Self Promotion
Self Promotion
Business Card Inspiration To gain a better understanding of how I wanted my business card to look and what is on the market already, I looked at the existing business cards. I really like the elements of geometric, I also found that the geomtric element is a significant trend in many current industries. The aesthetics of the ones on this page suited my style, simplistic with elements of modernity, I want my logo can combine the shape pentagon.
I think that sometimes leaving a lot of blank space can mean the person looking at the card will only focus on the important sections.
Although at the time I did really like my logo, when reviewing it I felt like it was too commerical and didn't represent me enough. The letters M, J, K are my name's initails that in Cantonese, which also is my mother language.(another one is Chinese)I was too caugh up on making a logo when first given this selfpromotion brief. The fact that there are the M.J.K and the name'Cindy Deng' confused on lookers when I asked someone what they thought about of the design. They thought that they don't know what is the relationship with my name Cindy at the back and the letters MJK at the front.
CD +
Market ' Cindy Deng " as a brand, then the main color, Black, White, Dark gray, and pure pink would be use in the selfpromotion materials.
[ Century Gothic Font ]
ABCDEFGFIJKLMN abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 New Ideas
This is my final business card design, I want to market myself as a creatives, so the job position I have put in my business card is Creative Director. I like the new logo and I think the new businesscard is represent myself. Logo in deifferent content FRONT