have to be updated constantly. “We may have families who had a kid graduate, and they would still be receiving e-mails that they didn’t need,” he said. “But this way, people sign up to get the information by becoming a follower. So we know that the people getting this school


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information are the ones who want it and need it.” For families without home Internet access, Shires said there he will still be doing the Principal’s Newsletter, and parents can still find information about upcoming school events at each school. But, the Twitter phenomenon is quickly picking up steam in the district, he added. “I had never used it before this, but it’s really pretty cool,” he said. “I think our parents really like it, and it’s really a neat thing for the district to have.” For more information, or to follow the Erlanger-Elsmere School District on Twitter, visit http://twitter. com/erlangerelsmere.

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