Plastic Wax
ABSTRACT The report serves to launch and promote a fragrance brand called “Plastic&Wax” in the first year. The report’s main contents include an overview of the background of the fragrance market and the current brands available and how we going to launch this new product in the UK and China.
Nowadays perfume is a very important part of people’s lives, a necessity in the 21st century with a large market with room for development. Many women are always looking for a perfume they want and make sure their perfume that appeals to them and suits their personality, which it is so important to them to find the right one. According to a research report by Global Industry (2013), the global fragrances and perfumes market is forecast to reach about US$45.6 billion by 2018. Driven primarily by growth expected in the under penetrated markets and innovative product launches. On the other hand, there have more than 100 new launches of fragrances a year in the marketplace has making consumer confusion depending on the report from Euromonitor in 2013. As a result, fragrances are lost their mystique and become commoditized. In short it seems that we should make our product more outstanding and unique in the fragrance industry. People love seeking new, special things that can bring new different things on the visually and mentally. Things that do not change for many years lose their freshness. As time goes by, solid perfume has been replaced by the liquid perfume because of the west and east quickly developing technology. Liquid perfume had been popular since about 1930, people started to finding out the new interesting things what can take place of liquid perfume. In some countries like China, solid perfume has seen resurgence in recent years, but the solid perfume industry is still immature and need to be evolving in order to keep up with other competition. Europe has great market demand of perfume as we know, but solid perfume is separate. On the other hand, in comparison, liquid perfume isn’t huge in Chinese market. In 2014, Euromonitor’s breakdown for the Chinese fragrance market was as follows: “Fragrances are just seen as unnecessary products by most consumers, no remarkable changed have been seen in consumers’ acceptance of fragrances-the Chinese account for 20% of the world’s population, but only contribute 1% to value sales of fragrances.” However, solid perfume in China had been showing their growing market trend in youth group in those years, but the problem is people can buy the solid perfume everywhere but have no idea where it comes from even the name of the perfume. This problem due to so many fade companies showing up and some cheap solid perfume 1
with low quality is selling in the market. Launch solid perfume in fragrance market can be set up a positioning for solid perfume which can be develop perfume industry and make it being sophisticate also combine those confusing brands of solid perfume, giving solid perfume a real market place.
ABOUT PLASTIC&WAX Plastic & Wax is a creative, friendly and approachable brand with an artistic flair inspired by the freedom to travel and festivals across the world. This means having no restrictions and being able to let go. Plastic&Wax aims to reinvent the solid perfume phenomenon of the 1970s, aim to recycle this form of perfume into something modern, quirky and on-trend that can be used everyday. Youth have big purchase p o t e n t i a l , P l a s t i c & Wa x targeting primarily female from age between 18-35, whom enjoy traveling and out to go life style, like festival, love fashion especial street fashion. They like perfume but worry about the perfume bottles is hard t o c a r r y a n d h e a v y. F o r UK market, the majority of Plastic&Wax retail stores would be locate in the city center, high traffic malls and destination sites with around university, also in the airport. Consider the fragrance saturations in China, we want to offer an online store for China and UK during the first year for text sell in China. Furthermore, we had
done the research within Nottingham Trent University, average age 12-16 is that most people started purchase and wearing perfumes, coming to the age 18 or over, most of youth got the job also they can afford the most brands perfumes price nowadays. Lower prices we afford its suitable more middle class people’s purchase.
The colours of our brand image represent our fun and playful personality. Speaking of which, based on our research from Nottingham and London, we noticed a common theme with perfume brands and perfumeries that they are looking at different ways and methods of creating perfume, for instance roll on, solid perfume, perfume jewelry and hand gels. Lush are the popular handmade cosmetics company in UK, we found out they sell the same fragrance in different forms for example as a solid, a liquid and an atomizer. One of their workers in Lush in Nottingham she said how solid perfume are surprisingly quite popular because they are cheaper and they have
no alcohol in. Consider on it, the fragrance trends in fragrance market, individuality, and make it being different has become more important. Coming to the trend that also relate to our brand image, fashion trends have strong relations to the fragrances, the kaleidoscope trend is currently popular in fragrance, which takes inspiration from appreciation of life. Taking the kaleidoscope idea further, we’ve developed a more woody scent, suggesting the same thirst for life but in a more down to earth way. Making it far more appropriate for our consumer.
LAUNCH EVENT Successful product launches have a direct effect on the immediate and post launch sales of the product and brand. Propose of the initial launch is demonstrate Plastic&Wax new interesting solid perfume to our clients and people who have shown interest. People include journalist, famous fashion and beauty bloggers, potential customers and related companies partners. Based on the brand concept, launch event would be around ‘Freedom’ ‘Music’ ‘Travel’ that three topics to develop and work on the continue events. Most important consideration for the location is proximity, we want our targeted audience can be get there as possible as they can easily, we need to make sure the choose location is easy to find and can reflects our product. We want our launch event take place at Wollaton Park where is in the heart of Nottingham City, about 3hours from the capital London. Wollaton Park is a place full of historical flavor and where standing on a natural hill three miles west of Nottingham City Centre, there is set in five hundred acres of spectacular gardens and parkland and is allow conduct different size of events and activity. Whatever product launch or music festival, we want our product launch event being more playful and significant. Launch event time will be on one day between June -August 2015, whilst this time can be avoid the important holidays festivals. Journalism always busy at that time. For outdoor launch event we should consider the any problems could be happen what will affect the launch event, such as weather and nature influence. The launch event plans to start at 2pm, 3
and take 2hours long. The whole launch event would be inside a big white tent, performance of a band for entertainment in a tent, would be play wonderful music during the time rest, solid perfume sample on the desk, and Plastic&Wax media group would services to using communication tools for online video reviews and doing the product display. The reason we choice Trent and actively outdoor is, first, won’t take too much badge. Second, is good for environment. Which is also catering to Plastic&Wax packaging idea. Speaking of which, material that we use for our solid perfume all make by nature perfume essence, it’s natural, gentle, and alcohol-free, and those packaging material is make by recycle paper and the wax of solid perfume as well, when you used all of your solid perfume and recycle it to store, which is good for environment and reduce waste. Outdoors activities are good for environment promotional.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Advertising agencies and PR agencies all promoting clients and making them seems as successful, credible, essential and exciting or relevant as possible. Effective publicists have great relationships with many different journalists in many different industries. Most PR pros are former journalists, they know the best ways pitch a story and to reach editors and reports. Journalists can give people an honest, outsider view so that is essential to have good relationship with every journalists. Says Robert Wynne(2013) Before the day for launch, Plastic&Wax brand website, we will set up a basic pre-launch web page with a simple sign up form to collect people contact information that interested our product. We provide useful information about our
brand that helps our media writers can work on the brand’s blog. For people who can’t come to launch event, we will make sure their can use our products and also use media tools for video taken and allow them to review sometimes, we will try best to collect any useful feedback from our pre-users and fix the problem before the real launch day. On the day for launch, we will send an email out the night to the people who had signed up via our invitation. Make sure they remind this event and come to the event on time.
BLOGGERS Bloggers are the latest tool brands are using to promote themselves and the products-some brands have orchestrated with bloggers for proof that this is true. Bloggers have so much influence in the world as we can seen and feel it, based on a artic wrote by Nadya Powell(2014), Tumblr.com reports to have 169.9m blogs and wordpress.com over 75m, and we can safely assume that Typepad, Blogpot, Blogster, Weebly are all in the high millions. Blogging had become a global pastime. James Thomlinson, partner and managing director of Bell Potting Wired noted that, a relationship with a blogger can offer brands a really strong and credible, platform to reach specific audience. However transparency of objectives and honesty in the relationship are dominant. (James, 2014) Targeting the right blogger is important, consider our brands spirit and free style, we targeting blogger group whom interesting in beauty and street fashion, traveling and music, better fragrance. Before we invite and want build a relationship with our blogger, we need to take time out to know what our target
“Successful bloggers now receive hundreds of pitches from brands a week, and 90% of them get deleted before they’re even read.” Nadya Powell (2014)
blogger’s blog style is and how they used to promote their interesting products, why they would be interesting on our product. Fair’s fair. Here is an example, Hayley Carr is a British blogger who working on a website called “London Beauty Queen”, London Beauty Queen have bear The Beauty Blogs UK Top 10 in 2014, and the NO1 blogger on The Most Influential Blogs Beauty by Influence on 2014. Hayley is a girls like wearing lipstick, dressing up in ridiculous heels, hopping along to music with beer in hand, traveling to the world’s hottest cities and it’s a out going girl from her profile I found on her website. Which is conform our brand’s out to go spirit, one more things we should notice is Hayley Carr had talked about her “work rules” in she’s website, she only write what she interested in and the product she like include lip-gloss, shampoo, and fluffy slippers, men’s boots, curtains and bleach, not so much, can be said she had a really main work rules of her work area. Coming to the blog strategy, write by Plastic&Wax blog hosting. Should keep updating any event and work with our social media group for the latest photos and any useful information, share those new via blog. We noticed most of companies like Fred Perry and Lush they all have an blog what keep updating the activity and anything relevant events on the blog. Brand’s blog can be enhancing interaction between Plastic&Wax and our customers.
We b s i t e p r e s e n c e o f a brand is important and ever more complicated. It’s no longer just how we going to function it but how we can transfer company information to our clients. Let’s pretend we had have Plastic&Wax web page already as we mention in the PR part, everyone visited our webpage, an sign up form will show up for collect people contact information. To attract Google or any other search engines can be found our tags, and key worlds, we should start write content on the website also brands blog, make sure more people can found us from the search engine as well as the similar products. We can put relate development of our solid perfume or launch event details in the blog, which can increase people interesting and make them feeling they are a part of our working team, this action will make them likely become our customers.
SOCIAL MEDIA Advertising is indispensability in the generation of brand meaning and subsequent consumer behavior (Mark Batey) According to the data by Countuary, Facebook has the 1.16 billion-user population every month’s active, WhatApp, LINE and Wechat are the three of the worlds top 10 social properties messaging platforms. Following the second bar chart come from BN Calculations on 2013, the bar chart below showing that every social networks user in the world spending average time 50.7 on Facebook via desktop and smartphone on their social engagement. Compare with other 4 platforms, Facebook’s and Instagram marketing more advantageous. Under the data we found, we decide to use Facebook and Instagram as our main social media promotion platforms. For further marketing, Facebook,Twitter,and Instagram will be use within UK. Wechat,Weibo and Instagram will be use in China.
MOBILE Mobile promotion is a new way of communication that uses mobile phones as a media to effect the target population in an effective way whenever and wherever, also have colossal potential of mobile advertising. Not only email but also messages we send though mobile phone can be easy communicate with our audience. For launch event or other activity’s we must make sure our clients get the message and easy to see it anywhere whatever they have Internet or not, so that mobile phone acknowledgement also crucial. For further promotion, Plastic&Wax provide free prize draw during the first seasonal product launch, for people whom signed up through our website or in store, based on those information we got from our clients, we will sending message though mobile text or email our clients about this activity and whilst pick one of them to be our activity winner. Prizewinner would have chance to get
a Plastic&Wax special giveaway in the meantime. Following the new generation on the mobile phone, we create our own unique app that can be sell in the iTunes, main function of this app is let our users feel what freedom feels like, people can sign up anywhere and whenever they want, buying our product though mobile online store, watching the video they miss out, also we want people whom attended the launch event can be sign in the location that launch event is via Plastic&Wax new mobile app, telling how they feel for our new products or any things about today’s event and then share it thought social media tools during the time at launch event, such as post a photo via Instagram or writes a post on Facebook.
For Plastic&Wax 1st anniversary exhibition will take place in London BVLGARI hotel on May2016, Invite corporate bloggers, journalism and people in concerned area, relative crews. For location, London BVLGARI hotel is the place for our 1st anniversary, exhibition include all of our solid perfume products display during a year, also include our users photos within their story with our products. BVLGARI hotel locate d in Knightsbridge on the edge of Hyde Park, where is the center of the London city both a haven of calm, only take few minute’s walk from such landmark’s as the famous Harrod’s department store. BVLGARI hotel is a friendly luxury type hotel, consider the area and located which is suitable for our 1st anniversary exhibition, we want this exhibition feel more luxury feeling, this will be a place with beautiful picture and red wine, we try to collect all the photos we took during the years, from the event since initial launch and our client’s photos with our product, and pick some of those pictures make a panel on the wall, our relate editor would do a interview with our target consumers during they give us a photos by our invited about the product with them. Same time we launch a digital invitation for other consumers take part in our activities which helps develop brands awareness.
Reference List 1. BULGARI Hotel Available at: http://www.bulgarihotels.com/en-us/london/the-hotel/overview 2. Hayley Carr. http://www.londonbeautyqueen.com/ 3. James Thomlinson.2014. Wooing a blogger? Top six considerations for building a brand-blogger partnership. Available at: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1282455/wooing-blogger-top-sixconsiderations-building-brand-blogger-partnership 4. Robert W. What Does A Public Relations Agency Do? 2013. Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwynne/2013/04/10/what-does-a-public-relationsagency-do/ 5. Top Blogs-Beauty.BUZZING.2014. Available at: ttp://labs.ebuzzing.co.uk/top-blogs/beauty 6.Img1: http://www.maisonchaplin.com/2010/06/in-milan-mc-at-bulgari-manfragrance.html#sthash.pu63EADR.dpbs 7. Mark,B.(2008). Brand Meaning, (pp.209). New York, London. Taylor & Francis Group 8.Fragrance in the US.Euromonitor International.Jul,2013. Available at: http://www.euromonitor.com/fragrances-in-the-us/report 9.Nadya Powell, Four golden rules to help brands beat “blogger blese� Available at: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1284531/four-golden-rules-help-brandsbeat-blogger-blase 10. Nottingham City Council Available at: http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/article/22178/Wollaton-Hall-and-Park
Plastic Wax