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Volume 82 Number 30 © 2009 The Community Press ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Kings Island bound

Readers who won tickets to Kings Island as part of our Readers Choice survey are: • Michael Brunner of Cincinnati • Tara Reese of Hamersville, Ohio • Mark Class of Alexandria, Ky. Watch the newspaper for more Readers Choice announcements in coming weeks.

Book by bodybuilder

Tim Mielke said he never expected to be an author. He was content working in the nutritional supplement industry when he realized consumers could benefit from a book outlining what they need to know, and what they need to avoid, when choosing supplements. – FULL STORY, B1

Big mouth

Got a clue where this is? We didn’t think so. Time to go hunting in the

neighborhood to see if you can find it. Send your best guess to pricehillpress@community or call 853-6287, along with your name. Deadline to call is noon Friday. If you’re correct, we’ll publish your name in next week’s newspaper along with the correct answer. See last week’s answer on B5.

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Price Hill Will selling renovated Seton Ave. home By Kurt Backscheider

$1,500 cash giveaway


James Bass said he’s not sure why Price Hill Will has yet to sell the Seton Avenue home it renovated because it’s such a great house. “This house has a lot of character,” he said. “It’s a cool house. I describe it as one of our throwback homes because it’s a very traditional Price Hill home.” Bass, the housing development director for Price Hill Will, said the organization purchased the threestory Cedar Grove home and renovated it with a grant from the city of Cincinnati. The house, at 1129 Seton Ave., has more than 2,000 square feet and is on the market for $87,500. “This was a big project,” Bass said. “We basically gutted everything.” Built in 1895, the home now features completely updated heating and air conditioning, new electrical wiring, new plumbing and lighting. Fresh paint covers all the interior walls, as well as the entire exterior of the home.

Bass said crews replaced the roof, installed new energy-efficient windows, renovated both bathrooms, and remodeled the kitchen with new appliances, counter tops, cabinets and flooring. New hardwood floors were put in the dining room, and new carpet can be found throughout the three-bedroom home. Although much of the house has been updated, Bass said they did work hard to retain many of the home’s original features such as the Rookwood tile around the fireplace, the detailed railing on the main stairs and the wood moldings surrounding the doors and entryways. “I just think it’s a great house,” he said. “We’ve had a lot of interest in it recently, but it’s still on the market.” He said the estimated monthly mortgage payment on the house is about $624, which is why he tells everyone he knows who is renting to consider buying a house instead. “You can’t beat that price,” he said.


Price Hill Will maintained many of the home’s original features, such as the ornate details seen here on the main staircase, while renovating the home at 1129 Seton Ave.

Marine being honored with portrait By Heidi Fallon Rick and Jan Roos already know where a portrait of their son, Tim, is going to go. They’ve cleared just the perfect spot above the mantel of their Delhi Township home for the portrait they’ll be presented with July 24. A Texas artist, Phil Taylor, selected Tim for his American Fallen Soldiers project. “I paint the soldiers who have been killed in the wars from Iraq and Afghanistan for the families at no cost and present each one to the families at special events across the U.S.,” Taylor said. He will be at the Friday, July 24, ceremony at the Delhi Township Veterans Plaza, 934 Neeb Road, adjacent township offices. The Delhi Township Veterans Association is coordinating the ceremony which is open to the public and begins at 11:30 a.m. Tim Roos was killed while serving with his Marine unit in Iraq July 27, 2006. His parents don’t know why their son was selected, but they are thrilled. “It’s such an honor for us and for Tim,” Rick said. They asked Tim’s cousin, Jeff, who went into the Marines with Tim after they graduated from Oak

“He would want us to keep telling his story. Tim would want us to tell his story that he made a difference. That they all made a difference. That they did good and are continuing to do good.”

Jan Roos Tin Roos’ mother


Jan and Rick Roos hold the photo of their son, Tim, that will be used for an oil portrait. The family will be presented with the portrait in military ceremonies July 24. Hills High School; John Hummeldorf, a friend and fellow township Marine; and another friend and Delhi Township police officer Rob Buhrlage, to be part of the military escort for the ceremony. “They are doing with this with full military honors,” Jan said. “They escort the portrait as though it were his body coming home.” The couple said that while los-

ing their son was the hardest thing they’ve ever endured, they know Tim would want them to keep his and every soldier’s memory alive. “This isn’t just for Tim,” Rick said. “This is for all the fallen soldiers.” “He would want us to keep telling his story,” his mother added. “Tim would want us to tell his

story that he made a difference. That they all made a difference. That they did good and are continuing to do good.” While they wait for the portrait, the Roos family also is preparing to send Adam, their oldest son, off to Iraq. Adam is making his dream of being a Marine come true. He joined a Dayton Marine reserve unit last year. He had wanted to enlist after he graduated from high school, but Jan admits she talked him out of it. “This is something he’s always wanted to do and we’re so proud of him,” she said. Adam will be home for a few days before leaving for Iraq next month to see his parents, wife, Michelle, and daughter, Ava. Also on hand for the portrait ceremony will be Tim’s wife, Sara, and his 3-year-old daughter, Annaliese, who was born just weeks before Tim was killed.



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