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Schools prepare for state cuts
Volume 46 Number 33 © 2009 The Community Press ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Fr. Lou, Rita move
We have again moved some of your favorite features to allow room for our high school sports fall previews. This week, you can find Father Lou Guntzelman’s column on page A6. Rita Heikenfeld’s cooking column is on page A7. The calendar is on B4. All will be back in their usual spots next week.
About the businesses Ferrari’s Little Italy 7677 Goff Terrace Store hours Lunch: Monday - Saturday – 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Dinner: Monday-Thursday – 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday – 5 11 p.m. Sunday – 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bakery hours: Monday-Thursday – 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday – 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Sunday
Will get less beginning in 2010
Folchi’s Formal Wear 7344 Kenwood Road Store hours Monday – 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday – 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday – 12 a.m. to 4 p.m.
By Amanda Hopkins
Open for business
Sycamore Township dedicated its new North firehouse and park Aug. 22. During the dedication, township officials hosted tours for residents who could check out the variety of amenities and cost-efficient additions to the fire station and the adjacent park. SEE STORY, A2
As the budget for education has been passed by Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, local school districts brace for changes in both programs and the amount of money coming from the state. Each school district will have their budget cut 1 percent in 2010 and 2 percent in 2011. Deer Park City Schools Treasurer Dan To learn Mpagi said more … the budget for Visit the district to from the state find out more on will be cut, the changes in but with the education in Ohio district receivin House Bill 1, passed by Gov. Ted ing $137,136 in federal Strickland July 17. stimulus funds and $354,309 in federal money to support programs for students with special needs, Mpagi said the district will actually see a 5 percent increase in the budget. He said with the stimulus funds, there also come very strict guidelines on where and how to spend the money. “We will try to use this money in the most efficient way,” Mpagi said. Madeira City Schools Superintendent Steve Kramer said that fiscal year 2010 will see a $30,000 decrease and 2011 a $50,000 decrease, but that with a $15 million budget the district will survive. “Hopefully that will be all the reductions,” Kramer said. “We will try to absorb it in the budget.” He said the cuts were known far enough in advance to make adjustments. Kramer said that there are already plans to apply for part of the federal stimulus money. The money is being applied for on the condition to not use the funds for ongoing processes. The bill also eliminated the Early Learning Initiative program, is requiring public school districts to offer all-day kindergarten at no cost and will reduce the number of calamity days to three in the 2010-2011 school year.
Bridge building
Incoming Indian Hill freshmen got a taste of high school life during a recent program. The program, which is called “Bridges,” helps facilitate the transition from middle school to high school, said Indian Hill High School English instructor Cyndee Coultas. SEE PHOTOS, A5
Collection time
In the next few days your Community Press carrier will be stopping by to collect $2.50 for delivery of this month’s Suburban Life. Your carrier retains half of this amount along with any tip you give to reward good service. This Hedges month we're featuring Mark Hedges. For information about our carrier program, call Steve Barraco, 248-7110.
To place an ad, call 242-4000.
LouAnn Mauk is the assistant manager and buyer for the Laurel House in Madeira for five of the six years it has been open.
Family businesses a hit with loyal customers By Amanda Hopkins
In June, The Community Press presented readers with a ballot of 100 categories so they could choose their favorites ranging from American vehicle to produce to women’s clothing. And readers responded, filling out newspaper and online ballots with their choices. You can find the complete list of Readers’ Choice favorites in today’s special section. We’ve talked with some of our readers’ top choices about how they keep their customers coming back and many have said quality of service and personal experience has helped to kep business moving. Family owned and operated, Folchi’s Formal Wear specializes in renting and selling men’s formal wear. Located on Kenwood Road in Sycamore Township, Folchi’s is run by brothers Mike and Mark Folchi, whose parents Adelo and Natalina opened the business in 1973. Mike Folchi said that many customers are recurring or referrals. He credits the business to the quality and service of the company. “We’re 100 percent hands-on. You need (a tuxedo) tonight, you’ll get one tonight,” Mike said.
On All 2009 Altima 2.5 S 10 Available
8680 Colerain Avenue •
The Laurel House 7801 Laurel Avenue Store hours Monday-Friday – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sunday
Ferrari’s Little Italy was rated No. 1 in Italian food. Seated, assistant manager Cathy Payne with servers Barbara Roberts, left and Janie Sweeney. The Kenwood location has all on-site resources including a dry cleaners. Mike Folchi said that they eliminate the need for shipping by producing orders and restocking items themselves in their own stores. Folchi’s Formal Wear also has locations in Anderson Township and West Chester Township and the main store in Kenwood. Ferrari’s Little Italy Bakery and Restaurant in Madeira is another
On All 2009 Maxima 3.5 S 5 Available
513-385-1400 •
family owned and operated local business that earned high marks from area customers. Assistant manager Cathy Payne who started out as a head server when Ferrari’s opened 13 years ago said that many of the recipes come from owner Tony Bassano’s own family. She credits the large family-sized portions of each meal and the employees for the returning customers. “There’s not a lot of turnover. We have a good crew that stays,” Payne said. Ferrari’s offers private parties, catering and carry-out. Good customer service and a wide assortment of products also keeps the customers coming back to The Laurel House. The small gift store on Laurel Avenue in Madeira carries everything from gifts items to jewelry to lingerie and other apparel. Assistant manager LouAnn Mauk said the store also features the popular Pandora jewelry as well as glassware made by a local resident. Mauk looks for unique and a wide variety of items when choosing items to sell in the store. “We want to get something that people around here don’t have,” Mauk said. Laurel House opened in 2003. It is owned by Susan Wisner.
*Savings include dealer discount plus all Customer Cash. Sale ends 8/28/09.